 * Initialize the opticflow calculator
 * @param[out] *opticflow The new optical flow calculator
 * @param[in] *w The image width
 * @param[in] *h The image height
void opticflow_calc_init(struct opticflow_t *opticflow, uint16_t w, uint16_t h)

  /* Create the image buffers */
  image_create(&opticflow->img_gray, w, h, IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
  image_create(&opticflow->prev_img_gray, w, h, IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);

  /* Set the previous values */
  opticflow->got_first_img = FALSE;
  opticflow->prev_phi = 0.0;
  opticflow->prev_theta = 0.0;

  /* Set the default values */
  opticflow->max_track_corners = OPTICFLOW_MAX_TRACK_CORNERS;
  opticflow->window_size = OPTICFLOW_WINDOW_SIZE;
  opticflow->subpixel_factor = OPTICFLOW_SUBPIXEL_FACTOR;
  opticflow->max_iterations = OPTICFLOW_MAX_ITERATIONS;
  opticflow->threshold_vec = OPTICFLOW_THRESHOLD_VEC;

  opticflow->fast9_adaptive = OPTICFLOW_FAST9_ADAPTIVE;
  opticflow->fast9_threshold = OPTICFLOW_FAST9_THRESHOLD;
  opticflow->fast9_min_distance = OPTICFLOW_FAST9_MIN_DISTANCE;
Example #2
// the *other* style menu background
void menu_background2_create(texture *tex, int w, int h) {
    image img;
    image_create(&img, w, h);
    image_clear(&img, COLOR_MENU_BG);
    for(int x = 5; x < w; x += 5) {
        image_line(&img, x, 0, x, h-1, COLOR_MENU_LINE2);
    for(int y = 4; y < h; y += 5) {
        image_line(&img, 0, y, w-1, y, COLOR_MENU_LINE2);
    image_rect(&img, 1, 1, w-2, h-2, COLOR_MENU_BORDER2);
    image_rect(&img, 0, 0, w-2, h-2, COLOR_MENU_BORDER1);
    texture_create_from_img(tex, &img);
Example #3
/* creates the background */
image_t* create_background()
    image_t* img = image_create(VIDEO_SCREEN_W, VIDEO_SCREEN_H);
    font_t *fnt = font_create("disclaimer");
    v2d_t camera = v2d_new(VIDEO_SCREEN_W/2, VIDEO_SCREEN_H/2);

    image_clear(video_get_backbuffer(), image_rgb(0,0,0));
    font_set_width(fnt, VIDEO_SCREEN_W - 6);
    font_set_text(fnt, "%s", text);
    font_set_position(fnt, v2d_new(3,3));
    font_render(fnt, camera);
    image_blit(video_get_backbuffer(), img, 0, 0, 0, 0, image_width(img), image_height(img));

    return img;
Example #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  Image *src;
  src = image_create(750, 1000);
  //src = image_read("1view.ppm");

  mandelbrot( src, 1.755, -0.02, 0.02);
  //mandelbrot( src, -1.0, -1.0, 3.0);
  //julia( src, -2.0, -2.0, 4.0);
  //image_noise( src, 50);
  image_write( src, "fractal.ppm");

  image_free( src );

Example #5
struct image_t* video_crop_func(struct image_t* img)
  uint8_t *imgbuf = img->buf;

  if (imgCrop == NULL) {
    imgCrop = malloc(sizeof(struct image_t));

  uint8_t *imgCropbuf = imgCrop->buf;

  for (uint16_t y = 0; y < Hcrop; y++) {
  for (uint16_t x = 0; x < Wcrop; x += 2) {
      // //CROPS A CENTERED Hcrop BY Wcrop IMAGE
      // imgbuf[y*img->w*2+x*2]   = imgbuf[img->w*2*((img->h-Hcrop)/2+y)+(img->w-Wcrop)+x*2];
      // imgbuf[y*img->w*2+x*2+1] = imgbuf[img->w*2*((img->h-Hcrop)/2+y)+(img->w-Wcrop)+x*2+1];
      // imgbuf[y*img->w*2+x*2+2] = imgbuf[img->w*2*((img->h-Hcrop)/2+y)+(img->w-Wcrop)+x*2+2];
      // imgbuf[y*img->w*2+x*2+3] = imgbuf[img->w*2*((img->h-Hcrop)/2+y)+(img->w-Wcrop)+x*2+3];
      // imgCropbuf[y*Wcrop*2+x*2]   = imgbuf[img->w*2*((img->h-Hcrop)/2+y)+(img->w-Wcrop)+x*2];
      // imgCropbuf[y*Wcrop*2+x*2+1] = imgbuf[img->w*2*((img->h-Hcrop)/2+y)+(img->w-Wcrop)+x*2+1];
      // imgCropbuf[y*Wcrop*2+x*2+2] = imgbuf[img->w*2*((img->h-Hcrop)/2+y)+(img->w-Wcrop)+x*2+2];
      // imgCropbuf[y*Wcrop*2+x*2+3] = imgbuf[img->w*2*((img->h-Hcrop)/2+y)+(img->w-Wcrop)+x*2+3];
      imgbuf[y*img->w*2+x*2]   = imgbuf[img->w*2*((img->h-Hcrop)/2-displacement+y)+(img->w-Wcrop)+x*2];
      imgbuf[y*img->w*2+x*2+1] = imgbuf[img->w*2*((img->h-Hcrop)/2-displacement+y)+(img->w-Wcrop)+x*2+1];
      imgbuf[y*img->w*2+x*2+2] = imgbuf[img->w*2*((img->h-Hcrop)/2-displacement+y)+(img->w-Wcrop)+x*2+2];
      imgbuf[y*img->w*2+x*2+3] = imgbuf[img->w*2*((img->h-Hcrop)/2-displacement+y)+(img->w-Wcrop)+x*2+3];
      imgCropbuf[y*Wcrop*2+x*2]   = imgbuf[img->w*2*((img->h-Hcrop)/2-displacement+y)+(img->w-Wcrop)+x*2];
      imgCropbuf[y*Wcrop*2+x*2+1] = imgbuf[img->w*2*((img->h-Hcrop)/2-displacement+y)+(img->w-Wcrop)+x*2+1];
      imgCropbuf[y*Wcrop*2+x*2+2] = imgbuf[img->w*2*((img->h-Hcrop)/2-displacement+y)+(img->w-Wcrop)+x*2+2];
      imgCropbuf[y*Wcrop*2+x*2+3] = imgbuf[img->w*2*((img->h-Hcrop)/2-displacement+y)+(img->w-Wcrop)+x*2+3];
  // img->w = Wcrop;
  // img->h = Hcrop;
  // img->buf_size = Wcrop*Hcrop*2;
  // img->buf = realloc(img->buf, img->buf_size);
  return imgCrop;
  // return img;
Example #6
image_t render(sphere_t *spheres, int nspheres, unsigned width, unsigned height, int depth)
	struct vector raydir;    /* Ray direction.  */
	unsigned x, y;
	float xx, yy;
	image_t img;
	float invwidth;     /* width^-1  */
	float invheight;    /* height^-1 */
	float angle;
	float fov;
	struct vector pixel;
	float aspectratio; /* Image's aspect ratio. */

	max_depth = depth;

	img = image_create(width, height);
	invwidth = 1.0 / width;
	invheight = 1.0 /height;
	fov = 30;

	aspectratio = width / ((float)height);
	angle = tan(PI*0.5*fov/180.0);

	for (y = 0; y < height; ++y)
		#pragma omp parallel for \
			default(shared) private(x,xx,yy,raydir,pixel) schedule(dynamic)
		for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
			xx = (2 * ((x + 0.5) * invwidth) - 1) * angle * aspectratio;
			yy = (1 - 2 * ((y + 0.5) * invheight)) * angle;
			raydir = vector_normalize(VECTOR(xx, yy, -1));
			pixel = raytrace(VECTOR(0, 0, 0), raydir, spheres, nspheres, 0);
			IMAGE(img, x, y).r = (unsigned char) (min(1.0, pixel.x)*255);
			IMAGE(img, x, y).g = (unsigned char) (min(1.0, pixel.y)*255);
			IMAGE(img, x, y).b = (unsigned char) (min(1.0, pixel.z)*255);
	return (img);
Example #7
void progressbar_create_block(progress_bar *bar) {
    float prog = bar->percentage / 100.0f;
    int w = bar->w * prog;
    if(w > 0) {
        image tmp;
        image_create(&tmp, w, bar->h);
        image_clear(&tmp, bar->int_bg_color);
                         0, 0, w - 1, bar->h-1, 
        texture_init_from_img(&bar->block, &tmp);
Example #8
void motion_sensor_transform(MotionSensor *sensor, Image **frame) {
  int height = (*frame)->height;
  int width = (*frame)->width;
  int n_channels = (*frame)->n_channels;
  int n_elements = height * width * n_channels;
  Image *result = image_create(height, width, n_channels);

  if (sensor->last_frame)
    for (int i = 0; i < n_elements; ++i)
      result->data[i] = fabsf((*frame)->data[i] - sensor->last_frame->data[i]);
    for (int i = 0; i < n_elements; ++i)
      result->data[i] = 0.0f;

  sensor->last_frame = *frame;
  *frame = result;
Example #9
 * 建立 src 图像的灰度版本
 * @param src 源图像
 * @param gray 灰度 0 到 100, 0 为源图像, 100 为纯灰色图像
image_p create_gray_image(image_p src, int gray)
	uint32_t y,x;
	image_p pimg;
	uint16_t *p16 = NULL,*psrc16 = NULL;
	uint32_t *p32 = NULL,*psrc32 = NULL;

	if(gray<0 || gray>100)
		nge_print("create_gray_image arg 'gray' must between 0 to 100!");
		return NULL;
	pimg = image_create(src->w, src->h, src->dtype);

		if(src->dtype == DISPLAY_PIXEL_FORMAT_8888)
			p32 = (uint32_t *)pimg->data + y*src->texw;
			psrc32 = (uint32_t *)src->data + y*src->texw;
			p16 = (uint16_t *)pimg->data + y*src->texw;
			psrc16 = (uint16_t *)src->data + y*src->texw;

			if(src->dtype == DISPLAY_PIXEL_FORMAT_8888)
				*(p32 + x) = (uint32_t)get_gray_color(pimg->dtype, *(psrc32 + x), gray);
				*(p16 + x) = (uint16_t)get_gray_color(pimg->dtype, *(psrc16 + x), gray);

	return pimg;
Example #10
struct image_t* detect_window(struct image_t *img)

  uint16_t coordinate[2];
  coordinate[0] = 0; coordinate[1] = 0;
  uint16_t response = 0;
  uint32_t integral_image[img->w * img->h];
  struct image_t gray;
  image_create(&gray, img->w, img->h, IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
  image_to_grayscale(img, &gray);

  response = detect_window_sizes((uint8_t *)gray.buf, (uint32_t)img->w, (uint32_t)img->h, coordinate, integral_image,
  printf("Coordinate: %d, %d\n", coordinate[0], coordinate[1]);
  printf("Response = %d\n", response);

  return NULL; // No new image was created
Example #11
bool_t cv_window_func(struct image_t *img) {

  if (!window_enabled)
    return FALSE;

  uint16_t coordinate[2] = {0,0};
  uint16_t response = 0;
  uint32_t integral_image[img->w * img->h];

  struct image_t gray;
  image_create(&gray, img->w, img->h, IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
  image_to_grayscale(img, &gray);

  response = detect_window_sizes( (uint8_t*)gray.buf, (uint32_t)img->w, (uint32_t)img->h, coordinate, integral_image, MODE_BRIGHT);


  // Display the marker location and center-lines.
  int px = coordinate[0] & 0xFFFe;
  int py = coordinate[1] & 0xFFFe;

  if (response < 92) {

    for (int y = 0; y < img->h-1; y++) {
      Img(px, y)   = 65;
      Img(px+1, y) = 255;
    for (int x = 0; x < img->w-1; x+=2) {
      Img(x, py)   = 65;
      Img(x+1, py) = 255;

    uint32_t temp = coordinate[0];
    temp = temp << 16;
    temp += coordinate[1];
    blob_locator = temp;


  return FALSE;
Example #12
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	struct display *d;
	int i;
	int image_counter = 0;

	d = display_create(&argc, argv);
	if (d == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "failed to create display: %m\n");
		return -1;

	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
		image_create(d, argv[i], &image_counter);

	if (image_counter > 0)

	return 0;
Example #13
void vgWritePixels(const void * data, VGint dataStride,
                   VGImageFormat dataFormat,
                   VGint dx, VGint dy,
                   VGint width, VGint height)
   struct vg_context *ctx = vg_current_context();
   struct pipe_context *pipe = ctx->pipe;

   if (!supported_image_format(dataFormat)) {
      vg_set_error(ctx, VG_UNSUPPORTED_IMAGE_FORMAT_ERROR);
   if (!data || !is_aligned(data)) {
      vg_set_error(ctx, VG_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR);
   if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
      vg_set_error(ctx, VG_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR);

      struct vg_image *img = image_create(dataFormat, width, height);
      image_sub_data(img, data, dataStride, dataFormat, 0, 0,
                     width, height);
#if 0
      struct matrix *matrix = &ctx->state.vg.image_user_to_surface_matrix;
      matrix_translate(matrix, dx, dy);
      matrix_translate(matrix, -dx, -dy);
      /* this looks like a better approach */
      image_set_pixels(dx, dy, img, 0, 0, width, height);
   /* make sure rendering has completed */
   pipe->flush(pipe, PIPE_FLUSH_RENDER_CACHE, NULL);
Example #14
void video_capture_save(struct image_t *img)
  // Declare storage for image location
  char save_name[128];

  // Simple shot counter to find first available image location
  for (/* no init */; video_capture_index < 9999; ++video_capture_index) {
    // Generate image location
    sprintf(save_name, "%s/img_%05d.jpg", STRINGIFY(VIDEO_CAPTURE_PATH), video_capture_index);

    // Continue with next number if file exists already
    if (access(save_name, F_OK) != -1) {

    printf("[video_capture] Saving image to %s.\n", save_name);

    // Open file
    FILE *fp = fopen(save_name, "w");
    if (fp == NULL) {
      printf("[video_capture] Could not write shot %s.\n", save_name);

    // Create jpg image from raw frame
    struct image_t img_jpeg;
    image_create(&img_jpeg, img->w, img->h, IMAGE_JPEG);
    jpeg_encode_image(img, &img_jpeg, VIDEO_CAPTURE_JPEG_QUALITY, true);

    // Save it to the file and close it
    fwrite(img_jpeg.buf, sizeof(uint8_t), img_jpeg.buf_size, fp);

    // Free image

    // End loop here
Example #15
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	struct display *d;
	int i;

	d = display_create(&argc, &argv, option_entries);
	if (d == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "failed to create display: %m\n");
		return -1;

	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
		struct image *image;

		image = image_create (d, i, argv[i]);


	return 0;
Example #16
void progressbar_create(progress_bar *bar,     
                       unsigned int x, unsigned int y,
                       unsigned int w, unsigned int h,
                       color border_topleft_color,
                       color border_bottomright_color,
                       color bg_color,
                       color int_topleft_color,
                       color int_bottomright_color,
                       color int_bg_color,
                       int orientation) {
    bar->x = x;
    bar->y = y;
    bar->w = w;
    bar->h = h;
    bar->orientation = orientation;
    bar->percentage = 100;
    bar->int_topleft_color = int_topleft_color;
    bar->int_bottomright_color = int_bottomright_color;
    bar->int_bg_color = int_bg_color;
    // Background,
    image tmp;
    image_create(&tmp, w, h);
    image_clear(&tmp, bg_color);
                     0, 0, w-1, h-1, 
    texture_init_from_img(&bar->background, &tmp);
    // Bar
Example #17
 * Function adds image into image pile and stores some basic information
 * about it.
 * \param filename path to the file
 * \param size size of the file in bytes
 * \param time time of the last modification in epoch
 * \return OK
RCode pile_load_file(const gchar* filename, guint size, time_t time) {
	Image*	tmp_image = NULL;

	ASSERT(NULL != filename);

	if ( 0 != g_access(filename, R_OK) ) {
		TRACE_MESSAGE(PILE, TL_MAJOR, "File '%s' is not readable", filename);
		return FAIL;

	if ( NULL == ( tmp_image = image_create(filename)) ) {
		/** \todo error logging */
		return FAIL;

	tmp_image->size = size;
	tmp_image->timestamp = time;

	pile_list_head = g_list_prepend(pile_list_head, (gpointer)tmp_image);

	return OK;
Example #18
void video_thread_periodic(void)
  struct image_t img;
  image_create(&img, 320, 240, IMAGE_YUV422);
  int i, j;
  uint8_t u, v;

  if (video_thread.is_running) {
    u = 0;
    v = 255;
  } else {
    u = 255;
    v = 0;
  uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *) img.buf;
  for (j = 0; j < img.h; j++) {
    for (i = 0; i < img.w; i += 2) {
      *p++ = u;
      *p++ = j;
      *p++ = v;
      *p++ = j;
  video_thread.is_running = ! video_thread.is_running;

  // Calling this function will not work because video_config_t is NULL (?) and img
  // has no timestamp
  // Commenting out for now
  // cv_run_device(NULL,&img);

Example #19
 * This function takes previous padded pyramid level and outputs next level of pyramid without padding.
 * For calculating new pixel value 5x5 filter matrix suggested by Bouguet is used:
 * [1/16 1/8 3/4 1/8 1/16]' x [1/16 1/8 3/4 1/8 1/16]
 * To avoid decimal numbers, all coefficients are multiplied by 10000.
 * @param[in]  *input  - input image (grayscale only)
 * @param[out] *output - the output image
 * @param[in]  border_size  - amount of padding around image. Padding is made by reflecting image elements at the edge
 *                  Example: f e d c b a | a b c d e f | f e d c b a
void pyramid_next_level(struct image_t *input, struct image_t *output, uint8_t border_size)
  // Create output image, new image size is half the size of input image without padding (border)
  image_create(output, (input->w + 1 - 2 * border_size) / 2, (input->h + 1 - 2 * border_size) / 2, input->type);

  uint8_t *input_buf = (uint8_t *)input->buf;
  uint8_t *output_buf = (uint8_t *)output->buf;

  uint16_t row, col; // coordinates of the central pixel; pixel being calculated in input matrix; center of filer matrix
  uint16_t w = input->w;
  int32_t sum = 0;

  for (uint16_t i = 0; i != output->h; i++) {

    for (uint16_t j = 0; j != output->w; j++) {
      row = border_size + 2 * i; // First skip border, then every second pixel
      col = border_size + 2 * j;

      sum =    39 * (input_buf[(row - 2) * w + (col - 2)] + input_buf[(row - 2) * w + (col + 2)] +
                     input_buf[(row + 2) * w + (col - 2)] + input_buf[(row + 2) * w + (col + 2)]);
      sum +=  156 * (input_buf[(row - 2) * w + (col - 1)] + input_buf[(row - 2) * w + (col + 1)] +
                     input_buf[(row - 1) * w + (col + 2)] + input_buf[(row + 1) * w + (col - 2)]
                     + input_buf[(row + 1) * w + (col + 2)] + input_buf[(row + 2) * w + (col - 1)] + input_buf[(row + 2) * w + (col + 1)] +
                     input_buf[(row - 1) * w + (col - 2)]);
      sum +=  234 * (input_buf[(row - 2) * w + (col)] + input_buf[(row) * w    + (col - 2)] +
                     input_buf[(row) * w    + (col + 2)] + input_buf[(row + 2) * w + (col)]);
      sum +=  625 * (input_buf[(row - 1) * w + (col - 1)] + input_buf[(row - 1) * w + (col + 1)] +
                     input_buf[(row + 1) * w + (col - 1)] + input_buf[(row + 1) * w + (col + 1)]);
      sum +=  938 * (input_buf[(row - 1) * w + (col)] + input_buf[(row) * w    + (col - 1)] +
                     input_buf[(row) * w    + (col + 1)] + input_buf[(row + 1) * w + (col)]);
      sum += 1406 * input_buf[(row) * w    + (col)];

      output_buf[i * output->w + j] = sum / 10000;
Example #20
/* reads a PPM image from the given filename. Initializes the alpha channel to 1.0 and the z channel to 1.0. Returns a NULL pointer if the operation fails. */
Image *image_read(char *filename) {
    int rows = 0;
    int cols = 0;
    int colors = 0;
    Pixel *image_array = readPPM(&rows, &cols, &colors, filename); // an array of pixels
    if (rows < 0 || cols < 0 ) {
        printf("rows: %d, cols: %d", rows, cols);
    Image *image = image_create(rows, cols);
    for (int row=0;row<rows;row++) {
        for (int col=0;col<cols;col++) {

            image->data[row][col].rgb[0] = 256 - image_array[row*cols + col].r;
            image->data[row][col].rgb[1] = 256 - image_array[row*cols + col].g;
            image->data[row][col].rgb[2] = 256 - image_array[row*cols + col].b;
            image->data[row][col].a = 1.0;
            image->data[row][col].z = 1.0;
Example #21
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  const int rows = 100;
  const int cols = 100;
  const int nFrames = 16;
  // View3D view3D;
  View2D view;
  //Matrix vtm;
  Matrix vtm, gtm, ltm;
  Polygon poly[16];
  Point vp[4];
  FILE *fp;

  fp = fopen("matrix_info.txt","w");

  Image *src;
  int i, j, t;
  char filename[256];

  Color color[6];
  // set some colors
  color_set( &color[0], 0, 0, 1 ); // blue
  color_set( &color[1], 0, 1, 0 ); // green
  color_set( &color[2], 1, 0, 0 ); // red
  color_set( &color[3], 1, 0, 1 ); // magenta
  color_set( &color[4], 0, 1, 1 ); // cyan
  color_set( &color[5], 1, 1, 0 ); // yellow

  // optional theta value
  // if(argc > 1) {
  //   theta = atoi(argv[1]);
  // }

  // initialize the three matrices
  // create image
  src = image_create( rows, cols );

  srand ( time(NULL) );

  for (i=0; i<16; i++){
    for (j=0; j<4; j++){
      point_set2D(&(vp[j]), rand()%cols, rand()%rows);
    poly[i] = *(polygon_createp(4, vp));

  // grab command line argument to determine viewpoint
  // and set up the view structure
  if( argc > 1 ) {
    float alpha = atof( argv[1] );
    if( alpha < 0.0 || alpha > 1.0 ){
      alpha = 0.0;
    point_set1( &(view.vrp), 3*alpha, 2*alpha, -2*alpha - (1.0-alpha)*3 );
  else {
    point_set1( &(view.vrp), 3, 2, -2 );

  vector_set( &(view.x), -view.vrp.val[0], -view.vrp.val[1], -view.vrp.val[2] );
  view.dx = 1;  // focal length
  view.screenx = cols;
  view.screeny = rows;

  matrix_setView2D( &vtm, &view );
  matrix_print(&vtm, fp);
  // create image in arbitrary world coordinates
  for(t=0;t<nFrames;t++) {
    setWhite( src );

    for (i=0; i<16; i++){
      // need to add print statements to follow the ltm and polygons
      // Polygons not drawing
      matrix_translate2D(&ltm, -vp[0].val[0], -vp[0].val[1]);
      matrix_shear2D(&ltm, t, 0);
      matrix_translate2D(&ltm, vp[0].val[0], vp[0].val[1]);
      matrix_xformPolygon(&ltm, &poly[i]);
      matrix_xformPolygon(&vtm, &poly[i]);
      printf("begin scanline fill...\n");
      polygon_drawFill(&poly[i], src, color[i%5]);
      printf("...end scanline fill\n");
    printf("hello: %d\n", t);
    sprintf(filename, "test5vt-%04d.ppm", t );
    image_write( src, filename );

    // translate the view across the scene
    point_set2D( &(view.vrp), 1.8 - 2.4*(t+1)/nFrames, 1.8 - 2.4*(t+1)/nFrames );
    matrix_setView2D( &vtm, &view );
  system("convert test5vt-*.ppm test5vt.gif");
  //system("rm test5vt-*.ppm");
Example #22
bool_t cv_blob_locator_func(struct image_t *img) {

  if (!blob_enabled)
    return 0;

  // Color Filter
  struct image_filter_t filter[2];
  filter[0].y_min = color_lum_min;
  filter[0].y_max = color_lum_max;
  filter[0].u_min = color_cb_min;
  filter[0].u_max = color_cb_max;
  filter[0].v_min = color_cr_min;
  filter[0].v_max = color_cr_max;

  // Output image
  struct image_t dst;

  // Labels
  uint16_t labels_count = 512;
  struct image_label_t labels[512];

  // Blob finder
  image_labeling(img, &dst, filter, 1, labels, &labels_count);

  int largest_id = -1;
  int largest_size = 0;

  // Find largest
  for (int i=0; i<labels_count; i++) {
    // Only consider large blobs
    if (labels[i].pixel_cnt > 50) {
      if (labels[i].pixel_cnt > largest_size) {
        largest_size = labels[i].pixel_cnt;
        largest_id = i;

  if (largest_id >= 0)
    uint8_t *p = (uint8_t*) img->buf;
    uint16_t* l = (uint16_t*) dst.buf;
    for (int y=0;y<dst.h;y++) {
      for (int x=0;x<dst.w/2;x++) {
        if (l[y*dst.w+x] != 0xffff) {
          uint8_t c=0xff;
          if (l[y*dst.w+x] == largest_id) {
            c = 0;

    uint16_t cgx = labels[largest_id].x_sum / labels[largest_id].pixel_cnt * 2;
    uint16_t cgy = labels[largest_id].y_sum / labels[largest_id].pixel_cnt;

    if ((cgx > 1) && (cgx < (dst.w-2)) &&
        (cgy > 1) && (cgy < (dst.h-2))
        ) {
      p[cgy*dst.w*2+cgx*2-4] = 0xff;
      p[cgy*dst.w*2+cgx*2-2] = 0x00;
      p[cgy*dst.w*2+cgx*2] = 0xff;
      p[cgy*dst.w*2+cgx*2+2] = 0x00;
      p[cgy*dst.w*2+cgx*2+4] = 0xff;
      p[cgy*dst.w*2+cgx*2+6] = 0x00;
      p[(cgy-1)*dst.w*2+cgx*2] = 0xff;
      p[(cgy-1)*dst.w*2+cgx*2+2] = 0x00;
      p[(cgy+1)*dst.w*2+cgx*2] = 0xff;
      p[(cgy+1)*dst.w*2+cgx*2+2] = 0x00;

    uint32_t temp = cgx;
    temp = temp << 16;
    temp += cgy;
    blob_locator = temp;


  return 0; // No new image is available for follow up modules
Example #23
 * @file lucas_kanade.c
 * Compute the optical flow of several points using the pyramidal Lucas-Kanade algorithm by Yves Bouguet
 * The initial fixed-point implementation is done by G. de Croon and is adapted by
 * Freek van Tienen for the implementation in Paparazzi.
 * Pyramids implementation and related development done by Hrvoje Brezak.
 * @param[in] *new_img The newest grayscale image (TODO: fix YUV422 support)
 * @param[in] *old_img The old grayscale image (TODO: fix YUV422 support)
 * @param[in] *points Points to start tracking from
 * @param[in,out] points_cnt The amount of points and it returns the amount of points tracked
 * @param[in] half_window_size Half the window size (in both x and y direction) to search inside
 * @param[in] subpixel_factor The subpixel factor which calculations should be based on
 * @param[in] max_iterations Maximum amount of iterations to find the new point
 * @param[in] step_threshold The threshold of additional subpixel flow at which the iterations should stop
 * @param[in] max_points The maximum amount of points to track, we skip x points and then take a point.
 * @param[in] pyramid_level Level of pyramid used in computation (0 == no pyramids used)
 * @return The vectors from the original *points in subpixels
 * Pyramidal implementation of Lucas-Kanade feature tracker.
 * Uses input images to build pyramid of padded images.
 * <p>For every pyramid level:</p>
 * <p>  For all points:</p>
 * - (1) determine the subpixel neighborhood in the old image
 * - (2) get the x- and y- gradients
 * - (3) determine the 'G'-matrix [sum(Axx) sum(Axy); sum(Axy) sum(Ayy)], where sum is over the window
 * - (4) iterate over taking steps in the image to minimize the error:
 *   + [a] get the subpixel neighborhood in the new image
 *   + [b] determine the image difference between the two neighborhoods
 *   + [c] calculate the 'b'-vector
 *   + [d] calculate the additional flow step and possibly terminate the iteration
 * - (5) use calculated flow as initial flow estimation for next level of pyramid
struct flow_t *opticFlowLK(struct image_t *new_img, struct image_t *old_img, struct point_t *points,
                           uint16_t *points_cnt, uint16_t half_window_size,
                           uint16_t subpixel_factor, uint8_t max_iterations, uint8_t step_threshold, uint8_t max_points, uint8_t pyramid_level,
                           uint8_t keep_bad_points)

  // if no pyramids, use the old code:
  if (pyramid_level == 0) {
    // use the old code in this case:
    return opticFlowLK_flat(new_img, old_img, points, points_cnt, half_window_size, subpixel_factor, max_iterations,
                            step_threshold, max_points, keep_bad_points);

  // Allocate some memory for returning the vectors
  struct flow_t *vectors = malloc(sizeof(struct flow_t) * max_points);

  // Determine patch sizes and initialize neighborhoods
  uint16_t patch_size = 2 * half_window_size + 1;
  // TODO: Feature management shows that this threshold rejects corners maybe too often, maybe another formula could be chosen
  uint32_t error_threshold = (25 * 25) * (patch_size * patch_size);
  uint16_t padded_patch_size = patch_size + 2;
  uint16_t border_size = padded_patch_size / 2 + 2; // amount of padding added to images

  // Allocate memory for image pyramids
  struct image_t *pyramid_old = malloc(sizeof(struct image_t) * (pyramid_level + 1));
  struct image_t *pyramid_new = malloc(sizeof(struct image_t) * (pyramid_level + 1));

  // Build pyramid levels
  pyramid_build(old_img, pyramid_old, pyramid_level, border_size);
  pyramid_build(new_img, pyramid_new, pyramid_level, border_size);

  // Create the window images
  struct image_t window_I, window_J, window_DX, window_DY, window_diff;
  image_create(&window_I, padded_patch_size, padded_patch_size, IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
  image_create(&window_J, patch_size, patch_size, IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
  image_create(&window_DX, patch_size, patch_size, IMAGE_GRADIENT);
  image_create(&window_DY, patch_size, patch_size, IMAGE_GRADIENT);
  image_create(&window_diff, patch_size, patch_size, IMAGE_GRADIENT);

  // Iterate through pyramid levels
  for (int8_t LVL = pyramid_level; LVL != -1; LVL--) {
    uint16_t points_orig = *points_cnt;
    *points_cnt = 0;
    uint16_t new_p = 0;

    // Calculate the amount of points to skip
    float skip_points = (points_orig > max_points) ? (float)points_orig / max_points : 1;

    // Go through all points
    for (uint16_t i = 0; i < max_points && i < points_orig; i++) {
      uint16_t p = i * skip_points;

      if (LVL == pyramid_level) {
        // Convert point position on original image to a subpixel coordinate on the top pyramid level
        vectors[new_p].pos.x = (points[p].x * subpixel_factor) >> pyramid_level;
        vectors[new_p].pos.y = (points[p].y * subpixel_factor) >> pyramid_level;
        vectors[new_p].flow_x = 0;
        vectors[new_p].flow_y = 0;

      } else {
        // (5) use calculated flow as initial flow estimation for next level of pyramid
        vectors[new_p].pos.x = vectors[p].pos.x << 1;
        vectors[new_p].pos.y = vectors[p].pos.y << 1;
        vectors[new_p].flow_x = vectors[p].flow_x << 1;
        vectors[new_p].flow_y = vectors[p].flow_y << 1;

      // If the pixel is outside original image, do not track it
      if ((((int32_t) vectors[new_p].pos.x + vectors[new_p].flow_x) < 0)
          || ((vectors[new_p].pos.x + vectors[new_p].flow_x) > (uint32_t)((pyramid_new[LVL].w - 1 - 2 * border_size)*
          || (((int32_t) vectors[new_p].pos.y + vectors[new_p].flow_y) < 0)
          || ((vectors[new_p].pos.y + vectors[new_p].flow_y) > (uint32_t)((pyramid_new[LVL].h - 1 - 2 * border_size)*
              subpixel_factor))) {

      // (1) determine the subpixel neighborhood in the old image
      image_subpixel_window(&pyramid_old[LVL], &window_I, &vectors[new_p].pos, subpixel_factor, border_size);

      // (2) get the x- and y- gradients
      image_gradients(&window_I, &window_DX, &window_DY);

      // (3) determine the 'G'-matrix [sum(Axx) sum(Axy); sum(Axy) sum(Ayy)], where sum is over the window
      int32_t G[4];
      image_calculate_g(&window_DX, &window_DY, G);

      // calculate G's determinant in subpixel units:
      int32_t Det = (G[0] * G[3] - G[1] * G[2]);

      // Check if the determinant is bigger than 1
      if (Det < 1) {

      // (4) iterate over taking steps in the image to minimize the error:
      bool tracked = true;

      for (uint8_t it = max_iterations; it--;) {
        struct point_t new_point = { vectors[new_p].pos.x  + vectors[new_p].flow_x,
                 vectors[new_p].pos.y + vectors[new_p].flow_y,
                 0, 0, 0

        // If the pixel is outside original image, do not track it
        if ((((int32_t)vectors[new_p].pos.x  + vectors[new_p].flow_x) < 0)
            || (new_point.x > (uint32_t)((pyramid_new[LVL].w - 1 - 2 * border_size)*subpixel_factor))
            || (((int32_t)vectors[new_p].pos.y  + vectors[new_p].flow_y) < 0)
            || (new_point.y > (uint32_t)((pyramid_new[LVL].h - 1 - 2 * border_size)*subpixel_factor))) {
          tracked = false;

        //     [a] get the subpixel neighborhood in the new image
        image_subpixel_window(&pyramid_new[LVL], &window_J, &new_point, subpixel_factor, border_size);

        //     [b] determine the image difference between the two neighborhoods
        uint32_t error = image_difference(&window_I, &window_J, &window_diff);

        if (error > error_threshold && it < max_iterations / 2) {
          tracked = false;

        int32_t b_x = image_multiply(&window_diff, &window_DX, NULL) / 255;
        int32_t b_y = image_multiply(&window_diff, &window_DY, NULL) / 255;

        //     [d] calculate the additional flow step and possibly terminate the iteration
        int16_t step_x = (((int64_t) G[3] * b_x - G[1] * b_y) * subpixel_factor) / Det;
        int16_t step_y = (((int64_t) G[0] * b_y - G[2] * b_x) * subpixel_factor) / Det;

        vectors[new_p].flow_x = vectors[new_p].flow_x + step_x;
        vectors[new_p].flow_y = vectors[new_p].flow_y + step_y;
        vectors[new_p].error = error;

        // Check if we exceeded the treshold CHANGED made this better for 0.03
        if ((abs(step_x) + abs(step_y)) < step_threshold) {
      } // lucas kanade step iteration

      // If we tracked the point we update the index and the count
      if (tracked) {
      } else if (keep_bad_points) {
        vectors[new_p].pos.x = 0;
        vectors[new_p].pos.y = 0;
        vectors[new_p].flow_x = 0;
        vectors[new_p].flow_y = 0;
        vectors[new_p].error = LARGE_FLOW_ERROR;
    } // go through all points
Example #24
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  const int rows = 1000;
  const int cols = 1000;
  View3D view;
  Matrix vtm;
  Polygon side[4];
  Polygon tpoly;
  Point  tv[3];
  Point  v[4];
  Color  color[4];
  Image *src;
  char filename[100];
  double x;
  int i;

  // set some colors
  Color_set( &color[0], 0, 0, 1 );
  Color_set( &color[1], 0, 1, 0 );
  Color_set( &color[2], 1, 0, 0 );
  Color_set( &color[3], 1, 0, 1 );

  // initialize polygons
  for(i=0;i<4;i++) {
    polygon_init( &side[i] );

  // corners of a cube, centered at (0, 0, 0)
  point_set3D( &v[0], 0, 1, 0 );
  point_set3D( &v[1], 1, -1, 0);
  point_set3D( &v[2], -1, -1, 0 );
  point_set3D( &v[3], 0,  0, 1 );

  //base of the pyramid
  polygon_set(&side[3], 3, &(v[0]));

  point_copy(&tv[0], &v[0]);
  point_copy(&tv[1], &v[2]);
  point_copy(&tv[2], &v[3]);

  polygon_set(&side[0], 3, tv);

  point_copy(&tv[0], &v[0]);
  point_copy(&tv[1], &v[1]);
  point_copy(&tv[2], &v[3]);

  polygon_set(&side[1], 3, tv);

  point_copy(&tv[0], &v[1]);
  point_copy(&tv[1], &v[2]);
  point_copy(&tv[2], &v[3]);

  polygon_set(&side[2], 3, tv);

  point_set3D( &(view.vrp), 1, 0, 0);
  vector_set( &(view.vpn), -view.vrp.val[0], -view.vrp.val[1], -view.vrp.val[2] );

  vector_set( &(view.vup), 0, 0, 1 );
  view.d = 1;  // focal length
  view.du = 2;
  view.dv = view.du * (float)rows / cols;
  view.f = 0; // front clip plane
  view.b = 4; // back clip plane
  view.screenx = cols;
  view.screeny = rows;

  matrix_setView3D( &vtm, &view );

  // use a temprary polygon to transform stuff
  polygon_init( &tpoly );
  printf("Drawing pyramid\n");

x = -2;
int j;
for (j=0; j<50; j++){
// create image
  src = image_create( rows, cols );
  point_set3D(&(view.vrp), x , 2, 0.5);
  vector_set( &(view.vpn), -x, -2, -0.5);
  matrix_setView3D(&vtm, &view);  
  for(i=0;i<4;i++) {
    polygon_copy( &tpoly, &side[i] );
    matrix_xformPolygon( &vtm, &tpoly );

    // normalize by homogeneous coordinate before drawing
    polygon_normalize( &tpoly );

    polygon_draw( &tpoly, src, color[i] );
    //polygon_print( &tpoly, stdout );
  printf("Writing image\n");
  sprintf(filename, "pyramid_%04d.ppm", j);
  image_write( src, filename);
  	x += 0.08;
  	x -= 0.08;

printf("Making the .gif file...\n");
system("convert -delay 10 pyramid_*.ppm ../images/ext1.gif");
system("rm -f pyramid*");

Example #25
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  Image *src;
  const int rows = 600;
  const int cols = 800;
  const int Resolution = 50;
	Color white;
  Color Grey;
  Color dkGrey;
  Color Red;
  Color Blue;
  Point unitCircle[Resolution];
  Point unitSquare[4];
  Point pt[Resolution];
  Point ptt[Resolution];
  int i, j, index = 0;
  Matrix VTM, GTM, LTM;
  Polygon *ship[50];
  Color shipColor[50];
  double theta = 0.0;
  double phaserAngle = 0.0;
  int firePhase = 0;

  color_set(&Grey, 180/255.0, 180/255.0, 183/255.0);
  color_set(&dkGrey, 140/255.0, 140/255.0, 143/255.0);
  color_set(&Red, 250/255.0, 40/255.0, 40/255.0);
  color_set(&Blue, 30/255.0, 20/255.0, 250/255.0);

  if(argc > 1) {
    theta = atoi(argv[1]);
  printf("Drawing ship with orientation %.2f degrees\n", theta);

  if(argc > 2) {
    phaserAngle = atoi(argv[2]);
    firePhase = 1;

    printf("Drawing phaser with angle %.2f degrees\n", phaserAngle);


  src = image_create(rows, cols);
	color_set(&white, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	for(i=0; i<rows; i++){
		for(j=0; j<cols; j++){
			if((rand()%50) == 13){
				image_setColor(src, i, j, white);

  // initialize the three matrices

  // Fix world coordinates as normal (x, y) 

  // give the view window an origin at -180m, -150m
  // size is a 4x3 ratio
  // VTM = T(0, rows-1)S(cols/vx, rows/vy)T(180, 150)
  matrix_translate2D(&VTM, 120, 100);
  matrix_scale2D(&VTM, cols/(4*60), -rows/(3*60));
  matrix_translate2D(&VTM, 0, rows-1);
  matrix_print(&VTM, stdout);

  // make a space ship oriented along the positive X axis
  // use the LTM to move simple primitives into place
  // use the GTM to rotate the ship
  // use the VTM to change the view

  // make a list of points that form the unit circle
  for(i=0;i<Resolution;i++) {
    cos( i * 2.0 * M_PI / (float)Resolution), 
    sin( i * 2.0 * M_PI / (float)Resolution));
  // set up the unit square
  point_set2D(&(unitSquare[0]), 0, 0);
  point_set2D(&(unitSquare[1]), 1, 0);
  point_set2D(&(unitSquare[2]), 1, 1);
  point_set2D(&(unitSquare[3]), 0, 1);

  // build a set of polygons that form the ship in model space
  // put the origin of the model between the engines

  // outline for the main disk
  matrix_scale2D(&LTM, 31, 31);
  // move it 20m along the X-axis
  matrix_translate2D(&LTM, 60, 0);
  // transform the circle points using LTM
  for(i=0;i<Resolution;i++) {
    matrix_xformPoint(&LTM, &(unitCircle[i]), &(pt[i]));

  // add the polygon
  matrix_print(&LTM, stdout);
  ship[index] = polygon_createp(Resolution, pt);
  shipColor[index++] = Red;

  polygon_print(ship[0], stdout);

  // main disk
  matrix_scale2D(&LTM, 30, 30);
  // move it 20m along the X-axis
  matrix_translate2D(&LTM, 60, 0);
  // transform the circle points using LTM
  for(i=0;i<Resolution;i++) {
    matrix_xformPoint(&LTM, &(unitCircle[i]), &(pt[i]));

  // add the polygon
  matrix_print(&LTM, stdout);
  ship[index] = polygon_createp(Resolution, pt);
  shipColor[index++] = Grey;

  // central bridge disk
  matrix_scale2D(&LTM, 10, 10);
  // move it 20m along the X-axis
  matrix_translate2D(&LTM, 60, 0);
  // transform the circle points using LTM
  for(i=0;i<Resolution;i++) {
    matrix_xformPoint(&LTM, &(unitCircle[i]), &(pt[i]));

  // add the polygon
  matrix_print(&LTM, stdout);
  ship[index] = polygon_createp(Resolution, pt);
  shipColor[index++] = dkGrey;

  // make the body disk elongated along the X axis
  matrix_scale2D(&LTM, 30, 12);
  matrix_translate2D(&LTM, 2.5, 0);

  // transform the circle points using LTM
  for(i=0;i<Resolution;i++) {
    matrix_xformPoint(&LTM, &(unitCircle[i]), &(pt[i]));

  // add the polygon
  matrix_print(&LTM, stdout);
  ship[index] = polygon_createp(Resolution, pt);
  shipColor[index++] = Grey;
  // make a trapezoidal strut out of the unit square
  matrix_translate2D(&LTM, -0.5, 0.0);
  matrix_scale2D(&LTM, 10, 10);
  matrix_shear2D(&LTM, .2, 0.0);

  for(i=0;i<4;i++) {
    matrix_xformPoint(&LTM, &(unitSquare[i]), &(pt[i]));

  // move the strut out from the origin along the Y axis
  matrix_translate2D(&LTM, 0, 12);

  for(i=0;i<4;i++) {
    matrix_xformPoint(&LTM, &(pt[i]), &(ptt[i]));

  // add the polygon
  matrix_print(&LTM, stdout);
  ship[index] = polygon_createp(4, ptt);
  shipColor[index++] = Grey;

  // place the second strut
  matrix_scale2D(&LTM, 1, -1);
  matrix_translate2D(&LTM, 0, -12);

  for(i=0;i<4;i++) {
    matrix_xformPoint(&LTM, &(pt[i]), &(ptt[i]));

  // add the polygon
  ship[index] = polygon_createp(4, ptt);
  shipColor[index++] = Grey;

  // create an engine outline from the unit circle
  matrix_scale2D(&LTM, 31, 6);

  // make the engine
  for(i=0;i<Resolution;i++) {
    matrix_xformPoint(&LTM, &(unitCircle[i]), &(pt[i]));

  // send one engine to the right location
  matrix_translate2D(&LTM, -5, 27);

  // move the engine
  for(i=0;i<Resolution;i++) {
    matrix_xformPoint(&LTM, &(pt[i]), &(ptt[i]));

  // add the polygon
  ship[index] = polygon_createp(Resolution, ptt);
  shipColor[index++] = Blue;

  // send the other engine to the right location
  matrix_translate2D(&LTM, -5, -27);

  // move the engine
  for(i=0;i<Resolution;i++) {
    matrix_xformPoint(&LTM, &(pt[i]), &(ptt[i]));

  // add the polygon
  ship[index] = polygon_createp(Resolution, ptt);
  shipColor[index++] = Blue;

  // create an engine
  matrix_scale2D(&LTM, 30, 5);

  // make the engine
  for(i=0;i<Resolution;i++) {
    matrix_xformPoint(&LTM, &(unitCircle[i]), &(pt[i]));

  // send one engine to the right location
  matrix_translate2D(&LTM, -5, 27);

  // move the engine
  for(i=0;i<Resolution;i++) {
    matrix_xformPoint(&LTM, &(pt[i]), &(ptt[i]));

  // add the polygon
  ship[index] = polygon_createp(Resolution, ptt);
  shipColor[index++] = Grey;

  // send the other engine to the right location
  matrix_translate2D(&LTM, -5, -27);

  // move the engine
  for(i=0;i<Resolution;i++) {
    matrix_xformPoint(&LTM, &(pt[i]), &(ptt[i]));

  // add the polygon
  ship[index] = polygon_createp(Resolution, ptt);
  shipColor[index++] = Grey;

  // set up the phaser
  if(firePhase) {

    matrix_scale2D(&LTM, 100, 2);

    // orient the phaser
    matrix_rotateZ(&LTM, cos(phaserAngle*M_PI/180.0), sin(phaserAngle*M_PI/180.0));
    // translate it to the center of the disk and out
           60 + 30 * cos(phaserAngle*M_PI/180.0), 
           30 * sin(phaserAngle*M_PI/180.0) );

    // use the unit square
    for(i=0;i<4;i++) {
      matrix_xformPoint(&LTM, &(unitSquare[i]), &(pt[i]));
    // add the polygon
    ship[index] = polygon_createp(4, pt);
    shipColor[index++] = Red;

  matrix_rotateZ(&GTM, cos(theta*M_PI/180.0), sin(theta*M_PI/180.0));

  matrix_print(&GTM, stdout);

  polygon_print(ship[0], stdout);

  for(i=0;i<index;i++) {

    // multiply the polygon by the global transform matrix
    matrix_xformPolygon(&GTM, ship[i]);
    if(i==0) {
      polygon_print(ship[i], stdout);

    // multiply the polygon by the view transformation matrix
    matrix_xformPolygon(&VTM, ship[i]);

    if(i==0) {
      polygon_print(ship[i], stdout);

    // draw the polygon
    polygon_drawFill(ship[i], src, shipColor[i]);

  image_write(src, "space.ppm");


Example #26
static void command_image_loadcreate(void)
	mess_image *image;
	int device_type;
	int device_slot;
	const char *device_tag;
	int i, format_index = 0;
	const char *filename;
	const char *format;
	char buf[128];
	const struct IODevice *dev;
	const char *file_extensions;

	device_slot = current_command->u.image_args.device_slot;
	device_type = current_command->u.image_args.device_type;
	device_tag = current_command->u.image_args.device_tag;

	/* look up the image slot */
	if (device_tag)
		image = image_from_devtag_and_index(device_tag, device_slot);
		image = image_from_devtype_and_index(device_type, device_slot);
	if (!image)
		state = STATE_ABORTED;
		report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Image slot '%s %i' does not exist",
			device_typename(device_type), device_slot);
	dev = image_device(image);
	file_extensions = dev->file_extensions;

	/* is an image format specified? */
	format = current_command->u.image_args.format;
	if (format)
		if (current_command->command_type != MESSTEST_COMMAND_IMAGE_CREATE)
			state = STATE_ABORTED;
			report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Cannot specify format unless creating");

		if (!dev->createimage_options)
			state = STATE_ABORTED;
			report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Cannot specify format for device");

		for (i = 0; dev->createimage_options[i].name; i++)
			if (!strcmp(format, dev->createimage_options[i].name))
		if (!dev->createimage_options[i].name)
			state = STATE_ABORTED;
			report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Unknown device '%s'", format);
		format_index = i;
		file_extensions = dev->createimage_options[i].extensions;

	/* figure out the filename */
	filename = current_command->u.image_args.filename;
	if (!filename)
		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) / sizeof(buf[0]),	"%s.%s",
			current_testcase.name, file_extensions);
		make_filename_temporary(buf, sizeof(buf) / sizeof(buf[0]));
		filename = buf;

	/* actually create or load the image */
			if (image_create(image, filename, format_index, NULL))
				state = STATE_ABORTED;
				report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Failed to create image '%s': %s", filename, image_error(image));
			if (image_load(image, filename))
				state = STATE_ABORTED;
				report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Failed to load image '%s': %s", filename, image_error(image));

Example #27
/* example main() function that takes several disk image filenames as
 * arguments on the command line.
 * Note that you'll need three images to test recovery after a failure.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    /* create the underlying blkdevs from the images

    struct blkdev *d1 = image_create(argv[1]);
    struct blkdev *d2 = image_create(argv[2]);
    /* ... */
    printf("created the underlying blkdevs from the images\n");

    /* create the mirror
    struct blkdev *disks[] = {d1, d2};
    struct blkdev *mirror = mirror_create(disks);
    printf("created the mirror\n");
    /* two asserts - that the mirror create worked, and that the size
     * is correct. 
    assert(mirror != NULL);
    printf("mirror create worked\n");

    assert(mirror->ops->num_blocks(mirror) == d1->ops->num_blocks(d1));
    printf("size is correct\n");

    /* put your test code here. Errors should exit via either 'assert'
     * or 'exit(1)' - that way the shell script knows that the test failed.

    /* suggested test codes (from the assignment PDF)
         You should test that your code:
          - creates a volume properly
          - returns the correct length
          - can handle reads and writes of different sizes, and
            returns the same data as was written 
          - reads data from the proper location in the images, and
            doesn't overwrite incorrect locations on write. 
          - continues to read and write correctly after one of the
            disks fails. (call image_fail() on the image blkdev to
            force it to fail) 
          - continues to read and write (correctly returning data
            written before the failure) after the disk is replaced. 
          - reads and writes (returning data written before the first
            failure) after the other disk fails

    char src[BLOCK_SIZE * 16];
    FILE *fp = fopen("/dev/urandom", "r");
    assert(fread(src, sizeof(src), 1, fp) == 1);

    printf("first test\n");
    int i, result;
    for (i = 0; i < 128; i += 16) {
        result = mirror->ops->write(mirror, i, 16, src);
        assert(result == SUCCESS);

    printf("second test\n");
    char dst[BLOCK_SIZE * 16];
    for (i = 0; i < 128; i += 16) {
        result = mirror->ops->read(mirror, i, 16, dst);
        assert(result == SUCCESS);
        assert(memcmp(src, dst, 16*BLOCK_SIZE) == 0);
    printf("third test\n");
    for (i = 0; i < 128; i += 16) {
        result = mirror->ops->read(mirror, i, 16, dst);
        assert(result == SUCCESS);
        assert(memcmp(src, dst, 16*BLOCK_SIZE) == 0);
    printf("fourth test\n");
    struct blkdev *d3 = image_create(argv[3]);
    assert(mirror_replace(mirror, 0, d3) == SUCCESS);
    for (i = 0; i < 128; i += 16) {
        result = mirror->ops->read(mirror, i, 16, dst);
        assert(result == SUCCESS);
        assert(memcmp(src, dst, 16*BLOCK_SIZE) == 0);

    printf("Mirror Test: SUCCESS\n");
    return 0;
Example #28
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
        int opt = 0;
        struct sfs_options sfs_opts;
        /* Service variables */
        size_t rsrvd_size       = MBR_SIZE;
        size_t index_size       = 0;
        size_t block_size       = 0;
        size_t total_blocks     = 0;
        size_t index_sz_perblk  = 0;
        off_t  file_size        = 0;
        char*  index_size_s     = NULL;
        char*  block_size_s     = NULL;
        char*  label            = NULL;
        /* Struct for getopt_long */
        static struct option const long_options[] = {
                {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
                {"metadata", required_argument, NULL, 'm'},
                {"block-size", required_argument, NULL, 'b'},
                {"label", required_argument, NULL, 'l'},
                {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'v'},
                {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
        if (argc == 1) {
                fprintf(stderr, "No parameters.\n");
        /* Get user options */
        while ((opt = getopt_long(argc - 1, argv, "hm:b:l:", 
                long_options, NULL)) != -1) {
                switch (opt) {    
                case 'h':
                case 'm':
                        index_size_s = optarg; 
                case 'b':
                        block_size_s = optarg;
                case 'l':
                        label = optarg;
                case 'v':
         * Try to open file 
        int fd = open(argv[argc - 1], O_RDWR);
        if (fd == -1 && argc == 2) 

        if (fd == -1) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Invalid input file/device.\n");
         * File size calculate and check it
        file_size = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
        if (file_size < (MBR_SIZE + INDEX_MIN_SIZE)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Too small file size.\n");
                fprintf(stderr, "%s %luB\n", "The smallest file size is", 
                                             MBR_SIZE + INDEX_MIN_SIZE);
         * Handler blocksize data 
        if (block_size_s == NULL) 
                block_size = DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE;
        else {
                block_size = convert_size(block_size_s, 0);
                /* block size must be greater than 128B */
                if (block_size <= DEFAULT_MIN_BLOCK/2 || errno == EINVAL) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Invalid block size.\n");
                long int divisor = DEFAULT_MIN_BLOCK;
                /* Check on the power of two */
                while (divisor > 0 && (divisor != block_size)) 
                        divisor <<= 1;

                if (divisor < 0) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Block size isn't the power of 2.\n");
        if (block_size > file_size) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Block size more than file size.\n");
        if (file_size % block_size != 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Block size isn't a divisor of data size.\n");
         * Calculate reserved area size in bytes
        if (block_size <= MBR_SIZE)
                rsrvd_size = MBR_SIZE;
                rsrvd_size = block_size;
         * Handler index size 
        if (index_size_s == NULL) {
                double buf = DEFAULT_INDEX_PERCENT * file_size / 100L;
                index_size = (size_t)round(buf);

        } else {
                index_size = convert_size(index_size_s, file_size);
                if (index_size == 0 || errno == EINVAL) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Invalid metadata size.\n");
        /* Auto align to BLOCK_SIZE (up) */
        if (index_size % block_size != 0)
                index_size += block_size - index_size % block_size; 
        /* Check index size(maybe file size too small) */
        if (index_size > (file_size - rsrvd_size)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Index area size more or equal than file"
                                " size.\n");
        /* Check size of index area */
        if (index_size < INDEX_MIN_SIZE) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Index part size too small.\n");
         * Handler label name
        unsigned length = 0;
        int i = 0;
        if (label != NULL && (length = strlen(label)) >= VOLUME_NAME_SIZE) {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s %ld %s", "Label shouldn't be longer"
                                " than ", VOLUME_NAME_SIZE - 1,
                                " symbols.\n");
        /* Check on unsupported symbols */ 
        for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
                if (label[i] < 0x20   || 
                   (label[i] >= 0x80  && label[i] <= 0x9F) ||
                    label[i] == '"'   || label[i] == '*'   ||
                    label[i] == ':'   || label[i] == '<'   ||
                    label[i] == '>'   || label[i] == '?'   ||
                    label[i] == '\\'  || label[i] == 0x5C  ||
                    label[i] == 0x7F  || label[i] == 0xA0) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported symbol \'%c\' "
                                        "in volume name.\n", label[i]);
         * Start to flll fields of options struct
        total_blocks = file_size / block_size;
        /* Convert reserved area size to size in blocks */
        rsrvd_size /= block_size;
        /* Convert index area size to align size per block size */
        if (index_size % block_size == 0) 
                index_sz_perblk = index_size / block_size;
                index_sz_perblk = index_size / block_size + 1;
        /* Fill struct */
        sfs_opts.time_stamp = time(NULL);
        sfs_opts.data_size = total_blocks - rsrvd_size - index_sz_perblk; 
        sfs_opts.index_size = index_size;
        sfs_opts.total_block = total_blocks;
        sfs_opts.reserved_size = rsrvd_size;
        sfs_opts.block_size = (size_t)log2(block_size) - BEGIN_POWER_OF_BS;
        if (label != NULL)
                strcpy(sfs_opts.label, label);
                sfs_opts.label[0] = '\0';
        sfs_opts.file_name = (char*) calloc((strlen(argv[argc - 1]) + 1), sizeof(char));
        strcpy(sfs_opts.file_name, argv[argc - 1]);
         * Create empty SFS image 
        if (image_create(sfs_opts) != 0) {
                return EXIT_FAILURE;
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Example #29
static bool
test_simple_errors(GLenum src_target, GLenum dst_target)
	bool pass = true;
	GLuint i, src, src2, dst;

	src = image_create(src_target);
	dst = image_create(dst_target);

	/* Test all three combinations of incomplete src or dst  */
	glCopyImageSubData(src, src_target, 0, 0, 0, 0,
			   dst, dst_target, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	pass &= piglit_check_gl_error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);

	image_storage(src_target, src, GL_RGBA8, 32, 32);

	glCopyImageSubData(src, src_target, 0, 0, 0, 0,
			   dst, dst_target, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	pass &= piglit_check_gl_error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);

	image_storage(dst_target, dst, GL_RGBA8, 32, 32);

	/* We want to test with empty src but valid dst */
	src2 = image_create(src_target);

	glCopyImageSubData(src2, src_target, 0, 0, 0, 0,
			   dst, dst_target, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	pass &= piglit_check_gl_error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);

	/* This is no longer needed */
	image_delete(src_target, src2);

	/* Section 18.3.2 (Copying Between Images) of the OpenGL 4.5 Core
	 * Profile spec says:
	 *     "An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if either name does not
	 *     correspond to a valid renderbuffer or texture object according
	 *     to the corresponding target parameter."
	if (src_target != GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT) {
		for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(targets); ++i) {
			if (targets[i] == src_target)

			/* here, targets[i] doesn't match src object's target */
			glCopyImageSubData(src, targets[i], 0, 0, 0, 0,
					   dst, dst_target, 0, 0, 0, 0,
					   0, 0, 0);
			pass &= piglit_check_gl_error(GL_INVALID_VALUE);
			if (!pass)
				return false;

	/* Section 18.3.2 (Copying Between Images) of the OpenGL 4.5 Core
	 * Profile spec says:
	 *     "An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if either name does not
	 *     correspond to a valid renderbuffer or texture object according
	 *     to the corresponding target parameter."
	if (dst_target != GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT) {
		for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(targets); ++i) {
			if (targets[i] == dst_target)

			/* here, targets[i] doesn't match dst object's target */
			glCopyImageSubData(src, src_target, 0, 0, 0, 0,
					   dst, targets[i], 0, 0, 0, 0,
					   0, 0, 0);
			pass &= piglit_check_gl_error(GL_INVALID_VALUE);
			if (!pass)
				return false;

	/* 4523 should be a bogus renderbuffer/texture */
	glCopyImageSubData(4523, src_target, 0, 0, 0, 0,
			   dst, dst_target, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	pass &= piglit_check_gl_error(GL_INVALID_VALUE);
	glCopyImageSubData(src, src_target, 0, 0, 0, 0,
			   4523, dst_target, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	pass &= piglit_check_gl_error(GL_INVALID_VALUE);

	/* Invalid level */
	glCopyImageSubData(src, src_target, 5, 0, 0, 0,
			   dst, dst_target, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	pass &= piglit_check_gl_error(GL_INVALID_VALUE);
	glCopyImageSubData(src, src_target, 0, 0, 0, 0,
			   dst, dst_target, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	pass &= piglit_check_gl_error(GL_INVALID_VALUE);

	/* Region out of bounds */
	glCopyImageSubData(src, src_target, 0, 7, 5, 2,
			   dst, dst_target, 0, 0, 0, 0, 26, 25, 20);
	pass &= piglit_check_gl_error(GL_INVALID_VALUE);
	glCopyImageSubData(src, src_target, 0, 7, 5, 2,
			   dst, dst_target, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 30, 20);
	pass &= piglit_check_gl_error(GL_INVALID_VALUE);
	glCopyImageSubData(src, src_target, 0, 7, 5, 2,
			   dst, dst_target, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 24, 31);
	pass &= piglit_check_gl_error(GL_INVALID_VALUE);
	glCopyImageSubData(src, src_target, 0, 0, 0, 0,
			   dst, dst_target, 0, 7, 5, 2, 26, 25, 20);
	pass &= piglit_check_gl_error(GL_INVALID_VALUE);
	glCopyImageSubData(src, src_target, 0, 0, 0, 0,
			   dst, dst_target, 0, 7, 5, 2, 25, 30, 20);
	pass &= piglit_check_gl_error(GL_INVALID_VALUE);
	glCopyImageSubData(src, src_target, 0, 0, 0, 0,
			   dst, dst_target, 0, 7, 5, 2, 25, 24, 31);
	pass &= piglit_check_gl_error(GL_INVALID_VALUE);

	image_delete(src_target, src);
	image_delete(dst_target, dst);

	return pass;
Example #30
//image conv
image_p image_conv(image_p src, int dtype)
	image_p dst;
	uint32_t i,j;
	uint32_t *src32, *dst32;
	uint16_t *src16, *dst16;
	uint8_t r,g,b,a;

	if(src->dtype == (uint32_t)dtype)
		return image_clone(src);

	dst = image_create(src->w, src->h, dtype);

	src32 = (uint32_t*)src->data;
	dst32 = (uint32_t*)dst->data;
	src16 = (uint16_t*)src->data;
	dst16 = (uint16_t*)dst->data;

	for(i = 0; i < src->h; i++)
		for (j = 0; j<src->w; j++)
			if(dtype == DISPLAY_PIXEL_FORMAT_8888){
				if(src->dtype == DISPLAY_PIXEL_FORMAT_4444){
					dst32[i*dst->texw+j] = MAKE_RGBA_8888(r,g,b,a);
				else if(src->dtype == DISPLAY_PIXEL_FORMAT_5551){
					dst32[i*dst->texw+j] = MAKE_RGBA_8888(r,g,b,a);
				else if(src->dtype == DISPLAY_PIXEL_FORMAT_565){
					dst32[i*dst->texw+j] = MAKE_RGBA_8888(r,g,b,a);
			else if(dtype == DISPLAY_PIXEL_FORMAT_4444){
				if(src->dtype == DISPLAY_PIXEL_FORMAT_8888){
					dst16[i*dst->texw+j] = MAKE_RGBA_4444(r,g,b,a);
				else if(src->dtype == DISPLAY_PIXEL_FORMAT_5551){
					dst16[i*dst->texw+j] = MAKE_RGBA_4444(r,g,b,a);
				else if(src->dtype == DISPLAY_PIXEL_FORMAT_565){
					dst16[i*dst->texw+j] = MAKE_RGBA_4444(r,g,b,a);
			else if(dtype == DISPLAY_PIXEL_FORMAT_5551){
				if(src->dtype == DISPLAY_PIXEL_FORMAT_8888){
					dst16[i*dst->texw+j] = MAKE_RGBA_5551(r,g,b,a);
				else if(src->dtype == DISPLAY_PIXEL_FORMAT_4444){
					dst16[i*dst->texw+j] = MAKE_RGBA_5551(r,g,b,a);
				else if(src->dtype == DISPLAY_PIXEL_FORMAT_565){
					dst16[i*dst->texw+j] = MAKE_RGBA_5551(r,g,b,a);
			else if(dtype == DISPLAY_PIXEL_FORMAT_565){
				if(src->dtype == DISPLAY_PIXEL_FORMAT_8888){
					dst16[i*dst->texh+j] = MAKE_RGBA_565(r,g,b,a);
				else if(src->dtype == DISPLAY_PIXEL_FORMAT_4444){
					dst16[i*dst->texh+j] = MAKE_RGBA_565(r,g,b,a);
				else if(src->dtype == DISPLAY_PIXEL_FORMAT_5551){
					dst16[i*dst->texh+j] = MAKE_RGBA_565(r,g,b,a);
	dst->swizzle = 1;
	return dst;