 * Run the optical flow with fast9 and lukaskanade on a new image frame
 * @param[in] *opticflow The opticalflow structure that keeps track of previous images
 * @param[in] *state The state of the drone
 * @param[in] *img The image frame to calculate the optical flow from
 * @param[out] *result The optical flow result
void calc_fast9_lukas_kanade(struct opticflow_t *opticflow, struct opticflow_state_t *state, struct image_t *img,
                             struct opticflow_result_t *result)
  if (opticflow->just_switched_method) {
    opticflow_calc_init(opticflow, img->w, img->h);

  // variables for size_divergence:
  float size_divergence; int n_samples;

  // variables for linear flow fit:
  float error_threshold;
  int n_iterations_RANSAC, n_samples_RANSAC, success_fit;
  struct linear_flow_fit_info fit_info;

  // Update FPS for information
  result->fps = 1 / (timeval_diff(&opticflow->prev_timestamp, &img->ts) / 1000.);
  opticflow->prev_timestamp = img->ts;

  // Convert image to grayscale
  image_to_grayscale(img, &opticflow->img_gray);

  // Copy to previous image if not set
  if (!opticflow->got_first_img) {
    image_copy(&opticflow->img_gray, &opticflow->prev_img_gray);
    opticflow->got_first_img = true;

  // *************************************************************************************
  // Corner detection
  // *************************************************************************************

  // FAST corner detection
  // TODO: There is something wrong with fast9_detect destabilizing FPS. This problem is reduced with putting min_distance
  // to 0 (see defines), however a more permanent solution should be considered
  fast9_detect(img, opticflow->fast9_threshold, opticflow->fast9_min_distance,
               opticflow->fast9_padding, opticflow->fast9_padding, &result->corner_cnt,

  // Adaptive threshold
  if (opticflow->fast9_adaptive) {
    // Decrease and increase the threshold based on previous values
    if (result->corner_cnt < 40
        && opticflow->fast9_threshold > FAST9_LOW_THRESHOLD) { // TODO: Replace 40 with OPTICFLOW_MAX_TRACK_CORNERS / 2
    } else if (result->corner_cnt > OPTICFLOW_MAX_TRACK_CORNERS * 2 && opticflow->fast9_threshold < FAST9_HIGH_THRESHOLD) {

  image_show_points(img, opticflow->fast9_ret_corners, result->corner_cnt);

  // Check if we found some corners to track
  if (result->corner_cnt < 1) {
    image_copy(&opticflow->img_gray, &opticflow->prev_img_gray);

  // *************************************************************************************
  // Corner Tracking
  // *************************************************************************************

  // Execute a Lucas Kanade optical flow
  result->tracked_cnt = result->corner_cnt;
  struct flow_t *vectors = opticFlowLK(&opticflow->img_gray, &opticflow->prev_img_gray, opticflow->fast9_ret_corners,
                                       opticflow->window_size / 2, opticflow->subpixel_factor, opticflow->max_iterations,
                                       opticflow->threshold_vec, opticflow->max_track_corners, opticflow->pyramid_level);

  printf("show: n tracked = %d\n", result->tracked_cnt);
  image_show_flow(img, vectors, result->tracked_cnt, opticflow->subpixel_factor);

  // Estimate size divergence:
  if (SIZE_DIV) {
    n_samples = 100;
    size_divergence = get_size_divergence(vectors, result->tracked_cnt, n_samples);
    result->div_size = size_divergence;
  } else {
    result->div_size = 0.0f;
  if (LINEAR_FIT) {
    // Linear flow fit (normally derotation should be performed before):
    error_threshold = 10.0f;
    n_iterations_RANSAC = 20;
    n_samples_RANSAC = 5;
    success_fit = analyze_linear_flow_field(vectors, result->tracked_cnt, error_threshold, n_iterations_RANSAC,
                                            n_samples_RANSAC, img->w, img->h, &fit_info);

    if (!success_fit) {
      fit_info.divergence = 0.0f;
      fit_info.surface_roughness = 0.0f;

    result->divergence = fit_info.divergence;
    result->surface_roughness = fit_info.surface_roughness;
  } else {
    result->divergence = 0.0f;
    result->surface_roughness = 0.0f;

  // Get the median flow
  qsort(vectors, result->tracked_cnt, sizeof(struct flow_t), cmp_flow);
  if (result->tracked_cnt == 0) {
    // We got no flow
    result->flow_x = 0;
    result->flow_y = 0;
  } else if (result->tracked_cnt > 3) {
    // Take the average of the 3 median points
    result->flow_x = vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2 - 1].flow_x;
    result->flow_y = vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2 - 1].flow_y;
    result->flow_x += vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2].flow_x;
    result->flow_y += vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2].flow_y;
    result->flow_x += vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2 + 1].flow_x;
    result->flow_y += vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2 + 1].flow_y;
    result->flow_x /= 3;
    result->flow_y /= 3;
  } else {
    // Take the median point
    result->flow_x = vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2].flow_x;
    result->flow_y = vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2].flow_y;

  // Flow Derotation
  float diff_flow_x = 0;
  float diff_flow_y = 0;

  /*// Flow Derotation TODO:
  float diff_flow_x = (state->phi - opticflow->prev_phi) * img->w / OPTICFLOW_FOV_W;
  float diff_flow_y = (state->theta - opticflow->prev_theta) * img->h / OPTICFLOW_FOV_H;*/

  if (opticflow->derotation && result->tracked_cnt > 5) {
    diff_flow_x = (state->rates.p)  / result->fps * img->w /
                  OPTICFLOW_FOV_W;// * img->w / OPTICFLOW_FOV_W;
    diff_flow_y = (state->rates.q) / result->fps * img->h /
                  OPTICFLOW_FOV_H;// * img->h / OPTICFLOW_FOV_H;

  result->flow_der_x = result->flow_x - diff_flow_x * opticflow->subpixel_factor *
  result->flow_der_y = result->flow_y - diff_flow_y * opticflow->subpixel_factor *
  opticflow->prev_rates = state->rates;

  // Velocity calculation
  // Right now this formula is under assumption that the flow only exist in the center axis of the camera.
  // TODO Calculate the velocity more sophisticated, taking into account the drone's angle and the slope of the ground plane.
  float vel_x = result->flow_der_x * result->fps * state->agl / opticflow->subpixel_factor  / OPTICFLOW_FX;
  float vel_y = result->flow_der_y * result->fps * state->agl / opticflow->subpixel_factor  / OPTICFLOW_FY;

  //Apply a  median filter to the velocity if wanted
  if (opticflow->median_filter == true) {
    result->vel_x = (float)update_median_filter(&vel_x_filt, (int32_t)(vel_x * 1000)) / 1000;
    result->vel_y = (float)update_median_filter(&vel_y_filt, (int32_t)(vel_y * 1000)) / 1000;
  } else {
    result->vel_x = vel_x;
    result->vel_y = vel_y;
  // Velocity calculation: uncomment if focal length of the camera is not known or incorrect.
  //  result->vel_x =  - result->flow_der_x * result->fps * state->agl / opticflow->subpixel_factor * OPTICFLOW_FOV_W / img->w
  //  result->vel_y =  result->flow_der_y * result->fps * state->agl / opticflow->subpixel_factor * OPTICFLOW_FOV_H / img->h

  // Determine quality of noise measurement for state filter
  //TODO develop a noise model based on groundtruth

  float noise_measurement_temp = (1 - ((float)result->tracked_cnt / ((float)opticflow->max_track_corners * 1.25)));
  result->noise_measurement = noise_measurement_temp;

  // *************************************************************************************
  // Next Loop Preparation
  // *************************************************************************************
  image_switch(&opticflow->img_gray, &opticflow->prev_img_gray);
 * Run the optical flow with fast9 and lukaskanade on a new image frame
 * @param[in] *opticflow The opticalflow structure that keeps track of previous images
 * @param[in] *state The state of the drone
 * @param[in] *img The image frame to calculate the optical flow from
 * @param[out] *result The optical flow result
void calc_fast9_lukas_kanade(struct opticflow_t *opticflow, struct opticflow_state_t *state, struct image_t *img,
                             struct opticflow_result_t *result)
    // variables for size_divergence:
    float size_divergence;
    int n_samples;

    // variables for linear flow fit:
    float error_threshold;
    int n_iterations_RANSAC, n_samples_RANSAC, success_fit;
    struct linear_flow_fit_info fit_info;

    // Update FPS for information
    result->fps = 1 / (timeval_diff(&opticflow->prev_timestamp, &img->ts) / 1000.);
    memcpy(&opticflow->prev_timestamp, &img->ts, sizeof(struct timeval));

    // Convert image to grayscale
    image_to_grayscale(img, &opticflow->img_gray);

    // Copy to previous image if not set
    if (!opticflow->got_first_img) {
        image_copy(&opticflow->img_gray, &opticflow->prev_img_gray);
        opticflow->got_first_img = true;

    // *************************************************************************************
    // Corner detection
    // *************************************************************************************

    // FAST corner detection (TODO: non fixed threshold)
    struct point_t *corners = fast9_detect(img, opticflow->fast9_threshold, opticflow->fast9_min_distance,
                                           0, 0, &result->corner_cnt);

    // Adaptive threshold
    if (opticflow->fast9_adaptive) {

        // Decrease and increase the threshold based on previous values
        if (result->corner_cnt < 40 && opticflow->fast9_threshold > 5) {
        } else if (result->corner_cnt > 50 && opticflow->fast9_threshold < 60) {

    image_show_points(img, corners, result->corner_cnt);

    // Check if we found some corners to track
    if (result->corner_cnt < 1) {
        image_copy(&opticflow->img_gray, &opticflow->prev_img_gray);

    // *************************************************************************************
    // Corner Tracking
    // *************************************************************************************

    // Execute a Lucas Kanade optical flow
    result->tracked_cnt = result->corner_cnt;
    struct flow_t *vectors = opticFlowLK(&opticflow->img_gray, &opticflow->prev_img_gray, corners, &result->tracked_cnt,
                                         opticflow->window_size / 2, opticflow->subpixel_factor, opticflow->max_iterations,
                                         opticflow->threshold_vec, opticflow->max_track_corners, opticflow->pyramid_level);

    image_show_flow(img, vectors, result->tracked_cnt, opticflow->subpixel_factor);

    // Estimate size divergence:
    if (SIZE_DIV) {
        n_samples = 100;
        size_divergence = get_size_divergence(vectors, result->tracked_cnt, n_samples);
        result->div_size = size_divergence;
    } else {
        result->div_size = 0.0f;
    if (LINEAR_FIT) {
        // Linear flow fit (normally derotation should be performed before):
        error_threshold = 10.0f;
        n_iterations_RANSAC = 20;
        n_samples_RANSAC = 5;
        success_fit = analyze_linear_flow_field(vectors, result->tracked_cnt, error_threshold, n_iterations_RANSAC,
                                                n_samples_RANSAC, img->w, img->h, &fit_info);

        if (!success_fit) {
            fit_info.divergence = 0.0f;
            fit_info.surface_roughness = 0.0f;

        result->divergence = fit_info.divergence;
        result->surface_roughness = fit_info.surface_roughness;
    } else {
        result->divergence = 0.0f;
        result->surface_roughness = 0.0f;

    // Get the median flow
    qsort(vectors, result->tracked_cnt, sizeof(struct flow_t), cmp_flow);
    if (result->tracked_cnt == 0) {
        // We got no flow
        result->flow_x = 0;
        result->flow_y = 0;
    } else if (result->tracked_cnt > 3) {
        // Take the average of the 3 median points
        result->flow_x = vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2 - 1].flow_x;
        result->flow_y = vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2 - 1].flow_y;
        result->flow_x += vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2].flow_x;
        result->flow_y += vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2].flow_y;
        result->flow_x += vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2 + 1].flow_x;
        result->flow_y += vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2 + 1].flow_y;
        result->flow_x /= 3;
        result->flow_y /= 3;
    } else {
        // Take the median point
        result->flow_x = vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2].flow_x;
        result->flow_y = vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2].flow_y;

    // Flow Derotation
    float diff_flow_x = 0;
    float diff_flow_y = 0;

    /*// Flow Derotation TODO:
    float diff_flow_x = (state->phi - opticflow->prev_phi) * img->w / OPTICFLOW_FOV_W;
    float diff_flow_y = (state->theta - opticflow->prev_theta) * img->h / OPTICFLOW_FOV_H;*/

    if (opticflow->derotation) {
        diff_flow_x = (state->phi - opticflow->prev_phi) * img->w / OPTICFLOW_FOV_W;
        diff_flow_y = (state->theta - opticflow->prev_theta) * img->h / OPTICFLOW_FOV_H;

    result->flow_der_x = result->flow_x - diff_flow_x * opticflow->subpixel_factor;
    result->flow_der_y = result->flow_y - diff_flow_y * opticflow->subpixel_factor;
    opticflow->prev_phi = state->phi;
    opticflow->prev_theta = state->theta;

    // Velocity calculation
    // Right now this formula is under assumption that the flow only exist in the center axis of the camera.
    // TODO Calculate the velocity more sophisticated, taking into account the drone's angle and the slope of the ground plane.
    float vel_x = result->flow_der_x * result->fps * state->agl / opticflow->subpixel_factor  / OPTICFLOW_FX;
    float vel_y = result->flow_der_y * result->fps * state->agl / opticflow->subpixel_factor  / OPTICFLOW_FY;
    result->vel_x = vel_x;
    result->vel_y = vel_y;

    // Velocity calculation: uncomment if focal length of the camera is not known or incorrect.
    //  result->vel_x =  - result->flow_der_x * result->fps * state->agl / opticflow->subpixel_factor * OPTICFLOW_FOV_W / img->w
    //  result->vel_y =  result->flow_der_y * result->fps * state->agl / opticflow->subpixel_factor * OPTICFLOW_FOV_H / img->h

    // Rotate velocities from camera frame coordinates to body coordinates.
    // IMPORTANT for control! This the case on the ARDrone and bebop, but on other systems this might be different!
    result->vel_body_x = vel_y;
    result->vel_body_y = - vel_x;

    // Determine quality of noise measurement for state filter
    //TODO Experiment with multiple noise measurement models
    if (result->tracked_cnt < 10) {
        result->noise_measurement = (float)result->tracked_cnt / (float)opticflow->max_track_corners;
    } else {
        result->noise_measurement = 1.0;

    // *************************************************************************************
    // Next Loop Preparation
    // *************************************************************************************
    image_switch(&opticflow->img_gray, &opticflow->prev_img_gray);
Example #3
 * Run the optical flow on a new image frame
 * @param[in] *opticflow The opticalflow structure that keeps track of previous images
 * @param[in] *state The state of the drone
 * @param[in] *img The image frame to calculate the optical flow from
 * @param[out] *result The optical flow result
void opticflow_calc_frame(struct opticflow_t *opticflow, struct opticflow_state_t *state, struct image_t *img, struct opticflow_result_t *result)
  // variables for size_divergence:
  float size_divergence; int n_samples;

  // variables for linear flow fit:
  float error_threshold; int n_iterations_RANSAC, n_samples_RANSAC, success_fit; struct linear_flow_fit_info fit_info;

  // Update FPS for information
  result->fps = 1 / (timeval_diff(&opticflow->prev_timestamp, &img->ts) / 1000.);
  memcpy(&opticflow->prev_timestamp, &img->ts, sizeof(struct timeval));

  // Convert image to grayscale
  image_to_grayscale(img, &opticflow->img_gray);

  // Copy to previous image if not set
  if (!opticflow->got_first_img) {
    image_copy(&opticflow->img_gray, &opticflow->prev_img_gray);
    opticflow->got_first_img = TRUE;

  // *************************************************************************************
  // Corner detection
  // *************************************************************************************

  // FAST corner detection (TODO: non fixed threshold)
  struct point_t *corners = fast9_detect(img, opticflow->fast9_threshold, opticflow->fast9_min_distance,
                                         20, 20, &result->corner_cnt);

  // Adaptive threshold
  if (opticflow->fast9_adaptive) {

    // Decrease and increase the threshold based on previous values
    if (result->corner_cnt < 40 && opticflow->fast9_threshold > 5) {
    } else if (result->corner_cnt > 50 && opticflow->fast9_threshold < 60) {

  image_show_points(img, corners, result->corner_cnt);

  // Check if we found some corners to track
  if (result->corner_cnt < 1) {
    image_copy(&opticflow->img_gray, &opticflow->prev_img_gray);

  // *************************************************************************************
  // Corner Tracking
  // *************************************************************************************

  // Execute a Lucas Kanade optical flow
  result->tracked_cnt = result->corner_cnt;
  struct flow_t *vectors = opticFlowLK(&opticflow->img_gray, &opticflow->prev_img_gray, corners, &result->tracked_cnt,
                                       opticflow->window_size / 2, opticflow->subpixel_factor, opticflow->max_iterations,
                                       opticflow->threshold_vec, opticflow->max_track_corners);

  image_show_flow(img, vectors, result->tracked_cnt, opticflow->subpixel_factor);

  // Estimate size divergence:
  if (SIZE_DIV) {
    n_samples = 100;
    size_divergence = get_size_divergence(vectors, result->tracked_cnt, n_samples);
    result->div_size = size_divergence;
  } else {
    result->div_size = 0.0f;
  if (LINEAR_FIT) {
    // Linear flow fit (normally derotation should be performed before):
    error_threshold = 10.0f;
    n_iterations_RANSAC = 20;
    n_samples_RANSAC = 5;
    success_fit = analyze_linear_flow_field(vectors, result->tracked_cnt, error_threshold, n_iterations_RANSAC, n_samples_RANSAC, img->w, img->h, &fit_info);

    if (!success_fit) {
      fit_info.divergence = 0.0f;
      fit_info.surface_roughness = 0.0f;

    result->divergence = fit_info.divergence;
    result->surface_roughness = fit_info.surface_roughness;
  } else {
    result->divergence = 0.0f;
    result->surface_roughness = 0.0f;

  // Get the median flow
  qsort(vectors, result->tracked_cnt, sizeof(struct flow_t), cmp_flow);
  if (result->tracked_cnt == 0) {
    // We got no flow
    result->flow_x = 0;
    result->flow_y = 0;
  } else if (result->tracked_cnt > 3) {
    // Take the average of the 3 median points
    result->flow_x = vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2 - 1].flow_x;
    result->flow_y = vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2 - 1].flow_y;
    result->flow_x += vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2].flow_x;
    result->flow_y += vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2].flow_y;
    result->flow_x += vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2 + 1].flow_x;
    result->flow_y += vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2 + 1].flow_y;
    result->flow_x /= 3;
    result->flow_y /= 3;
  } else {
    // Take the median point
    result->flow_x = vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2].flow_x;
    result->flow_y = vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2].flow_y;

  // Flow Derotation
  float diff_flow_x = (state->phi - opticflow->prev_phi) * img->w / OPTICFLOW_FOV_W;
  float diff_flow_y = (state->theta - opticflow->prev_theta) * img->h / OPTICFLOW_FOV_H;
  result->flow_der_x = result->flow_x - diff_flow_x * opticflow->subpixel_factor;
  result->flow_der_y = result->flow_y - diff_flow_y * opticflow->subpixel_factor;
  opticflow->prev_phi = state->phi;
  opticflow->prev_theta = state->theta;

  // Velocity calculation
  result->vel_x = -result->flow_der_x * result->fps * state->agl / opticflow->subpixel_factor * img->w / OPTICFLOW_FX;
  result->vel_y =  result->flow_der_y * result->fps * state->agl / opticflow->subpixel_factor * img->h / OPTICFLOW_FY;

  // *************************************************************************************
  // Next Loop Preparation
  // *************************************************************************************
  image_switch(&opticflow->img_gray, &opticflow->prev_img_gray);
 * Run the optical flow on a new image frame
 * @param[in] *opticflow The opticalflow structure that keeps track of previous images
 * @param[in] *state The state of the drone
 * @param[in] *img The image frame to calculate the optical flow from
 * @param[out] *result The optical flow result
void opticflow_calc_frame(struct opticflow_t *opticflow, struct opticflow_state_t *state, struct image_t *img, struct opticflow_result_t *result)
  // Update FPS for information
  result->fps = 1 / (timeval_diff(&opticflow->prev_timestamp, &img->ts) / 1000.);
  memcpy(&opticflow->prev_timestamp, &img->ts, sizeof(struct timeval));

  // Convert image to grayscale
  image_to_grayscale(img, &opticflow->img_gray);

  // Copy to previous image if not set
  if (!opticflow->got_first_img) {
    image_copy(&opticflow->img_gray, &opticflow->prev_img_gray);
    opticflow->got_first_img = TRUE;

  // *************************************************************************************
  // Corner detection
  // *************************************************************************************

  // FAST corner detection (TODO: non fixed threashold)
  struct point_t *corners = fast9_detect(img, opticflow->fast9_threshold, opticflow->fast9_min_distance,
                                         20, 20, &result->corner_cnt);

  // Adaptive threshold
  if (opticflow->fast9_adaptive) {

    // Decrease and increase the threshold based on previous values
    if (result->corner_cnt < 40 && opticflow->fast9_threshold > 5) {
    } else if (result->corner_cnt > 50 && opticflow->fast9_threshold < 60) {

  image_show_points(img, corners, result->corner_cnt);

  // Check if we found some corners to track
  if (result->corner_cnt < 1) {
    image_copy(&opticflow->img_gray, &opticflow->prev_img_gray);

  // *************************************************************************************
  // Corner Tracking
  // *************************************************************************************

  // Execute a Lucas Kanade optical flow
  result->tracked_cnt = result->corner_cnt;
  struct flow_t *vectors = opticFlowLK(&opticflow->img_gray, &opticflow->prev_img_gray, corners, &result->tracked_cnt,
                                       opticflow->window_size / 2, opticflow->subpixel_factor, opticflow->max_iterations,
                                       opticflow->threshold_vec, opticflow->max_track_corners);

  image_show_flow(img, vectors, result->tracked_cnt, opticflow->subpixel_factor);

  // Get the median flow
  qsort(vectors, result->tracked_cnt, sizeof(struct flow_t), cmp_flow);
  if (result->tracked_cnt == 0) {
    // We got no flow
    result->flow_x = 0;
    result->flow_y = 0;
  } else if (result->tracked_cnt > 3) {
    // Take the average of the 3 median points
    result->flow_x = vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2 - 1].flow_x;
    result->flow_y = vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2 - 1].flow_y;
    result->flow_x += vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2].flow_x;
    result->flow_y += vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2].flow_y;
    result->flow_x += vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2 + 1].flow_x;
    result->flow_y += vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2 + 1].flow_y;
    result->flow_x /= 3;
    result->flow_y /= 3;
  } else {
    // Take the median point
    result->flow_x = vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2].flow_x;
    result->flow_y = vectors[result->tracked_cnt / 2].flow_y;

  // Flow Derotation
  float diff_flow_x = (state->phi - opticflow->prev_phi) * img->w / OPTICFLOW_FOV_W;
  float diff_flow_y = (state->theta - opticflow->prev_theta) * img->h / OPTICFLOW_FOV_H;
  result->flow_der_x = result->flow_x - diff_flow_x * opticflow->subpixel_factor;
  result->flow_der_y = result->flow_y - diff_flow_y * opticflow->subpixel_factor;
  opticflow->prev_phi = state->phi;
  opticflow->prev_theta = state->theta;

  // Velocity calculation
  result->vel_x = -result->flow_der_x * result->fps / opticflow->subpixel_factor * img->w / OPTICFLOW_FX;
  result->vel_y =  result->flow_der_y * result->fps / opticflow->subpixel_factor * img->h / OPTICFLOW_FY;

  // *************************************************************************************
  // Next Loop Preparation
  // *************************************************************************************
  image_switch(&opticflow->img_gray, &opticflow->prev_img_gray);