// Function Name: IVA_CLRThreshold
// Description  : Thresholds a color image.
// Parameters   : image      -  Input image
//                min1       -  Minimum range for the first plane
//                max1       -  Maximum range for the first plane
//                min2       -  Minimum range for the second plane
//                max2       -  Maximum range for the second plane
//                min3       -  Minimum range for the third plane
//                max3       -  Maximum range for the third plane
//                colorMode  -  Color space in which to perform the threshold
// Return Value : success
static int IVA_CLRThreshold(Image* image, int min1, int max1, int min2, int max2, int min3, int max3, int colorMode)
    int success = 1;
    Image* thresholdImage;
    Range plane1Range;
    Range plane2Range;
    Range plane3Range;

    //                          Color Threshold                          //

    // Creates an 8 bit image for the thresholded image.
    VisionErrChk(thresholdImage = imaqCreateImage(IMAQ_IMAGE_U8, 7));

    // Set the threshold range for the 3 planes.
    plane1Range.minValue = min1;
    plane1Range.maxValue = max1;
    plane2Range.minValue = min2;
    plane2Range.maxValue = max2;
    plane3Range.minValue = min3;
    plane3Range.maxValue = max3;

    // Thresholds the color image.
    VisionErrChk(imaqColorThreshold(thresholdImage, image, 1, colorMode, &plane1Range, &plane2Range, &plane3Range));

    // Copies the threshold image in the souce image.
    VisionErrChk(imaqDuplicate(image, thresholdImage));


    return success;
Example #2
* @brief Copy an image object. 
* @param dest Copy of image. On failure, dest is NULL. Must have already been created using frcCreateImage().
* When you are finished with the created image, dispose of it by calling frcDispose().
* @param source Image to copy      
* @return On success: 1. On failure: 0. To get extended error information, call GetLastError().
int frcCopyImage(Image* dest, const Image* source) { return imaqDuplicate(dest, source);  }
Example #3
	void Autonomous()
		DriverStationLCD *screen = DriverStationLCD::GetInstance(); 
		while ((IsAutonomous()))
			HSLImage* imgpointer; // declares an image container as an HSL (hue-saturation-luminence) image
			imgpointer = camera.GetImage();	//tells camera to capture image
			backpack.Set(Relay::kForward); //turns ringlight on
			BinaryImage* binIMG = NULL;	// declares a container to hold a binary image
			binIMG = imgpointer -> ThresholdHSL(0, 255, 0, 255, 235, 255);	// thresholds HSL image and places in the binary image container
			delete imgpointer;	// deletes the HSL image to free up memory on the cRIO
			Image* Kirby = imaqCreateImage(IMAQ_IMAGE_U8, 0); //create 8 bit image
			Image* KirbyTwo = imaqCreateImage(IMAQ_IMAGE_U8, 0); // creates the second 8-bit image that we can use separately for counting particles. 
																 // (The first image gets eaten by the measureparticle function)
			float pLower = 175; // min height of rectangle for comparison
			float pUpper = 500;	// max height of rectangle for comparison
			int criteriaCount = 1; // number of elements to include/exclude at a time
			int rejectMatches = 1;	// when set to true, particles that do not meet the criteria are discarded
			int connectivity = 1;	// declares connectivity value as 1; so corners are not ignored
			int Polturgust3000;	// removes small blobs
			int borderSetting;	// variable to store border settings, limit for rectangle
			int cloningDevice; // we create another image because the ParticleMeasuring steals the image from particlecounter
			int borderSize = 1;  // border for the camera frame (if you don't put this, DriverStation gets mad at you)
			ParticleFilterCriteria2 particleCriteria;	
			ParticleFilterOptions2 particleFilterOptions;
			int numParticles;
			particleCriteria.parameter = IMAQ_MT_AREA; //The Morphological measurement we use
			particleCriteria.lower = pLower; // The lower bound of the criteria range
			particleCriteria.upper = pUpper; // The upper bound of the criteria range
			particleCriteria.calibrated = FALSE; // We aren't calibrating to real world measurements. We don't need this.
			particleCriteria.exclude = TRUE; // Remove all particles that aren't in specific pLower and pUpper range
			particleFilterOptions.rejectMatches = rejectMatches; // Set to 1 above, so images that do not meet the criteria are discarded
			particleFilterOptions.rejectBorder = 0; // Set to 0 over here so border images are not discarded
			particleFilterOptions.connectivity8 = connectivity; // Sets the image image to 8 bit
			Polturgust3000 = imaqParticleFilter4(Kirby, binIMG -> GetImaqImage(), &particleCriteria, criteriaCount, &particleFilterOptions, NULL, &numParticles); //The Particle Filter Function we use. (The ones before it are outdated)
			borderSetting = imaqSetBorderSize(Kirby, borderSize); // Sets a border size
			cloningDevice =  imaqDuplicate(KirbyTwo, Kirby); //Officially creating a duplicate of the first image to count the number of particles.
			delete binIMG; //Deletes the Binary image
			int ParticleCounter;	// stores number of particles
			int* countparticles; // stores the number of particles for the measure particle function

			ParticleCounter = imaqCountParticles(Kirby, TRUE, countparticles); // Counts the number of particles to be sent off later to the MeasureParticle function. Then it gets eaten by the measureparticle function
			int TinyRuler; // TRULY ARBITRARY name of the first measuring particle function (specifically for particle #1)
			int BabyYardstick; // TRULY ARBITRARY Name of the second measuring particle function (specifically for particle #2)
			double* unowidth; // TRULY ARBITRARY name of the first particle it find
			double* doswidth; // TRULY ARBITRARY name of the second particle it finds

			TinyRuler = imaqMeasureParticle(Kirby, 0, FALSE, IMAQ_MT_BOUNDING_RECT_WIDTH, unowidth); // Function of measuring rectangle width is applied to particle 1 (unowidth)
			BabyYardstick = imaqMeasureParticle(Kirby, 1, FALSE, IMAQ_MT_BOUNDING_RECT_WIDTH, doswidth); // Function of measuring width is applied to particle 2 (doswidth)

			screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line3,"W1: %f",*unowidth); // Prints the applied information to particle 1. (Rectangle width)
			screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4,"W2: %f",*doswidth);
			if (((togglebuttonOne.Get()) == 0) && ((togglebuttonTwo.Get()) == 1))
				screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,"Left Position");
				if (*unowidth > 20) // The target should be hot. Now it goes to the other goal.
					// Even this needs to be tested
					screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Left Position Hot");
					// These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal.
				else // The target isn't hot. So it starts going toward this not hot goal.
					screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Left Position Not Hot");
					// These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal.
			//both on
			else if (((togglebuttonOne.Get()) == 1) && ((togglebuttonTwo.Get()) == 1))
				screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,"Middle Position");
				if (*unowidth > 20) // The target should be hot. Now it goes to the other goal.
					screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Middle Position Hot");
					// These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal.
				else if (((togglebuttonOne.Get()) == 0) && ((togglebuttonTwo.Get()) == 0))
					screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,"Middle Position");
					if (*unowidth > 20) // The target should be hot. Now it goes to the other goal.
						screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Middle Position Hot");
						// These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal.
					else // The target isn't hot. So it starts going toward this not hot goal.
						screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Middle Position Not Hot");
						// These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal.
				//Left button on && right off
				else if (((togglebuttonOne.Get()) == 1) && ((togglebuttonTwo.Get()) == 0))
					screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Right Position");
					if (*unowidth > 20) // The target should be hot. Now it goes to the other goal.
						screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Right Position Hot");
						// These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal.
					else // The target isn't hot. So it starts going toward this not hot goal.
						screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Right Position Not Hot");
						// These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal.
			screen -> UpdateLCD();