Example #1
void ifilter_bank(fb_info *fb, uint8_t window_sequence, uint8_t window_shape,
                  uint8_t window_shape_prev, real_t *freq_in,
                  real_t *time_out, real_t *overlap,
                  uint8_t object_type, uint16_t frame_len)
    int16_t i;
    ALIGN real_t transf_buf[2*1024] = {0};

    const real_t *window_long = NULL;
    const real_t *window_long_prev = NULL;
    const real_t *window_short = NULL;
    const real_t *window_short_prev = NULL;

    uint16_t nlong = frame_len;
    uint16_t nshort = frame_len/8;
    uint16_t trans = nshort/2;

    uint16_t nflat_ls = (nlong-nshort)/2;

#ifdef PROFILE
    int64_t count = faad_get_ts();

#ifdef LD_DEC
    if (object_type == LD)
        window_long       = fb->ld_window[window_shape];
        window_long_prev  = fb->ld_window[window_shape_prev];
    } else {
        window_long       = fb->long_window[window_shape];
        window_long_prev  = fb->long_window[window_shape_prev];
        window_short      = fb->short_window[window_shape];
        window_short_prev = fb->short_window[window_shape_prev];
#ifdef LD_DEC

    switch (window_sequence)
        imdct_long(fb, freq_in, transf_buf, 2*nlong);
        for (i = 0; i < nlong; i+=4)
            time_out[i]   = overlap[i]   + MUL_F(transf_buf[i],window_long_prev[i]);
            time_out[i+1] = overlap[i+1] + MUL_F(transf_buf[i+1],window_long_prev[i+1]);
            time_out[i+2] = overlap[i+2] + MUL_F(transf_buf[i+2],window_long_prev[i+2]);
            time_out[i+3] = overlap[i+3] + MUL_F(transf_buf[i+3],window_long_prev[i+3]);
        for (i = 0; i < nlong; i+=4)
            overlap[i]   = MUL_F(transf_buf[nlong+i],window_long[nlong-1-i]);
            overlap[i+1] = MUL_F(transf_buf[nlong+i+1],window_long[nlong-2-i]);
            overlap[i+2] = MUL_F(transf_buf[nlong+i+2],window_long[nlong-3-i]);
            overlap[i+3] = MUL_F(transf_buf[nlong+i+3],window_long[nlong-4-i]);

        imdct_long(fb, freq_in, transf_buf, 2*nlong);
        for (i = 0; i < nlong; i+=4)
            time_out[i]   = overlap[i]   + MUL_F(transf_buf[i],window_long_prev[i]);
            time_out[i+1] = overlap[i+1] + MUL_F(transf_buf[i+1],window_long_prev[i+1]);
            time_out[i+2] = overlap[i+2] + MUL_F(transf_buf[i+2],window_long_prev[i+2]);
            time_out[i+3] = overlap[i+3] + MUL_F(transf_buf[i+3],window_long_prev[i+3]);
        for (i = 0; i < nflat_ls; i++)
            overlap[i] = transf_buf[nlong+i];
        for (i = 0; i < nshort; i++)
            overlap[nflat_ls+i] = MUL_F(transf_buf[nlong+nflat_ls+i],window_short[nshort-i-1]);
        for (i = 0; i < nflat_ls; i++)
            overlap[nflat_ls+nshort+i] = 0;

        faad_imdct(fb->mdct256, freq_in+0*nshort, transf_buf+2*nshort*0);
        faad_imdct(fb->mdct256, freq_in+1*nshort, transf_buf+2*nshort*1);
        faad_imdct(fb->mdct256, freq_in+2*nshort, transf_buf+2*nshort*2);
        faad_imdct(fb->mdct256, freq_in+3*nshort, transf_buf+2*nshort*3);
        faad_imdct(fb->mdct256, freq_in+4*nshort, transf_buf+2*nshort*4);
        faad_imdct(fb->mdct256, freq_in+5*nshort, transf_buf+2*nshort*5);
        faad_imdct(fb->mdct256, freq_in+6*nshort, transf_buf+2*nshort*6);
        faad_imdct(fb->mdct256, freq_in+7*nshort, transf_buf+2*nshort*7);
        for (i = 0; i < nflat_ls; i++)
            time_out[i] = overlap[i];
        for(i = 0; i < nshort; i++)
            time_out[nflat_ls+         i] = overlap[nflat_ls+         i] + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*0+i],window_short_prev[i]);
            time_out[nflat_ls+1*nshort+i] = overlap[nflat_ls+nshort*1+i] + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*1+i],window_short[nshort-1-i]) + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*2+i],window_short[i]);
            time_out[nflat_ls+2*nshort+i] = overlap[nflat_ls+nshort*2+i] + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*3+i],window_short[nshort-1-i]) + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*4+i],window_short[i]);
            time_out[nflat_ls+3*nshort+i] = overlap[nflat_ls+nshort*3+i] + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*5+i],window_short[nshort-1-i]) + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*6+i],window_short[i]);
            if (i < trans)
                time_out[nflat_ls+4*nshort+i] = overlap[nflat_ls+nshort*4+i] + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*7+i],window_short[nshort-1-i]) + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*8+i],window_short[i]);
        for(i = 0; i < nshort; i++)
            if (i >= trans)
                overlap[nflat_ls+4*nshort+i-nlong] = MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*7+i],window_short[nshort-1-i]) + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*8+i],window_short[i]);
            overlap[nflat_ls+5*nshort+i-nlong] = MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*9+i],window_short[nshort-1-i]) + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*10+i],window_short[i]);
            overlap[nflat_ls+6*nshort+i-nlong] = MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*11+i],window_short[nshort-1-i]) + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*12+i],window_short[i]);
            overlap[nflat_ls+7*nshort+i-nlong] = MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*13+i],window_short[nshort-1-i]) + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*14+i],window_short[i]);
            overlap[nflat_ls+8*nshort+i-nlong] = MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*15+i],window_short[nshort-1-i]);
        for (i = 0; i < nflat_ls; i++)
            overlap[nflat_ls+nshort+i] = 0;

        imdct_long(fb, freq_in, transf_buf, 2*nlong);
        for (i = 0; i < nflat_ls; i++)
            time_out[i] = overlap[i];
        for (i = 0; i < nshort; i++)
            time_out[nflat_ls+i] = overlap[nflat_ls+i] + MUL_F(transf_buf[nflat_ls+i],window_short_prev[i]);
        for (i = 0; i < nflat_ls; i++)
            time_out[nflat_ls+nshort+i] = overlap[nflat_ls+nshort+i] + transf_buf[nflat_ls+nshort+i];
        for (i = 0; i < nlong; i++)
            overlap[i] = MUL_F(transf_buf[nlong+i],window_long[nlong-1-i]);

#ifdef PROFILE
    count = faad_get_ts() - count;
    fb->cycles += count;
Example #2
void ifilter_bank(fb_info *fb, uint8_t window_sequence, uint8_t window_shape,
                  uint8_t window_shape_prev, real_t *freq_in,
                  real_t *time_out, real_t *overlap,
                  uint8_t object_type, uint16_t frame_len)
    int16_t i;
    ALIGN real_t transf_buf[2*1024] = {0};

    const real_t *window_long = NULL;
    const real_t *window_long_prev = NULL;
    const real_t *window_short = NULL;
    const real_t *window_short_prev = NULL;

    uint16_t nlong = frame_len;
    uint16_t nshort = frame_len/8;
    uint16_t trans = nshort/2;

    uint16_t nflat_ls = (nlong-nshort)/2;

#ifdef PROFILE
    int64_t count = faad_get_ts();

    /* select windows of current frame and previous frame (Sine or KBD) */
#ifdef LD_DEC
    if (object_type == LD)
        window_long       = fb->ld_window[window_shape];
        window_long_prev  = fb->ld_window[window_shape_prev];
    } else {
        window_long       = fb->long_window[window_shape];
        window_long_prev  = fb->long_window[window_shape_prev];
        window_short      = fb->short_window[window_shape];
        window_short_prev = fb->short_window[window_shape_prev];
#ifdef LD_DEC

#if 0
    for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
        printf("%d\n", freq_in[i]);

#if 0
    printf("%d %d\n", window_sequence, window_shape);

    switch (window_sequence)
        /* perform iMDCT */
        imdct_long(fb, freq_in, transf_buf, 2*nlong);

        /* add second half output of previous frame to windowed output of current frame */
        for (i = 0; i < nlong; i+=4)
            time_out[i]   = overlap[i]   + MUL_F(transf_buf[i],window_long_prev[i]);
            time_out[i+1] = overlap[i+1] + MUL_F(transf_buf[i+1],window_long_prev[i+1]);
            time_out[i+2] = overlap[i+2] + MUL_F(transf_buf[i+2],window_long_prev[i+2]);
            time_out[i+3] = overlap[i+3] + MUL_F(transf_buf[i+3],window_long_prev[i+3]);

        /* window the second half and save as overlap for next frame */
        for (i = 0; i < nlong; i+=4)
            overlap[i]   = MUL_F(transf_buf[nlong+i],window_long[nlong-1-i]);
            overlap[i+1] = MUL_F(transf_buf[nlong+i+1],window_long[nlong-2-i]);
            overlap[i+2] = MUL_F(transf_buf[nlong+i+2],window_long[nlong-3-i]);
            overlap[i+3] = MUL_F(transf_buf[nlong+i+3],window_long[nlong-4-i]);

        /* perform iMDCT */
        imdct_long(fb, freq_in, transf_buf, 2*nlong);

        /* add second half output of previous frame to windowed output of current frame */
        for (i = 0; i < nlong; i+=4)
            time_out[i]   = overlap[i]   + MUL_F(transf_buf[i],window_long_prev[i]);
            time_out[i+1] = overlap[i+1] + MUL_F(transf_buf[i+1],window_long_prev[i+1]);
            time_out[i+2] = overlap[i+2] + MUL_F(transf_buf[i+2],window_long_prev[i+2]);
            time_out[i+3] = overlap[i+3] + MUL_F(transf_buf[i+3],window_long_prev[i+3]);

        /* window the second half and save as overlap for next frame */
        /* construct second half window using padding with 1's and 0's */
        for (i = 0; i < nflat_ls; i++)
            overlap[i] = transf_buf[nlong+i];
        for (i = 0; i < nshort; i++)
            overlap[nflat_ls+i] = MUL_F(transf_buf[nlong+nflat_ls+i],window_short[nshort-i-1]);
        for (i = 0; i < nflat_ls; i++)
            overlap[nflat_ls+nshort+i] = 0;

        /* perform iMDCT for each short block */
        faad_imdct(fb->mdct256, freq_in+0*nshort, transf_buf+2*nshort*0);
        faad_imdct(fb->mdct256, freq_in+1*nshort, transf_buf+2*nshort*1);
        faad_imdct(fb->mdct256, freq_in+2*nshort, transf_buf+2*nshort*2);
        faad_imdct(fb->mdct256, freq_in+3*nshort, transf_buf+2*nshort*3);
        faad_imdct(fb->mdct256, freq_in+4*nshort, transf_buf+2*nshort*4);
        faad_imdct(fb->mdct256, freq_in+5*nshort, transf_buf+2*nshort*5);
        faad_imdct(fb->mdct256, freq_in+6*nshort, transf_buf+2*nshort*6);
        faad_imdct(fb->mdct256, freq_in+7*nshort, transf_buf+2*nshort*7);

        /* add second half output of previous frame to windowed output of current frame */
        for (i = 0; i < nflat_ls; i++)
            time_out[i] = overlap[i];
        for(i = 0; i < nshort; i++)
            time_out[nflat_ls+         i] = overlap[nflat_ls+         i] + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*0+i],window_short_prev[i]);
            time_out[nflat_ls+1*nshort+i] = overlap[nflat_ls+nshort*1+i] + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*1+i],window_short[nshort-1-i]) + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*2+i],window_short[i]);
            time_out[nflat_ls+2*nshort+i] = overlap[nflat_ls+nshort*2+i] + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*3+i],window_short[nshort-1-i]) + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*4+i],window_short[i]);
            time_out[nflat_ls+3*nshort+i] = overlap[nflat_ls+nshort*3+i] + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*5+i],window_short[nshort-1-i]) + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*6+i],window_short[i]);
            if (i < trans)
                time_out[nflat_ls+4*nshort+i] = overlap[nflat_ls+nshort*4+i] + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*7+i],window_short[nshort-1-i]) + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*8+i],window_short[i]);

        /* window the second half and save as overlap for next frame */
        for(i = 0; i < nshort; i++)
            if (i >= trans)
                overlap[nflat_ls+4*nshort+i-nlong] = MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*7+i],window_short[nshort-1-i]) + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*8+i],window_short[i]);
            overlap[nflat_ls+5*nshort+i-nlong] = MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*9+i],window_short[nshort-1-i]) + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*10+i],window_short[i]);
            overlap[nflat_ls+6*nshort+i-nlong] = MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*11+i],window_short[nshort-1-i]) + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*12+i],window_short[i]);
            overlap[nflat_ls+7*nshort+i-nlong] = MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*13+i],window_short[nshort-1-i]) + MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*14+i],window_short[i]);
            overlap[nflat_ls+8*nshort+i-nlong] = MUL_F(transf_buf[nshort*15+i],window_short[nshort-1-i]);
        for (i = 0; i < nflat_ls; i++)
            overlap[nflat_ls+nshort+i] = 0;

        /* perform iMDCT */
        imdct_long(fb, freq_in, transf_buf, 2*nlong);

        /* add second half output of previous frame to windowed output of current frame */
        /* construct first half window using padding with 1's and 0's */
        for (i = 0; i < nflat_ls; i++)
            time_out[i] = overlap[i];
        for (i = 0; i < nshort; i++)
            time_out[nflat_ls+i] = overlap[nflat_ls+i] + MUL_F(transf_buf[nflat_ls+i],window_short_prev[i]);
        for (i = 0; i < nflat_ls; i++)
            time_out[nflat_ls+nshort+i] = overlap[nflat_ls+nshort+i] + transf_buf[nflat_ls+nshort+i];

        /* window the second half and save as overlap for next frame */
        for (i = 0; i < nlong; i++)
            overlap[i] = MUL_F(transf_buf[nlong+i],window_long[nlong-1-i]);

#if 0
    for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
        printf("%d\n", time_out[i]);
        //printf("0x%.8X\n", time_out[i]);

#ifdef PROFILE
    count = faad_get_ts() - count;
    fb->cycles += count;