Example #1
void blur_edge(cv::Mat img, cv::Mat blurred, int d){
	int height = img.rows;
	int width = img.cols;
	cv::Mat img_pad(height + 2 * d, width + 2 * d, CV_32FC1);
	cv::Mat img_blur(height + 2 * d, width + 2 * d, CV_32FC1);
	cv::copyMakeBorder(img, img_pad, d, d, d, d, cv::BORDER_WRAP);
	cv::GaussianBlur(img_pad, img_blur, cvSize(2 * d + 1, 2 * d + 1), -1);
	img_blur = img_blur(cv::Range(d, height + d), cv::Range(d, width + d));
	cv::Mat blur_mat(height, width, CV_32FC1);
	cv::Mat inv_blur_mat(height, width, CV_32FC1);
	int arr[4];
	float tmp;
	for (int i = 0; i < blurred.rows; i++){
		for (int j = 0; j < blurred.cols; j++){
			arr[0] = i; arr[1] = height - 1 - i; arr[2] = j; arr[3] = width - 1 - j;
			tmp = (float)(Min(arr, 4)) / d;
			tmp = (tmp < 1.0) ? tmp : (float)(1.0);
			blur_mat.at<float>(i, j) = tmp;
			inv_blur_mat.at<float>(i, j) = (float)(1.0) - tmp;
		cv::multiply(img, blur_mat, blurred);
		cv::multiply(img_blur, inv_blur_mat, blur_mat);
		cv::add(blurred, blur_mat, blurred);
	catch (cv::Exception const& e) {
		std::cerr << "OpenCV exception at blur_edge: " << e.what() << std::endl;
Example #2
 * Initialize all structures.
 * @param tld learning structures
void tldInit(TldStruct& tld) {

	// initialize lucas kanade

	// get initial bounding box
	Eigen::Vector4d bb;
	bb = tld.cfg->init;

	Eigen::Vector2i imsize;
	imsize(0) = tld.imgsize.m;
	imsize(1) = tld.imgsize.n;
	bb_scan(tld, bb, imsize, tld.model->min_win);

	// Features
	tldGenerateFeatures(tld, tld.model->num_trees, tld.model->num_features);

	// Initialize Detector

	ImgType im0;


	im0.input = img_get();

	im0.blur = cvCloneImage(im0.input);
	im0.blur = img_blur(im0.blur);

	// allocate structures
	fern1(im0.input, tld.grid, tld.features, tld.scales);

	// Temporal structures
	Tmp temporal;
	temporal.conf = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(tld.nGrid);
	temporal.patt = Eigen::Matrix<double, 10, Eigen::Dynamic>::Zero(tld.model->num_trees, tld.nGrid);
	tld.tmp = temporal;

	// RESULTS =================================================================

	// Initialize Trajectory

	tld.prevBB = Eigen::Vector4d::Constant(
	tld.currentImg = im0;
	tld.currentBB = bb;
	tld.conf = 1;
	tld.currentValid = 1;
	tld.size = 1;

	// TRAIN DETECTOR ==========================================================

	// Initialize structures
	tld.imgsize.m = DIMY;
	tld.imgsize.n = DIMX;

	Eigen::RowVectorXd overlap = bb_overlap(tld.currentBB, tld.nGrid, tld.grid.topRows(4));

	tld.target = img_patch(tld.currentImg.input, tld.currentBB);

	// Generate Positive Examples
	Eigen::Matrix<double, NTREES, Eigen::Dynamic> pX; // pX: 10 rows
	Eigen::Matrix<double, (PATCHSIZE * PATCHSIZE), Eigen::Dynamic> pEx;
	tld.currentBB = tldGeneratePositiveData(tld, overlap, tld.currentImg,
			tld.p_par_init, pX, pEx);

	Eigen::MatrixXd pY = Eigen::MatrixXd::Ones(1, pX.cols());
	// Generate Negative Examples
	Eigen::Matrix<double, NTREES, Eigen::Dynamic> nX; // nX: 10 rows
	Eigen::Matrix<double, (PATCHSIZE * PATCHSIZE), Eigen::Dynamic> nEx;
	tldGenerateNegativeData(tld, overlap, tld.currentImg, nX, nEx);

	// Split Negative Data to Training set and Validation set
	Eigen::Matrix<double, NTREES, Eigen::Dynamic> spnX;
	Eigen::Matrix<double, (PATCHSIZE * PATCHSIZE), Eigen::Dynamic> spnEx;
	tldSplitNegativeData(nX, nEx, spnX, spnEx);

	Eigen::MatrixXd nY1 = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(1, spnX.cols() / 2);

	Eigen::MatrixXd xCombined(pX.rows(), pX.cols() + spnX.cols() / 2);
	xCombined << pX, spnX.leftCols(spnX.cols() / 2);
	Eigen::MatrixXd yCombined(pY.rows(), pY.cols() + nY1.cols());
	yCombined << pY, nY1;
	Eigen::RowVectorXd idx(xCombined.cols());
	for (int i = 0; i < xCombined.cols(); i++)
		idx(i) = i;

	idx = permutate_cols(idx);

	Eigen::MatrixXd permX(xCombined.rows(), xCombined.cols());
	Eigen::VectorXd permY(yCombined.cols());
	for (int i = 0; i < idx.cols(); i++) {
		permX.col(i) = xCombined.col(idx(i));
		permY(i) = yCombined(0, idx(i));

	// Train using training set ------------------------------------------------

	// Fern
	unsigned char bootstrap = 2;
	Eigen::VectorXd dummy(1);
	dummy(0) = -1;
	fern2(permX, permY, tld.model->thr_fern, bootstrap, dummy);

	// Nearest Neighbour
	tld.npex = 0;
	tld.nnex = 0;

	tldTrainNN(pEx, spnEx.leftCols(spnEx.cols() / 2), tld);
	tld.model->num_init = tld.npex;

	// Estimate thresholds on validation set  ----------------------------------

	// Fern
	unsigned int ferninsize = spnX.cols() / 2;
	Eigen::RowVectorXd conf_fern(ferninsize);
	Eigen::Matrix<double, 10, Eigen::Dynamic> fernin(10, ferninsize);
	fernin.leftCols(ferninsize) = spnX.rightCols(ferninsize);
	conf_fern = fern3(fernin, ferninsize);
	tld.model->thr_fern = std::max(conf_fern.maxCoeff() / tld.model->num_trees,

	// Nearest neighbor
	Eigen::MatrixXd conf_nn(3, 3);
	conf_nn = tldNN(spnEx.rightCols(spnEx.cols() / 2), tld);

	tld.model->thr_nn = std::max(tld.model->thr_nn, conf_nn.block(0, 0, 1,
			conf_nn.cols() / 3).maxCoeff());
	tld.model->thr_nn_valid = std::max(tld.model->thr_nn_valid,