Example #1
  generate some small images and render them on the backgroun.
static void GenSmallImage( int img_count, Gdiplus::Graphics *g, const Gdiplus::RectF &render_rect, int sel )
#define RAND_ALPHA ( 100 + random( 55 ) )

    if( img_count < 1 )

    CFileListManager &file_manager = GetInst( CFileListManager );
    // render without alpha value
    Gdiplus::Image *img = CreateImgFromBuffer( file_manager.GetRandSmall() );
    Gdiplus::PointF render_pos = GetRandPosInULRect( img->GetWidth(), img->GetHeight(), render_rect );
    Gdiplus::RectF img_rect( render_pos.X, render_pos.Y, (float)img->GetWidth(), (float)img->GetHeight() );
    img_alpha( g, img, render_pos.X, render_pos.Y, img_count == 1 ? 255 : RAND_ALPHA );
    delete img;

    // render with random alpha value and random rotation degree
    g->SetClip( img_rect );
    for( int i = 1; i < img_count; ++ i )
        img = CreateImgFromBuffer( file_manager.GetRandSmall() );
        img_rotate( g, img, render_pos.X, render_pos.Y, img->GetWidth() / 2, img->GetHeight() / 2,
                    random( 360 ), // [0-360)
                    RAND_ALPHA ); // [100-155)
        delete img;

    // blend a 'X' sign onto the picture if it's not the answer
    if( img_count > 1 )
        //BlendXSign( g, img_rect );

    // blend 'A''B''C''D' sign.
    BlendSelSign( g, img_rect, sel );
Example #2
void img_rotate_right(img_t *img) {
	img_rotate(img, 1);
Example #3
void img_rotate_left(img_t *img) {
	img_rotate(img, 3);