Example #1
void os9_get_info(const imgtool_class *imgclass, UINT32 state, union imgtoolinfo *info)
		/* --- the following bits of info are returned as 64-bit signed integers --- */
		case IMGTOOLINFO_INT_INITIAL_PATH_SEPARATOR:        info->i = 1; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_INT_OPEN_IS_STRICT:                info->i = 1; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_INT_IMAGE_EXTRA_BYTES:             info->i = sizeof(os9_diskinfo); break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_INT_DIRECTORY_EXTRA_BYTES:             info->i = sizeof(struct os9_direnum); break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_INT_PATH_SEPARATOR:                info->i = '/'; break;

		/* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
		case IMGTOOLINFO_STR_NAME:                          strcpy(info->s = imgtool_temp_str(), "os9"); break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_STR_DESCRIPTION:                   strcpy(info->s = imgtool_temp_str(), "OS-9 format"); break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_STR_FILE:                          strcpy(info->s = imgtool_temp_str(), __FILE__); break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_STR_EOLN:                          strcpy(info->s = imgtool_temp_str(), "\r"); break;

		/* --- the following bits of info are returned as pointers to data or functions --- */
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_MAKE_CLASS:                    info->make_class = imgtool_floppy_make_class; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_FLOPPY_CREATE:                 info->create = os9_diskimage_create; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_FLOPPY_OPEN:                   info->open = os9_diskimage_open; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_BEGIN_ENUM:                    info->begin_enum = os9_diskimage_beginenum; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_NEXT_ENUM:                     info->next_enum = os9_diskimage_nextenum; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_FREE_SPACE:                    info->free_space = os9_diskimage_freespace; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_READ_FILE:                     info->read_file = os9_diskimage_readfile; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_WRITE_FILE:                    info->write_file = os9_diskimage_writefile; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_DELETE_FILE:                   info->delete_file = os9_diskimage_deletefile; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_CREATE_DIR:                    info->create_dir = os9_diskimage_createdir; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_DELETE_DIR:                    info->delete_dir = os9_diskimage_deletedir; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_FLOPPY_FORMAT:                 info->p = (void *) floppyoptions_coco; break;
Example #2

void rsdos_get_info(const imgtool_class *imgclass, uint32_t state, union imgtoolinfo *info)
		/* --- the following bits of info are returned as 64-bit signed integers --- */
		case IMGTOOLINFO_INT_PREFER_UCASE:                  info->i = 1; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_INT_DIRECTORY_EXTRA_BYTES:             info->i = sizeof(struct rsdos_direnum); break;

		/* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
		case IMGTOOLINFO_STR_NAME:                          strcpy(info->s = imgtool_temp_str(), "rsdos"); break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_STR_DESCRIPTION:                   strcpy(info->s = imgtool_temp_str(), "RS-DOS format"); break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_STR_FILE:                          strcpy(info->s = imgtool_temp_str(), __FILE__); break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_STR_EOLN:                          strcpy(info->s = imgtool_temp_str(), "\r"); break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_STR_WRITEFILE_OPTSPEC:             strcpy(info->s = imgtool_temp_str(), "T0-[2]-3;M0-[1]"); break;

		/* --- the following bits of info are returned as pointers to data or functions --- */
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_MAKE_CLASS:                    info->make_class = imgtool_floppy_make_class; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_NEXT_ENUM:                     info->next_enum = rsdos_diskimage_nextenum; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_FREE_SPACE:                    info->free_space = rsdos_diskimage_freespace; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_READ_FILE:                     info->read_file = rsdos_diskimage_readfile; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_WRITE_FILE:                    info->write_file = rsdos_diskimage_writefile; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_DELETE_FILE:                   info->delete_file = rsdos_diskimage_deletefile; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_SUGGEST_TRANSFER:              info->suggest_transfer = rsdos_diskimage_suggesttransfer; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_WRITEFILE_OPTGUIDE:            info->writefile_optguide = &coco_rsdos_writefile_optionguide; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_FLOPPY_FORMAT:                 info->p = (void *) floppyoptions_coco; break;
Example #3

T   Basic Editor File
B   Binary File
D   Sequential Access Program Data File
F   Quickwrite Document
A   Russell Harrison's Edit Ass. File
S   Dave Mitchell/Mark Hardwood Edit Ass. File  Start Addr A280H
S   Quickwrite/Diskops System File/Label        Except Above
W   Edit Ass. with Diskops File Start           Addr A813H
W   E & F Word Pro with Patch 3.3 File          End Addr D000H
W   Russell Harrison Word Pro File              Except above two

void vzdos_get_info(const imgtool_class *imgclass, UINT32 state, union imgtoolinfo *info)
		/* --- the following bits of info are returned as 64-bit signed integers --- */
		case IMGTOOLINFO_INT_PREFER_UCASE:					info->i = 1; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_INT_DIRECTORY_EXTRA_BYTES:				info->i = sizeof(vz_iterator); break;

		/* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
		case IMGTOOLINFO_STR_NAME:							strcpy(info->s = imgtool_temp_str(), "vzdos"); break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_STR_DESCRIPTION:					strcpy(info->s = imgtool_temp_str(), "VZ-DOS format"); break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_STR_FILE:							strcpy(info->s = imgtool_temp_str(), __FILE__); break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_STR_WRITEFILE_OPTSPEC:				strcpy(info->s = imgtool_temp_str(), "T[0]-2;F[0]-1"); break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_STR_EOLN:							info->s = NULL; break;

		/* --- the following bits of info are returned as pointers to data or functions --- */
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_MAKE_CLASS:					info->make_class = imgtool_floppy_make_class; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_OPEN:							info->open = NULL; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_BEGIN_ENUM:					info->begin_enum = vzdos_diskimage_beginenum; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_NEXT_ENUM:						info->next_enum = vzdos_diskimage_nextenum; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_FREE_SPACE:					info->free_space = vzdos_diskimage_freespace; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_READ_FILE:						info->read_file = vzdos_diskimage_readfile; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_WRITE_FILE:					info->write_file = vzdos_diskimage_writefile; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_DELETE_FILE:					info->delete_file = vzdos_diskimage_deletefile; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_FLOPPY_CREATE:					info->create = vzdos_diskimage_create; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_WRITEFILE_OPTGUIDE:			info->writefile_optguide = vzdos_writefile_optionguide; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_SUGGEST_TRANSFER:				info->suggest_transfer = vzdos_diskimage_suggesttransfer; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_FLOPPY_FORMAT:					info->p = (void *) floppyoptions_vz; break;
Example #4

#define mess_hd_create_optionspecs "B[1]-2048;C1-[32]-65536;D1-[8]-64;E1-[128]-4096;F128/256/[512]/1024/2048/4096/8192/16384/32768/65536"

void hd_get_info(const imgtool_class *imgclass, UINT32 state, union imgtoolinfo *info)
		case IMGTOOLINFO_STR_NAME:                          strcpy(info->s = imgtool_temp_str(), "mess_hd"); break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_STR_DESCRIPTION:                   strcpy(info->s = imgtool_temp_str(), "MESS hard disk image"); break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_STR_FILE_EXTENSIONS:               strcpy(info->s = imgtool_temp_str(), "hd"); break;

		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_CREATE:                        info->create = mess_hd_image_create; break;

		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_CREATEIMAGE_OPTGUIDE:          info->createimage_optguide = &mess_hd_create_optionguide; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_STR_CREATEIMAGE_OPTSPEC:           strcpy(info->s = imgtool_temp_str(), mess_hd_create_optionspecs); break;
Example #5
static void imgtool_floppy_get_info(const imgtool_class *imgclass, UINT32 state, union imgtoolinfo *info)
	const struct FloppyFormat *format;
	imgtool_class derived_class;

	format = (const struct FloppyFormat *) imgclass->derived_param;
	memset(&derived_class, 0, sizeof(derived_class));
	derived_class.get_info = imgclass->derived_get_info;

		/* --- the following bits of info are returned as 64-bit signed integers --- */
			info->i = sizeof(struct imgtool_floppy_image) +
				imgtool_get_info_int(&derived_class, IMGTOOLINFO_INT_IMAGE_EXTRA_BYTES);

		/* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
			sprintf(info->s = imgtool_temp_str(), "%s_%s", format->name,
				imgtool_get_info_string(&derived_class, IMGTOOLINFO_STR_NAME));
			sprintf(info->s = imgtool_temp_str(), "%s (%s)", format->description,
				imgtool_get_info_string(&derived_class, IMGTOOLINFO_STR_DESCRIPTION));
		case IMGTOOLINFO_STR_FILE_EXTENSIONS:		strcpy(info->s = imgtool_temp_str(), format->extensions); break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_STR_CREATEIMAGE_OPTSPEC:	info->p = (void*)format->param_guidelines; break;

		/* --- the following bits of info are returned as pointers to data or functions --- */
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_OPEN:					info->open = imgtool_floppy_open; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_CREATE:				info->create = imgtool_floppy_create; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_CLOSE:					info->close = imgtool_floppy_close; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_CREATEIMAGE_OPTGUIDE:	info->createimage_optguide = format->param_guidelines ? floppy_option_guide : NULL; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_GET_SECTOR_SIZE:		info->get_sector_size = imgtool_floppy_get_sector_size; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_READ_SECTOR:			info->read_sector = imgtool_floppy_read_sector; break;
		case IMGTOOLINFO_PTR_WRITE_SECTOR:			info->write_sector = imgtool_floppy_write_sector; break;

		default:	imgclass->derived_get_info(imgclass, state, info); break;