int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/) { // Init SDL if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) != 0) { printf("Could not initialise SDL\n"); return -1; } // Center window char env[] = "SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED=1"; putenv(env); // Init OpenGL SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 24); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 8); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 8); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 8); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE, 8); //#ifndef WIN32 SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS, 1); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES, 4); //#endif const SDL_VideoInfo* vi = SDL_GetVideoInfo(); bool presentationMode = false; int width, height; SDL_Surface* screen = 0; if (presentationMode) { width = vi->current_w; height = vi->current_h; screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, 0, SDL_OPENGL|SDL_FULLSCREEN); } else { width = rcMin(vi->current_w, (int)(vi->current_h * 16.0 / 9.0)); width = width - 80; height = vi->current_h - 80; screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, 0, SDL_OPENGL); } if (!screen) { printf("Could not initialise SDL opengl\n"); return -1; } glEnable(GL_MULTISAMPLE); SDL_WM_SetCaption("Recast Demo", 0); if (!imguiRenderGLInit("DroidSans.ttf")) { printf("Could not init GUI renderer.\n"); SDL_Quit(); return -1; } float t = 0.0f; float timeAcc = 0.0f; Uint32 lastTime = SDL_GetTicks(); int mx = 0, my = 0; float rx = 45; float ry = -45; float moveW = 0, moveS = 0, moveA = 0, moveD = 0; float camx = 0, camy = 0, camz = 0, camr = 1000; float origrx = 0, origry = 0; int origx = 0, origy = 0; float scrollZoom = 0; bool rotate = false; bool movedDuringRotate = false; float rays[3], raye[3]; bool mouseOverMenu = false; bool showMenu = !presentationMode; bool showLog = false; bool showTools = true; bool showLevels = false; bool showSample = false; bool showTestCases = false; int propScroll = 0; int logScroll = 0; int toolsScroll = 0; char sampleName[64] = "Choose Sample..."; FileList files; char meshName[128] = "Choose Mesh..."; float mpos[3] = {0,0,0}; bool mposSet = false; SlideShow slideShow; slideShow.init("slides/"); InputGeom* geom = 0; Sample* sample = 0; TestCase* test = 0; BuildContext ctx; glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); float fogCol[4] = { 0.32f, 0.31f, 0.30f, 1.0f }; glEnable(GL_FOG); glFogi(GL_FOG_MODE, GL_LINEAR); glFogf(GL_FOG_START, camr*0.1f); glFogf(GL_FOG_END, camr*1.25f); glFogfv(GL_FOG_COLOR, fogCol); glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); bool done = false; while(!done) { // Handle input events. int mscroll = 0; bool processHitTest = false; bool processHitTestShift = false; SDL_Event event; while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { switch (event.type) { case SDL_KEYDOWN: // Handle any key presses here. if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) { done = true; } else if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_t) { showLevels = false; showSample = false; showTestCases = true; scanDirectory("Tests", ".txt", files); } else if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_TAB) { showMenu = !showMenu; } else if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_SPACE) { if (sample) sample->handleToggle(); } else if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_1) { if (sample) sample->handleStep(); } else if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_9) { if (geom) geom->save("geomset.txt"); } else if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_0) { delete geom; geom = new InputGeom; if (!geom || !geom->load(&ctx, "geomset.txt")) { delete geom; geom = 0; showLog = true; logScroll = 0; ctx.dumpLog("Geom load log %s:", meshName); } if (sample && geom) { sample->handleMeshChanged(geom); } if (geom || sample) { const float* bmin = 0; const float* bmax = 0; if (sample) { bmin = sample->getBoundsMin(); bmax = sample->getBoundsMax(); } else if (geom) { bmin = geom->getMeshBoundsMin(); bmax = geom->getMeshBoundsMax(); } // Reset camera and fog to match the mesh bounds. if (bmin && bmax) { camr = sqrtf(rcSqr(bmax[0]-bmin[0]) + rcSqr(bmax[1]-bmin[1]) + rcSqr(bmax[2]-bmin[2])) / 2; camx = (bmax[0] + bmin[0]) / 2 + camr; camy = (bmax[1] + bmin[1]) / 2 + camr; camz = (bmax[2] + bmin[2]) / 2 + camr; camr *= 3; } rx = 45; ry = -45; glFogf(GL_FOG_START, camr*0.2f); glFogf(GL_FOG_END, camr*1.25f); } } else if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RIGHT) { slideShow.nextSlide(); } else if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_LEFT) { slideShow.prevSlide(); } break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if (event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) { if (!mouseOverMenu) { // Rotate view rotate = true; movedDuringRotate = false; origx = mx; origy = my; origrx = rx; origry = ry; } } else if (event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP) { if (mouseOverMenu) mscroll--; else scrollZoom -= 1.0f; } else if (event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN) { if (mouseOverMenu) mscroll++; else scrollZoom += 1.0f; } break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: // Handle mouse clicks here. if (event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) { rotate = false; if (!mouseOverMenu) { if (!movedDuringRotate) { processHitTest = true; processHitTestShift = true; } } } else if (event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) { if (!mouseOverMenu) { processHitTest = true; processHitTestShift = (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_SHIFT) ? true : false; } } break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: mx = event.motion.x; my = height-1 - event.motion.y; if (rotate) { int dx = mx - origx; int dy = my - origy; rx = origrx - dy*0.25f; ry = origry + dx*0.25f; if (dx*dx+dy*dy > 3*3) movedDuringRotate = true; } break; case SDL_QUIT: done = true; break; default: break; } } unsigned char mbut = 0; if (SDL_GetMouseState(0,0) & SDL_BUTTON_LMASK) mbut |= IMGUI_MBUT_LEFT; if (SDL_GetMouseState(0,0) & SDL_BUTTON_RMASK) mbut |= IMGUI_MBUT_RIGHT; Uint32 time = SDL_GetTicks(); float dt = (time - lastTime) / 1000.0f; lastTime = time; t += dt; // Hit test mesh. if (processHitTest && geom && sample) { float hitt; bool hit = geom->raycastMesh(rays, raye, hitt); if (hit) { if (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) { // Marker mposSet = true; mpos[0] = rays[0] + (raye[0] - rays[0])*hitt; mpos[1] = rays[1] + (raye[1] - rays[1])*hitt; mpos[2] = rays[2] + (raye[2] - rays[2])*hitt; } else { float pos[3]; pos[0] = rays[0] + (raye[0] - rays[0])*hitt; pos[1] = rays[1] + (raye[1] - rays[1])*hitt; pos[2] = rays[2] + (raye[2] - rays[2])*hitt; sample->handleClick(rays, pos, processHitTestShift); } } else { if (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) { // Marker mposSet = false; } } } // Update sample simulation. const float SIM_RATE = 20; const float DELTA_TIME = 1.0f/SIM_RATE; timeAcc = rcClamp(timeAcc+dt, -1.0f, 1.0f); int simIter = 0; while (timeAcc > DELTA_TIME) { timeAcc -= DELTA_TIME; if (simIter < 5) { if (sample) sample->handleUpdate(DELTA_TIME); } simIter++; } // Clamp the framerate so that we do not hog all the CPU. const float MIN_FRAME_TIME = 1.0f/40.0f; if (dt < MIN_FRAME_TIME) { int ms = (int)((MIN_FRAME_TIME - dt)*1000.0f); if (ms > 10) ms = 10; if (ms >= 0) SDL_Delay(ms); } // Update and render glViewport(0, 0, width, height); glClearColor(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.32f, 1.0f); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT|GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); // Render 3d glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); gluPerspective(50.0f, (float)width/(float)height, 1.0f, camr); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glRotatef(rx,1,0,0); glRotatef(ry,0,1,0); glTranslatef(-camx, -camy, -camz); // Get hit ray position and direction. GLdouble proj[16]; GLdouble model[16]; GLint view[4]; glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, proj); glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, model); glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, view); GLdouble x, y, z; gluUnProject(mx, my, 0.0f, model, proj, view, &x, &y, &z); rays[0] = (float)x; rays[1] = (float)y; rays[2] = (float)z; gluUnProject(mx, my, 1.0f, model, proj, view, &x, &y, &z); raye[0] = (float)x; raye[1] = (float)y; raye[2] = (float)z; // Handle keyboard movement. Uint8* keystate = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL); moveW = rcClamp(moveW + dt * 4 * (keystate[SDLK_w] ? 1 : -1), 0.0f, 1.0f); moveS = rcClamp(moveS + dt * 4 * (keystate[SDLK_s] ? 1 : -1), 0.0f, 1.0f); moveA = rcClamp(moveA + dt * 4 * (keystate[SDLK_a] ? 1 : -1), 0.0f, 1.0f); moveD = rcClamp(moveD + dt * 4 * (keystate[SDLK_d] ? 1 : -1), 0.0f, 1.0f); float keybSpeed = 22.0f; if (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_SHIFT) keybSpeed *= 4.0f; float movex = (moveD - moveA) * keybSpeed * dt; float movey = (moveS - moveW) * keybSpeed * dt; movey += scrollZoom * 2.0f; scrollZoom = 0; camx += movex * (float)model[0]; camy += movex * (float)model[4]; camz += movex * (float)model[8]; camx += movey * (float)model[2]; camy += movey * (float)model[6]; camz += movey * (float)model[10]; glEnable(GL_FOG); if (sample) sample->handleRender(); if (test) test->handleRender(); glDisable(GL_FOG); // Render GUI glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); gluOrtho2D(0, width, 0, height); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); mouseOverMenu = false; imguiBeginFrame(mx,my,mbut,mscroll); if (sample) { sample->handleRenderOverlay((double*)proj, (double*)model, (int*)view); } if (test) { if (test->handleRenderOverlay((double*)proj, (double*)model, (int*)view)) mouseOverMenu = true; } // Help text. if (showMenu) { const char msg[] = "W/S/A/D: Move RMB: Rotate"; imguiDrawText(280, height-20, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, msg, imguiRGBA(255,255,255,128)); } if (showMenu) { if (imguiBeginScrollArea("Properties", width-250-10, 10, 250, height-20, &propScroll)) mouseOverMenu = true; if (imguiCheck("Show Log", showLog)) showLog = !showLog; if (imguiCheck("Show Tools", showTools)) showTools = !showTools; imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Sample"); if (imguiButton(sampleName)) { if (showSample) { showSample = false; } else { showSample = true; showLevels = false; showTestCases = false; } } imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Input Mesh"); if (imguiButton(meshName)) { if (showLevels) { showLevels = false; } else { showSample = false; showTestCases = false; showLevels = true; scanDirectory("Meshes", ".obj", files); } } if (geom) { char text[64]; snprintf(text, 64, "Verts: %.1fk Tris: %.1fk", geom->getMesh()->getVertCount()/1000.0f, geom->getMesh()->getTriCount()/1000.0f); imguiValue(text); } imguiSeparator(); if (geom && sample) { imguiSeparatorLine(); sample->handleSettings(); if (imguiButton("Build")) { ctx.resetLog(); if (!sample->handleBuild()) { showLog = true; logScroll = 0; } ctx.dumpLog("Build log %s:", meshName); // Clear test. delete test; test = 0; } imguiSeparator(); } if (sample) { imguiSeparatorLine(); sample->handleDebugMode(); } imguiEndScrollArea(); } // Sample selection dialog. if (showSample) { static int levelScroll = 0; if (imguiBeginScrollArea("Choose Sample", width-10-250-10-200, height-10-250, 200, 250, &levelScroll)) mouseOverMenu = true; Sample* newSample = 0; for (int i = 0; i < g_nsamples; ++i) { if (imguiItem(g_samples[i].name)) { newSample = g_samples[i].create(); if (newSample) strcpy(sampleName, g_samples[i].name); } } if (newSample) { delete sample; sample = newSample; sample->setContext(&ctx); if (geom && sample) { sample->handleMeshChanged(geom); } showSample = false; } if (geom || sample) { const float* bmin = 0; const float* bmax = 0; if (sample) { bmin = sample->getBoundsMin(); bmax = sample->getBoundsMax(); } else if (geom) { bmin = geom->getMeshBoundsMin(); bmax = geom->getMeshBoundsMax(); } // Reset camera and fog to match the mesh bounds. if (bmin && bmax) { camr = sqrtf(rcSqr(bmax[0]-bmin[0]) + rcSqr(bmax[1]-bmin[1]) + rcSqr(bmax[2]-bmin[2])) / 2; camx = (bmax[0] + bmin[0]) / 2 + camr; camy = (bmax[1] + bmin[1]) / 2 + camr; camz = (bmax[2] + bmin[2]) / 2 + camr; camr *= 3; } rx = 45; ry = -45; glFogf(GL_FOG_START, camr*0.1f); glFogf(GL_FOG_END, camr*1.25f); } imguiEndScrollArea(); } // Level selection dialog. if (showLevels) { static int levelScroll = 0; if (imguiBeginScrollArea("Choose Level", width-10-250-10-200, height-10-450, 200, 450, &levelScroll)) mouseOverMenu = true; int levelToLoad = -1; for (int i = 0; i < files.size; ++i) { if (imguiItem(files.files[i])) levelToLoad = i; } if (levelToLoad != -1) { strncpy(meshName, files.files[levelToLoad], sizeof(meshName)); meshName[sizeof(meshName)-1] = '\0'; showLevels = false; delete geom; geom = 0; char path[256]; strcpy(path, "Meshes/"); strcat(path, meshName); geom = new InputGeom; if (!geom || !geom->loadMesh(&ctx, path)) { delete geom; geom = 0; showLog = true; logScroll = 0; ctx.dumpLog("Geom load log %s:", meshName); } if (sample && geom) { sample->handleMeshChanged(geom); } if (geom || sample) { const float* bmin = 0; const float* bmax = 0; if (sample) { bmin = sample->getBoundsMin(); bmax = sample->getBoundsMax(); } else if (geom) { bmin = geom->getMeshBoundsMin(); bmax = geom->getMeshBoundsMax(); } // Reset camera and fog to match the mesh bounds. if (bmin && bmax) { camr = sqrtf(rcSqr(bmax[0]-bmin[0]) + rcSqr(bmax[1]-bmin[1]) + rcSqr(bmax[2]-bmin[2])) / 2; camx = (bmax[0] + bmin[0]) / 2 + camr; camy = (bmax[1] + bmin[1]) / 2 + camr; camz = (bmax[2] + bmin[2]) / 2 + camr; camr *= 3; } rx = 45; ry = -45; glFogf(GL_FOG_START, camr*0.1f); glFogf(GL_FOG_END, camr*1.25f); } } imguiEndScrollArea(); } // Test cases if (showTestCases) { static int testScroll = 0; if (imguiBeginScrollArea("Choose Test To Run", width-10-250-10-200, height-10-450, 200, 450, &testScroll)) mouseOverMenu = true; int testToLoad = -1; for (int i = 0; i < files.size; ++i) { if (imguiItem(files.files[i])) testToLoad = i; } if (testToLoad != -1) { char path[256]; strcpy(path, "Tests/"); strcat(path, files.files[testToLoad]); test = new TestCase; if (test) { // Load the test. if (!test->load(path)) { delete test; test = 0; } // Create sample Sample* newSample = 0; for (int i = 0; i < g_nsamples; ++i) { if (strcmp(g_samples[i].name, test->getSampleName()) == 0) { newSample = g_samples[i].create(); if (newSample) strcpy(sampleName, g_samples[i].name); } } if (newSample) { delete sample; sample = newSample; sample->setContext(&ctx); showSample = false; } // Load geom. strcpy(meshName, test->getGeomFileName()); meshName[sizeof(meshName)-1] = '\0'; delete geom; geom = 0; strcpy(path, "Meshes/"); strcat(path, meshName); geom = new InputGeom; if (!geom || !geom->loadMesh(&ctx, path)) { delete geom; geom = 0; showLog = true; logScroll = 0; ctx.dumpLog("Geom load log %s:", meshName); } if (sample && geom) { sample->handleMeshChanged(geom); } // This will ensure that tile & poly bits are updated in tiled sample. if (sample) sample->handleSettings(); ctx.resetLog(); if (sample && !sample->handleBuild()) { ctx.dumpLog("Build log %s:", meshName); } if (geom || sample) { const float* bmin = 0; const float* bmax = 0; if (sample) { bmin = sample->getBoundsMin(); bmax = sample->getBoundsMax(); } else if (geom) { bmin = geom->getMeshBoundsMin(); bmax = geom->getMeshBoundsMax(); } // Reset camera and fog to match the mesh bounds. if (bmin && bmax) { camr = sqrtf(rcSqr(bmax[0]-bmin[0]) + rcSqr(bmax[1]-bmin[1]) + rcSqr(bmax[2]-bmin[2])) / 2; camx = (bmax[0] + bmin[0]) / 2 + camr; camy = (bmax[1] + bmin[1]) / 2 + camr; camz = (bmax[2] + bmin[2]) / 2 + camr; camr *= 3; } rx = 45; ry = -45; glFogf(GL_FOG_START, camr*0.2f); glFogf(GL_FOG_END, camr*1.25f); } // Do the tests. if (sample) test->doTests(sample->getNavMesh(), sample->getNavMeshQuery()); } } imguiEndScrollArea(); } // Log if (showLog && showMenu) { if (imguiBeginScrollArea("Log", 250+20, 10, width - 300 - 250, 200, &logScroll)) mouseOverMenu = true; for (int i = 0; i < ctx.getLogCount(); ++i) imguiLabel(ctx.getLogText(i)); imguiEndScrollArea(); } // Tools if (!showTestCases && showTools && showMenu) // && geom && sample) { if (imguiBeginScrollArea("Tools", 10, 10, 250, height-20, &toolsScroll)) mouseOverMenu = true; if (sample) sample->handleTools(); imguiEndScrollArea(); } slideShow.updateAndDraw(dt, (float)width, (float)height); // Marker if (mposSet && gluProject((GLdouble)mpos[0], (GLdouble)mpos[1], (GLdouble)mpos[2], model, proj, view, &x, &y, &z)) { // Draw marker circle glLineWidth(5.0f); glColor4ub(240,220,0,196); glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); const float r = 25.0f; for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { const float a = (float)i / 20.0f * RC_PI*2; const float fx = (float)x + cosf(a)*r; const float fy = (float)y + sinf(a)*r; glVertex2f(fx,fy); } glEnd(); glLineWidth(1.0f); } imguiEndFrame(); imguiRenderGLDraw(); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); SDL_GL_SwapBuffers(); } imguiRenderGLDestroy(); SDL_Quit(); delete sample; delete geom; return 0; }
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { int width = 1024, height=768; // Initialise GLFW if( !glfwInit() ) { fprintf( stderr, "Failed to initialize GLFW\n" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } #ifdef __APPLE__ glfwOpenWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_VERSION_MAJOR, 3); glfwOpenWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_VERSION_MINOR, 2); glfwOpenWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT, GL_TRUE); glfwOpenWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE, GLFW_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE); #endif // Open a window and create its OpenGL context if( !glfwOpenWindow( width, height, 0,0,0,0, 24,0, GLFW_WINDOW ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "Failed to open GLFW window\n" ); glfwTerminate(); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } glfwSetWindowTitle( "imgui sample imguiRenderGL3" ); #ifdef __APPLE__ glewExperimental = GL_TRUE; #endif GLenum err = glewInit(); if (GLEW_OK != err) { /* Problem: glewInit failed, something is seriously wrong. */ fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", glewGetErrorString(err)); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } // Ensure we can capture the escape key being pressed below glfwEnable( GLFW_STICKY_KEYS ); // Enable vertical sync (on cards that support it) glfwSwapInterval( 1 ); // Init UI if (!imguiRenderGLInit("DroidSans.ttf")) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not init GUI renderer.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } glClearColor(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.f); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // imgui states bool checked1 = false; bool checked2 = false; bool checked3 = true; bool checked4 = false; float value1 = 50.f; float value2 = 30.f; int scrollarea1 = 0; int scrollarea2 = 0; // glfw scrolling int glfwscroll = 0; do { glfwGetWindowSize(&width, &height); glViewport(0, 0, width, height); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Draw UI // Mouse states unsigned char mousebutton = 0; int currentglfwscroll = glfwGetMouseWheel(); int mscroll = 0; if (currentglfwscroll < glfwscroll) mscroll = 2; if (currentglfwscroll > glfwscroll) mscroll = -2; glfwscroll = currentglfwscroll; int mousex; int mousey; glfwGetMousePos(&mousex, &mousey); mousey = height - mousey; int leftButton = glfwGetMouseButton( GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT ); int rightButton = glfwGetMouseButton( GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT ); int middleButton = glfwGetMouseButton( GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE ); int toggle = 0; if( leftButton == GLFW_PRESS ) mousebutton |= IMGUI_MBUT_LEFT; imguiBeginFrame(mousex, mousey, mousebutton, mscroll); imguiBeginScrollArea("Scroll area", 10, 10, width / 5, height - 20, &scrollarea1); imguiSeparatorLine(); imguiSeparator(); imguiButton("Button"); imguiButton("Disabled button", false); imguiItem("Item"); imguiItem("Disabled item", false); toggle = imguiCheck("Checkbox", checked1); if (toggle) checked1 = !checked1; toggle = imguiCheck("Disabled checkbox", checked2, false); if (toggle) checked2 = !checked2; toggle = imguiCollapse("Collapse", "subtext", checked3); if (checked3) { imguiIndent(); imguiLabel("Collapsible element"); imguiUnindent(); } if (toggle) checked3 = !checked3; toggle = imguiCollapse("Disabled collapse", "subtext", checked4, false); if (toggle) checked4 = !checked4; imguiLabel("Label"); imguiValue("Value"); imguiSlider("Slider", &value1, 0.f, 100.f, 1.f); imguiSlider("Disabled slider", &value2, 0.f, 100.f, 1.f, false); imguiIndent(); imguiLabel("Indented"); imguiUnindent(); imguiLabel("Unindented"); imguiEndScrollArea(); imguiBeginScrollArea("Scroll area", 20 + width / 5, 500, width / 5, height - 510, &scrollarea2); imguiSeparatorLine(); imguiSeparator(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) imguiLabel("A wall of text"); imguiEndScrollArea(); imguiEndFrame(); imguiDrawText(30 + width / 5 * 2, height - 20, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, "Free text", imguiRGBA(32,192, 32,192)); imguiDrawText(30 + width / 5 * 2 + 100, height - 40, IMGUI_ALIGN_RIGHT, "Free text", imguiRGBA(32, 32, 192, 192)); imguiDrawText(30 + width / 5 * 2 + 50, height - 60, IMGUI_ALIGN_CENTER, "Free text", imguiRGBA(192, 32, 32,192)); imguiDrawLine(30 + width / 5 * 2, height - 80, 30 + width / 5 * 2 + 100, height - 60, 1.f, imguiRGBA(32,192, 32,192)); imguiDrawLine(30 + width / 5 * 2, height - 100, 30 + width / 5 * 2 + 100, height - 80, 2.f, imguiRGBA(32, 32, 192, 192)); imguiDrawLine(30 + width / 5 * 2, height - 120, 30 + width / 5 * 2 + 100, height - 100, 3.f, imguiRGBA(192, 32, 32,192)); imguiDrawRoundedRect(30 + width / 5 * 2, height - 240, 100, 100, 5.f, imguiRGBA(32,192, 32,192)); imguiDrawRoundedRect(30 + width / 5 * 2, height - 350, 100, 100, 10.f, imguiRGBA(32, 32, 192, 192)); imguiDrawRoundedRect(30 + width / 5 * 2, height - 470, 100, 100, 20.f, imguiRGBA(192, 32, 32,192)); imguiDrawRect(30 + width / 5 * 2, height - 590, 100, 100, imguiRGBA(32, 192, 32, 192)); imguiDrawRect(30 + width / 5 * 2, height - 710, 100, 100, imguiRGBA(32, 32, 192, 192)); imguiDrawRect(30 + width / 5 * 2, height - 830, 100, 100, imguiRGBA(192, 32, 32,192)); imguiRenderGLDraw(width, height); // Check for errors GLenum err = glGetError(); if(err != GL_NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "OpenGL Error : %s\n", gluErrorString(err)); } // Swap buffers glfwSwapBuffers(); } // Check if the ESC key was pressed or the window was closed while( glfwGetKey( GLFW_KEY_ESC ) != GLFW_PRESS && glfwGetWindowParam( GLFW_OPENED ) ); // Clean UI imguiRenderGLDestroy(); // Close OpenGL window and terminate GLFW glfwTerminate(); exit( EXIT_SUCCESS ); }
void imguiValue(const char* text) { const int x = g_state.widgetX; const int y = g_state.widgetY - BUTTON_HEIGHT; const int w = g_state.widgetW; g_state.widgetY -= BUTTON_HEIGHT; addGfxCmdText(x+w-BUTTON_HEIGHT/2, y+BUTTON_HEIGHT/2-TEXT_HEIGHT/2, IMGUI_ALIGN_RIGHT, text, imguiRGBA(255,255,255,200)); }
bool imguiSlider(const char* text, float* val, float vmin, float vmax, float vinc, bool enabled) { g_state.widgetId++; unsigned int id = (g_state.areaId<<16) | g_state.widgetId; int x = g_state.widgetX; int y = g_state.widgetY - BUTTON_HEIGHT; int w = g_state.widgetW; int h = SLIDER_HEIGHT; g_state.widgetY -= SLIDER_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_SPACING; addGfxCmdRoundedRect((float)x, (float)y, (float)w, (float)h, 4.0f, imguiRGBA(0,0,0,128)); const int range = w - SLIDER_MARKER_WIDTH; float u = (*val - vmin) / (vmax-vmin); if (u < 0) u = 0; if (u > 1) u = 1; int m = (int)(u * range); bool over = enabled && inRect(x+m, y, SLIDER_MARKER_WIDTH, SLIDER_HEIGHT); bool res = buttonLogic(id, over); bool valChanged = false; if (isActive(id)) { if (g_state.wentActive) { g_state.dragX =; g_state.dragOrig = u; } if (g_state.dragX != { u = g_state.dragOrig + (float)( - g_state.dragX) / (float)range; if (u < 0) u = 0; if (u > 1) u = 1; *val = vmin + u*(vmax-vmin); *val = floorf(*val / vinc)*vinc; // Snap to vinc m = (int)(u * range); valChanged = true; } } if (isActive(id)) addGfxCmdRoundedRect((float)(x+m), (float)y, (float)SLIDER_MARKER_WIDTH, (float)SLIDER_HEIGHT, 4.0f, imguiRGBA(255,255,255,255)); else addGfxCmdRoundedRect((float)(x+m), (float)y, (float)SLIDER_MARKER_WIDTH, (float)SLIDER_HEIGHT, 4.0f, isHot(id) ? imguiRGBA(255,196,0,128) : imguiRGBA(255,255,255,64)); // TODO: fix this, take a look at 'nicenum'. int digits = (int)(ceilf(log10f(vinc))); char fmt[16]; snprintf(fmt, 16, "%%.%df", digits >= 0 ? 0 : -digits); char msg[128]; snprintf(msg, 128, fmt, *val); if (enabled) { addGfxCmdText(x+SLIDER_HEIGHT/2, y+SLIDER_HEIGHT/2-TEXT_HEIGHT/2, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, text, isHot(id) ? imguiRGBA(255,196,0,255) : imguiRGBA(255,255,255,200)); addGfxCmdText(x+w-SLIDER_HEIGHT/2, y+SLIDER_HEIGHT/2-TEXT_HEIGHT/2, IMGUI_ALIGN_RIGHT, msg, isHot(id) ? imguiRGBA(255,196,0,255) : imguiRGBA(255,255,255,200)); } else { addGfxCmdText(x+SLIDER_HEIGHT/2, y+SLIDER_HEIGHT/2-TEXT_HEIGHT/2, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, text, imguiRGBA(128,128,128,200)); addGfxCmdText(x+w-SLIDER_HEIGHT/2, y+SLIDER_HEIGHT/2-TEXT_HEIGHT/2, IMGUI_ALIGN_RIGHT, msg, imguiRGBA(128,128,128,200)); } return res || valChanged; }
bool imguiButton(const char* text, bool enabled) { g_state.widgetId++; unsigned int id = (g_state.areaId<<16) | g_state.widgetId; int x = g_state.widgetX; int y = g_state.widgetY - BUTTON_HEIGHT; int w = g_state.widgetW; int h = BUTTON_HEIGHT; g_state.widgetY -= BUTTON_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_SPACING; bool over = enabled && inRect(x, y, w, h); bool res = buttonLogic(id, over); addGfxCmdRoundedRect((float)x, (float)y, (float)w, (float)h, (float)BUTTON_HEIGHT/2-1, imguiRGBA(128,128,128, isActive(id)?196:96)); if (enabled) addGfxCmdText(x+BUTTON_HEIGHT/2, y+BUTTON_HEIGHT/2-TEXT_HEIGHT/2, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, text, isHot(id) ? imguiRGBA(255,196,0,255) : imguiRGBA(255,255,255,200)); else addGfxCmdText(x+BUTTON_HEIGHT/2, y+BUTTON_HEIGHT/2-TEXT_HEIGHT/2, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, text, imguiRGBA(128,128,128,200)); return res; }
bool imguiCheck(const char* text, bool checked, bool enabled) { g_state.widgetId++; unsigned int id = (g_state.areaId<<16) | g_state.widgetId; int x = g_state.widgetX; int y = g_state.widgetY - BUTTON_HEIGHT; int w = g_state.widgetW; int h = BUTTON_HEIGHT; g_state.widgetY -= BUTTON_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_SPACING; bool over = enabled && inRect(x, y, w, h); bool res = buttonLogic(id, over); const int cx = x+BUTTON_HEIGHT/2-CHECK_SIZE/2; const int cy = y+BUTTON_HEIGHT/2-CHECK_SIZE/2; addGfxCmdRoundedRect((float)cx-3, (float)cy-3, (float)CHECK_SIZE+6, (float)CHECK_SIZE+6, 4, imguiRGBA(128,128,128, isActive(id)?196:96)); if (checked) { if (enabled) addGfxCmdRoundedRect((float)cx, (float)cy, (float)CHECK_SIZE, (float)CHECK_SIZE, (float)CHECK_SIZE/2-1, imguiRGBA(255,255,255,isActive(id)?255:200)); else addGfxCmdRoundedRect((float)cx, (float)cy, (float)CHECK_SIZE, (float)CHECK_SIZE, (float)CHECK_SIZE/2-1, imguiRGBA(128,128,128,200)); } if (enabled) addGfxCmdText(x+BUTTON_HEIGHT, y+BUTTON_HEIGHT/2-TEXT_HEIGHT/2, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, text, isHot(id) ? imguiRGBA(255,196,0,255) : imguiRGBA(255,255,255,200)); else addGfxCmdText(x+BUTTON_HEIGHT, y+BUTTON_HEIGHT/2-TEXT_HEIGHT/2, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, text, imguiRGBA(128,128,128,200)); return res; }
bool TestCase::handleRenderOverlay(double* proj, double* model, int* view) { GLdouble x, y, z; char text[64], subtext[64]; int n = 0; static const float LABEL_DIST = 1.0f; for (Test* iter = m_tests; iter; iter = iter->next) { float pt[3], dir[3]; if (iter->nstraight) { dtVcopy(pt, &iter->straight[3]); if (dtVdist(pt, iter->spos) > LABEL_DIST) { dtVsub(dir, pt, iter->spos); dtVnormalize(dir); dtVmad(pt, iter->spos, dir, LABEL_DIST); } pt[1]+=0.5f; } else { dtVsub(dir, iter->epos, iter->spos); dtVnormalize(dir); dtVmad(pt, iter->spos, dir, LABEL_DIST); pt[1]+=0.5f; } if (gluProject((GLdouble)pt[0], (GLdouble)pt[1], (GLdouble)pt[2], model, proj, view, &x, &y, &z)) { snprintf(text, 64, "Path %d\n", n); unsigned int col = imguiRGBA(0,0,0,128); if (iter->expand) col = imguiRGBA(255,192,0,220); imguiDrawText((int)x, (int)(y-25), IMGUI_ALIGN_CENTER, text, col); } n++; } static int resScroll = 0; bool mouseOverMenu = imguiBeginScrollArea("Test Results", 10, view[3] - 10 - 350, 200, 350, &resScroll); // mouseOverMenu = true; n = 0; for (Test* iter = m_tests; iter; iter = iter->next) { const int total = iter->findNearestPolyTime + iter->findPathTime + iter->findStraightPathTime; snprintf(subtext, 64, "%.4f ms", (float)total/1000.0f); snprintf(text, 64, "Path %d", n); if (imguiCollapse(text, subtext, iter->expand)) iter->expand = !iter->expand; if (iter->expand) { snprintf(text, 64, "Poly: %.4f ms", (float)iter->findNearestPolyTime/1000.0f); imguiValue(text); snprintf(text, 64, "Path: %.4f ms", (float)iter->findPathTime/1000.0f); imguiValue(text); snprintf(text, 64, "Straight: %.4f ms", (float)iter->findStraightPathTime/1000.0f); imguiValue(text); imguiSeparator(); } n++; } imguiEndScrollArea(); return mouseOverMenu; }
void imguiEndScrollArea() { // Disable scissoring. addGfxCmdScissor(-1,-1,-1,-1); // Draw scroll bar int x = g_scrollRight+SCROLL_AREA_PADDING/2; int y = g_scrollBottom; int w = SCROLL_AREA_PADDING*2; int h = g_scrollTop - g_scrollBottom; int stop = g_scrollAreaTop; int sbot = g_state.widgetY; int sh = stop - sbot; // The scrollable area height. float barHeight = (float)h/(float)sh; if (barHeight < 1) { float barY = (float)(y - sbot)/(float)sh; if (barY < 0) barY = 0; if (barY > 1) barY = 1; // Handle scroll bar logic. unsigned int hid = g_scrollId; int hx = x; int hy = y + (int)(barY*h); int hw = w; int hh = (int)(barHeight*h); const int range = h - (hh-1); bool over = inRect(hx, hy, hw, hh); buttonLogic(hid, over); if (isActive(hid)) { float u = (float)(hy-y) / (float)range; if (g_state.wentActive) { g_state.dragY =; g_state.dragOrig = u; } if (g_state.dragY != { u = g_state.dragOrig + ( - g_state.dragY) / (float)range; if (u < 0) u = 0; if (u > 1) u = 1; *g_scrollVal = (int)((1-u) * (sh - h)); } } // BG addGfxCmdRoundedRect((float)x, (float)y, (float)w, (float)h, (float)w/2-1, imguiRGBA(0,0,0,196)); // Bar if (isActive(hid)) addGfxCmdRoundedRect((float)hx, (float)hy, (float)hw, (float)hh, (float)w/2-1, imguiRGBA(255,196,0,196)); else addGfxCmdRoundedRect((float)hx, (float)hy, (float)hw, (float)hh, (float)w/2-1, isHot(hid) ? imguiRGBA(255,196,0,96) : imguiRGBA(255,255,255,64)); // Handle mouse scrolling. if (g_insideScrollArea) // && !anyActive()) { if (g_state.scroll) { *g_scrollVal += 20*g_state.scroll; if (*g_scrollVal < 0) *g_scrollVal = 0; if (*g_scrollVal > (sh - h)) *g_scrollVal = (sh - h); } } } g_state.insideCurrentScroll = false; }
void ConvexVolumeTool::handleRenderOverlay(double* /*proj*/, double* /*model*/, int* view) { // Tool help const int h = view[3]; if (!m_npts) { imguiDrawText(280, h-40, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, "LMB: Create new shape. SHIFT+LMB: Delete existing shape (click inside a shape).", imguiRGBA(255,255,255,192)); } else { imguiDrawText(280, h-40, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, "Click LMB to add new points. Click on the red point to finish the shape.", imguiRGBA(255,255,255,192)); imguiDrawText(280, h-60, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, "The shape will be convex hull of all added points.", imguiRGBA(255,255,255,192)); } }
void CrowdToolState::handleRenderOverlay(double* proj, double* model, int* view) { GLdouble x, y, z; // Draw start and end point labels if (m_targetRef && gluProject((GLdouble)m_targetPos[0], (GLdouble)m_targetPos[1], (GLdouble)m_targetPos[2], model, proj, view, &x, &y, &z)) { imguiDrawText((int)x, (int)(y+25), IMGUI_ALIGN_CENTER, "TARGET", imguiRGBA(0,0,0,220)); } char label[32]; if (m_toolParams.m_showNodes) { dtCrowd* crowd = m_sample->getCrowd(); if (crowd && crowd->getPathQueue()) { const dtNavMeshQuery* navquery = crowd->getPathQueue()->getNavQuery(); const dtNodePool* pool = navquery->getNodePool(); if (pool) { const float off = 0.5f; for (int i = 0; i < pool->getHashSize(); ++i) { for (dtNodeIndex j = pool->getFirst(i); j != DT_NULL_IDX; j = pool->getNext(j)) { const dtNode* node = pool->getNodeAtIdx(j+1); if (!node) continue; if (gluProject((GLdouble)node->pos[0],(GLdouble)node->pos[1]+off,(GLdouble)node->pos[2], model, proj, view, &x, &y, &z)) { const float heuristic = node->total;// - node->cost; snprintf(label, 32, "%.2f", heuristic); imguiDrawText((int)x, (int)y+15, IMGUI_ALIGN_CENTER, label, imguiRGBA(0,0,0,220)); } } } } } } if (m_toolParams.m_showLabels) { dtCrowd* crowd = m_sample->getCrowd(); if (crowd) { for (int i = 0; i < crowd->getAgentCount(); ++i) { const dtCrowdAgent* ag = crowd->getAgent(i); if (!ag->active) continue; const float* pos = ag->npos; const float h = ag->params.height; if (gluProject((GLdouble)pos[0], (GLdouble)pos[1]+h, (GLdouble)pos[2], model, proj, view, &x, &y, &z)) { snprintf(label, 32, "%d", i); imguiDrawText((int)x, (int)y+15, IMGUI_ALIGN_CENTER, label, imguiRGBA(0,0,0,220)); } } } } if (m_agentDebug.idx != -1) { dtCrowd* crowd = m_sample->getCrowd(); if (crowd) { for (int i = 0; i < crowd->getAgentCount(); i++) { if (m_toolParams.m_showDetailAll == false && i != m_agentDebug.idx) continue; const dtCrowdAgent* ag =crowd->getAgent(i); if (!ag->active) continue; const float radius = ag->params.radius; if (m_toolParams.m_showNeis) { for (int j = 0; j < ag->nneis; ++j) { const dtCrowdAgent* nei = crowd->getAgent(ag->neis[j].idx); if (!nei->active) continue; if (gluProject((GLdouble)nei->npos[0], (GLdouble)nei->npos[1]+radius, (GLdouble)nei->npos[2], model, proj, view, &x, &y, &z)) { snprintf(label, 32, "%.3f", ag->neis[j].dist); imguiDrawText((int)x, (int)y+15, IMGUI_ALIGN_CENTER, label, imguiRGBA(255,255,255,220)); } } } } } } if (m_toolParams.m_showPerfGraph) { GraphParams gp; gp.setRect(300, 10, 500, 200, 8); gp.setValueRange(0.0f, 2.0f, 4, "ms"); drawGraphBackground(&gp); drawGraph(&gp, &m_crowdTotalTime, 1, "Total", duRGBA(255,128,0,255)); gp.setRect(300, 10, 500, 50, 8); gp.setValueRange(0.0f, 2000.0f, 1, ""); drawGraph(&gp, &m_crowdSampleCount, 0, "Sample Count", duRGBA(96,96,96,128)); } }
// This function's code is from the RecastDemo project's main.cpp file by Mikko Mononen void MyRecastDemo::guiRender() { GLdouble proj[16]; GLdouble model[16]; GLint view[4]; glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, proj); glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, model); glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, view); GLdouble x, y, z; gluUnProject(m_mouseX, m_mouseY, 0.0f, model, proj, view, &x, &y, &z); m_rays[0] = (float)x; m_rays[1] = (float)y; m_rays[2] = (float)z; gluUnProject(m_mouseX, m_mouseY, 1.0f, model, proj, view, &x, &y, &z); m_raye[0] = (float)x; m_raye[1] = (float)y; m_raye[2] = (float)z; glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); gluOrtho2D(0, m_width, 0, m_height); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glColor4ub(255,255,255,255); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); m_mouseOverMenu = false; imguiBeginFrame( m_mouseX,m_mouseY,m_mouseBut,m_mouseScroll ); const char msg[] = "W/S/A/D: move (+ shift) | F1: toggle recast gui | F2: toggle node names | F12: invert mouse"; imguiDrawText(280, m_height-20, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, msg, imguiRGBA(255,255,255,200)); if (m_showMenu) { if (m_sample) { m_sample->handleRenderOverlay((double*)proj, (double*)model, (int*)view); } if (imguiBeginScrollArea("Properties", m_width-250-10, 10, 250, m_height-20, &m_propScroll)) m_mouseOverMenu = true; if (imguiCheck("Show Log", m_showLog)) m_showLog = !m_showLog; if (imguiCheck("Show Tools", m_showTools)) m_showTools = !m_showTools; imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Sample"); if (imguiButton(m_sampleName)) { if (m_showSample) { m_showSample = false; } else { m_showSample = true; m_showConfig = false; } } imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Config File"); if (imguiButton(m_configName)) { if (m_showConfig) { m_showConfig = false; } else { m_showSample = false; m_showConfig = true; scanDirectory("Content", ".xml", m_files); } } if (m_geom) { char text[64]; snprintf(text, 64, "Verts: %.1fk Tris: %.1fk", m_geom->getMesh()->getVertCount()/1000.0f, m_geom->getMesh()->getTriCount()/1000.0f); imguiValue(text); } imguiSeparator(); if (m_geom && m_sample) { imguiSeparatorLine(); m_sample->handleSettings(); if (imguiButton("Build")) { m_ctx.resetLog(); if (!m_sample->handleBuild()) { m_showLog = true; m_logScroll = 0; } m_ctx.dumpLog("Build log %s:", m_configName); } imguiSeparator(); } if (m_sample) { imguiSeparatorLine(); m_sample->handleDebugMode(); } imguiEndScrollArea(); } // Sample selection dialog. if (m_showSample) { static int levelScroll = 0; if (imguiBeginScrollArea("Choose Sample", m_width-10-250-10-200, m_height-10-250, 200, 250, &levelScroll)) m_mouseOverMenu = true; Sample* newSample = 0; for (int i = 0; i < g_nsamples; ++i) { if (imguiItem(g_samples[i].name)) { newSample = g_samples[i].create(); if (newSample) strcpy(m_sampleName, g_samples[i].name); } } if (newSample) { delete m_geom; m_geom = 0; delete m_sample; m_sample = newSample; m_sample->setContext(&m_ctx); if (m_geom && m_sample) { m_sample->handleMeshChanged(m_geom); } else if(!m_geom) { m_geom = new InputGeom(); m_geom->loadMesh( &m_ctx, m_configXmlFile.c_str() ); } if( m_geom && m_sample ) { m_sample->handleMeshChanged(m_geom); m_sample->handleSettings(); } m_showSample = false; } imguiEndScrollArea(); } // Config selection dialog. if (m_showConfig) { static int levelScroll = 0; if (imguiBeginScrollArea("Choose Config File", m_width-10-250-10-200, m_height-10-450, 200, 450, &levelScroll)) m_mouseOverMenu = true; int levelToLoad = -1; for (int i = 0; i < m_files.size; ++i) { if (imguiItem(m_files.files[i])) levelToLoad = i; } if (levelToLoad != -1) { strncpy(m_configName, m_files.files[levelToLoad], sizeof(m_configName)); m_configName[sizeof(m_configName)-1] = '\0'; m_showConfig = false; delete m_geom; m_geom = 0; char path[256]; strcpy(path, "Content/"); strcat(path, m_configName); m_configXmlFile = path; m_geom = new InputGeom(); if( m_loadedSceneGraphRes ) { // Remove previously loaded scene . // Every scene.xml file loaded should group its children in a GroupNode. int nrFoundNodes = h3dFindNodes( H3DRootNode, "", H3DNodeTypes::Group); for( int i = 0; i<2; ++i ) { int node = h3dGetNodeFindResult(i); const char* name = h3dGetNodeParamStr( node, H3DNodeParams::NameStr); std::string camName(name); // Do not delete nodes directly under the root node (e.g. the demo's camera) if("RootNode") != 0) { h3dRemoveNode( h3dGetNodeFindResult(i) ); } } int a = h3dRemoveResource( m_loadedSceneGraphRes ); h3dReleaseUnusedResources(); } if( !loadSceneFileFromConfig( path) ) { m_showLog = true; m_logScroll = 0; m_ctx.log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "Error loading resources from specified scene file."); } if (!m_geom || !m_geom->loadMesh(&m_ctx, m_configXmlFile.c_str()) ) { delete m_geom; m_geom = 0; m_showLog = true; m_logScroll = 0; m_ctx.log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "Error loading nav mesh geometry from: \"%s\"", m_configName); m_ctx.dumpLog("Config: Geom load log %s:", m_configName); } if (m_sample && m_geom) { m_sample->handleMeshChanged(m_geom); } } imguiEndScrollArea(); } // Log if (m_showLog && m_showMenu) { if (imguiBeginScrollArea("Log", 250+20, 10, m_width - 300 - 250, 200, &m_logScroll)) m_mouseOverMenu = true; for (int i = 0; i < m_ctx.getLogCount(); ++i) imguiLabel(m_ctx.getLogText(i)); imguiEndScrollArea(); } // Tools if (!m_showTestCases && m_showTools && m_showMenu) // && m_geom && m_sample) { if (imguiBeginScrollArea("Tools", 10, 10, 250, m_height-20, &m_toolsScroll)) m_mouseOverMenu = true; if (m_sample) m_sample->handleTools(); imguiEndScrollArea(); } m_wasMouseOverMenu = m_mouseOverMenu; if(!m_wasMouseOverMenu) { // In case we move a GUI slider and leave the menu area m_mouseBut = 0; } m_mouseScroll = 0; imguiEndFrame(); imguiRenderGLDraw(); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); }
void CrowdToolState::handleRenderOverlay(double* proj, double* model, int* view) { GLdouble x, y, z; // Draw start and end point labels if (m_targetRef && gluProject((GLdouble)m_targetPos[0], (GLdouble)m_targetPos[1], (GLdouble)m_targetPos[2], model, proj, view, &x, &y, &z)) { imguiDrawText((int)x, (int)(y+25), IMGUI_ALIGN_CENTER, "TARGET", imguiRGBA(0,0,0,220)); } char label[32]; if (m_toolParams.m_showLabels) { dtCrowd* crowd = m_sample->getCrowd(); if (crowd) { for (int i = 0; i < crowd->getAgentCount(); ++i) { const dtCrowdAgent* ag = crowd->getAgent(i); if (!ag->active) continue; const float* pos = ag->npos; const float h = ag->params.height; if (gluProject((GLdouble)pos[0], (GLdouble)pos[1]+h, (GLdouble)pos[2], model, proj, view, &x, &y, &z)) { snprintf(label, 32, "%d", i); imguiDrawText((int)x, (int)y+15, IMGUI_ALIGN_CENTER, label, imguiRGBA(0,0,0,220)); } } } } if (m_agentDebug.idx != -1) { dtCrowd* crowd = m_sample->getCrowd(); if (crowd) { const dtCrowdAgent* ag = crowd->getAgent(m_agentDebug.idx); if (ag->active) { const float radius = ag->params.radius; if (m_toolParams.m_showNeis) { for (int j = 0; j < ag->nneis; ++j) { const dtCrowdAgent* nei = crowd->getAgent(ag->neis[j].idx); if (!nei->active) continue; if (gluProject((GLdouble)nei->npos[0], (GLdouble)nei->npos[1]+radius, (GLdouble)nei->npos[2], model, proj, view, &x, &y, &z)) { snprintf(label, 32, "%.3f", ag->neis[j].dist); imguiDrawText((int)x, (int)y+15, IMGUI_ALIGN_CENTER, label, imguiRGBA(255,255,255,220)); } } } } } } if (m_toolParams.m_showPerfGraph) { GraphParams gp; gp.setRect(300, 10, 500, 200, 8); gp.setValueRange(0.0f, 2.0f, 4, "ms"); drawGraphBackground(&gp); drawGraph(&gp, &m_crowdTotalTime, 1, "Total", duRGBA(255,128,0,255)); gp.setRect(300, 10, 500, 50, 8); gp.setValueRange(0.0f, 2000.0f, 1, ""); drawGraph(&gp, &m_crowdSampleCount, 0, "Sample Count", duRGBA(96,96,96,128)); } }
void TextEngineRenderer::Render() { GameState ¤t_state = updater.GetCurrentState(); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); PushMatrix(); matrix_stack.back() *= glm::scale(glm::mat4(1), glm::vec3(glm::vec2(current_state.zoom * 0.1f), 1.0f)); matrix_stack.back() *= glm::translate(glm::mat4(1), glm::vec3(-current_state.camera_position, 0)); const glm::vec2 position = glm::vec2(current_state.player_body->GetPosition().x, current_state.player_body->GetPosition().y); fill = glm::vec4(0.0f, 0.5f, 0.3f, 0.5f); for (const auto &area : scene.areas) { if (area->invisible) { continue; } if (Shape::kAxisAlignedBoundingBox == area->shape) { DrawAxisAlignedBoundingBox(area->aabb); } else { DrawCircle(area->, area->aabb.radius()); } } fill = glm::vec4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f); for (const auto &object : scene.objects) { if (object->invisible) { continue; } if (Shape::kAxisAlignedBoundingBox == object->shape) { DrawAxisAlignedBoundingBox(object->aabb); } else { DrawCircle(object->, object->aabb.radius()); } } const glm::mat4 normalized_to_reversed = glm::scale(glm::mat4(), glm::vec3(1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f)); const glm::mat4 reversed_to_offset = glm::translate(glm::mat4(), glm::vec3(glm::vec2(1.0f), 0.0f)); const glm::mat4 offset_to_screen = glm::scale(glm::mat4(), glm::vec3(glm::vec2(0.5f), 1.0f)); const glm::mat4 screen_to_window = glm::scale(glm::mat4(), glm::vec3(width, height, 1.0f)); const glm::mat4 transform = (screen_to_window * offset_to_screen * reversed_to_offset * normalized_to_reversed * model_view * projection * matrix_stack.back()); const glm::mat4 transform2 = (screen_to_window * offset_to_screen * reversed_to_offset * model_view * projection * matrix_stack.back()); const auto inverse = glm::inverse(transform2); const glm::vec4 homogeneous = transform * glm::vec4(position, 0.0f, 1.0f); const glm::vec2 transformed = homogeneous.xy() / homogeneous.w; fill = glm::vec4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.6f, 1.0f); PushMatrix(); matrix_stack.back() *= glm::translate(glm::mat4(1), glm::vec3(position, 0)); matrix_stack.back() *= glm::rotate(glm::mat4(1), current_state.player_body->GetAngle(), glm::vec3(0, 0, 1)); DrawRectangle(glm::vec2(0), glm::vec2(0.25f, 0.5f)); PopMatrix(); PopMatrix(); if (edit) { MaybeRebuildAttenuationShader(); if (current_state.selected_item) { attenuation3_program.Use(); attenuation3_program.Uniforms({ {u8"model_view_inverse", &inverse} }); const auto isaabb3 = Shape::kAxisAlignedBoundingBox == current_state.selected_item->shape; glUniform1i(attenuation3_program.GetUniformLocation(u8"selected_isaabb"), isaabb3); if (Shape::kAxisAlignedBoundingBox == current_state.selected_item->shape) { attenuation3_program.Uniforms({ {u8"selected_minimum_or_center", current_state.selected_item->aabb.minimum}, {u8"selected_maximum_or_radius", current_state.selected_item->aabb.maximum}, }); CHECK_STATE(!glGetError()); } else { attenuation3_program.Uniforms({ {u8"selected_minimum_or_center", current_state.selected_item->}, {u8"selected_maximum_or_radius", glm::vec2(current_state.selected_item->aabb.radius())}, }); CHECK_STATE(!glGetError()); } const auto attenuation3_coefficients = glm::vec3( current_state.selected_item->base_attenuation, current_state.selected_item->linear_attenuation, current_state.selected_item->quadratic_attenuation); attenuation3_program.Uniforms({ {u8"selected_attenuation", attenuation3_coefficients}, }); const auto color3 = glm::vec4(0, 0, 0, 0.125); attenuation3_program.Uniforms({ {u8"color", color3} }); attenuation_array.Bind(); glDrawArrays(attenuation.element_type, 0, attenuation.element_count); CHECK_STATE(!glGetError()); attenuation_program.Use(); attenuation_program.Uniforms({ {u8"model_view_inverse", &inverse} }); const auto isaabb = Shape::kAxisAlignedBoundingBox == current_state.selected_item->shape; glUniform1i(attenuation_program.GetUniformLocation(u8"selected_isaabb"), isaabb); if (Shape::kAxisAlignedBoundingBox == current_state.selected_item->shape) { attenuation_program.Uniforms({ {u8"selected_minimum_or_center", current_state.selected_item->aabb.minimum}, {u8"selected_maximum_or_radius", current_state.selected_item->aabb.maximum}, }); CHECK_STATE(!glGetError()); } else { attenuation_program.Uniforms({ {u8"selected_minimum_or_center", current_state.selected_item->}, {u8"selected_maximum_or_radius", glm::vec2(current_state.selected_item->aabb.radius())}, }); CHECK_STATE(!glGetError()); } const auto attenuation_coefficients = glm::vec3( current_state.selected_item->base_attenuation, current_state.selected_item->linear_attenuation, current_state.selected_item->quadratic_attenuation); attenuation_program.Uniforms({ {u8"selected_attenuation", attenuation_coefficients}, }); const auto color = glm::vec4(0, 0, 0, 0.5); attenuation_program.Uniforms({ {u8"color", color} }); attenuation_array.Bind(); glDrawArrays(attenuation.element_type, 0, attenuation.element_count); CHECK_STATE(!glGetError()); } } const auto mouse_position = 2.0f * mouse.get_cursor_position(); unsigned char mouse_buttons = 0; if (mouse.IsButtonDown(GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_1)) { mouse_buttons |= IMGUI_MBUT_LEFT; } if (mouse.IsButtonDown(GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_2)) { mouse_buttons |= IMGUI_MBUT_RIGHT; } if (edit) { imguiBeginFrame(mouse_position.x, height - mouse_position.y, mouse_buttons, 0); for (auto &area : scene.areas) { const glm::vec4 homogeneous = transform * glm::vec4(area->aabb.minimum.x, area->aabb.maximum.y, 0.0f, 1.0f); const glm::vec2 transformed = homogeneous.xy() / homogeneous.w; imguiDrawText(transformed.x, height - transformed.y, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, area->name.c_str(), imguiRGBA(0, 0, 0)); } for (auto &object : scene.objects) { const glm::vec4 homogeneous = transform * glm::vec4(object->aabb.minimum.x, object->aabb.maximum.y, 0.0f, 1.0f); const glm::vec2 transformed = homogeneous.xy() / homogeneous.w; imguiDrawText(transformed.x, height - transformed.y, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, object->name.c_str(), imguiRGBA(0, 0, 0)); } if (current_state.selected_item) { std::ostringstream name, constant, linear, quadratic; name << current_state.selected_item->name; imguiDrawText(10, height - 50, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, name.str().c_str(), imguiRGBA(0, 0, 0)); constant << "c: " << current_state.selected_item->base_attenuation; imguiDrawText(10, height - 75, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, constant.str().c_str(), imguiRGBA(0, 0, 0)); linear << "l: " << current_state.selected_item->linear_attenuation; imguiDrawText(10, height - 100, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, linear.str().c_str(), imguiRGBA(0, 0, 0)); quadratic << "q: " << current_state.selected_item->quadratic_attenuation << std::endl; imguiDrawText(10, height - 125, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, quadratic.str().c_str(), imguiRGBA(0, 0, 0)); } imguiEndFrame(); } imguiRenderGLDraw(width, height); }