/* * Store a private key object. */ static int incrypto34_store_key(sc_profile_t *profile, sc_card_t *card, sc_pkcs15_object_t *obj, sc_pkcs15_prkey_t *key) { sc_pkcs15_prkey_info_t *key_info = (sc_pkcs15_prkey_info_t *) obj->data; int algorithm, r; if (obj->type != SC_PKCS15_TYPE_PRKEY_RSA) { sc_error(card->ctx, "Incrypto34 supports RSA keys only."); return SC_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } if (incrypto34_key_algorithm(key_info->usage, &algorithm) < 0) { sc_error(card->ctx, "Incrypto34 does not support keys " "that can both sign _and_ decrypt."); return SC_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } r = incrypto34_put_key(profile, card, algorithm, key_info, &key->u.rsa); return r; }
/* * Key generation */ static int incrypto34_generate_key(sc_profile_t *profile, sc_pkcs15_card_t *p15card, sc_pkcs15_object_t *obj, sc_pkcs15_pubkey_t *pubkey) { sc_pkcs15_prkey_info_t *key_info = (sc_pkcs15_prkey_info_t *) obj->data; sc_card_t *card = p15card->card; struct sc_pkcs15_prkey_rsa key_obj; struct sc_cardctl_incrypto34_genkey_info args; struct sc_file *temp; u8 abignum[RSAKEY_MAX_SIZE]; unsigned int keybits; int algorithm, r, delete_it = 0; if (obj->type != SC_PKCS15_TYPE_PRKEY_RSA) { sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "Incrypto34 supports only RSA keys."); return SC_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } if (incrypto34_key_algorithm(key_info->usage, &algorithm) < 0) { sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "Incrypto34 does not support keys " "that can both sign _and_ decrypt."); return SC_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } keybits = key_info->modulus_length & ~7UL; if (keybits > RSAKEY_MAX_BITS) { sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "Unable to generate key, max size is %d", RSAKEY_MAX_BITS); return SC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS; } if (sc_profile_get_file(profile, "tempfile", &temp) < 0) { sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "Profile doesn't define temporary file " "for key generation."); return SC_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } memset(pubkey, 0, sizeof(*pubkey)); if ((r = sc_pkcs15init_create_file(profile, p15card, temp)) < 0) goto out; delete_it = 1; /* Create a key object, initializing components to 0xff */ memset(&key_obj, 0, sizeof(key_obj)); memset(abignum, 0xFF, sizeof(abignum)); key_obj.modulus.data = abignum; key_obj.modulus.len = keybits >> 3; key_obj.d.data = abignum; key_obj.d.len = keybits >> 3; r = incrypto34_put_key(profile, p15card, algorithm, key_info, &key_obj); if (r < 0) goto out; memset(&args, 0, sizeof(args)); args.key_id = key_info->key_reference; args.key_bits = keybits; args.fid = temp->id; r = sc_card_ctl(card, SC_CARDCTL_INCRYPTO34_GENERATE_KEY, &args); if (r < 0) goto out; /* extract public key from file and delete it */ if ((r = sc_select_file(card, &temp->path, NULL)) < 0) goto out; r = incrypto34_extract_pubkey(card, 1, 0x10, &pubkey->u.rsa.modulus); if (r < 0) goto out; r = incrypto34_extract_pubkey(card, 2, 0x11, &pubkey->u.rsa.exponent); if (r < 0) goto out; pubkey->algorithm = SC_ALGORITHM_RSA; out: if (delete_it) { sc_pkcs15init_rmdir(p15card, profile, temp); } sc_file_free(temp); if (r < 0) { if (pubkey->u.rsa.modulus.data) free (pubkey->u.rsa.modulus.data); if (pubkey->u.rsa.exponent.data) free (pubkey->u.rsa.exponent.data); } return r; }