static void GetEntries( HINI hIni, LPCSTR pszSection, LPSTR pRetBuffer, int nRetBuffer ) { char szPropertyName[INI_MAX_PROPERTY_NAME+1]; char szValueName[INI_MAX_PROPERTY_NAME+1]; /* COLLECT ALL ENTRIES FOR THE GIVEN SECTION */ iniObjectSeek( hIni, (char *)pszSection ); iniPropertyFirst( hIni ); *pRetBuffer = '\0'; while ( iniPropertyEOL( hIni ) != TRUE ) { iniProperty( hIni, szPropertyName ); iniValue( hIni, szValueName ); if ( strlen( pRetBuffer ) + strlen( szPropertyName ) < nRetBuffer ) { strcat( pRetBuffer, szPropertyName ); if ( strlen( pRetBuffer ) + 1 < nRetBuffer ) { strcat( pRetBuffer, "=" ); if ( strlen( pRetBuffer ) + strlen( szValueName ) < nRetBuffer ) { strcat( pRetBuffer, szValueName ); if ( strlen( pRetBuffer ) + 1 < nRetBuffer ) { strcat( pRetBuffer, ";" ); } } } } iniPropertyNext( hIni ); } }
void CODBCCreate::populate() { char szDriverName[INI_MAX_OBJECT_NAME+1]; char szPropertyName[INI_MAX_PROPERTY_NAME+1]; char szDescription[INI_MAX_PROPERTY_VALUE+1]; char szDriver[INI_MAX_PROPERTY_VALUE+1]; char szDriver64[INI_MAX_PROPERTY_VALUE+1]; char szSetup[INI_MAX_PROPERTY_VALUE+1]; char szSetup64[INI_MAX_PROPERTY_VALUE+1]; #ifdef QT_V4LAYOUT Q3ListViewItem *pListViewItem; #else QListViewItem *pListViewItem; #endif QString qsError; char szINI[FILENAME_MAX+1]; HINI hIni; char buffer[ 128 ]; sprintf( szINI, "%s/odbcinst.ini", odbcinst_system_file_path( buffer )); if ( iniOpen( &hIni, szINI, "#;", '[', ']', '=', TRUE ) != INI_ERROR ) { iniObjectFirst( hIni ); while ( iniObjectEOL( hIni ) == FALSE ) { szDriverName[0] = '\0'; szDescription[0] = '\0'; szDriver[0] = '\0'; szDriver64[0] = '\0'; szSetup64[0] = '\0'; szSetup[0] = '\0'; iniObject( hIni, szDriverName ); iniPropertyFirst( hIni ); if ( strcmp( szDriverName, "ODBC" ) == 0 ) { iniObjectNext( hIni ); continue; } while ( iniPropertyEOL( hIni ) == FALSE ) { iniProperty( hIni, szPropertyName ); iniToUpper( szPropertyName ); if ( strncmp( szPropertyName, "DESCRIPTION", INI_MAX_PROPERTY_NAME ) == 0 ) iniValue( hIni, szDescription ); #ifdef PLATFORM64 if ( strncmp( szPropertyName, "DRIVER64", INI_MAX_PROPERTY_NAME ) == 0 ) iniValue( hIni, szDriver64 ); if ( strncmp( szPropertyName, "DRIVER", INI_MAX_PROPERTY_NAME ) == 0 ) iniValue( hIni, szDriver ); if ( strncmp( szPropertyName, "SETUP64", INI_MAX_PROPERTY_NAME ) == 0 ) iniValue( hIni, szSetup64 ); if ( strncmp( szPropertyName, "SETUP", INI_MAX_PROPERTY_NAME ) == 0 ) iniValue( hIni, szSetup ); #else if ( strncmp( szPropertyName, "DRIVER", INI_MAX_PROPERTY_NAME ) == 0 ) iniValue( hIni, szDriver ); if ( strncmp( szPropertyName, "SETUP", INI_MAX_PROPERTY_NAME ) == 0 ) iniValue( hIni, szSetup ); #endif iniPropertyNext( hIni ); } #ifdef PLATFORM64 if ( szDriver64[ 0 ] != '\0' ) { strcpy( szDriver, szDriver64 ); } if ( szSetup64[ 0 ] != '\0' ) { strcpy( szSetup, szSetup64 ); } #endif #ifdef QT_V4LAYOUT pListViewItem = new Q3ListViewItem( driver_list, szDriverName, szDescription, szDriver, szSetup ); #else pListViewItem = new QListViewItem( driver_list, szDriverName, szDescription, szDriver, szSetup ); #endif iniObjectNext( hIni ); } iniClose( hIni ); } else { qsError.sprintf( "Could not open system file at %s", szINI ); QMessageBox::information( this, "Create New Data Source", qsError ); } }
int _SQLGetInstalledDrivers( LPCSTR pszSection, LPCSTR pszEntry, LPCSTR pszDefault, LPCSTR pRetBuffer, int nRetBuffer ) { HINI hIni; int nBufPos = 0; int nStrToCopy; char szObjectName[INI_MAX_OBJECT_NAME+1]; char szPropertyName[INI_MAX_PROPERTY_NAME+1]; char szValue[INI_MAX_PROPERTY_VALUE+1]; char szIniName[ INI_MAX_OBJECT_NAME + 1 ]; char *ptr; char b1[ 256 ], b2[ 256 ]; /* SANITY CHECKS */ if ( pRetBuffer == NULL || nRetBuffer < 2 ) { inst_logPushMsg( __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_CRITICAL, ODBC_ERROR_GENERAL_ERR, "" ); return -1; } /* * first try in the system odbcinst.ini */ #ifdef VMS sprintf( szIniName, "%s:%s", odbcinst_system_file_path( b1 ), odbcinst_system_file_name( b2 )); #else sprintf( szIniName, "%s/%s", odbcinst_system_file_path( b1 ), odbcinst_system_file_name( b2 )); #endif /* PROCESS ODBC INI FILE */ #ifdef __OS2__ if ( iniOpen( &hIni, szIniName, "#;", '[', ']', '=', 1, 1L ) != INI_SUCCESS ) #else if ( iniOpen( &hIni, szIniName, "#;", '[', ']', '=', 1 ) != INI_SUCCESS ) #endif { inst_logPushMsg( __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_CRITICAL, ODBC_ERROR_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND, "" ); return -1; } /* * now try the user odbcinst.ini if it exists */ #ifdef VMS sprintf( szIniName, "%s:%s", odbcinst_user_file_path( b1 ), odbcinst_user_file_name( b2 )); #else sprintf( szIniName, "%s/%s", odbcinst_user_file_path( b1 ), odbcinst_user_file_name( b2 )); #endif /* PROCESS .ODBCINST INI FILE */ iniAppend( hIni, szIniName ); nBufPos = 0; if ( pszSection == NULL ) { ptr = (char*) pRetBuffer; *ptr = '\0'; /* JUST COLLECT SECTION NAMES */ for( iniObjectFirst( hIni ); iniObjectEOL( hIni ) != TRUE; iniObjectNext( hIni )) { iniObject( hIni, szObjectName ); if ( strcasecmp( szObjectName, "ODBC" ) == 0 ) { continue; } else if ( nBufPos + 1 + strlen( szObjectName ) >= nRetBuffer ) { break; } else { strcpy( ptr, szObjectName ); ptr += strlen( ptr ) + 1; nBufPos += strlen( szObjectName ) + 1; } } /* * Add final NULL */ if ( nBufPos == 0 ) { ptr ++; } *ptr = '\0'; } else if ( pszEntry == NULL ) { ptr = (char*) pRetBuffer; *ptr = '\0'; iniObjectSeek( hIni, (char *)pszSection ); /* COLLECT ALL ENTRIES FOR THE GIVEN SECTION */ for( iniPropertyFirst( hIni ); iniPropertyEOL( hIni ) != TRUE; iniPropertyNext( hIni )) { iniProperty( hIni, szPropertyName ); if ( nBufPos + 1 + strlen( szPropertyName ) >= nRetBuffer ) { break; } else { strcpy( ptr, szPropertyName ); ptr += strlen( ptr ) + 1; nBufPos += strlen( szPropertyName ) + 1; } } /* * Add final NULL */ if ( nBufPos == 0 ) { ptr ++; } } else { /* TRY TO GET THE ONE ITEM MATCHING Section & Entry */ if ( iniPropertySeek( hIni, (char *)pszSection, (char *)pszEntry, "" ) != INI_SUCCESS ) { /* try to use any default provided */ if ( pRetBuffer && nRetBuffer > 0 ) { if ( pszDefault ) { strncpy( (char *)pRetBuffer, pszDefault, nRetBuffer ); ((char*)pRetBuffer)[ nRetBuffer - 1 ] = '\0'; } } } else { iniValue( hIni, szValue ); nStrToCopy = strlen( szValue ) + 1; /* factor NULL terminator for string */ if ( nBufPos + nStrToCopy + 1 > nRetBuffer ) /* factor NULL terminator for buffer */ nStrToCopy = nRetBuffer - nBufPos - 2; strncpy( (char *)&(pRetBuffer[nBufPos]), szValue, nStrToCopy ); nBufPos += nStrToCopy; /* * length doesn't include NULL */ nBufPos--; } } /* CLOSE */ iniClose( hIni ); return nBufPos; }