void DevChannelHK::onGetDecData(char* pBuf, int nSize, FRAME_INFO* pFrameInfo) { //InfoL << pFrameInfo->nType; switch (pFrameInfo->nType) { case T_YV12: { if (!m_bVideoSeted) { m_bVideoSeted = true; VideoInfo video; video.iWidth = pFrameInfo->nWidth; video.iHeight = pFrameInfo->nHeight; video.iFrameRate = pFrameInfo->nFrameRate; initVideo(video); } char *yuv[3]; int yuv_len[3]; yuv_len[0] = pFrameInfo->nWidth; yuv_len[1] = pFrameInfo->nWidth / 2; yuv_len[2] = pFrameInfo->nWidth / 2; int dwOffset_Y = pFrameInfo->nWidth * pFrameInfo->nHeight; yuv[0] = pBuf; yuv[2] = yuv[0] + dwOffset_Y; yuv[1] = yuv[2] + dwOffset_Y / 4; inputYUV(yuv, yuv_len, pFrameInfo->nStamp); } break; case T_AUDIO16: { if (!m_bAudioSeted) { m_bAudioSeted = true; AudioInfo audio; audio.iChannel = pFrameInfo->nWidth; audio.iSampleBit = pFrameInfo->nHeight; audio.iSampleRate = pFrameInfo->nFrameRate; initAudio(audio); } inputPCM(pBuf, nSize, pFrameInfo->nStamp); } break; default: break; } }
qboolean SNDDMA_Init(void) { Com_Printf("Initializing Android Sound subsystem\n"); /* For now hardcode this all :) */ dma.channels = 2; dma.samples = 32768; dma.samplebits = 16; dma.submission_chunk = 4096; /* This is in single samples, so this would equal 2048 frames (assuming stereo) in Android terminology */ dma.speed = 44100; /* This is the native sample frequency of the Milestone */ bytes_per_sample = dma.samplebits/8; buf_size = dma.samples * bytes_per_sample; dma.buffer = calloc(1, buf_size); chunkSizeBytes = dma.submission_chunk * bytes_per_sample; initAudio(dma.buffer, buf_size); return qtrue; }
int state10(void) { unsigned char RecBuf[2]; char v=1; int otime,ctime; unsigned char Data_next; int Control=0; serialinit(); initAudio(); initCompr(); /* Synch with PC... */ serialtransmit('A'); otime=10000000; starttimer(SAMPLE_DELAY); ctime=gettimer(); while ( otime > ctime ) { otime=ctime; ctime=gettimer(); } RecBuf[0] = (getsample()); otime=1000; while (1) { /*starttimer(SAMPLE_DELAY);*/ while ( otime > (otime= gettimer() > 0) ); RecBuf[v] = (getsample()); if (v) { Control = compress(RecBuf[0],RecBuf[1]); } else { Control = serialtransmit(Control); if (Control) { serialclose(); return Control; } } v=1-v; } }
void main(void) { int i; /* Set up initial state for audio system */ initAudio(); asm("nop"); while (1){ /* This will make the board act as an amplifier... */ /*-- INactive ... setsample(getsample()); */ /* This will make the board play a saw-tooth waveform... */ /*-- Active ... */ for (i=0;i<256;i+=20) setsample(i); for (i=255;i>=0;i-=10) setsample(i); /**/ } }
static void initSDL(SDL_Window** window, SDL_Renderer** renderer, OffScreenBuffer* osb, SDLInputContext* sdlIC, SDLSoundRingBuffer* srb) { if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_AUDIO | SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER) != 0) { printSDLErrorAndExit(); } if(!(*window = SDL_CreateWindow("Handmade Hero", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE))) { printSDLErrorAndExit(); } if(!(*renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(*window, -1, 0))) { printSDLErrorAndExit(); } resizeTexture(&gTexture, osb, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, *renderer); initAudio(srb); initInput(sdlIC); }
void configEvent(const std::string& key) { // TODO: this could be done better... narf::console->println("onPropertyChanged(" + key + ")"); if (key == "video.renderDistance") { renderer->setRenderDistance(config.getInt32(key)); narf::console->println("Setting renderDistance to " + std::to_string(renderer->getRenderDistance())); } else if (key == "video.consoleCursorShape") { auto shapeStr = config.getString(key); clientConsole->setCursorShape(narf::ClientConsole::cursorShapeFromString(shapeStr)); } else if (key == "video.vsync") { auto vsync = config.getBool(key); display->setVsync(vsync); narf::console->println("Setting vsync to " + std::to_string(vsync)); } else if (key == "foo.gravity") { world->setGravity(config.getFloat(key)); narf::console->println("Setting gravity to " + std::to_string(world->getGravity())); } else if (key == "misc.tickRate") { auto tickRate = config.getDouble(key); narf::console->println("Setting tickRate to " + std::to_string(tickRate)); if (gameLoop) { gameLoop->setTickRate(tickRate); } } else if (key == "misc.maxFrameTime") { auto maxFrameTime = config.getDouble(key, 0.25); narf::console->println("Setting maxFrameTime to " + std::to_string(maxFrameTime)); if (gameLoop) { gameLoop->setMaxFrameTime(maxFrameTime); } } else if (key == "video.hudFont" || key == "video.hudFontSize") { auto font = setFont( "HUD", "video.hudFont", "DroidSansMono", "video.hudFontSize", 30); if (font) { if (gameLoop) { gameLoop->forceStatusUpdate = true; } fpsTextBuffer->setFont(font); blockInfoBuffer->setFont(font); entityInfoBuffer->setFont(font); locationBuffer->setFont(font); } } else if (key == "video.consoleFont" || key == "video.consoleFontSize") { auto font = setFont( "console", "video.consoleFont", "DroidSansMono", "video.consoleFontSize", 18); if (font) { clientConsole->setFont(font); } } else if (key == "video.stereo.enabled") { stereo.enabled = config.getBool(key); } else if (key == "video.stereo.cross") { stereo.cross = config.getBool(key); } else if (key == "video.stereo.separation") { stereo.separation = config.getFloat(key); } else if (key == "audio.enabled") { audioEnabled = config.getBool(key); initAudio(); } else { narf::console->println("Config var updated: " + key); } }
// Initializes the hardware void initHardware (void) { initIntc(); initLeds(); initButtons(); initAudio(); }
bool Game::CreateAndInit() { // If an instance already exists, we'll just keep it as is. if (pInstance != NULL) { return true; } #ifdef GAME_EXECUTABLE LoadCompletedCases(); PopulateCaseSignatureMap(); #endif gScreenWidth = 960; gScreenHeight = 540; gFramerate = 60.0; // FPS (0 for unlimited) #ifdef GAME_EXECUTABLE gIsFullscreen = gEnableFullscreen; // Seed the pseudo-random number generator. srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); #endif // Turn on ALL THE THINGS. if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) != 0) { return false; } atexit(SDL_Quit); #ifdef GAME_EXECUTABLE SDL_StopTextInput(); // Register all codecs. av_register_all(); gUiThreadId = SDL_ThreadID(); #else // Initialize networking for the purposes of checking for updates. curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL); gpCurlHandle = curl_easy_init(); #endif #ifdef GAME_EXECUTABLE SDL_DisplayMode mode; SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode(0, &mode); #ifdef MLI_DEBUG #ifdef WIN32 // Force stdout to console, not text files. freopen("CON", "a", stdout); freopen("CON", "a", stderr); #endif #endif #ifdef MLI_DEBUG cout << gTitle << endl; #endif SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "0"); double nativeAspectRatio = (double)mode.w / mode.h; double gameAspectRatio = (double)gScreenWidth / gScreenHeight; bool constraintIsVertical = nativeAspectRatio > gameAspectRatio; gScreenScale = constraintIsVertical ? (double)mode.h / gScreenHeight : (double)mode.w / gScreenWidth; if (constraintIsVertical) { gHorizontalOffset = (Uint16)floor(0.5 + (mode.w - gScreenWidth * gScreenScale) / 2); } else { gVerticalOffset = (Uint16)floor(0.5 + (mode.h - gScreenHeight * gScreenScale) / 2); } #endif SDL_WindowFlags flags = SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN; #ifdef GAME_EXECUTABLE if (gIsFullscreen) { flags = (SDL_WindowFlags)(flags | SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP); } #endif gpWindow = SDL_CreateWindow(gTitle.c_str(), SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight, flags); // If we couldn't get a window, we're pretty screwed. if (gpWindow == NULL) { return false; } #ifdef __WINDOWS #ifndef LAUNCHER // Load and set the window icon - this is needed on Windows, // since just having the icon in the .exe doesn't set it for things like // the Alt+Tab menu. struct SDL_SysWMinfo info; SDL_VERSION(&info.version); if (SDL_GetWindowWMInfo(gpWindow, &info) && info.subsystem == SDL_SYSWM_WINDOWS) { HWND hwnd = info.info.win.window; const HANDLE hBigIcon = LoadImage( GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON), IMAGE_ICON, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON), 0); if (hBigIcon != NULL) { SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(hBigIcon)); } } #endif #endif gpRenderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(gpWindow, -1, 0); // Ditto for the renderer. if (gpRenderer == NULL) { return false; } // And for the renderer info, too. SDL_RendererInfo rendererInfo; if (SDL_GetRendererInfo(gpRenderer, &rendererInfo) < 0) { return false; } gMaxTextureWidth = rendererInfo.max_texture_width; gMaxTextureHeight = rendererInfo.max_texture_height; #ifdef GAME_EXECUTABLE // Initialize audio subsystems. initAudio(); // Set initial volume levels. setVolumeMusic(gBackgroundMusicVolume); setVolumeSound(gSoundEffectsVolume); setVolumeAmbiance(gSoundEffectsVolume); setVolumeDialog(gVoiceVolume); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < builtInBgmCount; i++) { ResourceLoader::GetInstance()->PreloadMusic(bgmIdList[i], "BGM/" + bgmIdList[i]); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < builtInSfxCount; i++) { ResourceLoader::GetInstance()->PreloadSound(sfxIdList[i], "SFX/" + sfxIdList[i]); } TTF_Init(); MouseHelper::Init(); KeyboardHelper::Init(); TextInputHelper::Init(); EventProviders::Init(); // We'll be drawing a custom cursor, so let's hide the system cursor. SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); #endif pInstance = new Game(); pInstance->Init(); return true; }
bool muxerFlv::open(const char *file, ADM_videoStream *s,uint32_t nbAudioTrack,ADM_audioStream **a) { uint32_t fcc=s->getFCC(); bool r=true; char *fileTitle=NULL; if(fourCC::check(fcc,(uint8_t *)"FLV1") || isVP6Compatible(fcc)) { }else { GUI_Error_HIG("Unsupported","Only FLV1 & VP6 supported for video"); return false; } if(nbAudioTrack) for(int i=0;i<nbAudioTrack;i++) { uint32_t acc=a[i]->getInfo()->encoding; if(acc!=WAV_MP2 && acc!=WAV_MP3 && acc!=WAV_AAC) { GUI_Error_HIG("Unsupported","Only AAC & mpegaudio supported for audio"); return false; } uint32_t fq=a[i]->getInfo()->frequency; if(fq!=44100 &&fq!=22050 && fq!=11025) { GUI_Error_HIG("Unsupported","Only 44.1, 22.050 and 11.025 kHz supported"); return false; } } if(false==setupMuxer("flv",file)) { printf("[FLV] Failed to open muxer\n"); return false; } if(initVideo(s)==false) { printf("[FLV] Failed to init video\n"); return false; } AVCodecContext *c = video_st->codec; AVDictionary *dict = NULL; rescaleFps(s->getAvgFps1000(),&(c->time_base)); video_st->time_base=c->time_base; c->gop_size=15; if(initAudio(nbAudioTrack,a)==false) { printf("[FLV] Failed to init audio\n"); return false; } int er=avio_open(&(oc->pb), file, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE); if (er) { ADM_error("[Flv]: Failed to open file :%s, er=%d\n",file,er); r=false; goto finish; } char buf[64]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", AV_TIME_BASE / 10); av_dict_set(&dict, "preload", buf, 0); av_dict_set(&dict, "max_delay", buf, 0); av_dict_set(&dict, "muxrate", "10080000", 0); if (avformat_write_header(oc, &dict) < 0) { printf("[Flv Muxer] Muxer rejected the parameters\n"); r=false; goto finish; } initialized=true; finish: vStream=s; aStreams=a; nbAStreams=nbAudioTrack; return r; }
bool muxerMp4v2::open(const char *file, ADM_videoStream *s,uint32_t nbAudioTrack,ADM_audioStream **a) { audioDelay=s->getVideoDelay(); vStream=s; nbAStreams=nbAudioTrack; aStreams=a; videoBufferSize=vStream->getWidth()*vStream->getHeight()*3; videoBuffer[0]=new uint8_t[videoBufferSize]; videoBuffer[1]=new uint8_t[videoBufferSize]; scratchBuffer=new uint8_t[videoBufferSize]; in[0].bufferSize=videoBufferSize; in[0].data=videoBuffer[0]; in[1].bufferSize=videoBufferSize; in[1].data=videoBuffer[1]; targetFileName=string(file); //------Verify everything is ok : Accept Mp4 & H264 for video, AAC for audio ---- uint32_t fcc=vStream->getFCC(); if(!isH264Compatible(fcc) && !isMpeg4Compatible(fcc)) { ADM_error("[mp4v2] Only h264 and mp4 video track!\n"); return false; } for(int i=0;i<nbAStreams;i++) { int encoding=aStreams[i]->getInfo()->encoding; switch(encoding) { case WAV_MP2:case WAV_MP3:case WAV_AAC:case WAV_AC3: continue; default: GUI_Error_HIG("Audio","Audio format not supported, only AAC/MP3/AC3"); return false; } } //------Verify everything is ok : Accept Mp4 & H264 for video, AAC for audio ---- // Create file handle=MP4Create( file, ADM_MP4_OPTIONS_OPEN); if(MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE==handle) { ADM_error("[mp4v2]Cannot create output file %s\n",file); return false; } MP4LogSetLevel(MP4_LOG_INFO); if (!(MP4SetTimeScale( handle, 90*1000 ))) // 90 kHz tick { ADM_error("[mp4v2]Cannot set timescale to us\n"); return false; } if(false==initVideo()) { ADM_error("Cannot init video\n"); return false; } if(false==initAudio()) { ADM_error("Cannot init audio\n"); return false; } return true; er: return false; }
//_______________________________________________ uint8_t ADM_ogmWrite::save(const char *name) { uint8_t *bufr; uint32_t len,flags; uint8_t error=0; _fd=fopen(name,"wb"); if(!_fd) { GUI_Error_HIG(QT_TR_NOOP("File error"), QT_TR_NOOP("Cannot open \"%s\" for writing."), name); return 0; } videoStream=new ogm_page(_fd,1); encoding_gui=new DIA_encoding(25000); encoding_gui->setContainer("OGM"); //______________ Write headers..._____________________ if(!initVideo(name)) { fclose(_fd); _fd=NULL; GUI_Error_HIG(QT_TR_NOOP("Could not initialize video"), NULL); return 0; } if(!initAudio()) { fclose(_fd); _fd=NULL; GUI_Error_HIG(QT_TR_NOOP("Could not initialize audio"), NULL); return 0; } encoding_gui->setFps(_fps1000); encoding_gui->reset(); // ___________________Then body_______________________ uint32_t j=0; for( j=0;j<_togo && !error;j++) { if(!encoding_gui->isAlive()) { error=1; continue; } if(!writeVideo(j)) error=1; if(!writeAudio(j)) error=1; } if(abs(j-_togo)<3 && error) error=0; // might be caused by late B frame delete encoding_gui; encoding_gui=NULL; //________________ Flush______________________ videoStream->flush(); endAudio(); //deleteAudioFilters(); // ____________Close____________________ fclose(_fd); _fd=NULL; return !error; }
int main(void) { while (1) { state = 0; int setTime = 15; numPlayers = 2; initScreen(); clearScreen(); initCharBuffer(); clean_up(); initKeyboard(); initState0(); initAI(); //Bypass the menu system for testing if (IORD(keys,0) == 8) { initPlayer(pOne, MARIO, "pOne", 50, 100, HUMAN); initPlayer(pTwo, LUIGI, "pTwo", 50, 100, COMPUTER); state = 2; } else { while (state == 0) { decode_scancode(ps2, &decode_mode, buf, &ascii); state_0(decode_mode, buf[0]); }; initState1(pOne); if(aOn)file_handle = initAudio(fname); if(aOn)alt_irq_register(AUDIO_0_IRQ, &ab, (alt_isr_func) write_fifo); if(aOn) alt_up_audio_enable_write_interrupt(ab->audio); while (state == 1) { decode_scancode(ps2, &decode_mode, buf, &ascii); state_1(decode_mode, buf[0], ascii); if(aOn)loop_audio(file_handle, fname, ab); }; } //clean_up(); clearCharBuffer(); clearScreen(); //enable keyboard IRQ void* keyboard_control_register_ptr = (void*) (KEYBOARD_BASE + 4); alt_irq_register(KEYBOARD_IRQ, keyboard_control_register_ptr, keyboard_ISR); alt_up_ps2_enable_read_interrupt(ps2); //Draw field and UI to both buffers initField(); updateField(); drawName(p[pOne].name, p[pTwo].name, p[pThree].name, p[pFour].name); drawGas(p[pOne].gas); drawHealth(p[pOne].hp, p[pTwo].hp, p[pThree].hp, p[pFour].hp); drawBullet(p[pOne].bulletType); //drawWindIndicator(1); updateScreen(); updateField(); drawName(p[pOne].name, p[pTwo].name, p[pThree].name, p[pFour].name); drawGas(p[pOne].gas); drawHealth(p[pOne].hp, p[pTwo].hp, p[pThree].hp, p[pFour].hp); drawBullet(p[pOne].bulletType); //drawWindIndicator(1); float time; alt_timestamp_start(); int start_timer_flag = 1; //printf("NUM PLAYERA %i\n", numPlayers); int i; while (state == 2) { int fallFlag = 1; //Checks to see if any players are falling while (fallFlag == 1) { fallFlag = 0; for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { if (p[i].alive) { if (p[i].y + TANK_HEIGHT >= SCREEN_HEIGHT-1) { p[i].hp = 0; p[i].alive = DEAD; } checkPlayerFalling(i); if (p[i].isFalling) { undrawPlayer(i); updatePlayer(i); fallFlag = 1; } } } if (fallFlag == 1) { updateScreen(); } } if(start_timer_flag){ start_time = (float) alt_timestamp() / (float) alt_timestamp_freq(); start_timer_flag = 0; } time = (float) alt_timestamp() / (float) alt_timestamp_freq()-start_time; if (time >= setTime) { setPlayerTurn(); } if (p[turn].type == HUMAN) { runGame(); } else { p[turn].deg = 0; aiMain(turn); setPlayerTurn(); } printTimer(setTime - time); int deadCount = 0; for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { if (p[i].alive == DEAD) deadCount++; } if (deadCount == numPlayers - 1) { usleep(500000); state = 3; } } alt_up_ps2_disable_read_interrupt(ps2); if(aOn)alt_up_audio_disable_write_interrupt(ab->audio); GameOverScreen(); } }
void AndroidAudio::reInit() { initAudio(); }
// execution begins here int UltraMain(void) { struct display_context * dc; struct controller_data cd; int lasty=0,lastx=0; int d=0; // buffer for rendering text strings (only sprintf works at the moment) char buf[1024]; // offset for the scrolling waveform float offs=0; // used to keep track of how many cycles various processes take unsigned long time,rendertime,lastrendertime,waittime,lastwaittime; // enable MI interrupts (on the CPU) set_MI_interrupt(1); initDisplay(); initAudio(); registerAIhandler(AIcallback); registerVIhandler(VIcallback); while (1) { short * sb; int sbsize; // Mark the value of the COUNT register (increments at half the CPU // rate) at the start of the main loop. time=read_count(); while (! (dc=lockDisplay())) ; // Mark the time after waiting. waittime=time; waittime=((time=read_count())-waittime)*2; sb=getbuf(); sbsize=getbufsize(); for (int c=0;c<sbsize;c++,d++) { sb[c*2]=sin((d%22050)/22050.0*M_TWOPI*1000.0)*100*((cd.c[0].y-lasty)*c/sbsize+lasty)*(((cd.c[0].x-lastx)*c/sbsize+lastx)/128.0-1.0); sb[c*2+1]=sin((d%22050)/22050.0*M_TWOPI*1000.0)*100*((cd.c[0].y-lasty)*c/sbsize+lasty)*(((cd.c[0].x-lastx)*c/sbsize+lastx)/128.0+1.0); } writebuffer(sb); lastx=cd.c[0].x; lasty=cd.c[0].y; // this is what really marks the beginning of the current frame // read controller data controller_Read(&cd); // start drawing on the other frame buffer, clear the screen (uses red // when the start button on controller 1 is pressed, black otherwise) VI_FillScreen(&dc->conf,cd.c[0].err?0:(cd.c[0].start?0xf800:0)); // print a little info for each controller for (int c=0; c < 4; c++) { if (cd.c[c].err) // if controller not present sprintf(buf,"controller %d not present",c+1); else { sprintf(buf,"controller %d present\nbuttons=0x%04X x=%4d y=%4d",c+1, cd.c[c].buttons, cd.c[c].x, cd.c[c].y); } VI_DrawText(&dc->conf,50,58+2*8*c,buf); } // draw a waveform for (float x=50; x < 250; x++) { VI_DrawPixel(&dc->conf,x,cbrt(sin((x-50)/200*M_TWOPI*4+offs))*250.0/8+175,0x7c0); } // the waveform can be scrolled by the x axis of the first controller if (!cd.c[0].err) offs-=(cd.c[0].x/2*2)/32.0; // print up some informative text, and report how long we waited for // this frame, and how long the last frame took to render sprintf(buf,"buffers: %5d frames: %5d\n%8lu cycles last frame\n%8lu cycles waiting\n%4.2f FPS",buffercount,framecount,lastrendertime,lastwaittime,100000000.0/(lastwaittime+lastrendertime)); VI_DrawText(&dc->conf,50,26,buf); // calculate how many cycles this frame took to render rendertime=(read_count()-time)*2; lastwaittime=waittime; lastrendertime=rendertime; showDisplay(dc); dc=0; } return 0; }
bool Main::main(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { consoleWindowHandle = GetConsoleWindow(); /// Initialize time keeping. LARGE_INTEGER frequency; assert(QueryPerformanceFrequency(&frequency) != 0); timeCounterFrequency = static_cast<double>(frequency.QuadPart); assert(timeCounterFrequency > 0); QueryPerformanceCounter(&startTime); /// Register a window class. /// \todo Configure small and large application icons. const wchar_t * windowClassName = L"x"; WNDCLASSEX wcex; wcex.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); wcex.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; wcex.lpfnWndProc = WndProc; wcex.cbClsExtra = 0; wcex.cbWndExtra = 0; wcex.hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL); wcex.hIcon = 0; //LoadIcon(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_MAIN)); wcex.hCursor = 0; //LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wcex.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1); wcex.lpszMenuName = NULL; //MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_MAIN); wcex.lpszClassName = windowClassName; wcex.hIconSm = 0; //LoadIcon(wcex.hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_SMALL)); ATOM windowClass = RegisterClassExW(&wcex); assert(windowClass != 0); /// Determine size of window border by creating a temporary window. applicationWindowHandle = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, windowClassName, L"X", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, Platform::screenWidth, Platform::screenHeight, NULL, NULL, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL); assert(applicationWindowHandle != NULL); RECT clientRect; GetClientRect(applicationWindowHandle, &clientRect); int clientRectWidth = clientRect.right; int clientRectHeight = clientRect.bottom; RECT windowRect; GetWindowRect(applicationWindowHandle, &windowRect); int windowRectWidth = windowRect.right - windowRect.left; int windowRectHeight = windowRect.bottom - windowRect.top; int windowBorderWidth = windowRectWidth - clientRectWidth; int windowBorderHeight = windowRectHeight - clientRectHeight; assert(DestroyWindow(applicationWindowHandle)); Core::run = true; // Temporary window sets this to false when destroyed. /// Calculate the window width and height needed to achieve /// the application's desired width and height. int windowWidth = Platform::screenWidth + windowBorderWidth; int windowHeight = Platform::screenHeight + windowBorderHeight; /// Create final application window. applicationWindowHandle = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, windowClassName, L"Project X", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, windowWidth, windowHeight, NULL, NULL, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL); assert(applicationWindowHandle != NULL); ShowWindow(applicationWindowHandle, SW_SHOW); UpdateWindow(applicationWindowHandle); #if _DEBUG /// When debugging, start thread to read Lua commands from console. CreateThread(0, 0, consoleThread, 0, 0, 0); #else /// When not debugging, hide console. ShowWindow(consoleWindowHandle, SW_HIDE); #endif deviceContext = GetDC(applicationWindowHandle); Platform::eglNativeWindowType = (EGLNativeWindowType) applicationWindowHandle; // Get the display handle. eglDisplay = Platform::getEglDisplay(); if (eglDisplay == EGL_NO_DISPLAY) { Platform::error << "No EGL Display."; return false; } // Check OpenGL ES version. EGLint major; EGLint minor; eglInitialize(eglDisplay, &major, &minor); if (!checkEglError()) { Platform::error << "eglInitialize failed."; return false; } if (major == 1 && minor < 4) { Platform::error << "EGL version 1.4 or later required."; return false; } memset(&frameBufferConfiguration, 0, sizeof(EGLConfig)); // Not sure this is needed. eglChooseConfig(eglDisplay, frameBufferAttributes, &frameBufferConfiguration, 1, &numFrameBufferConfigurations); if (!checkEglError()) { Platform::error << "Call to eglChooseConfig failed."; return false; } if (numFrameBufferConfigurations == 0) { Platform::error << "No EGL frame buffer configurations that match the specified requirements."; return false; } // Create a window surface. EGLint surfaceAttributes[] = { EGL_RENDER_BUFFER, EGL_BACK_BUFFER, EGL_NONE, EGL_NONE }; eglSurface = eglCreateWindowSurface(eglDisplay, frameBufferConfiguration, Platform::eglNativeWindowType, surfaceAttributes); if (!checkEglError()) { Platform::error << "eglCreateWindowSurface failed."; return false; } if (eglSurface == EGL_NO_SURFACE) { Platform::error << "Call to eglCreateWindowSurface failed."; return false; } if (!createContext()) { return false; } if (!initAudio()) { return false; } if (!Core::init()) { return false; } /// Enter message loop. while (Core::run) { MSG Msg; while (PeekMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) > 0) { TranslateMessage(&Msg); DispatchMessage(&Msg); } // Core has not yet drawn requested frame. LARGE_INTEGER currentTime; QueryPerformanceCounter(¤tTime); double totalElapsedSeconds = static_cast<double>(currentTime.QuadPart - startTime.QuadPart) / timeCounterFrequency; Core::onMessageQueueEmpty(totalElapsedSeconds); Core::renderNextFrame(); // Core has drawn a frame, so let's render it. if (EGL_FALSE == eglSwapBuffers(eglDisplay, eglSurface)) { // eglSwapBuffers will fail after a power event. // In this case, we need to reinitialize. EGLint error = eglGetError(); if (error == EGL_CONTEXT_LOST) { // Power event; need to "... destroy all contexts and reinitialise OpenGL ES state // and objects to continue rendering." destroyContext(); if(!createContext()) { return false; } } } } Core::shutdown(); destroyContext(); eglDestroySurface(eglDisplay, eglSurface); eglTerminate(eglDisplay); while (waitForConsoleToClose) { // Wait until user presses enter in console window. } ReleaseDC(Main::applicationWindowHandle, Main::deviceContext); return true; }
bool muxerMkv::open(const char *file, ADM_videoStream *s,uint32_t nbAudioTrack,ADM_audioStream **a) { /* All seems fine, open stuff */ if(false==setupMuxer("matroska",file)) { ADM_warning("[Mkv] Failed to open muxer (setup)\n"); return false; } if(initVideo(s)==false) { ADM_warning("[Mkv] Failed to init video\n"); return false; } AVCodecContext *c; c = video_st->codec; rescaleFps(s->getAvgFps1000(),&(c->time_base)); video_st->time_base=c->time_base; c->gop_size=15; if(true==mkvMuxerConfig.forceDisplayWidth && mkvMuxerConfig.displayWidth) { //sar=display/code int num=1,den=1; av_reduce(&num, &den, mkvMuxerConfig.displayWidth, s->getWidth(),65535); c->sample_aspect_ratio.num=num; c->sample_aspect_ratio.den=den; video_st->sample_aspect_ratio.num=num; video_st->sample_aspect_ratio.den=den; ADM_info("Forcing display width of %d\n",(int)mkvMuxerConfig.displayWidth); } if(initAudio(nbAudioTrack,a)==false) { ADM_warning("[Mkv] Failed to init audio\n"); return false; } // /audio int er = avio_open(&(oc->pb), file, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE); if (er) { ADM_error("[Mkv]: Failed to open file :%s, er=%d\n",file,er); return false; } AVDictionary *dict = NULL; char buf[64]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", AV_TIME_BASE / 10); av_dict_set(&dict, "preload", buf, 0); av_dict_set(&dict, "max_delay", "200000", 0); av_dict_set(&dict, "muxrate", "10080000", 0); ADM_assert(avformat_write_header(oc, &dict) >= 0); ADM_info("Timebase codec = %d/%d\n",video_st->time_base.num,video_st->time_base.den); // ADM_info("Original timebase = %d/%d\n",myTimeBase.num,myTimeBase.den); vStream=s; aStreams=a; nbAStreams=nbAudioTrack; initialized=true; return true; }
int Starcon2Main (void *threadArg) { #if CREATE_JOURNAL { int ac = argc; char **av = argv; while (--ac > 0) { ++av; if ((*av)[0] == '-') { switch ((*av)[1]) { #if CREATE_JOURNAL case 'j': ++create_journal; break; #endif //CREATE_JOURNAL } } } } #endif // CREATE_JOURNAL { /* TODO: Put initAudio back in main where it belongs once threading * is gone. */ extern sint32 initAudio (sint32 driver, sint32 flags); initAudio (snddriver, soundflags); } if (!LoadKernel (0,0)) { log_add (log_Fatal, "\n *** FATAL ERROR: Could not load basic content ***\n\nUQM requires at least the base content pack to run properly."); log_add (log_Fatal, "This file is typically called uqm-%d.%d.0.uqm. UQM was expecting it", P6014_MAJOR_VERSION, P6014_MINOR_VERSION); log_add (log_Fatal, "in the %s/packages directory.", baseContentPath); log_add (log_Fatal, "Either your installation did not install the content pack at all, or it\ninstalled it in a different directory.\n\nFix your installation and rerun UQM.\n\n *******************\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } log_add (log_Info, "We've loaded the Kernel"); Logo (); GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) = 0; // show splash and init the kernel in the meantime SplashScreen (BackgroundInitKernel); // OpenJournal (); while (StartGame ()) { // Initialise a new game if (!SetPlayerInputAll ()) { log_add (log_Fatal, "Could not set player input."); explode (); // Does not return; } InitGameStructures (); InitGameClock (); AddInitialGameEvents(); do { #ifdef DEBUG if (debugHook != NULL) { void (*saveDebugHook) (void); saveDebugHook = debugHook; debugHook = NULL; // No further debugHook calls unless the called // function resets debugHook. (*saveDebugHook) (); continue; } #endif SetStatusMessageMode (SMM_DEFAULT); if (!((GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) | NextActivity) & CHECK_LOAD)) ZeroVelocityComponents (&GLOBAL (velocity)); // not going into talking pet conversation else if (GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) & CHECK_LOAD) GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) = NextActivity; if ((GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) & START_ENCOUNTER) || GET_GAME_STATE (CHMMR_BOMB_STATE) == 2) { if (GET_GAME_STATE (CHMMR_BOMB_STATE) == 2 && !GET_GAME_STATE (STARBASE_AVAILABLE)) { /* BGD mode */ InstallBombAtEarth (); } else if (GET_GAME_STATE (GLOBAL_FLAGS_AND_DATA) == (BYTE)~0 || GET_GAME_STATE (CHMMR_BOMB_STATE) == 2) { GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) |= START_ENCOUNTER; VisitStarBase (); } else { GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) |= START_ENCOUNTER; RaceCommunication (); } if (!(GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) & (CHECK_ABORT | CHECK_LOAD))) { GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) &= ~START_ENCOUNTER; if (LOBYTE (GLOBAL (CurrentActivity)) == IN_INTERPLANETARY) GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) |= START_INTERPLANETARY; } } else if (GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) & START_INTERPLANETARY) { GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) = MAKE_WORD (IN_INTERPLANETARY, 0); DrawAutoPilotMessage (TRUE); SetGameClockRate (INTERPLANETARY_CLOCK_RATE); ExploreSolarSys (); } else { // Entering HyperSpace or QuasiSpace. GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) = MAKE_WORD (IN_HYPERSPACE, 0); DrawAutoPilotMessage (TRUE); SetGameClockRate (HYPERSPACE_CLOCK_RATE); Battle (&on_battle_frame); } LockMutex (GraphicsLock); SetFlashRect (NULL); UnlockMutex (GraphicsLock); LastActivity = GLOBAL (CurrentActivity); if (!(GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) & (CHECK_ABORT | CHECK_LOAD)) && (LOBYTE (GLOBAL (CurrentActivity)) == WON_LAST_BATTLE || LOBYTE (GLOBAL (CurrentActivity)) == BLACK_ORB_CUTSCENE // JMS: End demo at cutscene upon finding black orb. || GLOBAL_SIS (CrewEnlisted) == (COUNT)~0)) // if died for some reason { if (GET_GAME_STATE (KOHR_AH_KILLED_ALL)) InitCommunication (BLACKURQ_CONVERSATION); // surrendered to Ur-Quan else if (GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) & CHECK_RESTART) GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) &= ~CHECK_RESTART; break; } } while (!(GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) & CHECK_ABORT)); StopSound (); UninitGameClock (); UninitGameStructures (); ClearPlayerInputAll (); } // CloseJournal (); UninitGameKernel (); FreeMasterShipList (); FreeKernel (); MainExited = TRUE; (void) threadArg; /* Satisfying compiler (unused parameter) */ return 0; }
bool muxerMP4::open(const char *file, ADM_videoStream *s,uint32_t nbAudioTrack,ADM_audioStream **a) { if(!isMpeg4Compatible(s->getFCC()) && !isH264Compatible(s->getFCC())) { GUI_Error_HIG("Unsupported","Only MP4Video & H264 supported for video"); return false; } if(nbAudioTrack) for(int i=0; i<nbAudioTrack; i++) { uint32_t acc=a[i]->getInfo()->encoding; if(acc!=WAV_MP2 && acc!=WAV_MP3 && acc!=WAV_AAC) { GUI_Error_HIG("Unsupported","Only AAC & mpegaudio supported for audio"); return false; } } /* All seems fine, open stuff */ const char *f="mp4"; if(muxerConfig.muxerType==MP4_MUXER_PSP) f="psp"; if(false==setupMuxer(f,file)) { printf("[MP4] Failed to open muxer\n"); return false; } if(initVideo(s)==false) { printf("[MP4] Failed to init video\n"); return false; } AVCodecContext *c; AVRational myTimeBase; c = video_st->codec; rescaleFps(s->getAvgFps1000(),&(c->time_base)); myTimeBase=video_st->time_base=c->time_base; ADM_info("Video stream time base :%d,%d\n",video_st->time_base.num,video_st->time_base.den); c->gop_size=15; if(initAudio(nbAudioTrack,a)==false) { printf("[MP4] Failed to init audio\n"); return false; } // /audio int er = avio_open(&(oc->pb), file, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE); ADM_info("Timebase In = %d/%d\n",myTimeBase.num,myTimeBase.den); if (er) { ADM_error("[Mp4]: Failed to open file :%s, er=%d\n",file,er); return false; } AVDictionary *dict = NULL; char buf[64]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", AV_TIME_BASE / 10); av_dict_set(&dict, "preload", buf, 0); av_dict_set(&dict, "max_delay", "200000", 0); av_dict_set(&dict, "muxrate", "10080000", 0); #ifndef _WIN32 // does not work on windows as the file must be opened twice at the same time av_dict_set(&dict, "movflags","faststart",0); #endif ADM_assert(avformat_write_header(oc, &dict) >= 0); ADM_info("Timebase codec = %d/%d\n",c->time_base.num,c->time_base.den); ADM_info("Timebase stream = %d/%d\n",video_st->time_base.num,video_st->time_base.den); if(myTimeBase.den==video_st->time_base.den && video_st->time_base.num==1) { roundup=myTimeBase.num; ADM_warning("Timebase roundup = %d\n",roundup); } av_dict_free(&dict); vStream=s; aStreams=a; nbAStreams=nbAudioTrack; initialized=true; return true; }
int VivaVoce::run(void) { Memo *memo; common->rmg->init(); common->sipRmg->init(); common->go=1; //randomize gettimeofday(&common->currtime,NULL); srand(common->currtime.tv_usec); if(!stdPorts) { common->sipPort=sipPort; common->rtpPort=rtpPort; common->rtcpPort=rtcpPort; } if(UdpBase::initTransport(common) <0) { return -1; } if(initAudio(common) <0) { printf("Error in opening audio\n"); return -1; } startThreads(); common->isConnected = 0; AudioIOTest *audioTest = NULL; char* ptr; char* line; printf("\nVIVAVOCE 1.2:\nWelcome %s@%s", common->username, common->hostname); while(1) { char cmd[100]; //cmd[0] = '\0'; printf("\n cmd: "); fgets(cmd, sizeof(cmd), stdin); //gets(cmd) is deprecated so using fgets instead. cmd[strlen(cmd) - 1] = '\0'; //remove newline if((strncmp("i", cmd, 1)==0) || (strncmp("invite", cmd, 6)==0)) { if(common->isRinging || common->isConnected) { printf("\n\tError: Busy with another call."); continue; } line = strtok_r(cmd, " ", &ptr); line = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &ptr); if(line) { printf("Connecting to %s...",line); memo = common->sipRmg->allocMemo(); memo->code=VIVOCE_SIP_INVITE; sprintf(memo->bytes,"%s",line); common->signalQ->signalData(memo); } else { printf("\n\tError: Invalid remote address."); sleep(1); continue; } } else if((strncmp("a", cmd, 1)==0) || (strncmp("accept", cmd, 6)==0)) { if(!common->isRinging) { printf("\n\tError: No incoming request to accept."); continue; } memo = common->sipRmg->allocMemo(); memo->code = VIVOCE_SIP_ACCEPT; common->signalQ->signalData(memo); } else if((strncmp("r", cmd, 1)==0) || (strncmp("reject", cmd, 6)==0)) { if(!common->isRinging) { printf("\n\tError: No incoming request to reject."); continue; } memo = common->sipRmg->allocMemo(); memo->code = VIVOCE_SIP_REJECT; common->signalQ->signalData(memo); } else if((strncmp("b", cmd, 1)==0) || (strncmp("bye", cmd, 3)==0)) { if(!common->isConnected) { printf("\n\tError: Not connected"); continue; } memo = common->sipRmg->allocMemo(); memo->code = VIVOCE_SIP_BYE; common->signalQ->signalData(memo); } /* else if(strcmp(cmd,"loss")==0) { printf("\n\tEnter packet loss probability (percent):"); scanf("%d",&common->packLossProb); if((common->packLossProb<1)||(common->packLossProb>100)) { common->packLossProb = 20; } printf("\n\tPacket loss probability set to %d percent", common->packLossProb); }*/ else if((strncmp("d", cmd, 1)==0) || (strncmp("diag", cmd, 4)==0)) { printf("\nDiagnostics for SSRC=%ld: %s%s", common->rtpMgr->state->SSRC, (common->isConnected?"Connected to ":"Disconnected"), (common->isConnected?common->remoteName:"")); printf("\n\tRec=%.0f enc=%.0f snt=%.0f rcv=%.0f dec=%.0f pld=%.0f", common->unitsRec, common->unitsEnc, common->unitsSnt, common->unitsRcv, common->unitsDec, common->unitsPld); printf("\n\tSeq=%d cycles=%d snt=%ld rcv=%ld lost=%ld simLost=%d", common->rtpMgr->state->sequence, common->rtpMgr->state->seqWrap, common->rtpMgr->state->nPacketsSent, common->rtpMgr->state->nPacketsRecvd, common->rtpMgr->state->nPacketsLost, common->simLost); printf("\n\tSR rcvd=%u, RR rcvd=%u Jitter=%.3f RTT=%ld ms" , common->rtpMgr->state->nSRep, common->rtpMgr->state->nRRep, common->rtpMgr->state->jitter, (common->rtpMgr->state->RTTPropDelay*65536/1000)); printf("\n\tQ:codec=%d play=%d send=%d signal=%d", common->codecQ->count(), common->playQ->count(), common->sendQ->count(), common->signalQ->count()); printf("\n\trmg:total=%d res=%d Sip:total=%d res=%d", common->rmg->getTotal(), common->rmg->getNMemosInReserve(), common->sipRmg->getTotal(), common->sipRmg->getNMemosInReserve()); } else if((strncmp("v", cmd, 1)==0) || (strncmp("verbose", cmd, 7)==0)) { if(common->verbose) { common->verbose = false; printf("\n\tVerbose mode disabled"); } else { common->verbose = true; printf("\n\tVerbose mode enabled"); } } else if(strncmp("w", cmd, 1)==0) { memo = common->sipRmg->allocMemo(); memo->code = VIVOCE_RESPOND; common->signalQ->signalData(memo); memo = common->rmg->allocMemo(); memo->code = VIVOCE_RESPOND; common->sendQ->signalData(memo); memo = common->rmg->allocMemo(); memo->code = VIVOCE_RESPOND; common->codecQ->signalData(memo); memo = common->rmg->allocMemo(); memo->code = VIVOCE_RESPOND; common->playQ->signalData(memo); common->audrSig=1; common->udprSig=1; } else if((strncmp("t", cmd, 1)==0) || (strncmp("testaudio", cmd, 6)==0)) { if(common->isConnected) { printf("In a call right now, can't run test...\n"); fflush(stdout); } else { if (audioTest == NULL) { char *flag = NULL; int f = 0; line = strtok_r(cmd, " ", &ptr); line = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &ptr); if(ptr) { flag = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &ptr); if(flag) f = atoi(flag); } if (line && strncmp("c", line, 1) == 0) { printf("Audio test with codec, flags=%d...\n", f); fflush(stdout); audioTest = new AudioIOTest(common, audioReader, audioWriter, adpcmCodec, true, f); } else { printf("Audio test without codec, flags=%d...\n", f); fflush(stdout); audioTest = new AudioIOTest(common, audioReader, audioWriter, adpcmCodec, false, f); } } if (audioTest->running) { audioTest->running = false; delete audioTest; audioTest = NULL; } else { audioTest->start(); } } } else if(!strncmp("m", cmd, 1) || !strncmp("mute", cmd, 4)) { common->audioMute = 1 - common->audioMute; //toggle if(common->audioMute) { printf("Audio muted."); fflush(stdout); } else { printf("Audio unmuted."); fflush(stdout); } } else if(!strncmp("s", cmd, 1) || !strncmp("sine", cmd, 4)) { common->audioGenTone = 1 - common->audioGenTone; //toggle if(common->audioGenTone) { printf("Transmitting a generated tone..."); fflush(stdout); } else { printf("Transmitting recorded audio..."); fflush(stdout); } } else if(!strncmp("x", cmd, 1) || !strncmp("q", cmd, 1) || !strncmp("quit", cmd, 4) || !strncmp("exit", cmd, 4)) { //printf("[%s], done...", cmd); if (audioTest && (audioTest->running)) { audioTest->running = false; delete audioTest; } break; } else { if(strlen(cmd) && strncmp("exit", cmd, 4) && strncmp("x",cmd, 1)) printf("\n\tUnrecognized command"); } } if(common->isConnected) { memo = common->sipRmg->allocMemo(); memo->code = VIVOCE_SIP_BYE; common->signalQ->signalData(memo); printf("\nDisconnecting.\n"); fflush(stdout); sleep(1); } printf("\nShutting down\n"); common->go=0; common->isConnected=0; common->signalQ->signal(); common->sendQ->signal(); common->codecQ->signal(); common->playQ->signal(); common->rtpMgr->close(); printf("\nWaiting for threads to die...\n"); waitForThreadsToDie(); common->rmg->clear(); common->sipRmg->clear(); //udpReader->join(NULL); if(UdpBase::closeTransport(common) <0) { printf("\n\nError in closing sockets... \n"); } printf("Done.\n"); return 0;
AndroidAudio::AndroidAudio(ConfigFile *c, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), mEngineObject(NULL), mEngineEngine(NULL), mOutputMixObject(NULL), mSounds(), mSoundCount(0), mPlayerObject(NULL), myConfig(c), audioEnabled(false) { initAudio(); }
void Streamer::Init() { //Game* game = (Game*)g_pSceneManager->Find("game"); initAudio("", 8000); s3eDeviceRegister(S3E_DEVICE_EXIT, &exitCB, 0); facebook = new CSprite(); facebook->SetImage(g_pResources->getFacebook()); facebook->m_X = (float)IwGxGetScreenWidth() / 1.4; facebook->m_Y = (float)IwGxGetScreenHeight() / 16; facebook->m_W = facebook->GetImage()->GetWidth(); facebook->m_H = facebook->GetImage()->GetHeight(); facebook->m_AnchorX = 0.5; facebook->m_AnchorY = 0.5; facebook->m_ScaleX = (float)IwGxGetScreenWidth() / facebook->GetImage()->GetWidth() / 8; facebook->m_ScaleY = (float)IwGxGetScreenHeight() / facebook->GetImage()->GetHeight() / 12; twitter = new CSprite(); twitter->SetImage(g_pResources->getTwitter()); twitter->m_X = (float)IwGxGetScreenWidth() / 1.1; twitter->m_Y = (float)IwGxGetScreenHeight() / 16; twitter->m_W = twitter->GetImage()->GetWidth(); twitter->m_H = twitter->GetImage()->GetHeight(); twitter->m_AnchorX = 0.5; twitter->m_AnchorY = 0.5; twitter->m_ScaleX = (float)IwGxGetScreenWidth() / twitter->GetImage()->GetWidth() / 8; twitter->m_ScaleY = (float)IwGxGetScreenHeight() / twitter->GetImage()->GetHeight() / 12; // Create menu background header = new CSprite(); header->SetImage(g_pResources->getHeader()); header->m_X = (float)IwGxGetScreenWidth() / 3; header->m_Y = (float)IwGxGetScreenHeight() / 17; header->m_W = header->GetImage()->GetWidth(); header->m_H = header->GetImage()->GetHeight(); header->m_AnchorX = 0.5; header->m_AnchorY = 0.5; // Fit background to screen size header->m_ScaleX = (float)IwGxGetScreenWidth() / header->GetImage()->GetWidth() / 1.5; header->m_ScaleY = (float)IwGxGetScreenHeight() / header->GetImage()->GetHeight() / 5; // Create menu background CSprite* whiteBanner = new CSprite(); whiteBanner->SetImage(g_pResources->getWhiteBanner()); whiteBanner->m_X = (float)IwGxGetScreenWidth() / 2; whiteBanner->m_Y = (float)IwGxGetScreenHeight() / 17; whiteBanner->m_W = whiteBanner->GetImage()->GetWidth(); whiteBanner->m_H = whiteBanner->GetImage()->GetHeight(); whiteBanner->m_AnchorX = 0.5; whiteBanner->m_AnchorY = 0.5; // Fit background to screen size whiteBanner->m_ScaleX = (float)IwGxGetScreenWidth() / whiteBanner->GetImage()->GetWidth() / 1; whiteBanner->m_ScaleY = (float)IwGxGetScreenHeight() / whiteBanner->GetImage()->GetHeight() / 5; // Create menu background playWrapper = new CSprite(); playWrapper->SetImage(g_pResources->getPlayWrapper()); playWrapper->m_X = (float)IwGxGetScreenWidth() / 2; playWrapper->m_Y = (float)IwGxGetScreenHeight() / 1.09; playWrapper->m_W = playWrapper->GetImage()->GetWidth(); playWrapper->m_H = playWrapper->GetImage()->GetHeight(); playWrapper->m_AnchorX = 0.5; playWrapper->m_AnchorY = 0.5; //playWrapper->m_Alpha = 0.9; // Fit background to screen size playWrapper->m_ScaleX = (float)IwGxGetScreenWidth() / playWrapper->GetImage()->GetWidth() / 1; playWrapper->m_ScaleY = (float)IwGxGetScreenHeight() / playWrapper->GetImage()->GetHeight() / 6; playButton = new CSprite(); playButton->SetImage(g_pResources->getPlayButton()); playButton->m_X = (float)IwGxGetScreenWidth() / 2; playButton->m_Y = (float)IwGxGetScreenHeight() / 1.13; //buttonTop = (float)IwGxGetScreenHeight() / 1.14 - (playButton->GetImage()->GetHeight() / 8); playButton->m_W = playButton->GetImage()->GetWidth(); playButton->m_H = playButton->GetImage()->GetHeight(); playButton->m_AnchorX = 0.5; playButton->m_AnchorY = 0.5; // Fit background to screen size playButton->m_ScaleX = (float)IwGxGetScreenWidth() / playButton->GetImage()->GetWidth() / 3.2; playButton->m_ScaleY = (float)IwGxGetScreenHeight() / playButton->GetImage()->GetHeight() / 4.5; //buttonTop = ((float)IwGxGetScreenHeight() / 1.14) - (playButton->GetImage()->GetHeight() / 3.7); stopButton = new CSprite(); stopButton->SetImage(g_pResources->getStopButton()); stopButton->m_X = (float)IwGxGetScreenWidth() / 2; stopButton->m_Y = (float)IwGxGetScreenHeight() / 1.13; stopButton->m_W = stopButton->GetImage()->GetWidth(); stopButton->m_H = stopButton->GetImage()->GetHeight(); stopButton->m_AnchorX = 0.5; stopButton->m_AnchorY = 0.5; // Fit background to screen size stopButton->m_ScaleX = (float)IwGxGetScreenWidth() / stopButton->GetImage()->GetWidth() / 3.2; stopButton->m_ScaleY = (float)IwGxGetScreenHeight() / stopButton->GetImage()->GetHeight() / 4.5; banner = new CSprite(); banner->SetImage(g_pResources->getGreyBanner()); banner->m_X = (float)IwGxGetScreenWidth() / 2; banner->m_Y = (float)IwGxGetScreenHeight() /6; banner->m_W = banner->GetImage()->GetWidth(); banner->m_H = banner->GetImage()->GetHeight(); banner->m_AnchorX = 0.5; banner->m_AnchorY = 0.5; // Fit background to screen size banner->m_ScaleX = (float)IwGxGetScreenWidth() / banner->GetImage()->GetWidth() / 1; banner->m_ScaleY = (float)IwGxGetScreenHeight() / banner->GetImage()->GetHeight() / 8; buttonTop = IwGxGetScreenHeight() / 4; labelLeft = new CLabel(); labelLeft->m_Font = g_pResources->getBannerFontSmall(); labelLeft->m_Text = "Cal."; labelLeft->m_Y = IwGxGetDisplayHeight() / 6.5; labelLeft->m_W = IwGxGetDisplayWidth() / 2; labelLeft->m_ScaleX = 1.0; labelLeft->m_AlignHor = IW_2D_FONT_ALIGN_LEFT; labelLeft->m_X += 10; labelLeft->m_Color = CColor(114, 114, 114, 0xff); labelRight = new CLabel(); labelRight->m_Font = g_pResources->getBannerFontSmall(); labelRight->m_Text = "Events"; labelRight->m_Y = IwGxGetDisplayHeight() / 6.5; labelRight->m_W = IwGxGetDisplayWidth() / 2; labelRight->m_AlignHor = IW_2D_FONT_ALIGN_RIGHT; labelRight->m_X += (IwGxGetDisplayWidth() / 2.0) -10; labelRight->m_Color = CColor(114, 114, 114, 0xff); labelMain = new CLabel(); labelMain->m_Font = g_pResources->getBannerFontLarge(); labelMain->m_Text = "News"; labelMain->m_Y = IwGxGetDisplayHeight() / 7.5; labelMain->m_W = IwGxGetDisplayWidth(); labelMain->m_AlignHor = IW_2D_FONT_ALIGN_CENTRE; AddChild(banner); AddChild(whiteBanner); AddChild(header); AddChild(labelRight); AddChild(labelLeft); AddChild(playWrapper); AddChild(playButton); AddChild(stopButton); AddChild(labelMain); AddChild(facebook); AddChild(twitter); stopButton->m_X = IwGxGetScreenWidth() * 2.0; currentPage = 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, result; progname = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); if (progname == NULL) progname = argv[0]; else progname++; if (argc == 1) usage(); for (i = 0; i < MAX_SCORES; i++) { scoreNames[i] = NULL; scores[i] = NULL; } for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { char *arg = argv[i]; if (arg[0] == '-') { switch (arg[1]) { case 'a': if (++i >= argc) usage(); rescaleFactor = atof(argv[i]); if (fabs(rescaleFactor) > 2.0) rescaleFactor = 2.0; break; case 'B': if (++i >= argc) usage(); framesPerBuffer = atof(argv[i]); if (framesPerBuffer < MIN_FRAMES_PER_BUF) framesPerBuffer = MIN_FRAMES_PER_BUF; break; case 'c': if (++i >= argc) usage(); numOutChannels = atof(argv[i]); if (numOutChannels < 1) numOutChannels = 1; break; case 'd': if (++i >= argc) usage(); totalDuration = atof(argv[i]); if (totalDuration < 0.0) totalDuration = 0.0; // kinda stupid break; case 'h': usage(); break; #ifdef HAVE_PORTAUDIO case 'n': withAudio = 0; scoreDelayTime = 0.0; break; #endif case 'q': printJobOutput = 0; break; case 'r': if (++i >= argc) usage(); sampleRate = atof(argv[i]); if (sampleRate < 8000) // be more stringent? sampleRate = 8000; break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; case 'y': if (++i >= argc) usage(); scoreDelayTime = atof(argv[i]); if (scoreDelayTime < 0.0) scoreDelayTime = 0.0; break; //FIXME: others: call flush after each score? call destroy after each? default: usage(); } } else { const char *name = arg; /* verify that filename ends in ".sco" */ char *p = strrchr(name, '.'); if (p == NULL || strncmp(p, ".sco", 4L)) { fprintf(stderr, "Score names must end in \".sco\" (%s).\n", name); exit(-1); } if (numScores < MAX_SCORES) { scoreNames[numScores] = name; numScores++; } else { fprintf(stderr, "No more than %d scores allowed.\n", MAX_SCORES); exit(-1); } } } #ifdef HAVE_PORTAUDIO if (withAudio) { result = initAudio(); if (result) return -1; } #endif result = initRTcmix(); if (result) return -1; result = loadScores(); if (result) return -1; printSettings(); playScores(); for (i = 0; i < numScores; i++) if (scores[i]) free(scores[i]); result = deleteRTcmix(); #ifdef HAVE_PORTAUDIO if (withAudio) result = deleteAudio(); #endif return result; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /***** * boolean value indicates when to break main loop * (and thus finish this configuration tool) *****/ int request_finish = 0; int current = 0; /***** menu related variables */ int menu_items = 7; enum state status[] = {invalid, invalid, inactive, inactive, inactive, inactive, invalid}; WINDOW *mainscr; /***** ncurses related variables */ int i, j; /* ***** detect available mixer devices */ mixer_devices = scanMixerDevices(); if (mixer_devices == NULL || mixer_devices->count == 0) { /* ***** no mixer devices available -> exit! */ fprintf(stderr, "No mixer devices available!\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Please purchase a sound card and install it!\n"); exit(-1); } else { if (mixer_devices->count == 1) /***** exactly one mixer device available */ { setMixer(mixer_devices->name[0]); /***** set this mixer */ if (initMixer() == MIXER_OK) /***** if mixer is ok, keep it */ { status[0] = ok; status[2] = invalid; } else /***** otherwise, exit!*/ { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't init the only available mixer device: /dev/%s\n", mixer_devices->name[0]); exit(-1); } } else /* ***** more than one device available! */ { /* ***** use /dev/mixer as default if it exists */ for (i = 0; i < mixer_devices->count; i++) { if (strcmp(mixer_devices->name[i], "mixer") == 0) { setMixer("mixer"); if (initMixer() == MIXER_OK) { status[0] = ok; status[2] = invalid; } else noMixer(); break; } } } } /* ***** detect available audio devices */ audio_devices = scanAudioDevices(); if (audio_devices == NULL || audio_devices->count == 0) { /* ***** no audio devices available! */ fprintf(stderr, "No audio device available that\n"); fprintf(stderr, "supports 16bit recording!\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Please purchase a sound card and install it!\n"); exit(-1); } else { if (audio_devices->count == 1) /***** exactly one audio device available */ { setAudio(audio_devices->name[0]); /***** set this audio device */ if (initAudio() == AUDIO_OK) /***** if audio device is ok, keep it */ { status[1] = ok; } else /***** otherwise, exit!*/ { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't init the only available audio device: /dev/%s\n", audio_devices->name[0]); exit(-1); } } else /* ***** more than one device available! */ { /* ***** use /dev/dspW as default if it exists */ for (i = 0; i < audio_devices->count; i++) { if (strcmp(audio_devices->name[i], "dspW") == 0) { setAudio("dspW"); if (initAudio() == AUDIO_OK) status[1] = ok; else noAudio(); break; } } } } /***** * if mixer and audio device have been selected successfully, * set menu cursor to next available menu item *****/ if (status[0] == ok && status[1] == ok) current = 2; /***** ignore Ctrl-C */ signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); /* ***** ncurses stuff */ initscr(); /* initialize the curses library */ if (color_term != -1) /***** define dialog color pairs if terminal supports colors */ { start_color (); if ((color_term = has_colors ())) { color_term = 1; init_pair (1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE); init_pair (2, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLUE); init_pair (3, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_YELLOW); init_pair (4, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_CYAN); } } else color_term = 0; keypad(stdscr, TRUE); /* enable keyboard mapping */ scrollok (stdscr, FALSE); cbreak(); /* take input chars one at a time, no wait for \n */ noecho(); /* don't echo input */ refresh(); mainscr = popupWindow(COLS, LINES); /***** dialog window that contains the main menu */ leaveok (mainscr, FALSE); while (!request_finish) { wattrset (mainscr, color_term ? COLOR_PAIR(2) | A_BOLD : A_NORMAL); /***** set bg color of the dialog */ /***** * draw a box around the dialog window * and empty it. *****/ box(mainscr, 0, 0); for (i = 1; i < COLS-1; i++) for (j = 1; j < LINES-1; j++) mvwaddch(mainscr, j, i, ' '); /***** dialog header */ mvwaddstr(mainscr, 1, 2, "CVoiceControl"); mvwaddstr(mainscr, 1, COLS - strlen("(c) 2000 Daniel Kiecza") - 2, "(c) 2000 Daniel Kiecza"); mvwaddseparator(mainscr, 2, COLS); mvwaddstr(mainscr, 3, (COLS / 2) - (strlen ("Recording Device Configuration Tool") / 2), "Recording Device Configuration Tool"); mvwaddseparator(mainscr, 4, COLS); /***** main menu */ mvwaddstr(mainscr, 5, 2, "Please Select:"); setHighlight(mainscr, status[0], current == 0); mvwaddstr(mainscr, 7,5,"Select Mixer Device"); if (mixerOK() == MIXER_OK) { mvwaddstr(mainscr, 7,24," ("); waddstr(mainscr, getMixer()); waddstr(mainscr, ")"); } else mvwaddstr(mainscr, 7,24," (none selected!)"); setHighlight(mainscr, status[1], current == 1); mvwaddstr(mainscr, 8,5,"Select Audio Device"); if (audioOK() == AUDIO_OK) { mvwaddstr(mainscr, 8,24," ("); waddstr(mainscr, getAudio()); waddstr(mainscr, ")"); } else mvwaddstr(mainscr, 8,24," (none selected!)"); setHighlight(mainscr, status[2], current == 2); mvwaddstr(mainscr, 9,5,"Adjust Mixer Levels"); setHighlight(mainscr, status[3], current == 3); mvwaddstr(mainscr, 10,5,"Calculate Recording Thresholds"); setHighlight(mainscr, status[4], current == 4); mvwaddstr(mainscr, 11,5,"Estimate Characteristics of Recording Channel"); setHighlight(mainscr, status[5], current == 5); mvwaddstr(mainscr, 12,5,"Write Configuration"); setHighlight(mainscr, status[6], current == 6); mvwaddstr(mainscr, 13,5,"Exit"); wmove(mainscr, 5, 17); /***** set cursor to an appropriate location */ wrefresh(mainscr); /***** refresh the dialog */ /* process the command keystroke */ switch(getch()) { case KEY_UP: /***** cursor up */ current = (current == 0 ? menu_items - 1 : current - 1); while(status[current] == inactive) current = (current == 0 ? menu_items - 1 : current - 1); break; case KEY_DOWN: /***** cursor down */ current = (current == menu_items-1 ? 0 : current + 1); while(status[current] == inactive) current = (current == menu_items-1 ? 0 : current + 1); break; case ENTER: /***** handle menu selections */ case BLANK: switch (current) { case 0: /***** select mixer device */ status[0] = invalid; status[2] = inactive; status[3] = inactive; status[4] = inactive; status[5] = inactive; noMixer(); if (selectMixer() == MIXER_OK) { status[0] = ok; status[2] = invalid; } break; case 1: /***** select audio device */ status[1] = invalid; status[3] = inactive; status[4] = inactive; status[5] = inactive; noAudio(); if (selectAudio() == AUDIO_OK) status[1] = ok; break; case 2: /***** adjust mixer levels */ if (adjustMixerLevels()) { status[2] = ok; status[3] = invalid; status[4] = invalid; } break; case 3: /***** calculate recording thresholds */ if (calculateThresholds()) status[3] = ok; else status[3] = invalid; break; case 4: /***** estimate the characteristics of the recording channel */ if (estimateChannelMean()) status[4] = ok; else status[4] = invalid; break; case 5: /***** save configuration! */ if (saveConfiguration()) { status[5] = ok; status[6] = ok; } break; case 6: /***** leave program */ if (status[6] == ok || (status[6] != ok && safeExit())) { wrefresh(mainscr); /***** refresh the dialog */ request_finish = 1; delwin(mainscr); /***** delete ncurses dialog window */ } break; } break; } /***** if the configuration is done, activate the menu item "Save Configuration" */ if (status[0] != ok || status[1] != ok || status[2] != ok || status[3] != ok || status[4] != ok) status[5] = inactive; else if (status[5] != ok) status[5] = invalid; } endwin(); /* we're done */ /***** free memory used by the list of mixer and audio devices */ if (mixer_devices != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < mixer_devices->count; i++) free(mixer_devices->name[i]); free(mixer_devices->name); free(mixer_devices); } if (audio_devices != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < audio_devices->count; i++) free(audio_devices->name[i]); free(audio_devices->name); free(audio_devices); } exit(0); }
int selectAudio() { int top = 0, current = 0; /***** selection menu related variables */ int max_view = 9; int retval = 0; /***** return value */ int request_finish = 0; /***** leave current dialog, if request_finish is set to 1 */ int width = 45, height = 15, i, j; /***** ncurses related variables */ WINDOW *audioscr = popupWindow (width, height); while (!request_finish) { wattrset (audioscr, color_term ? COLOR_PAIR(2) | A_BOLD : A_NORMAL); /***** set bg color of the dialog */ /***** * draw a box around the dialog window * and empty it. *****/ werase (audioscr); box (audioscr, 0, 0); for (i = 1; i < width-1; i++) for (j = 1; j < height-1; j++) mvwaddch(audioscr, j, i, ' '); /***** dialog header */ mvwaddstr(audioscr, 1, 2, "Select Audio Device:"); mvwaddseparator(audioscr, 2, width); /***** selection area */ for (i = 0; i < MIN2(audio_devices->count, max_view); i++) { setHighlight(audioscr, ok, i == current); mvwaddstr(audioscr, 4+i, 4, "/dev/"); waddstr(audioscr, audio_devices->name[top+i]); } wattroff(audioscr, A_REVERSE); /***** * show up/down arrow to the left, if more items are available * than can be displayed *****/ if (top > 0) { mvwaddch(audioscr,4, 2, ACS_UARROW); mvwaddch(audioscr,4+1, 2, ACS_VLINE); } if (audio_devices->count > max_view && top+max_view <= audio_devices->count-1) { mvwaddch(audioscr,4+max_view-2, 2, ACS_VLINE); mvwaddch(audioscr,4+max_view-1, 2, ACS_DARROW); } wmove(audioscr, 1, 23); /***** set cursor to an appropriate location */ wrefresh (audioscr); /***** refresh the dialog */ /* process the command keystroke */ switch(getch()) { case KEY_UP: /***** cursor up */ if (current > 0) current--; else top = (top > 0 ? top-1 : 0); break; case KEY_DOWN: /***** cursor down */ if (top+current < audio_devices->count-1) { if (current < max_view-1) current++; else top++; } break; case ESCAPE: /***** Hit Escape to leave dialog */ retval = AUDIO_ERR; request_finish = 1; break; case ENTER: /***** make selection with Enter or Space bar */ case BLANK: setAudio(audio_devices->name[top+current]); /***** set audio device to highlighted item */ retval = initAudio(); /***** retval is ok, if initAudio() returned ok */ if (retval == AUDIO_ERR) noAudio(); request_finish = 1; /***** leave dialog */ break; } } delwin(audioscr); /***** delete ncurses dialog window */ return(retval); }
void TTInstView::init() { TRY_FUNC_WITH_RETURN(initAudio()); createStatus(); setLayout(); }
SDL_sound_handler::SDL_sound_handler() : _audioOpened(false) { initAudio(); }
ModelItemSample *recordSample() { /***** allocate memory for the new sample */ ModelItemSample *new_sample = (ModelItemSample *)malloc(sizeof(ModelItemSample)); char *tmp_string; time_t timer; /***** used to get the current time, which will become */ time(&timer); /***** the main part of the new utterance's ID */ /***** initialize the audio device */ if (initMixer() == MIXER_ERR) /***** if mixer error, return nothing */ { free(new_sample); return NULL; } if (igain_level > 0) setIGainLevel(igain_level); /***** set IGain and Mic level according */ setMicLevel(mic_level); /***** to configuration */ if (initAudio() == AUDIO_ERR) /***** if audio error, return nothing */ { free(new_sample); return NULL; } /***** connect to microphone, get utterance, disconnect */ openAudio(); new_sample->wav_data = getUtterance(&new_sample->wav_length); closeAudio(); if (new_sample->wav_data == NULL) /***** if nothing was recorded, return nothing */ { new_sample->wav_length = 0; new_sample->has_wav = 0; free(new_sample); return NULL; } else /***** flag says that this sample utterance also contains its original * wave data, not only the preprocessed feature vectors *****/ new_sample->has_wav = 1; /***** preprocess the wave data */ new_sample->data = preprocessUtterance(new_sample->wav_data, new_sample->wav_length, &new_sample->length); if (new_sample->data == NULL) /***** if preprocessing failed, return nothing */ { new_sample->length = 0; free(new_sample->wav_data); free(new_sample); return NULL; } /***** set ID */ tmp_string = ctime(&timer); /***** get current time */ /***** set sample ID looks like: [Thu Feb 10 12:10:53 2000] */ new_sample->id = malloc(strlen(tmp_string)+2); new_sample->id[0] = '['; strcpy(new_sample->id+1, tmp_string); new_sample->id[strlen(tmp_string)] = ']'; new_sample->next = NULL; /***** next sample pointer is NULL */ { int i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) new_sample->matrix[i] = NULL; } modified = 1; /***** speaker model has been modified now */ return(new_sample); }