void TextComponent::render_impl(Window& srcWindow, Rect& destRect, float base_z, const CEGUI::ColourRect* modColours, const Rect* clipper, bool clipToDisplay) const
        // get font to use
        Font* font;

            font = d_fontPropertyName.empty() ?
                (d_font.empty() ? srcWindow.getFont() : FontManager::getSingleton().getFont(d_font))
                : FontManager::getSingleton().getFont(srcWindow.getProperty(d_fontPropertyName));
        catch (UnknownObjectException&)
            font = 0;

        // exit if we have no font to use.
        if (!font)

        HorizontalTextFormatting horzFormatting = d_horzFormatPropertyName.empty() ? d_horzFormatting :

        VerticalTextFormatting vertFormatting = d_vertFormatPropertyName.empty() ? d_vertFormatting :

        // calculate final colours to be used
        ColourRect finalColours;
        initColoursRect(srcWindow, modColours, finalColours);

        // decide which string to render.
        const String& renderString = d_textPropertyName.empty() ?
            (d_text.empty() ? srcWindow.getText() : d_text)
            : srcWindow.getProperty(d_textPropertyName);

        // calculate height of formatted text
        float textHeight = font->getFormattedLineCount(renderString, destRect, (TextFormatting)horzFormatting) * font->getLineSpacing();

        // handle dest area adjustments for vertical formatting.
        case VTF_CENTRE_ALIGNED:
            destRect.d_top += (destRect.getHeight() - textHeight) * 0.5f;

        case VTF_BOTTOM_ALIGNED:
            destRect.d_top = destRect.d_bottom - textHeight;

            // default is VTF_TOP_ALIGNED, for which we take no action.

        // offset the font little down so that it's centered within its own spacing
        destRect.d_top += (font->getLineSpacing() - font->getFontHeight()) * 0.5f;
        // add text to the rendering cache for the target window.
        srcWindow.getRenderCache().cacheText(renderString, font, (TextFormatting)horzFormatting, destRect, base_z, finalColours, clipper, clipToDisplay);
Example #2
    void TextComponent::render_impl(Window& srcWindow, Rectf& destRect,
      const CEGUI::ColourRect* modColours, const Rectf* clipper,
      bool /*clipToDisplay*/) const
        updateFormatting(srcWindow, destRect.getSize());

        // Get total formatted height.
        const float textHeight = d_formattedRenderedString->getVerticalExtent(&srcWindow);

        // handle dest area adjustments for vertical formatting.
        const VerticalTextFormatting vertFormatting = d_vertFormatting.get(srcWindow);

        case VTF_CENTRE_ALIGNED:
            destRect.d_min.y += (destRect.getHeight() - textHeight) * 0.5f;

        case VTF_BOTTOM_ALIGNED:
            destRect.d_min.y = destRect.d_max.y - textHeight;

            // default is VTF_TOP_ALIGNED, for which we take no action.

        // calculate final colours to be used
        ColourRect finalColours;
        initColoursRect(srcWindow, modColours, finalColours);

        // add geometry for text to the target window.
        d_formattedRenderedString->draw(&srcWindow, srcWindow.getGeometryBuffers(),
                                        &finalColours, clipper);
    void ImageryComponent::render_impl(Window& srcWindow, Rect& destRect, float base_z, const CEGUI::ColourRect* modColours, const Rect* clipper, bool clipToDisplay) const
        // get final image to use.
        const Image* img = isImageFetchedFromProperty() ?
            PropertyHelper::stringToImage(srcWindow.getProperty(d_imagePropertyName)) :

        // do not draw anything if image is not set.
        if (!img)

        HorizontalFormatting horzFormatting = d_horzFormatPropertyName.empty() ? d_horzFormatting :

        VerticalFormatting vertFormatting = d_vertFormatPropertyName.empty() ? d_vertFormatting :

        uint horzTiles, vertTiles;
        float xpos, ypos;

        Size imgSz(img->getSize());

        // calculate final colours to be used
        ColourRect finalColours;
        initColoursRect(srcWindow, modColours, finalColours);

        // calculate initial x co-ordinate and horizontal tile count according to formatting options
        switch (horzFormatting)
            case HF_STRETCHED:
                imgSz.d_width = destRect.getWidth();
                xpos = destRect.d_left;
                horzTiles = 1;

            case HF_TILED:
                xpos = destRect.d_left;
                horzTiles = (uint)((destRect.getWidth() + (imgSz.d_width - 1)) / imgSz.d_width);

            case HF_LEFT_ALIGNED:
                xpos = destRect.d_left;
                horzTiles = 1;

            case HF_CENTRE_ALIGNED:
                xpos = destRect.d_left + PixelAligned((destRect.getWidth() - imgSz.d_width) * 0.5f);
                horzTiles = 1;

            case HF_RIGHT_ALIGNED:
                xpos = destRect.d_right - imgSz.d_width;
                horzTiles = 1;

                throw InvalidRequestException("ImageryComponent::render - An unknown HorizontalFormatting value was specified.");

        // calculate initial y co-ordinate and vertical tile count according to formatting options
        switch (vertFormatting)
            case VF_STRETCHED:
                imgSz.d_height = destRect.getHeight();
                ypos = destRect.d_top;
                vertTiles = 1;

            case VF_TILED:
                ypos = destRect.d_top;
                vertTiles = (uint)((destRect.getHeight() + (imgSz.d_height - 1)) / imgSz.d_height);

            case VF_TOP_ALIGNED:
                ypos = destRect.d_top;
                vertTiles = 1;

            case VF_CENTRE_ALIGNED:
                ypos = destRect.d_top + PixelAligned((destRect.getHeight() - imgSz.d_height) * 0.5f);
                vertTiles = 1;

            case VF_BOTTOM_ALIGNED:
                ypos = destRect.d_bottom - imgSz.d_height;
                vertTiles = 1;

                throw InvalidRequestException("ImageryComponent::render - An unknown VerticalFormatting value was specified.");

        // perform final rendering (actually is now a caching of the images which will be drawn)
        Rect finalRect;
        Rect finalClipper;
        const Rect* clippingRect;
        finalRect.d_top = ypos;
        finalRect.d_bottom = ypos + imgSz.d_height;

        for (uint row = 0; row < vertTiles; ++row)
            finalRect.d_left = xpos;
            finalRect.d_right = xpos + imgSz.d_width;

            for (uint col = 0; col < horzTiles; ++col)
                // use custom clipping for right and bottom edges when tiling the imagery
                if (((vertFormatting == VF_TILED) && row == vertTiles - 1) ||
                    ((horzFormatting == HF_TILED) && col == horzTiles - 1))
                    finalClipper = clipper ? clipper->getIntersection(destRect) : destRect;
                    clippingRect = &finalClipper;
                // not tiliing, or not on far edges, just used passed in clipper (if any).
                    clippingRect = clipper;

                // add image to the rendering cache for the target window.
                srcWindow.getRenderCache().cacheImage(*img, finalRect, base_z, finalColours, clippingRect, clipToDisplay);

                finalRect.d_left += imgSz.d_width;
                finalRect.d_right += imgSz.d_width;

            finalRect.d_top += imgSz.d_height;
            finalRect.d_bottom += imgSz.d_height;
    void FrameComponent::render_impl(Window& srcWindow, Rect& destRect, float base_z, const CEGUI::ColourRect* modColours, const Rect* clipper, bool clipToDisplay) const
        Rect backgroundRect(destRect);
        Rect finalRect;
        Size imageSize;
        ColourRect imageColours;
        float leftfactor, rightfactor, topfactor, bottomfactor;
        bool calcColoursPerImage;

        // vars we use to track what to do with the side pieces.
        float topOffset = 0, bottomOffset = 0, leftOffset = 0, rightOffset = 0;
        float topWidth, bottomWidth, leftHeight, rightHeight;
        topWidth = bottomWidth = destRect.getWidth();
        leftHeight = rightHeight = destRect.getHeight();

        // calculate final overall colours to be used
        ColourRect finalColours;
        initColoursRect(srcWindow, modColours, finalColours);

        if (finalColours.isMonochromatic())
            calcColoursPerImage = false;
            imageColours = finalColours;
            calcColoursPerImage = true;

        // top-left image
        if (d_frameImages[FIC_TOP_LEFT_CORNER])
            // calculate final destination area
            imageSize = d_frameImages[FIC_TOP_LEFT_CORNER]->getSize();
            finalRect.d_left = destRect.d_left;
            finalRect.d_top  = destRect.d_top;

            // update adjustments required to edges do to presence of this element.
            topOffset  += imageSize.d_width;
            leftOffset += imageSize.d_height;
            topWidth   -= topOffset;
            leftHeight -= leftOffset;

            // calculate colours that are to be used to this component image
            if (calcColoursPerImage)
                leftfactor   = (finalRect.d_left + d_frameImages[FIC_TOP_LEFT_CORNER]->getOffsetX()) / destRect.getWidth();
                rightfactor  = leftfactor + finalRect.getWidth() / destRect.getWidth();
                topfactor    = (finalRect.d_top + d_frameImages[FIC_TOP_LEFT_CORNER]->getOffsetY()) / destRect.getHeight();
                bottomfactor = topfactor + finalRect.getHeight() / destRect.getHeight();

                imageColours = finalColours.getSubRectangle( leftfactor, rightfactor, topfactor, bottomfactor);

            // draw this element.
            srcWindow.getRenderCache().cacheImage(*d_frameImages[FIC_TOP_LEFT_CORNER], finalRect, base_z, imageColours, 0, clipToDisplay);

        // top-right image
        if (d_frameImages[FIC_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER])
            // calculate final destination area
            imageSize = d_frameImages[FIC_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER]->getSize();
            finalRect.d_left = destRect.d_right - imageSize.d_width;
            finalRect.d_top  = destRect.d_top;

            // update adjustments required to edges do to presence of this element.
            rightOffset += imageSize.d_height;
            topWidth    -= imageSize.d_width;
            rightHeight -= rightOffset;

            // calculate colours that are to be used to this component image
            if (calcColoursPerImage)
                leftfactor   = (finalRect.d_left + d_frameImages[FIC_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER]->getOffsetX()) / destRect.getWidth();
                rightfactor  = leftfactor + finalRect.getWidth() / destRect.getWidth();
                topfactor    = (finalRect.d_top + d_frameImages[FIC_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER]->getOffsetY()) / destRect.getHeight();
                bottomfactor = topfactor + finalRect.getHeight() / destRect.getHeight();

                imageColours = finalColours.getSubRectangle( leftfactor, rightfactor, topfactor, bottomfactor);

            // draw this element.
            srcWindow.getRenderCache().cacheImage(*d_frameImages[FIC_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER], finalRect, base_z, imageColours, 0, clipToDisplay);

        // bottom-left image
        if (d_frameImages[FIC_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER])
            // calculate final destination area
            imageSize = d_frameImages[FIC_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER]->getSize();
            finalRect.d_left = destRect.d_left;
            finalRect.d_top  = destRect.d_bottom - imageSize.d_height;

            // update adjustments required to edges do to presence of this element.
            bottomOffset += imageSize.d_width;
            bottomWidth  -= bottomOffset;
            leftHeight   -= imageSize.d_height;

            // calculate colours that are to be used to this component image
            if (calcColoursPerImage)
                leftfactor   = (finalRect.d_left + d_frameImages[FIC_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER]->getOffsetX()) / destRect.getWidth();
                rightfactor  = leftfactor + finalRect.getWidth() / destRect.getWidth();
                topfactor    = (finalRect.d_top + d_frameImages[FIC_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER]->getOffsetY()) / destRect.getHeight();
                bottomfactor = topfactor + finalRect.getHeight() / destRect.getHeight();

                imageColours = finalColours.getSubRectangle( leftfactor, rightfactor, topfactor, bottomfactor);

            // draw this element.
            srcWindow.getRenderCache().cacheImage(*d_frameImages[FIC_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER], finalRect, base_z, imageColours, 0, clipToDisplay);

        // bottom-right image
        if (d_frameImages[FIC_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER])
            // calculate final destination area
            imageSize = d_frameImages[FIC_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER]->getSize();
            finalRect.d_left = destRect.d_right - imageSize.d_width;
            finalRect.d_top  = destRect.d_bottom - imageSize.d_height;

            // update adjustments required to edges do to presence of this element.
            bottomWidth -= imageSize.d_width;
            rightHeight -= imageSize.d_height;

            // calculate colours that are to be used to this component image
            if (calcColoursPerImage)
                leftfactor   = (finalRect.d_left + d_frameImages[FIC_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER]->getOffsetX()) / destRect.getWidth();
                rightfactor  = leftfactor + finalRect.getWidth() / destRect.getWidth();
                topfactor    = (finalRect.d_top + d_frameImages[FIC_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER]->getOffsetY()) / destRect.getHeight();
                bottomfactor = topfactor + finalRect.getHeight() / destRect.getHeight();

                imageColours = finalColours.getSubRectangle( leftfactor, rightfactor, topfactor, bottomfactor);

            // draw this element.
            srcWindow.getRenderCache().cacheImage(*d_frameImages[FIC_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER], finalRect, base_z, imageColours, 0, clipToDisplay);

        // top image
        if (d_frameImages[FIC_TOP_EDGE])
            // calculate final destination area
            imageSize = d_frameImages[FIC_TOP_EDGE]->getSize();
            finalRect.d_left   = destRect.d_left + topOffset;
            finalRect.d_right  = finalRect.d_left + topWidth;
            finalRect.d_top    = destRect.d_top;
            finalRect.d_bottom = finalRect.d_top + imageSize.d_height;

            // adjust background area to miss this edge
            backgroundRect.d_top += imageSize.d_height + d_frameImages[FIC_TOP_EDGE]->getOffsetY();;

            // calculate colours that are to be used to this component image
            if (calcColoursPerImage)
                leftfactor   = (finalRect.d_left + d_frameImages[FIC_TOP_EDGE]->getOffsetX()) / destRect.getWidth();
                rightfactor  = leftfactor + finalRect.getWidth() / destRect.getWidth();
                topfactor    = (finalRect.d_top + d_frameImages[FIC_TOP_EDGE]->getOffsetY()) / destRect.getHeight();
                bottomfactor = topfactor + finalRect.getHeight() / destRect.getHeight();

                imageColours = finalColours.getSubRectangle( leftfactor, rightfactor, topfactor, bottomfactor);

            // draw this element.
            srcWindow.getRenderCache().cacheImage(*d_frameImages[FIC_TOP_EDGE], finalRect, base_z, imageColours, 0, clipToDisplay);

        // bottom image
        if (d_frameImages[FIC_BOTTOM_EDGE])
            // calculate final destination area
            imageSize = d_frameImages[FIC_BOTTOM_EDGE]->getSize();
            finalRect.d_left   = destRect.d_left + bottomOffset;
            finalRect.d_right  = finalRect.d_left + bottomWidth;
            finalRect.d_bottom = destRect.d_bottom;
            finalRect.d_top    = finalRect.d_bottom - imageSize.d_height;

            // adjust background area to miss this edge
            backgroundRect.d_bottom -= imageSize.d_height - d_frameImages[FIC_BOTTOM_EDGE]->getOffsetY();;

            // calculate colours that are to be used to this component image
            if (calcColoursPerImage)
                leftfactor   = (finalRect.d_left + d_frameImages[FIC_BOTTOM_EDGE]->getOffsetX()) / destRect.getWidth();
                rightfactor  = leftfactor + finalRect.getWidth() / destRect.getWidth();
                topfactor    = (finalRect.d_top + d_frameImages[FIC_BOTTOM_EDGE]->getOffsetY()) / destRect.getHeight();
                bottomfactor = topfactor + finalRect.getHeight() / destRect.getHeight();

                imageColours = finalColours.getSubRectangle( leftfactor, rightfactor, topfactor, bottomfactor);

            // draw this element.
            srcWindow.getRenderCache().cacheImage(*d_frameImages[FIC_BOTTOM_EDGE], finalRect, base_z, imageColours, 0, clipToDisplay);

        // left image
        if (d_frameImages[FIC_LEFT_EDGE])
            // calculate final destination area
            imageSize = d_frameImages[FIC_LEFT_EDGE]->getSize();
            finalRect.d_left   = destRect.d_left;
            finalRect.d_right  = finalRect.d_left + imageSize.d_width;
            finalRect.d_top    = destRect.d_top + leftOffset;
            finalRect.d_bottom = finalRect.d_top + leftHeight;

            // adjust background area to miss this edge
            backgroundRect.d_left += imageSize.d_width + d_frameImages[FIC_LEFT_EDGE]->getOffsetX();

            // calculate colours that are to be used to this component image
            if (calcColoursPerImage)
                leftfactor   = (finalRect.d_left + d_frameImages[FIC_LEFT_EDGE]->getOffsetX()) / destRect.getWidth();
                rightfactor  = leftfactor + finalRect.getWidth() / destRect.getWidth();
                topfactor    = (finalRect.d_top + d_frameImages[FIC_LEFT_EDGE]->getOffsetY()) / destRect.getHeight();
                bottomfactor = topfactor + finalRect.getHeight() / destRect.getHeight();

                imageColours = finalColours.getSubRectangle( leftfactor, rightfactor, topfactor, bottomfactor);

            // draw this element.
            srcWindow.getRenderCache().cacheImage(*d_frameImages[FIC_LEFT_EDGE], finalRect, base_z, imageColours, 0, clipToDisplay);

        // right image
        if (d_frameImages[FIC_RIGHT_EDGE])
            // calculate final destination area
            imageSize = d_frameImages[FIC_RIGHT_EDGE]->getSize();
            finalRect.d_top    = destRect.d_top + rightOffset;
            finalRect.d_bottom = finalRect.d_top + rightHeight;
            finalRect.d_right  = destRect.d_right;
            finalRect.d_left   = finalRect.d_right - imageSize.d_width;

            // adjust background area to miss this edge
            backgroundRect.d_right -= imageSize.d_width - d_frameImages[FIC_RIGHT_EDGE]->getOffsetX();

            // calculate colours that are to be used to this component image
            if (calcColoursPerImage)
                leftfactor   = (finalRect.d_left + d_frameImages[FIC_RIGHT_EDGE]->getOffsetX()) / destRect.getWidth();
                rightfactor  = leftfactor + finalRect.getWidth() / destRect.getWidth();
                topfactor    = (finalRect.d_top + d_frameImages[FIC_RIGHT_EDGE]->getOffsetY()) / destRect.getHeight();
                bottomfactor = topfactor + finalRect.getHeight() / destRect.getHeight();

                imageColours = finalColours.getSubRectangle( leftfactor, rightfactor, topfactor, bottomfactor);

            // draw this element.
            srcWindow.getRenderCache().cacheImage(*d_frameImages[FIC_RIGHT_EDGE], finalRect, base_z, imageColours, 0, clipToDisplay);

        if (d_frameImages[FIC_BACKGROUND])
            // calculate colours that are to be used to this component image
            if (calcColoursPerImage)
                leftfactor   = (backgroundRect.d_left + d_frameImages[FIC_BACKGROUND]->getOffsetX()) / destRect.getWidth();
                rightfactor  = leftfactor + backgroundRect.getWidth() / destRect.getWidth();
                topfactor    = (backgroundRect.d_top + d_frameImages[FIC_BACKGROUND]->getOffsetY()) / destRect.getHeight();
                bottomfactor = topfactor + backgroundRect.getHeight() / destRect.getHeight();

                imageColours = finalColours.getSubRectangle( leftfactor, rightfactor, topfactor, bottomfactor);

            // render background image.
            doBackgroundRender(srcWindow, backgroundRect, base_z, imageColours, clipper, clipToDisplay);
void FrameComponent::render_impl(Window& srcWindow, Rectf& destRect,
                                 const CEGUI::ColourRect* modColours,
                                 const Rectf* clipper, bool clipToDisplay) const
    Rectf backgroundRect(destRect);
    Rectf finalRect;
    Sizef imageSize;
    Vector2f imageOffsets;
    ColourRect imageColours;
    float leftfactor, rightfactor, topfactor, bottomfactor;
    bool calcColoursPerImage;

    // vars we use to track what to do with the side pieces.
    float topOffset = 0, bottomOffset = 0, leftOffset = 0, rightOffset = 0;
    float topWidth, bottomWidth, leftHeight, rightHeight;
    topWidth = bottomWidth = destRect.getWidth();
    leftHeight = rightHeight = destRect.getHeight();

    // calculate final overall colours to be used
    ColourRect finalColours;
    initColoursRect(srcWindow, modColours, finalColours);

    if (finalColours.isMonochromatic())
        calcColoursPerImage = false;
        imageColours = finalColours;
        calcColoursPerImage = true;
    // top-left image
    if (const Image* const componentImage = getImage(FIC_TOP_LEFT_CORNER, srcWindow))
        // calculate final destination area
        imageSize = componentImage->getRenderedSize();
        imageOffsets = componentImage->getRenderedOffset();
        finalRect.d_min = destRect.d_min;
        finalRect = destRect.getIntersection(finalRect);

        // update adjustments required to edges do to presence of this element.
        topOffset  += imageSize.d_width + imageOffsets.d_x;
        leftOffset += imageSize.d_height + imageOffsets.d_y;
        topWidth   -= topOffset;
        leftHeight -= leftOffset;

        // calculate colours that are to be used to this component image
        if (calcColoursPerImage)
            leftfactor   = (finalRect.left() + imageOffsets.d_x) / destRect.getWidth();
            rightfactor  = leftfactor + finalRect.getWidth() / destRect.getWidth();
            topfactor    = (finalRect.top() + imageOffsets.d_y) / destRect.getHeight();
            bottomfactor = topfactor + finalRect.getHeight() / destRect.getHeight();

            imageColours = finalColours.getSubRectangle( leftfactor, rightfactor, topfactor, bottomfactor);

        // draw this element.
        componentImage->render(srcWindow.getGeometryBuffer(), finalRect, clipper, imageColours);

    // top-right image
    if (const Image* const componentImage = getImage(FIC_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER, srcWindow))
        // calculate final destination area
        imageSize = componentImage->getRenderedSize();
        imageOffsets = componentImage->getRenderedOffset();
        finalRect.left(destRect.right() - imageSize.d_width);
        finalRect = destRect.getIntersection(finalRect);

        // update adjustments required to edges do to presence of this element.
        rightOffset += imageSize.d_height + imageOffsets.d_y;
        topWidth    -= imageSize.d_width - imageOffsets.d_x;
        rightHeight -= rightOffset;

        // calculate colours that are to be used to this component image
        if (calcColoursPerImage)
            leftfactor   = (finalRect.left() + imageOffsets.d_x) / destRect.getWidth();
            rightfactor  = leftfactor + finalRect.getWidth() / destRect.getWidth();
            topfactor    = (finalRect.top() + imageOffsets.d_y) / destRect.getHeight();
            bottomfactor = topfactor + finalRect.getHeight() / destRect.getHeight();

            imageColours = finalColours.getSubRectangle(leftfactor, rightfactor, topfactor, bottomfactor);

        // draw this element.
        componentImage->render(srcWindow.getGeometryBuffer(), finalRect, clipper, imageColours);

    // bottom-left image
    if (const Image* const componentImage = getImage(FIC_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER, srcWindow))
        // calculate final destination area
        imageSize = componentImage->getRenderedSize();
        imageOffsets = componentImage->getRenderedOffset();
        finalRect.top(destRect.bottom() - imageSize.d_height);
        finalRect = destRect.getIntersection(finalRect);

        // update adjustments required to edges do to presence of this element.
        bottomOffset += imageSize.d_width + imageOffsets.d_x;
        bottomWidth  -= bottomOffset;
        leftHeight   -= imageSize.d_height - imageOffsets.d_y;

        // calculate colours that are to be used to this component image
        if (calcColoursPerImage)
            leftfactor   = (finalRect.left() + imageOffsets.d_x) / destRect.getWidth();
            rightfactor  = leftfactor + finalRect.getWidth() / destRect.getWidth();
            topfactor    = (finalRect.top() + imageOffsets.d_y) / destRect.getHeight();
            bottomfactor = topfactor + finalRect.getHeight() / destRect.getHeight();

            imageColours = finalColours.getSubRectangle(leftfactor, rightfactor, topfactor, bottomfactor);

        // draw this element.
        componentImage->render(srcWindow.getGeometryBuffer(), finalRect, clipper, imageColours);

    // bottom-right image
    if (const Image* const componentImage = getImage(FIC_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER, srcWindow))
        // calculate final destination area
        imageSize = componentImage->getRenderedSize();
        imageOffsets = componentImage->getRenderedOffset();
        finalRect.left(destRect.right() - imageSize.d_width);
        finalRect.top(destRect.bottom() - imageSize.d_height);
        finalRect = destRect.getIntersection(finalRect);

        // update adjustments required to edges do to presence of this element.
        bottomWidth -= imageSize.d_width - imageOffsets.d_x;
        rightHeight -= imageSize.d_height - imageOffsets.d_y;

        // calculate colours that are to be used to this component image
        if (calcColoursPerImage)
            leftfactor   = (finalRect.left() + componentImage->getRenderedOffset().d_x) / destRect.getWidth();
            rightfactor  = leftfactor + finalRect.getWidth() / destRect.getWidth();
            topfactor    = (finalRect.top() + componentImage->getRenderedOffset().d_y) / destRect.getHeight();
            bottomfactor = topfactor + finalRect.getHeight() / destRect.getHeight();

            imageColours = finalColours.getSubRectangle( leftfactor, rightfactor, topfactor, bottomfactor);

        // draw this element.
        componentImage->render(srcWindow.getGeometryBuffer(), finalRect, clipper, imageColours);

    // top image
    if (const Image* const componentImage = getImage(FIC_TOP_EDGE, srcWindow))
        // calculate final destination area
        imageSize = componentImage->getRenderedSize();
        finalRect.left(destRect.left() + topOffset);
        finalRect.right(finalRect.left() + topWidth);
        finalRect.bottom(finalRect.top() + imageSize.d_height);
        finalRect = destRect.getIntersection(finalRect);

        // adjust background area to miss this edge
        backgroundRect.d_min.d_y += imageSize.d_height + componentImage->getRenderedOffset().d_y;

        // calculate colours that are to be used to this component image
        if (calcColoursPerImage)
            leftfactor   = (finalRect.left() + componentImage->getRenderedOffset().d_x) / destRect.getWidth();
            rightfactor  = leftfactor + finalRect.getWidth() / destRect.getWidth();
            topfactor    = (finalRect.top() + componentImage->getRenderedOffset().d_y) / destRect.getHeight();
            bottomfactor = topfactor + finalRect.getHeight() / destRect.getHeight();

            imageColours = finalColours.getSubRectangle( leftfactor, rightfactor, topfactor, bottomfactor);

        // draw this element.
        renderImage(srcWindow.getGeometryBuffer(), componentImage,
                    VF_TOP_ALIGNED, d_topEdgeFormatting.get(srcWindow),
                    finalRect, imageColours, clipper, clipToDisplay);

    // bottom image
    if (const Image* const componentImage = getImage(FIC_BOTTOM_EDGE, srcWindow))
        // calculate final destination area
        imageSize = componentImage->getRenderedSize();
        finalRect.left(destRect.left() + bottomOffset);
        finalRect.right(finalRect.left() + bottomWidth);
        finalRect.top(finalRect.bottom() - imageSize.d_height);
        finalRect = destRect.getIntersection (finalRect);

        // adjust background area to miss this edge
        backgroundRect.d_max.d_y -= imageSize.d_height - componentImage->getRenderedOffset().d_y;

        // calculate colours that are to be used to this component image
        if (calcColoursPerImage)
            leftfactor   = (finalRect.left() + componentImage->getRenderedOffset().d_x) / destRect.getWidth();
            rightfactor  = leftfactor + finalRect.getWidth() / destRect.getWidth();
            topfactor    = (finalRect.top() + componentImage->getRenderedOffset().d_y) / destRect.getHeight();
            bottomfactor = topfactor + finalRect.getHeight() / destRect.getHeight();

            imageColours = finalColours.getSubRectangle(leftfactor, rightfactor, topfactor, bottomfactor);

        // draw this element.
        renderImage(srcWindow.getGeometryBuffer(), componentImage,
                    VF_BOTTOM_ALIGNED, d_bottomEdgeFormatting.get(srcWindow),
                    finalRect, imageColours, clipper, clipToDisplay);

    // left image
    if (const Image* const componentImage = getImage(FIC_LEFT_EDGE, srcWindow))
        // calculate final destination area
        imageSize = componentImage->getRenderedSize();
        finalRect.right(finalRect.left() + imageSize.d_width);
        finalRect.top(destRect.top() + leftOffset);
        finalRect.bottom(finalRect.top() + leftHeight);
        finalRect = destRect.getIntersection(finalRect);

        // adjust background area to miss this edge
        backgroundRect.d_min.d_x += imageSize.d_width + componentImage->getRenderedOffset().d_x;

        // calculate colours that are to be used to this component image
        if (calcColoursPerImage)
            leftfactor   = (finalRect.left() + componentImage->getRenderedOffset().d_x) / destRect.getWidth();
            rightfactor  = leftfactor + finalRect.getWidth() / destRect.getWidth();
            topfactor    = (finalRect.top() + componentImage->getRenderedOffset().d_y) / destRect.getHeight();
            bottomfactor = topfactor + finalRect.getHeight() / destRect.getHeight();

            imageColours = finalColours.getSubRectangle( leftfactor, rightfactor, topfactor, bottomfactor);

        // draw this element.
        renderImage(srcWindow.getGeometryBuffer(), componentImage,
                    d_leftEdgeFormatting.get(srcWindow), HF_LEFT_ALIGNED,
                    finalRect, imageColours, clipper, clipToDisplay);

    // right image
    if (const Image* const componentImage = getImage(FIC_RIGHT_EDGE, srcWindow))
        // calculate final destination area
        imageSize = componentImage->getRenderedSize();
        finalRect.top(destRect.top() + rightOffset);
        finalRect.bottom(finalRect.top() + rightHeight);
        finalRect.left(finalRect.right() - imageSize.d_width);
        finalRect = destRect.getIntersection (finalRect);

        // adjust background area to miss this edge
        backgroundRect.d_max.d_x -= imageSize.d_width - componentImage->getRenderedOffset().d_x;

        // calculate colours that are to be used to this component image
        if (calcColoursPerImage)
            leftfactor   = (finalRect.left() + componentImage->getRenderedOffset().d_x) / destRect.getWidth();
            rightfactor  = leftfactor + finalRect.getWidth() / destRect.getWidth();
            topfactor    = (finalRect.top() + componentImage->getRenderedOffset().d_y) / destRect.getHeight();
            bottomfactor = topfactor + finalRect.getHeight() / destRect.getHeight();

            imageColours = finalColours.getSubRectangle( leftfactor, rightfactor, topfactor, bottomfactor);

        // draw this element.
        renderImage(srcWindow.getGeometryBuffer(), componentImage,
                    d_rightEdgeFormatting.get(srcWindow), HF_RIGHT_ALIGNED,
                    finalRect, imageColours, clipper, clipToDisplay);

    if (const Image* const componentImage = getImage(FIC_BACKGROUND, srcWindow))
        // calculate colours that are to be used to this component image
        if (calcColoursPerImage)
            leftfactor   = (backgroundRect.left() + componentImage->getRenderedOffset().d_x) / destRect.getWidth();
            rightfactor  = leftfactor + backgroundRect.getWidth() / destRect.getWidth();
            topfactor    = (backgroundRect.top() + componentImage->getRenderedOffset().d_y) / destRect.getHeight();
            bottomfactor = topfactor + backgroundRect.getHeight() / destRect.getHeight();

            imageColours = finalColours.getSubRectangle( leftfactor, rightfactor, topfactor, bottomfactor);

        const HorizontalFormatting horzFormatting =

        const VerticalFormatting vertFormatting =

        renderImage(srcWindow.getGeometryBuffer(), componentImage,
                    vertFormatting, horzFormatting,
                    backgroundRect, imageColours, clipper, clipToDisplay);