void main() { coreLoad(Window); coreLoad(Time); coreLoad(Input); coreLoad(Camera); coreLoad(Factory); coreLoad(Asset); systemLoad(TransformUpdate); systemLoad(Rendering); initCore(); // Safe to load assets and make dudes. core(Asset).loadShader("Flat","./shaders/simpleShader.vert", "./shaders/simpleShader.frag"); Vertex verts[3] = { { { 0, 30, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 1, 1 } }, { { -30, -30, 0, 1 }, { 1, 1, 0, 1 } }, { { 30, -30, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0, 1, 1 } } }; Triangle tris[1] = { 0, 1, 2 }; core(Asset).loadMesh("Triangle", verts, 3, tris, 1); core(Factory).MakeTriangle(); runGame(); }
void Meta::setElapsedTime(int time) { if (time < 0) { throw std::runtime_error("Incorrect elapsed time value"); } initCore(); meta_data_->core_->setElapsedTime(time); }
bool CKLBUISimpleItem::initUI(CLuaState& lua) { int argc = lua.numArgs(); if(argc < ARG_REQUIRE || argc > ARG_NUMS) { return false; } float x = lua.getFloat(ARG_X); float y = lua.getFloat(ARG_Y); return initCore(lua.getInt(ARG_ORDER),x,y,lua.getString(ARG_ASSET)); }
JBlockerMainWindow::JBlockerMainWindow(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags) : QMainWindow(parent, flags), p_tabW(0), p_inboxW(0), p_junkListW(0), p_messageCore(0), p_messageBox(0), p_progressBar(0), p_refresh(0), p_addToBlackList(0), p_switchAccount(0) { qDebug() << "+ " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; /* Initialization */ initUI(); initCore(); initConnections(); QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(slt_loadingStart())); }
bool CKLBUISimpleItem::init(CKLBUITask* pParent, CKLBNode* pNode, u32 order, float x, float y, const char* asset) { if(!setupNode()) { return false; } bool bResult = initCore(order,x,y,asset); bResult = registUI(pParent, bResult); if(pNode) { pParent->getNode()->removeNode(getNode()); pNode->addNode(getNode()); } return bResult; }
void Meta::setTypedValue(const std::string &name, const TypedValue &value) { if (!allowKey(name)) { throw std::runtime_error(name + " key is not allowed"); } if (meta_data_->core_writable_) { initCore(); meta_data_->core_->insert(name, value); } else { meta_data_->child_.insert(name, value); } }
bool CKLBUIScore::initUI(CLuaState& lua) { int argc = lua.numArgs(); // 引数の数が合わない場合 if(argc < ARG_REQUIRE || argc > ARG_NUMS) { return false; } float x = lua.getFloat(ARG_X); float y = lua.getFloat(ARG_Y); u32 order = lua.getInt(ARG_ORDER); s32 order_offset = lua.getInt(ARG_ODOFF); float stepX = lua.getFloat(ARG_STEP_X); float stepY = lua.getFloat(ARG_STEP_Y); int column = lua.getInt(ARG_COLS); bool fillzero = lua.getBool(ARG_FILLZERO); bool anim_flag = lua.getBool(ARG_ANIM); int align = (argc >= ARG_ALIGN) ? lua.getInt(ARG_ALIGN) : ALIGN_RIGHT; bool countclip = (argc >= ARG_COUNTCLIP) ? lua.getBool(ARG_COUNTCLIP) : false; const char * tex_list[10]; lua.retValue(ARG_TEXTBL); // 対象となる配列をスタックトップに積む lua.retNil(); // nil をスタックトップに積む int tex_cnt = 0; while(lua.tableNext()) { lua.retValue(-2); int idx = lua.getInt(-1) - 1; // Lua配列の添え字は1からなので、-1する。 const char * str = lua.getString(-1); // 与えられた配列のindexに整数以外が使われているときや、 // 範囲を超えたものがある場合はエラー扱いとする。 klb_assert((idx >= 0 && idx <= 9), "BAD INDEX [%s] in texture array.", str); if(idx < 0 || idx > 9) { // 数値以外のインデックスが指定されていたり、範囲を超えている場合 return false; } const char * texname = lua.getString(-2); // テクスチャ名称が格納されている。 tex_list[idx] = texname; tex_cnt++; lua.pop(2); } lua.pop(1); // テクスチャの数が足りなければエラーとする。 if(tex_cnt != 10) { klb_assert(tex_cnt == 10, "%s(%d): The number of textures is insufficient. ", lua.getScriptName(), lua.getNumLine()); return false; } return initCore(order, order_offset, x, y, tex_list, stepX, stepY, column, fillzero, anim_flag, align, countclip); }
NewFilePage_4::NewFilePage_4(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent) { titlePtr = new QLabel("<b>Name and location</b>"); fileNameLePtr = new QLineEdit(); fileNameLePtr->setText("newfile"); fileExtsStrLstPtr = new QStringList(); fileExtCbPtr = new QComboBox(); defaultFileExtChbPtr = new QCheckBox(); projectLePtr = new QLineEdit(); locCbPtr = new QComboBox(); //locCbPtr->addItems(new QStringList() ) folderLePtr = new QLineEdit(); folderDialogPtr = new QFileDialog(); folderPbPtr = new QPushButton("Browse..."); createdFileLePtr = new QLineEdit(); fileNameStrPtr = new QString("NewFile"); projectStrPtr = new QString("ProjectName"); //locStrPtr = new QString(RosEnv::imagesInstallLoc + "rqt_ide/"); locStrPtr = new QString(RosEnv::rideInstallLoc + "rqt_ide/ide"); folderStrPtr = new QString(RosEnv::imagesInstallLoc + "NewFile.cpp"); createdFileStrPtr = new QString(""); folderLayoutPtr = new QGridLayout(); folderLayoutPtr->addWidget(folderLePtr, 0, 0); folderLayoutPtr->addWidget(folderPbPtr, 0, 1); formLayoutPtr = new QFormLayout(); formLayoutPtr->addRow(tr("File &Name:"), fileNameLePtr); formLayoutPtr->addRow(tr("&Extension:"), fileExtCbPtr); formLayoutPtr->addRow(tr(""), defaultFileExtChbPtr); formLayoutPtr->addRow(tr("&Project:"), projectLePtr); formLayoutPtr->addRow(tr("Loca&tion"), locCbPtr); formLayoutPtr->addRow(tr("Folder"), folderLayoutPtr); formLayoutPtr->addRow(tr("&Created File:"), createdFileLePtr); initCore(); outerLayoutPtr = new QGridLayout(); outerLayoutPtr->addWidget(titlePtr, 0, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter); outerLayoutPtr->addLayout(formLayoutPtr, 1, 0); this->setLayout(outerLayoutPtr); }
bool CKLBUIMultiImgItem::init(CKLBUITask* pParent, CKLBNode* pNode, u32 order, float x, float y, u32 idx, const char** pArrayAsset, u32* pArrayIndexes, u32 assetCount) { if(!setupNode()) return false; // // Create array and load resources. // u32 max = 0; for(u32 i = 0; i < assetCount; i++) { u32 idxImg = pArrayIndexes[i]; if(max < idxImg) { max = idxImg; } } max++; IMGITEM* items = KLBNEWA(IMGITEM, max); if(!items) { return false; } // Reset all handle to NULL for(u32 i=0; i < max; i++) { items[i].handle = 0; items[i].sprite = NULL; } CKLBRenderingManager& rdr = CKLBRenderingManager::getInstance(); for(u32 i = 0; i < assetCount; i++) { const char* name = pArrayAsset[i]; u32 idxImg = pArrayIndexes[i]; u32 handle; CKLBAsset * pAsset = CKLBUtility::loadAsset(name, &handle, NULL); if(pAsset->getAssetType() == ASSET_IMAGE) { CKLBSprite* pRender = rdr.allocateCommandSprite((CKLBImageAsset*)pAsset,order); items[idxImg].handle = handle; items[idxImg].sprite = pRender; } } bool bResult = initCore(order,x,y,idx,items,max); bResult = registUI(pParent, bResult); if(pNode) { pParent->getNode()->removeNode(getNode()); pNode->addNode(getNode()); } return bResult; }
MasterGui::MasterGui(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent) { this->setWindowIcon(QIcon("./src/Software_Engineer_91.411_2/2_DataAggregator/Code/kinect_app/app_node/share/se_logo.xpm") ); this->setWindowTitle("Software Engineering I"); AppStyles::loadStyle(this, AppStyles::CLASSIC); //AppStyles::loadStyle<int>(5); QDesktopWidget desktop; int desktopHeight = desktop.geometry().height(); int desktopWidth = desktop.geometry().width(); cout << "Desktop is: " << desktopHeight << " high and " << desktopWidth << " wide."; //this->resize(desktopWidth, desktopHeight); initCore(); this->setLayout(outerLayout); }
bool CKLBUIScore::init(CKLBUITask * pParent, CKLBNode * pNode, u32 order, s32 order_offset, float x, float y, const char ** tex_table, float stepX, float stepY, int column, bool fillzero, bool anim_flag, u32 align, bool countclip) { if(!setupNode()) { return false; } // ユーザ定義初期化を呼び、初期化に失敗したら終了。 bool bResult = initCore(order, order_offset, x, y, tex_table, stepX, stepY, column, fillzero, anim_flag, align, countclip); // 初期化処理終了後の登録。失敗時の処理も適切に行う。 bResult = registUI(pParent, bResult); if(pNode) { pParent->getNode()->removeNode(getNode()); pNode->addNode(getNode()); } return bResult; }
bool CKLBUIMultiImgItem::initUI(CLuaState& lua) { int argc = lua.numArgs(); if(argc < ARG_REQUIRE || argc > ARG_NUMS) return false; float x = lua.getFloat(ARG_X); float y = lua.getFloat(ARG_Y); u32 order = lua.getInt(ARG_ORDER); u32 idxImg = (argc >= ARG_INDEX) ? lua.getInt(ARG_INDEX) : 0; // asset list を取得 lua.retValue(ARG_ASSET_LIST); // 要素の数を数える int max = 0; lua.retNil(); // Read indexes and count entries. while(lua.tableNext()) { lua.retValue(-2); int idx = lua.getInt(-1); if(max < idx) max = idx; lua.pop(2); } IMGITEM* items = KLBNEWA(IMGITEM, max); if(!items) { return false; } // Reset all handle to NULL for(int idx = 0; idx < max; idx++) { items[idx].handle = 0; items[idx].sprite = NULL; } m_order = order; // Needed for getImgList if(!getImgList(lua,items,max)) { return false; } return initCore(order, x,y,idxImg,items,max); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Core *core; int option; bool enableMemoryDump = false; uint32_t memDumpBase = 0; uint32_t memDumpLength = 0; char *memDumpFilename = NULL; size_t memDumpFilenameLen = 0; bool verbose = false; uint32_t fbWidth = 640; uint32_t fbHeight = 480; bool blockDeviceOpen = false; bool enableFbWindow = false; uint32_t totalThreads = 4; char *separator; uint32_t memorySize = 0x1000000; const char *sharedMemoryFile = NULL; struct stat st; enum { MODE_NORMAL, MODE_COSIMULATION, MODE_GDB_REMOTE_DEBUG } mode = MODE_NORMAL; while ((option = getopt(argc, argv, "f:d:vm:b:t:c:r:s:i:o:")) != -1) { switch (option) { case 'v': verbose = true; break; case 'r': gScreenRefreshRate = parseNumArg(optarg); break; case 'f': enableFbWindow = true; separator = strchr(optarg, 'x'); if (!separator) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid framebuffer size %s\n", optarg); return 1; } fbWidth = parseNumArg(optarg); fbHeight = parseNumArg(separator + 1); break; case 'm': if (strcmp(optarg, "normal") == 0) mode = MODE_NORMAL; else if (strcmp(optarg, "cosim") == 0) mode = MODE_COSIMULATION; else if (strcmp(optarg, "gdb") == 0) mode = MODE_GDB_REMOTE_DEBUG; else { fprintf(stderr, "Unkown execution mode %s\n", optarg); return 1; } break; case 'd': // Memory dump, of the form: filename,start,length separator = strchr(optarg, ','); if (separator == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "bad format for memory dump\n"); usage(); return 1; } memDumpFilenameLen = (size_t)(separator - optarg); memDumpFilename = (char*) malloc(memDumpFilenameLen + 1); strncpy(memDumpFilename, optarg, memDumpFilenameLen); memDumpFilename[memDumpFilenameLen] = '\0'; memDumpBase = parseNumArg(separator + 1); separator = strchr(separator + 1, ','); if (separator == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "bad format for memory dump\n"); usage(); return 1; } memDumpLength = parseNumArg(separator + 1); enableMemoryDump = true; break; case 'b': if (openBlockDevice(optarg) < 0) return 1; blockDeviceOpen = true; break; case 'c': memorySize = parseNumArg(optarg); break; case 't': totalThreads = parseNumArg(optarg); if (totalThreads < 1 || totalThreads > 32) { fprintf(stderr, "Total threads must be between 1 and 32\n"); return 1; } break; case 's': sharedMemoryFile = optarg; break; case 'i': recvInterruptFd = open(optarg, O_RDWR); if (recvInterruptFd < 0) { perror("main: failed to open receive interrupt pipe"); return 1; } if (fstat(recvInterruptFd, &st) < 0) { perror("main: stat failed on receive interrupt pipe"); return 1; } if ((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFIFO) { fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a pipe\n", optarg); return 1; } break; case 'o': sendInterruptFd = open(optarg, O_RDWR); if (sendInterruptFd < 0) { perror("main: failed to open send interrupt pipe"); return 1; } if (fstat(sendInterruptFd, &st) < 0) { perror("main: stat failed on send interrupt pipe"); return 1; } if ((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFIFO) { fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a pipe\n", optarg); return 1; } break; case '?': usage(); return 1; } } if (optind == argc) { fprintf(stderr, "No image filename specified\n"); usage(); return 1; } // Don't randomize memory for cosimulation mode, because // memory is checked against the hardware model to ensure a match core = initCore(memorySize, totalThreads, mode != MODE_COSIMULATION, sharedMemoryFile); if (core == NULL) return 1; if (loadHexFile(core, argv[optind]) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading image %s\n", argv[optind]); return 1; } if (enableFbWindow) { if (initFramebuffer(fbWidth, fbHeight) < 0) return 1; } switch (mode) { case MODE_NORMAL: if (verbose) enableTracing(core); setStopOnFault(core, false); if (enableFbWindow) { while (executeInstructions(core, ALL_THREADS, gScreenRefreshRate)) { updateFramebuffer(core); pollFbWindowEvent(); checkInterruptPipe(core); } } else { while (executeInstructions(core, ALL_THREADS, 1000000)) checkInterruptPipe(core); } break; case MODE_COSIMULATION: setStopOnFault(core, false); if (runCosimulation(core, verbose) < 0) return 1; // Failed break; case MODE_GDB_REMOTE_DEBUG: setStopOnFault(core, true); remoteGdbMainLoop(core, enableFbWindow); break; } if (enableMemoryDump) writeMemoryToFile(core, memDumpFilename, memDumpBase, memDumpLength); dumpInstructionStats(core); if (blockDeviceOpen) closeBlockDevice(); if (stoppedOnFault(core)) return 1; return 0; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { CompIOCtx ctx; char *displayName = 0; char *plugin[256]; int i, nPlugin = 0; Bool disableSm = FALSE; char *clientId = NULL; char *refreshRateArg = NULL; programName = argv[0]; programArgc = argc; programArgv = argv; signal (SIGHUP, signalHandler); signal (SIGCHLD, signalHandler); signal (SIGINT, signalHandler); signal (SIGTERM, signalHandler); signal (SIGSEGV, signalHandler); emptyRegion.rects = &emptyRegion.extents; emptyRegion.numRects = 0; emptyRegion.extents.x1 = 0; emptyRegion.extents.y1 = 0; emptyRegion.extents.x2 = 0; emptyRegion.extents.y2 = 0; emptyRegion.size = 0; infiniteRegion.rects = &infiniteRegion.extents; infiniteRegion.numRects = 1; infiniteRegion.extents.x1 = MINSHORT; infiniteRegion.extents.y1 = MINSHORT; infiniteRegion.extents.x2 = MAXSHORT; infiniteRegion.extents.y2 = MAXSHORT; memset (&ctx, 0, sizeof (ctx)); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--help")) { usage (); return 0; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--version")) { printf (PACKAGE_STRING "\n"); return 0; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--debug")) { debugOutput = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--display")) { if (i + 1 < argc) displayName = argv[++i]; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--refresh-rate")) { if (i + 1 < argc) { refreshRateArg = programArgv[++i]; defaultRefreshRate = atoi (refreshRateArg); defaultRefreshRate = RESTRICT_VALUE (defaultRefreshRate, 1, 1000); } } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--fast-filter")) { ctx.textureFilterData = "<default>Fast</default>"; defaultTextureFilter = "Fast"; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--indirect-rendering")) { /* force Mesa libGL into indirect rendering mode, because glXQueryExtensionsString is context-independant */ setenv ("LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT", "1", True); indirectRendering = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--loose-binding")) { strictBinding = FALSE; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--ignore-desktop-hints")) { /* keep command line parameter for backward compatibility */ useDesktopHints = FALSE; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--keep-desktop-hints")) { useDesktopHints = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--only-current-screen")) { onlyCurrentScreen = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--no-fbo")) { noFBO = TRUE; } #ifdef USE_COW else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--use-root-window")) { useCow = FALSE; } #endif else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--replace")) { replaceCurrentWm = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--sm-disable")) { disableSm = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--sm-client-id")) { if (i + 1 < argc) clientId = argv[++i]; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--no-detection")) { noDetection = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--bg-image")) { if (i + 1 < argc) backgroundImage = argv[++i]; } else if (*argv[i] == '-') { compLogMessage ("core", CompLogLevelWarn, "Unknown option '%s'\n", argv[i]); } else { if (nPlugin < 256) plugin[nPlugin++] = argv[i]; } } /* add in default plugins if none are given */ if (nPlugin == 0) { plugin[nPlugin++] = "ccp"; plugin[nPlugin++] = "move"; plugin[nPlugin++] = "resize"; plugin[nPlugin++] = "place"; plugin[nPlugin++] = "decoration"; } if (refreshRateArg) { ctx.refreshRateData = malloc (strlen (refreshRateArg) + 256); if (ctx.refreshRateData) sprintf (ctx.refreshRateData, "<min>1</min><default>%s</default>", refreshRateArg); } if (nPlugin) { int size = 256; for (i = 0; i < nPlugin; i++) size += strlen (plugin[i]) + 16; ctx.pluginData = malloc (size); if (ctx.pluginData) { char *ptr = ctx.pluginData; ptr += sprintf (ptr, "<type>string</type><default>"); for (i = 0; i < nPlugin; i++) ptr += sprintf (ptr, "<value>%s</value>", plugin[i]); ptr += sprintf (ptr, "</default>"); } initialPlugins = malloc (nPlugin * sizeof (char *)); if (initialPlugins) { memcpy (initialPlugins, plugin, nPlugin * sizeof (char *)); nInitialPlugins = nPlugin; } else { nInitialPlugins = 0; } } xmlInitParser (); LIBXML_TEST_VERSION; if (!compInitMetadata (&coreMetadata)) { compLogMessage ("core", CompLogLevelFatal, "Couldn't initialize core metadata"); return 1; } if (!compAddMetadataFromIO (&coreMetadata, readCoreXmlCallback, NULL, &ctx)) return 1; if (ctx.refreshRateData) free (ctx.refreshRateData); if (ctx.pluginData) free (ctx.pluginData); compAddMetadataFromFile (&coreMetadata, "core"); if (!initCore ()) return 1; coreInitialized = TRUE; if (!disableSm) { if (clientId == NULL) { char *desktop_autostart_id = getenv ("DESKTOP_AUTOSTART_ID"); if (desktop_autostart_id != NULL) clientId = strdup (desktop_autostart_id); unsetenv ("DESKTOP_AUTOSTART_ID"); } initSession (clientId); } if (!addDisplay (displayName)) return 1; eventLoop (); if (!disableSm) closeSession (); coreInitialized = FALSE; finiCore (); compFiniMetadata (&coreMetadata); xmlCleanupParser (); if (initialPlugins) free (initialPlugins); if (restartSignal) { execvp (programName, programArgv); return 1; } return 0; }
EINTERN int compiz_main(void) { CompIOCtx ctx; char *displayName = 0; char *plugin[256]; int i, nPlugin = 0; Bool disableSm = FALSE; char *clientId = NULL; char *refreshRateArg = NULL; ecore_app_args_get(&programArgc, &programArgv); programName = programArgv[0]; emptyRegion.rects = &emptyRegion.extents; emptyRegion.numRects = 0; emptyRegion.extents.x1 = 0; emptyRegion.extents.y1 = 0; emptyRegion.extents.x2 = 0; emptyRegion.extents.y2 = 0; emptyRegion.size = 0; infiniteRegion.rects = &infiniteRegion.extents; infiniteRegion.numRects = 1; infiniteRegion.extents.x1 = MINSHORT; infiniteRegion.extents.y1 = MINSHORT; infiniteRegion.extents.x2 = MAXSHORT; infiniteRegion.extents.y2 = MAXSHORT; memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof (ctx)); if (!clientId) { clientId = getenv("DESKTOP_AUTOSTART_ID"); } if (refreshRateArg) { ctx.refreshRateData = malloc(strlen(refreshRateArg) + 256); if (ctx.refreshRateData) sprintf(ctx.refreshRateData, "<min>1</min><default>%s</default>", refreshRateArg); } plugin[nPlugin++] = "ccp"; if (nPlugin) { int size = 256; for (i = 0; i < nPlugin; i++) size += strlen(plugin[i]) + 16; ctx.pluginData = malloc(size); if (ctx.pluginData) { char *ptr = ctx.pluginData; ptr += sprintf(ptr, "<type>string</type><default>"); for (i = 0; i < nPlugin; i++) ptr += sprintf(ptr, "<value>%s</value>", plugin[i]); ptr += sprintf(ptr, "</default>"); } initialPlugins = malloc(nPlugin * sizeof (char *)); if (initialPlugins) { memcpy(initialPlugins, plugin, nPlugin * sizeof (char *)); nInitialPlugins = nPlugin; } else { nInitialPlugins = 0; } } xmlInitParser(); LIBXML_TEST_VERSION; if (!compInitMetadata(&coreMetadata)) { compLogMessage("core", CompLogLevelFatal, "Couldn't initialize core metadata"); return 1; } if (!compAddMetadataFromIO(&coreMetadata, readCoreXmlCallback, NULL, &ctx)) return 1; if (ctx.refreshRateData) free(ctx.refreshRateData); if (ctx.pluginData) free(ctx.pluginData); compAddMetadataFromFile(&coreMetadata, "core"); if (!initCore()) return 1; coreInitialized = TRUE; if (!addDisplay(displayName)) return 1; return 0; }
/** * Input: * { * "admin": { * "core": "/path/to/core/binary", * "bind": "", * "pass": "******", * "user": "******" * } * } * for example: * d5:admind4:core30:./build/admin/angel/cjdns-core4:bind15: * * Pre-existing core mode: * { * "admin": { * "core": { * "fromCore": 12, * "toCore": 14 * }, * "bind": "", * "pass": "******", * "user": "******" * } * } * * If "core" is a dictionary, the angel will behave as though the core is already spawned and * it will read from the core on the file descriptor given by "fromCore" and write to the file * given by "toCore". * * "user" is optional, if set the angel will setuid() that user's uid. */ int AngelInit_main(int argc, char** argv) { struct Except* eh = NULL; struct Allocator* alloc = MallocAllocator_new(1<<21); struct Writer* logWriter = FileWriter_new(stdout, alloc); struct Log* logger = WriterLog_new(logWriter, alloc); struct Random* rand = Random_new(alloc, logger, eh); MallocAllocator_setCanary(alloc, (long)Random_int64(rand)); struct Allocator* tempAlloc = Allocator_child(alloc); struct EventBase* eventBase = EventBase_new(alloc); struct Pipe* clientPipe = getClientPipe(argc, argv, eventBase, eh, alloc); clientPipe->logger = logger; Log_debug(logger, "Getting pre-configuration from client"); struct Message* preConf = InterfaceWaiter_waitForData(&clientPipe->iface, eventBase, alloc, eh); Log_debug(logger, "Finished getting pre-configuration from client"); struct Reader* reader = ArrayReader_new(preConf->bytes, preConf->length, tempAlloc); Dict config; if (StandardBencSerializer_get()->parseDictionary(reader, tempAlloc, &config)) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "Failed to parse configuration."); } Dict* admin = Dict_getDict(&config, String_CONST("admin")); String* core = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("core")); String* bind = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("bind")); String* pass = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("pass")); String* user = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("user")); String* corePipeName = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("corePipeName")); if (!bind || !pass || (!core && !corePipeName)) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "missing configuration params in preconfig. [%s]", preConf->bytes); } if (!corePipeName) { char name[32] = {0}; Random_base32(rand, (uint8_t*)name, 31); corePipeName = String_new(name, tempAlloc); } struct Pipe* corePipe = Pipe_named(corePipeName->bytes, eventBase, eh, alloc); corePipe->logger = logger; corePipe->onClose = coreDied; struct Interface* coreIface = FramingInterface_new(65535, &corePipe->iface, alloc); if (core) { Log_info(logger, "Initializing core [%s]", core->bytes); initCore(core->bytes, corePipeName, eventBase, alloc, eh); } Log_debug(logger, "Sending pre-configuration to core."); sendConfToCore(coreIface, tempAlloc, &config, eh, logger); struct Message* coreResponse = InterfaceWaiter_waitForData(coreIface, eventBase, tempAlloc, eh); Interface_sendMessage(&clientPipe->iface, coreResponse); #ifdef Log_KEYS uint8_t lastChar = coreResponse->bytes[coreResponse->length-1]; coreResponse->bytes[coreResponse->length-1] = 0; Log_keys(logger, "Sent [%s%c] to client.", coreResponse->bytes, lastChar); coreResponse->bytes[coreResponse->length-1] = lastChar; #endif if (user) { setUser(user->bytes, logger, eh); } Allocator_free(tempAlloc); Angel_start(coreIface, eventBase, logger, alloc); return 0; }
static void sendConfToCore(struct Interface* toCoreInterface, struct Allocator* alloc, Dict* config, struct Except* eh, struct Log* logger) { #define CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE 1024 uint8_t buff[CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE + 32] = {0}; uint8_t* start = buff + 32; struct Writer* writer = ArrayWriter_new(start, CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE - 33, alloc); if (StandardBencSerializer_get()->serializeDictionary(writer, config)) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "Failed to serialize pre-configuration for core."); } struct Message m = { .bytes = start, .length = writer->bytesWritten(writer), .padding = 32 }; Log_keys(logger, "Sent [%d] bytes to core [%s].", m.length, m.bytes); toCoreInterface->sendMessage(&m, toCoreInterface); } static void setUser(char* user, struct Log* logger, struct Except* eh) { struct Jmp jmp; Jmp_try(jmp) { Security_setUser(user, logger, &jmp.handler); } Jmp_catch { if (jmp.code == Security_setUser_PERMISSION) { return; } Except_raise(eh, jmp.code, "%s", jmp.message); } } /** * Input: * { * "admin": { * "core": "/path/to/core/binary", * "bind": "", * "pass": "******", * "user": "******" * } * } * for example: * d5:admind4:core30:./build/admin/angel/cjdns-core4:bind15: * * Pre-existing core mode: * { * "admin": { * "core": { * "fromCore": 12, * "toCore": 14 * }, * "bind": "", * "pass": "******", * "user": "******" * } * } * * If "core" is a dictionary, the angel will behave as though the core is already spawned and * it will read from the core on the file descriptor given by "fromCore" and write to the file * given by "toCore". * * "user" is optional, if set the angel will setuid() that user's uid. */ int AngelInit_main(int argc, char** argv) { struct Except* eh = NULL; int inFromClientNo; int outToClientNo; if (argc < 3 || (inFromClientNo = atoi(argv[2])) == 0) { inFromClientNo = STDIN_FILENO; } if (argc < 4 || (outToClientNo = atoi(argv[3])) == 0) { outToClientNo = STDOUT_FILENO; } struct Allocator* alloc = MallocAllocator_new(1<<21); struct Writer* logWriter = FileWriter_new(stdout, alloc); struct Log* logger = WriterLog_new(logWriter, alloc); struct Random* rand = Random_new(alloc, logger, eh); alloc = CanaryAllocator_new(alloc, rand); struct Allocator* tempAlloc = Allocator_child(alloc); struct EventBase* eventBase = EventBase_new(alloc); Log_debug(logger, "Initializing angel with input [%d] and output [%d]", inFromClientNo, outToClientNo); Log_debug(logger, "Getting pre-configuration from client"); #define CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE 1024 uint8_t buff[CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE] = {0}; Waiter_getData(buff, CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE, inFromClientNo, eventBase, eh); Log_debug(logger, "Finished getting pre-configuration from client"); struct Reader* reader = ArrayReader_new(buff, CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE, tempAlloc); Dict config; if (StandardBencSerializer_get()->parseDictionary(reader, tempAlloc, &config)) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "Failed to parse configuration."); } Dict* admin = Dict_getDict(&config, String_CONST("admin")); String* core = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("core")); String* bind = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("bind")); String* pass = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("pass")); String* user = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("user")); int toCore = -1; int fromCore = -1; if (!core) { Dict* coreDict = Dict_getDict(admin, String_CONST("core")); int64_t* toCorePtr = Dict_getInt(coreDict, String_CONST("toCore")); int64_t* fromCorePtr = Dict_getInt(coreDict, String_CONST("fromCore")); toCore = (toCorePtr) ? *toCorePtr : -1; fromCore = (fromCorePtr) ? *fromCorePtr : -1; } if (!bind || !pass || (!core && (toCore == -1 || fromCore == -1))) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "missing configuration params in preconfig. [%s]", buff); } if (core) { Log_info(logger, "Initializing core [%s]", core->bytes); initCore(core->bytes, &toCore, &fromCore, eh); } Log_debug(logger, "Sending pre-configuration to core."); struct PipeInterface* pif = PipeInterface_new(fromCore, toCore, eventBase, logger, alloc, rand); struct Interface* coreIface = &pif->generic; PipeInterface_waitUntilReady(pif); sendConfToCore(coreIface, tempAlloc, &config, eh, logger); struct Message* coreResponse = InterfaceWaiter_waitForData(coreIface, eventBase, tempAlloc, eh); if (write(outToClientNo, coreResponse->bytes, coreResponse->length)) { // Ignore the result of write() without the compiler complaining. } #ifdef Log_KEYS uint8_t lastChar = coreResponse->bytes[coreResponse->length-1]; coreResponse->bytes[coreResponse->length-1] = 0; Log_keys(logger, "Sent [%s%c] to client.", coreResponse->bytes, lastChar); coreResponse->bytes[coreResponse->length-1] = lastChar; #endif if (user) { setUser(user->bytes, logger, eh); } Allocator_free(tempAlloc); Angel_start(coreIface, eventBase, logger, alloc); return 0; }
void ExportCoreTypes() { initCore(); }
int main() { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////Loads core files in for game processes coreLoad(Window); coreLoad(Time); coreLoad(Input); coreLoad(Camera); coreLoad(Factory); coreLoad(Asset); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////Loads system files in systemLoad(TransformUpdate); systemLoad(Rendering); systemLoad(textRenderSys); systemLoad(trafficSys); systemLoad(collisionPrep); systemLoad(CollisionDetection); systemLoad(StaticCollision); systemLoad(collisionResponse); systemLoad(RigidbodyDynamics); systemLoad(TankDynamics); systemLoad(LifeTimeDynamics); systemLoad(collisionRender); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// initCore();//Main Game Loop ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////Files Loaded in for textures and shaders files ///Shaders core(Asset).loadShader("Flat", "./shaders/simpleShader.vert", "./shaders/simpleShader.frag"); core(Asset).loadShader("Texture", "./shaders/simpleShader.vert", "./shaders/textureShader.frag"); core(Asset).loadShader("FontShader", "./shaders/simpleShader.vert", "./shaders/fontShader.frag"); ///Texture Files //Track core(Asset).loadTexture("Track", "./texture/Track.png"); //Car Images core(Asset).loadTexture("Car1texture", "./texture/car.png"); core(Asset).loadTexture("Car2texture", "./texture/car2.png"); core(Asset).loadTexture("Car1Turret", "./texture/carTank.png"); core(Asset).loadTexture("Car2Turret", "./texture/car2Tank.png"); //Animations core(Asset).loadTexture("Walking", "./texture/WalkingAnimation.png", 4, 6); core(Asset).loadTexture("Raka", "./texture/Raka.png", 2, 5); core(Asset).loadTexture("Garren", "./texture/GARREN.bmp", 10, 12); core(Asset).loadTexture("Draven", "./texture/SPINNERS.bmp", 4, 4); core(Asset).loadTexture("Milk", "./texture/CANTMILK.bmp", 4, 6); core(Asset).loadTexture("Font", "./texture/font2.png", 8, 16); core(Asset).loadTexture("Light", "./texture/trafficLight.png", 1, 3); core(Asset).loadTexture("Flag", "./texture/FLAG.bmp", 2, 2); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////Vertex for game objects ///Font Vertex font_vertexQ[4] = { { {-.5, .5, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }, { { .5, .5, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, { 1, 0 } }, { { .5,-.5, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, { 1, 1 } }, { {-.5,-.5, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, { 0, 1 } } }; ///Walking Vertex Animation_vertQ[4] = { { { core(Window).width() / 2, core(Window).height() / 2, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }, { { 0, core(Window).height() / 2, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, { 1, 0 } }, { { 0, 0, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, { 1, 1 } }, { { core(Window).width() / 2, 0, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, { 0, 1 } } }; ///Track Vertex Track_vertQ[4] = { { { core(Window).width(), core(Window).height(), 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }, { { 0, core(Window).height(), 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, { 1, 0 } }, { { 0, 0, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, { 1, 1 } }, { { core(Window).width(), 0, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, { 0, 1 } } }; ///Car Vertex Car_vertexQ[4] = { { { -15, 30, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }, { { 15, 30, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, { 1, 0 } }, { { 15, -30, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, { 1, 1 } }, { {-15,-30, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, { 0, 1 } } }; ///Turret Vertex Turret[4] = { { {-10, 10, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }, { { 10, 10, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0 } }, { { 10,-10, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0, 1, 0 }, { 1, 1 } }, { {-10,-10, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1 } } }; ///Bullet Vertex Bullet[4] = { { {-5, 5, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }, { { 5, 5, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0 } }, { { 5,-5, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0, 1, 0 }, { 1, 1 } }, { {-5,-5, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1 } } }; ///Light Vertex Light[4] = { { { -30, 70, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }, { { 30, 70, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0 } }, { { 30, -70, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0, 1, 0 }, { 1, 1 } }, { { -30, -70, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1 } } }; ///Flag Vertex Flag[4] = { { {-290, 170, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }, { { 290, 170, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0 } }, { { 290,-170, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0, 1, 0 }, { 1, 1 } }, { {-290,-170, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1 } } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////Triangles for objects ///font Triangle quad[2] = { { 0, 1, 2 }, { 0, 2, 3 } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////Meshes core(Asset).loadMesh("Bullet", Bullet, 4, quad, 2); core(Asset).loadMesh("Turret", Turret, 4, quad, 2); core(Asset).loadMesh("Car", Car_vertexQ, 4, quad, 2); core(Asset).loadMesh("Anime", Animation_vertQ, 4, quad, 2); core(Asset).loadMesh("Quad", font_vertexQ, 4, quad, 2); core(Asset).loadMesh("TrackMesh", Track_vertQ, 4, quad, 2); core(Asset).loadMesh("lightMesh", Light, 4, quad, 2); core(Asset).loadMesh("flagMesh", Flag, 4, quad, 2); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////Factory Entities Loading in ////BackGround core(Factory).makeBG(0, 0); ////Cars auto p1 = core(Factory).MakeTank(790, 620, 1); //Car1 auto p2 = core(Factory).MakeTank(790, 560, 2, 'I', 'K', 'J', 'L', 'U', 'O', 'N'); //Car2 ////Car Names core(Factory).makeText(0, 0, "P1",16,24,p1->transform); //Car1 Name core(Factory).makeText(0, 0, "P2", 16, 24, p2->transform); //Car2 Name ////Game borders core(Factory).MakeBorder(70, core(Window).height() - 65, vec3Make(1, 0, 0)); core(Factory).MakeBorder(70, core(Window).height() - 65, vec3Make(0, -1, 0)); core(Factory).MakeBorder(core(Window).width() - 45, 65, vec3Make(-1, 0, 0)); core(Factory).MakeBorder(core(Window).width() - 45, 65, vec3Make(0, 1, 0)); ////track hit markers //core(Factory).makeLine(725, 590); core(Factory).makeCenter(core(Window).width()/2, core(Window).height() / 2); ////Hud info core(Factory).makeLight(core(Window).width() / 2, core(Window).height() / 2, core(Factory).makeGate(760, 590, vec3Make(1, 0, 0)), core(Factory).makeGate(820, 590, vec3Make(-1, 0, 0))); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// runGame(); //end of game loop }