/* Function: rtIOStreamOpen =================================================
 * Abstract:
 *  Open the connection with the target.
int rtIOStreamOpen(int argc, void * argv[])
    unsigned int        comNum     = 0;
    int result = RTIOSTREAM_NO_ERROR;
    int streamID;
    HANDLE serialHandle;
    int closeFile = false;
    SerialCommsData *sd;


    for (streamID = 0; streamID < N_SERIAL_PORTS; streamID++) {
        if (SerialData[streamID].port[0] == 0) {
    if (streamID == N_SERIAL_PORTS) {
        printf( "All %d elements of the SerialCommsData structure are already in use.",  N_SERIAL_PORTS );
        return RTIOSTREAM_ERROR;

    sd = &SerialData[streamID];

    sd->baud = BAUD_UNINITIALIZED;

    processArgs(argc, argv, sd);

    if (sd->baud == BAUD_UNINITIALIZED) {
        printf( "A valid bit rate must be specified via the -baud option.");
        sd->port[0] = 0;
        return RTIOSTREAM_ERROR;

    initDCB( sd->baud );

    serialHandle = (void *) CreateFile( sd->port, 
                                        GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
                                        0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING,
                                        FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);

    if (serialHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        DWORD err = GetLastError( );
        printf( "CreateFile failed, error %d or 0x%08x. One possible "
                "cause is that COM ports COM10 or greater must be "
                "identified by a fully qualified name, e.g. "
                "\\\\.\\COM10.\n", err, err);
        sd->port[0] = 0;
        streamID = RTIOSTREAM_ERROR;
        goto EXIT_POINT;
    sd->serialHandle = serialHandle;

    if (!SetCommTimeouts(serialHandle, &cto_blocking)) {
        printf( "SetCommTimeouts failed\n");
        streamID = RTIOSTREAM_ERROR;
        closeFile = true;
        goto EXIT_POINT;

    if (!SetCommState(serialHandle, &dcb)) {
        printf( "SetCommState failed\n");
        streamID = RTIOSTREAM_ERROR;
        closeFile = true;

    result = serialDataFlush( sd);      /* clear out old data on the port */
    if (result == RTIOSTREAM_ERROR) {
        printf( "serialDataFlush failed\n");
        streamID = RTIOSTREAM_ERROR;
        closeFile = true;

    if (closeFile) {
        sd->port[0] = 0;
    return streamID;
static int serialPortOpenInitialize(SerialCommsData* sd, const int streamID,int argc, void* argv[])
    int errorCode = RTIOSTREAM_NO_ERROR;
#ifdef _WIN32
    HANDLE serialHandle;
    int serialHandle;
    int closeFile = false;
    int result;

    sd->baud = BAUD_DEFAULT_VAL;
    strcpy(sd->port, PORTNAME_DEFAULT_VAL);
    sd->verbosity = DEFAULT_VERBOSITY;

    result = processArgs(argc, argv, sd);

    if (result == RTIOSTREAM_ERROR) {
        printf( "processArgs failed\n");
        errorCode = RTIOSTREAM_ERROR;
        goto EXIT_POINT;

    if (sd->verbosity) {
        printf("rtIOStreamOpen (connection id %d): port %s, baud %lu\n", streamID, sd->port, (unsigned long) sd->baud);

#ifdef _WIN32
    initDCB( sd->baud );
    serialHandle = (void *) CreateFile( sd->port,
                                        GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
                                        0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING,
                                        FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);

    if (serialHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {

        DWORD err = GetLastError( );
        printf( "Open serial port failed, error %d or 0x%08x.", err, err);
    initTermios(sd->serialHandle, sd->baud);

    serialHandle = open(sd->port, O_RDWR /*Enable Read and Write Operations*/
                        | O_NOCTTY       /*Not controlling flag specified*/
                        | O_NONBLOCK);   /*Make the port non -blocking*/

    if (serialHandle == -1) {            /*-1 returned on error by OPEN*/
        printf("Open serial port:%s  failed, error %d: %s", sd->port,errno,strerror(errno));

        printf( "Possible causes "
                "are:\n    a) The target is not powered on. \n    "
                "b) The specified port number is not correct. \n    "
                "c) The specified bit rate is not "
                "supported by the host machine.\n    d) The previous "
                "connection was not closed correctly. "
                "If this is the case, you may need to re-start MATLAB.\n");

        errorCode = RTIOSTREAM_ERROR;
        goto EXIT_POINT;

    sd->serialHandle = serialHandle;

#ifdef _WIN32

    if (!SetCommTimeouts(serialHandle, &cto_timeout)) {
        printf( "SetCommTimeouts failed\n");
        errorCode = RTIOSTREAM_ERROR;
        closeFile = true;
        goto EXIT_POINT;

    if (!SetCommState(serialHandle, &dcb)) {
        printf( "SetCommState failed\n");
        errorCode = RTIOSTREAM_ERROR;
        closeFile = true;
        goto EXIT_POINT;

    /*UNIX has this done with setting of termios data
      structure in initTermios*/

    result = serialDataFlush( sd);      /* clear out old data on the port */

    if (result == RTIOSTREAM_ERROR) {
        printf( "serialDataFlush failed\n");
        errorCode = RTIOSTREAM_ERROR;
        closeFile = true;
        goto EXIT_POINT;

    if (closeFile) {
#ifdef _WIN32
    return errorCode;

/* Function: getSerialData =================================================
 * Abstract:
 *  Retrieves a SerialCommsData instance given its streamID.
 * NOTE: An invalid streamID will lead to a NULL pointer being returned
static SerialCommsData * getSerialData(int streamID) {
    /* return NULL for invalid or uninitialized streamIDs */
    SerialCommsData * sd = NULL;
    if ((streamID >= 0) && (streamID < N_SERIAL_PORTS)) {
        if (SerialData[streamID].isInUse) {
            sd = &SerialData[streamID];
    return sd;