Example #1
/* Remove a Feature and free it's memory */
bool destroyFeature(FEATURE *psDel)
	UDWORD			widthScatter,breadthScatter,heightScatter, i;
	EFFECT_TYPE		explosionSize;
	Vector3i pos;
	UDWORD			width,breadth;
	UDWORD			mapX,mapY;

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(false, psDel != NULL, "Invalid feature pointer");

 	/* Only add if visible and damageable*/
	if(psDel->visible[selectedPlayer] && psDel->psStats->damageable)
		/* Set off a destruction effect */
		/* First Explosions */
		widthScatter = TILE_UNITS/2;
		breadthScatter = TILE_UNITS/2;
		heightScatter = TILE_UNITS/4;
		//set which explosion to use based on size of feature
		if (psDel->psStats->baseWidth < 2 && psDel->psStats->baseBreadth < 2)
			explosionSize = EXPLOSION_TYPE_SMALL;
		else if (psDel->psStats->baseWidth < 3 && psDel->psStats->baseBreadth < 3)
			explosionSize = EXPLOSION_TYPE_MEDIUM;
			explosionSize = EXPLOSION_TYPE_LARGE;
		for(i=0; i<4; i++)
			pos.x = psDel->pos.x + widthScatter - rand()%(2*widthScatter);
			pos.z = psDel->pos.y + breadthScatter - rand()%(2*breadthScatter);
			pos.y = psDel->pos.z + 32 + rand()%heightScatter;

		if(psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_SKYSCRAPER)
			pos.x = psDel->pos.x;
			pos.z = psDel->pos.y;
			pos.y = psDel->pos.z;
			initPerimeterSmoke(psDel->sDisplay.imd, pos);


		/* Then a sequence of effects */
		pos.x = psDel->pos.x;
		pos.z = psDel->pos.y;
		pos.y = map_Height(pos.x,pos.z);

		//play sound
		// ffs gj
		if(psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_SKYSCRAPER)
			audio_PlayStaticTrack( psDel->pos.x, psDel->pos.y, ID_SOUND_BUILDING_FALL );
			audio_PlayStaticTrack( psDel->pos.x, psDel->pos.y, ID_SOUND_EXPLOSION );

	if (psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_SKYSCRAPER)
		// ----- Flip all the tiles under the skyscraper to a rubble tile
		// smoke effect should disguise this happening
		mapX = map_coord(psDel->pos.x) - psDel->psStats->baseWidth/2;
		mapY = map_coord(psDel->pos.y) - psDel->psStats->baseBreadth/2;
		for (width = 0; width < psDel->psStats->baseWidth; width++)
			for (breadth = 0; breadth < psDel->psStats->baseBreadth; breadth++)
				MAPTILE *psTile = mapTile(mapX+width,mapY+breadth);
				// stops water texture chnaging for underwateer festures
				if (terrainType(psTile) != TER_WATER)
					if (terrainType(psTile) != TER_CLIFFFACE)
						/* Clear feature bits */
						psTile->texture = TileNumber_texture(psTile->texture) | RUBBLE_TILE;
						/* This remains a blocking tile */
						psTile->psObject = NULL;
						psTile->texture = TileNumber_texture(psTile->texture) | BLOCKING_RUBBLE_TILE;

	return true;
Example #2
/* Remove a Feature and free it's memory */
bool destroyFeature(FEATURE *psDel, unsigned impactTime)
	UDWORD			widthScatter, breadthScatter, heightScatter, i;
	EFFECT_TYPE		explosionSize;
	Vector3i pos;

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(false, psDel != NULL, "Invalid feature pointer");
	ASSERT(gameTime - deltaGameTime < impactTime, "Expected %u < %u, gameTime = %u, bad impactTime", gameTime - deltaGameTime, impactTime, gameTime);

	/* Only add if visible and damageable*/
	if (psDel->visible[selectedPlayer] && psDel->psStats->damageable)
		/* Set off a destruction effect */
		/* First Explosions */
		widthScatter = TILE_UNITS / 2;
		breadthScatter = TILE_UNITS / 2;
		heightScatter = TILE_UNITS / 4;
		//set which explosion to use based on size of feature
		if (psDel->psStats->baseWidth < 2 && psDel->psStats->baseBreadth < 2)
			explosionSize = EXPLOSION_TYPE_SMALL;
		else if (psDel->psStats->baseWidth < 3 && psDel->psStats->baseBreadth < 3)
			explosionSize = EXPLOSION_TYPE_MEDIUM;
			explosionSize = EXPLOSION_TYPE_LARGE;
		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			pos.x = psDel->pos.x + widthScatter - rand() % (2 * widthScatter);
			pos.z = psDel->pos.y + breadthScatter - rand() % (2 * breadthScatter);
			pos.y = psDel->pos.z + 32 + rand() % heightScatter;
			addEffect(&pos, EFFECT_EXPLOSION, explosionSize, false, NULL, 0, impactTime);

		if (psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_SKYSCRAPER)
			pos.x = psDel->pos.x;
			pos.z = psDel->pos.y;
			pos.y = psDel->pos.z;
			addEffect(&pos, EFFECT_DESTRUCTION, DESTRUCTION_TYPE_SKYSCRAPER, true, psDel->sDisplay.imd, 0, impactTime);
			initPerimeterSmoke(psDel->sDisplay.imd, pos);

			shakeStart(250);	// small shake

		/* Then a sequence of effects */
		pos.x = psDel->pos.x;
		pos.z = psDel->pos.y;
		pos.y = map_Height(pos.x, pos.z);
		addEffect(&pos, EFFECT_DESTRUCTION, DESTRUCTION_TYPE_FEATURE, false, NULL, 0, impactTime);

		//play sound
		// ffs gj
		if (psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_SKYSCRAPER)
			audio_PlayStaticTrack(psDel->pos.x, psDel->pos.y, ID_SOUND_BUILDING_FALL);
			audio_PlayStaticTrack(psDel->pos.x, psDel->pos.y, ID_SOUND_EXPLOSION);

	if (psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_SKYSCRAPER)
		// ----- Flip all the tiles under the skyscraper to a rubble tile
		// smoke effect should disguise this happening
		StructureBounds b = getStructureBounds(psDel);
		for (int breadth = 0; breadth < b.size.y; ++breadth)
			for (int width = 0; width < b.size.x; ++width)
				MAPTILE *psTile = mapTile(b.map.x + width, b.map.y + breadth);
				// stops water texture changing for underwater features
				if (terrainType(psTile) != TER_WATER)
					if (terrainType(psTile) != TER_CLIFFFACE)
						/* Clear feature bits */
						psTile->texture = TileNumber_texture(psTile->texture) | RUBBLE_TILE;
						auxClearBlocking(b.map.x + width, b.map.y + breadth, AUXBITS_ALL);
						/* This remains a blocking tile */
						psTile->psObject = NULL;
						auxClearBlocking(b.map.x + width, b.map.y + breadth, AIR_BLOCKED);  // Shouldn't remain blocking for air units, however.
						psTile->texture = TileNumber_texture(psTile->texture) | BLOCKING_RUBBLE_TILE;

	psDel->died = impactTime;
	return true;