void ram(void) { splash_scene(); long frame_count = 0; init_game(); while(1) { frame_count++; lcdFill(0); update_platforms(frame_count); move_player(frame_count); draw_platforms(); draw_player(); draw_hud(); blink_led(); lcdDisplay(); if(!game.running) { if(!gameover_scene()){ delayms_queue_plus(10,1); return; } init_game(); } delayms_queue_plus(24,0); } }
void mouse(int button, int state, int x, int y) { // We convert windows mouse coords to out openGL coords mouse_x = (18 * (float) ((float)x/(float)Win_x))/6; mouse_y = (18 * (float) ((float)y/(float)Win_y))/6; // What square have they clicked in? object_select = mouse_x + mouse_y * 3; if ( start_game == 0) { if ((button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON) && (state == GLUT_DOWN)) { player = 1; computer = -1; init_game(); return; } if ((button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON) && (state == GLUT_DOWN)) { player = -1; computer = 1; init_game(); computer_move(); return; } } if ( start_game == 1) { if ((button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON) && (state == GLUT_DOWN)) { if (win == 0) { if (box_map[ object_select ] == 0) { box_map[ object_select ] = player; win = check_move(); if (win == 1) { start_game = 0; return; } computer_move(); win = check_move(); if (win == 1) { win = -1; start_game = 0; } } } } } if ( win == 2 )start_game = 0; }
static void test_game(void) { struct Draughts *game; game = init_game(); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL_FATAL(game); free(game); fake_malloc_params.should_fail = 1; struct Draughts *game_fail; game_fail = init_game(); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NULL_FATAL(game_fail); }
int main(void) { title(); menu(); init_game(); int x=0, y=0; while(1) { key_poll(); x += key_tri_horz()*2; y += key_tri_vert()*2; vid_vsync(); //oam_copy(oam_mem, obj_buffer, 128); REG_BG1HOFS = x; REG_BG1VOFS = y; } return 0; }
CGame::CGame(char *mapname,int mode,int left_key1,int right_key1,int fire_key1, int left_key2,int right_key2,int fire_key2, int score1,int score2,int cl,bool extras) { CObject *o; game_mode=mode; init_game(mapname); current_level=cl; game_remake_extras=extras; o=new CPlayerCarObject((dx/2)-30,dy-128,&player_tiles,0,8, left_key1,right_key1,fire_key1,score1,start_delay+8,this); objects.Add(o); focusing_objects.Add(o); checkpoint_delay.Add(new int(-1)); focusing_fy.Add(new float(0.66F)); focusing_next_car.Add(new int(CAR_INTERVAL)); focusing_next_car_index.Add(new int(0)); o=new CPlayerCarObject((dx/2)+14,dy-128,&player_tiles,9,17, left_key2,right_key2,fire_key2,score2,start_delay+8,this); objects.Add(o); focusing_objects.Add(o); checkpoint_delay.Add(new int(-1)); focusing_fy.Add(new float(0.66F)); focusing_next_car.Add(new int(CAR_INTERVAL)); focusing_next_car_index.Add(new int(0)); } /* CGame::CGame */
CGame::CGame(char *mapname,int mode,int left_key,int right_key,int fire_key,int score,int cl,bool extras) { CObject *o; game_mode=mode; init_game(mapname); current_level=cl; game_remake_extras=extras; if (start_delay!=default_start_delay) { /* There is a SEMAPHORE */ o=new CEnemyRacerCarObject((dx/2)+14,dy-128,enemy_tiles[0],start_delay,this); objects.Add(o); } /* if */ o=new CPlayerCarObject((dx/2)-30,dy-128,&player_tiles,0,8, left_key,right_key,fire_key,score,start_delay+8,this); objects.Add(o); focusing_objects.Add(o); checkpoint_delay.Add(new int(-1)); focusing_fy.Add(new float(0.66F)); focusing_next_car.Add(new int(CAR_INTERVAL)); focusing_next_car_index.Add(new int(0)); } /* CGame::CGame */
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { /* Unused arguments */ (void)argc; (void)argv; /* Initialize SDL */ if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0){ SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox(SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR, "SDL_Init Failure", SDL_GetError(), NULL); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Initialize game state */ init_game(); /* Initialize graphics */ if (init_graphics() != 0){ return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Start game logic thread */ SDL_CreateThread(game_thread, "GameLogic", NULL); /* Main Loop */ while (!quit){ /* Handle events*/ handle_event(); /* Render graphics */ update_graphics(); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void init(void) { CORE->palette.colors[PC_TRANSPARENT] = color_make(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); CORE->palette.colors[PC_TRUE_BLACK] = color_make(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff); set_palette_set(PS_WHITE); // IMPORTANT NOTE(bill): This must be white as the spritesheet is white CORE->palette.colors_count = PC_COUNT; canvas_clear(1); bitmap_load_resource(&spritesheet, "spritesheet.png"); bitmap_load_resource(&title_screen, "title_screen.png"); bitmap_load_resource(&font.bitmap, "font.png"); font.char_width = 4; font.char_height = 7; CORE->font = &font; init_game(); #if 0 set_palette_set(PS_WHITE); #endif }
int main(int UNUSED(argc), char ** argv, char **envp) { Game * game = init_game(); int i = -1; std::string visual[] = { " ", "*", " ", "~" }; while (++i < WIN_WIDTH ) { game->getBg()[i].setY(0); game->getBg()[i].setPatern(Patern(visual[rand() % 4])); game->getBg2()[i].setY(WIN_HEIGHT - 1); } while ( 42 ) { usleep( 1000000 / NB_FRAME ); if ( doKeyAction(game->getPlayer()) ) break ; game->popRandomEnemy(); game->move_all(); if (checkCollisions(game, game->getEnemies(), game->getPlayer()->getBullets())) endGame(game->getPlayer()->getScore(), argv[0], envp, "You Win !"); if (game->getPlayer()->getHp() <= 0) break ; clear(); game->display_all(); } endGame(game->getPlayer()->getScore(), argv[0], envp, "You loose !"); COUT << ENDL; }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { atexit(end); running = 0; level = 0; init_gui( &argc, argv ); if( parse_args( &argc, argv ) < 0 ) exit(0); if( init_game( &argc, argv ) < 0 ) exit(0); if( argc > 1 ) { print_usage(argv[0]); exit(0); } print_board(); start_gui(); end(); exit(0);/*Jules : on ne devrait jamais arriver ici mais bon... */ return 0; /*Vinz : ici encore moins mais restons standards */ }
static void go_render() { SDL_Rect rc = { 25, 100, 640-50, 480-200 }; SDL_BlitSurface( gbg, 0, front, 0); SDL_FillRect( front, &rc, 0); { static char sbuf[256]; sprintf(sbuf, "Player %d Wins with Score of %d!!", winner->player_num, winner->score ); SDL_PrintText(front, font, rc.x+25, rc.y+25, SDL_MapRGB(front->format, 255, 255, 255), sbuf); sprintf(sbuf, "Player %d Press Button 1 to Continue", winner->player_num); } { int i; for( i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if(SDL_JoystickGetButton(winner->stick, i)) { scr = ID_START; init_game(); } } } }
void play_y() { player = -1; computer = 1; init_game(); computer_move(); }
int main() { // compteur du nombre de victoires pour les scores int count_p1_victories = 0, count_p2_victories = 0; game_struct *game = init_game(); // Cree une variable avec la structure game_struct et a qui on lui attribue comme valeur la fonction init_game qui a la meme structure pour plus de proprete int replay = 0; // variable booleenne pour savoir si le joueur veut rejouer do{ // play again est une fonction qui a pour but de réinitialiser le board en le vidant prealablement if(count_p1_victories > 0 || count_p2_victories > 0) game = play_again(game); int player_number = start_game(game); // on APPELLE la fonction start_game() avec comme parametre game (ainsi que ses variables initialisees precedement) if(player_number == 1) count_p1_victories++; else count_p2_victories++; printf("Fin de la partie :\n"); printf("%s a %d victoires\n", game->first_player, count_p1_victories); printf("%s a %d victoires\n", game->second_player, count_p2_victories); printf("Voulez-vous rejouer (1 pour oui, 2 pour non)?\n"); scanf("%d", &replay); }while(replay == 1); free(game); //system("pause"); // laisser la console affichee une fois le programme termine !!! (Ne marche que sur Windows) !!! return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { (void) argc; (void) argv; env_game game; GdkColor color; gtk_init(&argc, &argv); if(init_game(&game)) return 0; init_score(&game); gdk_color_parse ("brown", &color); gtk_window_set_position(GTK_WINDOW(game.window),GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER); generate_all_button(game.button, &color); g_signal_connect(game.window, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(destroy),&game); while (game.i != 64) { g_signal_connect(game.button[game.i], "clicked", G_CALLBACK(move), &game); assign_button_coord(game.button[game.i], game.terrain, game.i); game.i = game.i + 1; } generated_platform(game.hbox,game.vbox,game.button); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(game.window), GTK_WIDGET(game.vbox)); gtk_widget_show_all(game.window); gtk_main(); return (0); }
/* * Handle a message about game parameters. */ static void handle_status_meta(char *ptr) { char name[1024]; int i; /* Read basic game parameters */ real_game.num_players = get_integer(&ptr); real_game.expanded = get_integer(&ptr); real_game.advanced = get_integer(&ptr); real_game.goal_disabled = get_integer(&ptr); real_game.takeover_disabled = get_integer(&ptr); /* Initialize card designs for this expansion level */ init_game(&real_game); /* Load AI neural networks for this game */ ai_func.init(&real_game, 0, 0); /* Loop over goals */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_GOAL; i++) { /* Read goal presence */ real_game.goal_active[i] = get_integer(&ptr); } /* Loop over players */ for (i = 0; i < real_game.num_players; i++) { /* Read player name */ get_string(name, &ptr); /* Copy name */ real_game.p[i].name = strdup(name); } }
void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y) { if (key == 'g') init_game(); if (key == 'p') pause = !pause; if (key == 'q') exit(0); if (key == '\'') draw_cos = !draw_cos; if (key == 'y') { int r = rand() % world.bodies.size(); if (world.bodies[r]->mass < world.vars.UNMOVABLE_MASS) world.bodies[r]->velocity = world.bodies[r]->velocity + Vector2(0, 12); } if (key == '+' || key == '-') { int w = glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH); int h = glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT); if (key == '+') zoom_distance -= 1; if (key == '-') zoom_distance += 1; reshape(w, h); } if (draw_tw) TwEventKeyboardGLUT(key, x, y); glutBitmapCharacter(GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13, key); glutPostRedisplay(); }
void ram(void) { while(1) { if (!screen_intro()){ setTextColor(0xff,0x00); return; } game.rokets = 3; game.level = 1; game.score = 0; init_game(); screen_level(); while (game.rokets>=0) { ////checkISP(); lcdFill(0x00); check_end(); move_ufo(); move_shot(); move_shots(); move_player(); move_enemy(); draw_score(); draw_ufo(); draw_bunker(); draw_player(); draw_enemy(); draw_shots(); // draw_status(); lcdDisplay(); delayms(12); } if (!screen_gameover()) setTextColor(0xff,0x00); return; } }
int16_t main(void) { init_clock(); init_ui(); init_pin(); init_timer(); init_i2c(); InitUSB(); init_oc(); init_display(&i2c3, 0x70, 0x71); init_game(&timer1, &timer2, &A[0], &disp1, &disp2); init_gun(&D[13], &A[1], &A[2], &timer3); init_launcher(&D[5], &D[8], &D[3], &D[4]); init_shooter(&D[6], &D[9], &D[1], &D[2], &D[7], &D[0], &oc3, &oc4); init_baller(&D[10], &oc2, &timer4, &shooter, &launcher); init_pix(&D[11], &timer5, 30, 0.05); init_audio(&D[12]); uint8_t level = 0; uint8_t hit_flag = 0; while (1) { ServiceUSB(); // usb times out if not checked fast enough :/ level = run_game(hit_flag); ServiceUSB(); hit_flag = run_gun(level); ServiceUSB(); run_baller(level); } }
void CLI::apply_option(int option) { switch (option) { case HUMAN_VS_CPU: case CPU_VS_HUMAN: case HUMAN_VS_HUMAN: case CPU_VS_CPU: init_game(option); start_game(); end_game(); break; case LOAD: read_load(); break; case SHOW_HELP: print_help(); break; case BENCHMARK: run_benchmark(); break; case WAC: run_wac_test(); break; case SETTINGS: read_settings(); break; case QUIT: cout << "Thanks for playing...!! Have fun..\n"; break; } }
void play_x() { //select=1; player = 1; computer = -1; init_game(); }
int main(void) { TicTacToe game; int size; printf("This is the game of Tic Tac Toe.\n"); printf("You will be playing against the computer.\n"); printf("Enter the size of the board: "); scanf("%d", &size); printf("The game board is %d by %d.\n", size, size); init_game(&game, size); // initialise the board int done; do { print_game(game); do { done = player_move(&game); } while (!done); // loop until valid move if(check(&game) != FALSE) break; // was a winner or a draw computer_move(&game); if(check(&game) != FALSE) break; // was a winner or a draw } while (TRUE); print_result(game); print_game(game); // show final positions free_game(&game); return 0; }
void RemoteServerProxy::join_game(size_t game_id) { MessageWriter writer(socket_); writer.send_join_game(game_id); read_object_id(&object_id_); init_game(); updater_->start(); }
void Main(void) { /* Inicializa controladores */ sys_init(); // Inicializacion de la placa, interrupciones y puertos D8Led_init(); // inicializamos el 8led Button_init(0, 9); // inicializamos los pulsadores. Cada vez que se pulse se verĂ¡ reflejado en el 8led init_game(); }
void test_minimax(Heuristic h, int *score, int *maxtile) { Game g = init_game(h); if (score != NULL) *score = play2048(g); if (maxtile != NULL) *maxtile = max_tile(g->board); game_free(g); }
void test_expectation(Heuristic h, int depth, int *score, int *maxtile) { Game g= init_game(h); if (score != NULL) *score = playExpected2048(g, depth); if (maxtile != NULL) *maxtile = max_tile(g->board); game_free(g); }
int main(void) { int ret; init_game(); combat_test(); ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; return (ret); }
bool RemoteServerProxy::start_game(size_t map_id, std::string game_name, int players_size) { MessageWriter writer(socket_); writer.send_create_game(map_id, game_name, players_size); read_object_id(&object_id_); init_game(); updater_->start(); return true; }
/* * main * DESCRIPTION: Play the adventure game. * INPUTS: none (command line arguments are ignored) * OUTPUTS: none * RETURN VALUE: 0 on success, 3 in panic situations */ int main () { game_condition_t game; /* outcome of playing */ /* Randomize for more fun (remove for deterministic layout). */ srand (time (NULL)); /* Provide some protection against fatal errors. */ clean_on_signals (); if (!build_world ()) {PANIC ("can't build world");} init_game (); /* Perform sanity checks. */ if (0 != sanity_check ()) { PANIC ("failed sanity checks"); } /* Create status message thread. */ if (0 != pthread_create (&status_thread_id, NULL, status_thread, NULL)) { PANIC ("failed to create status thread"); } push_cleanup (cancel_status_thread, NULL); { /* Start mode X. */ if (0 != set_mode_X (fill_horiz_buffer, fill_vert_buffer)) { PANIC ("cannot initialize mode X"); } push_cleanup ((cleanup_fn_t)clear_mode_X, NULL); { /* Initialize the keyboard and/or Tux controller. */ if (0 != init_input ()) { PANIC ("cannot initialize input"); } push_cleanup ((cleanup_fn_t)shutdown_input, NULL); { game = game_loop (); } pop_cleanup (1); } pop_cleanup (1); } pop_cleanup (1); /* Print a message about the outcome. */ switch (game) { case GAME_WON: printf ("You win the game! CONGRATULATIONS!\n"); break; case GAME_QUIT: printf ("Quitter!\n"); break; } /* Return success. */ return 0; }
/** * \brief Initializes the game. */ void tunnel::game::init() { delete m_game; init_logger(); claw::logger << claw::log_verbose << "Initializing game instance." << std::endl; init_game(); } // game::init()
void close_server() { while (socket_list) remove_socket(socket_list); online = 0; server = 0; init_door(); if (screen == GAME_SCREEN_WORLD) init_telegraph(); init_game(0); }