int main(void) { init_port(); init_interrupt(); sei(); while(1) { if( i+j==38 ) { PORTB = 0x80; _delay_ms(300); PORTB = 0x00; i=0; j=0; } } return 0; }
int main(void) { io_init(); //adc_init(); init_interrupt(); TCCR1A = 0; // set entire TCCR1A register to 0 TCCR1B = 0; TIMSK1 = (1 << TOIE1); // enable Timer1 overflow interrupt TCCR1B |= (1 << CS12); // Set CS12 prescaler (100). Prescaler set to 256. 16 000 000 CPU speed / 256 = 62 500. Each bit is 1/62500 s = 16 us interrupts_on(); while (1) { ;; //lightAll(); //update7seg(0); //bin_to_7seg(2, 0); //set_output(OUT1, 1); //set_output(OUT2, 1); //set_output(OUT3, 1); //set_output(OUT4, 1); //set_output(OUT5, 1); //set_output(OUT6, 1); //set_output(OUT7, 1); } return 0; }
int kmain(int argc, char* argv[], uint32_t table) { int exit_num = 0; unsigned *old_instr1 = 0, *old_instr2 = 0; unsigned *old_instr_irq_1 = 0, *old_instr_irq_2 = 0; app_startup(); /* bss is valid after this point */ global_data = table; //install the swi custom handler install_handler((unsigned int*)0x8, (int)swi_handler, old_instr1, old_instr2); //install the irq custom handler install_handler((unsigned int*)0x18, (int)irq_handler, old_instr_irq_1, old_instr_irq_2); //initiate the interrupt and timer 0 init_interrupt(); init_timer0(); //load user program exit_num = load_user(argc, argv); //restore the swi system handler restore_handler((unsigned int*)0x8, old_instr1, old_instr2); //restore the irq system handler restore_handler((unsigned int*)0x18, old_instr_irq_1, old_instr_irq_2); return exit_num; }
/* init_itron --- ITRON の初期化を行う。 * */ static ER init_itron () { init_interrupt (); simple_init_console (); /* コンソールに文字を出力できるようにする */ pmem_init (); /* 物理メモリ管理機能の初期化 */ banner (); /* 立ち上げメッセージ出力 */ printf ("init_itron: start\n"); init_kalloc (); /* バイト単位のメモリ管理機能の初期化 */ init_semaphore (); /* セマフォの管理機能の初期化 */ init_msgbuf (); /* メッセージ管理機能の初期化 */ init_eventflag (); /* イベントフラグ管理機能の初期化 */ #ifdef notdef init_mpl (); /* メモリプール管理機能の初期化 */ simple_init_console (); /* コンソールに文字を出力できるようにする */ #endif init_task (); /* タスク管理機能の初期化 */ /* 1番目のタスクを初期化する。そしてそのタスクを以後の処 * 理で使用する。 */ init_task1 (); printf ("call init_timer\n"); init_timer (); /* インターバルタイマ機能の初期化 */ start_interval (); /* インターバルタイマの起動 */ init_io (); return (E_OK); }
static int __init shuttle_gpio_init(void) { init_shuttle_proc() ; init_input_dev() ; init_gpio_status() ; init_shuttle_gpio_key() ; init_shuttle_timer() ; init_interrupt() ; printk(KERN_INFO MOD_NAME "Module Init: Shuttle module\n"); return 0; }
void main (void) { init_mcu (); init_interrupt (); _BIS_SR(LPM3_bits + GIE); while (1); //_BIS_SR(LPM3_bits + GIE); }
void cancel_proc(int sig) { #ifdef MULTI_THREAD th_context *th = find_context(xsb_thread_self()); if (th->cond_var_ptr != NULL) pthread_cond_broadcast( th->cond_var_ptr ) ; #endif #ifndef LINUX init_interrupt(); /* reset interrupt, if using signal */ #endif // asynint_val |= THREADINT_MARK; asynint_code = 0; }
int main(void) { init_port(); init_interrupt(); lcd_init(); DDRA=0xff; while(1) { received=PINC; switch(PINC) { case decVolume: { vButton--; volume break; } case incVolume: { vButton++; break; } case decSpeed: { sButton--; speed(vButton); break; } case incSpeed: { sButton++; speed(vButton); break; } case bass: { } case treble: { } default:{} } } //while ends. }
static void nmi_int_handler(void) { /* Non Maskable Interrupt -- remove interrupt event from queue */ remove_interrupt_event(); /* setup r4300 Status flags: reset TS and SR, set BEV, ERL, and SR */ g_cp0_regs[CP0_STATUS_REG] = (g_cp0_regs[CP0_STATUS_REG] & ~(CP0_STATUS_SR | CP0_STATUS_TS | UINT32_C(0x00080000))) | (CP0_STATUS_ERL | CP0_STATUS_BEV | CP0_STATUS_SR); g_cp0_regs[CP0_CAUSE_REG] = 0x00000000; /* simulate the soft reset code which would run from the PIF ROM */ pifbootrom_hle_execute(&g_dev); /* clear all interrupts, reset interrupt counters back to 0 */ g_cp0_regs[CP0_COUNT_REG] = 0; g_gs_vi_counter = 0; init_interrupt(); = = 5000; add_interrupt_event_count(VI_INT,; /* clear the audio status register so that subsequent write_ai() calls will work properly */[AI_STATUS_REG] = 0; /* set ErrorEPC with the last instruction address */ g_cp0_regs[CP0_ERROREPC_REG] = PC->addr; /* reset the r4300 internal state */ if (r4300emu != CORE_PURE_INTERPRETER) { /* clear all the compiled instruction blocks and re-initialize */ free_blocks(); init_blocks(); } /* adjust ErrorEPC if we were in a delay slot, and clear the delay_slot and dyna_interp flags */ if(g_dev.r4300.delay_slot==1 || g_dev.r4300.delay_slot==3) { g_cp0_regs[CP0_ERROREPC_REG]-=4; } g_dev.r4300.delay_slot = 0; dyna_interp = 0; /* set next instruction address to reset vector */ last_addr = UINT32_C(0xa4000040); generic_jump_to(UINT32_C(0xa4000040)); #ifdef NEW_DYNAREC if (r4300emu == CORE_DYNAREC) { g_cp0_regs[CP0_ERROREPC_REG]=(pcaddr&~3)-(pcaddr&1)*4; pcaddr = 0xa4000040; pending_exception = 1; invalidate_all_pages(); } #endif }
//*************************************************************************************** // MAIN function starts here //*************************************************************************************** int main() { //Initialize Interrupts init_interrupt(); // Initialization sequence if (enumerated != 0xDEADBEEF){ initialization(); } while(1); // Should not reach here mbus_sleep_all(); while(1); }
/* TLS: 2/02 removed "inline static" modifiers so that this function can be called from interprolog_callback.c */ void keyint_proc(int sig) { #ifdef MULTI_THREAD th_context *th = find_context(xsb_thread_self()); if (th->cond_var_ptr != NULL) pthread_cond_broadcast( th->cond_var_ptr ) ; #endif #ifndef LINUX init_interrupt(); /* reset interrupt, if using signal */ #endif if (asynint_val & KEYINT_MARK) { xsb_abort("unhandled keyboard interrupt"); } else { asynint_val |= KEYINT_MARK; asynint_code = 0; } }
void reset_hard(void) { poweron_device(&g_dev); pifbootrom_hle_execute(&g_dev); last_addr = UINT32_C(0xa4000040); next_interrupt = 624999; init_interrupt(); = = 5000; add_interrupt_event_count(VI_INT,; if(r4300emu != CORE_PURE_INTERPRETER) { free_blocks(); init_blocks(); } generic_jump_to(last_addr); }
void init(void) { init_interrupt(); // C++ constractor rx_run_preinit_array(); rx_run_init_array(); set_intr_level(15); // main の起動 static int argc = 0; static char **argv = 0; int ret = main(argc, argv); rx_run_fini_array(); // メイン関数の「return」 while(1) ; }
/** * Expects to be called back through os_dev_create(). * * @param The device object associated with this accelerometer * @param Argument passed to OS device init, unused * * @return 0 on success, non-zero error on failure. */ int lis2dw12_init(struct os_dev *dev, void *arg) { struct lis2dw12 *lis2dw12; struct sensor *sensor; int rc; if (!arg || !dev) { rc = SYS_ENODEV; goto err; } lis2dw12 = (struct lis2dw12 *) dev; lis2dw12->cfg.mask = SENSOR_TYPE_ALL; log_register(dev->od_name, &_log, &log_console_handler, NULL, LOG_SYSLEVEL); sensor = &lis2dw12->sensor; /* Initialise the stats entry */ rc = stats_init( STATS_HDR(g_lis2dw12stats), STATS_SIZE_INIT_PARMS(g_lis2dw12stats, STATS_SIZE_32), STATS_NAME_INIT_PARMS(lis2dw12_stat_section)); SYSINIT_PANIC_ASSERT(rc == 0); /* Register the entry with the stats registry */ rc = stats_register(dev->od_name, STATS_HDR(g_lis2dw12stats)); SYSINIT_PANIC_ASSERT(rc == 0); rc = sensor_init(sensor, dev); if (rc) { goto err; } /* Add the light driver */ rc = sensor_set_driver(sensor, SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER, (struct sensor_driver *) &g_lis2dw12_sensor_driver); if (rc) { goto err; } /* Set the interface */ rc = sensor_set_interface(sensor, arg); if (rc) { goto err; } rc = sensor_mgr_register(sensor); if (rc) { goto err; } if (sensor->s_itf.si_type == SENSOR_ITF_SPI) { rc = hal_spi_disable(sensor->s_itf.si_num); if (rc) { goto err; } rc = hal_spi_config(sensor->s_itf.si_num, &spi_lis2dw12_settings); if (rc == EINVAL) { /* If spi is already enabled, for nrf52, it returns -1, We should not * fail if the spi is already enabled */ goto err; } rc = hal_spi_enable(sensor->s_itf.si_num); if (rc) { goto err; } rc = hal_gpio_init_out(sensor->s_itf.si_cs_pin, 1); if (rc) { goto err; } } init_interrupt(&lis2dw12->intr, lis2dw12->sensor.s_itf.si_ints); lis2dw12->pdd.notify_ctx.snec_sensor = sensor; lis2dw12->pdd.registered_mask = 0; lis2dw12->pdd.interrupt = NULL; rc = init_intpin(lis2dw12, lis2dw12_int_irq_handler, sensor); if (rc) { return rc; } return 0; err: return rc; }
static void execute(int run) { XTime time; u32 frame, init_frame, frame_before_start, generations; unsigned int seed; init_interrupt(); XTime_GetTime(&time); seed = time; srand(seed); frame_before_start = read_frame_number(); XTime_SetTime(0); while (!OCM_CPU0_RUNNING); OCM_CPU1_RUNNING = 1; /* If the program will run without PL reset then the first frame will * not be 0. */ init_frame = init_popul(); update_development(get_elit(), init_frame, time); for (generations = 1; OCM_CPU0_RUNNING; ++generations) { frame = new_popul(); update_development(get_elit(), frame, generations); } XTime_GetTime(&time); if (init_frame > 0 && init_frame == frame_before_start) { /* The first frames should be removed because those belong to * the previous run. The size of the FIFO implies that only * one frame remain in the FIFO but it will influence one * run (furthermore, these frames might be several times * in the development list). */ int removed_developments = remove_first_frames(); const int removed_frames = 1; /* Consequently, the frames are renumbered and should start * with number 0 */ postproc_development(init_frame + removed_frames); #if 0 xil_printf("Frame before start: 0x%X. First frame: 0x%X. " "I removed %d development items " "(%d frames).\n\r", frame_before_start, init_frame, removed_developments, removed_frames); (void) run; #else (void) removed_developments; #endif } xil_printf("Run %d is finished.\n\r", run); next_development_run(seed, time, OCM_FRAME_COUNTER, generations); OCM_CPU1_RUNNING = 0; }
/** * Main function of server applcation that creates the tunnel interface, starts threads and configures the connections */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { //initializing system io components init_sysio(); const char* __progname__ = argv[0]; /*Setting up the interrupt and binding it to a handler*/ init_interrupt(&exit_signal, SIGINT, BOOL_FALSE); set_interrupt_sh(&exit_signal, _exit_handler); /*The program uses argtable2 implementation for parsing arguments * More information and examples for argtable2: * * * * */ struct arg_lit *help = arg_lit0("h","help","show help"); struct arg_int *time = arg_int0("t", "time", "<n>", "time interval"); struct arg_end *end = arg_end(20); void* argtable[] = {help, time, end}; int nerrors; int exitcode=EXIT_SUCCESS; /* verify the argtable[] entries were allocated sucessfully */ if (arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0) { /* NULL entries were detected, some allocations must have failed */ ERRORPRINT("%s: insufficient memory\n",__progname__); exitcode=1; goto exit; } /* Parse the command line as defined by argtable[] */ nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable); /* special case: '--help' takes precedence over error reporting */ if (help->count > 0) { INFOPRINT("Usage: %s", __progname__); arg_print_syntax(stdout,argtable,"\n"); arg_print_glossary(stdout,argtable," %-20s %s\n"); exitcode=0; goto exit; } /* If the parser returned any errors then display them and exit */ if (nerrors > 0) { /* Display the error details contained in the arg_end struct.*/ arg_print_errors(stdout,end,__progname__); INFOPRINT("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n",__progname__); exitcode=1; goto exit; } INFOPRINT("Service build by using devclego version %s.\n\n", DEVCLEGO_VERSION); /*devclego starts here * Build the abstract finite state machine by ceating it * and then running the program. * After the program proc finished, fsm is doomed.*/ fsm_ctor(); program(time); fsm_dtor(); exit: return exitcode; }