enum SCP_SERVER_STATES_E scp_v1s_request_password(struct SCP_CONNECTION* c, struct SCP_SESSION* s, char* reason) { tui8 sz; tui32 version; tui32 size; tui16 cmdset; tui16 cmd; int rlen; char buf[257]; init_stream(c->in_s, c->in_s->size); init_stream(c->out_s, c->out_s->size); /* forcing message not to exceed 64k */ rlen = g_strlen(reason); if (rlen > 65535) { rlen = 65535; } /* send password request */ version=1; cmd=3; out_uint32_be(c->out_s, version); /* version */ out_uint32_be(c->out_s, 14+rlen); /* size */ out_uint16_be(c->out_s, SCP_COMMAND_SET_DEFAULT); /* cmdset */ out_uint16_be(c->out_s, cmd); /* cmd */ out_uint16_be(c->out_s, rlen); out_uint8p(c->out_s, reason, rlen); if (0!=scp_tcp_force_send(c->in_sck, c->out_s->data, 14+rlen)) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s:%d] connection aborted: network error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_NETWORK_ERR; } /* receive password & username */ if (0!=scp_tcp_force_recv(c->in_sck, c->in_s->data, 8)) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s:%d] connection aborted: network error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_NETWORK_ERR; } in_uint32_be(c->in_s, version); if (version!=1) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s:%d] connection aborted: version error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_VERSION_ERR; } in_uint32_be(c->in_s, size); if (size<12) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s:%d] connection aborted: size error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_SIZE_ERR; } init_stream(c->in_s, c->in_s->size); if (0!=scp_tcp_force_recv(c->in_sck, c->in_s->data, (size-8))) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s:%d] connection aborted: network error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_NETWORK_ERR; } in_uint16_be(c->in_s, cmdset); if (cmdset != SCP_COMMAND_SET_DEFAULT) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s:%d] connection aborted: sequence error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_SEQUENCE_ERR; } in_uint16_be(c->in_s, cmd); if (cmd != 4) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s:%d] connection aborted: sequence error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_SEQUENCE_ERR; } buf[256] = '\0'; /* reading username */ in_uint8(c->in_s, sz); buf[sz] = '\0'; in_uint8a(c->in_s, buf, sz); if (0 != scp_session_set_username(s, buf)) { scp_session_destroy(s); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s:%d] connection aborted: internal error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_INTERNAL_ERR; } /* reading password */ in_uint8(c->in_s, sz); buf[sz]='\0'; in_uint8a(c->in_s, buf, sz); if (0 != scp_session_set_password(s, buf)) { scp_session_destroy(s); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s:%d] connection aborted: internal error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_INTERNAL_ERR; } return SCP_SERVER_STATE_OK; }
static enum SCP_SERVER_STATES_E _scp_v1s_mng_check_response(struct SCP_CONNECTION *c, struct SCP_SESSION *s) { tui32 version; tui32 size; tui16 cmd; // tui8 dim; // char buf[257]; init_stream(c->in_s, c->in_s->size); if (0 != scp_tcp_force_recv(c->in_sck, c->in_s->data, 8)) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s_mng:%d] connection aborted: network error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_NETWORK_ERR; } in_uint32_be(c->in_s, version); if (version != 1) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s_mng:%d] connection aborted: version error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_VERSION_ERR; } in_uint32_be(c->in_s, size); init_stream(c->in_s, c->in_s->size); /* read the rest of the packet */ if (0 != scp_tcp_force_recv(c->in_sck, c->in_s->data, size - 8)) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s_mng:%d] connection aborted: network error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_NETWORK_ERR; } in_uint16_be(c->in_s, cmd); if (cmd != SCP_COMMAND_SET_MANAGE) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s_mng:%d] connection aborted: sequence error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_SEQUENCE_ERR; } in_uint16_be(c->in_s, cmd); if (cmd == SCP_CMD_MNG_LIST_REQ) /* request session list */ { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "[v1s_mng:%d] request session list", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_MNG_LISTREQ; } else if (cmd == SCP_CMD_MNG_ACTION) /* execute an action */ { /*in_uint8(c->in_s, dim); buf[dim]='\0'; in_uint8a(c->in_s, buf, dim); scp_session_set_errstr(s, buf);*/ log_message(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "[v1s_mng:%d] action request", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_MNG_ACTION; } /* else if (cmd == 20) / * password change * / { in_uint16_be(c->in_s, s->display); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_OK; } else if (cmd == 40) / * session list * / { return SCP_SERVER_STATE_SESSION_LIST; }*/ log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s_mng:%d] connection aborted: sequence error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_SEQUENCE_ERR; }
int EXPORT_CC libxrdp_send_bitmap(struct xrdp_session* session, int width, int height, int bpp, char* data, int x, int y, int cx, int cy) { int line_size = 0; int i = 0; int j = 0; int total_lines = 0; int lines_sending = 0; int Bpp = 0; int e = 0; int bufsize = 0; int total_bufsize = 0; int num_updates = 0; char* p_num_updates = (char *)NULL; char* p = (char *)NULL; char* q = (char *)NULL; struct stream* s = (struct stream *)NULL; struct stream* temp_s = (struct stream *)NULL; DEBUG(("libxrdp_send_bitmap sending bitmap")); Bpp = (bpp + 7) / 8; e = width % 4; if (e != 0) { e = 4 - e; } line_size = width * Bpp; make_stream(s); init_stream(s, 8192); if (session->client_info->use_bitmap_comp) { make_stream(temp_s); init_stream(temp_s, 65536); i = 0; if (cy <= height) { i = cy; } while (i > 0) { total_bufsize = 0; num_updates = 0; xrdp_rdp_init_data((struct xrdp_rdp*)session->rdp, s); out_uint16_le(s, RDP_UPDATE_BITMAP); p_num_updates = s->p; out_uint8s(s, 2); /* num_updates set later */ do { if (session->client_info->op1) { s_push_layer(s, channel_hdr, 18); } else { s_push_layer(s, channel_hdr, 26); } p = s->p; lines_sending = xrdp_bitmap_compress(data, width, height, s, bpp, 4096 - total_bufsize, i - 1, temp_s, e); if (lines_sending == 0) { break; } num_updates++; bufsize = s->p - p; total_bufsize += bufsize; i = i - lines_sending; s_mark_end(s); s_pop_layer(s, channel_hdr); out_uint16_le(s, x); /* left */ out_uint16_le(s, y + i); /* top */ out_uint16_le(s, (x + cx) - 1); /* right */ out_uint16_le(s, (y + i + lines_sending) - 1); /* bottom */ out_uint16_le(s, width + e); /* width */ out_uint16_le(s, lines_sending); /* height */ out_uint16_le(s, bpp); /* bpp */ if (session->client_info->op1) { out_uint16_le(s, 0x401); /* compress */ out_uint16_le(s, bufsize); /* compressed size */ j = (width + e) * Bpp; j = j * lines_sending; } else { out_uint16_le(s, 0x1); /* compress */ out_uint16_le(s, bufsize + 8); out_uint8s(s, 2); /* pad */ out_uint16_le(s, bufsize); /* compressed size */ j = (width + e) * Bpp; out_uint16_le(s, j); /* line size */ j = j * lines_sending; out_uint16_le(s, j); /* final size */ } if (j > 32768) { g_writeln("error, decompressed size too big, its %d", j); } if (bufsize > 8192) { g_writeln("error, compressed size too big, its %d", bufsize); } s->p = s->end; } while (total_bufsize < 4096 && i > 0); p_num_updates[0] = num_updates; p_num_updates[1] = num_updates >> 8; xrdp_rdp_send_data((struct xrdp_rdp*)session->rdp, s, RDP_DATA_PDU_UPDATE); if (total_bufsize > 8192) { g_writeln("error, total compressed size too big, its %d", total_bufsize); } } free_stream(temp_s); }
int APP_CC trans_check_wait_objs(struct trans* self) { tbus in_sck = (tbus)0; struct trans* in_trans = (struct trans *)NULL; int read_bytes = 0; int to_read = 0; int read_so_far = 0; int rv = 0; if (self == 0) { return 1; } if (self->status != TRANS_STATUS_UP) { return 1; } rv = 0; if (self->type1 == TRANS_TYPE_LISTENER) /* listening */ { if (g_tcp_can_recv(self->sck, 0)) { in_sck = g_tcp_accept(self->sck); if (in_sck == -1) { if (g_tcp_last_error_would_block(self->sck)) { /* ok, but shouldn't happen */ } else { /* error */ self->status = TRANS_STATUS_DOWN; return 1; } } if (in_sck != -1) { if (self->trans_conn_in != 0) /* is function assigned */ { in_trans = trans_create(self->mode, self->in_s->size, self->out_s->size); in_trans->sck = in_sck; in_trans->type1 = TRANS_TYPE_SERVER; in_trans->status = TRANS_STATUS_UP; if (self->trans_conn_in(self, in_trans) != 0) { trans_delete(in_trans); } } else { g_tcp_close(in_sck); } } } } else /* connected server or client (2 or 3) */ { if (g_tcp_can_recv(self->sck, 0)) { read_so_far = (int)(self->in_s->end - self->in_s->data); to_read = self->header_size - read_so_far; if (to_read > 0) { read_bytes = g_tcp_recv(self->sck, self->in_s->end, to_read, 0); if (read_bytes == -1) { if (g_tcp_last_error_would_block(self->sck)) { /* ok, but shouldn't happen */ } else { /* error */ self->status = TRANS_STATUS_DOWN; return 1; } } else if (read_bytes == 0) { /* error */ self->status = TRANS_STATUS_DOWN; return 1; } else { self->in_s->end += read_bytes; } } read_so_far = (int)(self->in_s->end - self->in_s->data); if (read_so_far == self->header_size) { if (self->trans_data_in != 0) { rv = self->trans_data_in(self); init_stream(self->in_s, 0); } } } } return rv; }
int main() { fprintf(stderr, "Starting audio_receiver test...\n"); // Open files to write audio if ((F_audio1 = fopen(name_audio1, "wb")) == NULL) { perror(name_audio1); exit(errno); } if ((F_audio2 = fopen(name_audio2, "wb")) == NULL) { perror(name_audio2); exit(errno); } // General pourpouse variables. time_t start, stop; audio_frame2 *audio_frame; // Receiver configuration stream_list_t *video_stream_list = init_stream_list(); // Not used stream_list_t *audio_stream_list = init_stream_list(); receiver_t *receiver = init_receiver(video_stream_list, audio_stream_list, 5004, 5006); // First stream and participant configuration participant_data_t *p1 = init_participant(1, INPUT, NULL, 0); stream_data_t *stream1 = init_stream(AUDIO, INPUT, rand(), I_AWAIT, 25.0, "Stream1"); add_participant_stream(stream1, p1); add_stream(receiver->audio_stream_list, stream1); fprintf(stderr, " ·Stream1 configuration: 1 bps, 32000Hz, 1 channel, mulaw\n"); ap_config(stream1->audio, 1, 32000, 1, AC_MULAW); ap_worker_start(stream1->audio); // Second stream and participant configuration participant_data_t *p2 = init_participant(2, INPUT, NULL, 0); stream_data_t *stream2 = init_stream(AUDIO, INPUT, rand(), I_AWAIT, 25.0, "Stream2"); add_participant_stream(stream2, p2); add_stream(receiver->audio_stream_list, stream2); fprintf(stderr, " ·Stream2 configuration: 1 bps, 8000Hz, 1 channel, mulaw\n"); ap_config(stream2->audio, 1, 8000, 1, AC_MULAW); ap_worker_start(stream2->audio); if (start_receiver(receiver)) { fprintf(stderr, " ·Receiver started!\n"); #ifdef STREAM1 // STREAM1 recording block fprintf(stderr, " ·Waiting for audio_frame2 data\n"); while (stream1->audio->decoded_cq->level == CIRCULAR_QUEUE_EMPTY) { #ifdef QUEUE_PRINT print_cq_status(stream1->audio->decoded_cq, "wait stream1"); #endif } #ifdef QUEUE_PRINT print_cq_status(stream1->audio->decoded_cq, "continue stream1"); #endif fprintf(stderr, " ·Copying to file... "); start = time(NULL); stop = start + RECORD_TIME; while (time(NULL) < stop) { // RECORD_TIME seconds loop audio_frame = cq_get_front(stream1->audio->decoded_cq); if (audio_frame != NULL) { fwrite(audio_frame->data[0], audio_frame->data_len[0], 1, F_audio1); cq_remove_bag(stream1->audio->decoded_cq); } } fprintf(stderr, "Done!\n"); #endif //STREAM1 #ifdef STREAM2 // STREAM2 recording block fprintf(stderr, " ·Waiting for audio_frame2 data\n"); while (stream2->audio->decoded_cq->level == CIRCULAR_QUEUE_EMPTY) { #ifdef QUEUE_PRINT print_cq_status(stream2->audio->decoded_cq, "wait stream2"); #endif } #ifdef QUEUE_PRINT print_cq_status(stream2->audio->decoded_cq, "continue stream2"); #endif fprintf(stderr, " ·Copying to file... "); start = time(NULL); stop = start + RECORD_TIME; while (time(NULL) < stop) { // RECORD_TIME seconds loop audio_frame = cq_get_front(stream2->audio->decoded_cq); if (audio_frame != NULL) { fwrite(audio_frame->data[0], audio_frame->data_len[0], 1, F_audio2); cq_remove_bag(stream2->audio->decoded_cq); } } fprintf(stderr, "Done!\n"); #endif //STREAM2 // Finish and destroy objects stop_receiver(receiver); destroy_receiver(receiver); fprintf(stderr, " ·Receiver stopped\n"); destroy_stream_list(video_stream_list); destroy_stream_list(audio_stream_list); } if (fclose(F_audio1) != 0) { perror(name_audio1); exit(-1); } if (fclose(F_audio2) != 0) { perror(name_audio2); exit(-1); } fprintf(stderr, "Finished\n"); }
/* returns error returns 0 if everything is ok returns 1 if problem reading file */ static int APP_CC l_file_read_sections(int fd, int max_file_size, struct list* names) { struct stream* s; char text[256]; char c; int in_it; int in_comment = false; int in_it_index; int len; int index; int rv; rv = 0; g_file_seek(fd, 0); in_it_index = 0; in_it = 0; g_memset(text, 0, 256); list_clear(names); make_stream(s); init_stream(s, max_file_size); len = g_file_read(fd, s->data, max_file_size); if (len > 0) { s->end = s->p + len; for (index = 0; index < len; index++) { in_uint8(s, c); if (c == '#' || c == ';' || c == '/') { in_comment = true; continue; } else if (c == '\n') { in_comment = false; continue; } if (in_comment) { continue; } if (c == '[') { in_it = 1; } else if (c == ']') { list_add_item(names, (tbus)g_strdup(text)); in_it = 0; in_it_index = 0; g_memset(text, 0, 256); } else if (in_it) { text[in_it_index] = c; in_it_index++; } } } else if (len < 0) { rv = 1; } free_stream(s); return rv; }
HS_PUBLIC_API hs_error_t hs_scan_vector(const hs_database_t *db, const char * const * data, const unsigned int *length, unsigned int count, UNUSED unsigned int flags, hs_scratch_t *scratch, match_event_handler onEvent, void *context) { if (unlikely(!scratch || !data || !length)) { return HS_INVALID; } hs_error_t err = validDatabase(db); if (unlikely(err != HS_SUCCESS)) { return err; } const struct RoseEngine *rose = hs_get_bytecode(db); if (unlikely(!ISALIGNED_16(rose))) { return HS_INVALID; } if (unlikely(rose->mode != HS_MODE_VECTORED)) { return HS_DB_MODE_ERROR; } if (unlikely(!validScratch(rose, scratch))) { return HS_INVALID; } if (unlikely(markScratchInUse(scratch))) { return HS_SCRATCH_IN_USE; } hs_stream_t *id = (hs_stream_t *)(scratch->bstate); init_stream(id, rose); /* open stream */ for (u32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { DEBUG_PRINTF("block %u/%u offset=%llu len=%u\n", i, count, id->offset, length[i]); #ifdef DEBUG dumpData(data[i], length[i]); #endif hs_error_t ret = hs_scan_stream_internal(id, data[i], length[i], 0, scratch, onEvent, context); if (ret != HS_SUCCESS) { unmarkScratchInUse(scratch); return ret; } } /* close stream */ if (onEvent) { report_eod_matches(id, scratch, onEvent, context); if (told_to_stop_matching(scratch)) { unmarkScratchInUse(scratch); return HS_SCAN_TERMINATED; } } unmarkScratchInUse(scratch); return HS_SUCCESS; }
/* returns error */ static int APP_CC process_message_channel_data(struct stream *s) { int chan_id = 0; int chan_flags = 0; int rv = 0; int length = 0; int total_length = 0; struct stream *ls; in_uint16_le(s, chan_id); in_uint16_le(s, chan_flags); in_uint16_le(s, length); in_uint32_le(s, total_length); LOGM((LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "process_message_channel_data: chan_id %d " "chan_flags %d", chan_id, chan_flags)); LOG(10, ("process_message_channel_data")); rv = send_channel_data_response_message(); if (rv == 0) { if (chan_id == g_cliprdr_chan_id) { rv = clipboard_data_in(s, chan_id, chan_flags, length, total_length); } else if (chan_id == g_rdpsnd_chan_id) { rv = sound_data_in(s, chan_id, chan_flags, length, total_length); } else if (chan_id == g_rdpdr_chan_id) { rv = dev_redir_data_in(s, chan_id, chan_flags, length, total_length); } else if (chan_id == g_rail_chan_id) { rv = rail_data_in(s, chan_id, chan_flags, length, total_length); } else if (chan_id == g_drdynvc_chan_id) { rv = drdynvc_data_in(s, chan_id, chan_flags, length, total_length); } else if (chan_id == ((struct xrdp_api_data *) (g_api_con_trans->callback_data))->chan_id) { LOG(10, ("process_message_channel_data length %d total_length %d " "chan_flags 0x%8.8x", length, total_length, chan_flags)); ls = g_api_con_trans->out_s; if (chan_flags & 1) /* first */ { init_stream(ls, total_length); } out_uint8a(ls, s->p, length); if (chan_flags & 2) /* last */ { s_mark_end(ls); trans_force_write(g_api_con_trans); } } } return rv; }
enum SCP_CLIENT_STATES_E scp_v0c_connect(struct SCP_CONNECTION *c, struct SCP_SESSION *s) { tui32 version; tui32 size; tui16 sz; init_stream(c->in_s, c->in_s->size); init_stream(c->out_s, c->in_s->size); LOG_DBG("[v0:%d] starting connection", __LINE__); g_tcp_set_non_blocking(c->in_sck); g_tcp_set_no_delay(c->in_sck); s_push_layer(c->out_s, channel_hdr, 8); /* code */ if (s->type == SCP_SESSION_TYPE_XVNC) { out_uint16_be(c->out_s, 0); } else if (s->type == SCP_SESSION_TYPE_XRDP) { out_uint16_be(c->out_s, 10); } else if (s->type == SCP_SESSION_TYPE_XORG) { out_uint16_be(c->out_s, 20); } else { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v0:%d] connection aborted: network error", __LINE__); return SCP_CLIENT_STATE_INTERNAL_ERR; } sz = g_strlen(s->username); out_uint16_be(c->out_s, sz); out_uint8a(c->out_s, s->username, sz); sz = g_strlen(s->password); out_uint16_be(c->out_s, sz); out_uint8a(c->out_s, s->password, sz); out_uint16_be(c->out_s, s->width); out_uint16_be(c->out_s, s->height); out_uint16_be(c->out_s, s->bpp); s_mark_end(c->out_s); s_pop_layer(c->out_s, channel_hdr); /* version */ out_uint32_be(c->out_s, 0); /* size */ out_uint32_be(c->out_s, c->out_s->end - c->out_s->data); if (0 != scp_tcp_force_send(c->in_sck, c->out_s->data, c->out_s->end - c->out_s->data)) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v0:%d] connection aborted: network error", __LINE__); return SCP_CLIENT_STATE_NETWORK_ERR; } if (0 != scp_tcp_force_recv(c->in_sck, c->in_s->data, 8)) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v0:%d] connection aborted: network error", __LINE__); return SCP_CLIENT_STATE_NETWORK_ERR; } in_uint32_be(c->in_s, version); if (0 != version) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v0:%d] connection aborted: version error", __LINE__); return SCP_CLIENT_STATE_VERSION_ERR; } in_uint32_be(c->in_s, size); if (size < 14) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v0:%d] connection aborted: packet size error", __LINE__); return SCP_CLIENT_STATE_SIZE_ERR; } /* getting payload */ init_stream(c->in_s, c->in_s->size); if (0 != scp_tcp_force_recv(c->in_sck, c->in_s->data, size - 8)) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v0:%d] connection aborted: network error", __LINE__); return SCP_CLIENT_STATE_NETWORK_ERR; } /* check code */ in_uint16_be(c->in_s, sz); if (3 != sz) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v0:%d] connection aborted: sequence error", __LINE__); return SCP_CLIENT_STATE_SEQUENCE_ERR; } /* message payload */ in_uint16_be(c->in_s, sz); if (1 != sz) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v0:%d] connection aborted: connection denied", __LINE__); return SCP_CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTION_DENIED; } in_uint16_be(c->in_s, sz); s->display = sz; LOG_DBG("[v0:%d] connection terminated", __LINE__); return SCP_CLIENT_STATE_END; }
/* send a chunk of the file from server to client */ static int APP_CC clipboard_send_file_data(int streamId, int lindex, int nPositionLow, int cbRequested) { struct stream *s; int size; int rv; int fd; char full_fn[256]; struct cb_file_info *cfi; if (g_files_list == 0) { log_error("clipboard_send_file_data: error g_files_list is nil"); return 1; } cfi = (struct cb_file_info *)list_get_item(g_files_list, lindex); if (cfi == 0) { log_error("clipboard_send_file_data: error cfi is nil"); return 1; } log_debug("clipboard_send_file_data: streamId %d lindex %d " "nPositionLow %d cbRequested %d", streamId, lindex, nPositionLow, cbRequested); g_snprintf(full_fn, 255, "%s/%s", cfi->pathname, cfi->filename); fd = g_file_open_ex(full_fn, 1, 0, 0, 0); if (fd == -1) { log_error("clipboard_send_file_data: file open [%s] failed", full_fn); return 1; } if (g_file_seek(fd, nPositionLow) < 0) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "clipboard_send_file_data: seek error " "in file: %s", full_fn); g_file_close(fd); return 1; } make_stream(s); init_stream(s, cbRequested + 64); size = g_file_read(fd, s->data + 12, cbRequested); if (size < 1) { log_error("clipboard_send_file_data: read error, want %d got %d", cbRequested, size); free_stream(s); g_file_close(fd); return 1; } out_uint16_le(s, CB_FILECONTENTS_RESPONSE); /* 9 */ out_uint16_le(s, CB_RESPONSE_OK); /* 1 status */ out_uint32_le(s, size + 4); out_uint32_le(s, streamId); s->p += size; out_uint32_le(s, 0); s_mark_end(s); size = (int)(s->end - s->data); rv = send_channel_data(g_cliprdr_chan_id, s->data, size); free_stream(s); g_file_close(fd); return rv; }
enum SCP_SERVER_STATES_E scp_v0s_accept(struct SCP_CONNECTION *c, struct SCP_SESSION **s, int skipVchk) { tui32 version = 0; tui32 size; struct SCP_SESSION *session = 0; tui16 sz; tui32 code = 0; char buf[257]; if (!skipVchk) { LOG_DBG("[v0:%d] starting connection", __LINE__); if (0 == scp_tcp_force_recv(c->in_sck, c->in_s->data, 8)) { c->in_s->end = c->in_s->data + 8; in_uint32_be(c->in_s, version); if (version != 0) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v0:%d] connection aborted: version error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_VERSION_ERR; } } else { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v0:%d] connection aborted: network error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_NETWORK_ERR; } } in_uint32_be(c->in_s, size); init_stream(c->in_s, 8196); if (0 != scp_tcp_force_recv(c->in_sck, c->in_s->data, size - 8)) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v0:%d] connection aborted: network error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_NETWORK_ERR; } c->in_s->end = c->in_s->data + (size - 8); in_uint16_be(c->in_s, code); if (code == 0 || code == 10 || code == 20) { session = scp_session_create(); if (0 == session) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v0:%d] connection aborted: network error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_INTERNAL_ERR; } scp_session_set_version(session, version); if (code == 0) { scp_session_set_type(session, SCP_SESSION_TYPE_XVNC); } else if (code == 10) { scp_session_set_type(session, SCP_SESSION_TYPE_XRDP); } else if (code == 20) { scp_session_set_type(session, SCP_SESSION_TYPE_XORG); } /* reading username */ in_uint16_be(c->in_s, sz); buf[sz] = '\0'; in_uint8a(c->in_s, buf, sz); if (0 != scp_session_set_username(session, buf)) { scp_session_destroy(session); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v0:%d] connection aborted: error setting username", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_INTERNAL_ERR; } /* reading password */ in_uint16_be(c->in_s, sz); buf[sz] = '\0'; in_uint8a(c->in_s, buf, sz); if (0 != scp_session_set_password(session, buf)) { scp_session_destroy(session); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v0:%d] connection aborted: error setting password", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_INTERNAL_ERR; } /* width */ in_uint16_be(c->in_s, sz); scp_session_set_width(session, sz); /* height */ in_uint16_be(c->in_s, sz); scp_session_set_height(session, sz); /* bpp */ in_uint16_be(c->in_s, sz); scp_session_set_bpp(session, (tui8)sz); if (s_check_rem(c->in_s, 2)) { /* reading domain */ in_uint16_be(c->in_s, sz); if (sz > 0) { in_uint8a(c->in_s, buf, sz); buf[sz] = '\0'; scp_session_set_domain(session, buf); } } if (s_check_rem(c->in_s, 2)) { /* reading program */ in_uint16_be(c->in_s, sz); if (sz > 0) { in_uint8a(c->in_s, buf, sz); buf[sz] = '\0'; scp_session_set_program(session, buf); } } if (s_check_rem(c->in_s, 2)) { /* reading directory */ in_uint16_be(c->in_s, sz); if (sz > 0) { in_uint8a(c->in_s, buf, sz); buf[sz] = '\0'; scp_session_set_directory(session, buf); } } if (s_check_rem(c->in_s, 2)) { /* reading client IP address */ in_uint16_be(c->in_s, sz); if (sz > 0) { in_uint8a(c->in_s, buf, sz); buf[sz] = '\0'; scp_session_set_client_ip(session, buf); } } } else if (code == SCP_GW_AUTHENTICATION) { /* g_writeln("Command is SCP_GW_AUTHENTICATION"); */ session = scp_session_create(); if (0 == session) { /* until syslog merge log_message(s_log, LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v0:%d] connection aborted: network error", __LINE__);*/ return SCP_SERVER_STATE_INTERNAL_ERR; } scp_session_set_version(session, version); scp_session_set_type(session, SCP_GW_AUTHENTICATION); /* reading username */ in_uint16_be(c->in_s, sz); buf[sz] = '\0'; in_uint8a(c->in_s, buf, sz); /* g_writeln("Received user name: %s",buf); */ if (0 != scp_session_set_username(session, buf)) { scp_session_destroy(session); /* until syslog merge log_message(s_log, LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v0:%d] connection aborted: error setting username", __LINE__);*/ return SCP_SERVER_STATE_INTERNAL_ERR; } /* reading password */ in_uint16_be(c->in_s, sz); buf[sz] = '\0'; in_uint8a(c->in_s, buf, sz); /* g_writeln("Received password: %s",buf); */ if (0 != scp_session_set_password(session, buf)) { scp_session_destroy(session); /* until syslog merge log_message(s_log, LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v0:%d] connection aborted: error setting password", __LINE__); */ return SCP_SERVER_STATE_INTERNAL_ERR; } } else { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v0:%d] connection aborted: sequence error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_SEQUENCE_ERR; } (*s) = session; return SCP_SERVER_STATE_OK; }
int xrdp_caps_send_demand_active(struct xrdp_rdp *self) { struct stream *s; int caps_count; int caps_size; int codec_caps_count; int codec_caps_size; int flags; char *caps_count_ptr; char *caps_size_ptr; char *caps_ptr; char *codec_caps_count_ptr; char *codec_caps_size_ptr; make_stream(s); init_stream(s, 8192); DEBUG(("in xrdp_caps_send_demand_active")); if (xrdp_rdp_init(self, s) != 0) { free_stream(s); return 1; } caps_count = 0; out_uint32_le(s, self->share_id); out_uint16_le(s, 4); /* 4 chars for RDP\0 */ /* 2 bytes size after num caps, set later */ caps_size_ptr = s->p; out_uint8s(s, 2); out_uint8a(s, "RDP", 4); /* 4 byte num caps, set later */ caps_count_ptr = s->p; out_uint8s(s, 4); caps_ptr = s->p; /* Output share capability set */ caps_count++; out_uint16_le(s, CAPSTYPE_SHARE); out_uint16_le(s, CAPSTYPE_SHARE_LEN); out_uint16_le(s, self->mcs_channel); out_uint16_be(s, 0xb5e2); /* 0x73e1 */ /* Output general capability set */ caps_count++; out_uint16_le(s, CAPSTYPE_GENERAL); out_uint16_le(s, CAPSTYPE_GENERAL_LEN); out_uint16_le(s, OSMAJORTYPE_WINDOWS); out_uint16_le(s, OSMINORTYPE_WINDOWS_NT); out_uint16_le(s, 0x200); /* Protocol version */ out_uint16_le(s, 0); /* pad */ out_uint16_le(s, 0); /* Compression types */ if (self->client_info.use_fast_path & 1) { out_uint16_le(s, NO_BITMAP_COMPRESSION_HDR | FASTPATH_OUTPUT_SUPPORTED); } else { out_uint16_le(s, NO_BITMAP_COMPRESSION_HDR); } out_uint16_le(s, 0); /* Update capability */ out_uint16_le(s, 0); /* Remote unshare capability */ out_uint16_le(s, 0); /* Compression level */ out_uint16_le(s, 0); /* Pad */ /* Output bitmap capability set */ caps_count++; out_uint16_le(s, CAPSTYPE_BITMAP); out_uint16_le(s, CAPSTYPE_BITMAP_LEN); out_uint16_le(s, self->client_info.bpp); /* Preferred BPP */ out_uint16_le(s, 1); /* Receive 1 BPP */ out_uint16_le(s, 1); /* Receive 4 BPP */ out_uint16_le(s, 1); /* Receive 8 BPP */ out_uint16_le(s, self->client_info.width); /* width */ out_uint16_le(s, self->client_info.height); /* height */ out_uint16_le(s, 0); /* Pad */ out_uint16_le(s, 1); /* Allow resize */ out_uint16_le(s, 1); /* bitmap compression */ out_uint16_le(s, 0); /* unknown */ out_uint16_le(s, 0); /* unknown */ out_uint16_le(s, 0); /* pad */ /* Output font capability set */ caps_count++; out_uint16_le(s, CAPSTYPE_FONT); out_uint16_le(s, CAPSTYPE_FONT_LEN); /* Output order capability set */ caps_count++; out_uint16_le(s, CAPSTYPE_ORDER); out_uint16_le(s, CAPSTYPE_ORDER_LEN); out_uint8s(s, 16); out_uint32_be(s, 0x40420f00); out_uint16_le(s, 1); /* Cache X granularity */ out_uint16_le(s, 20); /* Cache Y granularity */ out_uint16_le(s, 0); /* Pad */ out_uint16_le(s, 1); /* Max order level */ out_uint16_le(s, 0x2f); /* Number of fonts */ out_uint16_le(s, 0x22); /* Capability flags */ /* caps */ out_uint8(s, 1); /* NEG_DSTBLT_INDEX 0x00 0 */ out_uint8(s, 1); /* NEG_PATBLT_INDEX 0x01 1 */ out_uint8(s, 1); /* NEG_SCRBLT_INDEX 0x02 2 */ out_uint8(s, 1); /* NEG_MEMBLT_INDEX 0x03 3 */ out_uint8(s, 0); /* NEG_MEM3BLT_INDEX 0x04 4 */ out_uint8(s, 0); /* NEG_ATEXTOUT_INDEX 0x05 5 */ out_uint8(s, 0); /* NEG_AEXTTEXTOUT_INDEX 0x06 6 */ out_uint8(s, 0); /* NEG_DRAWNINEGRID_INDEX 0x07 7 */ out_uint8(s, 1); /* NEG_LINETO_INDEX 0x08 8 */ out_uint8(s, 0); /* NEG_MULTI_DRAWNINEGRID_INDEX 0x09 9 */ out_uint8(s, 1); /* NEG_OPAQUE_RECT_INDEX 0x0A 10 */ out_uint8(s, 0); /* NEG_SAVEBITMAP_INDEX 0x0B 11 */ out_uint8(s, 0); /* NEG_WTEXTOUT_INDEX 0x0C 12 */ out_uint8(s, 0); /* NEG_MEMBLT_V2_INDEX 0x0D 13 */ out_uint8(s, 0); /* NEG_MEM3BLT_V2_INDEX 0x0E 14 */ out_uint8(s, 0); /* NEG_MULTIDSTBLT_INDEX 0x0F 15 */ out_uint8(s, 0); /* NEG_MULTIPATBLT_INDEX 0x10 16 */ out_uint8(s, 0); /* NEG_MULTISCRBLT_INDEX 0x11 17 */ out_uint8(s, 1); /* NEG_MULTIOPAQUERECT_INDEX 0x12 18 */ out_uint8(s, 0); /* NEG_FAST_INDEX_INDEX 0x13 19 */ out_uint8(s, 0); /* NEG_POLYGON_SC_INDEX 0x14 20 */ out_uint8(s, 0); /* NEG_POLYGON_CB_INDEX 0x15 21 */ out_uint8(s, 0); /* NEG_POLYLINE_INDEX 0x16 22 */ out_uint8(s, 0); /* unused 0x17 23 */ out_uint8(s, 0); /* NEG_FAST_GLYPH_INDEX 0x18 24 */ out_uint8(s, 0); /* NEG_ELLIPSE_SC_INDEX 0x19 25 */ out_uint8(s, 0); /* NEG_ELLIPSE_CB_INDEX 0x1A 26 */ out_uint8(s, 1); /* NEG_GLYPH_INDEX_INDEX 0x1B 27 */ out_uint8(s, 0); /* NEG_GLYPH_WEXTTEXTOUT_INDEX 0x1C 28 */ out_uint8(s, 0); /* NEG_GLYPH_WLONGTEXTOUT_INDEX 0x1D 29 */ out_uint8(s, 0); /* NEG_GLYPH_WLONGEXTTEXTOUT_INDEX 0x1E 30 */ out_uint8(s, 0); /* unused 0x1F 31 */ out_uint16_le(s, 0x6a1); /* declare support of bitmap cache rev3 */ out_uint16_le(s, XR_ORDERFLAGS_EX_CACHE_BITMAP_REV3_SUPPORT); out_uint32_le(s, 0x0f4240); /* desk save */ out_uint32_le(s, 0x0f4240); /* desk save */ out_uint32_le(s, 1); /* ? */ out_uint32_le(s, 0); /* ? */ /* Output bmpcodecs capability set */ caps_count++; out_uint16_le(s, CAPSSETTYPE_BITMAP_CODECS); codec_caps_size_ptr = s->p; out_uint8s(s, 2); /* cap len set later */ codec_caps_count = 0; codec_caps_count_ptr = s->p; out_uint8s(s, 1); /* bitmapCodecCount set later */ /* nscodec */ codec_caps_count++; out_uint8a(s, XR_CODEC_GUID_NSCODEC, 16); out_uint8(s, 1); /* codec id, must be 1 */ out_uint16_le(s, 3); /* codecPropertiesLength */ out_uint8(s, 0x01); /* fAllowDynamicFidelity */ out_uint8(s, 0x01); /* fAllowSubsampling */ out_uint8(s, 0x03); /* colorLossLevel */ #if defined(XRDP_RFXCODEC) || defined(XRDP_NEUTRINORDP) /* remotefx */ codec_caps_count++; out_uint8a(s, XR_CODEC_GUID_REMOTEFX, 16); out_uint8(s, 0); /* codec id, client sets */ out_uint16_le(s, 4); /* codecPropertiesLength */ out_uint32_le(s, 0); /* reserved */ /* image remotefx */ codec_caps_count++; out_uint8a(s, XR_CODEC_GUID_IMAGE_REMOTEFX, 16); out_uint8(s, 0); /* codec id, client sets */ out_uint16_le(s, 4); /* codecPropertiesLength */ out_uint32_le(s, 0); /* reserved */ #endif /* jpeg */ codec_caps_count++; out_uint8a(s, XR_CODEC_GUID_JPEG, 16); out_uint8(s, 0); /* codec id, client sets */ out_uint16_le(s, 1); /* codecPropertiesLength */ out_uint8(s, 75); /* jpeg compression ratio */ /* calculate and set size and count */ codec_caps_size = (int)(s->p - codec_caps_size_ptr); codec_caps_size += 2; /* 2 bytes for CAPSTYPE_BMPCODECS above */ codec_caps_size_ptr[0] = codec_caps_size; codec_caps_size_ptr[1] = codec_caps_size >> 8; codec_caps_count_ptr[0] = codec_caps_count; /* Output color cache capability set */ caps_count++; out_uint16_le(s, CAPSTYPE_COLORCACHE); out_uint16_le(s, CAPSTYPE_COLORCACHE_LEN); out_uint16_le(s, 6); /* cache size */ out_uint16_le(s, 0); /* pad */ /* Output pointer capability set */ caps_count++; out_uint16_le(s, CAPSTYPE_POINTER); out_uint16_le(s, CAPSTYPE_POINTER_LEN); out_uint16_le(s, 1); /* Colour pointer */ out_uint16_le(s, 0x19); /* Cache size */ out_uint16_le(s, 0x19); /* Cache size */ /* Output input capability set */ caps_count++; out_uint16_le(s, CAPSTYPE_INPUT); out_uint16_le(s, CAPSTYPE_INPUT_LEN); flags = INPUT_FLAG_SCANCODES | INPUT_FLAG_MOUSEX | INPUT_FLAG_UNICODE | TS_INPUT_FLAG_MOUSE_HWHEEL; if (self->client_info.use_fast_path & 2) { flags |= INPUT_FLAG_FASTPATH_INPUT | INPUT_FLAG_FASTPATH_INPUT2; } out_uint16_le(s, flags); out_uint8s(s, 82); if (self->client_info.rail_enable) /* MS-RDPERP */ { /* Remote Programs Capability Set */ caps_count++; out_uint16_le(s, CAPSTYPE_RAIL); out_uint16_le(s, 8); /* LengthCapability: MS-RDPERP */ out_uint32_le(s, 3); /* See: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc242518.aspx TS_RAIL_LEVEL_SUPPORTED TS_RAIL_LEVEL_DOCKED_LANGBAR_SUPPORTED */ /* Window List Capability Set */ caps_count++; out_uint16_le(s, CAPSTYPE_WINDOW); out_uint16_le(s, 11); /* LengthCapability: MS-RDPERP */ out_uint32_le(s, TS_WINDOW_LEVEL_SUPPORTED_EX); out_uint8(s, 3); /* NumIconCaches */ out_uint16_le(s, 12); /* NumIconCacheEntries */ } /* 6 - bitmap cache v3 codecid */ caps_count++; out_uint16_le(s, 0x0006); out_uint16_le(s, 5); out_uint8(s, 0); /* client sets */ if (self->client_info.use_fast_path & FASTPATH_OUTPUT_SUPPORTED) /* fastpath output on */ { /* multifragment update */ caps_count++; out_uint16_le(s, CAPSSETTYPE_MULTIFRAGMENTUPDATE); out_uint16_le(s, CAPSSETTYPE_MULTIFRAGMENTUPDATE_LEN); out_uint32_le(s, 3 * 1024 * 1024); /* 3MB */ /* frame acks */ caps_count++; out_uint16_le(s, CAPSTYPE_FRAME_ACKNOWLEDGE); out_uint16_le(s, CAPSTYPE_FRAME_ACKNOWLEDGE_LEN); out_uint32_le(s, 2); /* 2 frames in flight */ /* surface commands */ caps_count++; out_uint16_le(s, CAPSETTYPE_SURFACE_COMMANDS); out_uint16_le(s, CAPSETTYPE_SURFACE_COMMANDS_LEN); out_uint32_le(s, (SURFCMDS_SETSURFACEBITS | SURFCMDS_FRAMEMARKER | SURFCMDS_STREAMSUFRACEBITS)); /* cmdFlags */ out_uint32_le(s, 0); /* reserved */ } out_uint8s(s, 4); /* pad */ s_mark_end(s); caps_size = (int)(s->end - caps_ptr); caps_size_ptr[0] = caps_size; caps_size_ptr[1] = caps_size >> 8; caps_count_ptr[0] = caps_count; caps_count_ptr[1] = caps_count >> 8; caps_count_ptr[2] = caps_count >> 16; caps_count_ptr[3] = caps_count >> 24; if (xrdp_rdp_send(self, s, PDUTYPE_DEMANDACTIVEPDU) != 0) { free_stream(s); return 1; } DEBUG(("out (1) xrdp_caps_send_demand_active")); /* send Monitor Layout PDU for dual monitor */ if (self->client_info.monitorCount > 0 && self->client_info.multimon == 1) { DEBUG(("xrdp_caps_send_demand_active: sending monitor layout pdu")); if (xrdp_caps_send_monitorlayout(self) != 0) { g_writeln("xrdp_caps_send_demand_active: error sending monitor layout pdu"); } } free_stream(s); return 0; }
void* scp_process_start(void *sck) { struct SCP_CONNECTION scon; struct SCP_SESSION *sdata; /* making a local copy of the socket (it's on the stack) */ /* probably this is just paranoia */ scon.in_sck = g_thread_sck; LOG_DBG("started scp thread on socket %d", scon.in_sck); /* unlocking g_thread_sck */ lock_socket_release(); make_stream(scon.in_s); make_stream(scon.out_s); init_stream(scon.in_s, 8192); init_stream(scon.out_s, 8192); switch (scp_vXs_accept(&scon, &(sdata))) { case SCP_SERVER_STATE_OK: if (sdata->version == 0) { /* starts processing an scp v0 connection */ LOG_DBG("accept ok, go on with scp v0\n", 0); scp_v0_process(&scon, sdata); } else { LOG_DBG("accept ok, go on with scp v1\n", 0); /*LOG_DBG("user: %s\npass: %s",sdata->username, sdata->password);*/ scp_v1_process(&scon, sdata); } break; case SCP_SERVER_STATE_START_MANAGE: /* starting a management session */ log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "starting a sesman management session..."); scp_v1_mng_process(&scon, sdata); break; case SCP_SERVER_STATE_VERSION_ERR: /* an unknown scp version was requested, so we shut down the */ /* connection (and log the fact) */ log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "unknown protocol version specified. connection refused."); break; case SCP_SERVER_STATE_NETWORK_ERR: log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "libscp network error."); break; case SCP_SERVER_STATE_SEQUENCE_ERR: log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "libscp sequence error."); break; case SCP_SERVER_STATE_INTERNAL_ERR: /* internal error occurred (eg. malloc() error, ecc.) */ log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "libscp internal error occurred."); break; default: log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ALWAYS, "unknown return from scp_vXs_accept()"); } g_tcp_close(scon.in_sck); free_stream(scon.in_s); free_stream(scon.out_s); return 0; }
static int createFrameFile(struct frameset *f, FILE * f1, Buffer *current, int level, int force_reload) { int r, c, t_stack; URLFile f2; #ifdef USE_M17N wc_ces charset, doc_charset; #endif char *d_target, *p_target, *s_target, *t_target; ParsedURL *currentURL, base; MySignalHandler(*volatile prevtrap) (SIGNAL_ARG) = NULL; int flag; if (f == NULL) return -1; if (level == 0) { if (SETJMP(AbortLoading) != 0) { TRAP_OFF; return -1; } TRAP_ON; f->name = "_top"; } if (level > 7) { fputs("Too many frameset tasked.\n", f1); return -1; } if (level == 0) { fprintf(f1, "<html><head><title>%s</title></head><body>\n", html_quote(current->buffername)); fputs("<table hborder width=\"100%\">\n", f1); } else fputs("<table hborder>\n", f1); currentURL = f->currentURL ? f->currentURL : ¤t->currentURL; for (r = 0; r < f->row; r++) { fputs("<tr valign=top>\n", f1); for (c = 0; c < f->col; c++) { union frameset_element frame; struct frameset *f_frameset; int i = c + r * f->col; char *p = ""; int status = R_ST_NORMAL; Str tok = Strnew(); int pre_mode = 0; int end_tag = 0; frame = f->frame[i]; if (frame.element == NULL) { fputs("<td>\n</td>\n", f1); continue; } fputs("<td", f1); if (frame.element->name) fprintf(f1, " id=\"_%s\"", html_quote(frame.element->name)); if (!r) fprintf(f1, " width=\"%s\"", f->width[c]); fputs(">\n", f1); flag = 0; if (force_reload) { flag |= RG_NOCACHE; if (frame.element->attr == F_BODY) unloadFrame(frame.body); } switch (frame.element->attr) { default: /* FIXME: gettextize? */ fprintf(f1, "Frameset \"%s\" frame %d: type unrecognized", html_quote(f->name), i + 1); break; case F_UNLOADED: if (!frame.body->name && f->name) { frame.body->name = Sprintf("%s_%d", f->name, i)->ptr; } fflush(f1); f_frameset = frame_download_source(frame.body, currentURL, current->baseURL, flag); if (f_frameset) { deleteFrame(frame.body); f->frame[i].set = frame.set = f_frameset; goto render_frameset; } /* fall through */ case F_BODY: init_stream(&f2, SCM_LOCAL, NULL); if (frame.body->source) { fflush(f1); examineFile(frame.body->source, &f2); } if (f2.stream == NULL) { frame.body->attr = F_UNLOADED; if (frame.body->flags & FB_NO_BUFFER) /* FIXME: gettextize? */ fprintf(f1, "Open %s with other method", html_quote(frame.body->url)); else if (frame.body->url) /* FIXME: gettextize? */ fprintf(f1, "Can't open %s", html_quote(frame.body->url)); else /* FIXME: gettextize? */ fprintf(f1, "This frame (%s) contains no src attribute", frame.body->name ? html_quote(frame.body->name) : "(no name)"); break; } parseURL2(frame.body->url, &base, currentURL); p_target = f->name; s_target = frame.body->name; t_target = "_blank"; d_target = TargetSelf ? s_target : t_target; #ifdef USE_M17N charset = WC_CES_US_ASCII; if (current->document_charset != WC_CES_US_ASCII) doc_charset = current->document_charset; else doc_charset = DocumentCharset; #endif t_stack = 0; if (frame.body->type && !strcasecmp(frame.body->type, "text/plain")) { Str tmp; fprintf(f1, "<pre>\n"); while ((tmp = StrmyUFgets(&f2))->length) { tmp = convertLine(NULL, tmp, HTML_MODE, &charset, doc_charset); fprintf(f1, "%s", html_quote(tmp->ptr)); } fprintf(f1, "</pre>\n"); UFclose(&f2); break; } do { int is_tag = FALSE; char *q; struct parsed_tag *tag; do { if (*p == '\0') { Str tmp = StrmyUFgets(&f2); if (tmp->length == 0) break; tmp = convertLine(NULL, tmp, HTML_MODE, &charset, doc_charset); p = tmp->ptr; } read_token(tok, &p, &status, 1, status != R_ST_NORMAL); } while (status != R_ST_NORMAL); if (tok->length == 0) continue; if (tok->ptr[0] == '<') { if (tok->ptr[1] && REALLY_THE_BEGINNING_OF_A_TAG(tok->ptr)) is_tag = TRUE; else if (!(pre_mode & (RB_PLAIN | RB_INTXTA | RB_SCRIPT | RB_STYLE))) { p = Strnew_m_charp(tok->ptr + 1, p, NULL)->ptr; tok = Strnew_charp("<"); } } if (is_tag) { if (pre_mode & (RB_PLAIN | RB_INTXTA | RB_SCRIPT | RB_STYLE)) { q = tok->ptr; if ((tag = parse_tag(&q, FALSE)) && tag->tagid == end_tag) { if (pre_mode & RB_PLAIN) { fputs("</PRE_PLAIN>", f1); pre_mode = 0; end_tag = 0; goto token_end; } pre_mode = 0; end_tag = 0; goto proc_normal; } if (strncmp(tok->ptr, "<!--", 4) && (q = strchr(tok->ptr + 1, '<'))) { tok = Strnew_charp_n(tok->ptr, q - tok->ptr); p = Strnew_m_charp(q, p, NULL)->ptr; status = R_ST_NORMAL; } is_tag = FALSE; } else if (pre_mode & RB_INSELECT) { q = tok->ptr; if ((tag = parse_tag(&q, FALSE))) { if ((tag->tagid == end_tag) || (tag->tagid == HTML_N_FORM)) { if (tag->tagid == HTML_N_FORM) fputs("</SELECT>", f1); pre_mode = 0; end_tag = 0; goto proc_normal; } if (t_stack) { switch (tag->tagid) { case HTML_TABLE: case HTML_N_TABLE: CASE_TABLE_TAG: fputs("</SELECT>", f1); pre_mode = 0; end_tag = 0; goto proc_normal; } } } } } proc_normal: if (is_tag) { char *q = tok->ptr; int j, a_target = 0; ParsedURL url; if (!(tag = parse_tag(&q, FALSE))) goto token_end; switch (tag->tagid) { case HTML_TITLE: fputs("<!-- title:", f1); goto token_end; case HTML_N_TITLE: fputs("-->", f1); goto token_end; case HTML_BASE: /* "BASE" is prohibit tag */ if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_HREF, &q)) { q = url_encode(remove_space(q), NULL, charset); parseURL(q, &base, NULL); } if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_TARGET, &q)) { if (!strcasecmp(q, "_self")) d_target = s_target; else if (!strcasecmp(q, "_parent")) d_target = p_target; else d_target = url_quote_conv(q, charset); } Strshrinkfirst(tok, 1); Strshrink(tok, 1); fprintf(f1, "<!-- %s -->", html_quote(tok->ptr)); goto token_end; case HTML_META: if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_HTTP_EQUIV, &q) && !strcasecmp(q, "refresh")) { if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_CONTENT, &q) ) { Str s_tmp = NULL; int refresh_interval = getMetaRefreshParam(q, &s_tmp); if (s_tmp) { q = html_quote(s_tmp->ptr); fprintf(f1, "Refresh (%d sec) <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>\n", refresh_interval, q, q); } } } #ifdef USE_M17N if (UseContentCharset && parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_HTTP_EQUIV, &q) && !strcasecmp(q, "Content-Type") && parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_CONTENT, &q) && (q = strcasestr(q, "charset")) != NULL) { q += 7; SKIP_BLANKS(q); if (*q == '=') { wc_ces c; q++; SKIP_BLANKS(q); if ((c = wc_guess_charset(q, 0)) != 0) { doc_charset = c; charset = WC_CES_US_ASCII; } } } #endif /* fall thru, "META" is prohibit tag */ case HTML_HEAD: case HTML_N_HEAD: case HTML_BODY: case HTML_N_BODY: case HTML_DOCTYPE: /* prohibit_tags */ Strshrinkfirst(tok, 1); Strshrink(tok, 1); fprintf(f1, "<!-- %s -->", html_quote(tok->ptr)); goto token_end; case HTML_TABLE: t_stack++; break; case HTML_N_TABLE: t_stack--; if (t_stack < 0) { t_stack = 0; Strshrinkfirst(tok, 1); Strshrink(tok, 1); fprintf(f1, "<!-- table stack underflow: %s -->", html_quote(tok->ptr)); goto token_end; } break; CASE_TABLE_TAG: /* table_tags MUST be in table stack */ if (!t_stack) { Strshrinkfirst(tok, 1); Strshrink(tok, 1); fprintf(f1, "<!-- %s -->", html_quote(tok->ptr)); goto token_end; } break; case HTML_SELECT: pre_mode = RB_INSELECT; end_tag = HTML_N_SELECT; break; case HTML_TEXTAREA: pre_mode = RB_INTXTA; end_tag = HTML_N_TEXTAREA; break; case HTML_SCRIPT: pre_mode = RB_SCRIPT; end_tag = HTML_N_SCRIPT; break; case HTML_STYLE: pre_mode = RB_STYLE; end_tag = HTML_N_STYLE; break; case HTML_LISTING: pre_mode = RB_PLAIN; end_tag = HTML_N_LISTING; fputs("<PRE_PLAIN>", f1); goto token_end; case HTML_XMP: pre_mode = RB_PLAIN; end_tag = HTML_N_XMP; fputs("<PRE_PLAIN>", f1); goto token_end; case HTML_PLAINTEXT: pre_mode = RB_PLAIN; end_tag = MAX_HTMLTAG; fputs("<PRE_PLAIN>", f1); goto token_end; default: break; } for (j = 0; j < TagMAP[tag->tagid].max_attribute; j++) { switch (tag->attrid[j]) { case ATTR_SRC: case ATTR_HREF: case ATTR_ACTION: if (!tag->value[j]) break; tag->value[j] = url_encode(remove_space(tag->value[j]), &base, charset); tag->need_reconstruct = TRUE; parseURL2(tag->value[j], &url, &base); if (url.scheme == SCM_UNKNOWN || #ifndef USE_W3MMAILER url.scheme == SCM_MAILTO || #endif url.scheme == SCM_MISSING) break; a_target |= 1; tag->value[j] = parsedURL2Str(&url)->ptr; parsedtag_set_value(tag, ATTR_REFERER, parsedURL2Str(&base)->ptr); #ifdef USE_M17N if (tag->attrid[j] == ATTR_ACTION && charset != WC_CES_US_ASCII) parsedtag_set_value(tag, ATTR_CHARSET, wc_ces_to_charset (charset)); #endif break; case ATTR_TARGET: if (!tag->value[j]) break; a_target |= 2; if (!strcasecmp(tag->value[j], "_self")) { parsedtag_set_value(tag, ATTR_TARGET, s_target); } else if (!strcasecmp(tag->value[j], "_parent")) { parsedtag_set_value(tag, ATTR_TARGET, p_target); } break; case ATTR_NAME: case ATTR_ID: if (!tag->value[j]) break; parsedtag_set_value(tag, ATTR_FRAMENAME, s_target); break; } } if (a_target == 1) { /* there is HREF attribute and no TARGET * attribute */ parsedtag_set_value(tag, ATTR_TARGET, d_target); } if (parsedtag_need_reconstruct(tag)) tok = parsedtag2str(tag); Strfputs(tok, f1); } else { if (pre_mode & RB_PLAIN) fprintf(f1, "%s", html_quote(tok->ptr)); else if (pre_mode & RB_INTXTA) fprintf(f1, "%s", html_quote(html_unquote(tok->ptr))); else Strfputs(tok, f1); } token_end: Strclear(tok); } while (*p != '\0' || !iseos(f2.stream)); if (pre_mode & RB_PLAIN) fputs("</PRE_PLAIN>\n", f1); else if (pre_mode & RB_INTXTA) fputs("</TEXTAREA></FORM>\n", f1); else if (pre_mode & RB_INSELECT) fputs("</SELECT></FORM>\n", f1); else if (pre_mode & (RB_SCRIPT | RB_STYLE)) { if (status != R_ST_NORMAL) fputs(correct_irrtag(status)->ptr, f1); if (pre_mode & RB_SCRIPT) fputs("</SCRIPT>\n", f1); else if (pre_mode & RB_STYLE) fputs("</STYLE>\n", f1); } while (t_stack--) fputs("</TABLE>\n", f1); UFclose(&f2); break; case F_FRAMESET: render_frameset: if (!frame.set->name && f->name) { frame.set->name = Sprintf("%s_%d", f->name, i)->ptr; } createFrameFile(frame.set, f1, current, level + 1, force_reload); break; } fputs("</td>\n", f1); } fputs("</tr>\n", f1); } fputs("</table>\n", f1); if (level == 0) { fputs("</body></html>\n", f1); TRAP_OFF; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, void* argv[]){ int i=0,res=0,x,y; char str_path[100]={0}; SDL_Rect rect; SDL_AudioSpec wanted_spec, spec; SDL_Event event; /*打开文件*/ strcpy(str_path,argv[1]); res = init_stream(str_path); if(res <0 ){ fprintf(stderr, "open file fail code[%d]", res); return 0; } LOGE("open file ok!!"); /*初始化视频*/ if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_AUDIO | SDL_INIT_TIMER)) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not initialize SDL - %s", SDL_GetError()); exit(1); } LOGE("init video ok!!"); Screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(VideoWidth,VideoHeight, BITS_PER_PIXEL, SDL_HWSURFACE); if(!Screen) { fprintf(stderr, "SDL: could not set video mode - exiting"); exit(1); } LOGE("Screen ok BitsPerPixel[%d], BytesPerPixel[%d], pitch[%d] x[%d]y[%d]w[%d]h[%d]!!! ", Screen->format->BitsPerPixel, Screen->format->BytesPerPixel, Screen->pitch, Screen->clip_rect.x, Screen->clip_rect.y, Screen->clip_rect.w, Screen->clip_rect.h); LOGE("video is ready !!\n"); /*初始化音频,音频需要流的信息*/ wanted_spec.freq = ff_play_getaudio_samplerate(); wanted_spec.format = AUDIO_S16LSB; wanted_spec.channels = ff_play_getaudio_channels(); wanted_spec.silence = 0; wanted_spec.samples = SDL_AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE; wanted_spec.callback = my_play_sdl_audio_callback2; wanted_spec.userdata = NULL; LOGE("samplerate[%d],channle[%d]", wanted_spec.freq,wanted_spec.channels); if (SDL_OpenAudio(&wanted_spec, &spec) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "SDL_OpenAudio: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return -1; } LOGE("ready to play!!"); /*let's play*/ SDL_PauseAudio(0); res = pthread_create(&Task_Video, NULL, my_play_video_thread, NULL); while(1){ SDL_PollEvent(&event); switch(event.type) { case SDL_QUIT: Isrun_Video = STOP; while(Isrun_Video != EXIT); SDL_CloseAudio(); ff_play_FreeAll(); SDL_Quit(); return 0; case SDL_KEYDOWN: switch (event.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_RIGHT: ff_play_jump(1); // LOGE("SDLK_RIGHT DOWN!!!!!"); break; case SDLK_LEFT: ff_play_jump(-1); // LOGE("SDLK_LEFT DOWN!!!!!"); break; case SDLK_UP: // LOGE("SDLK_UP DOWN!!!!!"); break; case SDLK_DOWN: // LOGE("SDLK_DOWN DOWN!!!!!"); break; case SDLK_SPACE: my_play_pause(); }break; default: break; } } return 0; }
/* returns error */ int APP_CC xrdp_tcp_init(struct xrdp_tcp* self, struct stream* s) { init_stream(s, 8192); return 0; }
/* response to client asking for clipboard contents that is file list */ int clipboard_send_data_response_for_file(char *data, int data_size) { struct stream *s; int size; int rv; int bytes_after_header; int cItems; int flags; int index; tui32 ui32; char fn[256]; struct cb_file_info *cfi; LLOGLN(10, ("clipboard_send_data_response_for_file: data_size %d", data_size)); //g_hexdump(data, data_size); if (g_files_list == 0) { g_files_list = list_create(); g_files_list->auto_free = 1; } list_clear(g_files_list); clipboard_get_files(data, data_size); cItems = g_files_list->count; bytes_after_header = cItems * 592 + 4; make_stream(s); init_stream(s, 64 + bytes_after_header); out_uint16_le(s, CB_FORMAT_DATA_RESPONSE); /* 5 CLIPRDR_DATA_RESPONSE */ out_uint16_le(s, CB_RESPONSE_OK); /* 1 status */ out_uint32_le(s, bytes_after_header); out_uint32_le(s, cItems); for (index = 0; index < cItems; index++) { cfi = (struct cb_file_info *)list_get_item(g_files_list, index); flags = CB_FD_ATTRIBUTES | CB_FD_FILESIZE | CB_FD_WRITESTIME | CB_FD_PROGRESSUI; out_uint32_le(s, flags); out_uint8s(s, 32); /* reserved1 */ flags = cfi->flags; out_uint32_le(s, flags); out_uint8s(s, 16); /* reserved2 */ /* file time */ /* 100-nanoseconds intervals since 1 January 1601 */ //out_uint32_le(s, 0x2c305d08); /* 25 October 2009, 21:17 */ //out_uint32_le(s, 0x01ca55f3); ui32 = cfi->time & 0xffffffff; out_uint32_le(s, ui32); ui32 = cfi->time >> 32; out_uint32_le(s, ui32); /* file size */ out_uint32_le(s, 0); out_uint32_le(s, cfi->size); g_snprintf(fn, 255, "%s", cfi->filename); clipboard_out_unicode(s, fn, 256); out_uint8s(s, 8); /* pad */ } out_uint32_le(s, 0); s_mark_end(s); size = (int)(s->end - s->data); rv = send_channel_data(g_cliprdr_chan_id, s->data, size); free_stream(s); return rv; }
/* * called when WTSVirtualChannelWrite() is invoked in xrdpapi.c * ******************************************************************************/ int DEFAULT_CC my_api_trans_data_in(struct trans *trans) { struct stream *s; int bytes_read; int i32; struct xrdp_api_data *ad; //g_writeln("my_api_trans_data_in:"); LOG(10, ("my_api_trans_data_in:")); if (trans == 0) { return 0; } if (trans != g_api_con_trans) { return 1; } LOGM((LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "my_api_trans_data_in:")); s = trans_get_in_s(trans); bytes_read = g_tcp_recv(trans->sck, s->data, 16, 0); if (bytes_read == 16) { if (g_memcmp(s->data, g_xrdpapi_magic, 12) == 0) { in_uint8s(s, 12); in_uint32_le(s, bytes_read); init_stream(s, bytes_read); trans_force_read(trans, bytes_read); } else if (g_tcp_select(trans->sck, 0) & 1) { i32 = bytes_read; bytes_read = g_tcp_recv(trans->sck, s->data + bytes_read, 8192 * 4 - bytes_read, 0); if (bytes_read > 0) { bytes_read += i32; } } } //g_writeln("bytes_read %d", bytes_read); if (bytes_read > 0) { LOG(10, ("my_api_trans_data_in: got data %d", bytes_read)); ad = (struct xrdp_api_data *) trans->callback_data; if (ad->dvc_chan_id < 0) { /* writing data to a static virtual channel */ if (send_channel_data(ad->chan_id, s->data, bytes_read) != 0) { LOG(0, ("my_api_trans_data_in: send_channel_data failed")); } } else { /* writing data to a dynamic virtual channel */ drdynvc_write_data(ad->dvc_chan_id, s->data, bytes_read); } } else { ad = (struct xrdp_api_data *) (trans->callback_data); if ((ad != NULL) && (ad->dvc_chan_id > 0)) { /* WTSVirtualChannelClose() was invoked, or connection dropped */ LOG(10, ("my_api_trans_data_in: g_tcp_recv failed or disconnected for DVC")); ad->transp = NULL; ad->is_connected = 0; remove_struct_with_chan_id(ad->dvc_chan_id); } else { LOG(10, ("my_api_trans_data_in: g_tcp_recv failed or disconnected for SVC")); } return 1; } return 0; }
void cliprdr_process_message(struct stream* packet, int length, int total_length) { log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vchannel_cliprdr[process_message]: " "New message for clipchannel"); int msg_type; int msg_flags; int msg_size; struct stream* s; if(length != total_length) { log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_PLUS, "vchannel_cliprdr[cliprdr_process_message]: " "Packet is fragmented"); if(is_fragmented_packet == 0) { log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_PLUS, "vchannel_cliprdr[cliprdr_process_message]: " "Packet is fragmented : first part"); is_fragmented_packet = 1; fragment_size = length; make_stream(splitted_packet); init_stream(splitted_packet, total_length); g_memcpy(splitted_packet->p, packet->p, length); return; } else { g_memcpy(splitted_packet->p+fragment_size, packet->p, length); fragment_size += length; if (fragment_size == total_length) { log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vchannel_cliprdr[cliprdr_process_message]: " "Packet is fragmented : last part"); s = splitted_packet; } else { log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vchannel_cliprdr[cliprdr_process_message]: " "Packet is fragmented : next part"); return; } } } else { s = packet; } in_uint16_le(s, msg_type); log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vchannel_cliprdr[process_message]: " "Message type : %04x", msg_type); in_uint16_le(s, msg_flags); log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vchannel_cliprdr[process_message]: " "Message flags : %04x", msg_flags); in_uint32_le(s, msg_size); log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vchannel_cliprdr[process_message]: " "Message size : %i", msg_size); switch (msg_type) { case CB_FORMAT_LIST : log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vchannel_cliprdr[process_message]: " "Client format list announce"); cliprdr_process_format_list(s, msg_flags, msg_size); //cliprdr_send_format_list(); break; case CB_FORMAT_DATA_RESPONSE : log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vchannel_cliprdr[process_message]: " "Client data request response"); cliprdr_process_data_request_response(s, msg_flags, msg_size); pthread_cond_signal(&reply_cond); break; case CB_FORMAT_LIST_RESPONSE : log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vchannel_cliprdr[process_message]: " "Client format list response"); break; case CB_FORMAT_DATA_REQUEST : log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vchannel_cliprdr[process_message]: " "Client data request"); cliprdr_process_data_request(s, msg_flags, msg_size); break; default: log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vchannel_cliprdr[process_message]: " "Unknow message type : %i", msg_type); } if(is_fragmented_packet == 1) { is_fragmented_packet = 0; fragment_size = 0; free_stream(s); } }
/* return error */ static int APP_CC l_file_read_section(int fd, int max_file_size, const char* section, struct list* names, struct list* values) { struct stream* s; char text[512]; char name[512]; char value[512]; char c; int in_it; int in_it_index; int len; int index; int file_size; file_size = 32 * 1024; /* 32 K file size limit */ g_file_seek(fd, 0); in_it_index = 0; in_it = 0; g_memset(text, 0, 512); list_clear(names); list_clear(values); make_stream(s); init_stream(s, file_size); len = g_file_read(fd, s->data, file_size); if (len > 0) { s->end = s->p + len; for (index = 0; index < len; index++) { in_uint8(s, c); if (c == '[') { in_it = 1; } else if (c == ']') { if (g_strcasecmp(section, text) == 0) { file_read_line(s, text); while (file_read_line(s, text) == 0) { if (g_strlen(text) > 0) { file_split_name_value(text, name, value); list_add_item(names, (tbus)g_strdup(name)); list_add_item(values, (tbus)g_strdup(value)); } } free_stream(s); return 0; } in_it = 0; in_it_index = 0; g_memset(text, 0, 512); } else if (in_it) { text[in_it_index] = c; in_it_index++; } } } free_stream(s); return 1; }
int DEFAULT_CC main(int argc, char** argv) { int sck; int code; int i; int size; int version; int width; int height; int bpp; int keylayout; int display; struct stream* in_s; struct stream* out_s; char* username; char* password; char* exec; long data; if (0 != config_read(&g_cfg)) { g_printf("sesrun: error reading config. quitting.\n"); return 1; } g_pid = g_getpid(); if (argc == 1) { g_printf("xrdp session starter v0.2\n"); g_printf("\nusage:\n"); g_printf("sesrun <server> <username> <password> <exec> <width> <height> <bpp> <keylayout>\n"); } else if (argc == 9) { username = argv[2]; password = argv[3]; exec = argv[4]; width = g_atoi(argv[5]); height = g_atoi(argv[6]); bpp = g_atoi(argv[7]); keylayout = g_atoi(argv[8]); make_stream(in_s); init_stream(in_s, 8192); make_stream(out_s); init_stream(out_s, 8192); sck = g_tcp_socket(); if (g_tcp_connect(sck, argv[1], "3350") == 0) { s_push_layer(out_s, channel_hdr, 8); out_uint16_be(out_s, 20); /* code */ i = g_strlen(username); out_uint16_be(out_s, i); out_uint8a(out_s, username, i); i = g_strlen(password); out_uint16_be(out_s, i); out_uint8a(out_s, password, i); i = g_strlen(exec); out_uint16_be(out_s, i); out_uint8a(out_s, exec, i); out_uint16_be(out_s, width); out_uint16_be(out_s, height); out_uint16_be(out_s, bpp); out_uint16_be(out_s, keylayout); s_mark_end(out_s); s_pop_layer(out_s, channel_hdr); out_uint32_be(out_s, 0); /* version */ out_uint32_be(out_s, out_s->end - out_s->data); /* size */ tcp_force_send(sck, out_s->data, out_s->end - out_s->data); if (tcp_force_recv(sck, in_s->data, 8) == 0) { in_uint32_be(in_s, version); in_uint32_be(in_s, size); init_stream(in_s, 8192); if (tcp_force_recv(sck, in_s->data, size - 8) == 0) { if (version == 0) { in_uint16_be(in_s, code); if (code == 3) { in_uint16_be(in_s, data); in_uint16_be(in_s, display); g_printf("ok %d display %d\n", data, display); } } } } } else { g_printf("connect error\n"); } g_tcp_close(sck); free_stream(in_s); free_stream(out_s); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int c; const char *optstring = "vhanof:?"; int linenumbers = 0; bool add_vfcodes = FALSE; char *vfc_filnam = NULL; while (1) { #ifdef __GLIBC__ int option_index = 0; static struct option long_options[] = { {"verbose", 0, 0, 'v'}, {"help", 0, 0, 'h'}, {"all", 0, 0, 'a'}, {"linenumbers", 0, 0, 'n'}, {"offsets", 0, 0, 'o'}, {"fcodes", 1, 0, 'f'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, optstring, long_options, &option_index); #else c = getopt(argc, argv, optstring); #endif if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 'v': verbose = TRUE; break; case 'a': decode_all = TRUE; break; case 'n': linenumbers |= 1; show_linenumbers = TRUE; break; case 'o': linenumbers |= 2; show_linenumbers = TRUE; show_offsets = TRUE; break; case 'f': add_vfcodes = TRUE; vfc_filnam = optarg; break; case 'h': case '?': print_copyright(TRUE); usage(argv[0]); return 0; default: print_copyright(TRUE); printf("%s: unknown option.\n", argv[0]); usage(argv[0]); return 1; } } if (verbose) print_copyright(FALSE); if (linenumbers > 2) printremark ("Line numbers will be disabled in favour of offsets.\n"); if (optind >= argc) { print_copyright(TRUE); printf("%s: filename missing.\n", argv[0]); usage(argv[0]); return 1; } init_dictionary(); if (add_vfcodes) { if (add_fcodes_from_list(vfc_filnam)) { freeze_dictionary(); } } while (optind < argc) { if (init_stream(argv[optind])) { printf("Could not open file \"%s\".\n", argv[optind]); optind++; continue; } detokenize(); close_stream(); optind++; reset_dictionary(); } printf("\n"); return 0; }
int main(void) { printf("01\t--------------------------------------------\n"); printf("02\t1 successor, 2 non threaded consumers\n"); printf("03\tConsumer 2 disconnects, consumer 1 continues\n"); printf("04\tgetting token, consumer 2 reconnects\n"); printf("03\t--------------------------------------------\n"); int con_delay = 0; int suc_delay = 0; pthread_t s1; stream_t suc1; stream_t cons1; stream_t cons2; init_stream(&suc1, &suc_delay); init_stream(&cons1, NULL); init_stream(&cons2, NULL); stream_connect(&cons1, &suc1); stream_connect(&cons2, &suc1); pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE); pthread_create(&s1, &attr, suc, (void*)&suc1); printf("Both consumers connected\n"); sleep(con_delay); printf("Consumer 1 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons1)); //print_buffers(&cons1); sleep(con_delay); printf("Consumer 1 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons1)); //print_buffers(&cons1); sleep(con_delay); printf("Consumer 1 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons1)); //print_buffers(&cons1); sleep(con_delay); printf("Consumer 2 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons2)); //print_buffers(&cons2); sleep(con_delay); printf("Consumer 2 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons2)); //print_buffers(&cons2); sleep(con_delay); printf("Consumer 2 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons2)); //print_buffers(&cons2); printf("Disconnecting consumer 2\n"); sleep(con_delay); stream_disconnect(&cons2, &suc1); sleep(con_delay); printf(" Consumer 1 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons1)); //print_buffers(&cons1); sleep(con_delay); printf(" Consumer 1 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons1)); //print_buffers(&cons1); sleep(con_delay); printf(" Consumer 1 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons1)); //print_buffers(&cons1); sleep(con_delay); printf(" Consumer 1 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons1)); //print_buffers(&cons1); sleep(con_delay); printf(" Consumer 1 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons1)); //print_buffers(&cons1); sleep(con_delay); printf(" Consumer 1 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons1)); //print_buffers(&cons1); sleep(con_delay); printf(" Consumer 1 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons1)); //print_buffers(&cons1); sleep(con_delay); printf(" Consumer 1 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons1)); //print_buffers(&cons1); printf("Reconnecting consumer 2\n"); sleep(con_delay); stream_connect(&cons2, &suc1); sleep(con_delay); printf("Consumer 2 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons2)); //print_buffers(&cons2); sleep(con_delay); printf("Consumer 2 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons2)); //print_buffers(&cons2); sleep(con_delay); printf("Consumer 2 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons2)); //print_buffers(&cons2); sleep(con_delay); printf("Consumer 1 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons1)); //print_buffers(&cons1); sleep(con_delay); printf("Consumer 1 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons1)); //print_buffers(&cons1); sleep(con_delay); printf("Consumer 1 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons1)); //print_buffers(&cons1); sleep(con_delay); printf("Consumer 1 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons1)); //print_buffers(&cons1); sleep(con_delay); printf("Consumer 1 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons1)); //print_buffers(&cons1); printf("Disconnecting consumer 1\n"); sleep(con_delay); stream_disconnect(&cons1, &suc1); sleep(con_delay); printf("Consumer 2 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons2)); //print_buffers(&cons2); sleep(con_delay); printf("Consumer 2 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons2)); //print_buffers(&cons2); sleep(con_delay); printf("Consumer 2 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons2)); //print_buffers(&cons2); printf("Reconnecting consumer 1\n"); sleep(con_delay); stream_connect(&cons1, &suc1); sleep(con_delay); printf("Consumer 1 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons1)); //print_buffers(&cons1); sleep(con_delay); printf("Consumer 1 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons1)); //print_buffers(&cons1); sleep(con_delay); printf("Consumer 1 got: %d\n", *(int*)consume_single((void*)&cons1)); //print_buffers(&cons1); sleep(con_delay); printf("done\n"); pthread_cancel(s1); kill_stream(&suc1); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int type; void *data = g_malloc0 (MAX_ENTRY_SIZE); int num_args = argc - 1; int num_nums = 0; int num_vtables = 0; int i; long nums [num_args]; long vtables [num_args]; gboolean dump_all = FALSE; gboolean pause_times = FALSE; gboolean pause_times_stopped = FALSE; gboolean pause_times_concurrent = FALSE; gboolean pause_times_finish = FALSE; gboolean color_output = FALSE; long long pause_times_ts = 0; const char *input_path = NULL; int input_file; EntryStream stream; unsigned long long entry_index; unsigned long long first_entry_to_consider = 0; for (i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) { char *arg = argv [i + 1]; char *next_arg = argv [i + 2]; if (!strcmp (arg, "--all")) { dump_all = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp (arg, "--pause-times")) { pause_times = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp (arg, "-v") || !strcmp (arg, "--vtable")) { vtables [num_vtables++] = strtoul (next_arg, NULL, 16); ++i; } else if (!strcmp (arg, "-s") || !strcmp (arg, "--start-at")) { first_entry_to_consider = strtoull (next_arg, NULL, 10); ++i; } else if (!strcmp (arg, "-c") || !strcmp (arg, "--color")) { color_output = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp (arg, "-i") || !strcmp (arg, "--input")) { input_path = next_arg; ++i; } else if (!strcmp (arg, "--help")) { printf ( "\n" "Usage:\n" "\n" "\tsgen-grep-binprot [options] [pointer...]\n" "\n" "Examples:\n" "\n" "\tsgen-grep-binprot --all </tmp/binprot\n" "\tsgen-grep-binprot --input /tmp/binprot --color 0xdeadbeef\n" "\n" "Options:\n" "\n" "\t--all Print all entries.\n" "\t--color, -c Highlight matches in color.\n" "\t--help You're looking at it.\n" "\t--input FILE, -i FILE Read input from FILE instead of standard input.\n" "\t--pause-times Print GC pause times.\n" "\t--start-at N, -s N Begin filtering at the Nth entry.\n" "\t--vtable PTR, -v PTR Search for vtable pointer PTR.\n" "\n"); return 0; } else { nums [num_nums++] = strtoul (arg, NULL, 16); } } if (dump_all) assert (!pause_times); if (pause_times) assert (!dump_all); input_file = input_path ? open (input_path, O_RDONLY) : STDIN_FILENO; init_stream (&stream, input_file); entry_index = 0; while ((type = read_entry (&stream, data)) != SGEN_PROTOCOL_EOF) { if (entry_index < first_entry_to_consider) goto next_entry; if (pause_times) { switch (type) { case PROTOCOL_ID (binary_protocol_world_stopping): { PROTOCOL_STRUCT (binary_protocol_world_stopping) *entry = data; assert (!pause_times_stopped); pause_times_concurrent = FALSE; pause_times_finish = FALSE; pause_times_ts = entry->timestamp; pause_times_stopped = TRUE; break; } case PROTOCOL_ID (binary_protocol_concurrent_finish): pause_times_finish = TRUE; case PROTOCOL_ID (binary_protocol_concurrent_start): case PROTOCOL_ID (binary_protocol_concurrent_update): pause_times_concurrent = TRUE; break; case PROTOCOL_ID (binary_protocol_world_restarted): { PROTOCOL_STRUCT (binary_protocol_world_restarted) *entry = data; assert (pause_times_stopped); printf ("pause-time %d %d %d %lld %lld\n", entry->generation, pause_times_concurrent, pause_times_finish, entry->timestamp - pause_times_ts, pause_times_ts); pause_times_stopped = FALSE; break; } } } else { int match_indices [num_nums + 1]; gboolean match = is_always_match (type); match_indices [num_nums] = num_nums == 0 ? match_index (NULL, type, data) : BINARY_PROTOCOL_NO_MATCH; match = match_indices [num_nums] != BINARY_PROTOCOL_NO_MATCH; for (i = 0; i < num_nums; ++i) { match_indices [i] = match_index ((gpointer) nums [i], type, data); match = match || match_indices [i] != BINARY_PROTOCOL_NO_MATCH; } if (!match) { for (i = 0; i < num_vtables; ++i) { if (is_vtable_match ((gpointer) vtables [i], type, data)) { match = TRUE; break; } } } if (match || dump_all) printf ("%12lld ", entry_index); if (dump_all) printf (match ? "* " : " "); if (match || dump_all) print_entry (type, data, num_nums, match_indices, color_output); } next_entry: ++entry_index; } close_stream (&stream); if (input_path) close (input_file); g_free (data); return 0; }
int EXPORT_CC libxrdp_send_palette(struct xrdp_session *session, int *palette) { int i = 0; int color = 0; struct stream *s = (struct stream *)NULL; if (session->client_info->bpp > 8) { return 0; } DEBUG(("libxrdp_send_palette sending palette")); /* clear orders */ libxrdp_orders_force_send(session); make_stream(s); init_stream(s, 8192); if (session->client_info->use_fast_path & 1) /* fastpath output supported */ { LLOGLN(10, ("libxrdp_send_palette: fastpath")); if (xrdp_rdp_init_fastpath((struct xrdp_rdp *)session->rdp, s) != 0) { free_stream(s); return 1; } } else { LLOGLN(10, ("libxrdp_send_palette: slowpath")); xrdp_rdp_init_data((struct xrdp_rdp *)session->rdp, s); } /* TS_UPDATE_PALETTE_DATA */ out_uint16_le(s, RDP_UPDATE_PALETTE); out_uint16_le(s, 0); out_uint16_le(s, 256); /* # of colors */ out_uint16_le(s, 0); for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { color = palette[i]; out_uint8(s, color >> 16); out_uint8(s, color >> 8); out_uint8(s, color); } s_mark_end(s); if (session->client_info->use_fast_path & 1) /* fastpath output supported */ { if (xrdp_rdp_send_fastpath((struct xrdp_rdp *)session->rdp, s, FASTPATH_UPDATETYPE_PALETTE) != 0) { free_stream(s); return 1; } } else { xrdp_rdp_send_data((struct xrdp_rdp *)session->rdp, s, RDP_DATA_PDU_UPDATE); } free_stream(s); /* send the orders palette too */ libxrdp_orders_init(session); libxrdp_orders_send_palette(session, palette, 0); libxrdp_orders_send(session); return 0; }
int APP_CC xrdp_bitmap_compress(char* in_data, int width, int height, struct stream* s, int bpp, int byte_limit, int start_line, struct stream* temp_s, int e) { char* line; char* last_line; char fom_mask[8192]; /* good for up to 64K bitmap */ int lines_sent; int pixel; int count; int color_count; int last_pixel; int bicolor_count; int bicolor1; int bicolor2; int bicolor_spin; int end; int i; int out_count; int ypixel; int last_ypixel; int fill_count; int mix_count; int mix; int fom_count; int fom_mask_len; int temp; /* used in macros */ init_stream(temp_s, 0); fom_mask_len = 0; last_line = 0; lines_sent = 0; end = width + e; count = 0; color_count = 0; last_pixel = 0; last_ypixel = 0; bicolor_count = 0; bicolor1 = 0; bicolor2 = 0; bicolor_spin = 0; fill_count = 0; mix_count = 0; fom_count = 0; if (bpp == 8) { mix = 0xff; out_count = end; line = in_data + width * start_line; while (start_line >= 0 && out_count < 32768) { i = (s->p - s->data) + count; if (i - color_count >= byte_limit && i - bicolor_count >= byte_limit && i - fill_count >= byte_limit && i - mix_count >= byte_limit && i - fom_count >= byte_limit) { break; } out_count += end; for (i = 0; i < end; i++) { /* read next pixel */ IN_PIXEL8(line, i, 0, width, last_pixel, pixel); IN_PIXEL8(last_line, i, 0, width, last_ypixel, ypixel); if (!TEST_FILL) { if (fill_count > 3 && fill_count >= color_count && fill_count >= bicolor_count && fill_count >= mix_count && fill_count >= fom_count) { count -= fill_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT1(count, s, temp_s); OUT_FILL_COUNT1(fill_count, s); RESET_COUNTS; } fill_count = 0; } if (!TEST_MIX) { if (mix_count > 3 && mix_count >= fill_count && mix_count >= bicolor_count && mix_count >= color_count && mix_count >= fom_count) { count -= mix_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT1(count, s, temp_s); OUT_MIX_COUNT1(mix_count, s); RESET_COUNTS; } mix_count = 0; } if (!TEST_COLOR) { if (color_count > 3 && color_count >= fill_count && color_count >= bicolor_count && color_count >= mix_count && color_count >= fom_count) { count -= color_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT1(count, s, temp_s); OUT_COLOR_COUNT1(color_count, s, last_pixel); RESET_COUNTS; } color_count = 0; } if (!TEST_BICOLOR) { if (bicolor_count > 3 && bicolor_count >= fill_count && bicolor_count >= color_count && bicolor_count >= mix_count && bicolor_count >= fom_count) { if ((bicolor_count % 2) == 0) { count -= bicolor_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT1(count, s, temp_s); OUT_BICOLOR_COUNT1(bicolor_count, s, bicolor1, bicolor2); } else { bicolor_count--; count -= bicolor_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT1(count, s, temp_s); OUT_BICOLOR_COUNT1(bicolor_count, s, bicolor2, bicolor1); } RESET_COUNTS; } bicolor_count = 0; bicolor1 = last_pixel; bicolor2 = pixel; bicolor_spin = 0; } if (!TEST_FOM) { if (fom_count > 3 && fom_count >= fill_count && fom_count >= color_count && fom_count >= mix_count && fom_count >= bicolor_count) { count -= fom_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT1(count, s, temp_s); OUT_FOM_COUNT1(fom_count, s, fom_mask, fom_mask_len); RESET_COUNTS; } fom_count = 0; fom_mask_len = 0; } if (TEST_FILL) { fill_count++; } if (TEST_MIX) { mix_count++; } if (TEST_COLOR) { color_count++; } if (TEST_BICOLOR) { bicolor_spin = !bicolor_spin; bicolor_count++; } if (TEST_FOM) { if ((fom_count % 8) == 0) { fom_mask[fom_mask_len] = 0; fom_mask_len++; } if (pixel == (ypixel ^ mix)) { fom_mask[fom_mask_len - 1] |= (1 << (fom_count % 8)); } fom_count++; } out_uint8(temp_s, pixel); count++; last_pixel = pixel; last_ypixel = ypixel; } /* can't take fix, mix, or fom past first line */ if (last_line == 0) { if (fill_count > 3 && fill_count >= color_count && fill_count >= bicolor_count && fill_count >= mix_count && fill_count >= fom_count) { count -= fill_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT1(count, s, temp_s); OUT_FILL_COUNT1(fill_count, s); RESET_COUNTS; } fill_count = 0; if (mix_count > 3 && mix_count >= fill_count && mix_count >= bicolor_count && mix_count >= color_count && mix_count >= fom_count) { count -= mix_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT1(count, s, temp_s); OUT_MIX_COUNT1(mix_count, s); RESET_COUNTS; } mix_count = 0; if (fom_count > 3 && fom_count >= fill_count && fom_count >= color_count && fom_count >= mix_count && fom_count >= bicolor_count) { count -= fom_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT1(count, s, temp_s); OUT_FOM_COUNT1(fom_count, s, fom_mask, fom_mask_len); RESET_COUNTS; } fom_count = 0; fom_mask_len = 0; } last_line = line; line = line - width; start_line--; lines_sent++; } if (fill_count > 3 && fill_count >= color_count && fill_count >= bicolor_count && fill_count >= mix_count && fill_count >= fom_count) { count -= fill_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT1(count, s, temp_s); OUT_FILL_COUNT1(fill_count, s); } else if (mix_count > 3 && mix_count >= color_count && mix_count >= bicolor_count && mix_count >= fill_count && mix_count >= fom_count) { count -= mix_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT1(count, s, temp_s); OUT_MIX_COUNT1(mix_count, s); } else if (color_count > 3 && color_count >= mix_count && color_count >= bicolor_count && color_count >= fill_count && color_count >= fom_count) { count -= color_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT1(count, s, temp_s); OUT_COLOR_COUNT1(color_count, s, last_pixel); } else if (bicolor_count > 3 && bicolor_count >= mix_count && bicolor_count >= color_count && bicolor_count >= fill_count && bicolor_count >= fom_count) { if ((bicolor_count % 2) == 0) { count -= bicolor_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT1(count, s, temp_s); OUT_BICOLOR_COUNT1(bicolor_count, s, bicolor1, bicolor2); } else { bicolor_count--; count -= bicolor_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT1(count, s, temp_s); OUT_BICOLOR_COUNT1(bicolor_count, s, bicolor2, bicolor1); } count -= bicolor_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT1(count, s, temp_s); OUT_BICOLOR_COUNT1(bicolor_count, s, bicolor1, bicolor2); } else if (fom_count > 3 && fom_count >= mix_count && fom_count >= color_count && fom_count >= fill_count && fom_count >= bicolor_count) { count -= fom_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT1(count, s, temp_s); OUT_FOM_COUNT1(fom_count, s, fom_mask, fom_mask_len); } else { OUT_COPY_COUNT1(count, s, temp_s); } } else if (bpp == 16) { mix = 0xffff; out_count = end * 2; line = in_data + width * start_line * 2; while (start_line >= 0 && out_count < 32768) { i = (s->p - s->data) + count * 2; if (i - (color_count * 2) >= byte_limit && i - (bicolor_count * 2) >= byte_limit && i - (fill_count * 2) >= byte_limit && i - (mix_count * 2) >= byte_limit && i - (fom_count * 2) >= byte_limit) { break; } out_count += end * 2; for (i = 0; i < end; i++) { /* read next pixel */ IN_PIXEL16(line, i, 0, width, last_pixel, pixel); IN_PIXEL16(last_line, i, 0, width, last_ypixel, ypixel); if (!TEST_FILL) { if (fill_count > 3 && fill_count >= color_count && fill_count >= bicolor_count && fill_count >= mix_count && fill_count >= fom_count) { count -= fill_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT2(count, s, temp_s); OUT_FILL_COUNT2(fill_count, s); RESET_COUNTS; } fill_count = 0; } if (!TEST_MIX) { if (mix_count > 3 && mix_count >= fill_count && mix_count >= bicolor_count && mix_count >= color_count && mix_count >= fom_count) { count -= mix_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT2(count, s, temp_s); OUT_MIX_COUNT2(mix_count, s); RESET_COUNTS; } mix_count = 0; } if (!TEST_COLOR) { if (color_count > 3 && color_count >= fill_count && color_count >= bicolor_count && color_count >= mix_count && color_count >= fom_count) { count -= color_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT2(count, s, temp_s); OUT_COLOR_COUNT2(color_count, s, last_pixel); RESET_COUNTS; } color_count = 0; } if (!TEST_BICOLOR) { if (bicolor_count > 3 && bicolor_count >= fill_count && bicolor_count >= color_count && bicolor_count >= mix_count && bicolor_count >= fom_count) { if ((bicolor_count % 2) == 0) { count -= bicolor_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT2(count, s, temp_s); OUT_BICOLOR_COUNT2(bicolor_count, s, bicolor1, bicolor2); } else { bicolor_count--; count -= bicolor_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT2(count, s, temp_s); OUT_BICOLOR_COUNT2(bicolor_count, s, bicolor2, bicolor1); } RESET_COUNTS; } bicolor_count = 0; bicolor1 = last_pixel; bicolor2 = pixel; bicolor_spin = 0; } if (!TEST_FOM) { if (fom_count > 3 && fom_count >= fill_count && fom_count >= color_count && fom_count >= mix_count && fom_count >= bicolor_count) { count -= fom_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT2(count, s, temp_s); OUT_FOM_COUNT2(fom_count, s, fom_mask, fom_mask_len); RESET_COUNTS; } fom_count = 0; fom_mask_len = 0; } if (TEST_FILL) { fill_count++; } if (TEST_MIX) { mix_count++; } if (TEST_COLOR) { color_count++; } if (TEST_BICOLOR) { bicolor_spin = !bicolor_spin; bicolor_count++; } if (TEST_FOM) { if ((fom_count % 8) == 0) { fom_mask[fom_mask_len] = 0; fom_mask_len++; } if (pixel == (ypixel ^ mix)) { fom_mask[fom_mask_len - 1] |= (1 << (fom_count % 8)); } fom_count++; } out_uint16_le(temp_s, pixel); count++; last_pixel = pixel; last_ypixel = ypixel; } /* can't take fix, mix, or fom past first line */ if (last_line == 0) { if (fill_count > 3 && fill_count >= color_count && fill_count >= bicolor_count && fill_count >= mix_count && fill_count >= fom_count) { count -= fill_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT2(count, s, temp_s); OUT_FILL_COUNT2(fill_count, s); RESET_COUNTS; } fill_count = 0; if (mix_count > 3 && mix_count >= fill_count && mix_count >= bicolor_count && mix_count >= color_count && mix_count >= fom_count) { count -= mix_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT2(count, s, temp_s); OUT_MIX_COUNT2(mix_count, s); RESET_COUNTS; } mix_count = 0; if (fom_count > 3 && fom_count >= fill_count && fom_count >= color_count && fom_count >= mix_count && fom_count >= bicolor_count) { count -= fom_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT2(count, s, temp_s); OUT_FOM_COUNT2(fom_count, s, fom_mask, fom_mask_len); RESET_COUNTS; } fom_count = 0; fom_mask_len = 0; } last_line = line; line = line - width * 2; start_line--; lines_sent++; } if (fill_count > 3 && fill_count >= color_count && fill_count >= bicolor_count && fill_count >= mix_count && fill_count >= fom_count) { count -= fill_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT2(count, s, temp_s); OUT_FILL_COUNT2(fill_count, s); } else if (mix_count > 3 && mix_count >= color_count && mix_count >= bicolor_count && mix_count >= fill_count && mix_count >= fom_count) { count -= mix_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT2(count, s, temp_s); OUT_MIX_COUNT2(mix_count, s); } else if (color_count > 3 && color_count >= mix_count && color_count >= bicolor_count && color_count >= fill_count && color_count >= fom_count) { count -= color_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT2(count, s, temp_s); OUT_COLOR_COUNT2(color_count, s, last_pixel); } else if (bicolor_count > 3 && bicolor_count >= mix_count && bicolor_count >= color_count && bicolor_count >= fill_count && bicolor_count >= fom_count) { if ((bicolor_count % 2) == 0) { count -= bicolor_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT2(count, s, temp_s); OUT_BICOLOR_COUNT2(bicolor_count, s, bicolor1, bicolor2); } else { bicolor_count--; count -= bicolor_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT2(count, s, temp_s); OUT_BICOLOR_COUNT2(bicolor_count, s, bicolor2, bicolor1); } count -= bicolor_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT2(count, s, temp_s); OUT_BICOLOR_COUNT2(bicolor_count, s, bicolor1, bicolor2); } else if (fom_count > 3 && fom_count >= mix_count && fom_count >= color_count && fom_count >= fill_count && fom_count >= bicolor_count) { count -= fom_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT2(count, s, temp_s); OUT_FOM_COUNT2(fom_count, s, fom_mask, fom_mask_len); } else { OUT_COPY_COUNT2(count, s, temp_s); } } else if (bpp == 24) { mix = 0xffffff; out_count = end * 3; line = in_data + width * start_line * 4; while (start_line >= 0 && out_count < 32768) { i = (s->p - s->data) + count * 3; if (i - (color_count * 3) >= byte_limit && i - (bicolor_count * 3) >= byte_limit && i - (fill_count * 3) >= byte_limit && i - (mix_count * 3) >= byte_limit && i - (fom_count * 3) >= byte_limit) { break; } out_count += end * 3; for (i = 0; i < end; i++) { /* read next pixel */ IN_PIXEL32(line, i, 0, width, last_pixel, pixel); IN_PIXEL32(last_line, i, 0, width, last_ypixel, ypixel); if (!TEST_FILL) { if (fill_count > 3 && fill_count >= color_count && fill_count >= bicolor_count && fill_count >= mix_count && fill_count >= fom_count) { count -= fill_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT3(count, s, temp_s); OUT_FILL_COUNT3(fill_count, s); RESET_COUNTS; } fill_count = 0; } if (!TEST_MIX) { if (mix_count > 3 && mix_count >= fill_count && mix_count >= bicolor_count && mix_count >= color_count && mix_count >= fom_count) { count -= mix_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT3(count, s, temp_s); OUT_MIX_COUNT3(mix_count, s); RESET_COUNTS; } mix_count = 0; } if (!TEST_COLOR) { if (color_count > 3 && color_count >= fill_count && color_count >= bicolor_count && color_count >= mix_count && color_count >= fom_count) { count -= color_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT3(count, s, temp_s); OUT_COLOR_COUNT3(color_count, s, last_pixel); RESET_COUNTS; } color_count = 0; } if (!TEST_BICOLOR) { if (bicolor_count > 3 && bicolor_count >= fill_count && bicolor_count >= color_count && bicolor_count >= mix_count && bicolor_count >= fom_count) { if ((bicolor_count % 2) == 0) { count -= bicolor_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT3(count, s, temp_s); OUT_BICOLOR_COUNT3(bicolor_count, s, bicolor1, bicolor2); } else { bicolor_count--; count -= bicolor_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT3(count, s, temp_s); OUT_BICOLOR_COUNT3(bicolor_count, s, bicolor2, bicolor1); } RESET_COUNTS; } bicolor_count = 0; bicolor1 = last_pixel; bicolor2 = pixel; bicolor_spin = 0; } if (!TEST_FOM) { if (fom_count > 3 && fom_count >= fill_count && fom_count >= color_count && fom_count >= mix_count && fom_count >= bicolor_count) { count -= fom_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT3(count, s, temp_s); OUT_FOM_COUNT3(fom_count, s, fom_mask, fom_mask_len); RESET_COUNTS; } fom_count = 0; fom_mask_len = 0; } if (TEST_FILL) { fill_count++; } if (TEST_MIX) { mix_count++; } if (TEST_COLOR) { color_count++; } if (TEST_BICOLOR) { bicolor_spin = !bicolor_spin; bicolor_count++; } if (TEST_FOM) { if ((fom_count % 8) == 0) { fom_mask[fom_mask_len] = 0; fom_mask_len++; } if (pixel == (ypixel ^ mix)) { fom_mask[fom_mask_len - 1] |= (1 << (fom_count % 8)); } fom_count++; } out_uint8(temp_s, pixel & 0xff); out_uint8(temp_s, (pixel >> 8) & 0xff); out_uint8(temp_s, (pixel >> 16) & 0xff); count++; last_pixel = pixel; last_ypixel = ypixel; } /* can't take fix, mix, or fom past first line */ if (last_line == 0) { if (fill_count > 3 && fill_count >= color_count && fill_count >= bicolor_count && fill_count >= mix_count && fill_count >= fom_count) { count -= fill_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT3(count, s, temp_s); OUT_FILL_COUNT3(fill_count, s); RESET_COUNTS; } fill_count = 0; if (mix_count > 3 && mix_count >= fill_count && mix_count >= bicolor_count && mix_count >= color_count && mix_count >= fom_count) { count -= mix_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT3(count, s, temp_s); OUT_MIX_COUNT3(mix_count, s); RESET_COUNTS; } mix_count = 0; if (fom_count > 3 && fom_count >= fill_count && fom_count >= color_count && fom_count >= mix_count && fom_count >= bicolor_count) { count -= fom_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT3(count, s, temp_s); OUT_FOM_COUNT3(fom_count, s, fom_mask, fom_mask_len); RESET_COUNTS; } fom_count = 0; fom_mask_len = 0; } last_line = line; line = line - width * 4; start_line--; lines_sent++; } if (fill_count > 3 && fill_count >= color_count && fill_count >= bicolor_count && fill_count >= mix_count && fill_count >= fom_count) { count -= fill_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT3(count, s, temp_s); OUT_FILL_COUNT3(fill_count, s); } else if (mix_count > 3 && mix_count >= color_count && mix_count >= bicolor_count && mix_count >= fill_count && mix_count >= fom_count) { count -= mix_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT3(count, s, temp_s); OUT_MIX_COUNT3(mix_count, s); } else if (color_count > 3 && color_count >= mix_count && color_count >= bicolor_count && color_count >= fill_count && color_count >= fom_count) { count -= color_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT3(count, s, temp_s); OUT_COLOR_COUNT3(color_count, s, last_pixel); } else if (bicolor_count > 3 && bicolor_count >= mix_count && bicolor_count >= color_count && bicolor_count >= fill_count && bicolor_count >= fom_count) { if ((bicolor_count % 2) == 0) { count -= bicolor_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT3(count, s, temp_s); OUT_BICOLOR_COUNT3(bicolor_count, s, bicolor1, bicolor2); } else { bicolor_count--; count -= bicolor_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT3(count, s, temp_s); OUT_BICOLOR_COUNT3(bicolor_count, s, bicolor2, bicolor1); } count -= bicolor_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT3(count, s, temp_s); OUT_BICOLOR_COUNT3(bicolor_count, s, bicolor1, bicolor2); } else if (fom_count > 3 && fom_count >= mix_count && fom_count >= color_count && fom_count >= fill_count && fom_count >= bicolor_count) { count -= fom_count; OUT_COPY_COUNT3(count, s, temp_s); OUT_FOM_COUNT3(fom_count, s, fom_mask, fom_mask_len); } else { OUT_COPY_COUNT3(count, s, temp_s); } }
int EXPORT_CC libxrdp_send_bitmap(struct xrdp_session *session, int width, int height, int bpp, char *data, int x, int y, int cx, int cy) { int line_bytes = 0; int i = 0; int j = 0; int k; int total_lines = 0; int lines_sending = 0; int Bpp = 0; int e = 0; int bufsize = 0; int total_bufsize = 0; int num_updates = 0; int line_pad_bytes; int server_line_bytes; char *p_num_updates = (char *)NULL; char *p = (char *)NULL; char *q = (char *)NULL; struct stream *s = (struct stream *)NULL; struct stream *temp_s = (struct stream *)NULL; tui32 pixel; LLOGLN(10, ("libxrdp_send_bitmap: sending bitmap")); Bpp = (bpp + 7) / 8; e = (4 - width) & 3; switch (bpp) { case 15: case 16: server_line_bytes = width * 2; break; case 24: case 32: server_line_bytes = width * 4; break; default: /* 8 bpp */ server_line_bytes = width; break; } line_bytes = width * Bpp; line_pad_bytes = line_bytes + e * Bpp; LLOGLN(10, ("libxrdp_send_bitmap: bpp %d Bpp %d line_bytes %d " "server_line_bytes %d", bpp, Bpp, line_bytes, server_line_bytes)); make_stream(s); init_stream(s, MAX_BITMAP_BUF_SIZE); if (session->client_info->use_bitmap_comp) { LLOGLN(10, ("libxrdp_send_bitmap: compression")); make_stream(temp_s); init_stream(temp_s, 65536); i = 0; if (cy <= height) { i = cy; } while (i > 0) { LLOGLN(10, ("libxrdp_send_bitmap: i %d", i)); total_bufsize = 0; num_updates = 0; xrdp_rdp_init_data((struct xrdp_rdp *)session->rdp, s); out_uint16_le(s, RDP_UPDATE_BITMAP); p_num_updates = s->p; out_uint8s(s, 2); /* num_updates set later */ do { if (session->client_info->op1) { s_push_layer(s, channel_hdr, 18); } else { s_push_layer(s, channel_hdr, 26); } p = s->p; if (bpp > 24) { LLOGLN(10, ("libxrdp_send_bitmap: 32 bpp")); lines_sending = xrdp_bitmap32_compress(data, width, height, s, 32, (MAX_BITMAP_BUF_SIZE - 100) - total_bufsize, i - 1, temp_s, e, 0x10); LLOGLN(10, ("libxrdp_send_bitmap: i %d lines_sending %d", i, lines_sending)); } else { lines_sending = xrdp_bitmap_compress(data, width, height, s, bpp, (MAX_BITMAP_BUF_SIZE - 100) - total_bufsize, i - 1, temp_s, e); LLOGLN(10, ("libxrdp_send_bitmap: i %d lines_sending %d", i, lines_sending)); } if (lines_sending == 0) { break; } num_updates++; bufsize = s->p - p; total_bufsize += bufsize; i = i - lines_sending; s_mark_end(s); s_pop_layer(s, channel_hdr); out_uint16_le(s, x); /* left */ out_uint16_le(s, y + i); /* top */ out_uint16_le(s, (x + cx) - 1); /* right */ out_uint16_le(s, (y + i + lines_sending) - 1); /* bottom */ out_uint16_le(s, width + e); /* width */ out_uint16_le(s, lines_sending); /* height */ out_uint16_le(s, bpp); /* bpp */ if (session->client_info->op1) { out_uint16_le(s, 0x401); /* compress */ out_uint16_le(s, bufsize); /* compressed size */ j = (width + e) * Bpp; j = j * lines_sending; total_bufsize += 18; /* bytes since pop layer */ } else { out_uint16_le(s, 0x1); /* compress */ out_uint16_le(s, bufsize + 8); out_uint8s(s, 2); /* pad */ out_uint16_le(s, bufsize); /* compressed size */ j = (width + e) * Bpp; out_uint16_le(s, j); /* line size */ j = j * lines_sending; out_uint16_le(s, j); /* final size */ total_bufsize += 26; /* bytes since pop layer */ } LLOGLN(10, ("libxrdp_send_bitmap: decompressed pixels %d " "decompressed bytes %d compressed bytes %d", lines_sending * (width + e), line_pad_bytes * lines_sending, bufsize)); if (j > MAX_BITMAP_BUF_SIZE) { LLOGLN(0, ("libxrdp_send_bitmap: error, decompressed " "size too big: %d bytes", j)); } if (bufsize > MAX_BITMAP_BUF_SIZE) { LLOGLN(0, ("libxrdp_send_bitmap: error, compressed size " "too big: %d bytes", bufsize)); } s->p = s->end; } while (total_bufsize < MAX_BITMAP_BUF_SIZE && i > 0); LLOGLN(10, ("libxrdp_send_bitmap: num_updates %d total_bufsize %d", num_updates, total_bufsize)); p_num_updates[0] = num_updates; p_num_updates[1] = num_updates >> 8; xrdp_rdp_send_data((struct xrdp_rdp *)session->rdp, s, RDP_DATA_PDU_UPDATE); if (total_bufsize > MAX_BITMAP_BUF_SIZE) { LLOGLN(0, ("libxrdp_send_bitmap: error, total compressed " "size too big: %d bytes", total_bufsize)); } } free_stream(temp_s); }
/* server API */ enum SCP_SERVER_STATES_E scp_v1s_accept(struct SCP_CONNECTION* c, struct SCP_SESSION** s, int skipVchk) { struct SCP_SESSION* session; tui32 version; tui32 size; tui16 cmdset; tui16 cmd; tui8 sz; char buf[257]; if (!skipVchk) { if (0 == scp_tcp_force_recv(c->in_sck, c->in_s->data, 8)) { in_uint32_be(c->in_s, version); if (version != 1) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s:%d] connection aborted: version error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_VERSION_ERR; } } else { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s:%d] connection aborted: network error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_NETWORK_ERR; } } in_uint32_be(c->in_s, size); if (size < 12) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s:%d] connection aborted: size error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_SIZE_ERR; } init_stream(c->in_s, c->in_s->size); if (0 != scp_tcp_force_recv(c->in_sck, c->in_s->data, (size-8))) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s:%d] connection aborted: network error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_NETWORK_ERR; } /* reading command set */ in_uint16_be(c->in_s, cmdset); /* if we are starting a management session */ if (cmdset == SCP_COMMAND_SET_MANAGE) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "[v1s:%d] requested management connection", __LINE__); /* should return SCP_SERVER_STATE_START_MANAGE */ return scp_v1s_mng_accept(c, s); } /* if we started with resource sharing... */ if (cmdset == SCP_COMMAND_SET_RSR) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s:%d] connection aborted: sequence error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_SEQUENCE_ERR; } /* reading command */ in_uint16_be(c->in_s, cmd); if (cmd != 1) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s:%d] connection aborted: sequence error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_SEQUENCE_ERR; } session = scp_session_create(); if (0 == session) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s:%d] connection aborted: internal error (malloc returned NULL)", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_INTERNAL_ERR; } scp_session_set_version(session, 1); in_uint8(c->in_s, sz); if ((sz != SCP_SESSION_TYPE_XVNC) && (sz != SCP_SESSION_TYPE_XRDP)) { scp_session_destroy(session); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s:%d] connection aborted: unknown session type", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_SESSION_TYPE_ERR; } scp_session_set_type(session, sz); in_uint16_be(c->in_s, cmd); scp_session_set_height(session, cmd); in_uint16_be(c->in_s, cmd); scp_session_set_height(session, cmd); in_uint8(c->in_s, sz); scp_session_set_bpp(session, sz); in_uint8(c->in_s, sz); scp_session_set_rsr(session, sz); in_uint8a(c->in_s, buf, 17); buf[17]='\0'; scp_session_set_locale(session, buf); in_uint8(c->in_s, sz); if (sz == SCP_ADDRESS_TYPE_IPV4) { in_uint32_be(c->in_s, size); scp_session_set_addr(session, SCP_ADDRESS_TYPE_IPV4_BIN, &size); } else if (sz == SCP_ADDRESS_TYPE_IPV6) { in_uint8a(c->in_s, buf, 16); scp_session_set_addr(session, SCP_ADDRESS_TYPE_IPV6_BIN, buf); } buf[256] = '\0'; /* reading hostname */ in_uint8(c->in_s, sz); buf[sz]='\0'; in_uint8a(c->in_s, buf, sz); if (0 != scp_session_set_hostname(session, buf)) { scp_session_destroy(session); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s:%d] connection aborted: internal error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_INTERNAL_ERR; } /* reading username */ in_uint8(c->in_s, sz); buf[sz]='\0'; in_uint8a(c->in_s, buf, sz); if (0 != scp_session_set_username(session, buf)) { scp_session_destroy(session); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s:%d] connection aborted: internal error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_INTERNAL_ERR; } /* reading password */ in_uint8(c->in_s, sz); buf[sz]='\0'; in_uint8a(c->in_s, buf, sz); if (0 != scp_session_set_password(session, buf)) { scp_session_destroy(session); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s:%d] connection aborted: internal error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_INTERNAL_ERR; } /* returning the struct */ (*s)=session; return SCP_SERVER_STATE_OK; }
/* 006 */ enum SCP_SERVER_STATES_E scp_v1s_mng_list_sessions(struct SCP_CONNECTION *c, struct SCP_SESSION *s, int sescnt, struct SCP_DISCONNECTED_SESSION *ds) { tui32 version = 1; tui32 size = 12; tui16 cmd = SCP_CMD_MNG_LIST; int pktcnt; int idx; int sidx; int pidx; struct SCP_DISCONNECTED_SESSION *cds; /* calculating the number of packets to send */ pktcnt = sescnt / SCP_SERVER_MAX_LIST_SIZE; if ((sescnt % SCP_SERVER_MAX_LIST_SIZE) != 0) { pktcnt++; } for (idx = 0; idx < pktcnt; idx++) { /* ok, we send session session list */ init_stream(c->out_s, c->out_s->size); /* size: ver+size+cmdset+cmd+sescnt+continue+count */ size = 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 1; /* header */ s_push_layer(c->out_s, channel_hdr, 8); out_uint16_be(c->out_s, SCP_COMMAND_SET_MANAGE); out_uint16_be(c->out_s, cmd); /* session count */ out_uint32_be(c->out_s, sescnt); /* setting the continue flag */ if ((idx + 1)*SCP_SERVER_MAX_LIST_SIZE >= sescnt) { out_uint8(c->out_s, 0); /* setting session count for this packet */ pidx = sescnt - (idx * SCP_SERVER_MAX_LIST_SIZE); out_uint8(c->out_s, pidx); } else { out_uint8(c->out_s, 1); /* setting session count for this packet */ pidx = SCP_SERVER_MAX_LIST_SIZE; out_uint8(c->out_s, pidx); } /* adding session descriptors */ for (sidx = 0; sidx < pidx; sidx++) { /* shortcut to the current session to send */ cds = ds + ((idx) * SCP_SERVER_MAX_LIST_SIZE) + sidx; /* session data */ out_uint32_be(c->out_s, cds->SID); /* session id */ out_uint8(c->out_s, cds->type); out_uint16_be(c->out_s, cds->height); out_uint16_be(c->out_s, cds->width); out_uint8(c->out_s, cds->bpp); out_uint8(c->out_s, cds->idle_days); out_uint8(c->out_s, cds->idle_hours); out_uint8(c->out_s, cds->idle_minutes); size += 13; out_uint16_be(c->out_s, cds->conn_year); out_uint8(c->out_s, cds->conn_month); out_uint8(c->out_s, cds->conn_day); out_uint8(c->out_s, cds->conn_hour); out_uint8(c->out_s, cds->conn_minute); out_uint8(c->out_s, cds->addr_type); size += 7; if (cds->addr_type == SCP_ADDRESS_TYPE_IPV4) { in_uint32_be(c->out_s, cds->ipv4addr); size += 4; } else if (cds->addr_type == SCP_ADDRESS_TYPE_IPV6) { in_uint8a(c->out_s, cds->ipv6addr, 16); size += 16; } } s_pop_layer(c->out_s, channel_hdr); out_uint32_be(c->out_s, version); out_uint32_be(c->out_s, size); if (0 != scp_tcp_force_send(c->in_sck, c->out_s->data, size)) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "[v1s_mng:%d] connection aborted: network error", __LINE__); return SCP_SERVER_STATE_NETWORK_ERR; } } return _scp_v1s_mng_check_response(c, s); }