Example #1
    bool configInit()
        if( !initializeVolume( ))
            return false;

        return true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Main ICD reconstruction
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void BFReconstructionEngine::execute()
  uint64_t totalTime = EIMTOMO_getMilliSeconds();
  int32_t err = 0;

  std::stringstream ss;

  // int16_t i,j,k,Idx;
  size_t dims[3];

  uint16_t maxNumberOfDetectorElts;
  uint8_t status; //set to 1 if ICD has converged

  Real_t checksum = 0, temp;

  RealImageType::Pointer voxelProfile;
  RealVolumeType::Pointer detectorResponse;
  RealVolumeType::Pointer h_t;

  RealVolumeType::Pointer y_Est; //Estimated Sinogram
  RealVolumeType::Pointer finalSinogram; //To store and write the final sinogram resulting from our reconstruction
  RealVolumeType::Pointer errorSino; //Error Sinogram

  std::string indent("");

  //#ifdef COST_CALCULATE //Commented out because if not the code fails to run.
  std::string filepath(m_TomoInputs->tempDir);
  filepath = filepath.append(MXADir::getSeparator()).append(MBIR::Defaults::CostFunctionFile);

  CostData::Pointer cost = CostData::New();

  tbb::task_scheduler_init init;

  // Initialize the Sinogram
  if(m_TomoInputs == NULL)
    notify("Error: The TomoInput Structure was NULL. The proper API is to supply this class with that structure,", 100, Observable::UpdateErrorMessage);
  //Based on the inputs , calculate the "other" variables in the structure definition
  if(m_Sinogram == NULL)
    notify("Error: The Sinogram Structure was NULL. The proper API is to supply this class with that structure,", 100, Observable::UpdateErrorMessage);
  if(m_Geometry == NULL)
    notify("Error: The Geometry Structure was NULL. The proper API is to supply this class with that structure,", 100, Observable::UpdateErrorMessage);
  if (m_ForwardModel.get() == NULL)
    notify("Error: The forward model was not set.", 100, Observable::UpdateErrorMessage);

  // Read the Input data from the supplied data file - reconstruction from previous resolution ?
  err = readInputData();
  if(err < 0)
  if (getCancel() == true) { setErrorCondition(-999); return; }

  if (getCancel() == true) { setErrorCondition(-999); return; }

  //Additional parameters associated with the system
  err = m_ForwardModel->createNuisanceParameters(m_Sinogram);
  if(err < 0)

  //Periodically checking if user has sent a cancel signal from the GUI
  if (getCancel() == true) { setErrorCondition(-999); return; }


  //Take log of the input data after subtracting offset

  // Initialize the Geometry data from a rough reconstruction
  err = initializeRoughReconstructionData();
  if(err < 0)
  if (getCancel() == true) { setErrorCondition(-999); return; }

  // Get the actual boundaries in the X Direction since we "Extend Object" which makes
  // the output mrc file much wider than they really need to be.
  uint16_t cropStart = 0;
  uint16_t cropEnd = m_Geometry->N_x;
  computeOriginalXDims(cropStart, cropEnd);
  //  std::cout << "Crop Start: " << cropStart << std::endl;
  //  std::cout << "Crop End:   " << cropEnd << std::endl;


  //  dims[0] = (m_TomoInputs->NumIter+1)*m_TomoInputs->NumOuterIter*3;

  dims[0] = m_Sinogram->N_theta;
  dims[1] = m_Sinogram->N_r;
  dims[2] = m_Sinogram->N_t;

  y_Est = RealVolumeType::New(dims, "y_Est");//y_Est = A*x_{initial}
  errorSino = RealVolumeType::New(dims, "ErrorSino");// y - y_est
  m_ForwardModel->weightInitialization(dims); //Initialize the \lambda matrix

  finalSinogram = RealVolumeType::New(dims, "Final Sinogram"); //Debug variable to store the final A*x_{Final}

  /*************** Computation of partial Amatrix *************/

  //calculate the trapezoidal voxel profile for each angle.Also the angles in the Sinogram
  // Structure are converted to radians
  voxelProfile = calculateVoxelProfile(); //This is used for computation of the partial A matrix

  //Pre compute sine and cos theta to speed up computations
  DetectorParameters::Pointer haadfParameters = DetectorParameters::New();
  haadfParameters->setOffsetR ( ((m_TomoInputs->delta_xz / sqrt(3.0)) + m_Sinogram->delta_r / 2) / m_AdvParams->DETECTOR_RESPONSE_BINS);
  haadfParameters->setOffsetT ( ((m_TomoInputs->delta_xz / 2) + m_Sinogram->delta_t / 2) / m_AdvParams->DETECTOR_RESPONSE_BINS);
  //Initialize the e-beam
  haadfParameters->initializeBeamProfile(m_Sinogram, m_AdvParams); //The shape of the averaging kernel for the detector

  if (getCancel() == true) { setErrorCondition(-999); return; }

  //calculate sine and cosine of all angles and store in the global arrays sine and cosine
  DetectorResponse::Pointer dResponseFilter = DetectorResponse::New();
  if(dResponseFilter->getErrorCondition() < 0)
    ss << "Error Calling function detectorResponse in file " << __FILE__ << "(" << __LINE__ << ")" << std::endl;
    notify(ss.str(), 100, Observable::UpdateErrorMessage);
  detectorResponse = dResponseFilter->getResponse();
  // Writer the Detector Response to an output file
  DetectorResponseWriter::Pointer responseWriter = DetectorResponseWriter::New();
  if(responseWriter->getErrorCondition() < 0)
    ss << __FILE__ << "(" << __LINE__ << ") " << "Error writing detector response to file." <<  std::endl;
    notify(ss.str(), 100, Observable::UpdateErrorMessage);

  if (getCancel() == true) { setErrorCondition(-999); return; }

  // Initialize H_t volume
  dims[0] = 1;
  dims[1] = m_Sinogram->N_theta;
  dims[2] = m_AdvParams->DETECTOR_RESPONSE_BINS;
  h_t = RealVolumeType::New(dims, "h_t");
  initializeHt(h_t, haadfParameters->getOffsetT() );

  checksum = 0;

  ss << "Calculating A Matrix....";
  notify(ss.str(), 0, Observable::UpdateProgressMessage);

  std::vector<AMatrixCol::Pointer> voxelLineResponse(m_Geometry->N_y);

  maxNumberOfDetectorElts = (uint16_t)((m_TomoInputs->delta_xy / m_Sinogram->delta_t) + 2);
  dims[0] = maxNumberOfDetectorElts;
  for (uint16_t i = 0; i < m_Geometry->N_y; i++)
    AMatrixCol::Pointer vlr = AMatrixCol::New(dims, 0);
    voxelLineResponse[i] = vlr;

  //Calculating A-Matrix one column at a time
  //For each entry the idea is to initially allocate space for Sinogram.N_theta * Sinogram.N_x
  // And then store only the non zero entries by allocating a new array of the desired size
  std::vector<AMatrixCol::Pointer> tempCol(m_Geometry->N_x * m_Geometry->N_z);

  checksum = 0;
  temp = 0;
  uint32_t voxel_count = 0;
  for (uint16_t z = 0; z < m_Geometry->N_z; z++)
    for (uint16_t x = 0; x < m_Geometry->N_x; x++)
      tempCol[voxel_count] = AMatrixCol::calculateAMatrixColumnPartial(m_Sinogram, m_Geometry, m_TomoInputs, m_AdvParams,
                             z, x, 0, detectorResponse, haadfParameters);
      temp += tempCol[voxel_count]->count;
      if(0 == tempCol[voxel_count]->count )
        //If this line is never hit and the Object is badly initialized
        //set it to zero
        for (uint16_t y = 0; y < m_Geometry->N_y; y++)
          m_Geometry->Object->setValue(0.0, z, x, y);

  storeVoxelResponse(h_t, voxelLineResponse, haadfParameters);

  if (getCancel() == true) { setErrorCondition(-999); return; }

    printf("Number of non zero entries of the forward projector is %lf\n", temp);
    printf("Geometry-Z %d\n", m_Geometry->N_z);
  /************ End of A matrix partial computations **********************/

  //Gain and Offset Parameters Initialization of the forward model

  initializeVolume(y_Est, 0.0);

  if (getCancel() == true) { setErrorCondition(-999); return; }

  //Forward Project Geometry->Object one slice at a time and compute the  Sinogram for each slice
  // Forward Project using the Forward Model
  err = m_ForwardModel->forwardProject(m_Sinogram, m_Geometry, tempCol, voxelLineResponse, y_Est , errorSino);
  if (err < 0)
  if (getCancel() == true) { setErrorCondition(-999); return; }

  return 0; //exit the program once we finish forward projecting the object
#endif//Forward Project mode

  // Initialize the Prior Model parameters - here we are using a QGGMRF Prior Model
  QGGMRF::QGGMRF_Values QGGMRF_values;
  QGGMRF::initializePriorModel(m_TomoInputs, &QGGMRF_values, NULL);

  err = calculateCost(cost, m_Sinogram, m_Geometry, errorSino, &QGGMRF_values);
#endif //Cost calculation endif

  Real_t TempBraggValue, DesBraggValue;
  if(m_TomoInputs->NumIter > 1)
    //Get the value of the Bragg threshold from the User Interface the first time
    DesBraggValue = m_ForwardModel->getBraggThreshold();
    if (getVeryVerbose()) {std::cout << "Desired Bragg threshold =" << DesBraggValue << std::endl;}
    TempBraggValue = DefBraggThreshold;//m_ForwardModel->getBraggThreshold();
    m_ForwardModel->setBraggThreshold(TempBraggValue); //setting the Threshold T of \beta_{T,\delta}
    //the \delta value is set in BFMultiResolutionReconstruction.cpp
    TempBraggValue = m_ForwardModel->getBraggThreshold();
#endif //Bragg correction
  if (getVeryVerbose()) {std::cout << "Bragg threshold =" << TempBraggValue << std::endl;}

  //Generate a List
  if (getVeryVerbose()) {std::cout << "Generating a list of voxels to update" << std::endl;}

  //Takes all the voxels along x-z slice and forms a list
  m_VoxelIdxList = VoxelUpdateList::GenRegularList(m_Geometry->N_z, m_Geometry->N_x);
  //Randomize the list of voxels
  m_VoxelIdxList = VoxelUpdateList::GenRandList(m_VoxelIdxList);

    std::cout << "Initial random order list .." << std::endl;

  // Create a copy of the Voxel Update List because we are going to adjust the VoxelUpdateList instance variable
  // with values for the array pointer and number of elements based on the iteration
  VoxelUpdateList::Pointer TempList = VoxelUpdateList::New(m_VoxelIdxList->numElements(), m_VoxelIdxList->getArray() );
  uint32_t listselector = 0; //For the homogenous updates this cycles through the random list one sublist at a time

  //Initialize the update magnitude arrays (for NHICD mainly) & stopping criteria
  dims[0] = m_Geometry->N_z; //height
  dims[1] = m_Geometry->N_x; //width
  dims[2] = 0;
  RealImageType::Pointer magUpdateMap = RealImageType::New(dims, "Update Map for voxel lines");
  RealImageType::Pointer filtMagUpdateMap = RealImageType::New(dims, "Filter Update Map for voxel lines");
  UInt8Image_t::Pointer magUpdateMask = UInt8Image_t::New(dims, "Update Mask for selecting voxel lines NHICD");//TODO: Remove this variable. Under the new formulation not needed
  Real_t PrevMagSum = 0;

#if ROI
  //A mask to check the stopping criteria for the algorithm

  //Debugging variable to check if all voxels are visited
  dims[0] = m_Geometry->N_z;
  dims[1] = m_Geometry->N_x;
  dims[2] = 0;
  UInt8Image_t::Pointer m_VisitCount = UInt8Image_t::New(dims, "VisitCount");

  uint32_t EffIterCount = 0; //Maintains number of calls to updatevoxelroutine

  //Loop through every voxel updating it by solving a cost function

  for (int16_t reconOuterIter = 0; reconOuterIter < m_TomoInputs->NumOuterIter; reconOuterIter++)
    ss.str(""); // Clear the string stream
    indent = "";
    //The first time we may need to update voxels multiple times and then on
    //just optimize over I,d,sigma,f once each outer loop;
    //Each outer loop after the first outer iter updates a subset of the voxels
    //followed by other parameters if needed
    if(reconOuterIter > 0)
      m_TomoInputs->NumIter = 1;//Inner iterations

    for (int16_t reconInnerIter = 0; reconInnerIter < m_TomoInputs->NumIter; reconInnerIter++)
      // If at the inner most loops at the coarsest resolution donot apply Bragg
      // Only at the coarsest scale the NumIter > 1
      if(m_TomoInputs->NumIter > 1 && reconInnerIter == 0)
#ifdef DEBUG
      //Prints the ratio of the sinogram entries selected
#endif //DEBUG
      ss << "Outer Iterations: " << reconOuterIter << "/" << m_TomoInputs->NumOuterIter << " Inner Iterations: " << reconInnerIter << "/" << m_TomoInputs->NumIter << std::endl;

      indent = "    ";
#ifdef DEBUG
      // This is all done PRIOR to calling what will become a method
      if (getVeryVerbose()) {std::cout << "Bragg Threshold =" << m_ForwardModel->getBraggThreshold() << std::endl;}
#endif //DEBUG

      // This could contain multiple Subloops also - voxel update
      /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */

#ifdef NHICD //NHICD alternates between updating a fixed subset of voxels and a
      //list created on the fly based on the previous iterations
      // Creating a sublist of voxels for the Homogenous
      // iterations - cycle through the partial sub lists
      if(EffIterCount % 2 == 0) //Even iterations == Homogenous update
        listselector %= MBIR::Constants::k_NumHomogeniousIter;// A variable to cycle through the randmoized list of voxels

        int32_t nElements = floor((Real_t)TempList->numElements() / MBIR::Constants::k_NumHomogeniousIter);

        //If the number of voxels is NOT exactly divisible by NUM_NON .. then compensate and make the last of the lists longer
        if(listselector == MBIR::Constants::k_NumHomogeniousIter - 1)
          nElements += (TempList->numElements() - nElements * MBIR::Constants::k_NumHomogeniousIter);
            std::cout << "**********Adjusted number of voxel lines for last iter**************" << std::endl;
            std::cout << nElements << std::endl;
            std::cout << "**********************************" << std::endl;

        //Set the list array for updating voxels
        int32_t start = (uint32_t)(floor(((Real_t)TempList->numElements() / MBIR::Constants::k_NumHomogeniousIter)) * listselector);
        m_VoxelIdxList = TempList->subList(nElements, start);
        //m_VoxelIdxList.Array = &(TempList.Array[]);

        if (getVeryVerbose())
          std::cout << "Partial random order list for homogenous ICD .." << std::endl;

#endif //NHICD

#ifdef DEBUG
      Real_t TempSum = 0;
      for (int32_t j = 0; j < m_Geometry->N_z; j++)
        for (int32_t k = 0; k < m_Geometry->N_x; k++)
          TempSum += magUpdateMap->getValue(j, k);
      if (getVeryVerbose())
        std::cout << "**********************************************" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Average mag prior to calling update voxel = " << TempSum / (m_Geometry->N_z * m_Geometry->N_x) << std::endl;
        std::cout << "**********************************************" << std::endl;
#endif //debug

      status = updateVoxels(reconOuterIter, reconInnerIter, tempCol,
                            errorSino, voxelLineResponse, cost, &QGGMRF_values,
                            magUpdateMap, filtMagUpdateMap, magUpdateMask, m_VisitCount,
#ifdef NHICD
      if(EffIterCount % MBIR::Constants::k_NumNonHomogeniousIter == 0) // At the end of half an
        //equivalent iteration compute average Magnitude of recon to test
        //stopping criteria
        PrevMagSum = roiVolumeSum(magUpdateMask);
        if (getVeryVerbose()) {std::cout << " Previous Magnitude of the Recon = " << PrevMagSum << std::endl;}
      PrevMagSum = roiVolumeSum(magUpdateMask);
      std::cout << " Previous Magnitude of the Recon = " << PrevMagSum << std::endl;
#endif //NHICD

      //Debugging information to test if every voxel is getting touched
#ifdef NHICD
      //Debug every equivalent iteration
      if(EffIterCount % (2 * MBIR::Constants::k_NumNonHomogeniousIter) == 0 && EffIterCount > 0)
#endif //NHICD
        for (int16_t j = 0; j < m_Geometry->N_z; j++)
          for (int16_t k = 0; k < m_Geometry->N_x; k++)
            if(m_VisitCount->getValue(j, k) == 0)
              printf("Pixel (%d %d) not visited\n", j, k);
        //Reset the visit counter once we have cycled through
        //all voxels once via the homogenous updates
        for (int16_t j = 0; j < m_Geometry->N_z; j++)
          for (int16_t k = 0; k < m_Geometry->N_x; k++)
          { m_VisitCount->setValue(0, j, k); }

      //end of debug

      EffIterCount++; //cycles between the two types of voxel updates

      /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */

      if(status == 0)
        break; //stop inner loop if we have hit the threshold value for x
      // Check to see if we are canceled.
      if (getCancel() == true)

      // Write out the MRC File ; If NHICD only after half an equit do a write
#ifdef NHICD
      if(EffIterCount % (MBIR::Constants::k_NumNonHomogeniousIter) == 0)
#endif //NHICD
        ss << m_TomoInputs->tempDir << MXADir::getSeparator() << reconOuterIter << "_" << reconInnerIter << "_" << MBIR::Defaults::ReconstructedMrcFile;
        writeMRCFile(ss.str(), cropStart, cropEnd);
        notify(ss.str(), 0, Observable::UpdateIntermediateImage);

#ifdef COST_CALCULATE //typically run only for debugging
      /*********************Cost Calculation*************************************/
      int16_t err = calculateCost(cost, m_Sinogram, m_Geometry, errorSino, &QGGMRF_values);
      if(err < 0)
        std::cout << "Cost went up after voxel update" << std::endl;
        //      break;
#endif //Cost calculation endif

      //If at the last iteration of the inner loops at coarsest resolution adjust parameters
      if(reconInnerIter == m_TomoInputs->NumIter - 1 && reconInnerIter != 0)
        //The first time at the coarsest resolution at the end of
        // inner iterations set the Bragg Threshold
        TempBraggValue = DesBraggValue;//threshold;

#endif //Bragg correction

    } /* ++++++++++ END Inner Iteration Loop +++++++++++++++ */

    if(0 == status && reconOuterIter >= 1) //if stopping criteria is met and
      //number of iterations is greater than 1
      if (getVeryVerbose()) {std::cout << "Exiting the code because status =0" << std::endl;}

    { std::cout << " Starting nuisance parameter estimation" << std::endl; }

    if(m_TomoInputs->NumOuterIter > 1) //Dont update any parameters if we just have one outer iteration
        m_ForwardModel->jointEstimation(m_Sinogram, errorSino, y_Est, cost);
        m_ForwardModel->updateSelector(m_Sinogram, errorSino);

#ifdef COST_CALCULATE //Debug info
        int16_t err = calculateCost(cost, m_Sinogram, m_Geometry, errorSino, &QGGMRF_values);
        if(err < 0)
          std::cout << "Cost went up after offset update" << std::endl;

      }  //Joint estimation endif

        m_ForwardModel->updateWeights(m_Sinogram, errorSino);
        m_ForwardModel->updateSelector(m_Sinogram, errorSino);
        //err = calculateCost(cost, Weight, errorSino);
        err = calculateCost(cost, m_Sinogram, m_Geometry, errorSino, &QGGMRF_values);
        if (err < 0 && reconOuterIter > 1)
          std::cout << "Cost went up after variance update" << std::endl;
          std::cout << "Effective iterations =" << EffIterCount << std::endl;

      { std::cout << " Ending nuisance parameter estimation" << std::endl; }


  }/* ++++++++++ END Outer Iteration Loop +++++++++++++++ */

  indent = "";

  int fileError = 0;
  FILE* Fp6;
  MAKE_OUTPUT_FILE(Fp6, fileError, m_TomoInputs->tempDir, MBIR::Defaults::BFForwardProjectedObjectFile);
  if (fileError == 1)


  if (getCancel() == true) { setErrorCondition(-999); return; }

  /* Write the Gains,Offsets and variance to an output file */

  //Compute final value of Ax_{final}
  Real_t temp_final = 0.0;
  for (uint16_t i_theta = 0; i_theta < m_Sinogram->N_theta; i_theta++)
    for (uint16_t i_r = 0; i_r < m_Sinogram->N_r; i_r++)
      for (uint16_t i_t = 0; i_t < m_Sinogram->N_t; i_t++)
        temp_final = m_Sinogram->counts->getValue(i_theta, i_r, i_t) - errorSino->getValue(i_theta, i_r, i_t);
        finalSinogram->setValue(temp_final, i_theta, i_r, i_t);

  // This is writing the "ReconstructedSinogram.bin" file
  m_ForwardModel->writeSinogramFile(m_Sinogram, finalSinogram); // Writes the sinogram to a file

  if (getCancel() == true) { setErrorCondition(-999); return; }

  // Writes ReconstructedObject.bin file for next resolution
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << m_TomoInputs->tempDir << MXADir::getSeparator() << MBIR::Defaults::ReconstructedObjectFile;
  // Write out the VTK file
  if (m_TomoInputs->vtkOutputFile.empty() == false)
    writeVtkFile(m_TomoInputs->vtkOutputFile, cropStart, cropEnd);
  // Write out the MRC File
  if (m_TomoInputs->mrcOutputFile.empty() == false)
    writeMRCFile(m_TomoInputs->mrcOutputFile, cropStart, cropEnd);

  //Write out avizo fire file
  if (m_TomoInputs->avizoOutputFile.empty() == false)
    writeAvizoFile(m_TomoInputs->avizoOutputFile, cropStart, cropEnd);

  //Debug : Writing out the selector array as an MRC file
  m_ForwardModel->writeSelectorMrc(m_TomoInputs->braggSelectorFile, m_Sinogram, m_Geometry, errorSino);
  if (getVerbose())
    std::cout << "Final Dimensions of Object: " << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  Nx = " << m_Geometry->N_x << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  Ny = " << m_Geometry->N_y << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  Nz = " << m_Geometry->N_z << std::endl;

#ifdef NHICD
    std::cout << "Number of equivalet iterations taken =" << EffIterCount / MBIR::Constants::k_NumNonHomogeniousIter << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Number of equivalet iterations taken =" << EffIterCount / MBIR::Constants::k_NumHomogeniousIter << std::endl;
#endif //NHICD
  notify("Reconstruction Complete", 100, Observable::UpdateProgressValueAndMessage);

  if (getVerbose()) {std::cout << "Total Running Time for Execute: " << (EIMTOMO_getMilliSeconds() - totalTime) / 1000 << std::endl;}
