static int do_loop(void) { path_t src_name; path_t exe_name; path_t src_path; path_t exe_path; path_t log_path; path_t exe_out; path_t log_out; path_t txt_out; path_t report_dir, status_dir; path_t pkt_name, run_name, work_run_name; char *pkt_ptr; size_t pkt_len; int r, i; tpTask tsk = 0; unsigned char msgbuf[512]; int ce_flag; struct compile_request_packet *req = 0; struct compile_reply_packet rpl; void *rpl_pkt = 0; size_t rpl_size = 0; const unsigned char *tail_message = 0; #if HAVE_TRUNCATE - 0 struct stat stb; #endif /* HAVE_TRUNCATE */ FILE *log_f = 0; struct section_language_data *lang = 0; const struct section_global_data *global =; // if (cr_serialize_init(&serve_state) < 0) return -1; interrupt_init(); interrupt_disable(); while (1) { // terminate if signaled if (interrupt_get_status() || interrupt_restart_requested()) break; r = scan_dir(global->compile_queue_dir, pkt_name, sizeof(pkt_name)); if (r < 0) { switch (-r) { case ENOMEM: case ENOENT: case ENFILE: err("trying to recover, sleep for 5 seconds"); interrupt_enable(); os_Sleep(5000); interrupt_disable(); continue; default: err("unrecoverable error, exiting"); return -1; } } if (!r) { interrupt_enable(); os_Sleep(global->sleep_time); interrupt_disable(); continue; } pkt_ptr = 0; pkt_len = 0; r = generic_read_file(&pkt_ptr, 0, &pkt_len, SAFE | REMOVE, global->compile_queue_dir, pkt_name, ""); if (r == 0) continue; if (r < 0 || !pkt_ptr) { // it looks like there's no reasonable recovery strategy // so, just ignore the error continue; } r = compile_request_packet_read(pkt_len, pkt_ptr, &req); xfree(pkt_ptr); pkt_ptr = 0; if (r < 0) { /* * the incoming packet is completely broken, so just drop it */ goto cleanup_and_continue; } if (!req->contest_id) { // special packets r = req->lang_id; req = compile_request_packet_free(req); switch (r) { case 1: interrupt_flag_interrupt(); break; case 2: interrupt_flag_sighup(); break; } continue; } memset(&rpl, 0, sizeof(rpl)); rpl.judge_id = req->judge_id; rpl.contest_id = req->contest_id; rpl.run_id = req->run_id; rpl.ts1 = req->ts1; rpl.ts1_us = req->ts1_us; rpl.use_uuid = req->use_uuid; rpl.uuid[0] = req->uuid[0]; rpl.uuid[1] = req->uuid[1]; rpl.uuid[2] = req->uuid[2]; rpl.uuid[3] = req->uuid[3]; get_current_time(&rpl.ts2, &rpl.ts2_us); rpl.run_block_len = req->run_block_len; rpl.run_block = req->run_block; /* !!! shares memory with req */ msgbuf[0] = 0; /* prepare paths useful to report messages to the serve */ snprintf(report_dir, sizeof(report_dir), "%s/%06d/report", global->compile_dir, rpl.contest_id); snprintf(status_dir, sizeof(status_dir), "%s/%06d/status", global->compile_dir, rpl.contest_id); if (req->use_uuid > 0) { snprintf(run_name, sizeof(run_name), "%s", ej_uuid_unparse(req->uuid, NULL)); } else { snprintf(run_name, sizeof(run_name), "%06d", rpl.run_id); } snprintf(work_run_name, sizeof(work_run_name), "%06d", rpl.run_id); pathmake(log_out, report_dir, "/", run_name, NULL); snprintf(txt_out, sizeof(txt_out), "%s/%s.txt", report_dir, run_name); make_all_dir(status_dir, 0777); make_dir(report_dir, 0777); if (!r) { /* * there is something wrong, but we have contest_id, judge_id * and run_id in place, so we can report an error back * to serve */ snprintf(msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf), "invalid compile packet\n"); goto report_internal_error; } if (req->style_check_only && req->style_checker && req->style_checker[0]) { check_style_only(global, req, &rpl, pkt_name, run_name, work_run_name, report_dir, status_dir); req = 0; continue; } if (req->lang_id <= 0 || req->lang_id > serve_state.max_lang || !(lang = serve_state.langs[req->lang_id])) { snprintf(msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf), "invalid lang_id %d\n", req->lang_id); goto report_internal_error; } pathmake(src_name, work_run_name, lang->src_sfx, NULL); pathmake(exe_name, work_run_name, lang->exe_sfx, NULL); pathmake(src_path, global->compile_work_dir, "/", src_name, NULL); pathmake(exe_path, global->compile_work_dir, "/", exe_name, NULL); pathmake(log_path, global->compile_work_dir, "/", "log", NULL); /* the resulting executable file */ snprintf(exe_out, sizeof(exe_out), "%s/%s%s", report_dir, run_name, lang->exe_sfx); /* move the source file into the working dir */ r = generic_copy_file(REMOVE, global->compile_src_dir, pkt_name, lang->src_sfx, 0, global->compile_work_dir, src_name, ""); if (!r) { snprintf(msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf), "the source file is missing\n"); err("the source file is missing"); goto report_internal_error; } if (r < 0) { snprintf(msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf), "error reading the source file\n"); err("cannot read the source file"); goto report_internal_error; } tail_message = 0; ce_flag = 0; if (req->output_only) { // copy src_path -> exe_path generic_copy_file(0, NULL, src_path, NULL, 0, NULL, exe_path, NULL); ce_flag = 0; rpl.status = RUN_OK; } else { if (req->style_checker) { /* run style checker */ //info("Starting: %s %s", req->style_checker, src_path); tsk = task_New(); task_AddArg(tsk, req->style_checker); task_AddArg(tsk, src_path); task_SetPathAsArg0(tsk); task_SetWorkingDir(tsk, global->compile_work_dir); task_EnableProcessGroup(tsk); task_SetRedir(tsk, 0, TSR_FILE, "/dev/null", TSK_READ); task_SetRedir(tsk, 1, TSR_FILE, log_path, TSK_REWRITE, 0777); task_SetRedir(tsk, 2, TSR_DUP, 1); if (req->sc_env_num > 0) { for (i = 0; i < req->sc_env_num; i++) task_PutEnv(tsk, req->sc_env_vars[i]); } if (lang->compile_real_time_limit > 0) { task_SetMaxRealTime(tsk, lang->compile_real_time_limit); } task_EnableAllSignals(tsk); task_PrintArgs(tsk); if (task_Start(tsk) < 0) { err("Failed to start style checker process"); tail_message = "\n\nFailed to start style checker"; ce_flag = 1; rpl.status = RUN_STYLE_ERR; } else { task_Wait(tsk); if (task_IsTimeout(tsk)) { err("Style checker process timed out"); tail_message = "\n\nStyle checker process timed out"; ce_flag = 1; rpl.status = RUN_STYLE_ERR; } else if (task_IsAbnormal(tsk)) { info("Style checker failed"); ce_flag = 1; rpl.status = RUN_STYLE_ERR; } else { info("Style checker sucessful"); ce_flag = 0; rpl.status = RUN_OK; } } task_Delete(tsk); tsk = 0; } if (!ce_flag) { //info("Starting: %s %s %s", lang->cmd, src_name, exe_name); tsk = task_New(); task_AddArg(tsk, lang->cmd); task_AddArg(tsk, src_name); task_AddArg(tsk, exe_name); task_SetPathAsArg0(tsk); task_EnableProcessGroup(tsk); if (((ssize_t) req->max_vm_size) > 0) { task_SetVMSize(tsk, req->max_vm_size); } else if (((ssize_t) lang->max_vm_size) > 0) { task_SetVMSize(tsk, lang->max_vm_size); } else if (((ssize_t) global->compile_max_vm_size) > 0) { task_SetVMSize(tsk, global->compile_max_vm_size); } if (((ssize_t) req->max_stack_size) > 0) { task_SetStackSize(tsk, req->max_stack_size); } else if (((ssize_t) lang->max_stack_size) > 0) { task_SetStackSize(tsk, lang->max_stack_size); } else if (((ssize_t) global->compile_max_stack_size) > 0) { task_SetStackSize(tsk, global->compile_max_stack_size); } if (((ssize_t) req->max_file_size) > 0) { task_SetMaxFileSize(tsk, req->max_file_size); } else if (((ssize_t) lang->max_file_size) > 0) { task_SetMaxFileSize(tsk, lang->max_file_size); } else if (((ssize_t) global->compile_max_file_size) > 0) { task_SetMaxFileSize(tsk, global->compile_max_file_size); } if (req->env_num > 0) { for (i = 0; i < req->env_num; i++) task_PutEnv(tsk, req->env_vars[i]); } task_SetWorkingDir(tsk, global->compile_work_dir); task_SetRedir(tsk, 0, TSR_FILE, "/dev/null", TSK_READ); task_SetRedir(tsk, 1, TSR_FILE, log_path, TSK_APPEND, 0777); task_SetRedir(tsk, 2, TSR_DUP, 1); if (lang->compile_real_time_limit > 0) { task_SetMaxRealTime(tsk, lang->compile_real_time_limit); } task_EnableAllSignals(tsk); /* if (cr_serialize_lock(&serve_state) < 0) { // FIXME: propose reasonable recovery? return -1; } */ task_PrintArgs(tsk); task_Start(tsk); task_Wait(tsk); /* if (cr_serialize_unlock(&serve_state) < 0) { // FIXME: propose reasonable recovery? return -1; } */ if (task_IsTimeout(tsk)) { err("Compilation process timed out"); tail_message = "\n\nCompilation process timed out"; ce_flag = 1; rpl.status = RUN_COMPILE_ERR; } else if (task_IsAbnormal(tsk)) { info("Compilation failed"); ce_flag = 1; rpl.status = RUN_COMPILE_ERR; } else { info("Compilation sucessful"); ce_flag = 0; rpl.status = RUN_OK; } } } get_current_time(&rpl.ts3, &rpl.ts3_us); if (compile_reply_packet_write(&rpl, &rpl_size, &rpl_pkt) < 0) goto cleanup_and_continue; while (1) { if (ce_flag) { #if HAVE_TRUNCATE - 0 // truncate log file at size 1MB if (stat(log_path, &stb) >= 0 && stb.st_size > MAX_LOG_SIZE) { truncate(log_path, MAX_LOG_SIZE); if ((log_f = fopen(log_path, "a"))) { fprintf(log_f, "\n\nCompilation log is truncated by ejudge!\n"); fclose(log_f); log_f = 0; } } #endif // append tail_message if (tail_message && (log_f = fopen(log_path, "a"))) { fprintf(log_f, "%s\n", tail_message); fclose(log_f); log_f = 0; } r = generic_copy_file(0, 0, log_path, "", 0, 0, log_out, ""); } else { r = generic_copy_file(0, 0, exe_path, "", 0, 0, exe_out, ""); generic_copy_file(0, 0, log_path, "", 0, 0, txt_out, ""); } if (r >= 0 && generic_write_file(rpl_pkt, rpl_size, SAFE, status_dir, run_name, "") >= 0) break; info("waiting 5 seconds hoping for things to change"); interrupt_enable(); os_Sleep(5000); interrupt_disable(); } goto cleanup_and_continue; report_internal_error:; rpl.status = RUN_CHECK_FAILED; get_current_time(&rpl.ts3, &rpl.ts3_us); if (compile_reply_packet_write(&rpl, &rpl_size, &rpl_pkt) < 0) goto cleanup_and_continue; if (generic_write_file(msgbuf, strlen(msgbuf), 0, 0, log_out, 0) < 0) goto cleanup_and_continue; if (generic_write_file(rpl_pkt, rpl_size, SAFE, status_dir, run_name, 0) < 0) unlink(log_out); goto cleanup_and_continue; cleanup_and_continue:; task_Delete(tsk); tsk = 0; clear_directory(global->compile_work_dir); xfree(rpl_pkt); rpl_pkt = 0; req = compile_request_packet_free(req); } /* while (1) */ return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i = 1, j = 0; char *key = 0; path_t cpp_opts = {0}; int code = 0; int prepare_flags = 0; unsigned char *user = 0, *group = 0, *workdir = 0; #if HAVE_SETSID - 0 path_t log_path; #endif /* HAVE_SETSID */ int pid = -1; char **argv_restart = 0; unsigned char *ejudge_xml_path = 0; unsigned char *compile_cfg_path = 0; path_t compile_cfg_buf = { 0 }; path_t contests_home_dir = { 0 }; path_t compile_home_dir = { 0 }; #if HAVE_OPEN_MEMSTREAM - 0 FILE *lang_log_f = 0; char *lang_log_t = 0; size_t lang_log_z = 0; #endif /* HAVE_OPEN_MEMSTREAM */ path_t tmp_path; int tmp_len; #if defined __WIN32__ path_t tmp_dir = { 0 }; path_t std_compile_home_dir = { 0 }; #endif enum { SUBST_SIZE = 16 }; const unsigned char *subst_src[SUBST_SIZE]; const unsigned char *subst_dst[SUBST_SIZE]; const unsigned char **subst_src_ptr = 0; const unsigned char **subst_dst_ptr = 0; start_set_self_args(argc, argv); XCALLOC(argv_restart, argc + 2); argv_restart[j++] = argv[0]; //if (argc == 1) goto print_usage; code = 1; while (i < argc) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-i")) { initialize_mode = 1; i++; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-k")) { if (++i >= argc) goto print_usage; argv_restart[j++] = argv[i]; key = argv[i++]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-D")) { daemon_mode = 1; i++; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-R")) { restart_mode = 1; i++; } else if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-D", 2)) { if (cpp_opts[0]) pathcat(cpp_opts, " "); argv_restart[j++] = argv[i]; pathcat(cpp_opts, argv[i++]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-u")) { if (++i >= argc) goto print_usage; user = argv[i++]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-g")) { if (++i >= argc) goto print_usage; group = argv[i++]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-C")) { if (++i >= argc) goto print_usage; workdir = argv[i++]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-d")) { daemon_mode = 1; i++; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-r")) { if (++i >= argc) goto print_usage; snprintf(contests_home_dir, sizeof(contests_home_dir), "%s", argv[i++]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-c")) { if (++i >= argc) goto print_usage; snprintf(compile_home_dir, sizeof(compile_home_dir), "%s", argv[i++]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-x")) { if (++i >= argc) goto print_usage; ejudge_xml_path = argv[i++]; argv_restart[j++] = "-x"; argv_restart[j++] = ejudge_xml_path; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--help")) { code = 0; goto print_usage; } else break; } argv_restart[j++] = "-R"; if (i < argc) { compile_cfg_path = argv[i]; argv_restart[j++] = argv[i++]; } if (i < argc) goto print_usage; argv_restart[j] = 0; start_set_args(argv_restart); if ((pid = start_find_process("ej-compile", 0)) > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: is already running as pid %d\n", argv[0], pid); return 1; } #if defined EJUDGE_XML_PATH if (!ejudge_xml_path) ejudge_xml_path = EJUDGE_XML_PATH; #endif /* EJUDGE_XML_PATH */ if (!ejudge_xml_path) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: ejudge.xml configuration file is not specified\n", argv[0]); return 1; } #if defined EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR if (contests_home_dir[0]) { tmp_len = strlen(EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR); if (!strncmp(ejudge_xml_path, EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR, tmp_len)) { snprintf(tmp_path, sizeof(tmp_path), "%s%s", contests_home_dir, ejudge_xml_path + tmp_len); ejudge_xml_path = xstrdup(tmp_path); } } #endif #ifndef __WIN32__ ejudge_config = ejudge_cfg_parse(ejudge_xml_path); if (!ejudge_config) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: ejudge.xml is invalid\n", argv[0]); return 1; } #endif #ifdef __WIN32__ if (!compile_home_dir[0] && contests_home_dir[0]) { snprintf(compile_home_dir, sizeof(compile_home_dir), "%s/win32_compile", contests_home_dir); } if (!compile_cfg_path && compile_home_dir[0]) { snprintf(compile_cfg_buf, sizeof(compile_cfg_buf), "%s/conf/compile.cfg", compile_home_dir); compile_cfg_path = xstrdup(compile_cfg_buf); } if (!compile_cfg_path && contests_home_dir[0]) { snprintf(compile_cfg_buf, sizeof(compile_cfg_buf), "%s/win32_compile/conf/compile.cfg", contests_home_dir); compile_cfg_path = xstrdup(compile_cfg_buf); } if (!compile_cfg_path && ejudge_config && ejudge_config->compile_home_dir) { snprintf(compile_cfg_buf, sizeof(compile_cfg_buf), "%s/conf/compile.cfg", ejudge_config->compile_home_dir); compile_cfg_path = compile_cfg_buf; } if (!compile_cfg_path && ejudge_config && ejudge_config->contests_home_dir) { snprintf(compile_cfg_buf, sizeof(compile_cfg_buf), "%s/win32_compile/conf/compile.cfg", ejudge_config->contests_home_dir); compile_cfg_path = compile_cfg_buf; } #if defined EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR if (!compile_cfg_path) { snprintf(compile_cfg_buf, sizeof(compile_cfg_buf), "%s/compile/conf/win32_compile.cfg", EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR); compile_cfg_path = compile_cfg_buf; } #endif /* EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR */ if (!compile_cfg_path) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: compile.cfg is not specified\n", argv[0]); return 1; } #else if (!compile_cfg_path && ejudge_config && ejudge_config->compile_home_dir) { snprintf(compile_cfg_buf, sizeof(compile_cfg_buf), "%s/conf/compile.cfg", ejudge_config->compile_home_dir); compile_cfg_path = compile_cfg_buf; } if (!compile_cfg_path && ejudge_config && ejudge_config->contests_home_dir) { snprintf(compile_cfg_buf, sizeof(compile_cfg_buf), "%s/compile/conf/compile.cfg", ejudge_config->contests_home_dir); compile_cfg_path = compile_cfg_buf; } #if defined EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR if (!compile_cfg_path) { snprintf(compile_cfg_buf, sizeof(compile_cfg_buf), "%s/compile/conf/compile.cfg", EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR); compile_cfg_path = compile_cfg_buf; } #endif /* EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR */ if (!compile_cfg_path) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: compile.cfg is not specified\n", argv[0]); return 1; } #endif /* __WIN32__ */ if (start_prepare(user, group, workdir) < 0) return 1; memset(subst_src, 0, sizeof(subst_src)); memset(subst_dst, 0, sizeof(subst_dst)); #ifdef __WIN32__ int subst_idx = 0; if (compile_home_dir[0]) { if (ejudge_config) { subst_src[subst_idx] = ejudge_config->compile_home_dir; subst_dst[subst_idx] = compile_home_dir; subst_idx++; } else { snprintf(std_compile_home_dir, sizeof(std_compile_home_dir), "%s/compile", EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR); subst_src[subst_idx] = std_compile_home_dir; subst_dst[subst_idx] = compile_home_dir; subst_idx++; } } if (contests_home_dir[0]) { subst_src[subst_idx] = EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR; subst_dst[subst_idx] = contests_home_dir; subst_idx++; } if (compile_home_dir[0]) { subst_src[subst_idx] = "/COMPILE_HOME_DIR"; subst_dst[subst_idx] = compile_home_dir; subst_idx++; } if (contests_home_dir[0]) { subst_src[subst_idx] = "/CONTESTS_HOME_DIR"; subst_dst[subst_idx] = contests_home_dir; subst_idx++; } subst_src[subst_idx] = "/TMPDIR"; subst_dst[subst_idx] = get_tmp_dir(tmp_dir, sizeof(tmp_dir)); subst_idx++; fprintf(stderr, "Win32 substitutions:\n"); for (int j = 0; subst_src[j]; ++j) { fprintf(stderr, "%s -> %s\n", subst_src[j], subst_dst[j]); } subst_src_ptr = subst_src; subst_dst_ptr = subst_dst; #endif if (prepare(&serve_state, compile_cfg_path, prepare_flags, PREPARE_COMPILE, cpp_opts, 0, subst_src_ptr, subst_dst_ptr) < 0) return 1; #if HAVE_OPEN_MEMSTREAM - 0 if (!(lang_log_f = open_memstream(&lang_log_t, &lang_log_z))) return 1; if (lang_config_configure(lang_log_f,>lang_config_dir, serve_state.max_lang, serve_state.langs) < 0) { fclose(lang_log_f); lang_log_f = 0; fprintf(stderr, "%s", lang_log_t); return 1; } close_memstream(lang_log_f); lang_log_f = 0; #else if (lang_config_configure(stderr,>lang_config_dir, serve_state.max_lang, serve_state.langs) < 0) return 1; #endif /* HAVE_OPEN_MEMSTREAM */ if (key && filter_languages(key) < 0) return 1; if (create_dirs(&serve_state, PREPARE_COMPILE) < 0) return 1; if (check_config() < 0) return 1; if (initialize_mode) return 0; #if HAVE_SETSID - 0 log_path[0] = 0; #if defined EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR if (!log_path[0]) { snprintf(log_path, sizeof(log_path), "%s/var/ej-compile.log", EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR); } #endif if (!log_path[0]) { snprintf(log_path, sizeof(log_path), "%s/ej-compile.log",>var_dir); } if (daemon_mode) { // daemonize itself if (start_open_log(log_path) < 0) return 1; if ((pid = fork()) < 0) return 1; if (pid > 0) _exit(0); if (setsid() < 0) return 1; #if HAVE_OPEN_MEMSTREAM - 0 == 1 fprintf(stderr, "%s", lang_log_t); #endif /* HAVE_OPEN_MEMSTREAM */ } else if (restart_mode) { if (start_open_log(log_path) < 0) return 1; } #endif /* HAVE_SETSID */ #if HAVE_OPEN_MEMSTREAM - 0 == 1 xfree(lang_log_t); lang_log_t = 0; lang_log_z = 0; #endif /* HAVE_OPEN_MEMSTREAM */ if (do_loop() < 0) return 1; if (interrupt_restart_requested()) start_restart(); return 0; print_usage: printf("Usage: %s [ OPTS ] [config-file]\n", argv[0]); printf(" -k key - specify language key\n"); printf(" -DDEF - define a symbol for preprocessor\n"); printf(" -D - start in daemon mode\n"); printf(" -i - initialize mode: create all dirs and exit\n"); printf(" -k KEY - specify a language filter key\n"); printf(" -u U - start as user U (only as root)\n"); printf(" -g G - start as group G (only as root)\n"); printf(" -C D - change directory to D\n"); printf(" -x X - specify a path to ejudge.xml file\n"); printf(" -r S - substitute ${CONTESTS_HOME_DIR} for S in the config\n"); printf(" -c C - substitute ${COMPILE_HOME_DIR} for C in the config\n"); return code; }
static int do_loop(void) { int r; path_t report_path; path_t full_report_path; path_t pkt_name; unsigned char exe_pkt_name[64]; unsigned char run_base[64]; path_t full_report_dir; path_t full_status_dir; path_t full_full_dir; char exe_name[64]; int tester_id; struct section_tester_data tn, *tst; int got_quit_packet = 0; struct run_reply_packet reply_pkt; void *reply_pkt_buf = 0; size_t reply_pkt_buf_size = 0; unsigned char errmsg[512]; const struct section_global_data *global =; const unsigned char *arch = 0; char *srp_b = 0; size_t srp_z = 0; struct super_run_in_packet *srp = NULL; struct super_run_in_global_packet *srgp = NULL; struct super_run_in_problem_packet *srpp = NULL; memset(&tn, 0, sizeof(tn)); //if (cr_serialize_init(&serve_state) < 0) return -1; interrupt_init(); interrupt_disable(); while (1) { interrupt_enable(); /* time window for immediate signal delivery */ interrupt_disable(); // terminate, if signaled if (interrupt_get_status()) break; if (interrupt_restart_requested()) { restart_flag = 1; } if (restart_flag) break; r = scan_dir(global->run_queue_dir, pkt_name, sizeof(pkt_name)); if (r < 0) return -1; if (!r) { if (got_quit_packet && managed_mode_flag) { return 0; } if (managed_mode_flag && global->inactivity_timeout > 0 && last_activity_time + global->inactivity_timeout < time(0)) { info("no activity for %d seconds, exiting",global->inactivity_timeout); return 0; } interrupt_enable(); os_Sleep(global->sleep_time); interrupt_disable(); continue; } last_activity_time = time(0); srp = super_run_in_packet_free(srp); xfree(srp_b); srp_b = NULL; srp_z = 0; r = generic_read_file(&srp_b, 0, &srp_z, SAFE | REMOVE, global->run_queue_dir, pkt_name, ""); if (r == 0) continue; if (r < 0) return -1; if (!strcmp(pkt_name, "QUIT")) { if (managed_mode_flag) { got_quit_packet = 1; info("got force quit run packet"); } else { restart_flag = 1; } xfree(srp_b); srp_b = NULL; srp_z = 0; continue; } fprintf(stderr, "packet: <<%.*s>>\n", (int) srp_z, srp_b); srp = super_run_in_packet_parse_cfg_str(pkt_name, srp_b, srp_z); //xfree(srp_b); srp_b = NULL; srp_z = 0; if (!srp) { err("failed to parse file %s", pkt_name); continue; } if (!(srgp = srp->global)) { err("packet %s has no global section", pkt_name); continue; } if (srgp->contest_id <= 0) { err("packet %s: undefined contest_id", pkt_name); continue; } if (managed_mode_flag && srgp->restart > 0) { got_quit_packet = 1; info("got force quit run packet"); continue; } if (srgp->restart > 0) { restart_flag = 1; continue; } /* if (req_pkt->contest_id == -1) { r = generic_write_file(req_buf, req_buf_size, SAFE,>run_queue_dir, pkt_name, ""); if (r < 0) return -1; info("force quit packet is ignored in unmanaged mode"); scan_dir_add_ignored(>run_queue_dir, pkt_name); continue; } */ if (!(srpp = srp->problem)) { err("packet %s: no [problem] section", pkt_name); continue; } /* if we are asked to do full testing, but don't want */ if ((global->skip_full_testing > 0 && !srgp->accepting_mode) || (global->skip_accept_testing > 0 && srgp->accepting_mode)) { r = generic_write_file(srp_b, srp_z, SAFE, global->run_queue_dir, pkt_name, ""); if (r < 0) return -1; info("skipping problem %s", srpp->short_name); scan_dir_add_ignored(global->run_queue_dir, pkt_name); continue; } /* if this problem is marked as "skip_testing" put the * packet back to the spool directory */ #if 0 if (cur_prob->skip_testing > 0) { r = generic_write_file(srp_b, srp_z, SAFE, global->run_queue_dir, pkt_name, ""); if (r < 0) return -1; info("skipping problem %s", cur_prob->short_name); scan_dir_add_ignored(global->run_queue_dir, pkt_name); continue; } #endif snprintf(run_base, sizeof(run_base), "%06d", srgp->run_id); report_path[0] = 0; full_report_path[0] = 0; if (srpp->type_val == PROB_TYPE_TESTS) { //cr_serialize_lock(&serve_state); run_inverse_testing(&serve_state, srp, &reply_pkt, pkt_name, global->run_exe_dir, report_path, sizeof(report_path), utf8_mode); //cr_serialize_unlock(&serve_state); } else { arch = srgp->arch; if (!arch) arch = ""; if (srpp->type_val > 0 && arch && !*arch) { // any tester will work for output-only problems arch = 0; } /* regular problem */ if (!(tester_id = find_tester(&serve_state, srpp->id, arch))){ snprintf(errmsg, sizeof(errmsg), "no tester found for %d, %s\n", srpp->id, srgp->arch); goto report_check_failed_and_continue; } info("fount tester %d for pair %d,%s", tester_id, srpp->id, srgp->arch); tst = serve_state.testers[tester_id]; if (tst->any) { info("tester %d is a default tester", tester_id); r = prepare_tester_refinement(&serve_state, &tn, tester_id, srpp->id); ASSERT(r >= 0); tst = &tn; } /* if this tester is marked as "skip_testing" put the * packet back to the spool directory */ if (tst->skip_testing > 0) { r = generic_write_file(srp_b, srp_z, SAFE, global->run_queue_dir, pkt_name, ""); if (r < 0) return -1; info("skipping tester <%s,%s>", srpp->short_name, tst->arch); scan_dir_add_ignored(global->run_queue_dir, pkt_name); if (tst == &tn) { sarray_free(tst->start_env); tst->start_env = 0; sarray_free(tst->super); tst->super = 0; } continue; } snprintf(exe_pkt_name, sizeof(exe_pkt_name), "%s%s", pkt_name, srgp->exe_sfx); snprintf(exe_name, sizeof(exe_name), "%s%s", run_base, srgp->exe_sfx); r = generic_copy_file(REMOVE, global->run_exe_dir, exe_pkt_name, "", 0, global->run_work_dir, exe_name, ""); if (r <= 0) { snprintf(errmsg, sizeof(errmsg), "failed to copy executable file %s/%s\n", global->run_exe_dir, exe_pkt_name); goto report_check_failed_and_continue; } /* start filling run_reply_packet */ memset(&reply_pkt, 0, sizeof(reply_pkt)); reply_pkt.judge_id = srgp->judge_id; reply_pkt.contest_id = srgp->contest_id; reply_pkt.run_id = srgp->run_id; reply_pkt.notify_flag = srgp->notify_flag; reply_pkt.user_status = -1; reply_pkt.user_tests_passed = -1; reply_pkt.user_score = -1; reply_pkt.ts1 = srgp->ts1; reply_pkt.ts1_us = srgp->ts1_us; reply_pkt.ts2 = srgp->ts2; reply_pkt.ts2_us = srgp->ts2_us; reply_pkt.ts3 = srgp->ts3; reply_pkt.ts3_us = srgp->ts3_us; reply_pkt.ts4 = srgp->ts4; reply_pkt.ts4_us = srgp->ts4_us; get_current_time(&reply_pkt.ts5, &reply_pkt.ts5_us); //if (cr_serialize_lock(&serve_state) < 0) return -1; run_tests(ejudge_config, &serve_state, tst, srp, &reply_pkt, srgp->accepting_mode, srpp->accept_partial, srgp->variant, exe_name, run_base, report_path, full_report_path, srgp->user_spelling, srpp->spelling, NULL /* mirror_dir */, utf8_mode); //if (cr_serialize_unlock(&serve_state) < 0) return -1; if (tst == &tn) { sarray_free(tst->start_env); tst->start_env = 0; sarray_free(tst->super); tst->super = 0; } } if (srgp->reply_report_dir && srgp->reply_report_dir[0]) { snprintf(full_report_dir, sizeof(full_report_dir), "%s", srgp->reply_report_dir); } else { snprintf(full_report_dir, sizeof(full_report_dir), "%s/%06d/report", global->run_dir, srgp->contest_id); } if (srgp->reply_spool_dir && srgp->reply_spool_dir[0]) { snprintf(full_status_dir, sizeof(full_status_dir), "%s", srgp->reply_spool_dir); } else { snprintf(full_status_dir, sizeof(full_status_dir), "%s/%06d/status", global->run_dir, srgp->contest_id); } if (srgp->reply_full_archive_dir && srgp->reply_full_archive_dir[0]) { snprintf(full_full_dir, sizeof(full_full_dir), "%s", srgp->reply_full_archive_dir); } else { snprintf(full_full_dir, sizeof(full_full_dir), "%s/%06d/output", global->run_dir, srgp->contest_id); } if (generic_copy_file(0, NULL, report_path, "", 0, full_report_dir, run_base, "") < 0) return -1; #if defined CONF_HAS_LIBZIP if (full_report_path[0] && generic_copy_file(0, NULL, full_report_path, "", 0, full_full_dir, run_base, ".zip") < 0) return -1; #else if (full_report_path[0] && generic_copy_file(0, NULL, full_report_path, "", 0, full_full_dir, run_base, "") < 0) return -1; #endif //run_reply_packet_dump(&reply_pkt); if (run_reply_packet_write(&reply_pkt, &reply_pkt_buf_size, &reply_pkt_buf) < 0) { /* FIXME: do something, if this is possible. * However, unability to generate a reply packet only * means that invalid data passed, which should be reported * immediately as internal error! */ abort(); } if (generic_write_file(reply_pkt_buf, reply_pkt_buf_size, SAFE, full_status_dir, run_base, "") < 0) { xfree(reply_pkt_buf); reply_pkt_buf = 0; return -1; } xfree(reply_pkt_buf); reply_pkt_buf = 0; clear_directory(global->run_work_dir); last_activity_time = time(0); continue; report_check_failed_and_continue:; memset(&reply_pkt, 0, sizeof(reply_pkt)); reply_pkt.judge_id = srgp->judge_id; reply_pkt.contest_id = srgp->contest_id; reply_pkt.run_id = srgp->run_id; reply_pkt.user_status = -1; reply_pkt.user_tests_passed = -1; reply_pkt.user_score = -1; reply_pkt.ts1 = srgp->ts1; reply_pkt.ts1_us = srgp->ts1_us; reply_pkt.ts2 = srgp->ts2; reply_pkt.ts2_us = srgp->ts2_us; reply_pkt.ts3 = srgp->ts3; reply_pkt.ts3_us = srgp->ts3_us; reply_pkt.ts4 = srgp->ts4; reply_pkt.ts4_us = srgp->ts4_us; get_current_time(&reply_pkt.ts5, &reply_pkt.ts5_us); reply_pkt.ts6 = reply_pkt.ts5; reply_pkt.ts6_us = reply_pkt.ts5_us; reply_pkt.ts7 = reply_pkt.ts5; reply_pkt.ts7_us = reply_pkt.ts5_us; reply_pkt.status = RUN_CHECK_FAILED; reply_pkt.failed_test = 0; reply_pkt.score = -1; if (run_reply_packet_write(&reply_pkt, &reply_pkt_buf_size, &reply_pkt_buf) < 0) { // oops :( abort(); } if (generic_write_file(errmsg, strlen(errmsg), 0, full_report_dir, run_base, "") < 0 || generic_write_file(reply_pkt_buf, reply_pkt_buf_size, SAFE, full_status_dir, run_base, "") < 0) { err("error writing check failed packet"); } clear_directory(global->run_work_dir); } srp = super_run_in_packet_free(srp); xfree(srp_b); srp_b = NULL; srp_z = 0; return 0; }