Example #1
main (void)
  struct timespec ts;
  timer_t timer_sig, timer_thr1, timer_thr2;
  int retval;
  struct sigevent sigev1 =
    .sigev_notify = SIGEV_SIGNAL,
    .sigev_signo = ZSIGALRM
  struct sigevent sigev2;
  struct itimerspec itimer1 = { { 0, 200000000 }, { 0, 200000000 } };
  struct itimerspec itimer2 = { { 0, 100000000 }, { 0, 500000000 } };
  struct itimerspec itimer3 = { { 0, 150000000 }, { 0, 300000000 } };
  struct itimerspec old;

  retval = clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);

  sigev2.sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD;
  sigev2.sigev_notify_function = notify_func;
  sigev2.sigev_notify_attributes = NULL;

  setvbuf (stdout, 0, _IOLBF, 0);

  printf ("clock_gettime returned %d, timespec = { %ld, %ld }\n",
	  retval, ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec);

  retval = clock_getres (CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);

  printf ("clock_getres returned %d, timespec = { %ld, %ld }\n",
	  retval, ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec);

  timer_create (CLOCK_REALTIME, &sigev1, &timer_sig);
  timer_create (CLOCK_REALTIME, &sigev2, &timer_thr1);
  timer_create (CLOCK_REALTIME, &sigev2, &timer_thr2);

  timer_settime (timer_thr1, 0, &itimer2, &old);
  timer_settime (timer_thr2, 0, &itimer3, &old);

  signal (ZSIGALRM, signal_func);

  timer_settime (timer_sig, 0, &itimer1, &old);

  timer_delete (-1);

  intr_sleep (3);

  timer_delete (timer_sig);
  timer_delete (timer_thr1);

  intr_sleep (3);

  timer_delete (timer_thr2);

  return 0;
Example #2
static void fin_sleep(int secs) {
  struct timespec req = {.tv_sec = secs };
  struct timespec rem = {.tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = -1 };

  test_assert(0 == nanosleep(&req, &rem));
  test_assert(-1 == rem.tv_sec && -1 == rem.tv_nsec);

static void sighandler(__attribute__((unused)) int sig) {
  test_assert(sys_gettid() == reader_tid);

  atomic_puts("r: in sighandler level 1 ...");

static void sighandler2(__attribute__((unused)) int sig) {
  test_assert(sys_gettid() == reader_tid);

  atomic_puts("r: in sighandler level 2 ...");

static void* reader_thread(__attribute__((unused)) void* dontcare) {
  struct sigaction act;
  int flags = 0;

  reader_tid = sys_gettid();

  act.sa_handler = sighandler;
  act.sa_flags = flags;
  sigaction(SIGUSR1, &act, NULL);

  act.sa_handler = sighandler2;
  act.sa_flags = flags;
  sigaction(SIGUSR2, &act, NULL);


  atomic_puts("r: blocking on sleep, awaiting signal ...");

  return NULL;

int main(void) {
  struct timeval ts;

  /* (Kick on the syscallbuf if it's enabled.) */
  gettimeofday(&ts, NULL);

  pthread_barrier_init(&barrier, NULL, 2);
  pthread_create(&reader, NULL, reader_thread, NULL);


  /* Force a blocked read() that's interrupted by a SIGUSR1,
   * which then itself blocks on read() and succeeds. */
  atomic_puts("M: sleeping ...");

  atomic_puts("M: killing reader ...");
  pthread_kill(reader, SIGUSR1);
  atomic_puts("M:   (quick nap)");

  atomic_puts("M: killing reader again ...");
  pthread_kill(reader, SIGUSR2);

  atomic_puts("M:   ... done");

  pthread_join(reader, NULL);

  return 0;
Example #3
main (void)
  struct timespec ts;
  timer_t timer_sig, timer_thr1, timer_thr2;
  int retval;
  struct sigevent sigev1 =
    .sigev_notify = SIGEV_SIGNAL,
    .sigev_signo = ZSIGALRM
  struct sigevent sigev2;
  struct itimerspec itimer1 = { { 0, 200000000 }, { 0, 200000000 } };
  struct itimerspec itimer2 = { { 0, 100000000 }, { 0, 500000000 } };
  struct itimerspec itimer3 = { { 0, 150000000 }, { 0, 300000000 } };
  struct itimerspec old;

  retval = clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);

  sigev2.sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD;
  sigev2.sigev_notify_function = notify_func1;
  sigev2.sigev_notify_attributes = NULL;
  /* It is unnecessary to do the following but to set a good example
     we do it anyhow.  */
  sigev2.sigev_value.sival_ptr = NULL;

  setvbuf (stdout, 0, _IOLBF, 0);

  printf ("clock_gettime returned %d, timespec = { %jd, %jd }\n",
	  retval, (intmax_t) ts.tv_sec, (intmax_t) ts.tv_nsec);

  retval = clock_getres (CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);

  printf ("clock_getres returned %d, timespec = { %jd, %jd }\n",
	  retval, (intmax_t) ts.tv_sec, (intmax_t) ts.tv_nsec);

  if (timer_create (CLOCK_REALTIME, &sigev1, &timer_sig) != 0)
      printf ("timer_create for timer_sig failed: %m\n");
      exit (1);
  if (timer_create (CLOCK_REALTIME, &sigev2, &timer_thr1) != 0)
      printf ("timer_create for timer_thr1 failed: %m\n");
      exit (1);
  sigev2.sigev_notify_function = notify_func2;
  if (timer_create (CLOCK_REALTIME, &sigev2, &timer_thr2) != 0)
      printf ("timer_create for timer_thr2 failed: %m\n");
      exit (1);

  if (timer_settime (timer_thr1, 0, &itimer2, &old) != 0)
      printf ("timer_settime for timer_thr1 failed: %m\n");
      exit (1);
  if (timer_settime (timer_thr2, 0, &itimer3, &old) != 0)
      printf ("timer_settime for timer_thr2 failed: %m\n");
      exit (1);

  signal (ZSIGALRM, signal_func);

  if (timer_settime (timer_sig, 0, &itimer1, &old) != 0)
      printf ("timer_settime for timer_sig failed: %m\n");
      exit (1);

  intr_sleep (3);

  if (timer_delete (timer_sig) != 0)
      printf ("timer_delete for timer_sig failed: %m\n");
      exit (1);
  if (timer_delete (timer_thr1) != 0)
      printf ("timer_delete for timer_thr1 failed: %m\n");
      exit (1);

  intr_sleep (3);

  if (timer_delete (timer_thr2) != 0)
      printf ("timer_delete for timer_thr2 failed: %m\n");
      exit (1);

  return 0;