Example #1
      /* 'Data'   Matrix of data containing observation data in rows, one
       *          row per observation and complying with this format:
       *                    x y z P
       *          Where x,y,z are satellite coordinates in an ECEF system
       *          and P is pseudorange (corrected as much as possible,
       *          specially from satellite clock errors), all expresed
       *          in meters.
       * 'X'      Vector of position solution, in meters. There may be
       *          another solution, that may be accessed with vector
       *          "SecondSolution" if "ChooseOne" is set to "false".
       * Return values:
       *  0  Ok
       * -1  Not enough good data
       * -2  Singular problem
   int Bancroft::Compute( Matrix<double>& Data,
                          Vector<double>& X )


         int N = Data.rows();
         Matrix<double> B(0,4);     // Working matrix

            // Let's test the input data
         if( testInput )

            double satRadius = 0.0;

               // Check each row of B Matrix
            for( int i=0; i < N; i++ )
                  // If Data(i,3) -> Pseudorange is NOT between the allowed
                  // range, then drop line immediately
               if( !( (Data(i,3) >= minPRange) && (Data(i,3) <= maxPRange) ) )

                  // Let's compute distance between Earth center and
                  // satellite position
               satRadius = RSS(Data(i,0), Data(i,1) , Data(i,2));

                  // If satRadius is NOT between the allowed range, then drop
                  // line immediately
               if( !( (satRadius >= minRadius) && (satRadius <= maxRadius) ) )

                  // If everything is ok so far, then extract the good
                  // data row and add it to working matrix
               MatrixRowSlice<double> goodRow(Data,i);
               B = B && goodRow;              


               // Let's redefine "N" and check if we have enough data rows
               // left in a single step
            if( (N = B.rows()) < 4 )
               return -1;  // We need at least 4 data rows

         }  // End of 'if( testInput )...'
               // No input filtering. Working matrix (B) and
               // input matrix (Data) are equal
            B = Data;

         Matrix<double> BT=transpose(B);
         Matrix<double> BTBI(4,4), M(4,4,0.0);
         Vector<double> aux(4), alpha(N), solution1(4), solution2(4);

            // Temporary storage for BT*B. It will be inverted later
         BTBI = BT * B;

            // Let's try to invert BTB matrix
            BTBI = inverseChol( BTBI ); 
            return -2;

            // Now, let's compute alpha vector
         for( int i=0; i < N; i++ )
               // First, fill auxiliar vector with corresponding satellite
               // position and pseudorange
            aux(0) = B(i,0);
            aux(1) = B(i,1);
            aux(2) = B(i,2);
            aux(3) = B(i,3);
            alpha(i) = 0.5 * Minkowski(aux, aux);

         Vector<double> tau(N,1.0), BTBIBTtau(4), BTBIBTalpha(4);

         BTBIBTtau = BTBI * BT * tau;
         BTBIBTalpha = BTBI * BT * alpha;

            // Now, let's find the coeficients of the second order-equation
         double a(Minkowski(BTBIBTtau, BTBIBTtau));
         double b(2.0 * (Minkowski(BTBIBTtau, BTBIBTalpha) - 1.0));
         double c(Minkowski(BTBIBTalpha, BTBIBTalpha));

            // Calculate discriminant and exit if negative
         double discriminant = b*b - 4.0 * a * c;
         if (discriminant < 0.0)
            return -2;

            // Find possible DELTA values
         double DELTA1 = ( -b + SQRT(discriminant) ) / ( 2.0 * a );
         double DELTA2 = ( -b - SQRT(discriminant) ) / ( 2.0 * a );

            // We need to define M matrix
         M(0,0) = 1.0;
         M(1,1) = 1.0;
         M(2,2) = 1.0;
         M(3,3) = - 1.0;

            // Find possible position solutions with their implicit radii
         solution1 = M *  BTBI * ( BT * DELTA1 * tau + BT * alpha );
         double radius1(RSS(solution1(0), solution1(1), solution1(2)));

         solution2 = M *  BTBI * ( BT * DELTA2 * tau + BT * alpha );
         double radius2(RSS(solution2(0), solution2(1), solution2(2)));

            // Let's choose the right solution
         if ( ChooseOne )
            if ( ABS(CloseTo-radius1) < ABS(CloseTo-radius2) )
               X = solution1;
               X = solution2;
               // Both solutions will be reported
            X = solution1;
            SecondSolution = solution2;
         return 0;

      }  // end of first "try"
      catch(Exception& e)
   }  // end Bancroft::Compute()
Example #2
      /* Returns a satTypeValueMap object, adding the new data generated when
       * calling this object.
       * @param time      Epoch corresponding to the data.
       * @param gData     Data object holding the data.
   satTypeValueMap& ComputeDOP::Process( const CommonTime& time,
                                         satTypeValueMap& gData)


         bool valid1(false), valid2(false); 

            // First, let's define a set with XYZt unknowns
         TypeIDSet tempSet1;

            // Second, let's define a set with NEUt unknowns
         TypeIDSet tempSet2;

            // Then, generate the corresponding geometry/design matrices
         Matrix<double> dMatrix1(gData.getMatrixOfTypes(tempSet1));
         Matrix<double> dMatrix2(gData.getMatrixOfTypes(tempSet2));

            // Afterwards, compute the appropriate extra matrices
         Matrix<double> AT1(transpose(dMatrix1));
         Matrix<double> covM1(AT1 * dMatrix1);

         Matrix<double> AT2(transpose(dMatrix2));
         Matrix<double> covM2(AT2 * dMatrix2);

            // Let's try to invert AT*A matrices

            covM1 = inverseChol( covM1 );
            valid1 = true;


            valid1 = false;


            covM2 = inverseChol( covM2 );
            valid2 = true;

            valid2 = false;

         if( valid1 )

            gdop = std::sqrt(covM1(0,0)+covM1(1,1)+covM1(2,2)+covM1(3,3));
            pdop = std::sqrt(covM1(0,0)+covM1(1,1)+covM1(2,2));
            tdop = std::sqrt(covM1(3,3));

            gdop = -1.0;
            pdop = -1.0;
            tdop = -1.0;

         if( valid2 )
            hdop = std::sqrt(covM2(0,0)+covM2(1,1));
            vdop = std::sqrt(covM2(2,2));
            hdop = -1.0;
            vdop = -1.0;

         return gData;

      catch(Exception& u)
            // Throw an exception if something unexpected happens
         ProcessingException e( getClassName() + ":"
                                + u.what() );



   }  // End of method 'ComputeDOP::Process()'