Example #1
 * Connect an RAW PCB. This function is required by upper layers
 * of lwip. Using the raw api you could use raw_sendto() instead
 * This will associate the RAW PCB with the remote address.
 * @param pcb RAW PCB to be connected with remote address ipaddr and port.
 * @param ipaddr remote IP address to connect with.
 * @return lwIP error code
 * @see raw_disconnect() and raw_sendto()
raw_connect(struct raw_pcb *pcb, const ip_addr_t *ipaddr)
  if ((pcb == NULL) || (ipaddr == NULL) || !IP_ADDR_PCB_VERSION_MATCH_EXACT(pcb, ipaddr)) {
    return ERR_VAL;
  ip_addr_set_ipaddr(&pcb->remote_ip, ipaddr);
  return ERR_OK;
Example #2
 * @ingroup raw_raw
 * Connect an RAW PCB. This function is required by upper layers
 * of lwip. Using the raw api you could use raw_sendto() instead
 * This will associate the RAW PCB with the remote address.
 * @param pcb RAW PCB to be connected with remote address ipaddr and port.
 * @param ipaddr remote IP address to connect with.
 * @return lwIP error code
 * @see raw_disconnect() and raw_sendto()
raw_connect(struct raw_pcb *pcb, const ip_addr_t *ipaddr)
  if ((pcb == NULL) || (ipaddr == NULL)) {
    return ERR_VAL;
  ip_addr_set_ipaddr(&pcb->remote_ip, ipaddr);
  return ERR_OK;
Example #3
File: raw.c Project: NHSchafer/lwip
 * Bind a RAW PCB.
 * @param pcb RAW PCB to be bound with a local address ipaddr.
 * @param ipaddr local IP address to bind with. Use IP_ADDR_ANY to
 * bind to all local interfaces.
 * @return lwIP error code.
 * - ERR_OK. Successful. No error occurred.
 * - ERR_USE. The specified IP address is already bound to by
 * another RAW PCB.
 * @see raw_disconnect()
raw_bind(struct raw_pcb *pcb, const ip_addr_t *ipaddr)
  if ((pcb == NULL) || (ipaddr == NULL) || !IP_ADDR_PCB_VERSION_MATCH(pcb, ipaddr)) {
    return ERR_VAL;
  ip_addr_set_ipaddr(&pcb->local_ip, ipaddr);
  return ERR_OK;
Example #4
 * @ingroup raw_raw
 * Bind a RAW PCB.
 * @param pcb RAW PCB to be bound with a local address ipaddr.
 * @param ipaddr local IP address to bind with. Use IP4_ADDR_ANY to
 * bind to all local interfaces.
 * @return lwIP error code.
 * - ERR_OK. Successful. No error occurred.
 * - ERR_USE. The specified IP address is already bound to by
 * another RAW PCB.
 * @see raw_disconnect()
raw_bind(struct raw_pcb *pcb, const ip_addr_t *ipaddr)
  if ((pcb == NULL) || (ipaddr == NULL)) {
    return ERR_VAL;
  ip_addr_set_ipaddr(&pcb->local_ip, ipaddr);
  return ERR_OK;