Example #1
BOOL __stdcall ProcessRequest(HWND hwnd, LPARAM param)
	char szBuf[MAX_PATH];

	TEnumData *lParam = (TEnumData*)param;
	DWORD pid = 0;
	GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &pid);
	if (pid != 0) {
		// old system would get a window's pid and the module handle that created it
		// and try to OpenEvent() a event object name to it (prefixed with a string)
		// this was fine for most Oses (not the best way) but now actually compares
		// the class string (a bit slower) but should get rid of those bugs finally.
		HANDLE hMirandaWorkEvent = OpenEventA(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, false, CreateProcessUID(pid, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)));
		if (hMirandaWorkEvent != 0) {
			GetClassNameA(hwnd, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf));
			if ( lstrcmpA(szBuf, MIRANDACLASS) != 0) {
				// opened but not valid.
				logA("ProcessRequest(%d, %p): class %s differs from %s\n", pid, hwnd, szBuf, MIRANDACLASS);
				return true;
		// if the event object exists,  a shlext.dll running in the instance must of created it.
		if (hMirandaWorkEvent != 0) {
			logA("ProcessRequest(%d, %p): window found\n", pid, hwnd);
			// prep the request

			// slots will be in the order of icon data, groups  contacts, the first
			// slot will contain the profile name
			DWORD replyBits = ipcSendRequest(hMirandaWorkEvent, lParam->hWaitFor, lParam->ipch, 1000);

			// replyBits will be REPLY_FAIL if the wait timed out, or it'll be the request
			// bits as sent or a series of *_NOTIMPL bits where the request bit were, if there are no
			// contacts to speak of,  don't bother showing this instance of Miranda }
			if (replyBits != REPLY_FAIL && lParam->ipch->ContactsBegin != NULL) {
				logA("ProcessRequest(%d, %p): IPC succeeded\n", pid, hwnd);
				// load the address again, the server side will always overwrite it
				lParam->ipch->pClientBaseAddress = lParam->ipch;
				// fixup all the pointers to be relative to the memory map
				// the base pointer of the client side version of the mapped file
				// store the PID used to create the work event object
				// that got replied to -- this is needed since each contact
				// on the final menu maybe on a different instance and another OpenEvent() will be needed.
				lParam->pid = pid;
				// check out the user options from the server
				lParam->bShouldOwnerDraw = (lParam->ipch->dwFlags & HIPC_NOICONS) == 0;
				// process the icons
				// process other replies
			// close the work object
	return true;
Example #2
// this function is called from an APC into the main thread
void __stdcall ipcService(ULONG_PTR dwParam)
	HANDLE hSignal;
	TSlotIPC *pct;
	LPSTR szBuf;
	char szGroupStr[32];
	LPSTR szMiranda;

	// try to open the file mapping object the caller must make sure no other
	// running instance is using this file
	if (hMap == 0)

	// map the file to this process
	THeaderIPC *pMMT = (THeaderIPC*)MapViewOfFile(hMap, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0);
	// if it fails the caller should of had some timeout in wait
	if (pMMT != NULL && pMMT->cbSize == sizeof(THeaderIPC) && pMMT->dwVersion == PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION(2, 0, 1, 2)) {
		// toggle the right bits
		int *bits = &pMMT->fRequests;
		// jump right to a worker thread for file processing?
		if (*bits & REQUEST_XFRFILES) {
			THeaderIPC *cloned = (THeaderIPC*)mir_alloc(IPC_PACKET_SIZE);
			// translate from client space to cloned heap memory
			pMMT->pServerBaseAddress = pMMT->pClientBaseAddress;
			pMMT->pClientBaseAddress = cloned;
			CopyMemory(cloned, pMMT, IPC_PACKET_SIZE);
			ipcFixupAddresses(true, cloned);
			DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentThread(), GetCurrentProcess(), &cloned->Param, THREAD_SET_CONTEXT, false, 0);
			mir_forkthread(&IssueTransferThread, cloned);
			goto Reply;
		// the request was to clear the MRU entries, we have no return data
		if (*bits & REQUEST_CLEARMRU) {
			mir_forkthread(&ClearMRUThread, NULL);
			goto Reply;
		// the IPC header may have pointers that need to be translated
		// in either case the supplied data area pointers has to be
		// translated to this address space.
		// the server base address is always removed to get an offset
		// to which the client base is added, this is what ipcFixupAddresses() does
		pMMT->pServerBaseAddress = pMMT->pClientBaseAddress;
		pMMT->pClientBaseAddress = pMMT;
		// translate to the server space map
		ipcFixupAddresses(true, pMMT);
		// store the address map offset so the caller can retranslate
		pMMT->pServerBaseAddress = pMMT;
		// return some options to the client
		if (db_get_b(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_ShowNoIcons, 0) != 0)
			pMMT->dwFlags = HIPC_NOICONS;

		// see if we have a custom string for 'Miranda'
		szMiranda = "Miranda";
		lstrcpynA(pMMT->MirandaName, szMiranda, sizeof(pMMT->MirandaName) - 1);

		// for the MRU menu
		szBuf = Translate("Recently");
		lstrcpynA(pMMT->MRUMenuName, szBuf, sizeof(pMMT->MRUMenuName) - 1);

		// and a custom string for "clear entries"
		szBuf = Translate("Clear entries");
		lstrcpynA(pMMT->ClearEntries, szBuf, sizeof(pMMT->ClearEntries) - 1);

		// if the group mode is on, check if they want the CList setting
		bool bGroupMode = (BST_CHECKED == db_get_b(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_UseGroups, BST_UNCHECKED));
		if (bGroupMode && BST_CHECKED == db_get_b(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_UseCListSetting, BST_UNCHECKED)) 
			bGroupMode = db_get_b(0, "CList", "UseGroups", true) != 0;

		int iSlot = 0;
		// return profile if set
		if (BST_UNCHECKED == db_get_b(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_ShowNoProfile, BST_UNCHECKED)) {
			pct = ipcAlloc(pMMT, 50);
			if (pct != NULL) {
				// will actually return with .dat if there's space for it, not what the docs say
				pct->Status = STATUS_PROFILENAME;
				CallService(MS_DB_GETPROFILENAME, 49, UINT_PTR(pct) + sizeof(TSlotIPC));
		if (*bits & REQUEST_NEWICONS)

		if (*bits & REQUEST_GROUPS) {
			// return contact's grouping if it's present
			while (bGroupMode) {
				_itoa(iSlot, szGroupStr, 10);
				if ( db_get_s(0, "CListGroups", szGroupStr, &dbv) != 0)
				pct = ipcAlloc(pMMT, lstrlenA(dbv.pszVal + 1) + 1);
				// first byte has flags, need null term
				if (pct != NULL) {
					if (pMMT->GroupsBegin == NULL)
						pMMT->GroupsBegin = pct;
					pct->fType = REQUEST_GROUPS;
					pct->hContact = 0;
					szBuf = LPSTR(pct) + sizeof(TSlotIPC); // get the end of the slot
					lstrcpyA(szBuf, dbv.pszVal + 1);
					pct->hGroup = 0;
					db_free(&dbv); // free the string
				else {
					// outta space
			// if there was no space left, it'll } on null
			if (pct == NULL)
				*bits = (*bits | GROUPS_NOTIMPL) & ~REQUEST_GROUPS;
		// SHOULD check slot space.
		if (*bits & REQUEST_CONTACTS) {
			if (!ipcGetSortedContacts(pMMT, &iSlot, bGroupMode))
				// fail if there were no contacts AT ALL
		// store the number of slots allocated
		pMMT->Slots = iSlot;
		// get the handle the caller wants to be signalled on 
		hSignal = OpenEventA(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, false, pMMT->SignalEventName);
		if (hSignal != 0) {
