Example #1
void ClientMetadata::setMongoSMetadata(StringData hostAndPort,
                                       StringData mongosClient,
                                       StringData version) {
    BSONObjBuilder builder;

        auto sub = BSONObjBuilder(builder.subobjStart(kMongoS));
        sub.append(kHost, hostAndPort);
        sub.append(kClient, mongosClient);
        sub.append(kVersion, version);

    auto document = builder.obj();

    if (!_appName.empty()) {
        // The _appName field points into the existing _document, which we are about to replace.
        // We must redirect _appName to point into the new doc *before* replacing the old doc. We
        // expect the 'application' metadata of the new document to be identical to the old.
        auto appMetaData = document[kApplication];

        auto appNameEl = appMetaData[kName];
        invariant(appNameEl.type() == BSONType::String);

        auto appName = appNameEl.valueStringData();
        invariant(appName == _appName);

        _appName = appName;

    _document = std::move(document);
BSONObj BSONElement::embeddedObjectUserCheck() const {
    if (MONGO_likely(isABSONObj()))
        return BSONObj(value(), BSONObj::LargeSizeTrait{});
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "invalid parameter: expected an object (" << fieldName() << ")";
    uasserted(10065, ss.str());
    return BSONObj();  // never reachable
Status ReadAfterOpTimeArgs::initialize(const BSONObj& cmdObj) {
    auto afterElem = cmdObj[ReadAfterOpTimeArgs::kRootFieldName];

    if (afterElem.eoo()) {
        return Status::OK();

    if (!afterElem.isABSONObj()) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, "'after' field should be an object");

    BSONObj readAfterObj = afterElem.Obj();
    BSONElement opTimeElem;
    auto opTimeStatus = bsonExtractTypedField(
        readAfterObj, ReadAfterOpTimeArgs::kOpTimeFieldName, Object, &opTimeElem);

    if (!opTimeStatus.isOK()) {
        return opTimeStatus;

    BSONObj opTimeObj = opTimeElem.Obj();
    BSONElement timestampElem;

    Timestamp timestamp;
    auto timestampStatus = bsonExtractTimestampField(
        opTimeObj, ReadAfterOpTimeArgs::kOpTimestampFieldName, &timestamp);

    if (!timestampStatus.isOK()) {
        return timestampStatus;

    long long termNumber;
    auto termStatus =
        bsonExtractIntegerField(opTimeObj, ReadAfterOpTimeArgs::kOpTermFieldName, &termNumber);

    if (!termStatus.isOK()) {
        return termStatus;

    _opTime = OpTime(timestamp, termNumber);

    return Status::OK();
Status ReadConcernArgs::initialize(const BSONObj& cmdObj) {
    auto readConcernElem = cmdObj[ReadConcernArgs::kReadConcernFieldName];

    if (readConcernElem.eoo()) {
        return Status::OK();

    if (!readConcernElem.isABSONObj()) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse,
                      str::stream() << kReadConcernFieldName << " field should be an object");

    BSONObj readConcernObj = readConcernElem.Obj();

    if (readConcernObj.hasField(kOpTimeFieldName)) {
        OpTime opTime;
        auto opTimeStatus = bsonExtractOpTimeField(readConcernObj, kOpTimeFieldName, &opTime);
        if (!opTimeStatus.isOK()) {
            return opTimeStatus;
        _opTime = opTime;

    std::string levelString;
    auto readCommittedStatus =
        bsonExtractStringField(readConcernObj, kLevelFieldName, &levelString);
    if (readCommittedStatus.isOK()) {
        if (levelString == kLocalReadConcernStr) {
            _level = ReadConcernLevel::kLocalReadConcern;
        } else if (levelString == kMajorityReadConcernStr) {
            _level = ReadConcernLevel::kMajorityReadConcern;
        } else {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse,
                          str::stream() << kReadConcernFieldName << '.' << kLevelFieldName
                                        << " must be either \"local\" or \"majority\"");
    } else if (readCommittedStatus != ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey) {
        return readCommittedStatus;

    return Status::OK();
BSONObj BSONElement::embeddedObject() const {
    return BSONObj(value(), BSONObj::LargeSizeTrait{});