void AMagnetTile::Tick( float DeltaTime ) { Super::Tick( DeltaTime ); lockFrameTimer += DeltaTime; if ( enabled && lockFrameTimer >= lockFPS) { FHitResult hit; auto hitActor = GetMagnetHitActor( hit ); bool hitBall = false; bool hitPortal = false; if ( isActivated() ) { UpdateBallPawnSearch( hitActor ); UpdatePortalSearch( hitActor , hit ); } auto emitter = magnetParticle->EmitterInstances[0]; if ( emitter != nullptr ) { //update magnet particle magnetEndPos = hit.bBlockingHit ? hit.ImpactPoint : GetClampedForwardVector( true ) + GetActorLocation(); magnetParticle->EmitterInstances[0]->SetBeamTargetPoint( magnetEndPos , 0 ); } lockFrameTimer = .0f; } }
bool SingleIncident::update( double dTime, float fElapsedTime ) { assert( !m_trigger.empty() ); assert( !m_action.empty() ); if ( !checkTrigCountRemained() ) return false; if ( !isActivated() ) { // The first action is not triggered yet. // Check each condition of triggers. int satisCount = 0; TriggerList::iterator itTrig = m_trigger.begin(); for( ; itTrig != m_trigger.end(); itTrig++ ) { if ( (*itTrig)->check() ) { satisCount++; } else { // One of the trigger conditions is not satisfied. Do nothing. return false; } } // All triggers satisfy its condition. assert( satisCount == (int) m_trigger.size() ); activate(); } // All triggers are satisfied. return true; }
void MMSLabelWidget::getForeground(MMSFBColor *color) { color->a = 0; if (isActivated()) { if (isSelected()) { *color = getSelColor(); } else { *color = getColor(); } if (isPressed()) { MMSFBColor mycol; if (isSelected()) { mycol = getSelColor_p(); if (mycol.a>0) *color=mycol; } else { mycol = getColor_p(); if (mycol.a>0) *color=mycol; } } } else { if (isSelected()) { *color = getSelColor_i(); } else { *color = getColor_i(); } } }
bool Placeable::click(Object *triggerer) { // If the placeable is locked, just play the apropriate sound and bail if (isLocked()) { playSound(_soundLocked); return false; } // If the object was destroyed, nothing more can be done with it if (_state == kStateDestroyed) return true; _lastUsedBy = triggerer; // Objects with an inventory toggle between open and closed if (_hasInventory) { if (isOpen()) return close(triggerer); return open(triggerer); } // Objects without an inventory toggle between activated and deactivated if (isActivated()) return deactivate(triggerer); return activate(triggerer); }
bool GdiBitmapBufferedContext::deactivate() { if (!isActivated()) return true; if (NULL == memBmp_ || NULL == memDC_ || NULL == hDC_) return false; setActivation(false); return true; }
bool Pass::isActivated() const { auto ptr = lock(); if(ptr) return ptr->isActivated(); return false; }
bool GdiPrintContext::deactivate() { if (!isActivated()) return true; if (NULL == memBmp_ || NULL == memDC_ || NULL == printDC_) return false; setActivation(false); return true; }
void SubassemblyView::draw ( void ) const { lC::Render::Mode mode = lC::Render::REGULAR; if ( isActivated() ) mode = lC::Render::ACTIVATED; else if ( isHighlighted() ) mode = lC::Render::HIGHLIGHTED; drawer_->draw( parent()->renderStyle(), parent()->selectionType().entity_, mode ); // If activated and we have any dimensioned constraints, draw the dimensions if ( isActivated() ) for ( uint i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) if ( dimensions_[i] != 0 ) dimensions_[i]->draw(); }
bool GdiBitmapBufferedContext::resize(const int x1, const int y1, const int x2, const int y2) { if (isActivated()) return false; drawRegion_ = Region2<int>(x1, y1, x2, y2); deleteOffScreen(); return createOffScreen(); }
bool WglBitmapBufferedContext::deactivate() { if (!isActivated()) return true; if (NULL == memBmp_ || NULL == memDC_ || NULL == hDC_) return false; setActivation(false); return wglMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL) == TRUE; }
bool GdiContext::deactivate() { if (!isActivated()) return true; if (NULL == hDC_) return false; setActivation(false); return true; }
bool GdiBitmapBufferedContext::activate() { if (isActivated()) return true; if (NULL == memBmp_ || NULL == memDC_ || NULL == hDC_) return false; setActivation(true); return true; // draw something into memDC_ }
bool GdiPrintContext::activate() { if (isActivated()) return true; if (NULL == memBmp_ || NULL == memDC_ || NULL == printDC_) return false; setActivation(true); return true; // draw something into memDC_ }
void StructuralInterfaceElementPhF :: updateYourself(TimeStep *tStep) { Element :: updateYourself(tStep); // record initial displacement if element not active if ( activityTimeFunction && !isActivated(tStep) ) { this->computeVectorOf(VM_Total, tStep, initialDisplacements); } }
bool GdiContext::activate() { if (isActivated()) return true; if (NULL == hDC_) return false; setActivation(true); return true; // draw something into hDC_ }
void GritObject::notifyFade (lua_State *L, const GritObjectPtr &self, const float fade) { if (gritClass==NULL) GRIT_EXCEPT("Object destroyed"); if (!isActivated()) return; STACK_BASE; //stack is empty push_cfunction(L, my_lua_error_handler); int error_handler = lua_gettop(L); //stack: err // call into lua... //stack: err getField(L, "setFade"); //stack: err, class, callback if (lua_isnil(L, -1)) { // TODO(dcunnin): We should add needsFadeCallbacks. // This might be part of a genreal overhaul of lod levels, etc. // no setFade function, do nothing lua_pop(L, 2); //stack is empty STACK_CHECK; return; } //stack: err, callback // we now have the callback to play with push_gritobj(L, self); // persistent grit obj lua_pushnumber(L, fade); // fade //stack: err, callback, persistent, fade int status = lua_pcall(L, 2, 0, error_handler); if (status) { //stack: err, msg // pop the error message since the error handler will // have already printed it out lua_pop(L, 1); object_del(L, self); //stack: err } //stack: err lua_pop(L, 1); //stack is empty STACK_CHECK; }
void SingleIncident::addTrigger( Trigger* trigger ) { if ( !isActivated() ) { if ( trigger ) m_trigger.push_back( trigger ); else OutputDebugString( _T( " - EpWarn: Null 'Trigger' pointer will be ignored.\n" ) ); } else throw std::runtime_error( "You cannot add any trigger after the incident activated" ); }
void SingleIncident::addAction( Action* action ) { if ( !isActivated() ) { if ( action ) m_action.push_back( action ); else OutputDebugString( _T( " - EpWarn: Null 'Action' pointer will be ignored.\n" ) ); } else throw std::runtime_error( "You cannot add any action after the incident activated" ); }
void UTilesManager::UpdateGroupedBlockingTiles() { for (int32 i = 0; i < activatedGroupedBlocks.Num(); i++) { auto gbt = activatedGroupedBlocks[i]; if (!gbt->isActivated()) { activatedGroupedBlocks.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } for (int32 i = 0; i < activatedBlocks.Num(); i++) { auto bt = activatedBlocks[i]; if (!bt->isActivated()) { activatedBlocks.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } }
void TabContainer::activate(std::size_t index) { if (index != mActivatedTab) { // ALW - A new tab has been activated if (isActivated()) { // ALW - Unactivate the old tab mTabs.at(mActivatedTab)->deactivate(); } mTabs.at(index)->activate(); mActivatedTab = index; } }
bool WglBitmapBufferedContext::activate() { if (isActivated()) return true; if (NULL == memBmp_ || NULL == memDC_ || NULL == hDC_) return false; const bool ret = (wglGetCurrentContext() == wglRC_) ? true : (wglMakeCurrent(memDC_, wglRC_) == TRUE); if (ret) { setActivation(true); return true; } else return false; // draw something into rendering context }
// Retrieve/restore all connections, on all buses. // return the total number of effective (re)connection attempts... int qtractorEngine::updateConnects (void) { // It must be activated, sure... if (!isActivated()) return 0; // On all dependable buses... int iUpdate = 0; iUpdate += updateConnects(m_buses.first()); iUpdate += updateConnects(m_busesEx.first()); // Done. return iUpdate; }
bool WglBitmapBufferedContext::resize(const int x1, const int y1, const int x2, const int y2) { if (isActivated()) return false; drawRegion_ = Region2<int>(x1, y1, x2, y2); // delete rendering context if (wglRC_) { wglDeleteContext(wglRC_); wglRC_ = NULL; } deleteOffScreen(); return createOffScreen(); }
bool StartIncidentAction::update( double dTime, float fElapsedTime ) { Action::update( dTime, fElapsedTime ); if ( isActivated() ) { // Incident::update() returns true when all actions are finished. // Action::update() returns true when the update is valid which means this update is needed. bool allActionsFinished = m_incident->update( dTime, fElapsedTime ); if ( allActionsFinished ) { deactivate(); return false; } } return true; }
void SubassemblyView::select ( SelectionType /*select_type*/ ) const { glLoadName( selectionName() ); drawer_->select( parent()->selectionType().entity_, lC::Render::REGULAR ); if ( isActivated() ) { glPushName( dimension_name_ ); for ( uint i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) if ( dimensions_[i] != 0 ) { glPushName( i ); dimensions_[i]->select(); glPopName(); } glPopName(); } }
bool Placeable::deactivate(Object *user) { if (_hasInventory) return false; if (!isActivated()) return true; if (isLocked()) { playSound(_soundLocked); return false; } playSound(_soundUsed); runScript(kScriptUsed, this, user); _state = kStateDeactivated; return true; }
void ofxWidget::setFocus(bool focus_) { if (focus_ == isActivated()) return; // callback previous widget telling it that it // loses focus if (auto previousElementInFocus = sFocusedWidget.lock()) if (previousElementInFocus->onFocusLeave) previousElementInFocus->onFocusLeave(); sFocusedWidget = mThis; // callback this widget telling it that it // receives focus if (auto nextFocusedWidget = sFocusedWidget.lock()) if (nextFocusedWidget->onFocusEnter) nextFocusedWidget->onFocusEnter(); }
/*! This virtual event handler receives all events for the managed widget. QGraphicsLayout uses this event handler to listen for layout related events such as geometry changes, layout changes or layout direction changes. \a e is a pointer to the event. You can reimplement this event handler to track similar events for your own custom layout. \sa QGraphicsWidget::event(), QGraphicsItem::sceneEvent() */ void QGraphicsLayout::widgetEvent(QEvent *e) { switch (e->type()) { case QEvent::GraphicsSceneResize: if (isActivated()) { setGeometry(parentLayoutItem()->contentsRect()); } else { activate(); // relies on that activate() will call updateGeometry() } break; case QEvent::LayoutRequest: activate(); break; case QEvent::LayoutDirectionChange: invalidate(); break; default: break; } }
void Truss2d :: computeLumpedMassMatrix(FloatMatrix &answer, TimeStep *tStep) // Returns the lumped mass matrix of the receiver. This expression is // valid in both local and global axes. { Material *mat; double halfMass; GaussPoint *gp = integrationRulesArray [ 0 ]->getIntegrationPoint(0); answer.resize(4, 4); answer.zero(); if ( !isActivated(tStep) ) { return; } mat = this->giveMaterial(); halfMass = mat->give('d', gp) * this->giveCrossSection()->give(CS_Area) * this->giveLength() / 2.; answer.at(1, 1) = halfMass; answer.at(2, 2) = halfMass; answer.at(3, 3) = halfMass; answer.at(4, 4) = halfMass; }
void CMovement::UpdateMovement(vfloat32 time) { if(!isActivated()) return; _sprite->UpdateAnimation(time); if(_frame != _sprite->getFrame()){ _frame = _sprite->getFrame(); //printf("\n 1 %d %d",_characterPosition->getX(), _characterPosition->getY()); //printf("\n 2 %d %d %d",_frame, _offsetPerFrame[_frame]->getX(), _offsetPerFrame[_frame]->getY()); *_characterPosition += *_offsetPerFrame[_frame]; //printf("\n 3 %d %d",_characterPosition->getX(), _characterPosition->getY()); _position->setXY(*_characterPosition); //printf("\n 4 %d %d",_characterPosition->getX(), _characterPosition->getY()); /* if( _positionPerFrame[_frame]->getX() != 0){ printf("\nX %d ",_positionPerFrame[_frame]->getX()); printf("\nY %d ",_positionPerFrame[_frame]->getY()); } */ *_position += *_positionPerFrame[_frame]; _sprite->MoveSpriteToPos(_position); } _currentDuration += time; if(_currentDuration >= _totalDuration){ if(_loopeable){ _currentDuration = 0; }else{ setActivated(false); } } } // UpdateMovement