OpenSteer::PolylineSegmentedPath::movePoints( size_type startIndex,
                                              size_type numOfPoints,
                                              Vec3 const newPoints[] )
    assert( ( startIndex < ( pointCount() - ( isCyclic() ? 1 : 0 ) ) ) && 
            "startIndex must be inside index range." );
    assert( ( ( startIndex + numOfPoints ) <= ( pointCount() - ( isCyclic() ? 1 : 0 ) ) ) && 
            "The max. index of a point to set must be inside the index range." ); 
    // Update the point positions.
    // @todo Remove this line size_type const pathPointCount = pointCount();
    for ( size_type i = 0; i < numOfPoints; ++i ) {
        points_[ startIndex + i ] = newPoints[ i ];
    // If the first point is changed and the path is cyclic also change the
    // last point, which is just a copy of the first point.
    if ( isCyclic() && ( 0 == startIndex ) ) {
        points_.back() = points_.front();
    // Recalculate the tangents and lengths.
    updateTangentsAndLengths( points_, 
                              isCyclic() );
    assert( adjacentPathPointsDifferent( points_.begin(), points_.end(), isCyclic() ) && "Adjacent path points must be different." );
Example #2
std::string Problem061::get_answer() {
    std::vector<unsigned int> triangleNumbers, squareNumbers, pentagonalNumbers,
            hexagonalNumbers, heptagonalNumbers, octagonalNumbers;
    for (unsigned int i = 1000; i <= 9999; ++i) {
        if (isNgonal(3, i)) triangleNumbers.push_back(i);
        if (isNgonal(4, i)) squareNumbers.push_back(i);
        if (isNgonal(5, i)) pentagonalNumbers.push_back(i);
        if (isNgonal(6, i)) hexagonalNumbers.push_back(i);
        if (isNgonal(7, i)) heptagonalNumbers.push_back(i);
        if (isNgonal(8, i)) octagonalNumbers.push_back(i);
    std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>> typeLists = {triangleNumbers, squareNumbers, pentagonalNumbers,
                                                hexagonalNumbers, heptagonalNumbers};
    for (auto &x1 : typeLists) {
        for (auto &val1 : octagonalNumbers) {
            for (auto &val2 : x1) {
                if (!this->isCyclic(val1, val2)) continue;
                for (auto &x2 : typeLists) {
                    if (x2 == x1) continue;
                    for (auto &val3 : x2) {
                        if (!isCyclic(val2, val3)) continue;
                        for (auto &x3 : typeLists) {
                            if (x3 == x2 || x2 == x1) continue;
                            for (auto &val4 : x3) {
                                if (!isCyclic(val3, val4)) continue;
                                for (auto &x4 : typeLists) {
                                    if (x4 == x3 || x4 == x2 || x4 == x1) continue;
                                    for (auto &val5 : x4) {
                                        if (!isCyclic(val4, val5)) continue;
                                        for (auto &x5 : typeLists) {
                                            if (x5 == x4 || x5 == x3 || x5 == x2 || x5 == x1) continue;
                                            for (auto &val6 : x5) {
                                                if (!isCyclic(val5, val6) || !isCyclic(val6, val1)) continue;
                                                int answer = val1 + val2 + val3 + val4 + val5 + val6;
                                                return std::to_string(answer);
    return "";
int32 MoveSpline::currentPathIdx() const
    int32 point = point_Idx_offset + point_Idx - spline.first() + (int)Finalized();
    if (isCyclic())
        point = point % (spline.last()-spline.first());
    return point;
//All cycle check function
//Check cycle exist on graphs with connected componentsd
bool Cyclic::isCyclic(bool connected_flag){
	bool return_value=false	;
	int size=countConnected();
	for(size_t index=0;index<size;index++){
	return return_value;
LayoutSpringRefPtr SpringLayout::getDecycledSpring(LayoutSpringRefPtr s) const
        return _CyclicDummySpring;
        return s;
static Edge getNextEdge(Edge* e, int size, int current){
  // Tant que nous n'avons pas testés toutes les arêtes
  while (caseActuelleEnsemble<tailleEnsemble){
    // Si l'ajout d'une nouvelle arête ne fait pas de cycle
    if (!isCyclic(e, current, size, 10, ensemble[caseActuelleEnsemble])){
      // On fournit l'arête qui est considérée comme correcte
      return ensemble[caseActuelleEnsemble-1];
  return NULL;
Example #7
DL_detect::detect_cycle(uint64_t txnid) {
	if (g_no_dl)
		return 0;
	uint64_t starttime = get_sys_clock();
	INC_GLOB_STATS(cycle_detect, 1);
	bool deadlock = false;

	int thd = get_thdid_from_txnid(txnid);
	DetectData * detect_data = (DetectData *)
		mem_allocator.alloc(sizeof(DetectData), thd);
	detect_data->visited = (bool * )
		mem_allocator.alloc(sizeof(bool) * V, thd);
	detect_data->recStack = (bool * )
		mem_allocator.alloc(sizeof(bool) * V, thd);	
	for(int i = 0; i < V; i++) {
        detect_data->visited[i] = false;
		detect_data->recStack[i] = false;

	detect_data->min_lock_num = 1000;
	detect_data->min_txnid = -1;
	detect_data->loop = false;

	if ( isCyclic(txnid, detect_data) ){ 
		deadlock = true;
		INC_GLOB_STATS(deadlock, 1);
		int thd_to_abort = get_thdid_from_txnid(detect_data->min_txnid);
		if (dependency[thd_to_abort].txnid == (SInt64) detect_data->min_txnid) {
			txn_man * txn = glob_manager->get_txn_man(thd_to_abort);
			txn->lock_abort = true;
	mem_allocator.free(detect_data->visited, sizeof(bool)*V);
	mem_allocator.free(detect_data->recStack, sizeof(bool)*V);
	mem_allocator.free(detect_data, sizeof(DetectData));
	uint64_t timespan = get_sys_clock() - starttime;
	INC_GLOB_STATS(dl_detect_time, timespan);
	if (deadlock) return 1;
	else return 0;
Example #8
void aiContext::getTimeSampling(int i, aiTimeSamplingData& dst)
    auto ts = m_archive.getTimeSampling(i);
    auto tst = ts->getTimeSamplingType();

    dst.numTimes = (int)ts->getNumStoredTimes();
    if (tst.isUniform() || tst.isCyclic()) {
        int numCycles = int(m_archive.getMaxNumSamplesForTimeSamplingIndex(i) / tst.getNumSamplesPerCycle());

        dst.type = tst.isUniform() ? aiTimeSamplingType_Uniform : aiTimeSamplingType_Cyclic;
        dst.interval = (float)tst.getTimePerCycle();
        dst.startTime = (float)ts->getStoredTimes()[0];
        dst.endTime = dst.startTime + dst.interval * (numCycles - 1);
        dst.numTimes = (int)ts->getNumStoredTimes();
        dst.times = const_cast<double*>(&ts->getStoredTimes()[0]);
    else if (tst.isAcyclic()) {
        dst.type = aiTimeSamplingType_Acyclic;
        dst.startTime = (float)ts->getSampleTime(0);
        dst.endTime = (float)ts->getSampleTime(ts->getNumStoredTimes() - 1);
        dst.numTimes = (int)ts->getNumStoredTimes();
        dst.times = const_cast<double*>(&ts->getStoredTimes()[0]);
Example #9
int main()
	Graph *graph = Graph::create(9);

	graph_info info;
    info.source = 0;
    info.destination = 0;

    graph->addEdge(0, 1, 4);
    graph->addEdge(0, 7, 8);
    graph->addEdge(1, 2, 8);
    graph->addEdge(1, 7, 11);
    graph->addEdge(2, 3, 7);
    graph->addEdge(2, 8, 2);
    graph->addEdge(2, 5, 4);
    graph->addEdge(3, 4, 9);
    graph->addEdge(3, 5, 14);
    graph->addEdge(4, 5, 10);
    graph->addEdge(5, 6, 2);
    graph->addEdge(6, 7, 1);
    graph->addEdge(6, 8, 6);
    graph->addEdge(7, 8, 7);

    // DFS
    LOG("======== DFS start========");
    DFS *dfs = DFS::create(graph, info);
    LOG("======== DFS end========");

    // BFS
    LOG("======== BFS start========");
    BFS *bfs = BFS::create(graph, info);
    LOG("======== BFS end========");

    // dijkstra
    LOG("======== dijkstra start========");
    dijkstra *dijkstra = dijkstra::create(graph, info);
    LOG("======== dijkstra end========");

    // PrimMST
    LOG("======== PrimMST start========");
    PrimMST *prim = PrimMST::create(graph, info);
    LOG("======== PrimMST end========");

    // BellmanFord
    LOG("======== BellmanFord start========");
    BellmanFord *bellman_ford = BellmanFord::create(graph, info);
    LOG("======== BellmanFord end========");

    // ShortestPath
    LOG("======== ShortestPath start========");
    ShortestPath *shortest_path = ShortestPath::create(graph, info);
    LOG("======== ShortestPath end========");

    // Detect Cycle
    LOG("======== Detect Cycle start========");
    isCyclic(graph, info);
    LOG("======== Detect Cycle end========");

    // Detect Cycle using Disjoint set
    LOG("======== Detect Cycle using Disjoint set start========");
    LOG(isCyclicUsingDisjointSet(graph, info));
    LOG("======== Detect Cycle using Disjoint set end========");

    // Graph Coloring
    LOG("======== Graph Coloring start========");
    GraphColoring *graph_color = GraphColoring::create(graph, info);
    LOG("======== Graph Coloring end========");

    // Hamilton Cycle
    LOG("======== Hamilton Cycle start========");
    HamiltonCycle *hamiton = HamiltonCycle::create(graph, info);
    LOG("======== Hamilton Cycle end========");

    delete graph;

    // Directed Graph
    graph = Graph::create(6);

    graph->addDirectedEdge(0, 1);
    graph->addDirectedEdge(0, 5);
    graph->addDirectedEdge(1, 2);
    graph->addDirectedEdge(1, 3);
    graph->addDirectedEdge(1, 4);
    graph->addDirectedEdge(2, 3);
    graph->addDirectedEdge(2, 4);
    graph->addDirectedEdge(3, 4);
    graph->addDirectedEdge(5, 2);

    LOG("======== Topological Sort start========");
    TopologicalSort *tsort = TopologicalSort::create(graph, info);
    LOG("======== Topological Sort end========");

	return 0;