Example #1
struct variant *variantNew(char *chrom, unsigned start, unsigned end, unsigned numAlleles,
			   char *slashSepAlleles, char *refAllele, struct lm *lm)
/* Create a variant from basic information that is easy to extract from most other variant
 * formats: coords, allele count, string of slash-separated alleles and reference allele. */
struct variant *variant;

// We have a new variant!
lmAllocVar(lm, variant);
variant->chrom = lmCloneString(lm, chrom);
variant->chromStart = start;
variant->chromEnd = end;
variant->numAlleles = numAlleles;

// get the alleles.
char *nextAlleleString = lmCloneString(lm, slashSepAlleles);
int alleleNumber = 0;
for( ; alleleNumber < numAlleles; alleleNumber++)
    if (nextAlleleString == NULL)
	errAbort("number of alleles in /-separated string doesn't match numAlleles");
    char *thisAlleleString = nextAlleleString;

    // advance pointer to next variant string
    // probably there's some kent routine to do this behind the curtain
    nextAlleleString = strchr(thisAlleleString, '/');
    if (nextAlleleString)	 // null out '/' and move to next char
	*nextAlleleString = 0;

    boolean isRefAllele = (sameWord(thisAlleleString, refAllele) ||
			   (isEmpty(refAllele) && sameString(thisAlleleString, "-")));
    int alleleStringLength = strlen(thisAlleleString);
    if (isDash(thisAlleleString))
	alleleStringLength = 0;
	thisAlleleString[0] = '\0';

    // we have a new allele!
    struct allele *allele;
    slAddHead(&variant->alleles, allele);
    allele->variant = variant;
    allele->length = alleleStringLength; 
    allele->sequence = lmCloneString(lm, thisAlleleString);
    allele->isReference = isRefAllele;


return variant;
char* pathstr(char *arg, char character)
	if(character != 'P' || character != 'C') //this is so we can use the one function for both PATH and CDPATH
        printf("invalid argument '%c'\n", character);
    if (isDash(arg))
		printf("argument has a '/' in it\n");
    char pathname[MAXPATHLEN];
        case 'P':
            sprintf(pathname, "%s", PATH);
        case 'C':
            sprintf(pathname, "%s", CDPATH);
	int listlength = numElements(pathname);
	char pathlist[listlength][MAXPATHLEN];
	char *pathtemp = pathname; //this is so strtok doesn't modify our global variable
	char *finalstr = malloc(MAXPATHLEN);
	char *token;
	char *ch = ":";
   	   // get first token 
	   token = strtok(pathtemp, ch);
	   int index = 0;
	   // walk through other tokens
	   while( token != NULL ) 
	     strcpy(pathlist[index], token);
         token = strtok(NULL, ch);
	   } // now we should have an array of our directories
	   for(int i=0; i<listlength; i++)
	   	char *dirname = pathlist[i];
	   	DIR *dirp;
	   	struct dirent *dp;
	   	    dirp       = opendir(dirname);
		    if(dirp == NULL)
		        printf("directory doesn't exist"); //re word this
		    while((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL)
		        if(strcmp(dp->d_name, arg))
		        	sprintf(finalstr, "%s/%s", pathlist[i], arg);
	return finalstr;