Example #1
 * Convert A LFN Filename to a 8.3 filename
 * IN:
 * pLfnName			: Name of an ext2 directory entry
 * EntryLen			: Length of bytes of pLfnName
 * OUT:
 * ShortName		: ASCIIZ 8.3 filename
void LfnToShortName(char *EntryName, int EntryLen, char *ShortName, int Offset)
	USHORT		uni_lfn[MAX_PATH];
	USHORT		uni_short[14];
	_QWORD		qword;
	DWORD		rval;

		 * Convert to Unicode Short FileName, make sure we do not
		 * convert . or ..
	if (isDotOrDotDot(EntryName, EntryLen))
		strncpy(ShortName, EntryName, EntryLen);
		ShortName[EntryLen] = 0;
			 * Convert BCS LFN to Unicode LFN FileName
		BCSToUni(uni_lfn, EntryName, EntryLen, BCS_OEM, &qword);
		uni_lfn[qword.ddLower >> 1] = 0;

			 * Create the Unicode 8.3 name
		rval = CreateBasis(uni_short, uni_lfn, qword.ddLower);
			AppendBasisTail(uni_short, (INT) Offset%100);

			 * Convert to BCS
		UniToBCS(ShortName, uni_short, 2 * ustrlen(uni_short), 12, BCS_OEM, &qword);
		ShortName[qword.ddLower] = 0;
Example #2
bool QFileSystemIteratorPrivate::advanceHelper()
    if (m_dirStructs.isEmpty())
        return true;

    //printf("ADV %d %d\n", int(m_currentDirShown), int(m_nextDirShown));

    if ((filters & QDir::Dirs)) {
        m_currentDirShown = m_nextDirShown;
        if (m_nextDirShown == ShowDir) {
            //printf("RESTING ON DIR %s %x\n", m_dirPaths.top().constData(), int(filters));
            m_nextDirShown = (filters & QDir::NoDotAndDotDot) ? DontShowDir : ShowDotDir;
            // skip start directory itself
            if (m_dirStructs.size() == 1 && m_currentDirShown == ShowDir)
                return advanceHelper();
            return true;
        if (m_nextDirShown == ShowDotDir) {
            //printf("RESTING ON DOT %s %x\n", m_dirPaths.top().constData(), int(filters));
            m_nextDirShown = ShowDotDotDir;
            return true;
        if (m_nextDirShown == ShowDotDotDir) {
            //printf("RESTING ON DOTDOT %s %x\n", m_dirPaths.top().constData(), int(filters));
            m_nextDirShown = DontShowDir;
            return true;
        m_currentDirShown = DontShowDir;

#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
    m_entry = &m_fileSearchResult;
    if (m_bFirstSearchResult) {
        m_bFirstSearchResult = false;
    } else {
        if (!FindNextFile(m_dirStructs.top(), m_entry))
            m_entry = 0;

    while (m_entry && isDotOrDotDot(m_entry->cFileName))
        if (!FindNextFile(m_dirStructs.top(), m_entry))
            m_entry = 0;

    if (!m_entry) {
        return false;

    if (m_entry->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
        QByteArray ba = m_dirPaths.top();
        ba += '\\';
        ba += QString::fromWCharArray(m_entry->cFileName);
    m_entry = ::readdir(m_dirStructs.top());
    while (m_entry && isDotOrDotDot(m_entry->d_name))
        m_entry = ::readdir(m_dirStructs.top());
    //return false; // further iteration possibly needed
    //printf("READ %p %s\n", m_entry, m_entry ? m_entry->d_name : "");

    if (!m_entry) {
        DIR *dir = m_dirStructs.pop();
        return false; // further iteration possibly needed

    const char *name = m_entry->d_name;

    QByteArray ba = m_dirPaths.top();
    ba += '/';
    ba += name;
    struct stat st;
    lstat(ba.constData(), &st);

    if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
        return false; // further iteration possibly needed
    return false; // further iteration possiblye needed
Example #3
/* Cool Long to Short file name conversion routine.
 * PRE:
 * If isFCB is true --> ShortName must be at least 11 bytes long
 * otherwise is must be at least 13 bytes long
 * POST:
 * When converting LFN to 8.3 names, we will prevent name clashes due
 * to case sensitivity, that is, filename.c and Filename.c cannot both
 * convert to FILENAME.C. Either one of them has to be converted to
 * FILENA~1.C (or something like that). Since in UNIX file systems,
 * lower cased file names are more natural, we apply the following
 * conversion rule: if a filename contains an _uppercased_ character,
 * it will have a numerical tail appended (the ~1). Of course, filenames
 * that have too long file name (>8) or extention lenghts (>3) or
 * contain invalid characters will have a numerical tail appended as
 * well.
 * IN:
 *	LfnName		: pointer to LfnName, it not be zero terminated
 *	LfnNameLen	: lenght of LfnName (excluding a possible '\0')
 *	isFCB		: specifies whether or not the converted shortname
 *					will be in FCB format
 * OUT:
 *	ShortName	: pointer to a buffer for the converted shortname
static BOOL LongToUpperShort(char *LfnName, int LfnNameLen, char *ShortName)
	char		*pc;
	char		c;
	int			i;
	BOOL		isconverted;

	isconverted = FALSE;
	pc = ShortName;

		 * . and .. need no conversion
	if (isDotOrDotDot(LfnName, LfnNameLen))
		strncpy(ShortName, LfnName, LfnNameLen);
		ShortName[LfnNameLen] = 0;
		return FALSE;

		 * convert hidden files (starting with a dot) to underscore
	if (LfnName[0]=='.')
		*pc++ = '_';

		 * copy filename part
	for (i=0 ; i<8 && LfnNameLen ; i++)
		c = *LfnName++;

			 * if '.' we found the extention
		if (c=='.')

			 * if c is present in the bad character list, we
			 * convert it to an underscore
		if (strchr(sBadChars, c))
			isconverted = TRUE;
			c = '_';
		else if (isalpha(c))
			if (isupper(c))
				isconverted = TRUE;
				c = toupper(c);

		*pc++ = c;
		 * If we scanned 8 characters, the filename still
		 * contains characters and we do not see a '.'
		 * the filename part is too long
	if (i==8 && LfnNameLen && (*LfnName != '.'))
		isconverted = TRUE;

		 * search dot for extension of the filename
	for(; LfnNameLen && c!='.' ; LfnNameLen--, c=*LfnName++)

		 * copy extension
	if (c == '.')
		*pc++ = '.';

		 * copy the extension part
	for (i=0 ; i<3 && LfnNameLen ; i++)
		c = *LfnName++;

			 * if c is present in the bad character list or is a
			 * '.' (a second '.'), we convert it to 
			 * an underscore
		if (c == '.' || strchr(sBadChars, c))
			isconverted = TRUE;
			c = '_';
		else if (isalpha(c))
			if (isupper(c))
				isconverted = TRUE;
				c = toupper(c);

		*pc++ = c;

		 * If, at this point, the filename still contains characters
		 * the file extension part is too long
	if (LfnNameLen)
		isconverted = TRUE;

	*pc = 0;

	return isconverted;