void RealPaintWidget::setFrame( qreal f , bool played) { for(int i=0; i<layers.size(); i++) layers[i]->setCurrentFrameForLayer((int)(f),played); if(currentFrame != int(f) && !played) { currentFrame = int(f); emit frameChanged( qreal(currentFrame) ); selection.reset(); } update(); if(played) { this->setEnabled(false); emit isPlayed(); return; } if( !layers[currentLayer]->isContainsFrame( currentFrame )) { this->setEnabled(false); emit isFrame(false); } else { this->setEnabled(true); emit isFrame(true); } }
void begin(Status status) { if(!g_enabled || status == None) { return; } if(status != g_currentStatus) { end(); g_currentStatus = status; } if(g_startTime < SkipFrames && isFrame(status)) { // Skip the first frames - they may not be reperasentative g_startTime++; } else if(g_startTime <= SkipFrames) { g_startTime = platform::getTimeUs(); } else { endFrame(); } if(g_timeLimit != std::numeric_limits<u64>::max() && isNormalFrame(g_currentStatus) && g_results[0].m_totalTime + g_current.m_totalTime >= g_timeLimit) { mainApp->quit(); } }
//! End the current benchmark static void end() { if(!g_enabled || g_currentStatus == None) { return; } if(g_currentStatus != None && g_startTime > SkipFrames) { if(isFrame(g_currentStatus)) { // Skip the last frame - it may not be reperasentative } else { endFrame(); } display(g_currentStatus, g_current); arx_assert(size_t(g_currentStatus) < ARRAY_SIZE(g_results)); g_results[g_currentStatus] += g_current; if(isNormalFrame(g_currentStatus)) { g_results[0] += g_current; } } g_currentStatus = None; g_startTime = 0; g_current = Result(); }
SEXP c_check_dataframe(SEXP x, SEXP any_missing, SEXP all_missing, SEXP min_rows, SEXP min_cols, SEXP rows, SEXP cols, SEXP row_names, SEXP col_names) { if (!isFrame(x)) return make_type_error(x, "data.frame"); assert(check_matrix_dims(x, min_rows, min_cols, rows, cols)); if (!isNull(row_names)) { SEXP nn = getAttrib(x, install("row.names")); msg_t msg; if (isInteger(nn)) { nn = PROTECT(coerceVector(nn, STRSXP)); msg = check_names(nn, row_names, "Rows"); UNPROTECT(1); } else { msg = check_names(nn, row_names, "Rows"); } if (!msg.ok) return make_result(msg.msg); } if (!isNull(col_names)) assert(check_names(getAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol), col_names, "Columns")); if (!asFlag(any_missing, "any.missing") && any_missing_frame(x)) return make_result("Contains missing values"); if (!asFlag(all_missing, "all.missing") && all_missing_frame(x)) return make_result("Contains only missing values"); return ScalarLogical(TRUE); }
void CachedNode::clearFocus(CachedFrame* parent) { if (isFrame()) { CachedFrame* child = const_cast<CachedFrame*>(parent->hasFrame(this)); child->clearFocus(); } mIsFocus = false; }
void CachedNode::hideCursor(CachedFrame* parent) { if (isFrame()) { CachedFrame* child = const_cast<CachedFrame*>(parent->hasFrame(this)); child->hideCursor(); } mIsHidden = true; }
void KfmView::slotUpdateView( bool _reload ) { if ( isFrame() ) { KfmView *v; for ( v = childViewList.first(); v != 0L; v = childViewList.next() ) v->slotUpdateView( _reload ); } else { if (!manager->getURL().isEmpty()) manager->openURL( manager->getURL().data(), _reload ); } }
bool isWestFrame( int id ) { static int WestFrames[] = { 0x0007,0x000C,0x001A,0x001C,0x0021,0x0039,0x0058,0x0059, 0x005C,0x005E,0x0080,0x0081,0x0082,0x0084,0x0090,0x0092, 0x0095,0x0097,0x0098,0x00A6,0x00A8,0x00AD,0x00AE,0x00AF, 0x00B5,0x00C7,0x00C8,0x00EA,0x00F8,0x00F9,0x00FC,0x00FE, 0x00FF,0x0102,0x0104,0x0105,0x0108,0x0127,0x0128,0x012C, 0x012E,0x0130,0x0132,0x0133,0x0135,0x0136,0x0138,0x013A, 0x014C,0x014D,0x014F,0x0150,0x0152,0x0154,0x0156,0x0158, 0x0159,0x015C,0x015E,0x0160,0x0163,0x01CF,0x01D0,0x01D3, 0x01FF,0x0200,0x0203,0x0207,0x0209 }; return isFrame( id, WestFrames, sizeof( WestFrames ) ); }
int main() { int i,j,n; scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { for(j=0;j<n;j++){ if(isFrame(i,j,n)) printf(" "); else printf("*"); } printf("\n"); } return 0; }
bool isNorthFrame( int id ) { static int NorthFrames[] = { 0x0006,0x0008,0x000D,0x001A,0x001B,0x0020, 0x003A,0x0057,0x0059,0x005B,0x005D,0x0080, 0x0081,0x0082,0x0084,0x0090,0x0091,0x0094, 0x0096,0x0099,0x00A6,0x00A7,0x00AC,0x00AE, 0x00B0,0x00C7,0x00C9,0x00F8,0x00FA,0x00FD, 0x00FE,0x0100,0x0103,0x0104,0x0106,0x0109, 0x0127,0x0129,0x012B,0x012D,0x012F,0x0131, 0x0132,0x0134,0x0135,0x0137,0x0139,0x013B, 0x014C,0x014E,0x014F,0x0151,0x0153,0x0155, 0x0157,0x0158,0x015A,0x015D,0x015E,0x015F, 0x0162,0x01CF,0x01D1,0x01D4,0x01FF,0x0201, 0x0204,0x0208,0x020A }; return isFrame( id, NorthFrames, sizeof( NorthFrames ) ); }
void Client::takeButtonRelease( Window w, unsigned int button, bool mod1, int x, int y ) { if ( w == close_button ) { if ( awaiting_close && ( x > 0 && y > 0 && x < button_size && y < button_size )) { ws->tryDelete( window ); } ws->painter()->setButtonBackground( close_button, Painter::CLOSE_BUTTON, active, false, button_size, button_size ); awaiting_close = false; } if ( w == iconize_button ) { if ( awaiting_iconize && ( x > 0 && y > 0 && x < button_size && y < button_size )) { iconize(); } ws->painter()->setButtonBackground( iconize_button, Painter::ICONIZE_BUTTON, active, false, button_size, button_size ); awaiting_iconize = false; } if ( isFrame( w ) ) { switch (button) { case 1: break; case 2: break; case 3: break; } } else { awaiting_close = false; awaiting_iconize = false; } }
double time2msec(string timeString){ if (isFrame(timeString)) return atoi(timeString.c_str()); string hrsSting = "0",minSting = "0",secSting = "0"; if(timeString.find_first_of(':')==timeString.find_last_of(':')){ minSting = timeString.substr(0,timeString.find_first_of(':')); secSting = timeString.substr(timeString.find_last_of(':')+1); } else { hrsSting = timeString.substr(0,timeString.find_first_of(':')); minSting = timeString.substr(timeString.find_first_of(':')+1, timeString.find_last_of(':')-timeString.find_first_of(':')-1); secSting = timeString.substr(timeString.find_last_of(':')+1); } return atoi(hrsSting.c_str())*3600000+atoi(minSting.c_str())*60000+atof(secSting.c_str())*1000; }
void setSistemConfig(config_SystemParameter *param, string fileParam){ //system param - Directory param->angleVector.clear(); param->scaleVector.clear(); //READING THE PATCH'S POSITION int length; char * buffer; ifstream is; is.open (fileParam.c_str(), ios::binary ); // get length of file: is.seekg (0, ios::end); length = is.tellg(); is.seekg (0, ios::beg); // allocate memory: buffer = new char [length]; // read data as a block: is.read (buffer,length); string content(buffer,length); stringstream ss(content); string centerS,centerS_x,centerS_y,sizeS,sizeS_w,sizeS_h,angleS, norm,rgb,videoPath, modelMemory,alpha, areaSearch,angleVector,scaleVector, time; getline(ss, time); getline(ss, centerS); getline(ss, sizeS); getline(ss, angleS); getline(ss, norm); getline(ss, videoPath); getline(ss, rgb); getline(ss, modelMemory); getline(ss, alpha); getline(ss, areaSearch); getline(ss, scaleVector); getline(ss, angleVector); //Time range param->startTimeOnFrames = isFrame(time.substr(0,time.find(','))); param->endTimeOnFrames = isFrame(time.substr(time.find(',')+1)); param->startTime = time2msec(time.substr(0,time.find(','))); param->endTime = time2msec(time.substr(time.find(',')+1)); //initialRect centerS_x = centerS.substr(0,centerS.find(',')); centerS_y = centerS.substr(centerS.find(',')+1); sizeS_w = sizeS.substr(0,sizeS.find(',')); sizeS_h = sizeS.substr(sizeS.find(',')+1); Point2f center(atof(centerS_x.c_str()),atof(centerS_y.c_str())); cv::Size size(atof(sizeS_w.c_str()),atof(sizeS_h.c_str())); param->initialRect = RotatedRect(center,size,atof(angleS.c_str())); //NormType if (!norm.compare("FACE")) param->normType = FACE;//*normType = FACE; else if(!norm.compare("PEDESTRIAN")) param->normType = PEDESTRIAN;//*normType = PEDESTRIAN; else { cout << "NOT SUCH NORM: "<<norm<<endl; CV_Assert(false); } //RGB if (!rgb.compare("1")){ param->isRGB = true; param->numFeature = 12; } else if(!rgb.compare("0")){ param->isRGB = false; param->numFeature = 10; } else { cout << "INVALID RGB VALUE: "<<rgb<<endl; CV_Assert(false); } //video path param->videoPath = videoPath; //modelMemory param->modelMemory = atof(modelMemory.c_str()); //alpha param->alpha = atof(alpha.c_str()); //areaSearch param->areaSearch = atof(areaSearch.c_str()); //scaleVector int index = 0; string aux; while (index<scaleVector.length()) { aux = scaleVector.substr(index,scaleVector.length()); aux = aux.substr(0,aux.find_first_of(',')); index += aux.length()+1; param->scaleVector.push_back(atof(aux.c_str())); } //anglesVector index = 0; while (index<angleVector.length()) { aux = angleVector.substr(index,angleVector.length()); aux = aux.substr(0,aux.find_first_of(',')); index += aux.length()+1; param->angleVector.push_back(atof(aux.c_str())); } is.close(); delete[] buffer; }