Example #1
int main(void)
	char letter;
	int i, ch, flag = 0, letterFound = 0, isInput = 0, num = 0, numFirst = 0;
	unsigned int letterSet = 0, glasSet = 0, tmpSet = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) addToSet(&letterSet, 'a' + i);

	addToSet(&glasSet, 'a');
	addToSet(&glasSet, 'o');
	addToSet(&glasSet, 'e');
	addToSet(&glasSet, 'i');
	addToSet(&glasSet, 'u');
	addToSet(&glasSet, 'y');

	letterSet = setSubtract(letterSet, glasSet);
	tmpSet = glasSet;

	while ((ch = getchar()) != EOF)
		ch = toLower(ch);

		if (isLetter(ch))
			isInput = 1;

			if (isKeyExists(letterSet, ch)) continue;

			if (isKeyExists(glasSet, ch)) removeFromSet(&glasSet, ch);
			else if (!letterFound)
				letterFound = 1;
				numFirst = num + 1;
		else if (isSpace(ch))
			if (isInput) num++;	

			isInput = 0;
			glasSet = tmpSet;
		else isInput = 1;

	if (letterFound) printf("Слово #%d - содержит одинаковые гласные\n", numFirst);
	else printf("Не найдено ни одного слова с повторяющимися гласными\n");

	return 0;
Example #2
FakeSMCSensor *FakeSMCPlugin::addSensor(const char *abbriviation, kFakeSMCCategory category, UInt32 group, UInt32 index, float reference, float gain, float offset)
    FakeSMCSensor *sensor = NULL;
    if (abbriviation && strlen(abbriviation) >= 3) {
        for (int i = 0; FakeSMCSensorDefinitions[i].name; i++) {
            if (FakeSMCSensorDefinitions[i].category == category && 0 == strcasecmp(FakeSMCSensorDefinitions[i].name, abbriviation)) {
                if (FakeSMCSensorDefinitions[i].count) {
                    for (int counter = 0; counter < FakeSMCSensorDefinitions[i].count; counter++) {
                        char key[5];
                        snprintf(key, 5, FakeSMCSensorDefinitions[i].key, FakeSMCSensorDefinitions[i].shift + counter);
                        if (!isKeyExists(key)) {
                            sensor = addSensor(key, FakeSMCSensorDefinitions[i].type, FakeSMCSensorDefinitions[i].size, group, index, reference, gain, offset);
                else sensor = addSensor(FakeSMCSensorDefinitions[i].key, FakeSMCSensorDefinitions[i].type, FakeSMCSensorDefinitions[i].size, group, index, reference, gain, offset);
    return sensor;
Example #3
 *  Synchronized method to add a new key to FakeSMCKeyStore and set its handler to the plugin
 *  @param abbreviation Human readable key abbreviation used in config file
 *  @param category     Category (enum kFakeSMCCategory) key belongs to so abbreviation can be checked against the list from specified category only
 *  @param group        Key group
 *  @param index        Key index not related to key position in FakeSMCKeyStore key list
 *  @param reference Reference modifier value
 *  @param gain         Gain modifier value
 *  @param offset       Offset modifier value
 *  @return new FakeSMCSensor object or NULL otherwise
FakeSMCSensor *FakeSMCPlugin::addSensorUsingAbbreviation(const char *abbreviation, FakeSMCSensorCategory category, UInt32 group, UInt32 index, float reference, float gain, float offset)

    FakeSMCSensor *sensor = NULL;

    if (abbreviation && strlen(abbreviation) >= 3) {
        for (int i = 0; FakeSMCSensorDefinitions[i].name; i++) {

            FakeSMCSensorDefinitionEntry entry = FakeSMCSensorDefinitions[i];

            if (entry.category == category && 0 == strcasecmp(entry.name, abbreviation)) {
                if (entry.count) {
                    for (int counter = 0; counter < entry.count; counter++) {

                        char key[5];
                        snprintf(key, 5, entry.key, entry.shift + counter);

                        if (!isKeyExists(key)) {
                            sensor = addSensorForKey(key, entry.type, entry.size, group, index, reference, gain, offset);
                else {
                    sensor = addSensorForKey(entry.key, entry.type, entry.size, group, index, reference, gain, offset);


    return sensor;
Example #4
std::string Config::getArray(const std::string& key) const
    if (isKeyExists(key)) {
        return _map.find(key)->second;
    else {
        return "";
Example #5
void Config::extractLine(const std::string& section, const std::string& line, std::ifstream& file, int& lineNb)
    std::string temp = line;
    temp.erase(0, temp.find_first_not_of(" \t\r\n\v\f"));
    size_t sepPos = temp.find('=');

    std::string key;
    std::string value;
    extractKey(key, sepPos, temp);
    key = section.substr(1, section.length()-2) + "." + key;
    extractValue(value, sepPos, temp);

    if (!isKeyExists(key)) {
        _map.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::string>(key, value));
    else {
		Log(LOG_TYPE::ERROR) << "Config: Can only have unique key names!";
Example #6
void find_apt(COMMAND cmd, ApartmentTable db) {
     * find_apt
     * Printing the apartments that matched the cmd->kwargs filter

    // Pre sorting the array tto enable sorting view
    BOOL isAllocated = FALSE;
    ApartmentTable ptr = db;
    if (isKeyExists("s", cmd.kwargs)) {
        // ASC - low to high
        ptr = sortTable(db, FALSE);
        isAllocated = TRUE;
    } else if (isKeyExists("sr", cmd.kwargs)) {
        // DESC - high to low
        ptr = sortTable(db, TRUE);
        isAllocated = TRUE;

    for (int i = 0; i < db.size; i++) {
        Apartment tmp = ptr.arr[i];
        time_t d1, d2;
        char *pt;
        // if apartment not match the filter, we continue to the next

        pt = getValueByKey("MaxPrice", cmd.kwargs);
        int price = (int) (pt ? atoi(pt) : NULL);
        if (price && tmp.price > price)

        pt = getValueByKey("MinNumRooms", cmd.kwargs);
        int rooms = (int) (pt ? atoi(pt) : NULL);
        if (rooms && tmp.rooms < rooms)

        pt = getValueByKey("MaxNumRooms", cmd.kwargs);
        rooms = (int) (pt ? atoi(pt) : NULL);
        if (rooms && tmp.rooms > rooms)

        // return all apartments that was inserted @dayBack ago
        pt = getValueByKey("Enter", cmd.kwargs);
        int dayBack = (int) (pt ? atoi(pt) : NULL);
        if (dayBack > 0) {
            struct tm entryDate;
            int now = (int) time(NULL);
            now = now - (84600 * dayBack);

            entryDate.tm_hour = 23;
            entryDate.tm_min = 59;
            entryDate.tm_sec = 59;
            entryDate.tm_year = tmp.entry_year + 100;
            entryDate.tm_mon = tmp.entry_month - 1;
            entryDate.tm_mday = tmp.entry_day;

            d1 = mktime(&entryDate);
            if (now - d1  > 0)

        char* date = getValueByKey("Date", cmd.kwargs);
        if (date != NULL) {
            struct tm endDate;
            struct tm startDate;
            endDate.tm_hour = 23;
            endDate.tm_min = 59;
            endDate.tm_sec = 59;
            endDate.tm_year = atoi(substring(date, 5 , 4)) - 1900;
            endDate.tm_mon = atoi(substring(date, 3 , 2)) - 1;
            endDate.tm_mday = atoi(substring(date, 1 , 2));

            startDate.tm_hour = 23;
            startDate.tm_min = 59;
            startDate.tm_sec = 59;
            startDate.tm_year = tmp.entry_year + 100;
            startDate.tm_mon = tmp.entry_month - 1;
            startDate.tm_mday = tmp.entry_day;

            d1 = mktime(&endDate);
            d2 = mktime(&startDate);
            if (d2 - d1 > 0)


    if (isAllocated == TRUE) {
        // free the memory that allocated if the array is sorted