AcdkOrbIdl::writeForwardDeclarations(StringBuffer& sb)
  qsort((void*)_interfaceTypeDefs.begin(), _interfaceTypeDefs.end() - _interfaceTypeDefs.begin(), sizeof(_interfaceTypeDefs.begin()), compare);
  const ClazzInfo* lastUnitCi = 0;
  StringBuffer indent;
  for (int i = 0; i < _interfaceTypeDefs.size(); ++i)
    const ClazzInfo* ci = _interfaceTypeDefs[i];
    if (_onlyKnownClasses == true && isKnown(ci) == false)
    if (isException(ci) == true)
    if (ci == String::clazzInfo())

    if (lastUnitCi == 0 || strcmp(lastUnitCi->ns, ci->ns) != 0)
      if (lastUnitCi != 0)
        RStringArray nsa = acdk::util::StringTokenizer(lastUnitCi->ns, "/").allToken();
        for (int j = 0; j < nsa->length(); ++j)
          sb << indent.toString() << "}; // module " << nsa[j] << "\n";
      RStringArray nsa = acdk::util::StringTokenizer(ci->ns, "/").allToken();
      for (int j = 0; j < nsa->length(); ++j)
        sb << indent.toString() << "module " << nsa[j] << "{\n";
        indent << "  ";
      lastUnitCi = ci;
    sb << indent.toString() << "interface " << objectName(ci) << ";\n";
    RString guard = getNsIdentifier(lastUnitCi) + "_" + objectName(ci);
    sb << "#ifndef " << guard << "\n"
      << "#define " << guard << "\n";
    sb << indent.toString() << "typedef sequence<" << objectName(ci) << "> " 
      << objectName(ci) << "Array;\n";
    sb << indent.toString() << "typedef sequence<" << objectName(ci) << "Array> " 
      << objectName(ci) << "ArrayArray;\n";
    sb << "#endif // " << guard << "\n";
  if (lastUnitCi != 0)
    RStringArray nsa = acdk::util::StringTokenizer(lastUnitCi->ns, "/").allToken();
    for (int j = 0; j < nsa->length(); ++j)
      sb << "}; // module " << nsa[j] << "\n";
QXmlTreeNode* QXmlTreeNode::child(int i)
    if (i < 0)	return 0;
    if (i < m_childItems.size()) return m_childItems[i];
    if (i >= m_xmlNode.childNodes().count()) return 0;

    QDomElement childNode = m_xmlNode.firstChildElement();
    int j = 0, known = 0;
    while(!childNode.isNull() && j++ <= i)
        // Do we handle this node?
        if (isKnown(childNode.tagName()))
            ++known; // Increase number of known nodes
        else // Skip node

        // If node hasn't be constructed before...
        if (j > m_childItems.size())
            //if ( known > m_childItems.size())
            QXmlTreeNode* childItem = createChild(childNode, j-1);
            if (childItem)
                // Stop when we reached the requested node
                if (j - 1 == i)	return childItem;
                //	--known;
            //	}
            // ignore this node since we added it before or don't know it
            //else --j;
        childNode = childNode.nextSiblingElement();
    return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    VERBOSE = 0;
    GRAPHICS = 0;
    validate(argc, argv);
    int avatarID = atoi(argv[1]);
    FILE *logFile;
    logFile = fopen(argv[6], "a+");
    char *IP = (char*)calloc(strlen(argv[4]) + 1, sizeof(char));
    MALLOC_CHECK(stderr, IP);
    strncpy(IP, argv[4], strlen(argv[4]));
    myAvatar *avatar;
    int slobAvatar = 0;     // the one who doesn't move in maze solver

    int mazePort = atoi(argv[5]);
    int width = atoi(argv[7]);
    int height = atoi(argv[8]);
    int shmID = atoi(argv[9]);
    char *maze = (char*) shmat(shmID, 0, 0);
    if (maze == (void *)-1 && errno == EACCES) {

        fprintf(stderr, "shmat failed EACCES\n");
    if (maze == (void *)-1 && errno == EINVAL) {

        fprintf(stderr, "shmat failed EINVAL\n");
    if (maze == (void *)-1 && errno == ENOMEM) {

        fprintf(stderr, "shmat failed ENOMEM\n");

    // Server connection stuff
    int sockfd;
    struct sockaddr_in servaddr;
    // Create and check status of server
    sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    if (sockfd < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Could not create socket.\n");
        return 0;   // false
    memset(&servaddr, 0, sizeof(servaddr));
    servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    servaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(IP);
    servaddr.sin_port = htons(mazePort);
    // Connect to server
    if (connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*) &servaddr, \
                sizeof(servaddr)) < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to connect to server. Exiting.\n");
        return 0;   // false
    // Fire off initial AM_AVATAR_READY
    AM_Message *sendmsg = (AM_Message*)calloc(1, sizeof(AM_Message));
    MALLOC_CHECK(stderr, sendmsg);
    sendmsg->type = htonl(AM_AVATAR_READY);
    sendmsg->avatar_ready.AvatarId = htonl(avatarID);  // pack information
    // Send ready message to server containing avatar ID
    send(sockfd, sendmsg, sizeof(AM_Message), 0);
    // Make a message to get back from server
    AM_Message *receivemsg = (AM_Message*)calloc(1, sizeof(AM_Message));
    MALLOC_CHECK(stderr, receivemsg);

    int firstMove = 1;
    int turn = -1;
    // Start while loop that checks all server messages and updates
    // the avatar's position until either error message or AM_SOLVED received
    for ( ;; ) {
        // Zero out the message pointers so they can be re-used
        memset(receivemsg, 0, sizeof(AM_Message));
        memset(sendmsg, 0, sizeof(AM_Message));
        // Receive the message and make sure it's not empty
        if (recv(sockfd, receivemsg, sizeof(AM_Message), 0) == 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Server terminated early.\n");
            OUTPUT(logFile, "Empty message type. Exiting...\n");
        // Check for server error
        if (IS_AM_ERROR(receivemsg->type)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error mask detected error.\n");
        // Following if statements will check for all possible server errors
        // In all cases, print to stderr, log the error to output file
        // and break to free resources and return
        if (ntohl(receivemsg->type) == AM_UNKNOWN_MSG_TYPE) {
            fprintf(stderr, "AM_UNKNOWN_MSG_TYPE\n");
            OUTPUT(logFile, "Unknown message type. Exiting...\n");
        if (ntohl(receivemsg->type) == AM_NO_SUCH_AVATAR) {
            fprintf(stderr, "AM_NO_SUCH_AVATAR\n");
            OUTPUT(logFile, "No such avatar error. Exiting...\n");
        if (ntohl(receivemsg->type) == AM_UNEXPECTED_MSG_TYPE) {
            fprintf(stderr, "AM_UNEXPECTED_MSG_TYPE\n");
            OUTPUT(logFile, "Unexpected message type. Exiting...\n");
        if (ntohl(receivemsg->type) == AM_AVATAR_OUT_OF_TURN) {
            fprintf(stderr, "AM_AVATAR_OUT_OF_TURN\n");
            OUTPUT(logFile, "Avatar out of turns message type. Exiting...\n");
        if (ntohl(receivemsg->type) == AM_TOO_MANY_MOVES) {
            fprintf(stderr, "AM_AVATAR_TOO_MANY_MOVES\n");
            OUTPUT(logFile, "Avatar too many moves message type. Exiting...\n");
        if (ntohl(receivemsg->type) == AM_SERVER_TIMEOUT) {
            fprintf(stderr, "AM_SERVER_TIMEOUT\n");
            OUTPUT(logFile, "Server timeout message type. Exiting...\n");
        if (ntohl(receivemsg->type) == AM_SERVER_DISK_QUOTA) {
            fprintf(stderr, "AM_SERVER_DISK_QUOTA\n");
            OUTPUT(logFile, "Server disk quota message type. Exiting...\n");
        if (ntohl(receivemsg->type) == AM_SERVER_OUT_OF_MEM) {
            fprintf(stderr, "AM_SERVER_OUT_OF_MEM\n");
            OUTPUT(logFile, "Server out of mem message type. Exiting...\n");
        // Huzzah! Output success to log file.
        if (ntohl(receivemsg->type) == AM_MAZE_SOLVED) {
            // Only output this stuff once.
            if (avatarID == slobAvatar) {
                fprintf(stdout, "SOLVED!!!\n");
                fprintf(logFile, "Maze solved with %d avatars on %d"
                        " difficulty in %d moves. The Hash key is: %d.\n", ntohl(receivemsg->maze_solved.nAvatars),\
                        ntohl(receivemsg->maze_solved.Difficulty), ntohl(receivemsg->maze_solved.\
                        nMoves), ntohl(receivemsg->maze_solved.Hash));
        if (ntohl(receivemsg->type) == AM_AVATAR_TURN) {
            // Only look at messages from the relevant reply messages
            if (ntohl(receivemsg->avatar_turn.TurnId) == avatarID) {
                if (firstMove) {
                    // Initialize the avatar.
                    avatar = (myAvatar*)calloc(1, sizeof(myAvatar));
                    MALLOC_CHECK(stderr, avatar);
                    avatar->fd = avatarID;
                    avatar->lastMoveDir = M_NORTH;  // everyone goes north initially
                    // Initially, avatar's previous position and current position
                    // are the same. Retrieve these from server.
                    avatar->pos.x = ntohl(receivemsg->avatar_turn.Pos[avatarID].x);
                    avatar->pos.y = ntohl(receivemsg->avatar_turn.Pos[avatarID].y);
                    // No previous initially.
                    // Send the avatar north.
                    sendmsg->type = htonl(AM_AVATAR_MOVE);
                    sendmsg->avatar_move.AvatarId = htonl(avatarID);
                    sendmsg->avatar_move.Direction = htonl(M_NORTH);
                    if (VERBOSE) {
                        fprintf(stdout, "Avatar %d: Initial pos (%d, %d) moved NORTH\n", avatarID,\
                                avatar->pos.x, avatar->pos.y);
                    // Send ready message to server containing avatar ID
                    send(sockfd, sendmsg, sizeof(AM_Message), 0);
                    turn = 1;
                    firstMove = 0;

                    if (GRAPHICS) {
                        //initialize graphics
                        PrintMaze(maze, width, height);
                else {  // not first move
                    // If it's the avatar standing still, arbitrarily picked as
                    // avatar with ID = 0, then always stand still.
                    if (avatarID == slobAvatar) {
                        sendmsg->type = htonl(AM_AVATAR_MOVE);
                        sendmsg->avatar_move.AvatarId = htonl(avatarID); // should be 0
                        sendmsg->avatar_move.Direction = htonl(M_NULL_MOVE);
                        send(sockfd, sendmsg, sizeof(AM_Message), 0);
                    // Make the previous the current position
                    avatar->prev.x = avatar->pos.x;
                    avatar->prev.y = avatar->pos.y;
                    // Make current position the new one from the server
                    int newX = ntohl(receivemsg->avatar_turn.Pos[avatarID].x);
                    int newY = ntohl(receivemsg->avatar_turn.Pos[avatarID].y);
                    avatar->pos.x = newX;
                    avatar->pos.y = newY;
                    // See if the slob and the current avatar are on the same spot.
                    int deltaX = avatar->pos.x - ntohl(receivemsg->avatar_turn.Pos[slobAvatar].x);
                    int deltaY = avatar->pos.y - ntohl(receivemsg->avatar_turn.Pos[slobAvatar].y);
                    int checkSameCell = 0;
                    if ((deltaY == 0) && (deltaX == 0)) {
                        checkSameCell = 1;
                    // If avatar is on same spot as slob, slob has been found.
                    // Don't move the other avatar.
                    if (checkSameCell) {
                        sendmsg->type = htonl(AM_AVATAR_MOVE);
                        sendmsg->avatar_move.AvatarId = htonl(avatarID);
                        sendmsg->avatar_move.Direction = htonl(M_NULL_MOVE);
                        send(sockfd, sendmsg, sizeof(AM_Message), 0);
                    // Avatar is not slob and has not yet met slob.
                    else {
                        // See if the last move was productive
                        int lastMove = checkLastMove(avatar);
                        avatar->lastMoveSuccess = lastMove;

                        //update graphics based on last move

                            //DelAvatar(maze,avatar,width);//comment out to see history
                            if(!AddMark(maze,avatar,width))//blocks square if test passes
                        if (GRAPHICS) {

                        //prep next move
                        int nextMove = getMove(avatar);
                        avatar->lastMoveDir = nextMove;
                        while(isKnown(maze, avatar, width)){
                            avatar->lastMoveSuccess = false;
                            nextMove = getMove(avatar);
                            avatar->lastMoveDir = nextMove;
                        sendmsg->type = htonl(AM_AVATAR_MOVE);
                        sendmsg->avatar_move.AvatarId = htonl(avatarID);
                        sendmsg->avatar_move.Direction = htonl(nextMove);
                        if (VERBOSE) {
                            fprintf(stdout, "======== Turn %d ========\n", turn);
                            if (nextMove == M_NORTH) {
                                fprintf(stdout, "Avatar %d: Moved NORTH from (%d, %d).\n", avatarID,\
                                        avatar->pos.x, avatar->pos.y);
                            if (nextMove == M_SOUTH) {
                                fprintf(stdout, "Avatar %d: Moved SOUTH from (%d, %d).\n", avatarID,\
                                        avatar->pos.x, avatar->pos.y);
                            if (nextMove == M_WEST) {
                                fprintf(stdout, "Avatar %d: Moved WEST from (%d, %d).\n", avatarID,\
                                        avatar->pos.x, avatar->pos.y);
                            if (nextMove == M_EAST) {
                                fprintf(stdout, "Avatar %d: Moved EAST from (%d, %d).\n", avatarID,\
                                        avatar->pos.x, avatar->pos.y);
                            fprintf(stdout, "\n");
                        send(sockfd, sendmsg, sizeof(AM_Message), 0);
    shmctl(shmID, IPC_RMID, NULL);
    free(sendmsg); free(receivemsg); free(IP); free(avatar);
    return 1;
Example #4
bool Reader::loadLayers(ZipReader &zip, const QDomElement& stack, QPoint offset)
	// TODO are layer coordinates relative to stack coordinates?
	// The spec, as of this writing, is not clear on this.
	offset += QPoint(
			stack.attribute("x", "0").toInt(),
			stack.attribute("y", "0").toInt()

	QDomNodeList nodes = stack.childNodes();
	// Iterate backwards to get the layers in the right order (layers are always added to the top of the stack)
	for(int n=nodes.count()-1;n>=0;--n) {
		QDomElement e = nodes.at(n).toElement();

		if(e.tagName()=="layer") {
			// Check for unknown attributes
			const char *layerattrs[] = {
					"x", "y", "name", "src", "opacity", "visibility", "composite-op", 0
			if(!isKnown(e.attributes(), layerattrs))
				_warnings |= ORA_EXTENDED;

			// Load content image from the file
			const QString src = e.attribute("src");
			QImage content;
				QByteArray image = zip.fileData(src);
				if(image.isNull()) {
					_error = QApplication::tr("Couldn't get layer %1").arg(src);
					return false;
				if(content.loadFromData(image, "png")==false) {
					_error = QApplication::tr("Couldn't load layer %1").arg(src);
					return false;

			// Create layer
			QString name = e.attribute("name", QApplication::tr("Unnamed layer"));
			_commands.append(MessagePtr(new protocol::LayerCreate(

			QPoint layerPos = offset + QPoint(
				e.attribute("x", "0").toInt(),
				e.attribute("y", "0").toInt()
			_commands.append(net::putQImage(_layerid, layerPos.x(), layerPos.y(), content, false));

			QString compositeOp = e.attribute("composite-op", "src-over");
			int blendmode = dpcore::blendModeSvg(compositeOp);
			if(blendmode<0) {
				_warnings |= ORA_EXTENDED;
				blendmode = 1;

			_commands.append(MessagePtr(new protocol::LayerAttributes(
				qRound(255 * e.attribute("opacity", "1.0").toDouble()),

			// TODO visibility flag
			//layer->setHidden(e.attribute("visibility", "visible") != "visible");
		} else if(e.tagName()=="stack") {
			// Nested stacks are not fully supported
			_warnings |= ORA_NESTED;
			if(loadLayers(zip, e, offset)==false)
				return false;
		} else if(e.namespaceURI()==DP_NAMESPACE && e.localName()=="annotations") {
		} else if(e.namespaceURI()==DP_NAMESPACE) {
			qWarning() << "Unhandled drawpile extension in stack:" << e.tagName();
			_warnings |= ORA_EXTENDED;
		} else if(e.prefix()=="") {
			qWarning() << "Unhandled stack element:" << e.tagName();
			_warnings |= ORA_EXTENDED;
	return true;