long Words::isFloat  ( long n, float& f) {
	char buf[128];
	char *p = buf;
	long offset = 0;
	while(isPunct(n+offset) && 
	      !(m_words[n+offset][0] == '.' || 
		m_words[n+offset][0] == '-')) offset++;

	while(isPunct(n+offset) && 
	      !(m_words[n+offset][0] == '.' || 
		m_words[n+offset][0] == '-')) offset++;

	memcpy(buf, getWord(n), getWordLen(n));
	buf[getWordLen(n)] = '\0';
	log(LOG_WARN, "trying to get %s %li", buf, offset);

	if(isNum(n)) {
		if(1 + n < m_numWords && 
		   isPunct(n+1) && m_words[n+1][0] == '.') {
			if(2 + n < m_numWords && isNum(n+2)) {
				memcpy(p, m_words[n], m_wordLens[n]);
				p += m_wordLens[n];
				memcpy(p, ".", 1);
				memcpy(p, m_words[n+2], m_wordLens[n+2]);
				f = atof(buf);
				return 3 + offset;
			else {
				return offset;
		} else if(n > 0 && isPunct(n-1) && m_wordLens[n-1] > 0 &&
			  (m_words[n-1][m_wordLens[n-1]-1] == '.' ||
			   m_words[n-1][m_wordLens[n-1]-1] == '-')) {
			//hmm, we just skipped the period as punct?
			sprintf(buf, "0.%s",m_words[n]);
			f = atof(buf);
			return 1 + offset;
		else {
			f = atof(m_words[n]);
			return 1 + offset;

	//does this have a period in front?
	if(isPunct(n) && (m_words[n][0] == '.' || m_words[n][0] == '-')) {
		if(1 + n < m_numWords && isNum(n+1)) {
			memcpy(p, m_words[n], m_wordLens[n]);
			p += m_wordLens[n];
			memcpy(p, m_words[n+1], m_wordLens[n+1]);
			f = atof(buf);
			return 2 + offset;
	return offset;
Example #2
int main()
    int state = LOOKINGFOR;

    char c, pC;

    for(; scanf("%c", &c) > 0 && c;)
        if(state == PISPUNCT)
            if(c == ' ') printf("%c", pC);
            else printf("%c ", pC);

            if(state == LOOKINGFOR)
                state = PISPUNCT;
            if(state == PISPUNCT)
                state = LOOKINGFOR;
            printf("%c", c);

        pC = c;

Example #3
void paragraph::considerHyphenation(flags & flgs)
    bool vowel = false;
    bool nonAlphaFound = false;
    int cnt = 0;
    int j = 0;
    int punkpos = -1;
    bool locAllLower = true;
    bool locAllUpper = true;
    for(j = 0;j != waited && isFlatSpace(circularBuffer[j]);++j)
        circularBuffer[j] = ' ';
    for(;j != waited;++j)
        int k = circularBuffer[j];
                locAllLower = false;
                locAllUpper = false;
        else if(k != '-')
            if(punkpos < 0 && isPunct(k))
                punkpos = cnt;
            else if(!isSemiPunct(k))
                nonAlphaFound = true;
            vowel = true;
        { // Require agreement of case
                dropHyphen = false;
                dropHyphen = false;
    if((!nonAlphaFound && cnt >= 2 && punkpos < 0) || punkpos == cnt)
        if(!dropHyphen || !vowel)
        for(j = 0;j != waited;++j)
Example #4
 *  "int charType(char c)"
 *  return 0, 1, 2, 3 for the character type
 *  0 for neither, 1 for numerical, 2 for letter, 3 for punctuation
int charType(char c){
    int result =0;
    int target = (int)c;
    if (target > 9) {
        if ( (result = isDigit( c )) || (result = isPunct( c ) ) || ( result = isAlpha( c ) ) ){
            // if any is true, then result will have the corresponding value already
            // result = 1 for numerical, result = 2 for letter, result = 3 for punctuation
            return (result);
    // else default, return 0, is neither of the three types
    return 0;
Example #5
void TokenizerEn::splitLine(const wstring& i_sentence, vector<wstring>& o_content, vector<size_t>& o_positions) const
    // find last non-punctuator
    int lastLetter = (int)i_sentence.length()-1;
    for(; lastLetter >= 0; --lastLetter)
        if(!isSpace(i_sentence[lastLetter]) && !isPunct(i_sentence[lastLetter]))

    size_t wordBegin = i_sentence.length();
    for(size_t pos = 0; pos <= i_sentence.length(); pos++)
        if(pos == i_sentence.length()
            || isSpace(i_sentence[pos]) )
            if(wordBegin < pos)
                wstring word = i_sentence.substr(wordBegin, pos - wordBegin);
                vector<wstring> newContent;
                vector<size_t> newPos;
                splitSpecialSymbols(word, newContent, newPos, (pos > lastLetter) );
                o_content.insert(o_content.end(), newContent.begin(), newContent.end());
                for(auto pos_iter = newPos.begin(); pos_iter != newPos.end(); ++pos_iter)
                o_positions.insert(o_positions.end(), newPos.begin(), newPos.end());
                wordBegin = i_sentence.length();
        } else if(wordBegin > pos) {
            wordBegin = pos;
Example #6
void loop( void )
//  Serial.write( '\n' ) ;   // send a char
//  Serial.write( '\r' ) ;   // send a char
//  Serial5.write( '-' ) ;   // send a char

  // adding a constant integer to a string:
  stringThree =  stringOne + 123;
  Serial.println(stringThree);    // prints "stringThree = 123"

  // adding a constant long interger to a string:
  stringThree = stringOne + 123456789;
  Serial.println(stringThree);    // prints " You added 123456789"

  // adding a constant character to a string:
  stringThree =  stringOne + 'A';
  Serial.println(stringThree);    // prints "You added A"

  // adding a constant string to a string:
  stringThree =  stringOne +  "abc";
  Serial.println(stringThree);    // prints "You added abc"

  stringThree = stringOne + stringTwo;
  Serial.println(stringThree);    // prints "You added this string"

  // adding a variable integer to a string:
  int sensorValue = analogRead(A0);
  stringOne = "Sensor value: ";
  stringThree = stringOne  + sensorValue;
  Serial.println(stringThree);    // prints "Sensor Value: 401" or whatever value analogRead(A0) has

  // adding a variable long integer to a string:
  long currentTime = millis();
  stringOne = "millis() value: ";
  stringThree = stringOne + millis();
  Serial.println(stringThree);    // prints "The millis: 345345" or whatever value currentTime has

  // do nothing while true:
  while (true);

#if 0
  // get any incoming bytes:
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
    int thisChar = Serial.read();

////////    int thisChar = 'a';
    // say what was sent:
    Serial.print("You sent me: \'");
    Serial.print("\'  ASCII Value: ");

    // analyze what was sent:
    if (isAlphaNumeric(thisChar)) {
      Serial.println("it's alphanumeric");
    if (isAlpha(thisChar)) {
      Serial.println("it's alphabetic");
    if (isAscii(thisChar)) {
      Serial.println("it's ASCII");
    if (isWhitespace(thisChar)) {
      Serial.println("it's whitespace");
    if (isControl(thisChar)) {
      Serial.println("it's a control character");
    if (isDigit(thisChar)) {
      Serial.println("it's a numeric digit");
    if (isGraph(thisChar)) {
      Serial.println("it's a printable character that's not whitespace");
    if (isLowerCase(thisChar)) {
      Serial.println("it's lower case");
    if (isPrintable(thisChar)) {
      Serial.println("it's printable");
    if (isPunct(thisChar)) {
      Serial.println("it's punctuation");
    if (isSpace(thisChar)) {
      Serial.println("it's a space character");
    if (isUpperCase(thisChar)) {
      Serial.println("it's upper case");
    if (isHexadecimalDigit(thisChar)) {
      Serial.println("it's a valid hexadecimaldigit (i.e. 0 - 9, a - F, or A - F)");

    // add some space and ask for another byte:
    Serial.println("Give me another byte:");

#if 0
  sensorValue = analogRead(A0);

  // apply the calibration to the sensor reading
  sensorValue = map(sensorValue, sensorMin, sensorMax, 0, 255);
  Serial.print("sensor = " );

  // in case the sensor value is outside the range seen during calibration
  outputValue = constrain(sensorValue, 0, 255);

  // print the results to the serial monitor:
  Serial.print("\t output = ");

  // fade the LED using the calibrated value:
  analogWrite(9/*ledPin*/, sensorValue);
#if 0
  // read the analog in value:
  sensorValue = analogRead(A0);
  // map it to the range of the analog out:
  outputValue = map(sensorValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
  // change the analog out value:
  analogWrite(9/*analogOutPin*/, outputValue);

  // print the results to the serial monitor:
  Serial.print("sensor = " );
  Serial.print("\t output = ");

  // wait 2 milliseconds before the next loop
  // for the analog-to-digital converter to settle
  // after the last reading:
//  delay(1000);

#if 0
  digitalWrite( 0, HIGH ) ;  // set the red LED on
  digitalWrite( 0, LOW ) ;  // set the red LED on

  digitalWrite( 1, HIGH ) ;  // set the red LED on
  digitalWrite( 1, LOW ) ;  // set the red LED on

  digitalWrite( 4, HIGH ) ;  // set the red LED on
  digitalWrite( 4, LOW ) ;  // set the red LED on

  digitalWrite( 5, HIGH ) ;  // set the red LED on
  digitalWrite( 5, LOW ) ;  // set the red LED on

  digitalWrite( 6, HIGH ) ;  // set the red LED on
  digitalWrite( 6, LOW ) ;  // set the red LED on

  digitalWrite( 7, HIGH ) ;  // set the red LED on
  digitalWrite( 7, LOW ) ;  // set the red LED on

  digitalWrite( 8, HIGH ) ;  // set the red LED on
  digitalWrite( 8, LOW ) ;  // set the red LED on

  digitalWrite( 9, HIGH ) ;  // set the red LED on
  digitalWrite( 9, LOW ) ;  // set the red LED on

  digitalWrite( 10, HIGH ) ;  // set the red LED on
  digitalWrite( 10, LOW ) ;  // set the red LED on

  digitalWrite( 11, HIGH ) ;  // set the red LED on
  digitalWrite( 11, LOW ) ;  // set the red LED on

  digitalWrite( 12, HIGH ) ;  // set the red LED on
  digitalWrite( 12, LOW ) ;  // set the red LED on

  digitalWrite( 13, HIGH ) ;  // set the red LED on
  digitalWrite( 13, LOW ) ;  // set the red LED on

#if 0
//    int a = 123;
//    Serial.print(a, DEC);

//  for ( uint32_t i = A0 ; i <= A0+NUM_ANALOG_INPUTS ; i++ )
  for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i <= NUM_ANALOG_INPUTS ; i++ )

    int a = analogRead(i);
//    int a = 123;
    Serial.print(a, DEC);
    Serial.print(" ");
//   Serial.write( ' ' ) ;   // send a char
//   Serial.write( 0x30 + i ) ;   // send a char

//   Serial.write( 0x30 + ((a/1000)%10) ) ;   // send a char
//   Serial.write( 0x30 + ((a/100)%10) ) ;   // send a char
//   Serial.write( 0x30 + ((a/10)%10) ) ;   // send a char
//   Serial.write( 0x30 + (a%10) ) ;   // send a char
//   Serial.write( ' ' ) ;   // send a char

#if 0
  volatile int pin_value=0 ;
  static volatile uint8_t duty_cycle=0 ;
  static volatile uint16_t dac_value=0 ;

  // Test digitalWrite
  led_step1() ;
  delay( 500 ) ;              // wait for a second
  led_step2() ;
  delay( 500 ) ;              // wait for a second

  // Test Serial output
  Serial5.write( '-' ) ;   // send a char
  Serial5.write( "test1\n" ) ;   // send a string
  Serial5.write( "test2" ) ;   // send another string

  // Test digitalRead: connect pin 2 to either GND or 3.3V. !!!! NOT on 5V pin !!!!
  pin_value=digitalRead( 2 ) ;
  Serial5.write( "pin 2 value is " ) ;
  Serial5.write( (pin_value == LOW)?"LOW\n":"HIGH\n" ) ;

  duty_cycle+=8 ;//=(uint8_t)(millis() & 0xff) ;
  analogWrite( 13, duty_cycle ) ;
  analogWrite( 12, duty_cycle ) ;
  analogWrite( 11, duty_cycle ) ;
  analogWrite( 10 ,duty_cycle ) ;
  analogWrite(  9, duty_cycle ) ;
  analogWrite(  8, duty_cycle ) ;

  dac_value += 64;
  analogWrite(A0, dac_value);

  Serial5.print("\r\nAnalog pins: ");

  for ( uint32_t i = A0 ; i <= A0+NUM_ANALOG_INPUTS ; i++ )

    int a = analogRead(i);
    Serial5.print(a, DEC);
    Serial5.print(" ");


  Serial5.println("External interrupt pins:");
  if ( ul_Interrupt_Pin3 == 1 )
    Serial5.println( "Pin 3 triggered (LOW)" ) ;
    ul_Interrupt_Pin3 = 0 ;

  if ( ul_Interrupt_Pin4 == 1 )
    Serial5.println( "Pin 4 triggered (HIGH)" ) ;
    ul_Interrupt_Pin4 = 0 ;

  if ( ul_Interrupt_Pin5 == 1 )
    Serial5.println( "Pin 5 triggered (FALLING)" ) ;
    ul_Interrupt_Pin5 = 0 ;

  if ( ul_Interrupt_Pin6 == 1 )
    Serial5.println( "Pin 6 triggered (RISING)" ) ;
    ul_Interrupt_Pin6 = 0 ;

  if ( ul_Interrupt_Pin7 == 1 )
    Serial5.println( "Pin 7 triggered (CHANGE)" ) ;
    ul_Interrupt_Pin7 = 0 ;