Example #1
const char* RenderInline::renderName() const
    if (isRelPositioned())
        return "RenderInline (relative positioned)";
    if (isAnonymous())
        return "RenderInline (generated)";
    return "RenderInline";
Example #2
const char* RenderGrid::renderName() const
    if (isFloating())
        return "RenderGrid (floating)";
    if (isOutOfFlowPositioned())
        return "RenderGrid (positioned)";
    if (isAnonymous())
        return "RenderGrid (generated)";
    if (isRelPositioned())
        return "RenderGrid (relative positioned)";
    return "RenderGrid";
Example #3
const char* RenderMultiColumnBlock::renderName() const
    if (isFloating())
        return "RenderMultiColumnBlock (floating)";
    if (isOutOfFlowPositioned())
        return "RenderMultiColumnBlock (positioned)";
    if (isAnonymousBlock())
        return "RenderMultiColumnBlock (anonymous)";
    if (isAnonymous())
        return "RenderMultiColumnBlock (generated)";
    if (isRelPositioned())
        return "RenderMultiColumnBlock (relative positioned)";
    return "RenderMultiColumnBlock";
Example #4
const char* RenderMultiColumnBlock::renderName() const
    if (isFloating())
        return "RenderMultiColumnBlock (floating)";
    if (isOutOfFlowPositioned())
        return "RenderMultiColumnBlock (positioned)";
    if (isAnonymousBlock())
        return "RenderMultiColumnBlock (anonymous)";
    // FIXME: Temporary hack while the new generated content system is being implemented.
    if (isPseudoElement())
        return "RenderMultiColumnBlock (generated)";
    if (isAnonymous())
        return "RenderMultiColumnBlock (generated)";
    if (isRelPositioned())
        return "RenderMultiColumnBlock (relative positioned)";
    return "RenderMultiColumnBlock";
LayoutPoint RenderBoxModelObject::adjustedPositionRelativeToOffsetParent(const LayoutPoint& startPoint) const
    // If the element is the HTML body element or doesn't have a parent
    // return 0 and stop this algorithm.
    if (isBody() || !parent())
        return LayoutPoint();

    LayoutPoint referencePoint = startPoint;

    // If the offsetParent of the element is null, or is the HTML body element,
    // return the distance between the canvas origin and the left border edge
    // of the element and stop this algorithm.
    Element* element = offsetParent();
    if (!element)
        return referencePoint;

    if (const RenderBoxModelObject* offsetParent = element->renderBoxModelObject()) {
        if (offsetParent->isBox() && !offsetParent->isBody())
            referencePoint.move(-toRenderBox(offsetParent)->borderLeft(), -toRenderBox(offsetParent)->borderTop());
        if (!isOutOfFlowPositioned() || flowThreadContainingBlock()) {
            if (isRelPositioned())

            RenderObject* current;
            for (current = parent(); current != offsetParent && current->parent(); current = current->parent()) {
                // FIXME: What are we supposed to do inside SVG content?
                if (!isOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
                    if (current->isBox() && !current->isTableRow())

            if (offsetParent->isBox() && offsetParent->isBody() && !offsetParent->isPositioned())

    return referencePoint;
Example #6
bool RenderInline::requiresLayer()
    return isRelPositioned() || isTransparent() || hasMask();
LayoutSize RenderBoxModelObject::offsetForInFlowPosition() const
    return isRelPositioned() ? relativePositionOffset() : LayoutSize();
bool RenderInline::requiresLayer()
    return isRelPositioned() || style()->opacity() < 1.0f;
bool RenderSVGContainer::requiresLayer()
    // Only allow an <svg> element to generate a layer when it's positioned in a non-SVG context
    return (isPositioned() || isRelPositioned()) && (element()->parent() && !element()->parent()->isSVGElement());