Example #1
 * Main
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	struct stat file;
	state st;
	char self[64];
	char selector[BUFSIZE];
	char buf[BUFSIZE];
	char *dest;
	char *c;
	struct shmid_ds shm_ds;
	shm_state *shm;
	int shmid;

	/* Get the name of this binary */
	if ((c = strrchr(argv[0], '/'))) sstrlcpy(self, c + 1);
	else sstrlcpy(self, argv[0]);

	/* Initialize state */
	setlocale(LC_TIME, DATE_LOCALE);
	srand(time(NULL) / (getpid() + getppid()));

	/* Handle command line arguments */
	parse_args(&st, argc, argv);

	/* Open syslog() */
	if (st.opt_syslog) openlog(self, LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON);

	/* Make sure the computer is turned on */
#ifdef __HAIKU__
	if (is_computer_on() != TRUE)
		die(&st, ERR_ACCESS, "Please turn on the computer first");

	/* Refuse to run as root */
	if (st.opt_root && getuid() == 0)
		die(&st, ERR_ACCESS, "Refusing to run as root");

	/* Try to get shared memory */
	if ((shmid = shmget(SHM_KEY, sizeof(shm_state), IPC_CREAT | SHM_MODE)) == ERROR) {

		/* Getting memory failed -> delete the old allocation */
		shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, &shm_ds);
		shm = NULL;
	else {
		/* Map shared memory */
		if ((shm = (shm_state *) shmat(shmid, (void *) 0, 0)) == (void *) ERROR)
			shm = NULL;

		/* Initialize mapped shared memory */
		if (shm && shm->start_time == 0) {
			shm->start_time = time(NULL);

			/* Keep server platform & description in shm */
			sstrlcpy(shm->server_platform, st.server_platform);
			sstrlcpy(shm->server_description, st.server_description);

	/* For debugging shared memory issues */
	if (!st.opt_shm) shm = NULL;

	/* Get server platform and description */
	if (shm) {
		sstrlcpy(st.server_platform, shm->server_platform);

		if (!*st.server_description)
			sstrlcpy(st.server_description, shm->server_description);

	/* Read selector */
	if (fgets(selector, sizeof(selector) - 1, stdin) == NULL)
		selector[0] = '\0';

	/* Remove trailing CRLF */

	if (st.debug) syslog(LOG_INFO, "client sent us \"%s\"", selector);

	/* Handle hURL: redirect page */
	if (sstrncmp(selector, "URL:") == MATCH) {
		st.req_filetype = TYPE_HTML;
		sstrlcpy(st.req_selector, selector);
		return OK;

	/* Handle gopher+ root requests (UMN gopher client is seriously borken) */
	if (sstrncmp(selector, "\t$") == MATCH) {
		printf("+-1" CRLF);
		printf("+INFO: 1Main menu\t\t%s\t%i" CRLF,
		printf("+VIEWS:" CRLF " application/gopher+-menu: <512b>" CRLF);
		printf("." CRLF);

		if (st.debug) syslog(LOG_INFO, "got a request for gopher+ root menu");
		return OK;

	/* Convert HTTP request to gopher (respond using headerless HTTP/0.9) */
	if (sstrncmp(selector, "GET ") == MATCH ||
	    sstrncmp(selector, "POST ") == MATCH ) {

		if ((c = strchr(selector, ' '))) sstrlcpy(selector, c + 1);
		if ((c = strchr(selector, ' '))) *c = '\0';

		st.req_protocol = PROTO_HTTP;

		if (st.debug) syslog(LOG_INFO, "got HTTP request for \"%s\"", selector);

	/* Save default server_host & fetch session data (including new server_host) */
	sstrlcpy(st.server_host_default, st.server_host);
	if (shm) get_shm_session(&st, shm);

	/* Loop through the selector, fix it & separate query_string */
	dest = st.req_selector;
	if (selector[0] != '/') *dest++ = '/';

	for (c = selector; *c;) {

		/* Skip duplicate slashes and /./ */
		while (*c == '/' && *(c + 1) == '/') c++;
		if (*c == '/' && *(c + 1) == '.' && *(c + 2) == '/') c += 2;

		/* Start of a query string (either type 7 or HTTP-style)? */
		if (*c == '\t' || (st.opt_query && *c == '?')) {
			sstrlcpy(st.req_query_string, c + 1);
			if ((c = strchr(st.req_query_string, '\t'))) *c = '\0';

		/* Start of virtual host hint? */
		if (*c == ';') {
			if (st.opt_vhost) sstrlcpy(st.server_host, c + 1);

			/* Skip vhost on selector */
			while (*c && *c != '\t') c++;

		/* Copy valid char */
		*dest++ = *c++;
	*dest = '\0';

	/* Remove encodings from selector */
	strndecode(st.req_selector, st.req_selector, sizeof(st.req_selector));

	/* Deny requests for Slashdot and /../ hackers */
	if (strstr(st.req_selector, "/."))
		die(&st, ERR_ACCESS, "Refusing to serve out dotfiles");

	/* Handle /server-status requests */
	if (sstrncmp(st.req_selector, SERVER_STATUS) == MATCH) {
		if (shm) server_status(&st, shm, shmid);
		return OK;

	/* Remove possible extra cruft from server_host */
	if ((c = strchr(st.server_host, '\t'))) *c = '\0';

	/* Guess request filetype so we can die() with style... */
	st.req_filetype = gopher_filetype(&st, st.req_selector, FALSE);

	/* Convert seletor to path & stat() */
	if (st.debug) syslog(LOG_INFO, "path to resource is \"%s\"", st.req_realpath);

	if (stat(st.req_realpath, &file) == ERROR) {

		/* Handle virtual /caps.txt requests */
		if (st.opt_caps && sstrncmp(st.req_selector, CAPS_TXT) == MATCH) {
			caps_txt(&st, shm);
			caps_txt(&st, NULL);
			return OK;

		/* Requested file not found - die() */
		die(&st, ERR_NOTFOUND, NULL);

	/* Fetch request filesize from stat() */
	st.req_filesize = file.st_size;

	/* Everyone must have read access but no write access */
	if ((file.st_mode & S_IROTH) == 0)
		die(&st, ERR_ACCESS, "File or directory not world-readable");
	if ((file.st_mode & S_IWOTH) != 0)
		die(&st, ERR_ACCESS, "File or directory world-writeable");

	/* If stat said it was a dir then it's a menu */
	if ((file.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) st.req_filetype = TYPE_MENU;

	/* Not a dir - let's guess the filetype again... */
	else if ((file.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
		st.req_filetype = gopher_filetype(&st, st.req_realpath, st.opt_magic);

	/* Menu selectors must end with a slash */
	if (st.req_filetype == TYPE_MENU && strlast(st.req_selector) != '/')
		sstrlcat(st.req_selector, "/");

	/* Change directory to wherever the resource was */
	sstrlcpy(buf, st.req_realpath);

	if ((file.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) c = dirname(buf);
	else c = buf;

	if (chdir(c) == ERROR) die(&st, ERR_ACCESS, NULL);

	/* Keep count of hits and data transfer */
	if (shm) {
		shm->kbytes += st.req_filesize / 1024;

		/* Update user session */
		update_shm_session(&st, shm);

	/* Log the request */
	if (st.opt_syslog) {
		syslog(LOG_INFO, "request for \"gopher://%s:%i/%c%s\" from %s",

	/* Check file type & act accordingly */
	switch (file.st_mode & S_IFMT) {
		case S_IFDIR:
			log_combined(&st, HTTP_OK);

		case S_IFREG:
			log_combined(&st, HTTP_OK);

			die(&st, ERR_ACCESS, "Refusing to serve out special files");

	/* Clean exit */
	return OK;
Example #2
void slowPoll( void )
	RANDOM_STATE randomState;
	BYTE buffer[ RANDOM_BUFSIZE + 8 ];
	key_info keyInfo;
	team_info teami;
	thread_info threadi;
	area_info areai;
	port_info porti;
	sem_info semi;
	image_info imagei;
	double temperature;
	int32 devID, cookie;
	int fd, value;

	if( ( fd = open( "/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY ) ) >= 0 )
		BYTE buffer[ ( DEVRANDOM_BITS / 8 ) + 8 ];
		static const int quality = 100;

		/* Read data from /dev/urandom, which won't block (although the
		   quality of the noise is lesser). */
		read( fd, buffer, DEVRANDOM_BITS / 8 );
		setMessageData( &msgData, buffer, DEVRANDOM_BITS / 8 );
		zeroise( buffer, DEVRANDOM_BITS / 8 );
		close( fd );

						 ( MESSAGE_CAST ) &quality,

	initRandomData( randomState, buffer, RANDOM_BUFSIZE );

	/* Get the state of all keys on the keyboard and various other
	   system states */
#if 0	/* See comment at start */
	if( get_key_info( &keyInfo ) == B_NO_ERROR )
		addRandomData( randomState, &keyInfo, sizeof( key_info ) );
#endif /* 0 */
	value = is_computer_on();	/* Returns 1 if computer is on */
	addRandomValue( randomState, value );
	temperature = is_computer_on_fire();	/* MB temp.if on fire */
	addRandomData( randomState, &temperature, sizeof( double ) );

	/* Get information on all running teams (thread groups, ie applications).
	   This returns the team ID, number of threads, images, and areas,
	   debugger port and thread ID, program args, and uid and gid */
	cookie = 0;
	while( get_next_team_info( &cookie, &teami ) == B_NO_ERROR )
		addRandomData( randomState, &teami, sizeof( teami ) );

	/* Get information on all running threads.  This returns the thread ID,
	   team ID, thread name and state (eg running, suspended, asleep,
	   blocked), the thread priority, elapsed user and kernel time, and
	   thread stack information */
	cookie = 0;
	while( get_next_thread_info( 0, &cookie, &threadi ) == B_NO_ERROR )
		addRandomValue( randomState, has_data( threadi.thread ) );
		addRandomData( randomState, &threadi, sizeof( threadi ) );

	/* Get information on all memory areas (chunks of virtual memory).  This
	   returns the area ID, name, size, locking scheme and protection bits,
	   ID of the owning team, start address, number of resident bytes, copy-
	   on-write count, an number of pages swapped in and out */
	cookie = 0;
	while( get_next_area_info( 0, &cookie, &areai ) == B_NO_ERROR )
		addRandomData( randomState, &areai, sizeof( areai ) );

	/* Get information on all message ports.  This returns the port ID, ID of
	   the owning team, message queue length, number of messages in the
	   queue, and total number of messages processed */
	cookie = 0;
	while( get_next_port_info( 0, &cookie, &porti ) == B_NO_ERROR )
		addRandomData( randomState, &porti, sizeof( porti ) );

	/* Get information on all semaphores.  This returns the semaphore and
	   owning team ID, the name, thread count, and the ID of the last thread
	   which acquired the semaphore */
	cookie = 0;
	while( get_next_sem_info( 0, &cookie, &semi ) == B_NO_ERROR )
		addRandomData( randomState, &semi, sizeof( semi ) );

	/* Get information on all images (code blocks, eg applications, shared
	   libraries, and add-on images (DLL's on steroids).  This returns the
	   image ID and type (app, library, or add-on), the order in which the
	   image was loaded compared to other images, the address of the init
	   and shutdown routines, the device and node where the image lives,
	   and the image text and data sizes) */
	cookie = 0;
	while( get_next_image_info( 0, &cookie, &imagei ) == B_NO_ERROR )
		addRandomData( randomState, &imagei, sizeof( imagei ) );

	/* Get information on all storage devices.  This returns the device
	   number, root inode, various device parameters such as I/O block size,
	   and the number of free and used blocks and inodes */
	devID = 0;
	while( next_dev( &devID ) >= 0 )
		fs_info fsInfo;

		if( fs_stat_dev( devID, &fsInfo ) == B_NO_ERROR )
			addRandomData( randomState, &fsInfo, sizeof( fs_info ) );

	/* Flush any remaining data through */
	endRandomData( randomState, 100 );