Example #1
 * creature (usually player) tries to touch (pick up or wield) an artifact obj.
 * Returns 0 if the object refuses to be touched.
 * This routine does not change any object chains.
 * Ignores such things as gauntlets, assuming the artifact is not
 * fooled by such trappings.
int touch_artifact(struct obj *obj, struct monst *mon)
    const struct artifact *oart = get_artifact(obj);
    boolean badclass, badalign, self_willed, yours;

    if (!oart) return 1;

    yours = (mon == &youmonst);
    /* all quest artifacts are self-willed; it this ever changes, `badclass'
       will have to be extended to explicitly include quest artifacts */
    self_willed = ((oart->spfx & SPFX_INTEL) != 0);
    if (yours) {
	badclass = self_willed &&
		   ((oart->role != NON_PM && !Role_if (oart->role)) ||
		    (oart->race != NON_PM && !Race_if (oart->race)));
	badalign = (oart->spfx & SPFX_RESTR) && oart->alignment != A_NONE &&
		   (oart->alignment != u.ualign.type || u.ualign.record < 0);
    } else if (!is_covetous(mon->data) && !is_mplayer(mon->data)) {
	badclass = self_willed &&
		   oart->role != NON_PM && oart != &artilist[ART_EXCALIBUR];
	badalign = (oart->spfx & SPFX_RESTR) && oart->alignment != A_NONE &&
		   (oart->alignment != sgn(mon->data->maligntyp));
    } else {    /* an M3_WANTSxxx monster or a fake player */
	/* special monsters trying to take the Amulet, invocation tools or
	   quest item can touch anything except for `spec_applies' artifacts */
	badclass = badalign = FALSE;
    /* weapons which attack specific categories of monsters are
       bad for them even if their alignments happen to match */
    if (!badalign && (oart->spfx & SPFX_DBONUS) != 0) {
	struct artifact tmp;

	tmp = *oart;
	tmp.spfx &= SPFX_DBONUS;
	badalign = !!spec_applies(&tmp, mon);

    if (((badclass || badalign) && self_willed) ||
       (badalign && (!yours || !rn2(4))))  {
	int dmg;
	char buf[BUFSZ];

	if (!yours) return 0;
	pline("You are blasted by %s power!", s_suffix(the(xname(obj))));
	dmg = dice((Antimagic ? 2 : 4), (self_willed ? 10 : 4));
	sprintf(buf, "touching %s", oart->name);
	losehp(dmg, buf, KILLED_BY);
	exercise(A_WIS, FALSE);

    /* can pick it up unless you're totally non-synch'd with the artifact */
    if (badclass && badalign && self_willed) {
	if (yours) pline("%s your grasp!", Tobjnam(obj, "evade"));
	return 0;

    return 1;
Example #2
struct monst *
tamedog(struct monst *mtmp, struct obj *obj)
    struct monst *mtmp2;

    /* The Wiz, Medusa and the quest nemeses aren't even made peaceful. */
    if (mtmp->iswiz || mtmp->data == &mons[PM_MEDUSA]
        || (mtmp->data->mflags3 & M3_WANTSARTI))
        return NULL;

    /* worst case, at least it'll be peaceful; this uses the main RNG because
       realtime effects means that this won't really sync anyway; this also
       calls set_malign (thus there's no need for the caller to call it after
       calling tamedog()) */
    msethostility(mtmp, FALSE, TRUE);
    if (flags.moonphase == FULL_MOON && night() && rn2(6) && obj &&
        mtmp->data->mlet == S_DOG)
        return NULL;

    /* If we cannot tame it, at least it's no longer afraid. */
    mtmp->mflee = 0;
    mtmp->mfleetim = 0;

    /* make grabber let go now, whether it becomes tame or not */
    if (mtmp == u.ustuck) {
        if (Engulfed)
            expels(mtmp, mtmp->data, TRUE);
        else if (!(Upolyd && sticks(youmonst.data)))

    /* feeding it treats makes it tamer */
    if (mtmp->mtame && obj) {
        int tasty;

        if (mtmp->mcanmove && !mtmp->mconf && !mtmp->meating &&
            ((tasty = dogfood(mtmp, obj)) == DOGFOOD ||
             (tasty <= ACCFOOD && CONST_EDOG(mtmp)->hungrytime <= moves))) {
            /* pet will "catch" and eat this thrown food */
            if (canseemon(mtmp)) {
                boolean big_corpse = (obj->otyp == CORPSE &&
                                      obj->corpsenm >= LOW_PM &&
                                      mons[obj->corpsenm].msize >
                pline("%s catches %s%s", Monnam(mtmp), the(xname(obj)),
                      !big_corpse ? "." : ", or vice versa!");
            } else if (cansee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my))
                pline("%s.", Tobjnam(obj, "stop"));
            /* dog_eat expects a floor object */
            place_object(obj, level, mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
            dog_eat(mtmp, obj, mtmp->mx, mtmp->my, FALSE);
            /* eating might have killed it, but that doesn't matter here; a
               non-null result suppresses "miss" message for thrown food and
               also implies that the object has been deleted */
            return mtmp;
        } else
            return NULL;

    if (mtmp->mtame || !mtmp->mcanmove ||
        /* monsters with conflicting structures cannot be tamed */
        mtmp->isshk || mtmp->isgd || mtmp->ispriest || mtmp->isminion ||
        is_covetous(mtmp->data) || is_human(mtmp->data) ||
        (is_demon(mtmp->data) && !is_demon(youmonst.data)) ||
        (obj && dogfood(mtmp, obj) >= MANFOOD))
        return NULL;

    if (mtmp->m_id == u.quest_status.leader_m_id)
        return NULL;

    /* make a new monster which has the pet extension */
    mtmp2 = newmonst(MX_EDOG, mtmp->mnamelth);
    *mtmp2 = *mtmp;
    mtmp2->mxtyp = MX_EDOG;
    mtmp2->mxlth = sizeof (struct edog);
    if (mtmp->mnamelth)
        strcpy(NAME_MUTABLE(mtmp2), NAME(mtmp));
    replmon(mtmp, mtmp2);
    /* `mtmp' is now obsolete */

    if (obj) {  /* thrown food */
        /* defer eating until the edog extension has been set up */
        place_object(obj, level, mtmp2->mx, mtmp2->my); /* put on floor */
        /* devour the food (might grow into larger, genocided monster) */
        if (dog_eat(mtmp2, obj, mtmp2->mx, mtmp2->my, TRUE) == 2)
            return mtmp2;       /* oops, it died... */
        /* `obj' is now obsolete */

    if (mtmp2->dlevel == level)
        newsym(mtmp2->mx, mtmp2->my);
    if (attacktype(mtmp2->data, AT_WEAP)) {
        mtmp2->weapon_check = NEED_HTH_WEAPON;
    return mtmp2;