Example #1
static sect_types_t get_section_type
	 char *text_line,
	 sect_types_t current_section_type
	sect_types_t sect_type;
	/* The order of the first two if-tests cannot be changed! */
	if (is_comment_line(text_line))
		sect_type = ZEROTH_SECT;
	else if (is_format(text_line))
		sect_type = FMT_SECT;
	else if (is_equiv_section(text_line, current_section_type))
		sect_type = kind_of_equiv_section(text_line);
	else if (is_last_sect(text_line))
		sect_type = LAST_SECT;
	else if (add_your_BOOLEAN_test_here(text_line))
		if (current_section_type == ZEROTH_SECT)
			sect_type = FMT_SECT;
			sect_type = IN_SECT;
Example #2
decompress_fd(int fdi, int fdo)
    uint8_t header[6];

    if (sizeof(header) != safe_read(fdi, header, sizeof(header)))
        perror_msg("Failed to read header bytes");
        return -1;

    xlseek(fdi, 0, SEEK_SET);

    if (is_format("xz", header, sizeof(header), s_xz_magic, sizeof(s_xz_magic)))
        return decompress_fd_xz(fdi, fdo);

    if (is_format("lz4", header, sizeof(header), s_lz4_magic, sizeof(s_lz4_magic)))
        return decompress_fd_lz4(fdi, fdo);

    error_msg("Unsupported file format");
    return -1;
Example #3
selection_compute (tree t, path start, path end) {
  int  i1= start->item;
  int  i2= end->item;
  path p1= start->next;
  path p2= end->next;

  if (is_nil (p1) || is_nil (p2)) {
    if (start == path (right_index (t))) return "";
    if (end == path (0)) return "";
    if (start == end) return "";
    if (is_nil (p1) && is_nil (p2)) {
      if (is_compound (t)) return copy (t);
      if (i1>=i2) return "";
      return t->label (i1, i2);
    if (is_compound (t) && (!is_format (t))) return copy (t);
    if (is_nil (p1)) {
      i1= 0;
      p1= (start->item==0? 0: right_index (t[i1]));
    if (is_nil (p2)) {
      i2= N(t)-1;
      p2= (end->item==0? 0: right_index (t[i2]));

  if (i1==i2) return selection_compute (t[i1], p1, p2);
  if (is_compound (t) && (!is_format (t))) return copy (t);

  int i;
  tree r (t, i2-i1+1);
  r[0]     = selection_compute (t[i1], p1, path (right_index (t[i1])));
  r[N(r)-1]= selection_compute (t[i2], path (0), p2);
  for (i=1; i<N(r)-1; i++) r[i]= copy (t[i+i1]);
  return r;
Example #4
edit_select_rep::raw_cut (path p1, path p2) {
  if (p2 == p1) return;
  path p = common (p1, p2);
  tree t = subtree (et, p);
  int  n = N(p);
  int  i1= p1[n];
  int  i2= p2[n];

  if (is_document (t) || is_concat (t)) {
    path q1= copy (p); q1 << path (i1, end (t[i1]));
    path q2= copy (p); q2 << path (i2, start (t[i2]));
    raw_cut (q2, p2);
    if (i2>i1+1) remove (p * (i1+1), i2-i1-1);
    raw_cut (p1, q1);
    if (is_concat (t)) correct_concat (p);
    else remove_return (p * i1);

  if (is_func (t, TFORMAT) || is_func (t, TABLE) || is_func (t, ROW)) {
    path fp= ::table_search_format (et, p);
    tree st= subtree (et, fp);
    int row1, col1, row2, col2;
    table_search_coordinates (st, tail (p1, N(fp)), row1, col1);
    table_search_coordinates (st, tail (p2, N(fp)), row2, col2);
    if (row1>row2) { int tmp= row1; row1= row2; row2= tmp; }
    if (col1>col2) { int tmp= col1; col1= col2; col2= tmp; }

    int i, j;
    for (i=row1; i<=row2; i++)
      for (j=col1; j<=col2; j++) {
        path cp= fp * ::table_search_cell (st, i, j);
        if (is_func (subtree (et, cp), CELL, 1)) cp= cp * 0;
        assign (cp, "");
    path cp= fp * ::table_search_cell (st, row1, col1);
    go_to (cp * path (0, 0));

    if (is_func (st, TFORMAT))
      table_del_format (fp, row1+1, col1+1, row2+1, col2+1, "");

  if (is_compound (t) && (!is_format (t))) {
    assign (p, "");

  if ((N(p1) != (N(p)+1)) || (N(p2) != (N(p)+1))) {
    cerr << "t = " << t << "\n";
    cerr << "p = " << p << "\n";
    cerr << "p1= " << p1 << "\n";
    cerr << "p2= " << p2 << "\n";
    FAILED ("invalid cut");

  if (is_atomic (t)) {
    int pos= last_item (p1);
    int nr = last_item (p2)-pos;
    if (nr>0) remove (p1, nr);
  else {
    if ((last_item (p1) != 0) || (last_item (p2) != 1)) {
      cerr << "t = " << t << "\n";
      cerr << "p = " << p << "\n";
      cerr << "p1= " << p1 << "\n";
      cerr << "p2= " << p2 << "\n";
      FAILED ("invalid object cut");
    assign (p, "");