Example #1
/* Swaps the `struct list_elem *'s that A and B point to. */
static void
swap (struct list_elem **a, struct list_elem **b) 
  ASSERT (is_list_elem (*a));
  ASSERT (is_list_elem (*b));
  struct list_elem *t = *a;
  *a = *b;
  *b = t;
Example #2
** This routine alters a check-in message to make it more readable
** in a timeline.  The following changes are made:
** *:  Remove all leading whitespace.  This prevents the text from
**     being display verbatim.
** *:  If the message begins with "*:" or "N:" (where N is a number)
**     then convert the ":" into "." to disable the bullet or enumeration.
** *:  Change all newlines to spaces.  This will disable paragraph
**     breaks, verbatim paragraphs, enumerations, and bullet lists.
** *:  Collapse contiguous whitespace into a single space character
** *:  Truncate the string at the first whitespace character that
**     is more than mxChar characters from the beginning of the string.
**     Or if the string is longer than mxChar character and but there
**     was a paragraph break after mnChar characters, truncate at the
**     paragraph break.
** This routine changes the message in place.  It returns non-zero if
** the message was truncated and zero if the original text is still
** all there (though perhaps altered.)
int output_trim_message(char *zMsg, int mnChar, int mxChar){
  int i, j, k;
  int brkpt = 0;    /* First paragraph break after zMsg[mnChar] */

  if( zMsg==0 ) return 0;
  for(i=0; isspace(zMsg[i]); i++){}
  i += is_list_elem(&zMsg[i], &k);
  for(j=0; zMsg[i]; i++){
    int c = zMsg[i];
    if( c=='\n' ){
      if( j>mnChar && is_blank_line(&zMsg[i+1]) && brkpt==0 ){
        brkpt = j;
      c = ' ';
    if( isspace(c) ){
      if( j>=mxChar ){
        zMsg[j] = 0;
        if( brkpt>0 ) zMsg[brkpt] = 0;
        return 1;
      if( j>0 && !isspace(zMsg[j-1]) ){
        zMsg[j++] = ' ';
      zMsg[j++] = c;
  zMsg[j] = 0;
  return 0;
Example #3
/* Returns LIST's tail.

   list_end() is often used in iterating through a list from
   front to back.  See the big comment at the top of list.h for
   an example. */
struct list_elem *
list_end (struct list *list)
  ASSERT (list != NULL);
  ASSERT (is_list_elem (&list->tail));
  return &list->tail;
Example #4
/* Finds a run, starting at A and ending not after B, of list
   elements that are in nondecreasing order according to LESS
   given auxiliary data AUX.  Returns the (exclusive) end of the
   A through B (exclusive) must form a non-empty range. */
static struct list_elem *
find_end_of_run (struct list_elem *a, struct list_elem *b,
                 list_less_func *less, void *aux)
  ASSERT (is_list_elem (a));
  ASSERT (is_list_elem (b));
  ASSERT (less != NULL);
  ASSERT (a != b);
      a = list_next (a);
  while (a != b && !less (a, list_prev (a), aux));
  return a;
Example #5
/* Return's LIST's head.

   list_head() can be used for an alternate style of iterating
   through a list, e.g.:

      e = list_head (&list);
      while ((e = list_next (e)) != list_end (&list)) 
struct list_elem *
list_head (struct list *list) 
  ASSERT (list != NULL);
  ASSERT (is_list_elem (&list->head));
  return &list->head;
Example #6
/* Returns the element before ELEM in its list.  If ELEM is the
   first element in its list, returns the list head.  Results are
   undefined if ELEM is itself a list head. */
struct list_elem *
list_prev (struct list_elem *elem)
  ASSERT (list_is_interior (elem) || is_tail (elem));
  ASSERT (is_list_elem (elem->prev));
  return elem->prev;
Example #7
/* Returns the LIST's reverse beginning, for iterating through
   LIST in reverse order, from back to front. */
struct list_elem *
list_rbegin (struct list *list) 
  ASSERT (list != NULL);
  ASSERT (is_list_elem (list->tail.prev));
  return list->tail.prev;
Example #8
/* Returns true if ELEM is a tail, false otherwise. */
static inline bool
is_tail (struct list_elem *elem)
  if (elem == NULL)
    return false;
  ASSERT (is_list_elem (elem));
  return elem->prev != NULL && elem->next == NULL;
Example #9
/* Merges A0 through A1B0 (exclusive) with A1B0 through B1
   (exclusive) to form a combined range also ending at B1
   (exclusive).  Both input ranges must be nonempty and sorted in
   nondecreasing order according to LESS given auxiliary data
   AUX.  The output range will be sorted the same way. */
static void
inplace_merge (struct list_elem *a0, struct list_elem *a1b0,
               struct list_elem *b1,
               list_less_func *less, void *aux)
  ASSERT (is_list_elem (a0));
  ASSERT (is_list_elem (a1b0));
  ASSERT (is_list_elem (b1));
  ASSERT (less != NULL);
  ASSERT (is_sorted (a0, a1b0, less, aux));
  ASSERT (is_sorted (a1b0, b1, less, aux));

  while (a0 != a1b0 && a1b0 != b1)
    if (!less (a1b0, a0, aux)) 
      a0 = list_next (a0);
        a1b0 = list_next (a1b0);
        list_splice (a0, list_prev (a1b0), a1b0);
Example #10
** Output Wiki text while inserting the proper HTML control codes.
** The following formatting conventions are implemented:
**    *    Characters with special meaning to HTML are escaped.
**    *    Blank lines results in a paragraph break.
**    *    Paragraphs where the first line is indented by two or more
**         spaces are shown verbatim.  None of the following rules apply
**         to verbatim text.
**    *    Lines beginning with "*: " begin a bullet in a bullet list.
**    *    Lines beginning with "1: " begin an item in an enumerated list.
**    *    Paragraphs beginning with "_: " are indented.
**    *    Multiple colons can be used in *:, 1:, and _: for multiple
**         levels of indentation.
**    *    Text within _..._ is italic and text in *...* is bold.  
**         Text with in **...** or ***...*** bold with a larger font.
**    *    Wiki pages names (Words in initial caps) are enclosed in an
**         appropriate hyperlink.
**    *    Words that begin with "http:", "https:", "ftp:", or "mailto:"
**         are enclosed in an appropriate hyperlink.
**    *    Text of the form "#NNN" where NNN is a valid ticket number
**         is converted into a hyperlink to the corresponding ticket.
**    *    Text of the form "[NNN]" where NNN is a valid check-in number
**         becomes a hyperlink to the checkin.
**    *    {quote: XYZ} renders XYZ with all special meanings for XYZ escaped.
**    *    {link: URL TEXT} renders TEXT with a link to URL.  URL can be 
**         relative.
**    *    {linebreak} renders a linebreak.
**    *    {image: URL ALT} renders an in-line image from URL.  URL can be
**         relative or it can be the name of an attachment to zPageId.
**         {leftimage: URL ALT} and {rightimage: URL ALT} create wrap-around
**         images at the left or right margin.
**    *    {clear} skips down the page far enough to clear any wrap-around
**         images.
**    *    Text between <html>...</html> is interpreted as HTML.  A restricted
**         subset of tags are supported - things like forms and javascript are
**         intentionally excluded.  The initial <html> must occur at the
**         beginning of a paragraph.
void output_wiki(
  const char *zText,          /* The text to be formatted */
  const char *zLinkSuffix,    /* Suffix added to hyperlinks to Wiki */
  const char *zPageId         /* Name of current page */
  int i, j, k;
  int aList[20];         /* See adjust_list_nesting for details */
  int inPRE = 0;
  int inB = 0;
  int inI = 0;
  int v;
  int wordStart = 1;     /* At the start of a word */
  int lineStart = 1;     /* At the start of a line */
  int paraStart = 1;     /* At the start of a paragraph */
  const char *zEndB;     /* Text used to end a run of bold */
  char **azAttach;       /* Attachments to zPageId */
  static int once = 1;
  static int nTicket, nCommit;
  if( once ){
    nTicket = atoi(db_short_query("SELECT max(tn) FROM ticket"));
    nCommit = atoi(db_short_query("SELECT max(cn) FROM chng"));
    once = 0;

  i = 0;
  aList[0] = 0;
  azAttach = 0;
  zEndB = "";
  while( zText[i] ){
    char *z;
    int n;
    Markup sMarkup;
    int c = zText[i];

    /* Text between <html>...</html> is interpreted as HTML.
    if( c=='<' && (n = is_html(&zText[i]))>0 ){
      put_htmlized_text(&zText, i);
      zText += 6;
      output_restricted_html(zText, n-13);
      zText += n - 6;
      i = 0;

    /* Markup may consist of special strings contained in curly braces.
    ** Examples:  "{linebreak}"  or "{quote: *:}"
    if( c=='{' && is_markup(&zText[i], &sMarkup) ){
      ** Markup of the form "{linebreak}" forces a line break.
      if( sMarkup.lenType==9 && strncmp(sMarkup.zType,"linebreak",9)==0 ){
        put_htmlized_text(&zText, i);
        zText += sMarkup.lenTotal;
        i = 0;
        wordStart = lineStart = paraStart = 0;

      ** Markup of the form "{clear}" moves down past any left or right
      ** aligned images.
      if( sMarkup.lenType==5 && strncmp(sMarkup.zType,"clear",5)==0 ){
        put_htmlized_text(&zText, i);
        zText += sMarkup.lenTotal;
        i = 0;
        cgi_printf("<br clear=\"both\">\n");
        wordStart = lineStart = paraStart = 0;

      ** Markup of the form "{quote: ABC}" writes out the text ABC exactly
      ** as it appears.  This can be used to escape special meanings 
      ** associated with ABC.
      if( sMarkup.lenType==5 && strncmp(sMarkup.zType,"quote",5)==0 ){
        int n;
        put_htmlized_text(&zText, i);
        if( sMarkup.zKey==sMarkup.zArgs ){
          n = sMarkup.lenKey;
          n = &sMarkup.zArgs[sMarkup.lenArgs] - sMarkup.zKey;
        put_htmlized_text(&sMarkup.zKey, n);
        zText += sMarkup.lenTotal;
        i = 0;
        wordStart = lineStart = paraStart = 0;

      ** Markup of the form "{link: TO TEXT}" creates a hyperlink to TO.
      ** The hyperlink appears on the screen as TEXT.  TO can be a any URL,
      ** including a relative URL such as "chngview?cn=123".
      if( sMarkup.lenType==4 && strncmp(sMarkup.zType,"link",4)==0 ){
        put_htmlized_text(&zText, i);
        cgi_printf("<a href=\"%.*s\">", sMarkup.lenKey, sMarkup.zKey);
        put_htmlized_text(&sMarkup.zArgs, sMarkup.lenArgs);
        zText += sMarkup.lenTotal;
        i = 0;
        wordStart = lineStart = paraStart = 0;

      ** Markup of the form "{image: URL ALT}" creates an in-line image to
      ** URL with ALT as the alternate text.  URL can be relative (for example
      ** the URL of an attachment.
      ** If the URL is the name of an attachment, then automatically
      ** convert it to the correct URL for that attachment.
      if( (sMarkup.lenType==5 && strncmp(sMarkup.zType,"image",5)==0)
       || (sMarkup.lenType==9 && strncmp(sMarkup.zType,"leftimage",9)==0)
       || (sMarkup.lenType==10 && strncmp(sMarkup.zType,"rightimage",10)==0)
        char *zUrl = 0;
        const char *zAlign;
        char *zAlt = htmlize(sMarkup.zArgs, sMarkup.lenArgs);
        if( azAttach==0 && zPageId!=0 ){
          azAttach = (char **)
                     db_query("SELECT fname, atn FROM attachment "
                              "WHERE tn='%q'", zPageId);
        if( azAttach ){
          int ix;
          for(ix=0; azAttach[ix]; ix+=2){
            if( strncmp(azAttach[ix],sMarkup.zKey,sMarkup.lenKey)==0 ){
              zUrl = mprintf("attach_get/%s/%h",
                            azAttach[ix+1], azAttach[ix]);
        if( zUrl==0 ){
          zUrl = htmlize(sMarkup.zKey, sMarkup.lenKey);
        put_htmlized_text(&zText, i);
        switch( sMarkup.zType[0] ){
          case 'l': case 'L':   zAlign = " align=\"left\"";  break;
          case 'r': case 'R':   zAlign = " align=\"right\""; break;
          default:              zAlign = "";                 break;
        cgi_printf("<img src=\"%s\" alt=\"%s\"%s>", zUrl, zAlt, zAlign);
        zText += sMarkup.lenTotal;
        i = 0;
        wordStart = lineStart = paraStart = 0;

    if( paraStart ){
      put_htmlized_text(&zText, i);

      /* Blank lines at the beginning of a paragraph are ignored.
      if( isspace(c) && (j = is_blank_line(&zText[i]))>0 ){
        zText += j;

      /* If the first line of a paragraph begins with a tab or with two
      ** or more spaces, then that paragraph is printed verbatim.
      if( c=='\t' || (c==' ' && (zText[i+1]==' ' || zText[i+1]=='\t')) ){
        if( !inPRE ){
          if( inB ){ cgi_printf(zEndB); inB=0; }
          if( inI ){ cgi_printf("</i>"); inI=0; }
          adjust_list_nesting(aList, 0);
          inPRE = 1;
    } /* end if( paraStart ) */

    if( lineStart ){
      /* Blank lines in the middle of text cause a paragraph break
      if( isspace(c) && (j = is_blank_line(&zText[i]))>0 ){
        put_htmlized_text(&zText, i);
        zText += j;
        if( inB ){ cgi_printf(zEndB); inB=0; }
        if( inI ){ cgi_printf("</i>"); inI=0; }
        if( inPRE ){ cgi_printf("</pre>\n"); inPRE = 0; }
        is_list_elem(zText, &k);
        if( abs(k)<aList[0] ) adjust_list_nesting(aList, k);
        if( zText[0]!=0 ){ cgi_printf("\n<p>"); }
        wordStart = lineStart = paraStart = 1;
        i = 0;
    } /* end if( lineStart ) */

    if( lineStart && !inPRE ){
      /* If we are not in verbatim text and a line begins with "*:", then
      ** generate a bullet.  Or if the line begins with "NNN:" where NNN
      ** is a number, generate an enumeration item.
      if( (j = is_list_elem(&zText[i], &k))>0 ){
        put_htmlized_text(&zText, i);
        adjust_list_nesting(aList, k);
        if( zText[0]!='_' ) cgi_printf("<li>");
        zText += j;
        i = 0;
        wordStart = 1;
        lineStart = paraStart = 0;

      /* Four or more "-" characters on at the beginning of a line that
      ** contains no other text results in a horizontal rule.
      if( (c=='-' || c=='=') && (j = is_horizontal_rule(&zText[i]))>0 ){
        put_htmlized_text(&zText, i);
        adjust_list_nesting(aList, 0);
        zText += j;
        if( *zText ) zText++;
        i = 0;
        lineStart = wordStart = 1;
        paraStart = 1;
    } /* end if( lineStart && !inPre ) */

    if( wordStart && !inPRE ){
      /* A wiki name at the beginning of a word which is not in verbatim
      ** text generates a hyperlink to that wiki page.
      ** Special case: If the name is in CamelCase but ends with a "_", then
      ** suppress the "_" and do not generate the hyperlink.  This allows
      ** CamelCase words that are not wiki page names to appear in text.
      if( g.okRdWiki && isupper(c) && (j = is_wiki_name(&zText[i]))>0 ){
        put_htmlized_text(&zText, i);
        cgi_printf("<a href=\"wiki?p=%.*s%s\">%.*s</a>",
            j, zText, zLinkSuffix, j, zText);
        zText += j;
        i = 0;
        wordStart = lineStart = paraStart = 0;

      /* A "_" at the beginning of a word puts us into an italic font.
      if( c=='_' && !inB && !inI && font_terminator(&zText[i+1],c,1) ){
        put_htmlized_text(&zText, i);
        i = 0;
        inI = 1;

      /* A "*" at the beginning of a word puts us into a bold font.
      if( c=='*' && !inB && !inI && (j = count_stars(&zText[i]))>=1
              && j<=3 && font_terminator(&zText[i+j],c,j) ){
        const char *zBeginB = "";
        put_htmlized_text(&zText, i);
        i = 0;
        zText += j;
        switch( j ){
          case 1: zBeginB = "<b>";           zEndB = "</b>";             break;
          case 2: zBeginB = "<big><b>";      zEndB = "</b></big>";       break;
          case 3: zBeginB = "<big><big><b>"; zEndB = "</b></big></big>"; break;
        inB = j;

      /* Words that begin with "http:" or "https:" or "ftp:" or "mailto:"
      ** become hyperlinks.
      if( (c=='h' || c=='f' || c=='m') && (j=is_url(&zText[i]))>0 ){
        put_htmlized_text(&zText, i);
        z = htmlize(zText, j);
        if( is_image(z, strlen(z)) ){
          cgi_printf("<img src=\"%s\" alt=\"%s\">", z, z);
          cgi_printf("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", z, z);
        zText += j;
        i = 0;
        wordStart = lineStart = paraStart = 0;

      /* If the user has read permission on tickets and a word is of the
      ** form "#NNN" where NNN is a sequence of digits, then generate a
      ** hyperlink to ticket number NNN.
      if( c=='#' && g.okRead && (j = ndigit(&zText[i+1]))>0 
                 && is_eow(&zText[i+1+j],0)
                 && (v = atoi(&zText[i+1]))>0 && v<=nTicket ){
        put_htmlized_text(&zText, i);
        cgi_printf("<a href=\"tktview?tn=%d\">#%d</a>", v, v);
        zText += j;
        if( *zText ) zText++;
        i = 0;
        wordStart = lineStart = paraStart = 0;

      /* If the user has checkout permissions and a word is of the form
      ** "[NNN]" where NNN is a checkin number, then generate a hyperlink
      ** to check-in NNN.
      if( c=='[' && g.okCheckout && (j = ndigit(&zText[i+1]))>0
                 && is_eow(&zText[i+j+2],0)
                 && (v = atoi(&zText[i+1]))>0 && v<=nCommit 
                 && zText[i+j+1]==']' ){
        put_htmlized_text(&zText, i);
        cgi_printf("<a href=\"chngview?cn=%d\">[%d]</a>", v, v);
        zText += j+1;
        if( *zText ) zText++;
        i  = 0;
        wordStart = lineStart = paraStart = 0;
    } /* end if( wordStart && !inPre ) */

    /* A "*" or a "_" at the end of a word takes us out of bold or
    ** italic mode.
    if( inB && c=='*' && !isspace(zText[i-1]) && zText[i-1]!='*' &&
            (j = count_stars(&zText[i]))==inB && is_eow(&zText[i+j],0) ){
      inB = 0;
      put_htmlized_text(&zText, i);
      i = 0;
      zText += j;
    if( inI && c=='_' && !isspace(zText[i-1]) && is_eow(&zText[i+1],0) ){
      put_htmlized_text(&zText, i);
      i = 0;
      inI = 0;
    if( wordStart ){
      wordStart = isspace(c) || c=='(' || c=='"';
      wordStart = isspace(c);
    lineStart = c=='\n';
    paraStart = 0;
  if( zText[0] ) cgi_printf("%h", zText);
  if( inB ) cgi_printf("%s\n",zEndB);
  if( inI ) cgi_printf("</i>\n");
  adjust_list_nesting(aList, 0);
  if( inPRE ) cgi_printf("</pre>\n");