void Device::write_log(const TraceIPC::packet_rw &pak_rw)
    log_entry entry;

    entry.offset       = pak_rw.offset;
    entry.value        = pak_rw.value;
    entry.new_value    = pak_rw.is_write ? pak_rw.new_value : pak_rw.value;
    entry.time         = pak_rw.time;
    entry.cpu_pc       = pak_rw.cpu_pc;
    entry.cpu_id       = pak_rw.cpu_id;
    entry.is_write     = pak_rw.is_write;
    entry.is_error     = !is_offset_valid(pak_rw.offset);
    entry.is_irq       = false;
    entry.clk_disabled = pak_rw.clk_disabled;
    entry.in_reset     = pak_rw.in_reset;
    entry.custom       = 0;
    entry.rw_size      = pak_rw.size * 8;

Example #2
gchar* offset_to_ptr(GMappedFile* file, guint32 rva, guint32 size)
    g_return_val_if_fail(is_offset_valid(file, rva, size), NULL);
    return g_mapped_file_get_contents(file) + rva;
Example #3
std::vector<AlignedPair> adaptive_banded_simple_event_align(SquiggleRead& read, const PoreModel& pore_model, const std::string& sequence)
    size_t strand_idx = 0;
    size_t k = pore_model.k;
    const Alphabet* alphabet = pore_model.pmalphabet;
    size_t n_events = read.events[strand_idx].size();
    size_t n_kmers = sequence.size() - k + 1;

    // backtrack markers
    const uint8_t FROM_D = 0;
    const uint8_t FROM_U = 1;
    const uint8_t FROM_L = 2;
    // qc
    double min_average_log_emission = -5.0;
    int max_gap_threshold = 50;

    // banding
    int bandwidth = ALN_BANDWIDTH;
    int half_bandwidth = bandwidth / 2;
    // transition penalties
    double events_per_kmer = (double)n_events / n_kmers;
    double p_stay = 1 - (1 / (events_per_kmer + 1));

    // setting a tiny skip penalty helps keep the true alignment within the adaptive band
    // this was empirically determined
    double epsilon = 1e-10;
    double lp_skip = log(epsilon);
    double lp_stay = log(p_stay);
    double lp_step = log(1.0 - exp(lp_skip) - exp(lp_stay));
    double lp_trim = log(0.01);
    // dp matrix
    size_t n_rows = n_events + 1;
    size_t n_cols = n_kmers + 1;
    size_t n_bands = n_rows + n_cols;
    // Initialize

    // Precompute k-mer ranks to avoid doing this in the inner loop
    std::vector<size_t> kmer_ranks(n_kmers);
    for(size_t i = 0; i < n_kmers; ++i) {
        kmer_ranks[i] = alphabet->kmer_rank(sequence.substr(i, k).c_str(), k);

    float* bands = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * n_bands * bandwidth);
        fprintf(stderr,"Memory allocation failed at %s\n",__func__);
    uint8_t* trace = (uint8_t*)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * n_bands * bandwidth);
        fprintf(stderr,"Memory allocation failed at %s\n",__func__);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n_bands; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < bandwidth; j++) {
            BAND_ARRAY(i,j) = -INFINITY;
            TRACE_ARRAY(i,j) = 0;

    // Keep track of the event/kmer index for the lower left corner of the band
    // these indices are updated at every iteration to perform the adaptive banding
    // Only the first two bands have their coordinates initialized, the rest are computed adaptively
    struct EventKmerPair
        int event_idx;
        int kmer_idx;

    std::vector<EventKmerPair> band_lower_left(n_bands);
    // initialize range of first two bands
    band_lower_left[0].event_idx = half_bandwidth - 1;
    band_lower_left[0].kmer_idx = -1 - half_bandwidth;
    band_lower_left[1] = move_down(band_lower_left[0]);

    // band 0: score zero in the central cell
    int start_cell_offset = band_kmer_to_offset(0, -1);
    assert(band_event_to_offset(0, -1) == start_cell_offset);
    BAND_ARRAY(0,start_cell_offset) = 0.0f;

    // band 1: first event is trimmed
    int first_trim_offset = band_event_to_offset(1, 0);
    assert(kmer_at_offset(1, first_trim_offset) == -1);
    BAND_ARRAY(1,first_trim_offset) = lp_trim;
    TRACE_ARRAY(1,first_trim_offset) = FROM_U;

    int fills = 0;
    fprintf(stderr, "[trim] bi: %d o: %d e: %d k: %d s: %.2lf\n", 1, first_trim_offset, 0, -1, BAND_ARRAY(1,first_trim_offset));

    // fill in remaining bands
    for(int band_idx = 2; band_idx < n_bands; ++band_idx) {
        // Determine placement of this band according to Suzuki's adaptive algorithm
        // When both ll and ur are out-of-band (ob) we alternate movements
        // otherwise we decide based on scores
        float ll = BAND_ARRAY(band_idx - 1,0);
        float ur = BAND_ARRAY(band_idx - 1,bandwidth - 1);
        bool ll_ob = ll == -INFINITY;
        bool ur_ob = ur == -INFINITY;

        bool right = false;
        if(ll_ob && ur_ob) {
            right = band_idx % 2 == 1;
        } else {
            right = ll < ur; // Suzuki's rule

        if(right) {
            band_lower_left[band_idx] = move_right(band_lower_left[band_idx - 1]);
        } else {
            band_lower_left[band_idx] = move_down(band_lower_left[band_idx - 1]);

        float max_score = -INFINITY;
        int tmp_max_offset = 0;
        for(int tmp = 0; tmp < bandwidth; ++tmp) {
            float s = bands[band_idx - 1][tmp];
            if(s > max_score) {
                max_score = s;
                tmp_max_offset = tmp;
        fprintf(stderr, "bi: %d ll: %.2f up: %.2f [%d %d] [%d %d] max: %.2f [%d %d] move: %s\n", 
            band_idx, bands[band_idx - 1][0], bands[band_idx - 1][bandwidth - 1], 
            band_lower_left[band_idx - 1].event_idx, band_lower_left[band_idx - 1].kmer_idx,
            event_at_offset(band_idx - 1, bandwidth - 1), kmer_at_offset(band_idx - 1, bandwidth - 1),
            max_score, event_at_offset(band_idx - 1, tmp_max_offset), kmer_at_offset(band_idx - 1, tmp_max_offset),
            (right ? "RIGHT" : "DOWN"));

        // If the trim state is within the band, fill it in here
        int trim_offset = band_kmer_to_offset(band_idx, -1);
        if(is_offset_valid(trim_offset)) {
            int event_idx = event_at_offset(band_idx, trim_offset);
            if(event_idx >= 0 && event_idx < n_events) {
                BAND_ARRAY(band_idx,trim_offset) = lp_trim * (event_idx + 1);
                TRACE_ARRAY(band_idx,trim_offset) = FROM_U;
            } else {
                BAND_ARRAY(band_idx,trim_offset) = -INFINITY;

        // Get the offsets for the first and last event and kmer
        // We restrict the inner loop to only these values
        int kmer_min_offset = band_kmer_to_offset(band_idx, 0);
        int kmer_max_offset = band_kmer_to_offset(band_idx, n_kmers);
        int event_min_offset = band_event_to_offset(band_idx, n_events - 1);
        int event_max_offset = band_event_to_offset(band_idx, -1);

        int min_offset = std::max(kmer_min_offset, event_min_offset);
        min_offset = std::max(min_offset, 0);

        int max_offset = std::min(kmer_max_offset, event_max_offset);
        max_offset = std::min(max_offset, bandwidth);

        for(int offset = min_offset; offset < max_offset; ++offset) {
            int event_idx = event_at_offset(band_idx, offset);
            int kmer_idx = kmer_at_offset(band_idx, offset);

            size_t kmer_rank = kmer_ranks[kmer_idx];

            int offset_up   = band_event_to_offset(band_idx - 1, event_idx - 1);
            int offset_left = band_kmer_to_offset(band_idx - 1, kmer_idx - 1);
            int offset_diag = band_kmer_to_offset(band_idx - 2, kmer_idx - 1);

            // verify loop conditions
            assert(kmer_idx >= 0 && kmer_idx < n_kmers);
            assert(event_idx >= 0 && event_idx < n_events);
            assert(offset_diag == band_event_to_offset(band_idx - 2, event_idx - 1));
            assert(offset_up - offset_left == 1);
            assert(offset >= 0 && offset < bandwidth);

            float up   = is_offset_valid(offset_up)   ? BAND_ARRAY(band_idx - 1,offset_up)   : -INFINITY;
            float left = is_offset_valid(offset_left) ? BAND_ARRAY(band_idx - 1,offset_left) : -INFINITY;
            float diag = is_offset_valid(offset_diag) ? BAND_ARRAY(band_idx - 2,offset_diag) : -INFINITY;

            float lp_emission = log_probability_match_r9(read, pore_model, kmer_rank, event_idx, strand_idx);
            float score_d = diag + lp_step + lp_emission;
            float score_u = up + lp_stay + lp_emission;
            float score_l = left + lp_skip;

            float max_score = score_d;
            uint8_t from = FROM_D;

            max_score = score_u > max_score ? score_u : max_score;
            from = max_score == score_u ? FROM_U : from;
            max_score = score_l > max_score ? score_l : max_score;
            from = max_score == score_l ? FROM_L : from;

            fprintf(stderr, "[adafill] offset-up: %d offset-diag: %d offset-left: %d\n", offset_up, offset_diag, offset_left);
            fprintf(stderr, "[adafill] up: %.2lf diag: %.2lf left: %.2lf\n", up, diag, left);
            fprintf(stderr, "[adafill] bi: %d o: %d e: %d k: %d s: %.2lf f: %d emit: %.2lf\n", band_idx, offset, event_idx, kmer_idx, max_score, from, lp_emission);
            BAND_ARRAY(band_idx,offset) = max_score;
            TRACE_ARRAY(band_idx,offset) = from;
            fills += 1;

    // Debug, print some of the score matrix
    for(int col = 0; col <= 10; ++col) {
        for(int row = 0; row < 100; ++row) {
            int kmer_idx = col - 1;
            int event_idx = row - 1;
            int band_idx = event_kmer_to_band(event_idx, kmer_idx);
            int offset = band_kmer_to_offset(band_idx, kmer_idx);
            assert(offset == band_event_to_offset(band_idx, event_idx));
            assert(event_idx == event_at_offset(band_idx, offset));
            fprintf(stdout, "ei: %d ki: %d bi: %d o: %d s: %.2f\n", event_idx, kmer_idx, band_idx, offset, bands[band_idx][offset]);

    // Backtrack to compute alignment
    double sum_emission = 0;
    double n_aligned_events = 0;
    std::vector<AlignedPair> out;

    float max_score = -INFINITY;
    int curr_event_idx = 0;
    int curr_kmer_idx = n_kmers -1;

    // Find best score between an event and the last k-mer. after trimming the remaining evnets
    for(int event_idx = 0; event_idx < n_events; ++event_idx) {
        size_t band_idx = event_kmer_to_band(event_idx, curr_kmer_idx);
        size_t offset = band_event_to_offset(band_idx, event_idx);
        if(is_offset_valid(offset)) {
            float s = BAND_ARRAY(band_idx,offset)  + (n_events - event_idx) * lp_trim;
            if(s > max_score) {
                max_score = s;
                curr_event_idx = event_idx;

    fprintf(stderr, "[adaback] ei: %d ki: %d s: %.2f\n", curr_event_idx, curr_kmer_idx, max_score);

    int curr_gap = 0;
    int max_gap = 0;
    while(curr_kmer_idx >= 0 && curr_event_idx >= 0) {

        // emit alignment
        out.push_back({curr_kmer_idx, curr_event_idx});
        fprintf(stderr, "[adaback] ei: %d ki: %d\n", curr_event_idx, curr_kmer_idx);
        // qc stats
        size_t kmer_rank = alphabet->kmer_rank(sequence.substr(curr_kmer_idx, k).c_str(), k);
        sum_emission += log_probability_match_r9(read, pore_model, kmer_rank, curr_event_idx, strand_idx);
        n_aligned_events += 1;

        size_t band_idx = event_kmer_to_band(curr_event_idx, curr_kmer_idx);
        size_t offset = band_event_to_offset(band_idx, curr_event_idx);
        assert(band_kmer_to_offset(band_idx, curr_kmer_idx) == offset);

        uint8_t from = TRACE_ARRAY(band_idx,offset);
        if(from == FROM_D) {
            curr_kmer_idx -= 1;
            curr_event_idx -= 1;
            curr_gap = 0;
        } else if(from == FROM_U) {
            curr_event_idx -= 1;
            curr_gap = 0;
        } else {
            curr_kmer_idx -= 1;
            curr_gap += 1;
            max_gap = std::max(curr_gap, max_gap);
    std::reverse(out.begin(), out.end());
    // QC results
    double avg_log_emission = sum_emission / n_aligned_events;
    bool spanned = out.front().ref_pos == 0 && out.back().ref_pos == n_kmers - 1;
    bool failed = false;
    if(avg_log_emission < min_average_log_emission || !spanned || max_gap > max_gap_threshold) {
        failed = true;


    //fprintf(stderr, "ada\t%s\t%s\t%.2lf\t%zu\t%.2lf\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", read.read_name.substr(0, 6).c_str(), failed ? "FAILED" : "OK", events_per_kmer, sequence.size(), avg_log_emission, curr_event_idx, max_gap, fills);
    return out;