Example #1
vle_aucmd_execute(const char event[], const char path[], void *arg)
	size_t i;
	char canonic_path[PATH_MAX];

	canonicalize_path(path, canonic_path, sizeof(canonic_path));

	for(i = 0U; i < DA_SIZE(autocmds); ++i)
		if(strcasecmp(event, autocmds[i].event) == 0 &&
				is_pattern_match(&autocmds[i], canonic_path))
			autocmds[i].handler(autocmds[i].action, arg);
Example #2
// given a token list .. try to repeatedly match the rules and turning tokens into elements
// - when a run through all the rules effects no match, we're done
//   - for each rule (since highest priority is listed first), do that rule, starting at right and sliding left
//   - then next match rule
// - when a rule does match, call the parse function for it, that swallows some tokens and replaces them with an element
// This is the part where I should go look up Red Dragon or Compiler Design in C again, but what the hell, I'm writing this
// silly toy language in 6 hours just for laughs.
void sb_match_reduce ( sb_token_t *tlist[], unsigned char *tmaxp ) {
  sb_parse_match_rule_t *p = rules;
  unsigned char i, cmax, start;
  unsigned char foundmatch;

  // do we need to set up the rules?
  if ( rules [ 0 ]._width == 0 ) {

  // what do we have?
  if ( g_sb_debug > 1 ) {
    unsigned char i;
    printf ( "Line produced token list:\n" );
    for ( i = 0; i < *tmaxp; i++ ) {
      lex_dump_token ( tlist [ i ] );
  } // token list dump

  while ( 1 ) {

    foundmatch = 0;

    // run the rules..
    while ( p -> t [ 0 ] != sbt_error ) {

      if ( p -> _width > *tmaxp ) {
	// obviously not a match if the rule requirements are longer than the token count
      } else {
	// figure out how many checks to do; if there are 7 tokens, and the match-rule is 4 ..
	// then we have 7-4+1->4 searches; 7-4, 7-5, 7-6, 7-7

	cmax = *tmaxp - p -> _width + 1;
	//printf ( "cmax %d ... *tmaxp %d width %d\n", cmax, *tmaxp, p -> _width );

	start = *tmaxp - p -> _width;
	for ( i = 0; i < cmax; i++ ) {

	  //printf ( "tmax %d p->width %d i %d\n", *tmaxp, p -> _width, i );
	  if ( is_pattern_match ( tlist, start - i, p ) ) {
	    sb_element_t *node;

	    foundmatch ++;

	    if ( g_sb_debug > 1 ) {
	      printf ( "MATCH %s\n", p -> name );

	      // dump token list before reduce
	      printf ( "Token list before match reduce\n" );
	      dump_tlist ( tlist, *tmaxp );


	    // call parse_f function; we want to get back a struct or multiple-retval
	    // .. the success code (success, and assume tmax/tlist have been changed
	    // .. or in failure .. a soft fail (keep trying, such as wrong operator to match)
	    if ( p -> parse_f ) {

	      node = p -> parse_f ( tlist, start - i, p );

	      // it "compiled" to an element?
	      if ( node ) {
		// i) substitute the returned node in for the token
		// ii) remove extra consumed tokens
		// iii) slide remainder to the left to fill the gap
		// ex: if a match of 4 tokens 'compiled' down to 1 element, we need 1 token slot now (for the new element), and can free up 3

		// swap in new element
		tlist [ start - i ] -> type = sbt_element;
		tlist [ start - i ] -> data.e = node;
		// copy remaining tokens over, fill the rest with nil
		memmove  ( &(tlist [ start - i + 1 ]), &(tlist [ start - i + p -> _width ]), MAXMATCHRULETOKENS - start - i + p -> _width );
		// TBD: memset to sbt_error anything now off the end, to avoid accidental matches?

		*tmaxp -= ( p -> _width - 1 );

	      } else {
		printf ( "ERROR: Syntax error; parse function couldn't parse tokens\n" );
		goto exit_parsing;

	      // dump token list after reduce
	      if ( g_sb_debug > 1 ) {
		printf ( "Token list after match reduce\n" );
		dump_tlist ( tlist, *tmaxp );

	    } // got a parse handler for this rule?

	    goto start_rules; // start over, in case we've spit out new elements that would match higher-precedence rules now..
	  } else {
	    //printf ( "no match: %s\n", p -> name );
	  } // matched?

	} // for (working right to left)

      } // if length is doable at all

      // next
    } // while

    if ( ! foundmatch ) {

  } // while forever

