Example #1
/* returns 1 if polymorph successful */
int polymon(int mntmp)
	boolean sticky = sticks(youmonst.data) && u.ustuck && !u.uswallow,
		was_blind = !!Blind, dochange = FALSE;
	boolean could_pass_walls = Passes_walls;
	int mlvl;

	if (mvitals[mntmp].mvflags & G_GENOD) {	/* allow G_EXTINCT */
		pline("You feel rather %s-ish.",mons[mntmp].mname);
		exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
		return 0;

	/* KMH, conduct */

	if (!Upolyd) {
		/* Human to monster; save human stats */
		u.macurr = u.acurr;
		u.mamax = u.amax;
		u.mfemale = flags.female;
	} else {
		/* Monster to monster; restore human stats, to be
		 * immediately changed to provide stats for the new monster
		u.acurr = u.macurr;
		u.amax = u.mamax;
		flags.female = u.mfemale;

	if (youmonst.m_ap_type) {
	    /* stop mimicking immediately */
	    if (multi < 0) unmul("");
	} else if (mons[mntmp].mlet != S_MIMIC) {
	    /* as in polyman() */
	    youmonst.m_ap_type = M_AP_NOTHING;
	if (is_male(&mons[mntmp])) {
		if (flags.female) dochange = TRUE;
	} else if (is_female(&mons[mntmp])) {
		if (!flags.female) dochange = TRUE;
	} else if (!is_neuter(&mons[mntmp]) && mntmp != u.ulycn) {
		if (!rn2(10)) dochange = TRUE;
	if (dochange) {
		flags.female = !flags.female;
		pline("You %s %s%s!",
		    (u.umonnum != mntmp) ? "turn into a" : "feel like a new",
		    (is_male(&mons[mntmp]) || is_female(&mons[mntmp])) ? "" :
			flags.female ? "female " : "male ",
	} else {
		if (u.umonnum != mntmp)
			pline("You turn into %s!", an(mons[mntmp].mname));
			pline("You feel like a new %s!", mons[mntmp].mname);
	if (Stoned && poly_when_stoned(&mons[mntmp])) {
		/* poly_when_stoned already checked stone golem genocide */
		pline("You turn to stone!");
		mntmp = PM_STONE_GOLEM;
		Stoned = 0;
		delayed_killer = 0;

	u.mtimedone = rn1(500, 500);
	u.umonnum = mntmp;

	/* New stats for monster, to last only as long as polymorphed.
	 * Currently only strength gets changed.
	if (strongmonst(&mons[mntmp])) ABASE(A_STR) = AMAX(A_STR) = STR18(100);

	if (Stone_resistance && Stoned) { /* [email protected] */
		Stoned = 0;
		delayed_killer = 0;
		pline("You no longer seem to be petrifying.");
	if (Sick_resistance && Sick) {
		make_sick(0L, NULL, FALSE, SICK_ALL);
		pline("You no longer feel sick.");
	if (Slimed) {
	    if (flaming(youmonst.data)) {
		pline("The slime burns away!");
		Slimed = 0L;
		iflags.botl = 1;
	    } else if (mntmp == PM_GREEN_SLIME) {
		/* do it silently */
		Slimed = 0L;
		iflags.botl = 1;
	if (nohands(youmonst.data)) Glib = 0;

	mlvl = adj_lev(&mons[mntmp]);
	 * We can't do the above, since there's no such thing as an
	 * "experience level of you as a monster" for a polymorphed character.
	mlvl = (int)mons[mntmp].mlevel;
	if (youmonst.data->mlet == S_DRAGON && mntmp >= PM_GRAY_DRAGON) {
		u.mhmax = In_endgame(&u.uz) ? (8*mlvl) : (4*mlvl + dice(mlvl,4));
	} else if (is_golem(youmonst.data)) {
		u.mhmax = golemhp(mntmp);
	} else {
		if (!mlvl) u.mhmax = rnd(4);
		else u.mhmax = dice(mlvl, 8);
		if (is_home_elemental(&u.uz, &mons[mntmp])) u.mhmax *= 3;
	u.mh = u.mhmax;

	if (u.ulevel < mlvl) {
	/* Low level characters can't become high level monsters for long */
		u.mtimedone = u.mtimedone * u.ulevel / mlvl;

	if (uskin && mntmp != armor_to_dragon(uskin->otyp))
	if (hides_under(youmonst.data))
		u.uundetected = OBJ_AT(u.ux, u.uy);
	else if (youmonst.data->mlet == S_EEL)
		u.uundetected = is_pool(level, u.ux, u.uy);
		u.uundetected = 0;

	if (u.utraptype == TT_PIT) {
	    if (could_pass_walls && !Passes_walls) {
		u.utrap = rn1(6,2);
	    } else if (!could_pass_walls && Passes_walls) {
		u.utrap = 0;
	if (was_blind && !Blind) {	/* previous form was eyeless */
	    Blinded = 1L;
	    make_blinded(0L, TRUE);	/* remove blindness */
	newsym(u.ux,u.uy);		/* Change symbol */

	if (!sticky && !u.uswallow && u.ustuck && sticks(youmonst.data)) u.ustuck = 0;
	else if (sticky && !sticks(youmonst.data)) uunstick();
	if (u.usteed) {
	    if (touch_petrifies(u.usteed->data) &&
	    		!Stone_resistance && rnl(3)) {
	    	char buf[BUFSZ];

	    	pline("No longer petrifying-resistant, you touch %s.",
	    	sprintf(buf, "riding %s", an(u.usteed->data->mname));
	    if (!can_ride(u.usteed)) dismount_steed(DISMOUNT_POLY);

	if (flags.verbose) {
	    static const char use_thec[] = "Use the command #%s to %s.";
	    static const char monsterc[] = "monster";
	    if (can_breathe(youmonst.data))
		pline(use_thec,monsterc,"use your breath weapon");
	    if (attacktype(youmonst.data, AT_SPIT))
		pline(use_thec,monsterc,"spit venom");
	    if (youmonst.data->mlet == S_NYMPH)
		pline(use_thec,monsterc,"remove an iron ball");
	    if (attacktype(youmonst.data, AT_GAZE))
		pline(use_thec,monsterc,"gaze at monsters");
	    if (is_hider(youmonst.data))
	    if (is_were(youmonst.data))
		pline(use_thec,monsterc,"summon help");
	    if (webmaker(youmonst.data))
		pline(use_thec,monsterc,"spin a web");
	    if (u.umonnum == PM_GREMLIN)
		pline(use_thec,monsterc,"multiply in a fountain");
	    if (is_unicorn(youmonst.data))
		pline(use_thec,monsterc,"use your horn");
	    if (is_mind_flayer(youmonst.data))
		pline(use_thec,monsterc,"emit a mental blast");
	    if (youmonst.data->msound == MS_SHRIEK) /* worthless, actually */
	    if (lays_eggs(youmonst.data) && flags.female)
		pline(use_thec,"sit","lay an egg");
	/* you now know what an egg of your type looks like */
	if (lays_eggs(youmonst.data)) {
	    /* make queen bees recognize killer bee eggs */
	    learn_egg_type(egg_type_from_parent(u.umonnum, TRUE));
	if ((!Levitation && !u.ustuck && !Flying &&
	    (is_pool(level, u.ux,u.uy) || is_lava(level, u.ux,u.uy))) ||
	   (Underwater && !Swimming))
	if (Passes_walls && u.utrap && u.utraptype == TT_INFLOOR) {
	    u.utrap = 0;
	    pline("The rock seems to no longer trap you.");
	} else if (likes_lava(youmonst.data) && u.utrap && u.utraptype == TT_LAVA) {
	    u.utrap = 0;
	    pline("The lava now feels soothing.");
	if (amorphous(youmonst.data) || is_whirly(youmonst.data) || unsolid(youmonst.data)) {
	    if (Punished) {
		pline("You slip out of the iron chain.");
	if (u.utrap && (u.utraptype == TT_WEB || u.utraptype == TT_BEARTRAP) &&
		(amorphous(youmonst.data) || is_whirly(youmonst.data) || unsolid(youmonst.data) ||
		  (youmonst.data->msize <= MZ_SMALL && u.utraptype == TT_BEARTRAP))) {
	    pline("You are no longer stuck in the %s.",
		    u.utraptype == TT_WEB ? "web" : "bear trap");
	    /* probably should burn webs too if PM_FIRE_ELEMENTAL */
	    u.utrap = 0;
	if (webmaker(youmonst.data) && u.utrap && u.utraptype == TT_WEB) {
	    pline("You orient yourself on the web.");
	    u.utrap = 0;
	iflags.botl = 1;
	vision_full_recalc = 1;
	exercise(A_CON, FALSE);
	exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
	return 1;
Example #2
m_throw(struct monst *mon, int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int range,
        struct obj *obj, boolean verbose)
    struct monst *mtmp;
    struct obj *singleobj;
    struct tmp_sym *tsym = 0;
    int hitu, blindinc = 0;

    bhitpos.x = x;
    bhitpos.y = y;

    if (obj->quan == 1L) {
         * Remove object from minvent.  This cannot be done later on;
         * what if the player dies before then, leaving the monster
         * with 0 daggers?  (This caused the infamous 2^32-1 orcish
         * dagger bug).
         * VENOM is not in minvent - it should already be OBJ_FREE.
         * The extract below does nothing.

        /* not possibly_unwield, which checks the object's */
        /* location, not its existence */
        if (MON_WEP(mon) == obj) {
            setmnotwielded(mon, obj);
        singleobj = obj;
        obj = NULL;
    } else {
        singleobj = splitobj(obj, 1L);

    singleobj->owornmask = 0;   /* threw one of multiple weapons in hand? */
    singleobj->olev = level;    /* object is on the same level as monster */

    if ((singleobj->cursed || singleobj->greased) && (dx || dy) && !rn2(7)) {
        if (canseemon(mon) && flags.verbose) {
            if (is_ammo(singleobj))
                pline("%s misfires!", Monnam(mon));
                pline("%s as %s throws it!", Tobjnam(singleobj, "slip"),
        dx = rn2(3) - 1;
        dy = rn2(3) - 1;
        /* check validity of new direction */
        if (!dx && !dy) {
            drop_throw(singleobj, 0, bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y);

    /* pre-check for doors, walls and boundaries. Also need to pre-check for
       bars regardless of direction; the random chance for small objects
       hitting bars is skipped when reaching them at point blank range */
    if (!isok(bhitpos.x + dx, bhitpos.y + dy)
        || IS_ROCK(level->locations[bhitpos.x + dx][bhitpos.y + dy].typ)
        || closed_door(level, bhitpos.x + dx, bhitpos.y + dy)
        || (level->locations[bhitpos.x + dx][bhitpos.y + dy].typ == IRONBARS &&
            hits_bars(&singleobj, bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y, 0, 0))) {
        drop_throw(singleobj, 0, bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y);

    /* Note: drop_throw may destroy singleobj.  Since obj must be destroyed
       early to avoid the dagger bug, anyone who modifies this code should be
       careful not to use either one after it's been freed. */
    tsym = tmpsym_initobj(singleobj);

    while (range-- > 0) {      /* Actually the loop is always exited by break */
        bhitpos.x += dx;
        bhitpos.y += dy;
        if ((mtmp = m_at(level, bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y)) != 0) {
            if (ohitmon(mtmp, singleobj, range, verbose))
        } else if (bhitpos.x == u.ux && bhitpos.y == u.uy) {

            if (singleobj->oclass == GEM_CLASS &&
                singleobj->otyp <= LAST_GEM + 9
                /* 9 glass colors */
                && is_unicorn(youmonst.data) && !u_helpless(hm_all)) {
                if (singleobj->otyp > LAST_GEM) {
                    pline("You catch the %s.", xname(singleobj));
                    pline("You are not interested in %s junk.",
                } else {
                    pline("You accept %s gift in the spirit in which it was "
                          "intended.", s_suffix(mon_nam(mon)));
                    hold_another_object(singleobj, "You catch, but drop, %s.",
                                        xname(singleobj), "You catch:");
            if (singleobj->oclass == POTION_CLASS) {
                if (!Blind)
                    singleobj->dknown = 1;
                potionhit(&youmonst, singleobj, FALSE);
            switch (singleobj->otyp) {
                int dam, hitv;

            case EGG:
                if (!touch_petrifies(&mons[singleobj->corpsenm])) {
                    impossible("monster throwing egg type %d",
                    hitu = 0;
                /* fall through */
            case CREAM_PIE:
            case BLINDING_VENOM:
                hitu = thitu(8, 0, singleobj, NULL);
                dam = dmgval(singleobj, &youmonst);
                hitv = 3 - distmin(u.ux, u.uy, mon->mx, mon->my);
                if (hitv < -4)
                    hitv = -4;
                if (is_elf(mon->data) &&
                    objects[singleobj->otyp].oc_skill == P_BOW) {
                    if (MON_WEP(mon) && MON_WEP(mon)->otyp == ELVEN_BOW)
                    if (singleobj->otyp == ELVEN_ARROW)
                if (bigmonst(youmonst.data))
                hitv += 8 + singleobj->spe;
                if (dam < 1)
                    dam = 1;
                if (objects[singleobj->otyp].oc_class == WEAPON_CLASS ||
                    objects[singleobj->otyp].oc_class == VENOM_CLASS) {
                    hitv += objects[singleobj->otyp].oc_hitbon;
                hitu = thitu(hitv, dam, singleobj, NULL);
            if (hitu && singleobj->opoisoned && is_poisonable(singleobj)) {
                poisoned(xname(singleobj), A_STR,
                         killer_msg_obj(POISONING, singleobj), -10);
            if (hitu &&
                can_blnd(NULL, &youmonst,
                         (uchar) (singleobj->otyp ==
                                  BLINDING_VENOM ? AT_SPIT : AT_WEAP),
                         singleobj)) {
                blindinc = rnd(25);
                if (singleobj->otyp == CREAM_PIE) {
                    if (!Blind)
                        pline("Yecch!  You've been creamed.");
                        pline("There's something sticky all over your %s.",
                } else if (singleobj->otyp == BLINDING_VENOM) {
                    int num_eyes = eyecount(youmonst.data);

                    /* venom in the eyes */
                    if (!Blind)
                        pline("The venom blinds you.");
                        pline("Your %s sting%s.",
                              (num_eyes ==
                               1) ? body_part(EYE) : makeplural(body_part(EYE)),
                              (num_eyes == 1) ? "s" : "");
            if (hitu && singleobj->otyp == VAMPIRE_BLOOD) {
                if (!Drain_resistance) {
                    losexp("vampire blood", FALSE);
            if (hitu && singleobj->otyp == EGG) {
                if (touched_monster(singleobj->corpsenm))
                    Stoned = 5;
            if (hitu || !range) {
                drop_throw(singleobj, hitu, u.ux, u.uy);
        } else if (!range       /* reached end of path */
                   /* missile hits edge of screen */
                   || !isok(bhitpos.x + dx, bhitpos.y + dy)
                   /* missile hits the wall */
                   || IS_ROCK(level->
                              locations[bhitpos.x + dx][bhitpos.y + dy].typ)
                   /* missile hit closed door */
                   || closed_door(level, bhitpos.x + dx, bhitpos.y + dy)
                   /* missile might hit iron bars */
                   || (level->locations[bhitpos.x + dx][bhitpos.y + dy].typ ==
                       IRONBARS &&
                       hits_bars(&singleobj, bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y, !rn2(5), 0))
                   /* Thrown objects "sink" */
                   || IS_SINK(level->locations[bhitpos.x][bhitpos.y].typ)) {
            if (singleobj)      /* hits_bars might have destroyed it */
                drop_throw(singleobj, 0, bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y);
        tmpsym_at(tsym, bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y);
    tmpsym_at(tsym, bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y);

    if (blindinc) {
        u.ucreamed += blindinc;
        make_blinded(Blinded + (long)blindinc, FALSE);
        if (!Blind)
            pline("Your vision quickly clears.");
        else if (flags.verbose)
            pline("Use the command #wipe to clean your %s.", body_part(FACE));