void escrow_dispute_operation::validate()const { FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( from ) ); FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( to ) ); FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( who ) ); FC_ASSERT( who == from || who == to ); }
void report_over_production_operation::validate()const { FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( reporter ) ); FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( first_block.witness ) ); FC_ASSERT( first_block.witness == second_block.witness ); FC_ASSERT( first_block.timestamp == second_block.timestamp ); FC_ASSERT( first_block.signee() == second_block.signee() ); }
void transfer_to_vesting_operation::validate() const { FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( from ), "From account name invalid" ); FC_ASSERT( is_asset_type( amount, STEEM_SYMBOL ), "Amount must be STEEM" ); if ( !to.empty() ) FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( to ), "To account name invalid" ); FC_ASSERT( amount > asset( 0, STEEM_SYMBOL ), "Must transfer a nonzero amount" ); }
void vote_operation::validate() const { FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( voter ), "Voter account name invalid" ); FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( author ), "Author account name invalid" );\ FC_ASSERT( abs(weight) <= STEEMIT_100_PERCENT, "Weight is not a STEEMIT percentage" ); validate_permlink( permlink ); }
void account_witness_proxy_operation::validate() const { FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( account ) ); if( proxy.size() ) FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( proxy ) ); FC_ASSERT( proxy != account ); }
void transfer_operation::validate() const { try { FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( from ), "Invalid 'from' account name" ); FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( to ), "Invalid 'to' account name" ); FC_ASSERT( amount.amount > 0, "Cannot transfer a negative amount (aka: stealing)" ); FC_ASSERT( memo.size() < STEEMIT_MAX_MEMO_SIZE, "Memo is too large" ); FC_ASSERT( fc::is_utf8( memo ), "Memo is not UTF8" ); } FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (*this) ) }
void escrow_release_operation::validate()const { FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( from ) ); FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( to ) ); FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( who ) ); FC_ASSERT( amount.amount > 0 ); FC_ASSERT( amount.symbol != VESTS_SYMBOL ); }
void escrow_transfer_operation::validate()const { FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( from ) ); FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( to ) ); FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( agent ) ); FC_ASSERT( fee.amount >= 0 ); FC_ASSERT( amount.amount >= 0 ); FC_ASSERT( from != agent && to != agent ); FC_ASSERT( fee.symbol == amount.symbol ); FC_ASSERT( amount.symbol != VESTS_SYMBOL ); }
void limit_order_create_operation::validate()const { FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( owner ) ); FC_ASSERT( ( is_asset_type( amount_to_sell, STEEM_SYMBOL ) && is_asset_type( min_to_receive, SBD_SYMBOL ) ) || ( is_asset_type( amount_to_sell, SBD_SYMBOL ) && is_asset_type( min_to_receive, STEEM_SYMBOL ) ) ); (amount_to_sell / min_to_receive).validate(); }
void feed_publish_operation::validate()const { FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( publisher ) ); FC_ASSERT( ( is_asset_type( exchange_rate.base, STEEM_SYMBOL ) && is_asset_type( exchange_rate.quote, SBD_SYMBOL ) ) || ( is_asset_type( exchange_rate.base, SBD_SYMBOL ) && is_asset_type( exchange_rate.quote, STEEM_SYMBOL ) ) ); exchange_rate.validate(); }
void pow_operation::validate()const { props.validate(); FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( worker_account ) ); FC_ASSERT( work_input() == work.input ); work.validate(); }
void convert_operation::validate()const { FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( owner ) ); /// only allow conversion from SBD to STEEM, allowing the opposite can enable traders to abuse /// market fluxuations through converting large quantities without moving the price. FC_ASSERT( is_asset_type( amount, SBD_SYMBOL ) ); FC_ASSERT( amount.amount > 0 ); }
void witness_update_operation::validate() const { FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( owner ), "Owner account name invalid" ); FC_ASSERT( url.size() > 0, "URL size must be greater than 0" ); FC_ASSERT( fc::is_utf8( url ) ); FC_ASSERT( fee >= asset( 0, STEEM_SYMBOL ) ); props.validate(); }
void comment_options_operation::validate()const { FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( author ), "Author name invalid" ); FC_ASSERT( percent_steem_dollars <= STEEMIT_100_PERCENT ); FC_ASSERT( max_accepted_payout.symbol == SBD_SYMBOL ); FC_ASSERT( max_accepted_payout.amount.value >= 0 ); validate_permlink( permlink ); }
void comment_operation::validate() const { FC_ASSERT( title.size() < 256, "Title larger than size limit" ); FC_ASSERT( fc::is_utf8( title ), "Title not formatted in UTF8" ); FC_ASSERT( body.size() > 0, "Body is empty" ); FC_ASSERT( fc::is_utf8( body ), "Body not formatted in UTF8" ); FC_ASSERT( !parent_author.size() || is_valid_account_name( parent_author ), "Parent author name invalid" ); FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( author ), "Author name invalid" ); validate_permlink( parent_permlink ); validate_permlink( permlink ); if( json_metadata.size() > 0 ) { FC_ASSERT( fc::json::is_valid(json_metadata), "JSON Metadata not valid JSON" ); } }
void recover_account_operation::validate()const { FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( account_to_recover ) ); FC_ASSERT( !( new_owner_authority == recent_owner_authority) ); FC_ASSERT( !new_owner_authority.is_impossible() ); FC_ASSERT( !recent_owner_authority.is_impossible() ); FC_ASSERT( new_owner_authority.weight_threshold ); new_owner_authority.validate(); recent_owner_authority.validate(); }
void limit_order_create2_operation::validate()const { FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( owner ) ); FC_ASSERT( amount_to_sell.symbol == exchange_rate.base.symbol ); exchange_rate.validate(); FC_ASSERT( ( is_asset_type( amount_to_sell, STEEM_SYMBOL ) && is_asset_type( exchange_rate.quote, SBD_SYMBOL ) ) || ( is_asset_type( amount_to_sell, SBD_SYMBOL ) && is_asset_type( exchange_rate.quote, STEEM_SYMBOL ) ) ); FC_ASSERT( (amount_to_sell * exchange_rate).amount > 0 ); // must not round to 0 }
void account_update_operation::validate() const { FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( account ) ); if( owner ) owner->validate(); if (active) active->validate(); if ( json_metadata.size() > 0 ) { FC_ASSERT( fc::is_utf8(json_metadata), "JSON Metadata not formatted in UTF8" ); FC_ASSERT( fc::json::is_valid(json_metadata), "JSON Metadata not valid JSON" ); } }
void prove_authority_operation::validate()const { FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( challenged ), "challenged account name invalid" ); }
void delete_comment_operation::validate()const { validate_permlink( permlink ); FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( author ) ); }
void withdraw_vesting_operation::validate() const { FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( account ), "Account name invalid" ); FC_ASSERT( is_asset_type( vesting_shares, VESTS_SYMBOL), "Amount must be VESTS" ); }
void set_withdraw_vesting_route_operation::validate() const { FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( from_account ), "Account name invalid" ); FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( to_account ), "Account name invalid" ); FC_ASSERT( 0 <= percent && percent <= STEEMIT_100_PERCENT, "Percent must be valid steemit percent" ); }
void change_recovery_account_operation::validate()const { FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( account_to_recover ) ); FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( new_recovery_account ) ); }
void account_witness_vote_operation::validate() const { FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( account ), "Account ${a}", ("a",account) ); FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( witness ) ); }
void request_account_recovery_operation::validate()const { FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( recovery_account ) ); FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( account_to_recover ) ); new_owner_authority.validate(); }
inline void validate_account_name( const string& name ) { FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( name ), "Account name ${n} is invalid", ("n", name) ); }
void limit_order_cancel_operation::validate()const { FC_ASSERT( is_valid_account_name( owner ) ); }