Example #1
void Nmr::updatePlot()

   QList<double> data;
   QString isotope(currentIsotope());

   if (isotope.isEmpty()) {
      data = m_data.shieldings();
      m_plot->xAxis->setLabel("Nuclear Shielding (ppm)");
   }else {
      data = computeShifts(currentReference(), isotope);
      m_plot->xAxis->setLabel("Chemical Shift (ppm)");

   if (m_ui->impulseButton->isChecked()) {
      // the range is really determining the resolution here
      plotImpulse(data, standardRange(isotope));
   }else if (m_ui->lorentzianButton->isChecked()) {
      // There has to be an easier way
      double min(m_plot->xAxis->pixelToCoord(m_plot->axisRect()->right())); 
      double max(m_plot->xAxis->pixelToCoord(m_plot->axisRect()->left())); 
      plotSpectrum(data, qMakePair(min, max));

Example #2
void Nmr::on_isotopeCombo_currentIndexChanged(QString const& text)
   QString isotope(currentIsotope(text));

   Data::NmrReferenceLibrary& library(Data::NmrReferenceLibrary::instance());
   QList<Data::NmrReference const*> refs(library.filter(isotope));

   QStringList systems;
   QList<Data::NmrReference const*>::iterator iter;
   for (iter = refs.begin(); iter != refs.end(); ++iter) {
       QString system((*iter)->system());
       if (!systems.contains(system)) systems.append(system);

   QComboBox* combo(m_ui->systemCombo);

   loadShifts(currentReference(), isotope);

   QPair<double, double> range(standardRange(isotope));
   m_plot->xAxis->setRange(range.first, range.second);

Example #3
Data::NmrReference const* Nmr::currentReference()
   Data::NmrReference const* reference;

   QString isotope(currentIsotope());
   QString system(m_ui->systemCombo->currentText());
   QString method(m_ui->methodCombo->currentText());

   Data::NmrReferenceLibrary& library(Data::NmrReferenceLibrary::instance());
   QList<Data::NmrReference const*> refs(library.filter(isotope, system, method));

   if (refs.size() == 1) {
      reference = refs.first();
      //qDebug() << "Found reference:";
   }else {
      reference = 0;
//qDebug() << "No reference found for" << isotope << system << method;

   return reference;
Example #4
void Nmr::on_systemCombo_currentIndexChanged(QString const& text)
   QString isotope(currentIsotope());

   Data::NmrReferenceLibrary& library(Data::NmrReferenceLibrary::instance());
   QString method(m_data.method());
   QList<Data::NmrReference const*> refs(library.filter(isotope, text, method));

   QStringList methods;
   QList<Data::NmrReference const*>::iterator iter;
   for (iter = refs.begin(); iter != refs.end(); ++iter) {
       method = (*iter)->method();
       if (!methods.contains(method)) methods.append(method);

   QComboBox* combo(m_ui->methodCombo);

   loadShifts(currentReference(), isotope);
Example #5
int DripLine::createFile(const std::string& file) const noexcept
  std::ifstream modelFile(FRDM_file, std::ios::binary);

  if (!modelFile)
      std::cerr << "\n"
                << "***ERROR***: " << FRDM_file << " couldn't be opened, does it exist?"
                << "\n"
                << std::endl;
      return 1;

  std::ofstream dripFile(file, std::ios::binary);

  if (!dripFile)
      std::cerr << "\n"
                << "***ERROR***: " << file << " couldn't be opened to write to"
                << "\n"
                << std::endl;
      return 2;

  dripFile << "#  N    Z   drip[MeV]\n"
           << "#------------------" << std::endl;

  // Starting values come from the FRLDM file
  int currentSingleProton   = 7;
  int currentSingleNeutron  = 7;
  int previousSingleNeutron = 8;
  int previousSingleProton  = 0;

  int currentDoubleProton   = 7;
  int currentDoubleNeutron  = 7;
  int previousDoubleNeutron = 8;
  int previousDoubleProton  = 0;

  int nucleonWidth = 4;
  int dripWidth    = 8;

  // Rather than use a vector of Nuclide(216), create a new
  // smaller(56) struct to store the required values and
  // create a vector of these.
  struct isotope
    int A = 0;
    int Z = 0;
    int N = 0;

    double s_n  = 0.0;
    double s_2n = 0.0;
    double s_p  = 0.0;
    double s_2p = 0.0;
    double ME   = 0.0;
  std::vector<isotope> dripNuc;

  std::string dataline;
  while (std::getline(modelFile, dataline))
      if (dataline.empty() || dataline.at(0) == '#')

      std::istringstream dripData(dataline);
      std::string dummy;

      auto currentIsotope = std::rbegin(dripNuc);

      dripData >> currentIsotope->A >> currentIsotope->Z >> dummy >> currentIsotope->ME;

      currentIsotope->N = currentIsotope->A - currentIsotope->Z;

      // File is ordered in Z then A, by looping through backwards,
      // we do not need to traverse the entire contents as we can stop
      // once values get too far apart to provide data.
      for (auto otherIsotope = currentIsotope; otherIsotope != std::rend(dripNuc); ++otherIsotope)
          // Depending on the drip line, we can break when differences
          // in N or Z get too larger i.e. 2 for single particle and
          // 3 for double particle lines.
          if ((the_line == LineType::singleneutron && currentIsotope->N - otherIsotope->N >= 2)
              || (the_line == LineType::doubleneutron && currentIsotope->N - otherIsotope->N >= 3)
              || (the_line == LineType::singleproton && currentIsotope->Z - otherIsotope->Z >= 2)
              || (the_line == LineType::doubleproton && currentIsotope->Z - otherIsotope->Z >= 3))

          if (currentIsotope->A - otherIsotope->A == 1)
              // S(n) = M(Z,N-1) - M(Z,N) + M(0,1)
              if (the_line == LineType::singleneutron && otherIsotope->Z == currentIsotope->Z
                  && currentSingleProton < currentIsotope->Z)
                  currentIsotope->s_n = otherIsotope->ME - currentIsotope->ME + neutron_mass;

                  if (currentIsotope->s_n < 0.0)
                      dripFile << std::fixed << std::setw(nucleonWidth) << currentIsotope->N << " "
                               << std::setw(nucleonWidth) << currentIsotope->Z << " " << std::setw(dripWidth)
                               << currentIsotope->s_n << "\n"
                               << std::setw(nucleonWidth) << currentIsotope->N << " " << std::setw(nucleonWidth)
                               << currentIsotope->Z + 1 << " " << std::setw(dripWidth) << currentIsotope->s_n
                               << std::endl;


              // S(p) = M(Z-1,N) - M(Z,N) + M(1,0)
              if (the_line == LineType::singleproton && otherIsotope->N == currentIsotope->N
                  && currentSingleNeutron < currentIsotope->N)
                  currentIsotope->s_p = otherIsotope->ME - currentIsotope->ME + proton_mass;

                  if (currentIsotope->s_p < 0.0)
                      if (currentIsotope->N != previousSingleNeutron)
                          dripFile << std::fixed << std::setw(nucleonWidth) << previousSingleNeutron + 1 << " "
                                   << std::setw(nucleonWidth) << previousSingleProton << " " << std::setw(dripWidth)
                                   << currentIsotope->s_p << std::endl;

                      dripFile << std::fixed << std::setw(nucleonWidth) << currentIsotope->N << " "
                               << std::setw(nucleonWidth) << currentIsotope->Z << " " << std::setw(dripWidth)
                               << currentIsotope->s_p << std::endl;

                      previousSingleProton  = currentIsotope->Z;
                      previousSingleNeutron = currentIsotope->N;
          else if (currentIsotope->A - otherIsotope->A == 2)
              // S(2n) = M(Z,N-2) - M(Z,N) + 2*M(0,1)
              if (the_line == LineType::doubleneutron && otherIsotope->Z == currentIsotope->Z
                  && currentDoubleProton < currentIsotope->Z)
                  currentIsotope->s_2n = otherIsotope->ME - currentIsotope->ME + 2.0 * neutron_mass;

                  if (currentIsotope->s_2n < 0.0)
                      dripFile << std::fixed << std::setw(nucleonWidth) << currentIsotope->N << " "
                               << std::setw(nucleonWidth) << currentIsotope->Z << " " << std::setw(dripWidth)
                               << currentIsotope->s_2n << "\n"
                               << std::setw(nucleonWidth) << currentIsotope->N << " " << std::setw(nucleonWidth)
                               << currentIsotope->Z + 1 << " " << std::setw(dripWidth) << currentIsotope->s_2n
                               << std::endl;


              // S(2p) = M(Z-2,N) - M(Z,N) + 2*M(1,0)
              if (the_line == LineType::doubleproton && otherIsotope->N == currentIsotope->N
                  && currentDoubleNeutron < currentIsotope->N)
                  currentIsotope->s_2p = otherIsotope->ME - currentIsotope->ME + 2.0 * proton_mass;

                  if (currentIsotope->s_2p < 0.0)
                      if (currentIsotope->N != previousDoubleNeutron)
                          dripFile << std::fixed << std::setw(nucleonWidth) << previousDoubleNeutron + 1 << " "
                                   << std::setw(nucleonWidth) << previousDoubleProton << " " << std::setw(dripWidth)
                                   << currentIsotope->s_2p << std::endl;

                      dripFile << std::fixed << std::setw(nucleonWidth) << currentIsotope->N << " "
                               << std::setw(nucleonWidth) << currentIsotope->Z << " " << std::setw(dripWidth)
                               << currentIsotope->s_2p << std::endl;

                      previousDoubleProton  = currentIsotope->Z;
                      previousDoubleNeutron = currentIsotope->N;



  return 0;