// convert float disparity image into a color image using jet colormap void float2color(CFloatImage fimg, CByteImage &img, float dmin, float dmax) { CShape sh = fimg.Shape(); int width = sh.width, height = sh.height; sh.nBands = 3; img.ReAllocate(sh); float scale = 1.0 / (dmax - dmin); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { float f = fimg.Pixel(x, y, 0); int r = 0; int g = 0; int b = 0; if (f != INFINITY) { float val = scale * (f - dmin); jet(val, r, g, b); } img.Pixel(x, y, 0) = b; img.Pixel(x, y, 1) = g; img.Pixel(x, y, 2) = r; } } }
IGL_INLINE void igl::jet( const Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedZ> & Z, const bool normalize, Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedC> & C) { const double min_z = (normalize?Z.minCoeff():0); const double max_z = (normalize?Z.maxCoeff():-1); return jet(Z,min_z,max_z,C); }
IGL_INLINE void igl::jet( const Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedZ> & Z, const double min_z, const double max_z, Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedC> & C) { C.resize(Z.rows(),3); for(int r = 0;r<Z.rows();r++) { jet((-min_z+Z(r,0))/(max_z-min_z),C(r,0),C(r,1),C(r,2)); } }
ConeSplitMerge<Item>::ConeSplitMerge(const std::vector<ProtoJet<Item> >& jvector) { // sort proto_jets in Et descending order typename std::vector<ProtoJet<Item> >::const_iterator jt; for(jt = jvector.begin(); jt != jvector.end(); ++jt) { // this is supposed to be a stable cone, declare so ProtoJet<Item> jet(*jt); jet.NowStable(); _members.insert(std::make_pair(jet,jet.pT())); } }
void init(void){ float luz_ambiente[] = {0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 1.0}; float luz0_especular[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; float luz0_difusa[] = {0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 1.0}; float luz0_posicion[] = {200.0, 200.0, 200.0, 1.0}; float luz0_direccion[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; float reflectancia[] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0}; float bases[5]={69.6, 63.15, 51.3, 39.5, 35.95}; float basesT[6]={82.45, 77.4, 64.05, 52.5, 47.25, 30.0}; float altura=300.0; float color1[]= {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}; float color2[]= {0.7, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}; float basesX[5], basesTX[6], alturaX; ratio=(GLfloat)winWidth/(GLfloat)winHeight; Vx=Vz=0.0; Vy=30.0; Vtheta=3*PI/2.0; glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH); glutInitWindowSize(winWidth, winHeight); glutInitWindowPosition(30, 50); glutCreateWindow("Animacion"); glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); glFrontFace(GL_CCW); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); glLightModelfv(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT,luz_ambiente); glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); glColorMaterial(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, reflectancia); glMateriali(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, 60); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0,GL_DIFFUSE,luz0_difusa); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0,GL_DIFFUSE,luz_ambiente); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0,GL_SPECULAR,luz0_especular); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0,GL_POSITION,luz0_posicion); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0,GL_SPOT_DIRECTION,luz0_direccion); glEnable(GL_LIGHT0); //lista room Lroom=glGenLists(1); glNewList(Lroom,GL_COMPILE); room(LADO); glEndList(); //lista jet Ljet=glGenLists(1); glNewList(Ljet,GL_COMPILE); jet(); glEndList(); //lista castle1 Lcastle=glGenLists(1); copiaVec(basesX,bases,5); escalaVec(0.1, basesX, 5); copiaVec(basesTX,basesT,6); escalaVec(0.1, basesTX, 6); alturaX = 0.1*altura; glNewList(Lcastle,GL_COMPILE); castillo(basesX, basesTX, alturaX, color1, color2); glEndList(); }
BOOL CJetEngine::CompactDatabase(CString strDatabaseSource, CString strDatabaseDestination) { try { ::CoInitialize(NULL); IJetEnginePtr jet(__uuidof(JetEngine)); HRESULT hr = jet->CompactDatabase(_bstr_t(strDatabaseSource.GetBuffer(0)), _bstr_t(strDatabaseDestination.GetBuffer(0))); jet.Release(); ::CoUninitialize(); return hr == S_OK; } catch(_com_error) { ::CoUninitialize(); return FALSE; } }
BOOL CJetEngine::RefreshCache(ADODB::_Connection *pconn) { //Added by [email protected] try { ::CoInitialize(NULL); IJetEnginePtr jet(__uuidof(JetEngine)); HRESULT hr = jet->RefreshCache(pconn); ::CoUninitialize(); return hr == S_OK; } catch(_com_error) { ::CoUninitialize(); return FALSE; } return FALSE; }
void Vehicle::updataCar(NxReal timeSinceLastFrame) { if(NxMath::abs(mTurnLeft) > 0.001f || NxMath::abs(mTurnRight) > 0.001f) { mAngleDelta = mTurnLeft + mTurnRight; } else // 车在松开按键的时候会自动回正 if(NxMath::abs(mAngle) > 0.0001f) { if(mAngle > 0.0001f) mAngleDelta = -mVehicleParam.m_sVehicleParam.SteerSpeed; else mAngleDelta = mVehicleParam.m_sVehicleParam.SteerSpeed; } else mAngleDelta = 0.f; mAngle += mAngleDelta; //将轮子角度限制 mAngle = NxMath::clamp(mAngle, mVehicleParam.m_sVehicleParam.SteerAngleRange, -mVehicleParam.m_sVehicleParam.SteerAngleRange); Ogre::Real radian = mAngle * 0.01745329f; mWheels[TOP_LEFT].mWheel->setSteerAngle(radian); mWheels[TOP_RIGHT].mWheel->setSteerAngle(radian); mWheels[TOP_LEFT].mWheel->setMotorTorque(mSpeed); mWheels[TOP_RIGHT].mWheel->setMotorTorque(mSpeed); mWheels[Bottom_LEFT].mWheel->setMotorTorque(mSpeed); mWheels[Bottom_RIGHT].mWheel->setMotorTorque(mSpeed); //mActor->addForce(tforce, NX_IMPULSE); mActor->addTorque(ttortue, NX_IMPULSE); if (isJet) jet(800); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { PruneData pd; Data data; Types::Keys keys(data.allKeys()); Types::Keys k; for (Types::Keys::const_iterator it(keys.begin()), et(keys.end()); it != et; ++it) { for (int i(Data::FLOW); i < Data::LASTTYPE; ++i) { // Walk through all data types Data::tTimeKeys a(data.timeKeys(*it, (Data::Type) i)); Data::tTimeKeys::size_type n(pd(a)); if (n) { // Something to prune size_t nDropped(0); for (Data::tTimeKeys::const_iterator jt(a.begin()), jet(a.end()); jt != jet; ++jt) { if (jt->second) { k.insert(jt->second); ++nDropped; } } std::cout << "Dropping " << nDropped << " rows of " << a.size() << " from " << data.source().key2name(*it) << " for type " << i << std::endl; } } if (!data.nRows(*it)) { std::cout << data.source().key2name(*it) << " is empty" << std::endl; } } if (!k.empty()) { std::cout << "Dropped " << k.size() << " rows" << std::endl; data.dropRows(k); data.checkPoint(); } }
void EVUtil::CompactMDB( CString szSrc, CString szDst ) { try { CString csSourceConnection; CString csDestConnection; CoInitialize(0); csSourceConnection.Format("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=%s;",szSrc); csDestConnection.Format("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=%s;",szDst); JRO::IJetEnginePtr jet(__uuidof(JRO::JetEngine)); jet->CompactDatabase(csSourceConnection.AllocSysString(),csDestConnection.AllocSysString()); CoUninitialize(); } catch(_com_error &e) { CString csError; csError =(LPCTSTR) e.Description(); //MessageBox(csError,"Error Info",MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } }
void minivalidator::analyze(size_t childid /* this info can be used for printouts */){ d_ana::dBranchHandler<Electron> elecs(tree(),"Electron"); d_ana::dBranchHandler<HepMCEvent> event(tree(),"Event"); d_ana::dBranchHandler<GenParticle> genpart(tree(),"Particle"); d_ana::dBranchHandler<Jet> genjet(tree(),"GenJet"); d_ana::dBranchHandler<Jet> jet(tree(),"JetPUPPI"); d_ana::dBranchHandler<Jet> taujet(tree(),"Jet"); d_ana::dBranchHandler<Muon> muontight(tree(),"MuonTight"); d_ana::dBranchHandler<Photon> photon(tree(),"Photon"); d_ana::dBranchHandler<MissingET> met(tree(),"MissingET"); d_ana::dBranchHandler<MissingET> puppimet(tree(),"PuppiMissingET"); d_ana::dBranchHandler<MissingET> genpumet(tree(),"GenPileUpMissingET"); d_ana::dBranchHandler<MissingET> genmet(tree(),"GenMissingET"); size_t nevents=tree()->entries(); if(isTestMode()) nevents/=100; //create output TString chilidstr=""; chilidstr+=childid; TFile * outfile= new TFile(getOutDir()+"/p2val_"+(TString)getLegendName()+"_"+chilidstr+".root","RECREATE"); TDirectory *counterdir = outfile->mkdir("weightCounter"); counterdir->cd(); TH1F * h_event_weight = new TH1F("Event_weight","Event_weight",1,0,1); outfile->cd(); TDirectory *muondir = outfile->mkdir("muonTight"); muondir->cd(); TH1F * h_muontight_all_pt = new TH1F("h_muontight_all_pt","Muon PT",200,0,200); TH1F * h_muontight_all_eta = new TH1F("h_muontight_all_eta","Muon eta",200,-5,5); TH1F * h_muontight_all_phi = new TH1F("h_muontight_all_phi","Muon phi",200,-3.5,3.5); TH1F * h_muontight_all_tof = new TH1F("h_muontight_all_tof","Muon tof",200,0,10); TH1F * h_muontight_all_charge = new TH1F("h_muontight_all_charge","Muon charge",2,-1,1); TH1F * h_muontight_all_IsolationVar = new TH1F("h_muontight_all_IsolationVar","Muon IsolationVar",100,0,20); TH1F * h_muontight_all_IsolationVarRhoCorr = new TH1F("h_muontight_all_IsolationVarRhoCorr","Muon IsolationVarRhoCorr",100,0,20); TH1F * h_muontight_all_SumPtCharged = new TH1F("h_muontight_all_SumPtCharged","Muon SumPtCharged",100,0,20); TH1F * h_muontight_all_SumPtNeutral = new TH1F("h_muontight_all_SumPtNeutral","Muon SumPtNeutral",100,0,20); TH1F * h_muontight_all_SumPtChargedPU = new TH1F("h_muontight_all_SumPtChargedPU","Muon SumPtChargedPU",100,0,20); TH1F * h_muontight_all_SumPt = new TH1F("h_muontight_all_SumPt","Muon SumPt",100,0,20); TH1F * h_muontight_iso_pt = new TH1F("h_muontight_iso_pt","Muon PT",200,0,200); TH1F * h_muontight_iso_eta = new TH1F("h_muontight_iso_eta","Muon eta",200,-5,5); TH1F * h_muontight_iso_phi = new TH1F("h_muontight_iso_phi","Muon phi",200,-3.5,3.5); TH2F * h_muontight_all_IsolationVarRhoCorr_pt = new TH2F ("h_muontight_all_IsolationVarRhoCorr_pt","",200,0,20,200,0,20); outfile->cd(); TDirectory *zmmdir = outfile->mkdir("zmm"); zmmdir->cd(); TH1F * h_zmm_m1_pt = new TH1F("h_zmm_m1_pt","Muon PT 1",200,0,200); TH1F * h_zmm_m2_pt = new TH1F("h_zmm_m2_pt","Muon PT 2",200,0,200); TH1F * h_zmm_mass = new TH1F("h_zmm_mass","ZMM mass",200,60,120); TH1F * h_zmm_met_pt = new TH1F("h_zmm_met_pt","MET ZMM sel",200,0,200); TH1F * h_zmm_puppimet_pt = new TH1F("h_zmm_puppimet_pt","MET no sel",200,0,200); TH1F * h_zmm_genpumet_pt = new TH1F("h_zmm_genpumet_pt","MET no sel",200,0,200); TH1F * h_zmm_genmet_pt = new TH1F("h_zmm_genmet_pt","MET no sel",200,0,200); TDirectory *metdir = outfile->mkdir("met"); metdir->cd(); TH1F * h_met_pt = new TH1F("h_met_pt","MET no sel",200,0,200); TH1F * h_puppimet_pt = new TH1F("h_puppimet_pt","MET no sel",200,0,200); TH1F * h_genpumet_pt = new TH1F("h_genpumet_pt","MET no sel",200,0,200); TH1F * h_genmet_pt = new TH1F("h_genmet_pt","MET no sel",200,0,200); //load effective corrections for delphes samples vs fullSim scaleFactors tightelecsf,medelecsf,looseelecsf, tightmuonsf,loosemuonsf, jetsf, tightphotonsf,loosephotonsf, metsf; TString basepath=getenv("CMSSW_BASE"); basepath+="/src/PhaseTwoAnalysis/delphesInterface/ntupler/data/"; tightelecsf.loadTH2D (basepath+"ElectronTight_PTEta.root","FullSimOverDelphes"); medelecsf.loadTH2D (basepath+"ElectronMedium_PTEta.root","FullSimOverDelphes"); //looseelecsf.loadTH2D (cmsswbase+"bla.root","histo"); // tightmuonsf.loadTH2D (basepath+"MuonTight_PTEta.root","FullSimOverDelphes"); //loosemuonsf.loadTH2D (cmsswbase+"bla.root","histo"); // //jetsf.loadTH2D (cmsswbase+"bla.root","histo"); // tightphotonsf.loadTH2D(basepath+"PhotonTight_PTEta.root","FullSimOverDelphes"); //loosephotonsf.loadTH2D(cmsswbase+"bla.root","histo"); // //metsf.loadTH2D (cmsswbase+"bla.root","histo"); for(size_t eventno=0;eventno<nevents;eventno++){ /* * The following two lines report the status and set the event link * Do not remove! */ reportStatus(eventno,nevents); tree()->setEntry(eventno); if(event.size()<1)continue; h_event_weight->Fill(0.,(double)event.at(0)->Weight); // No selection h_met_pt->Fill(met.at(0)->MET); h_puppimet_pt->Fill(puppimet.at(0)->MET); h_genpumet_pt->Fill(genpumet.at(0)->MET); h_genmet_pt->Fill(genmet.at(0)->MET); // Playing at genlevel // Lets look for muons Double_t maxpt1=0, maxpt2=0; size_t index1=0, index2=0; size_t ngoodmuons=0; for(size_t i=0;i<muontight.size();i++){ h_muontight_all_pt->Fill(muontight.at(i)->PT); h_muontight_all_eta->Fill(muontight.at(i)->Eta); h_muontight_all_phi->Fill(muontight.at(i)->Phi); h_muontight_all_charge->Fill(muontight.at(i)->Charge); h_muontight_all_tof->Fill(muontight.at(i)->T); h_muontight_all_IsolationVar->Fill(muontight.at(i)->IsolationVar); h_muontight_all_IsolationVarRhoCorr->Fill(muontight.at(i)->IsolationVarRhoCorr); h_muontight_all_SumPtCharged->Fill(muontight.at(i)->SumPtCharged); h_muontight_all_SumPtNeutral->Fill(muontight.at(i)->SumPtNeutral); h_muontight_all_SumPtChargedPU->Fill(muontight.at(i)->SumPtChargedPU); h_muontight_all_SumPt->Fill(muontight.at(i)->SumPt); h_muontight_all_IsolationVarRhoCorr_pt ->Fill(muontight.at(i)->IsolationVar,muontight.at(i)->PT); if(muontight.at(i)->IsolationVarRhoCorr<0.1) { // this is just a guess h_muontight_iso_pt->Fill(muontight.at(i)->PT); h_muontight_iso_eta->Fill(muontight.at(i)->Eta); h_muontight_iso_phi->Fill(muontight.at(i)->Phi); if(muontight.at(i)->PT>maxpt1) { maxpt2=maxpt1; index2=index1; maxpt1=muontight.at(i)->PT; index1=i;} else if (muontight.at(i)->PT>maxpt2) {maxpt2=muontight.at(i)->PT; index2=i;} ngoodmuons++; } } if(ngoodmuons>=2) { if( muontight.at(index1)->PT>20 && muontight.at(index2)->PT > 20 && (muontight.at(index1)->Charge!=muontight.at(index2)->Charge) ) { h_zmm_m1_pt->Fill(muontight.at(index1)->PT); h_zmm_m2_pt->Fill(muontight.at(index2)->PT); TLorentzVector m1, m2; m1.SetPtEtaPhiM(muontight.at(index1)->PT,muontight.at(index1)->Eta,muontight.at(index1)->Phi,0.105); m2.SetPtEtaPhiM(muontight.at(index2)->PT,muontight.at(index2)->Eta,muontight.at(index2)->Phi,0.105); h_zmm_mass->Fill( (m1+m2).M() ); h_zmm_met_pt->Fill(met.at(0)->MET); h_zmm_puppimet_pt->Fill(puppimet.at(0)->MET); h_zmm_genpumet_pt->Fill(genpumet.at(0)->MET); h_zmm_genmet_pt->Fill(genmet.at(0)->MET); // Double_t mass2=2*muontight.at(index1)->PT*muontight.at(index2)->PT*( cosh(muontight.at(index1)->Eta-muontight.at(index2)->Eta) - cos(muontight.at(index1)->Phi-muontight.at(index2)->Phi) ); // std::cout<<muontight.at(index1)->PT<<" "<<m1.Pt()<<std::endl; // std::cout<<sqrt(mass2)<<" "<<(m1+m2).M()<<std::endl; } } } counterdir->cd(); h_event_weight->Write(); muondir->cd(); h_muontight_all_pt->Write(); h_muontight_all_eta ->Write(); h_muontight_all_phi ->Write(); h_muontight_all_charge ->Write(); h_muontight_all_tof ->Write(); h_muontight_all_IsolationVar ->Write(); h_muontight_all_IsolationVarRhoCorr ->Write(); h_muontight_all_SumPtCharged ->Write(); h_muontight_all_SumPtNeutral ->Write(); h_muontight_all_SumPtChargedPU ->Write(); h_muontight_all_SumPt ->Write(); h_muontight_all_IsolationVarRhoCorr_pt->Write(); h_muontight_iso_pt->Write(); h_muontight_iso_eta ->Write(); h_muontight_iso_phi ->Write(); zmmdir->cd(); h_zmm_m1_pt->Write(); h_zmm_m2_pt->Write(); h_zmm_mass->Write(); h_zmm_met_pt->Write(); h_zmm_puppimet_pt->Write(); h_zmm_genpumet_pt->Write(); h_zmm_genmet_pt->Write(); metdir->cd(); h_met_pt->Write(); h_puppimet_pt->Write(); h_genpumet_pt->Write(); h_genmet_pt->Write(); outfile->Close(); /* * Must be called in the end, takes care of thread-safe writeout and * call-back to the parent process */ processEndFunction(); }
void isis_looper::myLoop(int nsel, int mode, bool silent) { char plotName[300]; sprintf(plotName,"test"); if (nsel == 0) {sprintf(plotName,"tt");} else if (nsel == 1) {sprintf(plotName,"twdr");} else if (nsel == -1) {sprintf(plotName,"twds");} else if (nsel == 2) {sprintf(plotName,"zjets");} else if (nsel == 3) {sprintf(plotName,"di");} else if (nsel == 4) {sprintf(plotName, "st");} else if (nsel == 5) {sprintf(plotName,"wjets");} else if (nsel == 6) {sprintf(plotName,"qcd_mu");} else if (nsel == 7) {sprintf(plotName,"others");} else if (nsel == 555) {sprintf(plotName,"mc");} else if (nsel == 666) {sprintf(plotName,"data");} else if (nsel == -10) {sprintf(plotName,"tt");} else if (nsel == 10) {sprintf(plotName,"tt");} bool nosf = false; char newRootFile[300]; double lumi = luminosity; if (mode == 0 ) lumi = 4399; else if ( mode == 1) lumi = 1000; // to check else if ( mode == 2) lumi = 5103.58; // to check sprintf(newRootFile,"results/an_%dpb_%d.root", (int)lumi, mode); if(nsel == -10){ sprintf(newRootFile,"results/JERsysDown_an_%dpb_%d.root", (int)lumi, mode); }else if(nsel == 10 ){ sprintf(newRootFile,"results/JERsysUp_an_%dpb_%d.root", (int)lumi, mode); } TFile f_var(newRootFile, "UPDATE"); if(!silent){ std::cout << "[Info:] results root file " << newRootFile << std::endl; } ////////// char title[300]; sprintf(title,"cuts_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo = new TH1F( title, " ", 10, 0, 10 ); histo->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"met_high_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_met_high = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_met_high->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"met_low_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_met_low = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_met_low->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"promet_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_promet = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_promet->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"met_cut_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_met_cut = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_met_cut->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"met_bt_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_met_bt = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_met_bt->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"mll_after_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_mll_after = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_mll_after->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"njets_cut_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_njets_cut = new TH1F( title, " ", 10, -0.5, 9.5 ); histo_njets_cut->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"njetsbt_cut_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_njetsbt_cut = new TH1F( title, " ", 10, -0.5, 9.5 ); histo_njetsbt_cut->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"njetsbt_high_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_njetsbt_high = new TH1F( title, " ", 10, -0.5, 9.5 ); histo_njetsbt_high->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"njetsbt_low_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_njetsbt_low = new TH1F( title, " ", 10, -0.5, 9.5 ); histo_njetsbt_low->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"njets_high_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_njets_high = new TH1F( title, " ", 10, -0.5, 9.5 ); histo_njets_high->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"njets_low_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_njets_low = new TH1F( title, " ", 10, -0.5, 9.5 ); histo_njets_low->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ptsys_high_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ptsys_high = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_ptsys_high->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ptsys_low_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ptsys_low = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_ptsys_low->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ht_high_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ht_high = new TH1F( title, " ", 300, 0, 600 ); histo_ht_high->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ht_low_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ht_low = new TH1F( title, " ", 300, 0, 600 ); histo_ht_low->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ht_cut_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ht_cut = new TH1F( title, " ", 300, 0, 600 ); histo_ht_cut->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"pt_max_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_pt_max = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_pt_max->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"pt_min_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_pt_min = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_pt_min->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"btagHE_%s",plotName); TH2F* histo_btagHE = new TH2F( title, " ", 300, -200, 100, 100, -2, 7); histo_btagHE->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"btagHP_%s",plotName); TH2F* histo_btagHP = new TH2F( title, " ", 300, -200, 100, 100, -2, 7); histo_btagHP->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"etalepton_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_etalepton = new TH1F( title, " ", 101, -3, 3); histo_etalepton->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ht_bf_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ht_bf = new TH1F( title, " ", 300, 0, 600 ); histo_ht_bf->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ptsys_bf_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ptsys_bf = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_ptsys_bf->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"npu_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_npu = new TH1F( title, " ", 30, -0.5, 29.5 ); histo_npu->Sumw2(); /// Classic plotmaker plots sprintf(title,"met_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_met = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_met->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"mll_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_mll = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_mll->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"njets_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_njets = new TH1F( title, " ", 10, 0, 10 ); histo_njets->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"njetsbt_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_njetsbt = new TH1F( title, " ", 10, -0.5, 9.5 ); histo_njetsbt->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ptsys_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ptsys = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_ptsys->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ht_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ht = new TH1F( title, " ", 300, 0, 600 ); histo_ht->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"pt_leading_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_pt_leading = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_pt_leading->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"eta_leading_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_eta_leading = new TH1F( title, " ", 101, -3, 3); histo_eta_leading->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"nvertex_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_nvertex = new TH1F( title, " ", 70, -0.5, 69.5 ); histo_nvertex->Sumw2(); // 1 jet level /// Classic plotmaker plots sprintf(title,"met_1j_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_met_1j = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_met_1j->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"mll_1j_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_mll_1j = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_mll_1j->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ptsys_1j_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ptsys_1j = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_ptsys_1j->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ht_1j_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ht_1j = new TH1F( title, " ", 300, 0, 600 ); histo_ht_1j->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"pt_leading_1j_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_pt_leading_1j = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_pt_leading_1j->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"nvertex_1j_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_nvertex_1j = new TH1F( title, " ", 30, -0.5, 29.5 ); histo_nvertex_1j->Sumw2(); // 1 jet level /// Classic plotmaker plots sprintf(title,"met_1j1t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_met_1j1t = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_met_1j1t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"mll_1j1t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_mll_1j1t = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_mll_1j1t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ptsys_1j1t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ptsys_1j1t = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_ptsys_1j1t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ht_1j1t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ht_1j1t = new TH1F( title, " ", 300, 0, 600 ); histo_ht_1j1t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"pt_leading_1j1t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_pt_leading_1j1t = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_pt_leading_1j1t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"nvertex_1j1t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_nvertex_1j1t = new TH1F( title, " ", 30, -0.5, 29.5 ); histo_nvertex_1j1t->Sumw2(); // 2j1t /// Classic plotmaker plots sprintf(title,"met_2j1t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_met_2j1t = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_met_2j1t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"mll_2j1t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_mll_2j1t = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_mll_2j1t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ptsys_2j1t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ptsys_2j1t = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_ptsys_2j1t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ht_2j1t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ht_2j1t = new TH1F( title, " ", 300, 0, 600 ); histo_ht_2j1t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"pt_leading_2j1t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_pt_leading_2j1t = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_pt_leading_2j1t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"nvertex_2j1t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_nvertex_2j1t = new TH1F( title, " ", 30, -0.5, 29.5 ); histo_nvertex_2j1t->Sumw2(); // 2j2t /// Classic plotmaker plots sprintf(title,"met_2j2t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_met_2j2t = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_met_2j2t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"mll_2j2t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_mll_2j2t = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_mll_2j2t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ptsys_2j2t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ptsys_2j2t = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_ptsys_2j2t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ht_2j2t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ht_2j2t = new TH1F( title, " ", 300, 0, 600 ); histo_ht_2j2t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"pt_leading_2j2t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_pt_leading_2j2t = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_pt_leading_2j2t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"nvertex_2j2t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_nvertex_2j2t = new TH1F( title, " ", 30, -0.5, 29.5 ); histo_nvertex_2j2t->Sumw2(); // all regions sprintf(title,"R_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_R = new TH1F( title, " ", 40, 0, 40 ); histo_R->Sumw2(); // checking pu reweighting sprintf(title,"nvertex_final_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_nvertex_final = new TH1F( title, " ", 70, -0.5, 69.5 ); histo_nvertex_final->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"nvertex_final_3D_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_nvertex_final_3D = new TH1F( title, " ", 70, -0.5, 69.5 ); histo_nvertex_final_3D->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"nvertex_final_purw_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_nvertex_final_purw = new TH1F( title, " ", 70, -0.5, 69.5 ); histo_nvertex_final_purw->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"nvertex_2lep_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_nvertex_2lep = new TH1F( title, " ", 70, -0.5, 69.5 ); histo_nvertex_2lep->Sumw2(); //<<<<<<< isis_looper.C //_________________________________________________________________________________ //added by Isis // -- Leading jet --- sprintf(title,"eta_jet_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_eta_jet = new TH1F( title, " ", 50,-5, 5 ); //#bins - begin - end histo_eta_jet->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"eta_jet_110_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_eta_jet_110 = new TH1F( title, " ", 50,-5, 5 ); //#bins - begin - end histo_eta_jet_110->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"eta_jet_90_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_eta_jet_90 = new TH1F( title, " ", 50,-5, 5 ); //#bins - begin - end histo_eta_jet_90->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"eta_jet_70_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_eta_jet_70 = new TH1F( title, " ", 50,-5, 5 ); //#bins - begin - end histo_eta_jet_70->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"eta_jet_50_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_eta_jet_50 = new TH1F( title, " ", 50,-5, 5 ); //#bins - begin - end histo_eta_jet_50->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"eta_jet_30_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_eta_jet_30 = new TH1F( title, " ", 50,-5, 5 ); //#bins - begin - end histo_eta_jet_30->Sumw2(); // -- Second Leading jet --- sprintf(title,"eta_jet1_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_eta_jet1 = new TH1F( title, " ", 50,-5, 5 ); //#bins - begin - end histo_eta_jet1->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"eta_jet1_110_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_eta_jet1_110 = new TH1F( title, " ", 50,-5, 5 ); //#bins - begin - end histo_eta_jet1_110->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"eta_jet1_90_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_eta_jet1_90 = new TH1F( title, " ", 50,-5, 5 ); //#bins - begin - end histo_eta_jet1_90->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"eta_jet1_70_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_eta_jet1_70 = new TH1F( title, " ", 50,-5, 5 ); //#bins - begin - end histo_eta_jet1_70->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"eta_jet1_50_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_eta_jet1_50 = new TH1F( title, " ", 50,-5, 5 ); //#bins - begin - end histo_eta_jet1_50->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"eta_jet1_30_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_eta_jet1_30 = new TH1F( title, " ", 50,-5, 5 ); //#bins - begin - end histo_eta_jet1_30->Sumw2(); // ---- Z/gamma controlregion sprintf(title,"mll_zgamma_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_mll_zgamma = new TH1F( title, " ", 50, 0, 200 ); histo_mll_zgamma->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"met_zgamma_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_met_zgamma= new TH1F( title, " ", 50, 0, 200 ); histo_met_zgamma->Sumw2(); //======= //>>>>>>> //__________________________________________________ END HISTO DEF _________________________________________________________ if (fChain == 0) return; Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast(); Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0; for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) { Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry); if (ientry < 0) break; nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; if (lumi != lum && nsel != 666 && mode !=3){ if (jentry == 0)std::cout << "[Warning:] This tree was made with a different luminosity (" << lum << ") than " << lumi << std::endl; //xlWeight*=(lumi/lum); } // if(puweight > 5){ continue ;} if(ptLepton->size() != 2){ std::cout << "[Warning:] Something is wrong, your Tree is not correctly filled" << std::endl; break; } else { histo->Fill(0.,xlWeight); histo_nvertex_2lep->Fill(nvertex,xlWeight); TLorentzVector lepton0(pxLepton->at(0),pyLepton->at(0), pzLepton->at(0), eLepton->at(0)); TLorentzVector lepton1(pxLepton->at(1),pyLepton->at(1), pzLepton->at(1), eLepton->at(1)); TLorentzVector pair = lepton0+lepton1; double phipairmet_t = 0; double pi_m = 3.1416/2; phipairmet_t = pi_m; TVector3 vmet(metPx, metPy, 0); double promet = metPt*sin(phipairmet_t); TVector3 m0(pxLepton->at(0),pyLepton->at(0), pzLepton->at(0)); TVector3 m1(pxLepton->at(1),pyLepton->at(1), pzLepton->at(1)); if (fabs(m0.DeltaPhi(vmet)) < phipairmet_t) phipairmet_t = fabs(m0.DeltaPhi(vmet)); if (fabs(m1.DeltaPhi(vmet)) < phipairmet_t) phipairmet_t = fabs(m1.DeltaPhi(vmet)); if (phipairmet_t == pi_m) promet = metPt; if (pair.M() > 20){ histo->Fill(1, xlWeight); double SFval, SFerror; if ( nsel == 666 || nosf){ SFval = 1; SFerror = 0; } else if (nsel == 0){ SFval = 0.95; SFerror = 0.03; } else { SFval = 0.97; SFerror = 0.03; } int nJetsBT = 0; int nTightJetsBT = 0; int nJets = 0; bool bTagged = false; int iJetn[5]={-1, -1,-1,-1,-1}; int iJet = -5; int iSF; double tempSF = SFval; int SFvalue = int(tempSF*100); for (unsigned int i =0; i < ptJet->size(); i ++){ TLorentzVector tempJet(pxJet->at(i),pyJet->at(i), pzJet->at(i), eJet->at(i)); if (ptJet->at(i) > 30 && TMath::Min(fabs(lepton0.DeltaR(tempJet)), fabs(lepton1.DeltaR(tempJet))) > 0.3) { iJetn[nJets] = i; iJet = i; nJets++; if (btCSVBJet->at(i) > 0.679){ iSF = rand() % 100; if (iSF < SFvalue ){ bTagged = true; nJetsBT++; nTightJetsBT++; } } } else if (btCSVBJet->at(i) > 0.679){ iSF = rand() % 100; if (iSF < SFvalue ) nJetsBT++; } } if(nJets){ TLorentzVector jet(pxJet->at(iJetn[0]),pyJet->at(iJetn[0]), pzJet->at(iJetn[0]), eJet->at(iJetn[0])); // TLorentzVector jet1(pxJet->at(iJetn[1]),pyJet->at(iJetn[1]), pzJet->at(iJetn[1]), eJet->at(iJetn[1])); //2e jet erbij nemen histo_eta_jet->Fill(jet.Eta(),xlWeight); //histo_eta_jet1->Fill(jet1.Eta(),xlWeight); // 2e jet in dezelfde plot steken , misschien beter om aparte plot te maken? if( ptJet->at(iJet) > 110 ){ histo_eta_jet_110->Fill(jet.Eta(),xlWeight); // histo_eta_jet1_110->Fill(jet1.Eta(),xlWeight); } if (ptJet->at(iJet) > 90){ histo_eta_jet_90->Fill(jet.Eta(),xlWeight); // histo_eta_jet1_90->Fill(jet1.Eta(),xlWeight); } if (ptJet->at(iJet) > 70){ histo_eta_jet_70->Fill(jet.Eta(),xlWeight); // histo_eta_jet1_70->Fill(jet1.Eta(),xlWeight); } if(ptJet->at(iJet) > 50){ histo_eta_jet_50->Fill(jet.Eta(),xlWeight); // histo_eta_jet1_50->Fill(jet1.Eta(),xlWeight); } if (ptJet->at(iJet) > 30){ histo_eta_jet_30->Fill(jet.Eta(),xlWeight); // histo_eta_jet1_30->Fill(jet1.Eta(),xlWeight); } } histo_pt_max->Fill(TMath::Max(lepton0.Pt(), lepton1.Pt()), xlWeight); histo_pt_min->Fill(TMath::Min(lepton0.Pt(), lepton1.Pt()), xlWeight); histo_njets->Fill(nJets, xlWeight); histo_njetsbt->Fill(nJetsBT, xlWeight); histo_mll->Fill(pair.M(), xlWeight); histo_met->Fill(metPt, xlWeight); histo_promet->Fill(promet, xlWeight); if (nvertex > 5){ histo_met_high->Fill(metPt, xlWeight); histo_njets_high->Fill(nJets, xlWeight); histo_njetsbt_high->Fill(nJetsBT, xlWeight); } else { histo_met_low->Fill(metPt, xlWeight); histo_njets_low->Fill(nJets, xlWeight); histo_njetsbt_low->Fill(nJetsBT, xlWeight); } if (nJets) histo_pt_leading->Fill(ptJet->at(0), xlWeight); if (nJets){ TLorentzVector jet_aux(pxJet->at(0),pyJet->at(0), pzJet->at(0), eJet->at(0)); histo_eta_leading->Fill(jet_aux.Eta(), xlWeight); } if (nJets == 1){ histo_etalepton->Fill(lepton0.Eta(), xlWeight); TLorentzVector jet(pxJet->at(iJet),pyJet->at(iJet), pzJet->at(iJet), eJet->at(iJet)); double ptSysPx1 = lepton0.Px() + lepton1.Px() + jet.Px() + metPx; double ptSysPy1 = lepton0.Py() + lepton1.Py() + jet.Py() + metPy; double ptSystem1 = sqrt(ptSysPx1*ptSysPx1 + ptSysPy1*ptSysPy1); double ht1 = lepton0.Pt() + lepton1.Pt() + jet.Pt() + metPt; histo_ptsys_bf->Fill(ptSystem1, xlWeight); histo_ht_bf->Fill(ht1, xlWeight); } bool invMass = false; if (mode == 0) invMass = true; else if (mode == 1 && (pair.M() > invMax || pair.M() < invMin)) invMass = true; else if (mode == 2 && (pair.M() > invMax || pair.M() < invMin)) invMass = true; //____________________________ //Z/gamma control region //if (pair.M() > 81 || pair.M() < 101) if(!invMass || (mode == 0 && (pair.M() > 81 || pair.M() < 101) )) { histo_mll_zgamma->Fill(pair.M(), xlWeight); histo_met_zgamma->Fill(metPt, xlWeight); } //______________________________________ if (invMass){ histo->Fill(2, xlWeight); histo_mll_after->Fill(pair.M(), xlWeight); histo_met_cut->Fill(metPt, xlWeight); if (metPt >= metCut || mode ==0){ histo->Fill(3, xlWeight); histo_njets_cut->Fill(nJets, xlWeight); if (nJets == 1){ histo->Fill(4, xlWeight); histo_njetsbt_cut->Fill(nJetsBT, xlWeight); TLorentzVector jet(pxJet->at(iJet),pyJet->at(iJet), pzJet->at(iJet), eJet->at(iJet)); double ptSysPx = lepton0.Px() + lepton1.Px() + jet.Px() + metPx; double ptSysPy = lepton0.Py() + lepton1.Py() + jet.Py() + metPy; double ptSystem = sqrt(ptSysPx*ptSysPx + ptSysPy*ptSysPy); double ht = lepton0.Pt() + lepton1.Pt() + jet.Pt() + metPt; histo_mll_1j->Fill(pair.M(), xlWeight); histo_met_1j->Fill(metPt, xlWeight); histo_ptsys_1j->Fill(ptSystem, xlWeight); histo_ht_1j->Fill(ht, xlWeight); histo_pt_leading_1j->Fill(jet.Pt(), xlWeight); if (nJets == 1 && nTightJetsBT == 1 && bTagged && nJetsBT == 1){ histo->Fill(5, xlWeight); histo_mll_1j1t->Fill(pair.M(), xlWeight); histo_met_1j1t->Fill(metPt, xlWeight); histo_ptsys_1j1t->Fill(ptSystem, xlWeight); histo_ht_1j1t->Fill(ht, xlWeight); histo_pt_leading_1j1t->Fill(jet.Pt(), xlWeight); histo_ptsys->Fill(ptSystem, xlWeight); histo_ht->Fill(ht, xlWeight); histo_met_bt->Fill(metPt, xlWeight); histo_nvertex->Fill(nvertex, xlWeight); histo_npu->Fill(npu, xlWeight); if (nvertex > 5) { histo_ptsys_high->Fill(ptSystem, xlWeight); histo_ht_high->Fill(ht, xlWeight); } else { histo_ptsys_low->Fill(ptSystem, xlWeight); histo_ht_low->Fill(ht, xlWeight); } if (ht > htMin || mode !=0){ histo->Fill(6, xlWeight); histo_ht_cut->Fill(ht, xlWeight); //Example to access the pu reweighting! histo_nvertex_final->Fill(nvertex, rawWeight); histo_nvertex_final_3D->Fill(nvertex, rawWeight*puweight3D); histo_nvertex_final_purw->Fill(nvertex, rawWeight*puweight); } } } } //Filling of all region from here if (metPt >= metCut || mode ==0){ if (nJets != 0){ TLorentzVector jet(pxJet->at(iJet),pyJet->at(iJet), pzJet->at(iJet), eJet->at(iJet)); double ptSysPx = lepton0.Px() + lepton1.Px() + jet.Px() + metPx; double ptSysPy = lepton0.Py() + lepton1.Py() + jet.Py() + metPy; double ptSystem = sqrt(ptSysPx*ptSysPx + ptSysPy*ptSysPy); double ht = lepton0.Pt() + lepton1.Pt() + jet.Pt() + metPt; if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 1 && nJetsBT == 1) { histo_mll_2j1t->Fill(pair.M(), xlWeight); histo_met_2j1t->Fill(metPt, xlWeight); histo_ptsys_2j1t->Fill(ptSystem, xlWeight); histo_ht_2j1t->Fill(ht, xlWeight); histo_pt_leading_2j1t->Fill(jet.Pt(), xlWeight); } else if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 2 && nJetsBT == 2) { histo_mll_2j2t->Fill(pair.M(), xlWeight); histo_met_2j2t->Fill(metPt, xlWeight); histo_ptsys_2j2t->Fill(ptSystem, xlWeight); histo_ht_2j2t->Fill(ht, xlWeight); histo_pt_leading_2j2t->Fill(jet.Pt(), xlWeight); } //All possible regions if (nJets == 1 && nTightJetsBT == 1 && bTagged && nJetsBT == 1 && ptSystem <= ptsysCut && (ht > htMin || mode !=0))histo_R->Fill(1, xlWeight); //signal if (nJets == 1 && nTightJetsBT == 2) histo_R->Fill(2, xlWeight); if (nJets == 1 && nTightJetsBT > 0) histo_R->Fill(3, xlWeight); if (nJets == 1 && nTightJetsBT > 1) histo_R->Fill(4, xlWeight); if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 0) histo_R->Fill(5, xlWeight); if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 1) histo_R->Fill(6, xlWeight); //CR1 no ht no ptsys if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 2) histo_R->Fill(7, xlWeight); //CR2 no ht no ptsys if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT > 0) histo_R->Fill(8, xlWeight); if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT > 1) histo_R->Fill(9, xlWeight); if (nJets > 1 && nTightJetsBT == 0) histo_R->Fill(10, xlWeight); if (nJets > 1 && nTightJetsBT == 1) histo_R->Fill(11, xlWeight); if (nJets > 1 && nTightJetsBT == 2) histo_R->Fill(12, xlWeight); if (nJets > 1 && nTightJetsBT !=0 ) histo_R->Fill(13, xlWeight); if (nJets > 1 && nTightJetsBT > 1 ) histo_R->Fill(14, xlWeight); if (nJets == 3 && nTightJetsBT ==3 ) histo_R->Fill(15, xlWeight); if (nJets == 1 && nTightJetsBT ==1 && bTagged && nJetsBT == 1) histo_R->Fill(16, xlWeight); if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 1 && ptSystem <= ptsysCut && (ht > htMin || mode !=0)) histo_R->Fill(17, xlWeight); //CR 1 regular if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 2 && ptSystem <= ptsysCut && (ht > htMin || mode !=0)) histo_R->Fill(18, xlWeight); //CR 2 regular if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 1 && nJetsBT == 1 && ptSystem <= ptsysCut && (ht > htMin || mode !=0)) histo_R->Fill(19, xlWeight); if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 2 && nJetsBT == 2 && ptSystem <= ptsysCut && (ht > htMin || mode !=0)) histo_R->Fill(20, xlWeight); if (nJets == 2 && nJetsBT == 1 && ptSystem <= ptsysCut && (ht > htMin || mode !=0)) histo_R->Fill(21, xlWeight); //CR 1 another way if (nJets == 2 && nJetsBT == 2 && ptSystem <= ptsysCut && (ht > htMin || mode !=0)) histo_R->Fill(22, xlWeight); //CR 2 another way if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 1 && nJetsBT == 1) histo_R->Fill(23, xlWeight); //CR1 no ht no ptsys tighter if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 2 && nJetsBT == 2) histo_R->Fill(24, xlWeight); //CR2 no ht no ptsys tighter if (nJets == 2 && nJetsBT == 1) histo_R->Fill(25, xlWeight); //CR1 no ht no ptsys another flavor if (nJets == 2 && nJetsBT == 2) histo_R->Fill(26, xlWeight); //CR2 no ht no ptsys another flavor if (nJets == 1 && nTightJetsBT == 1 && bTagged && nJetsBT == 1 && (ht > htMin || mode !=0))histo_R->Fill(27, xlWeight); //signal no ptsys if (nJets == 1 && nTightJetsBT == 1 && bTagged && nJetsBT == 1 && ptSystem <= ptsysCut)histo_R->Fill(28, xlWeight); //signal no ht if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 1 && (ht > htMin || mode !=0)) histo_R->Fill(29, xlWeight); //CR 1 if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 2 && (ht > htMin || mode !=0)) histo_R->Fill(30, xlWeight); //CR 2 } //jets in the event } //all CR } // mll } //mll pre } // 2 leptons }// event loop. if (!silent){ cout << "------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "[Results:] " << plotName << endl; cout << "------------------------------------------" << endl; for (int i = 2; i < 9; i++){ if (i == 2) cout << " leptons: " << histo->GetBinContent(i) << " +/- " << histo->GetBinError(i) << endl; if (i == 3) cout << " inv. mass: " << histo->GetBinContent(i) << " +/- " << histo->GetBinError(i) << endl; if (i == 4) cout << " met: " << histo->GetBinContent(i) << " +/- " << histo->GetBinError(i) << endl; if (i == 5) cout << " jet: " << histo->GetBinContent(i) << " +/- " << histo->GetBinError(i) << endl; if (i == 6) cout << " jet_bt: " << histo->GetBinContent(i) << " +/- " << histo->GetBinError(i) << endl; if (i == 7) cout << " ht: " << histo->GetBinContent(i) << " +/- " << histo->GetBinError(i) << endl; } cout << "------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "[eta values:]" << plotName << endl; cout << "------------------------------------------" << endl; for (int j =1 ; j<7; j++){ if(j == 1) { double amount = 0; //double amounterror = 0; for(int k = 0; k< 50; k++) { amount = amount + histo_eta_jet_30->GetBinContent(k); // amounterror = sqrt(amounterror^2 + (histo_eta_jet_30->GetBinError(k))^2); //cout << "pt higher then 30: " << histo_eta_jet_30->GetBinContent(k) << " +/- " << histo_eta_jet_30->GetBinError(k) << endl; } cout << "pt higher then 30: " << amount << endl; } if(j == 2) { double amount = 0; //double amounterror = 0; for(int k = 0; k< 50; k++) { amount = amount + histo_eta_jet_50->GetBinContent(k); // amounterror = sqrt(amounterror^2 + (histo_eta_jet_30->GetBinError(k))^2); //cout << "pt higher then 50: " << histo_eta_jet_30->GetBinContent(k) << " +/- " << histo_eta_jet_30->GetBinError(k) << endl; } cout << "pt higher then 50: " << amount << endl; } if(j == 3) { double amount = 0; //double amounterror = 0; for(int k = 0; k< 50; k++) { amount = amount + histo_eta_jet_70->GetBinContent(k); // amounterror = sqrt(amounterror^2 + (histo_eta_jet_30->GetBinError(k))^2); //cout << "pt higher then 30: " << histo_eta_jet_30->GetBinContent(k) << " +/- " << histo_eta_jet_30->GetBinError(k) << endl; } cout << "pt higher then 70: " << amount << endl; } if(j == 4) { double amount = 0; //double amounterror = 0; for(int k = 0; k< 50; k++) { amount = amount + histo_eta_jet_70->GetBinContent(k); // amounterror = sqrt(amounterror^2 + (histo_eta_jet_30->GetBinError(k))^2); //cout << "pt higher then 30: " << histo_eta_jet_30->GetBinContent(k) << " +/- " << histo_eta_jet_30->GetBinError(k) << endl; } cout << "pt higher then 70: " << amount << endl; } if(j == 5) { double amount = 0; //double amounterror = 0; for(int k = 0; k< 50; k++) { amount = amount + histo_eta_jet_90->GetBinContent(k); // amounterror = sqrt(amounterror^2 + (histo_eta_jet_30->GetBinError(k))^2); //cout << "pt higher then 30: " << histo_eta_jet_30->GetBinContent(k) << " +/- " << histo_eta_jet_30->GetBinError(k) << endl; } cout << "pt higher then 90: " << amount << endl; } if(j == 6) { double amount = 0; //double amounterror = 0; for(int k = 0; k< 50; k++) { amount = amount + histo_eta_jet_110->GetBinContent(k); // amounterror = sqrt(amounterror^2 + (histo_eta_jet_30->GetBinError(k))^2); //cout << "pt higher then 30: " << histo_eta_jet_30->GetBinContent(k) << " +/- " << histo_eta_jet_30->GetBinError(k) << endl; } cout << "pt higher then 110: " << amount << endl; } } } f_var.Write(); f_var.Close(); }
//_________________________________________________________ void UserAnalysis() { // Debug a particular event. Int_t eventToDebug = -1; if (jsf->GetEventNumber() == eventToDebug) { gDEBUG = kTRUE; cerr << "------------------------------------------" << endl; cerr << "Event " << jsf->GetEventNumber(); cerr << endl; } else { gDEBUG = kFALSE; } Char_t msg[60]; // Analysis starts here. Float_t selid = -0.5; hStat->Fill(++selid); if ( Ngoods == 0 ) strcpy(&cutName[(Int_t)selid][0],"No cut"); // Get event buffer and make combined tracks accessible. JSFSIMDST *sds = (JSFSIMDST*)jsf->FindModule("JSFSIMDST"); JSFSIMDSTBuf *evt = (JSFSIMDSTBuf*)sds->EventBuf(); Int_t ntrks = evt->GetNLTKCLTracks(); // No. of tracks TObjArray *trks = evt->GetLTKCLTracks(); // combined tracks ANL4DVector qsum; TObjArray tracks(500); tracks.SetOwner(); // Select good tracks fNtracks = 0; for ( Int_t i = 0; i < ntrks; i++ ) { JSFLTKCLTrack *t = (JSFLTKCLTrack*)trks->UncheckedAt(i); if ( t->GetE() > xEtrack ) { ANL4DVector *qt = new ANL4DVector(t->GetPV()); tracks.Add(qt); // track 4-momentum qsum += *qt; // total 4-momentum fNtracks++; } // *qt stays. } // Cut on No. of tracks. hNtracks->Fill(fNtracks); if ( fNtracks < xNtracks ) return; hStat->Fill(++selid); if ( Ngoods == 0 ) { sprintf(msg,"N_tracks > %g",xNtracks); strcpy(&cutName[(Int_t)selid][0],msg); } fEvis = qsum.E(); // E_vis fPt = qsum.GetPt(); // P_t fPl = qsum.Pz(); // P_l // Cut on Evis. hEvis->Fill(fEvis); if ( fEvis < xEvis ) return; hStat->Fill(++selid); if ( Ngoods == 0 ) { sprintf(msg,"E_vis > %g",xEvis); strcpy(&cutName[(Int_t)selid][0],msg); } // Cut on Pt. hPt->Fill(fPt); if ( fPt < xPt ) return; hStat->Fill(++selid); if ( Ngoods == 0 ) { sprintf(msg,"Pt > %g",xPt); strcpy(&cutName[(Int_t)selid][0],msg); } // Cut on Pl. if ( TMath::Abs(fPl) > xPl ) return; hStat->Fill(++selid); if ( Ngoods == 0 ) { sprintf(msg,"|Pl| <= %g",xPl); strcpy(&cutName[(Int_t)selid][0],msg); } // Find jets. fYcut = xYcut; ANLJadeEJetFinder jclust(fYcut); jclust.Initialize(tracks); jclust.FindJets(); fYcut = jclust.GetYcut(); fNjets = jclust.GetNjets(); // Cut on No. of jets. hNjets->Fill(fNjets); if ( fNjets < xNjets ) return; hStat->Fill(++selid); if ( Ngoods == 0 ) { sprintf(msg,"Njets >= %i for Ycut = %g",xNjets,xYcut); strcpy(&cutName[(Int_t)selid][0],msg); } // Now force the event to be xNjets. jclust.ForceNJets(xNjets); fNjets = jclust.GetNjets(); fYcut = jclust.GetYcut(); // Make sure that No. of jets is xNjets. if ( fNjets != xNjets ) return; hStat->Fill(++selid); if ( Ngoods == 0 ) { sprintf(msg,"Njets = %i",xNjets); strcpy(&cutName[(Int_t)selid][0],msg); } // Loop over jets and decide Ejet_min and |cos(theta_j)|_max. TObjArray &jets = jclust.GetJets(); // jets is an array of ANLJet's TIter nextjet(&jets); // and nextjet is an iterator for it ANLJet *jetp; Double_t ejetmin = 999999.; Double_t cosjmax = 0.; while ((jetp = (ANLJet *)nextjet())) { ANLJet &jet = *jetp; if (gDEBUG && kFALSE) jet.DebugPrint(); Double_t ejet = jet().E(); if (ejet < ejetmin) ejetmin = ejet; hEjet->Fill(ejet); // Ejet Double_t cosj = jet.CosTheta(); if (TMath::Abs(cosj) > TMath::Abs(cosjmax)) cosjmax = cosj; hCosjet->Fill(cosj); // cos(theta_jet) } // Cut on Ejet_min. if ( ejetmin < xEjet ) return; hStat->Fill(++selid); if ( Ngoods == 0 ) { sprintf(msg,"Ejet > %g",xEjet); strcpy(&cutName[(Int_t)selid][0],msg); } // Cut on |cos(theta_j)|_max. if ( TMath::Abs(cosjmax) > xCosjet ) return; hStat->Fill(++selid); if ( Ngoods == 0 ) { sprintf(msg,"|cos(theta_j)| <= %g",xCosjet); strcpy(&cutName[(Int_t)selid][0],msg); } // Find W candidates in given mass windows. // Avoid using indices since there might be empty slots. TObjArray solutions(10); solutions.SetOwner(); ANLPairCombiner w1candidates(jets,jets); ANLPairCombiner *w2candidp = 0; if (gDEBUG) { cerr << "------------------------------------------" << endl; cerr << "- w1candidates:" << endl; w1candidates.DebugPrint(); } ANLPair *w1p, *w2p; while ((w1p = (ANLPair *)w1candidates())) { w2candidp = 0; ANLPair &w1 = *w1p; Double_t w1mass = w1().GetMass(); if (TMath::Abs(w1mass - kMassW) > xM2j) continue; // w1 candidate found w1.LockChildren(); // now lock w1 daughters w2candidp = new ANLPairCombiner(w1candidates); // w2 after w1 ANLPairCombiner &w2candidates = *w2candidp; while ((w2p = (ANLPair *)w2candidates())) { ANLPair &w2 = *w2p; if (w2.IsLocked()) continue; // skip if locked Double_t w2mass = w2().GetMass(); if (TMath::Abs(w2mass - kMassW) > xM2j) continue; // w2 candidate found Double_t chi2 = TMath::Power((w1mass - kMassW)/kSigmaMw,2.) + TMath::Power((w2mass - kMassW)/kSigmaMw,2.); solutions.Add(new ANLPair(w1p,w2p,chi2)); // hMw1Mw2->Fill(w1mass,w2mass,1.0); } if (w2candidp) delete w2candidp; w1.UnlockChildren(); } // Cut on No. of solutions. if ( !solutions.GetEntries() ) return; hStat->Fill(++selid); if ( Ngoods == 0 ) { sprintf(msg,"|m_jj - m_W| <= %g",xM2j); strcpy(&cutName[(Int_t)selid][0],msg); } if (gDEBUG) { cerr << "------------------------------------------" << endl; cerr << "- w1candidates after 1:" << endl; w1candidates.DebugPrint(); } // Cut on cos(theta_W). TIter nextsol(&solutions); ANLPair *sol; while ((sol = (ANLPair *)nextsol())) { ANL4DVector &ww1 = *(ANL4DVector *)(*sol)[0]; ANL4DVector &ww2 = *(ANL4DVector *)(*sol)[1]; Double_t ew1 = ww1.E(); Double_t ew2 = ww2.E(); hEw1Ew2->Fill(ew1,ew2,1.0); Double_t cosw1 = ww1.CosTheta(); Double_t cosw2 = ww2.CosTheta(); hCosw1Cosw2->Fill(cosw1,cosw2,1.0); if (TMath::Abs(cosw1) > xCosw || TMath::Abs(cosw2) > xCosw) { solutions.Remove(sol); delete sol; } } if ( !solutions.GetEntries() ) return; hStat->Fill(++selid); if ( Ngoods == 0 ) { sprintf(msg,"|cos(theta_w)| <= %g",xCosw); strcpy(&cutName[(Int_t)selid][0],msg); } if (gDEBUG) { cerr << "------------------------------------------" << endl; cerr << "- w1candidates after 2:" << endl; w1candidates.DebugPrint(); } // Cut on Acop. nextsol.Reset(); while ((sol = (ANLPair *)nextsol())) { ANL4DVector &www1 = *(ANL4DVector *)(*sol)[0]; ANL4DVector &www2 = *(ANL4DVector *)(*sol)[1]; Double_t acop = www1.Acop(www2); hAcop->Fill(acop); if (acop < xAcop) { solutions.Remove(sol); delete sol; } } if ( !solutions.GetEntries() ) return; hStat->Fill(++selid); if ( Ngoods == 0 ) { sprintf(msg,"Acop > %g",xAcop); strcpy(&cutName[(Int_t)selid][0],msg); } if (gDEBUG) { cerr << "------------------------------------------" << endl; cerr << "- w1candidates after 3:" << endl; w1candidates.DebugPrint(); } // ------------------------ // End of event selection // ------------------------ if ( Ngoods == 0 ) { selid++; sprintf(msg,"END"); strcpy(&cutName[(Int_t)selid][0],msg); } Ngoods++; cerr << "------------------------------------------" << endl << "Event " << jsf->GetEventNumber() << ": Number of solutions = " << solutions.GetEntries() << endl << "------------------------------------------" << endl; // Sort the solutions in the ascending order of chi2 vlues. solutions.Sort(); // Hists and plots for selected events. if (gDEBUG && kFALSE) { Int_t nj = 0; nextjet.Reset(); while ((jetp = (ANLJet *)nextjet())) { cerr << "------" << endl << "Jet " << ++nj << endl << "------" << endl; jetp->DebugPrint(); } } hNsols->Fill(solutions.GetEntries()); hEvisPl->Fill(fEvis,fPl,1.); nextsol.Reset(); Int_t nsols = 0; while ((sol = (ANLPair *)nextsol())) { if ( nsols++ ) break; // choose the best ANL4DVector &wwww1 = *(ANL4DVector *)(*sol)[0]; ANL4DVector &wwww2 = *(ANL4DVector *)(*sol)[1]; Double_t chi2 = sol->GetQuality(); Double_t w1mass = wwww1.GetMass(); Double_t w2mass = wwww2.GetMass(); hChi2->Fill(chi2); hMw1Mw2->Fill(w1mass,w2mass,1.0); } return; }
/// ///________________________________________________________________________________ /// Bool_t UEJetAreaFinder::find( TClonesArray& Input, vector<UEJetWithArea>& _jets ) { /// return if no four-vectors are provided if ( Input.GetSize() == 0 ) return kFALSE; /// prepare input std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> fjInputs; fjInputs.reserve ( Input.GetSize() ); int iJet( 0 ); for( int i(0); i < Input.GetSize(); ++i ) { TLorentzVector *v = (TLorentzVector*)Input.At(i); if ( TMath::Abs(v->Eta()) > etaRegionInput ) continue; if ( v->Pt() < ptThreshold ) continue; fjInputs.push_back (fastjet::PseudoJet (v->Px(), v->Py(), v->Pz(), v->E()) ); fjInputs.back().set_user_index(iJet); ++iJet; } /// return if no four-vectors in visible phase space if ( fjInputs.size() == 0 ) return kFALSE; /// print out info on current jet algorithm // cout << endl; // cout << mJetDefinition->description() << endl; // cout << theAreaDefinition->description() << endl; /// return if active area is not chosen to be calculated if ( ! theAreaDefinition ) return kFALSE; // cout << "fastjet::ClusterSequenceActiveArea* clusterSequence" << endl; fastjet::ClusterSequenceArea* clusterSequence = new fastjet::ClusterSequenceArea (fjInputs, *mJetDefinition, *theAreaDefinition ); // cout << "retrieve jets for selected mode" << endl; /// retrieve jets for selected mode double mJetPtMin( 1. ); std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> jets( clusterSequence->inclusive_jets (mJetPtMin) ); unsigned int nJets( jets.size() ); if ( nJets == 0 ) { delete clusterSequence; return kFALSE; } //Double_t ptByArea[ nJets ]; // int columnwidth( 10 ); //cout << "found " << jets.size() << " jets" << endl; // cout.width( 5 ); // cout << "jet"; // cout.width( columnwidth ); // cout << "eta"; // cout.width( columnwidth ); // cout << "phi"; // cout.width( columnwidth ); // cout << "pT"; // cout.width( columnwidth ); // cout << "jetArea"; // cout.width( 15 ); // cout << "pT / jetArea"; // cout << endl; _jets.reserve( nJets ); vector< fastjet::PseudoJet > sorted_jets ( sorted_by_pt( jets )); for ( int i(0); i<nJets; ++i ) { //ptByArea[i] = jets[i].perp()/clusterSequence->area(jets[i]); // cout.width( 5 ); // cout << i; // cout.width( columnwidth ); // cout << jets[i].eta(); // cout.width( columnwidth ); // cout << jets[i].phi(); // cout.width( columnwidth ); // cout << jets[i].perp(); // cout.width( columnwidth ); // cout << clusterSequence->area(jets[i]); // cout.width( 15 ); // cout << ptByArea[i]; // cout << endl; /// save /// /// TLorentzVector /// area /// nconstituents fastjet::PseudoJet jet( sorted_jets[i] ); vector< fastjet::PseudoJet > constituents( clusterSequence->constituents(jet) ); TLorentzVector* mom = new TLorentzVector( jet.px(), jet.py(), jet.pz(), jet.e() ); double area = clusterSequence->area(jet); // double median = TMath::Median( nJets, ptByArea ); unsigned int nconst = constituents.size(); UEJetWithArea* theJet = new UEJetWithArea( *mom, area, nconst); //_jets[i] = *theJet; _jets.push_back( *theJet ); delete mom; delete theJet; } delete clusterSequence; return kTRUE; }
StatusCode DelphesSaveGenJets::saveOutput(Delphes& delphes, const fcc::MCParticleCollection& mcParticles) { // Create the collections auto colGenJets = m_genJets.createAndPut(); auto colTaggedJets = m_taggedGenJets.createAndPut(); const TObjArray* delphesColl = delphes.ImportArray(m_delphesArrayName.c_str()); if (delphesColl == nullptr) { warning() << "Delphes collection " << m_delphesArrayName << " not present. Skipping it." << endmsg; return StatusCode::SUCCESS; } for(int j = 0; j < delphesColl->GetEntries(); ++j) { auto cand = static_cast<Candidate *>(delphesColl->At(j)); // Jet info auto jet = colGenJets->create(); auto bareJet = fcc::BareJet(); bareJet.area = -1; bareJet.p4.px = cand->Momentum.Px(); bareJet.p4.py = cand->Momentum.Py(); bareJet.p4.pz = cand->Momentum.Pz(); bareJet.p4.mass = cand->Mass; jet.core(bareJet); // Flavor-tag info auto flavorGenJet = colTaggedJets->create(); flavorGenJet.tag(cand->Flavor); flavorGenJet.jet(jet); // Debug: print FCC-EDM jets info if (msgLevel() <= MSG::DEBUG) { double energy = sqrt(jet.p4().px*jet.p4().px + jet.p4().py*jet.p4().py + jet.p4().pz*jet.p4().pz + jet.p4().mass*jet.p4().mass); debug() << "Gen Jet: " << " Id: " << std::setw(3) << j+1 << " Flavor: " << std::setw(3) << flavorGenJet.tag() << std::scientific << " Px: " << std::setprecision(2) << std::setw(9) << jet.p4().px << " Py: " << std::setprecision(2) << std::setw(9) << jet.p4().py << " Pz: " << std::setprecision(2) << std::setw(9) << jet.p4().pz << " E: " << std::setprecision(2) << std::setw(9) << energy << " M: " << std::setprecision(2) << std::setw(9) << jet.p4().mass << std::fixed << std::endl; } // Reference to MC - Delphes holds references to all objects related to the Jet object, // several relations might exist -> find "recursively" in a tree history the MC particle. // Add index to the reference index field to avoid double counting std::set<int> idRefMCPart; // Avoid double counting when referencingh MC particles // Recursive procedure stops after the relation found is the one to MC particle and not to // a particle object. If particle not related to MC particle (<0 value) findJetPartMC(cand, mcParticles.size(), idRefMCPart); // Debug: print variable double totSimE = 0; for (auto id : idRefMCPart) { auto& mcParticle = mcParticles.at(id); jet.addparticles(mcParticles.at(id)); // Debug: print FCC-EDM jet relation info if (msgLevel() <= MSG::DEBUG) { double recE = sqrt(jet.p4().px*jet.p4().px + jet.p4().py*jet.p4().py + jet.p4().pz*jet.p4().pz + jet.p4().mass*jet.p4().mass); double simE = sqrt(mcParticle.p4().px*mcParticle.p4().px + mcParticle.p4().py*mcParticle.p4().py + mcParticle.p4().pz*mcParticle.p4().pz + mcParticle.p4().mass*mcParticle.p4().mass); totSimE += simE; debug() << " RefId: " << std::setw(3) << id+1 << " Rel E: " << std::setprecision(2) << std::scientific << std::setw(9) << simE << " " << std::setw(9) << totSimE << " <-> " << std::setw(9) << recE << std::fixed << std::endl; } // Debug } // Debug: print end-line if (msgLevel() <= MSG::DEBUG) debug() << endmsg; } // For - jets return StatusCode::SUCCESS; }
IGL_INLINE void igl::jet(const T x, T * rgb) { return jet(x,rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2]); }
void meoutput(int nsel = 1, int mode = 0, bool silent = false){ // samples used double x_sec = 0.; char plotName[300]; sprintf(plotName,"test"); if (nsel == 0) {sprintf(plotName,"tt");} else if (nsel == 1) {sprintf(plotName,"tw");} if (mode != 0 && mode !=1 && mode !=2) mode = 0; if (!silent){ if (mode == 0) cout << " Electron-Muon Mixed channel " << endl; else if (mode == 1) cout << " Di-Muon channel " << endl; else if (mode == 2) cout << " Di-Electron channel " << endl; } char myRootFile[300]; sprintf(myRootFile,"outputs/out_%d_%s.root", mode, plotName); TFile *input = TFile::Open(myRootFile); char myTexFile[300]; sprintf(myTexFile,"out/%s_%d.lhco", plotName, mode); ofstream salida(myTexFile); // tree variables ///// double xlWeight; double metPt; double metPx; double metPy; std::vector<double> *ptLepton; std::vector<double> *pxLepton; std::vector<double> *pyLepton; std::vector<double> *pzLepton; std::vector<double> *eLepton; std::vector<double> *qLepton; std::vector<double> *ptJet; std::vector<double> *pxJet; std::vector<double> *pyJet; std::vector<double> *pzJet; std::vector<double> *eJet; std::vector<double> *qJet; std::vector<double> *btJet; TTree*Tree = (TTree*) gROOT->FindObject("myTree"); Tree->SetBranchAddress("xlWeight", &xlWeight); Tree->SetBranchAddress("metPt", &metPt); Tree->SetBranchAddress("metPx", &metPx); Tree->SetBranchAddress("metPy", &metPy); Tree->SetBranchAddress("ptLepton",&ptLepton); Tree->SetBranchAddress("pxLepton",&pxLepton); Tree->SetBranchAddress("pyLepton",&pyLepton); Tree->SetBranchAddress("pzLepton",&pzLepton); Tree->SetBranchAddress("eLepton",&eLepton); Tree->SetBranchAddress("qLepton",&qLepton); Tree->SetBranchAddress("ptJet",&ptJet); Tree->SetBranchAddress("pxJet",&pxJet); Tree->SetBranchAddress("pyJet",&pyJet); Tree->SetBranchAddress("pzJet",&pzJet); Tree->SetBranchAddress("eJet",&eJet); Tree->SetBranchAddress("qJet",&qJet); Tree->SetBranchAddress("btJet",&btJet); int nEvents = Tree->GetEntries(); if(!silent){ cout << endl; cout << "------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "Sample: " << plotName << endl; cout << "------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "Number of Total events in the tuple: " << nEvents << endl; cout << "------------------------------------------" << endl; } ////////// int n1Jet = 0; int nTotal = 0; int nUsed = 0; for(int event = 0; event<nEvents; event++){ Tree->GetEntry(event); if (luminosity != 1000) xlWeight*=(luminosity/1000); if(ptLepton->size() != 2) cout << "Something is wrong, your Tree is not correctly filled" << endl; else { TLorentzVector lepton0(pxLepton->at(0),pyLepton->at(0), pzLepton->at(0), eLepton->at(0)); TLorentzVector lepton1(pxLepton->at(1),pyLepton->at(1), pzLepton->at(1), eLepton->at(1)); TLorentzVector pair = lepton0+lepton1; bool invMass = false; if (mode == 0) invMass = true; else if (mode == 1 && (pair.M() > invMax || pair.M() < invMin)) invMass = true; else if (mode == 2 && (pair.M() > invMax || pair.M() < invMin)) invMass = true; if (invMass){ if (metPt >= metCut || mode ==0){ int nJets = 0; int nSecondJets = 0; int nJetsBt = 0; bool bTagged = false; int indexJet = -5; for (int i=0; i < ptJet->size(); i++){ TLorentzVector tempJet(pxJet->at(i),pyJet->at(i), pzJet->at(i), eJet->at(i)); if (tempJet.Pt() >= jetCut && TMath::Min(fabs(lepton0.DeltaR(tempJet)), fabs(lepton1.DeltaR(tempJet))) > 0.3){ nJets++; indexJet = i; if(btJet->at(i) > 1.74) bTagged = true; } else if (tempJet.Pt() >= secondJetCut && TMath::Min(fabs(lepton0.DeltaR(tempJet)), fabs(lepton1.DeltaR(tempJet))) > 0.3) nSecondJets++; if (btJet->at(i) > 1.74) nJetsBt++; } if (nJets == 1){ if (nJetsBt == 1 && bTagged){ // if (bTagged && nSecondJets == 0){ TLorentzVector jet(pxJet->at(indexJet),pyJet->at(indexJet), pzJet->at(indexJet), eJet->at(indexJet)); double ptSysPx = lepton0.Px() + lepton1.Px() + jet.Px() + metPx; double ptSysPy = lepton0.Py() + lepton1.Py() + jet.Py() + metPy; double ptSystem = sqrt(ptSysPx*ptSysPx + ptSysPy*ptSysPy); double ht = lepton0.Pt() + lepton1.Pt() + jet.Pt() + metPt; if (ptSystem <= ptsysCut){ if (ht > htMin || mode !=0){ nTotal++; if (nSecondJets != 0){ nUsed++; int indexSecondJet = -5; for (int i=0; i < ptJet->size(); i++){ TLorentzVector tempJet(pxJet->at(i),pyJet->at(i), pzJet->at(i), eJet->at(i)); if (i != indexJet && TMath::Min(fabs(lepton0.DeltaR(tempJet)), fabs(lepton1.DeltaR(tempJet))) > 0.3){ indexSecondJet = i; break; } } TLorentzVector jet2(pxJet->at(indexSecondJet),pyJet->at(indexSecondJet), pzJet->at(indexSecondJet), eJet->at(indexSecondJet)); TVector3 missingEt(metPx, metPy, 0); salida << "0 1 1 " << endl; salida << "1 2 " << lepton0.Eta() << " " << lepton0.Phi() << " " << lepton0.Pt() <<" " << lepton0.M() << " " << qLepton->at(0) << " 0 0 0 0 " << endl; salida << "2 2 " << lepton1.Eta() << " " << lepton1.Phi() << " " << lepton1.Pt() <<" " << lepton1.M() << " " << qLepton->at(1) << " 0 0 0 0 " << endl; salida << "3 4 " << jet.Eta() << " " << jet.Phi() << " " << jet.Pt() <<" " << jet.M() << " " << qJet->at(indexJet) << " 2 0 0 0 " << endl; salida << "4 4 " << jet2.Eta() << " " << jet2.Phi() << " " << jet2.Pt() <<" " << jet2.M() << " " << qJet->at(indexSecondJet) << " 2 0 0 0 " << endl; salida << "5 6 " << missingEt.Eta() << " " << missingEt.Phi() << " " << metPt <<" " << " 0 0 0 0 0 0 " << endl; } else n1Jet++; } } } } } } } // 2 leptons } // events if (!silent){ cout << "Results: " << endl; cout << nTotal << " events passed the selection" << endl; cout << nUsed << " events were used in the lhco file " << endl; cout << n1Jet << " events were not used (only 1 jet exactly) " << endl; cout << "------------------------------------------" << endl; } }
void looper::myLoop(int nsel, int mode, bool silent) { char plotName[300]; sprintf(plotName,"test"); if (nsel == 0) {sprintf(plotName,"tt");} else if (nsel == 1) {sprintf(plotName,"twdr");} else if (nsel == -1) {sprintf(plotName,"twds");} else if (nsel == 2) {sprintf(plotName,"zjets");} else if (nsel == 3) {sprintf(plotName,"di");} else if (nsel == 4) {sprintf(plotName, "st");} else if (nsel == 5) {sprintf(plotName,"wjets");} else if (nsel == 6) {sprintf(plotName,"qcd_mu");} else if (nsel == 7) {sprintf(plotName,"others");} else if (nsel == 555) {sprintf(plotName,"mc");} else if (nsel == 666) {sprintf(plotName,"data");} bool nosf = false; char newRootFile[300]; double lumi = luminosity; if (mode == 0 ) lumi = 11966.617; else if ( mode == 1) lumi = 12067.294; else if ( mode == 2) lumi = 12093.792; sprintf(newRootFile,"results/an_%dpb_%d.root", (int)lumi, mode); TFile f_var(newRootFile, "UPDATE"); if(!silent){ std::cout << "[Info:] results root file " << newRootFile << std::endl; } ////////// char title[300]; sprintf(title,"cuts_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo = new TH1F( title, " ", 10, 0, 10 ); histo->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"met_high_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_met_high = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_met_high->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"met_low_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_met_low = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_met_low->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"promet_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_promet = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_promet->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"met_cut_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_met_cut = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_met_cut->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"met_bt_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_met_bt = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_met_bt->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"mll_after_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_mll_after = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_mll_after->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"njets_cut_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_njets_cut = new TH1F( title, " ", 10, -0.5, 9.5 ); histo_njets_cut->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"njetsbt_cut_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_njetsbt_cut = new TH1F( title, " ", 10, -0.5, 9.5 ); histo_njetsbt_cut->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"njetsbt_high_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_njetsbt_high = new TH1F( title, " ", 10, -0.5, 9.5 ); histo_njetsbt_high->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"njetsbt_low_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_njetsbt_low = new TH1F( title, " ", 10, -0.5, 9.5 ); histo_njetsbt_low->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"njets_high_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_njets_high = new TH1F( title, " ", 10, -0.5, 9.5 ); histo_njets_high->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"njets_low_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_njets_low = new TH1F( title, " ", 10, -0.5, 9.5 ); histo_njets_low->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ptsys_high_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ptsys_high = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_ptsys_high->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ptsys_low_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ptsys_low = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_ptsys_low->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ht_high_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ht_high = new TH1F( title, " ", 300, 0, 600 ); histo_ht_high->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ht_low_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ht_low = new TH1F( title, " ", 300, 0, 600 ); histo_ht_low->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ht_cut_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ht_cut = new TH1F( title, " ", 300, 0, 600 ); histo_ht_cut->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"pt_max_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_pt_max = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_pt_max->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"pt_min_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_pt_min = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_pt_min->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"btagHE_%s",plotName); TH2F* histo_btagHE = new TH2F( title, " ", 300, -200, 100, 100, -2, 7); histo_btagHE->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"btagHP_%s",plotName); TH2F* histo_btagHP = new TH2F( title, " ", 300, -200, 100, 100, -2, 7); histo_btagHP->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"etalepton_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_etalepton = new TH1F( title, " ", 101, -3, 3); histo_etalepton->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ht_bf_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ht_bf = new TH1F( title, " ", 300, 0, 600 ); histo_ht_bf->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ptsys_bf_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ptsys_bf = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_ptsys_bf->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"npu_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_npu = new TH1F( title, " ", 30, -0.5, 29.5 ); histo_npu->Sumw2(); /// Classic plotmaker plots sprintf(title,"met_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_met = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_met->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"mll_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_mll = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_mll->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"njets_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_njets = new TH1F( title, " ", 10, 0, 10 ); histo_njets->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"njetsbt_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_njetsbt = new TH1F( title, " ", 10, -0.5, 9.5 ); histo_njetsbt->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ptsys_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ptsys = new TH1F( title, " ", 200, 0, 200 ); histo_ptsys->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ht_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ht = new TH1F( title, " ", 300, 0, 600 ); histo_ht->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"pt_leading_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_pt_leading = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_pt_leading->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"nvertex_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_nvertex = new TH1F( title, " ", 70, -0.5, 69.5 ); histo_nvertex->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"nloosejets_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_nloosejets = new TH1F( title, " ", 10, -0.5, 9.5 ); histo_nloosejets->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"nloosejets_bt_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_nloosejets_bt = new TH1F( title, " ", 10, -0.5, 9.5 ); histo_nloosejets_bt->Sumw2(); // 1 jet level /// Classic plotmaker plots sprintf(title,"met_1j_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_met_1j = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_met_1j->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"mll_1j_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_mll_1j = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_mll_1j->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ptsys_1j_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ptsys_1j = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_ptsys_1j->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ht_1j_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ht_1j = new TH1F( title, " ", 300, 0, 600 ); histo_ht_1j->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"pt_leading_1j_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_pt_leading_1j = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_pt_leading_1j->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"nvertex_1j_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_nvertex_1j = new TH1F( title, " ", 30, -0.5, 29.5 ); histo_nvertex_1j->Sumw2(); // 1 jet level /// Classic plotmaker plots sprintf(title,"met_1j1t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_met_1j1t = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_met_1j1t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"mll_1j1t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_mll_1j1t = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_mll_1j1t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ptsys_1j1t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ptsys_1j1t = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_ptsys_1j1t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ht_1j1t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ht_1j1t = new TH1F( title, " ", 200, 0, 200 ); histo_ht_1j1t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"pt_leading_1j1t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_pt_leading_1j1t = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_pt_leading_1j1t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"nvertex_1j1t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_nvertex_1j1t = new TH1F( title, " ", 30, -0.5, 29.5 ); histo_nvertex_1j1t->Sumw2(); // 2j1t /// Classic plotmaker plots sprintf(title,"met_2j1t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_met_2j1t = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_met_2j1t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"mll_2j1t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_mll_2j1t = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_mll_2j1t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ptsys_2j1t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ptsys_2j1t = new TH1F( title, " ", 200, 0, 200 ); histo_ptsys_2j1t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ht_2j1t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ht_2j1t = new TH1F( title, " ", 300, 0, 600 ); histo_ht_2j1t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"pt_leading_2j1t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_pt_leading_2j1t = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_pt_leading_2j1t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"nvertex_2j1t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_nvertex_2j1t = new TH1F( title, " ", 30, -0.5, 29.5 ); histo_nvertex_2j1t->Sumw2(); // 2j2t /// Classic plotmaker plots sprintf(title,"met_2j2t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_met_2j2t = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_met_2j2t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"mll_2j2t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_mll_2j2t = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_mll_2j2t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ptsys_2j2t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ptsys_2j2t = new TH1F( title, " ", 300, 0, 600 ); histo_ptsys_2j2t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ht_2j2t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ht_2j2t = new TH1F( title, " ", 300, 0, 600 ); histo_ht_2j2t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"pt_leading_2j2t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_pt_leading_2j2t = new TH1F( title, " ", 100, 0, 200 ); histo_pt_leading_2j2t->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"nvertex_2j2t_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_nvertex_2j2t = new TH1F( title, " ", 30, -0.5, 29.5 ); histo_nvertex_2j2t->Sumw2(); // all regions sprintf(title,"R_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_R = new TH1F( title, " ", 40, 0, 40 ); histo_R->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"nvertex_2lep_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_nvertex_2lep = new TH1F( title, " ", 70, -0.5, 69.5 ); histo_nvertex_2lep->Sumw2(); // Test jets sprintf(title,"ht_2j1t_leading_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ht_2j1t_leading = new TH1F( title, " ", 300, 0, 600 ); histo_ht_2j1t_leading->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ht_2j1t_all_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ht_2j1t_all = new TH1F( title, " ", 300, 0, 600 ); histo_ht_2j1t_all->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ht_2j2t_leading_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ht_2j2t_leading = new TH1F( title, " ", 300, 0, 600 ); histo_ht_2j1t_leading->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ht_2j2t_all_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ht_2j2t_all = new TH1F( title, " ", 300, 0, 600 ); histo_ht_2j2t_all->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ptsys_2j1t_leading_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ptsys_2j1t_leading = new TH1F( title, " ", 200, 0, 200 ); histo_ptsys_2j1t_leading->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ptsys_2j1t_all_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ptsys_2j1t_all = new TH1F( title, " ", 200, 0, 200 ); histo_ptsys_2j1t_all->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ptsys_2j2t_leading_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ptsys_2j2t_leading = new TH1F( title, " ", 200, 0, 200 ); histo_ptsys_2j1t_leading->Sumw2(); sprintf(title,"ptsys_2j2t_all_%s",plotName); TH1F* histo_ptsys_2j2t_all = new TH1F( title, " ", 200, 0, 200 ); histo_ptsys_2j2t_all->Sumw2(); if (fChain == 0) return; Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast(); Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0; for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) { Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry); if (ientry < 0) break; nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; if (lumi != lum && nsel != 666 && mode !=3){ if (jentry == 0)std::cout << "[Warning:] This tree was made with a different luminosity (" << lum << ") than " << lumi << std::endl; //xlWeight*=(lumi/lum); } if(ptLepton->size() != 2){ std::cout << "[Warning:] Something is wrong, your Tree is not correctly filled" << std::endl; break; } else { histo->Fill(0.,xlWeight); histo_nvertex_2lep->Fill(nvertex,xlWeight); TLorentzVector lepton0(pxLepton->at(0),pyLepton->at(0), pzLepton->at(0), eLepton->at(0)); TLorentzVector lepton1(pxLepton->at(1),pyLepton->at(1), pzLepton->at(1), eLepton->at(1)); TLorentzVector pair = lepton0+lepton1; //if (ptLepton->at(0) < 40 && ptLepton->at(1) < 40) continue; if(ptLepton->at(0) < 30 || ptLepton->at(1) < 30)continue; double phipairmet_t = 0; double pi_m = 3.1416/2; phipairmet_t = pi_m; TVector3 vmet(metPx, metPy, 0); double promet = metPt*sin(phipairmet_t); TVector3 m0(pxLepton->at(0),pyLepton->at(0), pzLepton->at(0)); TVector3 m1(pxLepton->at(1),pyLepton->at(1), pzLepton->at(1)); if (fabs(m0.DeltaPhi(vmet)) < phipairmet_t) phipairmet_t = fabs(m0.DeltaPhi(vmet)); if (fabs(m1.DeltaPhi(vmet)) < phipairmet_t) phipairmet_t = fabs(m1.DeltaPhi(vmet)); if (phipairmet_t == pi_m) promet = metPt; if (pair.M() > 20){ histo->Fill(1, xlWeight); double SFval, SFerror; if ( nsel == 666 || nosf){ SFval = 1; SFerror = 0; } else if (nsel == 0){ SFval = 0.95; SFerror = 0.03; } else { SFval = 0.97; SFerror = 0.03; } int nJetsBT = 0; int nTightJetsBT = 0; int nJets = 0; bool bTagged = false; int iJet = -5; int iSF; double tempSF = SFval; int iLead = -5; int SFvalue = int(tempSF*100); int nloose = 0; int nloosebt = 0; for (unsigned int i =0; i < ptJet->size(); i ++){ TLorentzVector tempJet(pxJet->at(i),pyJet->at(i), pzJet->at(i), eJet->at(i)); if (ptJet->at(i) > 30 && fabs(tempJet.Eta()) < 2.5 && TMath::Min(fabs(lepton0.DeltaR(tempJet)), fabs(lepton1.DeltaR(tempJet))) > 0.3) { nJets++; iJet = i; if (iLead == -5) iLead = iJet; if (btCSVBJet->at(i) > 0.679){ iSF = rand() % 100; if (iSF < SFvalue ){ bTagged = true; nJetsBT++; nTightJetsBT++; } } } else if (btCSVBJet->at(i) > 0.679 && fabs(tempJet.Eta()) < 2.5){ iSF = rand() % 100; if (iSF < SFvalue ){ nJetsBT++; nloosebt++;} } if (ptJet->at(i) <= 30 || fabs(tempJet.Eta()) >= 2.5) nloose++; } histo_nloosejets->Fill(nloose, xlWeight); histo_nloosejets_bt->Fill(nloosebt, xlWeight); histo_pt_max->Fill(TMath::Max(lepton0.Pt(), lepton1.Pt()), xlWeight); histo_pt_min->Fill(TMath::Min(lepton0.Pt(), lepton1.Pt()), xlWeight); histo_njets->Fill(nJets, xlWeight); histo_njetsbt->Fill(nJetsBT, xlWeight); histo_mll->Fill(pair.M(), xlWeight); histo_met->Fill(metPt, xlWeight); histo_promet->Fill(promet, xlWeight); if (nvertex > 5){ histo_met_high->Fill(metPt, xlWeight); histo_njets_high->Fill(nJets, xlWeight); histo_njetsbt_high->Fill(nJetsBT, xlWeight); } else { histo_met_low->Fill(metPt, xlWeight); histo_njets_low->Fill(nJets, xlWeight); histo_njetsbt_low->Fill(nJetsBT, xlWeight); } if (nJets) histo_pt_leading->Fill(ptJet->at(0), xlWeight); if (nJets == 1){ histo_etalepton->Fill(lepton0.Eta(), xlWeight); TLorentzVector jet(pxJet->at(iJet),pyJet->at(iJet), pzJet->at(iJet), eJet->at(iJet)); double ptSysPx1 = lepton0.Px() + lepton1.Px() + jet.Px() + metPx; double ptSysPy1 = lepton0.Py() + lepton1.Py() + jet.Py() + metPy; double ptSystem1 = sqrt(ptSysPx1*ptSysPx1 + ptSysPy1*ptSysPy1); double ht1 = lepton0.Pt() + lepton1.Pt() + jet.Pt() + metPt; histo_ptsys_bf->Fill(ptSystem1, xlWeight); histo_ht_bf->Fill(ht1, xlWeight); } bool invMass = false; if (mode == 0) invMass = true; else if (mode == 1 && (pair.M() > invMax || pair.M() < invMin)) invMass = true; else if (mode == 2 && (pair.M() > invMax || pair.M() < invMin)) invMass = true; if (invMass){ histo->Fill(2, xlWeight); histo_mll_after->Fill(pair.M(), xlWeight); histo_met_cut->Fill(metPt, xlWeight); if (metPt >= metCut || mode ==0){ histo->Fill(3, xlWeight); histo_njets_cut->Fill(nJets, xlWeight); if (nJets == 1){ histo->Fill(4, xlWeight); histo_njetsbt_cut->Fill(nJetsBT, xlWeight); TLorentzVector jet(pxJet->at(iJet),pyJet->at(iJet), pzJet->at(iJet), eJet->at(iJet)); double ptSysPx = lepton0.Px() + lepton1.Px() + jet.Px() + metPx; double ptSysPy = lepton0.Py() + lepton1.Py() + jet.Py() + metPy; double ptSystem = sqrt(ptSysPx*ptSysPx + ptSysPy*ptSysPy); double ht = lepton0.Pt() + lepton1.Pt() + jet.Pt() + metPt; histo_mll_1j->Fill(pair.M(), xlWeight); histo_met_1j->Fill(metPt, xlWeight); histo_ptsys_1j->Fill(ptSystem, xlWeight); histo_ht_1j->Fill(ht, xlWeight); histo_pt_leading_1j->Fill(jet.Pt(), xlWeight); if (nJets == 1 && nTightJetsBT == 1 && bTagged && nJetsBT == 1){ histo->Fill(5, xlWeight); histo_mll_1j1t->Fill(pair.M(), xlWeight); histo_met_1j1t->Fill(metPt, xlWeight); histo_ptsys_1j1t->Fill(ptSystem, xlWeight); histo_ht_1j1t->Fill(ht, xlWeight); histo_pt_leading_1j1t->Fill(jet.Pt(), xlWeight); histo_ptsys->Fill(ptSystem, xlWeight); histo_ht->Fill(ht, xlWeight); histo_met_bt->Fill(metPt, xlWeight); histo_nvertex->Fill(nvertex, xlWeight); histo_npu->Fill(npu, xlWeight); if (nvertex > 5) { histo_ptsys_high->Fill(ptSystem, xlWeight); histo_ht_high->Fill(ht, xlWeight); } else { histo_ptsys_low->Fill(ptSystem, xlWeight); histo_ht_low->Fill(ht, xlWeight); } if (ht > htMin || mode !=0){ histo->Fill(6, xlWeight); histo_ht_cut->Fill(ht, xlWeight); } } } } //Filling of all region from here if (metPt >= metCut || mode ==0){ if (nJets != 0){ TLorentzVector jet(pxJet->at(iJet),pyJet->at(iJet), pzJet->at(iJet), eJet->at(iJet)); double ptSysPx = lepton0.Px() + lepton1.Px() + jet.Px() + metPx; double ptSysPy = lepton0.Py() + lepton1.Py() + jet.Py() + metPy; double ptSystem = sqrt(ptSysPx*ptSysPx + ptSysPy*ptSysPy); double ht = lepton0.Pt() + lepton1.Pt() + jet.Pt() + metPt; if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 1 && nJetsBT == 1) { histo_mll_2j1t->Fill(pair.M(), xlWeight); histo_met_2j1t->Fill(metPt, xlWeight); histo_ptsys_2j1t->Fill(ptSystem, xlWeight); histo_ht_2j1t->Fill(ht, xlWeight); histo_pt_leading_2j1t->Fill(jet.Pt(), xlWeight); TLorentzVector jet2(pxJet->at(iLead),pyJet->at(iLead), pzJet->at(iLead), eJet->at(iLead)); double htled = lepton0.Pt() + lepton1.Pt() + jet2.Pt() + metPt; histo_ht_2j1t_leading->Fill(htled, xlWeight); double htall = lepton0.Pt() + lepton1.Pt() + jet.Pt() + jet2.Pt() + metPt; histo_ht_2j1t_all->Fill(htall, xlWeight); double ptSysPxled = lepton0.Px() + lepton1.Px() + jet2.Px() + metPx; double ptSysPyled = lepton0.Py() + lepton1.Py() + jet2.Py() + metPy; double ptSystemled = sqrt(ptSysPxled*ptSysPxled + ptSysPyled*ptSysPyled); histo_ptsys_2j1t_leading->Fill(ptSystemled, xlWeight); double ptSysPxall = lepton0.Px() + lepton1.Px() + jet.Px() + jet2.Px() + metPx; double ptSysPyall = lepton0.Py() + lepton1.Py() + jet.Py() + jet2.Py() + metPy; double ptSystemall = sqrt(ptSysPxall*ptSysPxall + ptSysPyall*ptSysPyall); histo_ptsys_2j1t_all->Fill(ptSystemall, xlWeight); } else if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 2 && nJetsBT == 2) { histo_mll_2j2t->Fill(pair.M(), xlWeight); histo_met_2j2t->Fill(metPt, xlWeight); histo_ptsys_2j2t->Fill(ptSystem, xlWeight); histo_ht_2j2t->Fill(ht, xlWeight); histo_pt_leading_2j2t->Fill(jet.Pt(), xlWeight); TLorentzVector jet2(pxJet->at(iLead),pyJet->at(iLead), pzJet->at(iLead), eJet->at(iLead)); double htled = lepton0.Pt() + lepton1.Pt() + jet2.Pt() + metPt; histo_ht_2j2t_leading->Fill(htled, xlWeight); double htall = lepton0.Pt() + lepton1.Pt() + jet.Pt() + jet2.Pt() + metPt; histo_ht_2j2t_all->Fill(htall, xlWeight); double ptSysPxled = lepton0.Px() + lepton1.Px() + jet2.Px() + metPx; double ptSysPyled = lepton0.Py() + lepton1.Py() + jet2.Py() + metPy; double ptSystemled = sqrt(ptSysPxled*ptSysPxled + ptSysPyled*ptSysPyled); histo_ptsys_2j2t_leading->Fill(ptSystemled, xlWeight); double ptSysPxall = lepton0.Px() + lepton1.Px() + jet.Px() + jet2.Px() + metPx; double ptSysPyall = lepton0.Py() + lepton1.Py() + jet.Py() + jet2.Py() + metPy; double ptSystemall = sqrt(ptSysPxall*ptSysPxall + ptSysPyall*ptSysPyall); histo_ptsys_2j2t_all->Fill(ptSystemall, xlWeight); } //All possible regions if (nJets == 1 && nTightJetsBT == 1 && bTagged && nJetsBT == 1 && ptSystem <= ptsysCut && (ht > htMin || mode !=0))histo_R->Fill(1, xlWeight); //signal if (nJets == 1 && nTightJetsBT == 2) histo_R->Fill(2, xlWeight); if (nJets == 1 && nTightJetsBT > 0) histo_R->Fill(3, xlWeight); if (nJets == 1 && nTightJetsBT > 1) histo_R->Fill(4, xlWeight); if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 0) histo_R->Fill(5, xlWeight); if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 1) histo_R->Fill(6, xlWeight); //CR1 no ht no ptsys if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 2) histo_R->Fill(7, xlWeight); //CR2 no ht no ptsys if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT > 0) histo_R->Fill(8, xlWeight); if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT > 1) histo_R->Fill(9, xlWeight); if (nJets > 1 && nTightJetsBT == 0) histo_R->Fill(10, xlWeight); if (nJets > 1 && nTightJetsBT == 1) histo_R->Fill(11, xlWeight); if (nJets > 1 && nTightJetsBT == 2) histo_R->Fill(12, xlWeight); if (nJets > 1 && nTightJetsBT !=0 ) histo_R->Fill(13, xlWeight); if (nJets > 1 && nTightJetsBT > 1 ) histo_R->Fill(14, xlWeight); if (nJets == 3 && nTightJetsBT ==3 ) histo_R->Fill(15, xlWeight); if (nJets == 1 && nTightJetsBT ==1 && bTagged && nJetsBT == 1) histo_R->Fill(16, xlWeight); if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 1 && ptSystem <= ptsysCut && (ht > htMin || mode !=0)) histo_R->Fill(17, xlWeight); //CR 1 regular if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 2 && ptSystem <= ptsysCut && (ht > htMin || mode !=0)) histo_R->Fill(18, xlWeight); //CR 2 regular if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 1 && nJetsBT == 1 && ptSystem <= ptsysCut && (ht > htMin || mode !=0)) histo_R->Fill(19, xlWeight); if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 2 && nJetsBT == 2 && ptSystem <= ptsysCut && (ht > htMin || mode !=0)) histo_R->Fill(20, xlWeight); if (nJets == 2 && nJetsBT == 1 && ptSystem <= ptsysCut && (ht > htMin || mode !=0)) histo_R->Fill(21, xlWeight); //CR 1 another way if (nJets == 2 && nJetsBT == 2 && ptSystem <= ptsysCut && (ht > htMin || mode !=0)) histo_R->Fill(22, xlWeight); //CR 2 another way if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 1 && nJetsBT == 1) histo_R->Fill(23, xlWeight); //CR1 no ht no ptsys tighter if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 2 && nJetsBT == 2) histo_R->Fill(24, xlWeight); //CR2 no ht no ptsys tighter if (nJets == 2 && nJetsBT == 1) histo_R->Fill(25, xlWeight); //CR1 no ht no ptsys another flavor if (nJets == 2 && nJetsBT == 2) histo_R->Fill(26, xlWeight); //CR2 no ht no ptsys another flavor if (nJets == 1 && nTightJetsBT == 1 && bTagged && nJetsBT == 1 && (ht > htMin || mode !=0))histo_R->Fill(27, xlWeight); //signal no ptsys if (nJets == 1 && nTightJetsBT == 1 && bTagged && nJetsBT == 1 && ptSystem <= ptsysCut)histo_R->Fill(28, xlWeight); //signal no ht if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 1 && (ht > htMin || mode !=0)) histo_R->Fill(29, xlWeight); //CR 1 if (nJets == 2 && nTightJetsBT == 2 && (ht > htMin || mode !=0)) histo_R->Fill(30, xlWeight); //CR 2 } //jets in the event } //all CR } // mll } //mll pre } // 2 leptons }// event loop. if (!silent){ cout << "------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "[Results:] " << plotName << endl; cout << "------------------------------------------" << endl; for (int i = 2; i < 9; i++){ if (i == 2) cout << " leptons: " << histo->GetBinContent(i) << " +/- " << histo->GetBinError(i) << endl; if (i == 3) cout << " inv. mass: " << histo->GetBinContent(i) << " +/- " << histo->GetBinError(i) << endl; if (i == 4) cout << " met: " << histo->GetBinContent(i) << " +/- " << histo->GetBinError(i) << endl; if (i == 5) cout << " jet: " << histo->GetBinContent(i) << " +/- " << histo->GetBinError(i) << endl; if (i == 6) cout << " jet_bt: " << histo->GetBinContent(i) << " +/- " << histo->GetBinError(i) << endl; if (i == 7) cout << " ht: " << histo->GetBinContent(i) << " +/- " << histo->GetBinError(i) << endl; } cout << "------------------------------------------" << endl; } f_var.Write(); f_var.Close(); }