Example #1
void generate_next_arrival()
   double x,log(),ceil();
   struct event *evptr;
   if (TRACE>2)
       printf("          GENERATE NEXT ARRIVAL: creating new arrival\n");
   x = lambda*jimsrand()*2;  /* x is uniform on [0,2*lambda] */
                             /* having mean of lambda        */
   evptr = (struct event *)malloc(sizeof(struct event));
   evptr->evtime =  time + x;
   evptr->evtype =  FROM_LAYER5;
   if (BIDIRECTIONAL && (jimsrand()>0.5) )
      evptr->eventity = B;
      evptr->eventity = A;
Example #2
int init(void)                         /* initialize the simulator */
  int i;
  float sum, avg;
  float jimsrand();
   printf("-----  Stop and Wait Network Simulator Version 1.1 -------- \n\n");
   printf("Enter the number of messages to simulate: ");
   printf("Enter  packet loss probability [enter 0.0 for no loss]:");
   printf("Enter packet corruption probability [0.0 for no corruption]:");
   printf("Enter average time between messages from sender's layer5 [ > 0.0]:");
   printf("Enter TRACE:");

   srand(9999);              /* init random number generator */
   sum = 0.0;                /* test random number generator for students */
   for (i=0; i<1000; i++)
      sum=sum+jimsrand();    /* jimsrand() should be uniform in [0,1] */
   avg = (float)(sum/1000.0);
   if (avg < 0.25 || avg > 0.75) {
    printf("It is likely that random number generation on your machine\n" ); 
    printf("is different from what this emulator expects.  Please take\n");
    printf("a look at the routine jimsrand() in the emulator code. Sorry. \n");
    return -9;

   ntolayer3 = 0;
   nlost = 0;
   ncorrupt = 0;

   time=0.0;                    /* initialize time to 0.0 */
   generate_next_arrival();     /* initialize event list */
   return 0;
/************************** TOLAYER3 ***************/
void tolayer3(int AorB,struct pkt packet)
	struct pkt *mypktptr;
	struct event *evptr,*q;
	////char *malloc();
	float lastime, x, jimsrand();
	int i;


	/* simulate losses: */
	if (jimsrand() < lossprob)  {
		if (TRACE>0)
			printf("          TOLAYER3: packet being lost\n");

	/* make a copy of the packet student just gave me since he/she may decide */
	/* to do something with the packet after we return back to him/her */
	mypktptr = (struct pkt *)malloc(sizeof(struct pkt));
	mypktptr->seqnum = packet.seqnum;
	mypktptr->acknum = packet.acknum;
	mypktptr->checksum = packet.checksum;
	for (i=0; i<20; i++)
		mypktptr->payload[i] = packet.payload[i];
	if (TRACE>2)  {
		printf("          TOLAYER3: seq: %d, ack %d, check: %d ", mypktptr->seqnum,
				mypktptr->acknum,  mypktptr->checksum);
		for (i=0; i<20; i++)

	/* create future event for arrival of packet at the other side */
	evptr = (struct event *)malloc(sizeof(struct event));
	evptr->evtype =  FROM_LAYER3;   /* packet will pop out from layer3 */
	evptr->eventity = (AorB+1) % 2; /* event occurs at other entity */
	evptr->pktptr = mypktptr;       /* save ptr to my copy of packet */
	/* finally, compute the arrival time of packet at the other end.
   medium can not reorder, so make sure packet arrives between 1 and 10
   time units after the latest arrival time of packets
   currently in the medium on their way to the destination */
	lastime = time_local;
	/* for (q=evlist; q!=NULL && q->next!=NULL; q = q->next) */
	for (q=evlist; q!=NULL ; q = q->next)
		if ( (q->evtype==FROM_LAYER3  && q->eventity==evptr->eventity) )
			lastime = q->evtime;
	evptr->evtime =  lastime + 1 + 9*jimsrand();

	/* simulate corruption: */
	if (jimsrand() < corruptprob)  {
		if ( (x = jimsrand()) < .75)
			mypktptr->payload[0]='Z';   /* corrupt payload */
		else if (x < .875)
			mypktptr->seqnum = 999999;
			mypktptr->acknum = 999999;
		if (TRACE>0)
			printf("          TOLAYER3: packet being corrupted\n");

	if (TRACE>2)
		printf("          TOLAYER3: scheduling arrival on other side\n");