static fqd_queue_impl_data queue_jlog_setup(fq_rk *qname, uint32_t *count) { char qpath[PATH_MAX]; jlog_id chkpt; struct queue_jlog *d; d = calloc(1, sizeof(*d)); d->auto_chkpt = true; fqd_config_construct_queue_path(qpath, sizeof(qpath), qname); d->qpath = strdup(qpath); d->writer = jlog_new(d->qpath); if(jlog_ctx_open_writer(d->writer) != 0) { jlog_ctx_close(d->writer); d->writer = jlog_new(d->qpath); if(jlog_ctx_init(d->writer) != 0) { fq_debug(FQ_DEBUG_IO, "jlog init: %s\n", jlog_ctx_err_string(d->writer)); goto bail; } jlog_ctx_close(d->writer); d->writer = jlog_new(d->qpath); if(jlog_ctx_open_writer(d->writer) != 0) { fq_debug(FQ_DEBUG_IO, "jlog writer: %s\n", jlog_ctx_err_string(d->writer)); goto bail; } } d->reader = jlog_new(d->qpath); if(jlog_get_checkpoint(d->reader, "fq", &chkpt) != 0) { if(jlog_ctx_add_subscriber(d->reader, "fq", JLOG_BEGIN) != 0) { fq_debug(FQ_DEBUG_IO, "jlog add sub: %s\n", jlog_ctx_err_string(d->reader)); goto bail; } } if(jlog_ctx_open_reader(d->reader, "fq") != 0) { fq_debug(FQ_DEBUG_IO, "jlog: %s\n", jlog_ctx_err_string(d->reader)); goto bail; } uuid_generate(d->uuid); write_sig(d); *count = 0; (void)qname; return d; bail: if(d->writer) jlog_ctx_close(d->writer); if(d->reader) jlog_ctx_close(d->reader); free(d->qpath); free(d); return NULL; }
int jlog_ctx_add_subscriber(jlog_ctx *ctx, const char *s, jlog_position whence) { jlog_id chkpt; jlog_ctx *tmpctx = NULL; jlog_file *jchkpt; ctx->last_error = JLOG_ERR_SUCCESS; jchkpt = __jlog_open_named_checkpoint(ctx, s, O_CREAT|O_EXCL); if(!jchkpt) { ctx->last_error = JLOG_ERR_SUBSCRIBER_EXISTS; ctx->last_errno = EEXIST; return -1; } jlog_file_close(jchkpt); if(whence == JLOG_BEGIN) { memset(&chkpt, 0, sizeof(chkpt)); jlog_ctx_first_log_id(ctx, &chkpt); if(__jlog_set_checkpoint(ctx, s, &chkpt) != 0) { ctx->last_error = JLOG_ERR_CHECKPOINT; ctx->last_errno = 0; return -1; } return 0; } if(whence == JLOG_END) { jlog_id start, finish; memset(&chkpt, 0, sizeof(chkpt)); if(__jlog_open_metastore(ctx) != 0) SYS_FAIL(JLOG_ERR_META_OPEN); if(__jlog_restore_metastore(ctx, 0)) SYS_FAIL(JLOG_ERR_META_OPEN); chkpt.log = ctx->storage.log; if(__jlog_set_checkpoint(ctx, s, &chkpt) != 0) SYS_FAIL(JLOG_ERR_CHECKPOINT); tmpctx = jlog_new(ctx->path); if(jlog_ctx_open_reader(tmpctx, s) < 0) goto finish; if(jlog_ctx_read_interval(tmpctx, &start, &finish) < 0) goto finish; jlog_ctx_close(tmpctx); tmpctx = NULL; if(__jlog_set_checkpoint(ctx, s, &finish) != 0) SYS_FAIL(JLOG_ERR_CHECKPOINT); return 0; } ctx->last_error = JLOG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; finish: if(tmpctx) jlog_ctx_close(tmpctx); return -1; }
/* * returns -1 when the incoming checkpoint is out of range of the log * returns -2 if there was an error actually setting the checkpoint */ static int queue_log_add_checkpoint(fqd_queue_impl_data data, const char *name, const fq_msgid *id) { struct queue_jlog *d = (struct queue_jlog *)data; jlog_id jid = { .log = id->id.u32.p1, .marker = id->id.u32.p2 }; /* ensure the checkpoint makes sense */ jlog_id first = { .log = 0, .marker = 0 }; jlog_id last = { .log = 0, .marker = 0 }; jlog_ctx_first_log_id(d->reader, &first); jlog_ctx_last_log_id(d->reader, &last); if (! (jid.log >= first.log && jid.log <= last.log && jid.marker >= first.marker && jid.marker <= last.marker)) { return -1; } char **subs; int sub_count = jlog_ctx_list_subscribers(d->reader, &subs); int have_it = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sub_count; i++) { have_it += strcmp(subs[i], name) == 0 ? 1 : 0; } if (have_it == 0) { jlog_ctx_add_subscriber(d->reader, name, JLOG_BEGIN); } if (jlog_ctx_read_checkpoint(d->reader, &jid) == -1) { /* If we failed to checkpoint we are in a situation where the 'add_subscriber' call above put them at the beginning of the log so we have to remove the subscriber if we just added them However, if they already existed and had a previous good checkpoint, leave it alone */ if (have_it == 0) { jlog_ctx_remove_subscriber(d->reader, name); } return -2; } return 0; } /* * return -1 if the subscriber doesn't exist * return 0 on success */ static int queue_log_remove_checkpoint(fqd_queue_impl_data data, const char *name) { struct queue_jlog *d = (struct queue_jlog *)data; if (jlog_ctx_remove_subscriber(d->reader, name) == 0) { return -1; } return 0; } /* * return -1 if the subscriber doesn't exist * return -2 if we can't reset the checkpoint * return 0 on success */ static int queue_log_reset_to_checkpoint(fqd_queue_impl_data data, const char *name) { struct queue_jlog *d = (struct queue_jlog *)data; char **subs; int sub_count = jlog_ctx_list_subscribers(d->reader, &subs); int have_it = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sub_count; i++) { have_it += strcmp(subs[i], name) == 0 ? 1 : 0; } if (have_it == 0) { return -1; } jlog_id checkpoint; if (jlog_get_checkpoint(d->reader, name, &checkpoint) == -1) { return -2; } if (jlog_ctx_read_checkpoint(d->reader, &checkpoint) == -1) { return -2; } return 0; } static int write_sig(struct queue_jlog *d) { char sigfile[PATH_MAX]; int fd; snprintf(sigfile, sizeof(sigfile), "%s/.sig", d->qpath); fd = open(sigfile, O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY, 0640); if(fd < 0) return -1; write(fd, d->uuid, 16); close(fd); return 0; } static int read_sig(struct queue_jlog *d, uuid_t out) { char sigfile[PATH_MAX]; int fd, rv; snprintf(sigfile, sizeof(sigfile), "%s/.sig", d->qpath); fd = open(sigfile, O_RDONLY); if(fd < 0) return -1; rv = read(fd, out, 16); close(fd); return (rv == 16) ? 0 : -1; } static fqd_queue_impl_data queue_jlog_setup(fq_rk *qname, uint32_t *count) { char qpath[PATH_MAX]; jlog_id chkpt; struct queue_jlog *d; d = calloc(1, sizeof(*d)); d->auto_chkpt = true; fqd_config_construct_queue_path(qpath, sizeof(qpath), qname); d->qpath = strdup(qpath); d->writer = jlog_new(d->qpath); jlog_ctx_set_pre_commit_buffer_size(d->writer, 1024 * 1024); jlog_ctx_set_multi_process(d->writer, 0); jlog_ctx_set_use_compression(d->writer, 1); if(jlog_ctx_open_writer(d->writer) != 0) { jlog_ctx_close(d->writer); d->writer = jlog_new(d->qpath); jlog_ctx_set_pre_commit_buffer_size(d->writer, 1024 * 1024); jlog_ctx_set_multi_process(d->writer, 0); jlog_ctx_set_use_compression(d->writer, 1); if(jlog_ctx_init(d->writer) != 0) { fq_debug(FQ_DEBUG_IO, "jlog init: %s\n", jlog_ctx_err_string(d->writer)); goto bail; } jlog_ctx_close(d->writer); d->writer = jlog_new(d->qpath); jlog_ctx_set_pre_commit_buffer_size(d->writer, 1024 * 1024); jlog_ctx_set_multi_process(d->writer, 0); jlog_ctx_set_use_compression(d->writer, 1); if(jlog_ctx_open_writer(d->writer) != 0) { fq_debug(FQ_DEBUG_IO, "jlog writer: %s\n", jlog_ctx_err_string(d->writer)); goto bail; } } /* 128MB journal chunks */ jlog_ctx_alter_journal_size(d->writer, 128 * 1024 * 1024); d->reader = jlog_new(d->qpath); if(jlog_get_checkpoint(d->reader, "fq", &chkpt) != 0) { if(jlog_ctx_add_subscriber(d->reader, "fq", JLOG_BEGIN) != 0) { fq_debug(FQ_DEBUG_IO, "jlog add sub: %s\n", jlog_ctx_err_string(d->reader)); goto bail; } } if(jlog_ctx_open_reader(d->reader, "fq") != 0) { fq_debug(FQ_DEBUG_IO, "jlog: %s\n", jlog_ctx_err_string(d->reader)); goto bail; } uuid_generate(d->uuid); write_sig(d); *count = d->count = jlog_ctx_read_interval(d->reader, &d->start, &d->finish); (void)qname; return d; bail: if(d->writer) jlog_ctx_close(d->writer); if(d->reader) jlog_ctx_close(d->reader); free(d->qpath); free(d); return NULL; }
int noit_jlog_handler(eventer_t e, int mask, void *closure, struct timeval *now) { eventer_t newe; pthread_t tid; pthread_attr_t tattr; int newmask = EVENTER_READ | EVENTER_EXCEPTION; acceptor_closure_t *ac = closure; noit_jlog_closure_t *jcl = ac->service_ctx; char errbuff[256]; const char *errstr = "unknown error"; if(mask & EVENTER_EXCEPTION || (jcl && jcl->wants_shutdown)) { int len, nlen; socket_error: /* Exceptions cause us to simply snip the connection */ len = strlen(errstr); nlen = htonl(0 - len); e->opset->write(e->fd, &nlen, sizeof(nlen), &newmask, e); e->opset->write(e->fd, errstr, strlen(errstr), &newmask, e); eventer_remove_fd(e->fd); e->opset->close(e->fd, &newmask, e); if(jcl) noit_jlog_closure_free(jcl); acceptor_closure_free(ac); return 0; } if(!ac->service_ctx) { noit_log_stream_t ls; const char *logname, *type; int first_attempt = 1; char path[PATH_MAX], subscriber[256], *sub; jcl = ac->service_ctx = noit_jlog_closure_alloc(); if(!noit_hash_retr_str(ac->config, "log_transit_feed_name", strlen("log_transit_feed_name"), &logname)) { errstr = "No 'log_transit_feed_name' specified in log_transit."; noitL(noit_error, "%s\n", errstr); goto socket_error; } ls = noit_log_stream_find(logname); if(!ls) { snprintf(errbuff, sizeof(errbuff), "Could not find log '%s' for log_transit.", logname); errstr = errbuff; noitL(noit_error, "%s\n", errstr); goto socket_error; } type = noit_log_stream_get_type(ls); if(!type || strcmp(type, "jlog")) { snprintf(errbuff, sizeof(errbuff), "Log '%s' for log_transit is not a jlog.", logname); errstr = errbuff; noitL(noit_error, "%s\n", errstr); goto socket_error; } if(ac->cmd == NOIT_JLOG_DATA_FEED) { if(!ac->remote_cn) { errstr = "jlog transit started to unidentified party."; noitL(noit_error, "%s\n", errstr); goto socket_error; } strlcpy(subscriber, ac->remote_cn, sizeof(subscriber)); jcl->feed_stats = noit_jlog_feed_stats(subscriber); } else { jcl->feed_stats = noit_jlog_feed_stats("~"); snprintf(subscriber, sizeof(subscriber), "~%07d", noit_atomic_inc32(&tmpfeedcounter)); } jcl->subscriber = strdup(subscriber); strlcpy(path, noit_log_stream_get_path(ls), sizeof(path)); sub = strchr(path, '('); if(sub) { char *esub = strchr(sub, ')'); if(esub) { *esub = '\0'; *sub++ = '\0'; } } jcl->jlog = jlog_new(path); if(ac->cmd == NOIT_JLOG_DATA_TEMP_FEED) { add_sub: if(jlog_ctx_add_subscriber(jcl->jlog, jcl->subscriber, JLOG_END) == -1) { snprintf(errbuff, sizeof(errbuff), "jlog reader[%s] error: %s", jcl->subscriber, jlog_ctx_err_string(jcl->jlog)); errstr = errbuff; noitL(noit_error, "%s\n", errstr); } } if(jlog_ctx_open_reader(jcl->jlog, jcl->subscriber) == -1) { if(sub && !strcmp(sub, "*")) { if(first_attempt) { jlog_ctx_close(jcl->jlog); jcl->jlog = jlog_new(path); first_attempt = 0; goto add_sub; } } snprintf(errbuff, sizeof(errbuff), "jlog reader[%s] error: %s", jcl->subscriber, jlog_ctx_err_string(jcl->jlog)); errstr = errbuff; noitL(noit_error, "%s\n", errstr); goto socket_error; } } /* The jlog stuff is disk I/O and can block us. * We'll create a new thread to just handle this connection. */ eventer_remove_fd(e->fd); newe = eventer_alloc(); memcpy(newe, e, sizeof(*e)); pthread_attr_init(&tattr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&tattr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); gettimeofday(&jcl->feed_stats->last_connection, NULL); noit_atomic_inc32(&jcl->feed_stats->connections); if(pthread_create(&tid, &tattr, noit_jlog_thread_main, newe) == 0) { return 0; } /* Undo our dup */ eventer_free(newe); /* Creating the thread failed, close it down and deschedule. */ e->opset->close(e->fd, &newmask, e); return 0; }
static int process_jlog(const char *file, const char *sub) { jlog_ctx *log = jlog_new(file); if (add_subscriber) { if (jlog_ctx_add_subscriber(log, add_subscriber, JLOG_BEGIN)) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not add subscriber '%s': %s\n", add_subscriber, jlog_ctx_err_string(log)); } else { OUT("Added subscriber '%s'\n", add_subscriber); } } if (remove_subscriber) { if (jlog_ctx_remove_subscriber(log, remove_subscriber) <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not erase subscriber '%s': %s\n", remove_subscriber, jlog_ctx_err_string(log)); } else { OUT("Erased subscriber '%s'\n", remove_subscriber); } } if (!sub) { if (jlog_ctx_open_writer(log)) { fprintf(stderr, "error opening '%s'\n", file); return 0; } } else { if (jlog_ctx_open_reader(log, sub)) { fprintf(stderr, "error opening '%s'\n", file); return 0; } } if (show_progress) { char buff[20], buff2[20], buff3[20]; jlog_id id, id2, id3; jlog_get_checkpoint(log, sub, &id); if (jlog_ctx_last_log_id(log, &id3)) { fprintf(stderr, "jlog_error: %s\n", jlog_ctx_err_string(log)); fprintf(stderr, "error calling jlog_ctx_last_log_id\n"); } jlog_snprint_logid(buff, sizeof(buff), &id); jlog_snprint_logid(buff3, sizeof(buff3), &id3); OUT("--------------------\n" " Perspective of the '%s' subscriber\n" " current checkpoint: %s\n" " Last write: %s\n", sub, buff, buff3); if (jlog_ctx_read_interval(log, &id, &id2) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "jlog_error: %s\n", jlog_ctx_err_string(log)); } jlog_snprint_logid(buff, sizeof(buff), &id); jlog_snprint_logid(buff2, sizeof(buff2), &id2); OUT(" next interval: [%s, %s]\n" "--------------------\n\n", buff, buff2); } if (show_subscribers) { char **list; int i; jlog_ctx_list_subscribers(log, &list); for (i = 0; list[i]; i++) { char buff[20]; jlog_id id; jlog_get_checkpoint(log, list[i], &id); jlog_snprint_logid(buff, sizeof(buff), &id); OUT("\t%32s @ %s\n", list[i], buff); } jlog_ctx_list_subscribers_dispose(log, list); } if (show_files) { struct dirent *de; DIR *dir; dir = opendir(file); if (!dir) { fprintf(stderr, "error opening '%s'\n", file); return 0; } while ((de = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { uint32_t logid; if (is_datafile(de->d_name, &logid)) { char fullfile[MAXPATHLEN]; char fullidx[MAXPATHLEN]; struct stat sb; int readers; snprintf(fullfile, sizeof(fullfile), "%s/%s", file, de->d_name); snprintf(fullidx, sizeof(fullidx), "%s/%s" INDEX_EXT, file, de->d_name); if (stat(fullfile, &sb)) { OUT("\t%8s [error stat(2)ing file: %s\n", de->d_name, strerror(errno)); } else { readers = __jlog_pending_readers(log, logid); OUT("\t%8s [%ju bytes] %d pending readers\n", de->d_name, sb.st_size, readers); if (show_index_info) { if (stat(fullidx, &sb)) { OUT("\t\t idx: none\n"); } else { uint32_t marker; int closed; if (jlog_idx_details(log, logid, &marker, &closed)) { OUT("\t\t idx: error\n"); } else { OUT("\t\t idx: %u messages (%08x), %s\n", marker, marker, closed ? "closed" : "open"); } } } if (analyze_datafiles) { analyze_datafile(log, logid); } if (readers == 0 && cleanup) { unlink(fullfile); unlink(fullidx); } } } } closedir(dir); } jlog_ctx_close(log); }
void *reader(void *unused) { jlog_ctx *ctx; char subname[32]; int tcount = 0, fcount = 0; int prev_err = 0; int subno = (int)(uintptr_t)unused; snprintf(subname, sizeof(subname), "sub-%02d", subno); reader_retry: ctx = jlog_new(LOGNAME); if(jlog_ctx_open_reader(ctx, subname) != 0) { if(prev_err == 0) { prev_err = jlog_ctx_err(ctx); jlog_ctx_close(ctx); ctx = jlog_new(LOGNAME); if(prev_err == JLOG_ERR_INVALID_SUBSCRIBER) { fprintf(stderr, "[%02d] invalid subscriber, init...\n", subno); if(jlog_ctx_open_writer(ctx) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[%02d] jlog_ctx_open_writer failed: %d %s\n", subno, jlog_ctx_err(ctx), jlog_ctx_err_string(ctx)); } else { if(jlog_ctx_add_subscriber(ctx, subname, JLOG_BEGIN) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[%02d] jlog_ctx_add_subscriber failed: %d %s\n", subno, jlog_ctx_err(ctx), jlog_ctx_err_string(ctx)); } else { jlog_ctx_close(ctx); goto reader_retry; } } } } fprintf(stderr, "[%02d] jlog_ctx_open_reader failed: %d %s\n", subno, jlog_ctx_err(ctx), jlog_ctx_err_string(ctx)); croak(); } fprintf(stderr, "[%02d] reader started\n", subno); while(1) { char begins[20], ends[20]; jlog_id begin, end; int count; jlog_message message; if((count = jlog_ctx_read_interval(ctx, &begin, &end)) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "jlog_ctx_read_interval failed: %d %s\n", jlog_ctx_err(ctx), jlog_ctx_err_string(ctx)); croak(); } jlog_snprint_logid(begins, sizeof(begins), &begin); jlog_snprint_logid(ends, sizeof(ends), &end); if(count > 0) { int i; //fprintf(stderr, "[%02d] reader (%s, %s] count: %d\n", subno, begins, ends, count); for(i=0; i<count; i++, JLOG_ID_ADVANCE(&begin)) { end = begin; if(jlog_ctx_read_message(ctx, &begin, &message) != 0) { if(jlog_ctx_err(ctx) == JLOG_ERR_CLOSE_LOGID) { /* fine */ } else { fcount++; jlog_snprint_logid(begins, sizeof(begins), &begin); fprintf(stderr, "[%02d] read failed @ %s: %d %s\n", subno, begins, jlog_ctx_err(ctx), jlog_ctx_err_string(ctx)); } } else { tcount++; jlog_snprint_logid(begins, sizeof(begins), &begin); /* fprintf(stderr, "[%02d] read: [%s]\n\t'%.*s'\n", subno, begins, message.mess_len, (char *)message.mess); */ } } if(jlog_ctx_read_checkpoint(ctx, &end) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[%02d] checkpoint failed: %d %s\n", subno, jlog_ctx_err(ctx), jlog_ctx_err_string(ctx)); } else { fprintf(stderr, "[%02d] \tcheckpointed...\n", subno); } } else { if(writer_done == 1) break; } } fprintf(stderr, "[%02d] reader read %d, failed %d\n", subno, tcount, fcount); jlog_ctx_close(ctx); return (void *)(uintptr_t)tcount; }