Example #1
void LayoutTableLoad::executePlanOperation() {
  const auto &input = this->input.getTable(0);
  if ((input->columnCount() >= 1) && (input->size() >= _input_row)) {
    std::string tmp_table_description = input->getValue<std::string>(0, _input_row);

    std::vector<std::string> description_lines;
    splitString(description_lines, tmp_table_description, "\n");

    if (_override_group != "") {
      std::vector<std::string> group_lines;
      splitString(group_lines, description_lines[2], "|");
      for (size_t index = 0; index < group_lines.size(); ++index) {
        if (_override_group == "C")
          group_lines[index] = std::to_string(index) + "_C";
        else if (_override_group == "R")
          group_lines[index] = "0_R";
          throw std::runtime_error("unknown override_group " + _override_group);
      description_lines[2] = joinString(group_lines, "|");

    std::string table_description = joinString(description_lines, "\n");

    StringHeader header(table_description);
    CSVInput input(_file_name, CSVInput::params().setCSVParams(csv::HYRISE_FORMAT));
    StorageManager *sm = StorageManager::getInstance();
    sm->loadTable(_table_name, Loader::params().setHeader(header).setInput(input));
  } else {
    throw std::runtime_error("Input of LayoutTableLoad doesn't have at least one field to begin with");
TYPED_TEST(HashTableTest, test_column_combinations) {
  hyrise::storage::atable_ptr_t table = Loader::shortcuts::load("test/tables/hash_table_test.tbl");
for (auto & cols: combinations) {
    SCOPED_TRACE(joinString(cols, ","));
    EXPECT_TRUE(TestCoverage<TypeParam>(table, cols));
Example #3
int Markovsky::LearnLine(string &line) {
  // Ignore quotes
  if (isdigit(line[0])) return false;
  if (line[0] == '<') return false;
  if (line[0] == '[') return false;

  vector<string> curwords;
  tokenizeString(line, curwords);
  string cleanline = joinString(curwords);
  if (lines.find(cleanline) != lines.end()) return false;

  set<string>::iterator lineit = lines.insert(cleanline).first;

  int sz = curwords.size();
  for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
	map<string, word_t>::iterator wit = words.find(curwords[i]);
	if (wit == words.end()) {
	  word_t cword;
	  context_t cxt(lineit, i);
	  words[curwords[i]] = cword;
	} else {
	  context_t cxt(lineit, i);
  return true;
Example #4
TxElement* util::xmlGetElement(TxElement* node, std::string path) {
    std::vector<std::string> parts = splitString(path, '/');
    if (parts.size() > 0) {
        std::vector<std::string> components = splitString(parts[0], '&');
        std::string name = components[0];

        ticpp::Iterator<ticpp::Element> child;
        for (child = child.begin(node); child != child.end(); child++) {
            bool match = true;
            std::string childname;
            if (childname == name) {
                for (size_t i = 1; i < components.size(); ++i) {
                    std::vector<std::string> pair = splitString(components[i], '=');
                    match = match && child->GetAttributeOrDefault(pair[0], "") == pair[1];
            } else {
                match = false;
            if (match) {
                if (parts.size() > 1) {
                    return xmlGetElement(child.Get(),
                                         joinString(parts.begin() + 1, parts.end(), "/"));
                } else {
                    return child.Get();
    return nullptr;
Example #5
 *Function Name: destroyPageFile
 *            destroy a txt file called fileName at "/Users/mac/Desktop/"
 *            char *fileName: the fileName user want to open
 *            RC_OK;
 *            BO PENG
 *            Date                  Name                                Content
 *            ----------            ------------------------------      ---------------
 *            1/28/2016             BO PENG<*****@*****.**>        first create using joinString to rewrite
 *            1/30/2016             BO PENG<*****@*****.**>        add header comments
 *            1/30/2016             BO PENG<*****@*****.**>        run on main(), and it worked
RC destroyPageFile(char *fileName) { //extern RC destroyPageFile (char *fileName)

    if (fileName == NULL) {

        return RC_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
    //  join the file path, fileName and file type.
    //   For example:
    //   "/Users/mac/Desktop/" + "fileName" + ".txt"
    char *address = "/Users/mac/Desktop/";
    char *firstHalf = joinString(address, fileName);
    char *houzhui = ".txt";
    char *fullAddress = joinString(firstHalf, houzhui);
    //delete such file
    return RC_OK;

Example #6
 *Function Name: openPageFile
 *            open a txt file called fileName at "/Users/mac/Desktop/"
 *            char *fileName: the fileName user want to open
 *            SM_FileHandle *fHandle: a strcture to save opened txt file's Info
 *            RC_OK;
 *            BO PENG
 *            Date                  Name                                Content
 *            ----------            ------------------------------      ---------------
 *            1/26/2016             BO PENG<*****@*****.**>        first create
 *            1/26/2016             BO PENG<*****@*****.**>        add comments
 *            1/27/2016             BO PENG<*****@*****.**>        use joinString to rewrite
 *            1/29/2016             BO PENG<*****@*****.**>        add show file content onto screen part
 *            1/30/2016             BO PENG<*****@*****.**>        add header comments
 *            1/30/2016             BO PENG<*****@*****.**>        run on main(), and it worked
RC openPageFile(char *fileName, SM_FileHandle *fHandle) {
    //initial variable
    FILE *fwatch;
    FILE *fp;
    char ch;
    long fileSize;
    long lastPos = -1;
    //  join the file path, fileName and file type.
    //   For example:
    //   "/Users/mac/Desktop/" + "fileName" + ".txt"
    char *address = "/Users/mac/Desktop/";
    char *firstHalf = joinString(address, fileName);
    char *houzhui = ".txt";
    char *fullAddress = joinString(firstHalf, houzhui);
    // fullAddress = "/Users/mac/Desktop/" + "fileName" + ".txt"
    // show the file on screen
    ch = fgetc(fwatch);  //character of file
    while(ch!=EOF) { //end of file(EOF)
        putchar(ch); // show the file character by character
    //collect file info: 1)fileName, 2)totalNumPages, 3)curPagePos, 4)mgmtInfo
    fp =fopen(fullAddress,"rt+");
    if(fp ==NULL) {
        return RC_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
    int Ban;
    Ban = fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
    if(Ban == -1) { //if failed
        return RC_UNESPECTED_ERROR;
    // if rellocating pointer is success
    lastPos = ftell(fp); //locate the lastPosistion in the file
    fileSize = lastPos + 1;
    fHandle->fileName = fileName;
    fHandle->totalNumPages = (int) fileSize/PAGE_SIZE;
    fHandle->mgmtInfo = fp;
    fHandle ->curPagePos =0;
    return RC_OK;

Example #7
std::string MouseEvent::buttonName() const {
    std::vector<std::string> names;
    if (button_ & MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) names.push_back(buttonNames_[1]);
    if (button_ & MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE) names.push_back(buttonNames_[2]);
    if (button_ & MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT) names.push_back(buttonNames_[3]);

    if (!names.empty()) {
        return joinString(names, "+");
    } else {
        return buttonNames_[0];
Example #8
 *Function Name: createPageFile
 *            create a txt file into "/Users/mac/Desktop/"
 *            Initial content is: first page is full of "\0"
 *            char *fileName: the fileName user want to call
 *            RC_OK;
 *            BO PENG
 *            Date                  Name                                Content
 *            ----------            ------------------------------      ---------------
 *            1/26/2016             BO PENG<*****@*****.**>        first create
 *            1/26/2016             BO PENG<*****@*****.**>        add comments
 *            1/27/2016             BO PENG<*****@*****.**>        use joinString to rewrite
 *            1/30/2016             BO PENG<*****@*****.**>        add header comments
 *            1/30/2016             BO PENG<*****@*****.**>        run on main(), and it worked
RC createPageFile(char *fileName) {
    if(fileName==NULL) { //when fileName is NULL
        return RC_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
    //  join the file path, fileName and file type.
    //   For example:
    //   "/Users/mac/Desktop/" + "fileName" + ".txt"
    char *address = "/Users/mac/Desktop/";
    char *firstHalf = joinString(address, fileName);
    char *houzhui = ".txt";
    char *fullAddress = joinString(firstHalf, houzhui);
    //initial the new file's first page with "\0"
    FILE *fp=fopen(fullAddress,"w");         //build a file and get file stream
    char str[PAGE_SIZE];//allocate a block space, which size is PAGE_SIZE bytes
    memset(str,'\0',PAGE_SIZE);           // fill the array with '/0'
    fwrite(str, PAGE_SIZE, 1, fp);        //put the block into the file

    return RC_OK;

Example #9
void HelpWidget::showDocForClassName(std::string classIdentifier) {
    if (!helpEngine_) return;
    std::string className = joinString(splitString(classIdentifier, '.'), "_8");

    QUrl url(QString::fromStdString("qthelp://org.inviwo/doc/docpage-" + className + ".html"));
    QUrl foundUrl = helpEngine_->findFile(url);

    if (foundUrl.isValid()) {
    } else {
        helpBrowser_->setText(QString("No documentation available"));
Example #10
bool util::xmlCopyMatchingSubPropsIntoComposite(TxElement* node, const CompositeProperty& prop) {
    TxElement propitem("Property");
    propitem.SetAttribute("type", prop.getClassIdentifier());
    propitem.SetAttribute("identifier", prop.getIdentifier());
    propitem.SetAttribute("displayName", prop.getDisplayName());
    propitem.SetAttribute("key", prop.getIdentifier());
    TxElement list("Properties");


    std::vector<Property*> props = prop.getProperties();

    bool res = false;

    for (auto& p : props) {
        bool match = false;

        ticpp::Iterator<ticpp::Element> child;
        for (child = child.begin(node); child != child.end(); child++) {
            std::string name;
            std::string type = child->GetAttributeOrDefault("type", "");
            std::string id = child->GetAttributeOrDefault("identifier", "");

            if (p->getIdentifier() == id &&
                (p->getClassIdentifier() == type ||
                 p->getClassIdentifier() == splitString(type, '.').back())) {
                LogInfoCustom("VersionConverter", "    Match for sub property: " +
                                                          joinString(p->getPath(), ".") +
                                                          " found in type: "
                                                      << type << " id: " << id);

                match = true;
        res = res && match;
    return res;