IKResult PathPlanner::checkForValidConfigurations(IKResult configs){

	IKResult result;
	matrix<double> jointPosition(4, 4);
	int value = 0;

	double maxWrist1Angle = 0 * PI / 180;
	double minWrist1Angle = -180 * PI / 180;

	double maxWrist2Angle = 90 * (PI / 180);
	double minWrist2Angle = -maxWrist2Angle;

	for (int i = 0; i < configs.solutions.size(); i++) {
		value = 0;
		if (minWrist1Angle <= configs.solutions[i].getWrist1Angle() && configs.solutions[i].getWrist1Angle() <= maxWrist1Angle /*&& minWrist2Angle <= configs.solutions[i].getWrist2Angle() && configs.solutions[i].getWrist2Angle() <= maxWrist2Angle*/)
			for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
				jointPosition = direct_kinematics_.getPositionOfJoint(j, configs.solutions[i]);
				//If the z coordinate of the joint is above the table
				if (jointPosition(2, 3) > 0.05) {
			if (value == 6){

	return result;
vector<double> CNR_7DOFAnalyticInverseKinematicsComp::GetJointPosition()
	vector<double> jointPosition(7);

		// user code here
		MSLVector EE(m_Position.x, m_Position.y, m_Position.z); //앤드이펙터 포지션

		double cr, cp , cy;
		double sr, sp , sy;

		cr = cos(DEG2RAD(m_Position.roll));		sr = sin(DEG2RAD(m_Position.roll));	//roll값 적용
		cp = cos(DEG2RAD(m_Position.pitch));		sp = sin(DEG2RAD(m_Position.pitch));	//pitch값적용
		if(m_Position.yaw == 0){//yaw값이 0이면 해가 안구해져서 이렇게 처리
			cy = cos(1e-011);		sy = sin(1e-011);	//yaw값 적용
		}	else	{
			cy = cos(DEG2RAD(m_Position.yaw));		sy = sin(DEG2RAD(m_Position.yaw));	//yaw값 적용

		double uplen = atof(parameter.GetValue("UpperArmLength").c_str());		//상완길이 파라미터로부터 설정해야함	
		double lowlen = atof(parameter.GetValue("LowerArmLength").c_str());		//하완길이 파라미터로부터 설정해야함
		double handlen = atof(parameter.GetValue("ToolLength").c_str());		//손목길이 파라미터로부터 설정해야함	

		double ax_o,ay_o,az_o,ox_o,oy_o,oz_o,nx_o,ny_o,nz_o;//원래의 프레임 방향인자

		nx_o = cy*cp;		ox_o = cy*sp*sr-sy*cr;	ax_o = cy*sp*cr+sy*sr;	
		ny_o = sy*cp;		oy_o = sy*sp*sr+cy*cr;	ay_o = sy*sp*cr-cy*sr;	
		nz_o = -sp;			oz_o = cp*sr;			az_o = cp*cr;	

		double px_o, py_o,pz_o;	//	원래의 손목위치;

		px_o = EE[0] - handlen * ax_o; //손의 길이만큼 목표위치를 빼서 손목의 위치를 계산
		py_o = EE[1] - handlen * ay_o;
		pz_o = EE[2] - handlen * az_o;

		MSLVector W(3);

		W[0] =  py_o;	//손목의 위치를 알고리즘에게 맞게 변환해서 입력
		W[1] = -pz_o;
		W[2] = -px_o;

		if(W[0] == 0 && W[1] == 0)
			W[0] += 1e-011;//x,y가 둘다 0이면 해가 안구해져서 이렇게 처리

		double  nx,ny,nz,ox,oy,oz,ax,ay,az;

		//회전축 n,o,a를 알고리즘 방향기준에 맞게 변환
		nx = ny_o;
		ox = oy_o;
		ax = ay_o;

		ny = -nz_o;
		oy = -oz_o;
		ay = -az_o;

		nz = -nx_o; 
		oz = -ox_o; 
		az = -ax_o;

		double wlen = W.length();	//손목까지의 거리

		MSLVector P(0.0, 0.0, 100.0);  //첫번째 관절벡터
		double len1 = uplen;				//상완길이
		double len2 = lowlen;				//하완길이
		MSLVector SCP, C;
		SCP = (P*W)/(W*W)*W;		//scp는 shoulder 점에서 p벡터의 w벡터에 대한 수선벡터의 베이스까지향하는 벡터이다. (scp+ (p벡터의 w벡터에 대한 수선벡터) = p벡터) 
		C = P - SCP;

		double v,omega,dtemp;
		double rx, ry, rz, so,co;
		omega = DEG2RAD(atof(parameter.GetValue("RedundantValue").c_str()));		//여자유도 변수 적용
		v = 1-cos(omega);
		dtemp = sqrt(W[0]*W[0] + W[1]*W[1] +W[2]*W[2]);
		rx = W[0]/dtemp; 
		ry = W[1]/dtemp; 
		rz = W[2]/dtemp;

		so = sin(omega);
		co = cos(omega);

		MSLMatrix R(3,3);
		R[0][0] = rx * rx * v + co;
		R[0][1] = rx * ry * v - rz * so; 
		R[0][2] = rx *rz*v + ry * so;

		R[1][0] = rx * ry * v + rz * so;   
		R[1][1] = ry * ry * v + co;
		R[1][2] = ry * rz * v - rx * so;

		R[2][0] = rx * rz * v - ry * so;
		R[2][1] = ry * rz * v + rx * so;
		R[2][2] = rz * rz * v + co;

		C = R * C;		//c벡터를 손목 회전벡터로 오메가각도만큼 회전
		C = C.norm() ;	//c를 노말라이징

		double he;
		he = 0.5 * (wlen + uplen + lowlen);
		he = sqrt(he*(he - wlen)*(he - lowlen)*(he - uplen));
		double clen = 2.0 * he / wlen;
		C = clen * C;		//W벡터 중간정도에서 엘보까지 가는 벡터 완성
		MSLVector SE;	//어깨에서 엘보까지 벡터
		SE = (W/wlen)*sqrt(uplen*uplen - clen*clen) + C;
		MSLVector EW; //엘보에서 손목까지 벡터
		EW = W - SE;

		double th1, th2, th3, th4, th5, th6, th7;
		double c1,s1,c2,s2,c3,s3,c4,s4,c5,s5,c6,s6;
		th2 = acos(SE[1]/uplen);
		c2 = cos(th2);
		s2 = sin(th2);

		double ss,cc;
		ss = -SE[2]/(uplen*sin(th2));
		cc = -SE[0]/(uplen*sin(th2));

		th1 = atan2(ss,cc);
		c1 = cos(th1);
		s1 = sin(th1);

		th4 = acos( (SE*EW)/((SE.length())*(EW.length())) );

		c4 = cos(th4);
		s4 = sin(th4);

		double AA,BB,CC;
		AA = -EW[0]/lowlen - c1*s2*c4;
		BB = -EW[2]/lowlen - s1*s2*c4;
		ss = (c1*BB - s1*AA)/s4;
		cc = (-EW[1]/lowlen + c2*c4)/(-s2*s4);
		th3 = atan2(ss,cc);
		c3 = cos(th3);
		s3 = sin(th3);

		MSLVector RHZ(ax, ay, az);
		th6 = acos( (EW*RHZ)/lowlen);
		c6 = cos(th6);
		s6 = sin(th6);

		AA = -ax -(-(c1*c2*c3+s1*s3)*s4+c1*s2*c4)*c6;
		BB = -ay -(-s2*c3*s4-c2*c4)*c6;
		CC =  (-c1*c2*s3+s1*c3)*(s2*c3*c4-c2*s4) - (-s2*s3)*((c1*c2*c3+s1*s3)*c4+c1*s2*s4);

		cc = ( (-s2*s3) *(AA) - (-c1*c2*s3+s1*c3) *(BB) )/((CC)*s6 );
		ss = -( (s2*c3*c4-c2*s4) *(AA)-  ((c1*c2*c3+s1*s3)*c4+c1*s2*s4) *(BB)) /((CC)*s6);

		th5 = atan2(ss,cc);
		c5 = cos(th5);
		s5 = sin(th5);

		AA = -((c1*c2*c3+s1*s3)*c4+c1*s2*s4)*s5+(-c1*c2*s3+s1*c3)*c5;
		BB = -((s1*c2*c3-c1*s3)*c4+s1*s2*s4)*s5+(-s1*c2*s3-c1*c3)*c5;

		ss = (oz*AA - ox*BB)/(oz*nx - ox*nz );
		cc = (nx*BB - nz*AA)/(oz*nx - ox*nz );

		th7 = atan2(ss,cc);

		jointPosition[0] = ASV_DEG(RAD2DEG(fmod(th1+M_PI_2, 2.*M_PI)));
 		jointPosition[1] = ASV_DEG(RAD2DEG(fmod(th2, 2.*M_PI)));
		jointPosition[2] = ASV_DEG(RAD2DEG(fmod(th3, 2.*M_PI)));
		jointPosition[3] = ASV_DEG(RAD2DEG(fmod(th4, 2.*M_PI)));
		jointPosition[4] = ASV_DEG(RAD2DEG(fmod(th5, 2.*M_PI)));
		jointPosition[5] = ASV_DEG(RAD2DEG(fmod(th6, 2.*M_PI)));
		jointPosition[6] = ASV_DEG(RAD2DEG(fmod(th7, 2.*M_PI)));
	return jointPosition;
TEST(TestSuite, oneDofRevoluteX)
  const char* ffJointName = "base_footprint_joint";
  jrl::dynamics::urdf::Parser parser;
  CjrlHumanoidDynamicRobot* robot = parser.parse
    (TEST_MODEL_DIRECTORY "/one_dof_revolute_x.urdf",

  CjrlJoint* root = robot->rootJoint ();
  ASSERT_TRUE (root);
  ASSERT_EQ (1, root->countChildJoints());
  ASSERT_EQ (ffJointName, root->getName());

  CjrlJoint* joint = root->childJoint (0);
  ASSERT_TRUE (joint);
  ASSERT_EQ ("joint1", joint->getName());

  // Create robot configuration.
  const int ndofs = 7;
  vectorN q (ndofs);
  vectorN dq (ndofs);
  vectorN ddq (ndofs);

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < ndofs; ++i)
    q (i) = dq (i) = ddq (i) = 0.;

  // Check configuration at zero.
  std::cout << q << std::endl;
  ASSERT_TRUE (robot->currentConfiguration(q));
  ASSERT_TRUE (robot->currentVelocity(dq));
  ASSERT_TRUE (robot->currentAcceleration(ddq));
  ASSERT_TRUE (robot->computeForwardKinematics());

  matrix4d jointPosition;

  jointPosition.setIdentity ();
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
    for (unsigned j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
      ASSERT_EQ(jointPosition (i, j),
		root->currentTransformation () (i, j));

  jointPosition.setIdentity ();
  jointPosition (1, 3) = 1.;

  // std::cout << "current value:" << std::endl;
  // std::cout << joint->currentTransformation () << std::endl;
  // std::cout << "expected value:" << std::endl;
  // std::cout << jointPosition << std::endl;

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
    for (unsigned j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
      ASSERT_NEAR (jointPosition (i, j),
		   joint->currentTransformation () (i, j),

  // Check configuration at pi/2.
  q (6) = M_PI / 2.;
  std::cout << q << std::endl;
  ASSERT_TRUE (robot->currentConfiguration(q));
  ASSERT_TRUE (robot->currentVelocity(dq));
  ASSERT_TRUE (robot->currentAcceleration(ddq));
  ASSERT_TRUE (robot->computeForwardKinematics());

  jointPosition.setIdentity ();
  jointPosition (1, 1) = 0.;
  jointPosition (1, 2) = -1.;
  jointPosition (2, 1) = 1.;
  jointPosition (2, 2) = 0.;
  jointPosition (1, 3) = 1.;

  std::cout << "current value:" << std::endl;
  std::cout << joint->currentTransformation () << std::endl;
  std::cout << "expected value:" << std::endl;
  std::cout << jointPosition << std::endl;

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
    for (unsigned j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
      ASSERT_NEAR (jointPosition (i, j),
		   joint->currentTransformation () (i, j),