JSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncCharAt(ExecState* exec, JSObject*, JSValue thisValue, const ArgList& args)
    UString s = thisValue.toThisString(exec);
    unsigned len = s.size();
    JSValue a0 = args.at(0);
    if (a0.isUInt32Fast()) {
        uint32_t i = a0.getUInt32Fast();
        if (i < len)
            return jsSingleCharacterSubstring(exec, s, i);
        return jsEmptyString(exec);
    double dpos = a0.toInteger(exec);
    if (dpos >= 0 && dpos < len)
        return jsSingleCharacterSubstring(exec, s, static_cast<unsigned>(dpos));
    return jsEmptyString(exec);
Example #2
JSValue* stringProtoFuncCharAt(ExecState* exec, JSObject*, JSValue* thisValue, const ArgList& args)
    UString s = thisValue->toThisString(exec);
    unsigned len = s.size();
    JSValue* a0 = args.at(exec, 0);
    if (JSImmediate::isNumber(a0)) {
        uint32_t i;
        if (JSImmediate::getUInt32(a0, i) && i < len)
            return jsSingleCharacterSubstring(exec, s, i);
        return jsEmptyString(exec);
    double dpos = a0->toInteger(exec);
    if (dpos >= 0 && dpos < len)
        return jsSingleCharacterSubstring(exec, s, static_cast<unsigned>(dpos));
    return jsEmptyString(exec);
Example #3
JSString* JSRopeString::getIndexSlowCase(ExecState* exec, unsigned i)
    // Return a safe no-value result, this should never be used, since the excetion will be thrown.
    if (exec->exception())
        return jsEmptyString(exec);
    RELEASE_ASSERT(i < m_value.length());
    return jsSingleCharacterSubstring(exec, m_value, i);
Example #4
TiString* TiString::getIndexSlowCase(TiExcState* exec, unsigned i)
    // Return a safe no-value result, this should never be used, since the excetion will be thrown.
    if (exec->exception())
        return jsString(exec, "");
    ASSERT(i < m_value.size());
    return jsSingleCharacterSubstring(exec, m_value, i);
Example #5
bool JSString::getStringPropertyDescriptor(ExecState* exec, const Identifier& propertyName, PropertyDescriptor& descriptor)
    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length) {
        descriptor.setDescriptor(jsNumber(exec, m_value.size()), DontEnum | DontDelete | ReadOnly);
        return true;

    bool isStrictUInt32;
    unsigned i = propertyName.toStrictUInt32(&isStrictUInt32);
    if (isStrictUInt32 && i < static_cast<unsigned>(m_value.size())) {
        descriptor.setDescriptor(jsSingleCharacterSubstring(exec, m_value, i), DontDelete | ReadOnly);
        return true;

    return false;
JSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncSplit(ExecState* exec, JSObject*, JSValue thisValue, const ArgList& args)
    UString s = thisValue.toThisString(exec);

    JSValue a0 = args.at(0);
    JSValue a1 = args.at(1);

    JSArray* result = constructEmptyArray(exec);
    unsigned i = 0;
    int p0 = 0;
    unsigned limit = a1.isUndefined() ? 0xFFFFFFFFU : a1.toUInt32(exec);
    if (a0.isObject(&RegExpObject::info)) {
        RegExp* reg = asRegExpObject(a0)->regExp();
        if (s.isEmpty() && reg->match(s, 0) >= 0) {
            // empty string matched by regexp -> empty array
            return result;
        int pos = 0;
        while (i != limit && pos < s.size()) {
            OwnArrayPtr<int> ovector;
            int mpos = reg->match(s, pos, &ovector);
            if (mpos < 0)
            int mlen = ovector[1] - ovector[0];
            pos = mpos + (mlen == 0 ? 1 : mlen);
            if (mpos != p0 || mlen) {
                result->put(exec, i++, jsSubstring(exec, s, p0, mpos - p0));
                p0 = mpos + mlen;
            for (unsigned si = 1; si <= reg->numSubpatterns(); ++si) {
                int spos = ovector[si * 2];
                if (spos < 0)
                    result->put(exec, i++, jsUndefined());
                    result->put(exec, i++, jsSubstring(exec, s, spos, ovector[si * 2 + 1] - spos));
    } else {
        UString u2 = a0.toString(exec);
        if (u2.isEmpty()) {
            if (s.isEmpty()) {
                // empty separator matches empty string -> empty array
                return result;
            while (i != limit && p0 < s.size() - 1)
                result->put(exec, i++, jsSingleCharacterSubstring(exec, s, p0++));
        } else {
            int pos;
            while (i != limit && (pos = s.find(u2, p0)) >= 0) {
                result->put(exec, i++, jsSubstring(exec, s, p0, pos - p0));
                p0 = pos + u2.size();

    // add remaining string
    if (i != limit)
        result->put(exec, i++, jsSubstring(exec, s, p0, s.size() - p0));

    return result;