Example #1
JSBool js_cocos2dx_GLNode_constructor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp)
  if (argc == 0) {
    GLNode* cobj = new GLNode();
    cocos2d::Object *_ccobj = dynamic_cast<cocos2d::Object *>(cobj);
    if (_ccobj) {
    TypeTest<GLNode> t;
    js_type_class_t *typeClass;
    uint32_t typeId = t.s_id();
    HASH_FIND_INT(_js_global_type_ht, &typeId, typeClass);
    JSObject *obj = JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, typeClass->proto, typeClass->parentProto);
    JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
    // link the native object with the javascript object
    js_proxy_t *p = jsb_new_proxy(cobj, obj);
    JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &p->obj, "cocos2d::GLNode");
    return JS_TRUE;
  JS_ReportError(cx, "wrong number of arguments: %d, was expecting %d", argc, 0);
  return JS_FALSE;
Example #2
inline js_proxy_t *js_get_or_create_proxy(JSContext *cx, T *native_obj) {
    js_proxy_t *proxy;
    HASH_FIND_PTR(_native_js_global_ht, &native_obj, proxy);
    if (!proxy) {
        js_type_class_t *typeProxy = js_get_type_from_native<T>(native_obj);
        // Return NULL if can't find its type rather than making an assert.
//        assert(typeProxy);
        if (!typeProxy) {
            CCLOGINFO("Could not find the type of native object.");
            return NULL;
        JSObject* js_obj = JS_NewObject(cx, typeProxy->jsclass, typeProxy->proto, typeProxy->parentProto);
        proxy = jsb_new_proxy(native_obj, js_obj);
#ifdef DEBUG
        JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &proxy->obj, typeid(*native_obj).name());
        JS_AddObjectRoot(cx, &proxy->obj);
        return proxy;
    } else {
        return proxy;
    return NULL;
Example #3
static bool dummy_constructor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp) {
    JS::RootedValue initializing(cx);
    bool isNewValid = true;
#if not $script_control_cpp
    JSObject* global = ScriptingCore::getInstance()->getGlobalObject();
	isNewValid = JS_GetProperty(cx, global, "initializing", &initializing) && JSVAL_TO_BOOLEAN(initializing);
#end if
	if (isNewValid)
		TypeTest<T> t;
		js_type_class_t *typeClass = nullptr;
		std::string typeName = t.s_name();
		auto typeMapIter = _js_global_type_map.find(typeName);
		CCASSERT(typeMapIter != _js_global_type_map.end(), "Can't find the class type!");
		typeClass = typeMapIter->second;
		CCASSERT(typeClass, "The value is null.");

		JSObject *_tmp = JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, typeClass->proto, typeClass->parentProto);
	#if $script_control_cpp
		T* cobj = new T();
		js_proxy_t *pp = jsb_new_proxy(cobj, _tmp);
		JS_AddObjectRoot(cx, &pp->obj);
	#end if
		JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(_tmp));
		return true;

#if not $script_control_cpp
    JS_ReportError(cx, "Don't use `new cc.XXX`, please use `cc.XXX.create` instead! ");
#end if
    return false;
bool js_cocos2dx_GLNode_constructor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp)

    if (argc == 0) {
        GLNode* cobj = new GLNode();
        cocos2d::Ref *_ccobj = dynamic_cast<cocos2d::Ref *>(cobj);
        if (_ccobj) {

        TypeTest<GLNode> t;
        js_type_class_t *typeClass = nullptr;
        std::string typeName = t.s_name();
        auto typeMapIter = _js_global_type_map.find(typeName);

        CCASSERT(typeMapIter != _js_global_type_map.end(), "Can't find the class type!");
        typeClass = typeMapIter->second;
        CCASSERT(typeClass, "The value is null.");

        JSObject *obj = JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, typeClass->proto, typeClass->parentProto);
        JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
        // link the native object with the javascript object
        js_proxy_t *p = jsb_new_proxy(cobj, obj);

        JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &p->obj, "cocos2d::GLNode");

        return true;
    JS_ReportError(cx, "wrong number of arguments: %d, was expecting %d", argc, 0);
    return false;
bool js_cocos2dx_DrawNode3D_constructor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp)
    JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
    bool ok = true;
    cocos2d::DrawNode3D* cobj = new (std::nothrow) cocos2d::DrawNode3D();
    cocos2d::Ref *_ccobj = dynamic_cast<cocos2d::Ref *>(cobj);
    if (_ccobj) {
    TypeTest<cocos2d::DrawNode3D> t;
    js_type_class_t *typeClass = nullptr;
    std::string typeName = t.s_name();
    auto typeMapIter = _js_global_type_map.find(typeName);
    CCASSERT(typeMapIter != _js_global_type_map.end(), "Can't find the class type!");
    typeClass = typeMapIter->second;
    CCASSERT(typeClass, "The value is null.");
    // JSObject *obj = JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, typeClass->proto, typeClass->parentProto);
    JS::RootedObject proto(cx, typeClass->proto.get());
    JS::RootedObject parent(cx, typeClass->parentProto.get());
    JS::RootedObject obj(cx, JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, proto, parent));
    // link the native object with the javascript object
    js_proxy_t* p = jsb_new_proxy(cobj, obj);
    AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &p->obj, "cocos2d::DrawNode3D");
    if (JS_HasProperty(cx, obj, "_ctor", &ok) && ok)
        ScriptingCore::getInstance()->executeFunctionWithOwner(OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj), "_ctor", args);
    return true;
static bool dummy_constructor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp) {
    JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
    JS::RootedValue initializing(cx);
    bool isNewValid = true;
    if (isNewValid)
        TypeTest<T> t;
        js_type_class_t *typeClass = nullptr;
        std::string typeName = t.s_name();
        auto typeMapIter = _js_global_type_map.find(typeName);
        CCASSERT(typeMapIter != _js_global_type_map.end(), "Can't find the class type!");
        typeClass = typeMapIter->second;
        CCASSERT(typeClass, "The value is null.");

#if (COCOS2D_VERSION >= 0x00031000)
        JS::RootedObject proto(cx, typeClass->proto.ref());
        JS::RootedObject parent(cx, typeClass->parentProto.ref());
        JS::RootedObject proto(cx, typeClass->proto.get());
        JS::RootedObject parent(cx, typeClass->parentProto.get());
        JS::RootedObject _tmp(cx, JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, proto, parent));
        T* cobj = new T();
        js_proxy_t *pp = jsb_new_proxy(cobj, _tmp);
        AddObjectRoot(cx, &pp->obj);
        return true;

    return false;
inline js_proxy_t *js_get_or_create_proxy(JSContext *cx, T *native_obj) {
    auto proxy = jsb_get_native_proxy(native_obj);
    if (!proxy) {
        js_type_class_t *typeProxy = js_get_type_from_native<T>(native_obj);
        // Return NULL if can't find its type rather than making an assert.
//        assert(typeProxy);
        if (!typeProxy) {
            CCLOGINFO("Could not find the type of native object.");
            return NULL;


        JS::RootedObject proto(cx, typeProxy->proto.ref().get());
        JS::RootedObject parent(cx, typeProxy->parentProto.ref().get());
        JS::RootedObject js_obj(cx, JS_NewObject(cx, typeProxy->jsclass, proto, parent));
        proxy = jsb_new_proxy(native_obj, js_obj);
#ifdef DEBUG
        AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &proxy->obj, typeid(*native_obj).name());
        AddObjectRoot(cx, &proxy->obj);
        return proxy;
    } else {
        return proxy;
    return NULL;
Example #8
static JSBool js_jsb_iOSiapWrapper_iOSiapWrapperCallBackClass_ctor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp)
	JSObject *obj = JS_THIS_OBJECT(cx, vp);
    iOSiapWrapperCallBackClass *nobj = new iOSiapWrapperCallBackClass();
    js_proxy_t* p = jsb_new_proxy(nobj, obj);
    JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, JSVAL_VOID);
    return JS_TRUE;
static bool js_cocos2dx_GLNode_ctor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp)
    JSObject *obj = JS_THIS_OBJECT(cx, vp);
    GLNode *nobj = new GLNode();
    js_proxy_t* p = jsb_new_proxy(nobj, obj);
    JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &p->obj, "GLNode");
    JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, JSVAL_VOID);
    return true;
static JSBool dummy_constructor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp) {
    TypeTest<T> t;
    T* cobj = new T();
    js_type_class_t *p;
    uint32_t typeId = t.s_id();
    HASH_FIND_INT(_js_global_type_ht, &typeId, p);
    JSObject *_tmp = JS_NewObject(cx, p->jsclass, p->proto, p->parentProto);
    js_proxy_t *pp = jsb_new_proxy(cobj, _tmp);
    JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(_tmp));

    return JS_TRUE;
Example #11
static bool js_coolexp_ErayLayer_ctor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp)
    JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
    JS::RootedObject obj(cx, args.thisv().toObjectOrNull());
    ErayLayer *nobj = new (std::nothrow) ErayLayer();
    auto newproxy = jsb_new_proxy(nobj, obj);
    jsb_ref_init(cx, &newproxy->obj, nobj, "ErayLayer");
    bool isFound = false;
    if (JS_HasProperty(cx, obj, "_ctor", &isFound) && isFound)
        ScriptingCore::getInstance()->executeFunctionWithOwner(OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj), "_ctor", args);
    return true;
Example #12
static bool js_es_Button_ctor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp)
    jsval *argv = JS_ARGV(cx, vp);
	JSObject *obj = JS_THIS_OBJECT(cx, vp);
    es::Button *nobj = new es::Button();
    if (nobj) {
    js_proxy_t* p = jsb_new_proxy(nobj, obj);
    JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &p->obj, "es::Button");
    bool isFound = false;
    if (JS_HasProperty(cx, obj, "_ctor", &isFound))
        ScriptingCore::getInstance()->executeFunctionWithOwner(OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj), "_ctor", argc, argv);
    JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, JSVAL_VOID);
    return true;
// this function copies co to a new object and pass it to js. And this new object will be deleted automatic by GC.
jsval CFBFunctionsJS::createJsvalFromCard(const CFBCard& co)
    JSAutoCompartment ac(_cx, _go);
    TypeTest<CFBCard> t;
    js_type_class_t *typeClass = nullptr;
    std::string typeName = t.s_name();
    auto typeMapIter = _js_global_type_map.find(typeName);
    CCASSERT(typeMapIter != _js_global_type_map.end(), "Can't find the class type!");
    typeClass = typeMapIter->second;
    CCASSERT(typeClass, "The value is null.");
    JSObject *obj = JS_NewObject(_cx, typeClass->jsclass, typeClass->proto, typeClass->parentProto);
    jsb_new_proxy(new CFBCard(co), obj);
    return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
Example #14
JSBool js_jsb_iOSiapWrapper_iOSiapWrapperCallBackClass_constructor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp)
	if (argc == 0) {
		iOSiapWrapperCallBackClass* cobj = new iOSiapWrapperCallBackClass();
		TypeTest<iOSiapWrapperCallBackClass> t;
		js_type_class_t *typeClass;
		uint32_t typeId = t.s_id();
		HASH_FIND_INT(_js_global_type_ht, &typeId, typeClass);
		JSObject *obj = JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, typeClass->proto, typeClass->parentProto);
		JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
		// link the native object with the javascript object
		js_proxy_t* p = jsb_new_proxy(cobj, obj);
		return JS_TRUE;

	JS_ReportError(cx, "js_jsb_iOSiapWrapper_iOSiapWrapperCallBackClass_constructor : wrong number of arguments: %d, was expecting %d", argc, 0);
	return JS_FALSE;
ComponentJS::ComponentJS(const std::string& scriptFileName)
: _scriptFileName(scriptFileName)
, _jsObj(nullptr)
    ScriptingCore* engine = ScriptingCore::getInstance();
    JSContext* cx = engine->getGlobalContext();
    // Require script
    JS::RootedValue classValue(cx);
    _succeedLoadingScript = engine->requireScript(_scriptFileName.c_str(), &classValue);

    if (_succeedLoadingScript)
        JS::RootedObject classObj(cx, classValue.toObjectOrNull());
        const JSClass* theClass = JS_GetClass(classObj);
        JS::RootedValue protoValue(cx);
        JS_GetProperty(cx, classObj, "prototype", &protoValue);

        TypeTest<ComponentJS> t;
        js_type_class_t *typeClass = nullptr;
        std::string typeName = t.s_name();
        auto typeMapIter = _js_global_type_map.find(typeName);
        CCASSERT(typeMapIter != _js_global_type_map.end(), "Can't find the class type!");
        typeClass = typeMapIter->second;

        mozilla::Maybe<JS::PersistentRootedObject> *jsObj = new (std::nothrow) mozilla::Maybe<JS::PersistentRootedObject>();

        JS::RootedObject proto(cx, protoValue.toObjectOrNull());
        JS::RootedObject parent(cx, typeClass->proto.ref());
        JS::RootedObject obj(cx, JS_NewObject(cx, theClass, proto, parent));
        jsObj->ref() = obj;

        // Unbind current proxy binding
        js_proxy_t* jsproxy = js_get_or_create_proxy<ComponentJS>(cx, this);
        JS::RemoveObjectRoot(cx, &jsproxy->obj);
        // link the native object with the javascript object
        jsb_new_proxy(this, jsObj->ref());

        _jsObj = jsObj;
Example #16
ComponentJS::ComponentJS(const std::string& scriptFileName)
: _scriptFileName(scriptFileName)
, _jsObj(nullptr)
    ScriptingCore* engine = ScriptingCore::getInstance();
    JSContext* cx = engine->getGlobalContext();
    // Require script
    JS::RootedValue classValue(cx);
    _succeedLoadingScript = engine->requireScript(_scriptFileName.c_str(), &classValue);
    if (_succeedLoadingScript)
        JS::RootedObject classObj(cx, classValue.toObjectOrNull());
        const JSClass* theClass = JS_GetClass(classObj);
        JS::RootedValue protoValue(cx);
        JS_GetProperty(cx, classObj, "prototype", &protoValue);
        mozilla::Maybe<JS::PersistentRootedObject> *jsObj = new (std::nothrow) mozilla::Maybe<JS::PersistentRootedObject>();
        js_type_class_t *typeClass = js_get_type_from_native<cocos2d::ComponentJS>(this);
        JS::RootedObject proto(cx, protoValue.toObjectOrNull());
        JS::RootedObject parent(cx, typeClass->proto.ref());
        JS::RootedObject obj(cx, JS_NewObject(cx, theClass, proto, parent));
        jsObj->ref() = obj;
        // Unbind current proxy binding
        js_proxy_t* nproxy = jsb_get_native_proxy(this);
        if (nproxy)
            JS::RemoveObjectRoot(cx, &nproxy->obj);
            jsb_remove_proxy(nproxy, jsb_get_js_proxy(nproxy->obj));
        // link the native object with the javascript object
        jsb_new_proxy(this, jsObj->ref());
        _jsObj = jsObj;
void __JSDownloaderDelegator::onSuccess(const std::string &srcUrl, const std::string &storagePath, const std::string &customId)
    Image *image = new Image();
    jsval valArr[2];
    JSContext *cx = ScriptingCore::getInstance()->getGlobalContext();
    JSObject *global = ScriptingCore::getInstance()->getGlobalObject();
    JSAutoCompartment ac(_cx, _obj);
    if(image->initWithImageData(_buffer, _size))
        Texture2D *tex = Director::getInstance()->getTextureCache()->addImage(image, srcUrl);
        valArr[0] = BOOLEAN_TO_JSVAL(true);
        js_type_class_t *classType = js_get_type_from_native<cocos2d::Texture2D>(tex);
        JSObject *obj = JS_NewObject(cx, classType->jsclass, classType->proto, classType->parentProto);
        // link the native object with the javascript object
        js_proxy_t* p = jsb_new_proxy(tex, obj);
        JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &p->obj, "cocos2d::Texture2D");
        valArr[1] = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(p->obj);
        valArr[0] = BOOLEAN_TO_JSVAL(false);
        valArr[1] = JSVAL_NULL;
    if (!JSVAL_IS_NULL(_jsCallback)) {
        jsval retval;
        JS_AddValueRoot(cx, valArr);
        JS_CallFunctionValue(cx, global, _jsCallback, 2, valArr, &retval);
        JS_RemoveValueRoot(cx, valArr);
        JS_RemoveValueRoot(cx, &_jsCallback);
static bool dummy_constructor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp) {
    JS::RootedValue initializing(cx);
    bool isNewValid = true;
    if (isNewValid)
        TypeTest<T> t;
        js_type_class_t *typeClass = nullptr;
        std::string typeName = t.s_name();
        auto typeMapIter = _js_global_type_map.find(typeName);
        CCASSERT(typeMapIter != _js_global_type_map.end(), "Can't find the class type!");
        typeClass = typeMapIter->second;
        CCASSERT(typeClass, "The value is null.");

        JSObject *_tmp = JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, typeClass->proto, typeClass->parentProto);
        T* cobj = new T();
        js_proxy_t *pp = jsb_new_proxy(cobj, _tmp);
        JS_AddObjectRoot(cx, &pp->obj);
        JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(_tmp));
        return true;

    return false;
JSBool js_skeleton_constructor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp)
    cocos2d::CCLog("js skeletonanimation constructor ..");
    if (argc == 2) {
        jsval *argvp = JS_ARGV(cx,vp);
        JSBool ok = JS_TRUE;
        const char* arg1; const char* arg2;
        ok &= jsval_to_charptr(cx, *argvp++, &arg1);
        ok &= jsval_to_charptr(cx, *argvp++, &arg2);
        JSB_PRECONDITION(ok, "Error processing arguments");
        // 调用 C++ 构造函数
        cocos2d::extension::CCSkeletonAnimation* cobj =
            new cocos2d::extension::CCSkeletonAnimation(arg1, arg2);
        cocos2d::CCObject* _ccobj = dynamic_cast<cocos2d::CCObject*>(cobj);
        // 默认使用原有的内存管理方式
        if (_ccobj){
        TypeTest<cocos2d::extension::CCSkeletonAnimation> t;
        js_type_class_t *typeClass;
        uint32_t typeId = t.s_id();
        HASH_FIND_INT(_js_global_type_ht, &typeId, typeClass);
        JSObject *obj = JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, typeClass->proto, typeClass->parentProto);
        JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
        // 构造 js 端对象,将 cobj 实际对象存入
        js_proxy_t* p = jsb_new_proxy(cobj, obj);
        JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &p->obj, "cocos2d::extension::CCSkeletonAnimation");
        return JS_TRUE;
    JS_ReportError(cx, "wrong number of arguments: %d, was expecting %d", argc, 0);
    return JS_FALSE;
static bool dummy_constructor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp) {
    JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
    JS::RootedValue initializing(cx);
    bool isNewValid = true;
#if not $script_control_cpp
    JS::RootedObject global(cx, ScriptingCore::getInstance()->getGlobalObject());
    isNewValid = JS_GetProperty(cx, global, "initializing", &initializing) && initializing.toBoolean();
#end if
    if (isNewValid)
        TypeTest<T> t;
        js_type_class_t *typeClass = nullptr;
        std::string typeName = t.s_name();
        auto typeMapIter = _js_global_type_map.find(typeName);
        CCASSERT(typeMapIter != _js_global_type_map.end(), "Can't find the class type!");
        typeClass = typeMapIter->second;
        CCASSERT(typeClass, "The value is null.");

        JS::RootedObject proto(cx, typeClass->proto.get());
        JS::RootedObject parent(cx, typeClass->parentProto.get());
        JS::RootedObject _tmp(cx, JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, proto, parent));
    #if $script_control_cpp
        T* cobj = new T();
        js_proxy_t *pp = jsb_new_proxy(cobj, _tmp);
        AddObjectRoot(cx, &pp->obj);
    #end if
        return true;

#if not $script_control_cpp
    JS_ReportError(cx, "Constructor for the requested class is not available, please refer to the API reference.");
#end if
    return false;
JSBool js_cocos2dx_spine_SkeletonAnimation_constructor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp)
	jsval *argv = JS_ARGV(cx, vp);
	JSBool ok = JS_TRUE;

	JSObject *obj = NULL;
	spine::SkeletonAnimation* cobj = NULL;
	do {
		if (argc == 2) {
			const char* arg0;
			std::string arg0_tmp; ok &= jsval_to_std_string(cx, argv[0], &arg0_tmp); arg0 = arg0_tmp.c_str();
			if (!ok) { ok = JS_TRUE; break; }
			spAtlas* arg1;
			#pragma warning NO CONVERSION TO NATIVE FOR spAtlas*;
			if (!ok) { ok = JS_TRUE; break; }
			cobj = new spine::SkeletonAnimation(arg0, arg1);
			cocos2d::Object *_ccobj = dynamic_cast<cocos2d::Object *>(cobj);
			if (_ccobj) {
			TypeTest<spine::SkeletonAnimation> t;
			js_type_class_t *typeClass = nullptr;
			std::string typeName = t.s_name();
			auto typeMapIter = _js_global_type_map.find(typeName);
			CCASSERT(typeMapIter != _js_global_type_map.end(), "Can't find the class type!");
			typeClass = typeMapIter->second;
			CCASSERT(typeClass, "The value is null.");
			obj = JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, typeClass->proto, typeClass->parentProto);
			js_proxy_t* proxy = jsb_new_proxy(cobj, obj);
			JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &proxy->obj, "spine::SkeletonAnimation");
	} while(0);

	do {
		if (argc == 3) {
			const char* arg0;
			std::string arg0_tmp; ok &= jsval_to_std_string(cx, argv[0], &arg0_tmp); arg0 = arg0_tmp.c_str();
			if (!ok) { ok = JS_TRUE; break; }
			spAtlas* arg1;
			#pragma warning NO CONVERSION TO NATIVE FOR spAtlas*;
			if (!ok) { ok = JS_TRUE; break; }
			double arg2;
			ok &= JS_ValueToNumber(cx, argv[2], &arg2);
			if (!ok) { ok = JS_TRUE; break; }
			cobj = new spine::SkeletonAnimation(arg0, arg1, arg2);
			cocos2d::Object *_ccobj = dynamic_cast<cocos2d::Object *>(cobj);
			if (_ccobj) {
			TypeTest<spine::SkeletonAnimation> t;
			js_type_class_t *typeClass = nullptr;
			std::string typeName = t.s_name();
			auto typeMapIter = _js_global_type_map.find(typeName);
			CCASSERT(typeMapIter != _js_global_type_map.end(), "Can't find the class type!");
			typeClass = typeMapIter->second;
			CCASSERT(typeClass, "The value is null.");
			obj = JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, typeClass->proto, typeClass->parentProto);
			js_proxy_t* proxy = jsb_new_proxy(cobj, obj);
			JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &proxy->obj, "spine::SkeletonAnimation");
	} while(0);

	do {
		if (argc == 1) {
			spSkeletonData* arg0;
			#pragma warning NO CONVERSION TO NATIVE FOR spSkeletonData*;
			if (!ok) { ok = JS_TRUE; break; }
			cobj = new spine::SkeletonAnimation(arg0);
			cocos2d::Object *_ccobj = dynamic_cast<cocos2d::Object *>(cobj);
			if (_ccobj) {
			TypeTest<spine::SkeletonAnimation> t;
			js_type_class_t *typeClass = nullptr;
			std::string typeName = t.s_name();
			auto typeMapIter = _js_global_type_map.find(typeName);
			CCASSERT(typeMapIter != _js_global_type_map.end(), "Can't find the class type!");
			typeClass = typeMapIter->second;
			CCASSERT(typeClass, "The value is null.");
			obj = JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, typeClass->proto, typeClass->parentProto);
			js_proxy_t* proxy = jsb_new_proxy(cobj, obj);
			JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &proxy->obj, "spine::SkeletonAnimation");
	} while(0);

	do {
		if (argc == 2) {
			const char* arg0;
			std::string arg0_tmp; ok &= jsval_to_std_string(cx, argv[0], &arg0_tmp); arg0 = arg0_tmp.c_str();
			if (!ok) { ok = JS_TRUE; break; }
			const char* arg1;
			std::string arg1_tmp; ok &= jsval_to_std_string(cx, argv[1], &arg1_tmp); arg1 = arg1_tmp.c_str();
			if (!ok) { ok = JS_TRUE; break; }
			cobj = new spine::SkeletonAnimation(arg0, arg1);
			cocos2d::Object *_ccobj = dynamic_cast<cocos2d::Object *>(cobj);
			if (_ccobj) {
			TypeTest<spine::SkeletonAnimation> t;
			js_type_class_t *typeClass = nullptr;
			std::string typeName = t.s_name();
			auto typeMapIter = _js_global_type_map.find(typeName);
			CCASSERT(typeMapIter != _js_global_type_map.end(), "Can't find the class type!");
			typeClass = typeMapIter->second;
			CCASSERT(typeClass, "The value is null.");
			obj = JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, typeClass->proto, typeClass->parentProto);
			js_proxy_t* proxy = jsb_new_proxy(cobj, obj);
			JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &proxy->obj, "spine::SkeletonAnimation");
	} while(0);

	do {
		if (argc == 3) {
			const char* arg0;
			std::string arg0_tmp; ok &= jsval_to_std_string(cx, argv[0], &arg0_tmp); arg0 = arg0_tmp.c_str();
			if (!ok) { ok = JS_TRUE; break; }
			const char* arg1;
			std::string arg1_tmp; ok &= jsval_to_std_string(cx, argv[1], &arg1_tmp); arg1 = arg1_tmp.c_str();
			if (!ok) { ok = JS_TRUE; break; }
			double arg2;
			ok &= JS_ValueToNumber(cx, argv[2], &arg2);
			if (!ok) { ok = JS_TRUE; break; }
			cobj = new spine::SkeletonAnimation(arg0, arg1, arg2);
			cocos2d::Object *_ccobj = dynamic_cast<cocos2d::Object *>(cobj);
			if (_ccobj) {
			TypeTest<spine::SkeletonAnimation> t;
			js_type_class_t *typeClass = nullptr;
			std::string typeName = t.s_name();
			auto typeMapIter = _js_global_type_map.find(typeName);
			CCASSERT(typeMapIter != _js_global_type_map.end(), "Can't find the class type!");
			typeClass = typeMapIter->second;
			CCASSERT(typeClass, "The value is null.");
			obj = JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, typeClass->proto, typeClass->parentProto);
			js_proxy_t* proxy = jsb_new_proxy(cobj, obj);
			JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &proxy->obj, "spine::SkeletonAnimation");
	} while(0);

	if (cobj) {
		JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
		return JS_TRUE;
	JS_ReportError(cx, "js_cocos2dx_spine_SkeletonAnimation_constructor : wrong number of arguments");
	return JS_FALSE;
Example #22
JSBool js_cocos2dx_extension_WebSocket_constructor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp)
    jsval *argv = JS_ARGV(cx, vp);
	if (argc == 1 || argc == 2)

		std::string url;
		do {
			JSBool ok = jsval_to_std_string(cx, argv[0], &url);
			JSB_PRECONDITION2( ok, cx, JS_FALSE, "Error processing arguments");
		} while (0);
		JSObject *obj = JS_NewObject(cx, js_cocos2dx_websocket_class, js_cocos2dx_websocket_prototype, NULL);
		cocos2d::extension::WebSocket* cobj = new cocos2d::extension::WebSocket();
        JSB_WebSocketDelegate* delegate = new JSB_WebSocketDelegate();
        if (argc == 2)
            std::vector<std::string> protocols;
            if (JSVAL_IS_STRING(argv[1]))
                std::string protocol;
                do {
                    JSBool ok = jsval_to_std_string(cx, argv[1], &protocol);
                    JSB_PRECONDITION2( ok, cx, JS_FALSE, "Error processing arguments");
                } while (0);
            else if (argv[1].isObject())
                JSBool ok = JS_TRUE;
                JSObject* arg2 = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(argv[1]);
                JSB_PRECONDITION(JS_IsArrayObject( cx, arg2 ),  "Object must be an array");
                uint32_t len = 0;
                JS_GetArrayLength(cx, arg2, &len);
                for( uint32_t i=0; i< len;i++ )
                    jsval valarg;
                    JS_GetElement(cx, arg2, i, &valarg);
                    std::string protocol;
                    do {
                        ok = jsval_to_std_string(cx, valarg, &protocol);
                        JSB_PRECONDITION2( ok, cx, JS_FALSE, "Error processing arguments");
                    } while (0);
            cobj->init(*delegate, url, &protocols);
            cobj->init(*delegate, url);
        JS_DefineProperty(cx, obj, "URL", argv[0]
		//protocol not support yet (always return "")
		JS_DefineProperty(cx, obj, "protocol", c_string_to_jsval(cx, "")
        // link the native object with the javascript object
		js_proxy_t *p = jsb_new_proxy(cobj, obj);
        JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &p->obj, "WebSocket");
        JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
		return JS_TRUE;
	JS_ReportError(cx, "wrong number of arguments: %d, was expecting %d", argc, 0);
	return JS_FALSE;
bool js_autogentestbindings_SimpleNativeClass_constructor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp)
	jsval *argv = JS_ARGV(cx, vp);
	bool ok = true;

	JSObject *obj = NULL;
	SimpleNativeClass* cobj = NULL;
	do {
		if (argc == 1) {
			int arg0;
			ok &= jsval_to_int32(cx, argv[0], (int32_t *)&arg0);
			if (!ok) { ok = true; break; }
			cobj = new SimpleNativeClass(arg0);
			cocos2d::Ref *_ccobj = dynamic_cast<cocos2d::Ref *>(cobj);
			if (_ccobj) {
			TypeTest<SimpleNativeClass> t;
			js_type_class_t *typeClass = nullptr;
			std::string typeName = t.s_name();
			auto typeMapIter = _js_global_type_map.find(typeName);
			CCASSERT(typeMapIter != _js_global_type_map.end(), "Can't find the class type!");
			typeClass = typeMapIter->second;
			CCASSERT(typeClass, "The value is null.");
			obj = JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, typeClass->proto, typeClass->parentProto);
			js_proxy_t* p = jsb_new_proxy(cobj, obj);
			JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &p->obj, "SimpleNativeClass");
	} while(0);

	do {
		if (argc == 0) {
			cobj = new SimpleNativeClass();
			cocos2d::Ref *_ccobj = dynamic_cast<cocos2d::Ref *>(cobj);
			if (_ccobj) {
			TypeTest<SimpleNativeClass> t;
			js_type_class_t *typeClass = nullptr;
			std::string typeName = t.s_name();
			auto typeMapIter = _js_global_type_map.find(typeName);
			CCASSERT(typeMapIter != _js_global_type_map.end(), "Can't find the class type!");
			typeClass = typeMapIter->second;
			CCASSERT(typeClass, "The value is null.");
			obj = JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, typeClass->proto, typeClass->parentProto);
			js_proxy_t* p = jsb_new_proxy(cobj, obj);
			JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &p->obj, "SimpleNativeClass");
	} while(0);

	do {
		if (argc == 2) {
			int arg0;
			ok &= jsval_to_int32(cx, argv[0], (int32_t *)&arg0);
			if (!ok) { ok = true; break; }
			int arg1;
			ok &= jsval_to_int32(cx, argv[1], (int32_t *)&arg1);
			if (!ok) { ok = true; break; }
			cobj = new SimpleNativeClass(arg0, arg1);
			cocos2d::Ref *_ccobj = dynamic_cast<cocos2d::Ref *>(cobj);
			if (_ccobj) {
			TypeTest<SimpleNativeClass> t;
			js_type_class_t *typeClass = nullptr;
			std::string typeName = t.s_name();
			auto typeMapIter = _js_global_type_map.find(typeName);
			CCASSERT(typeMapIter != _js_global_type_map.end(), "Can't find the class type!");
			typeClass = typeMapIter->second;
			CCASSERT(typeClass, "The value is null.");
			obj = JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, typeClass->proto, typeClass->parentProto);
			js_proxy_t* p = jsb_new_proxy(cobj, obj);
			JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &p->obj, "SimpleNativeClass");
	} while(0);

	if (cobj) {
		JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
		return true;
	JS_ReportError(cx, "js_autogentestbindings_SimpleNativeClass_constructor : wrong number of arguments");
	return false;
bool js_cocos2dx_spine_SkeletonAnimation_constructor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp)
	jsval *argv = JS_ARGV(cx, vp);
	bool ok = true;

	JSObject *obj = NULL;
	spine::SkeletonAnimation* cobj = NULL;
	do {
		if (argc == 2) {
			const char* arg0;
			std::string arg0_tmp; ok &= jsval_to_std_string(cx, argv[0], &arg0_tmp); arg0 = arg0_tmp.c_str();
			if (!ok) { ok = true; break; }
			spAtlas* arg1;
			#pragma warning NO CONVERSION TO NATIVE FOR spAtlas*
			ok = false;
			if (!ok) { ok = true; break; }
			cobj = new (std::nothrow) spine::SkeletonAnimation(arg0, arg1);
			cocos2d::Ref *_ccobj = dynamic_cast<cocos2d::Ref *>(cobj);
			if (_ccobj) {
			TypeTest<spine::SkeletonAnimation> t;
			js_type_class_t *typeClass = nullptr;
			std::string typeName = t.s_name();
			auto typeMapIter = _js_global_type_map.find(typeName);
			CCASSERT(typeMapIter != _js_global_type_map.end(), "Can't find the class type!");
			typeClass = typeMapIter->second;
			CCASSERT(typeClass, "The value is null.");
			obj = JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, typeClass->proto, typeClass->parentProto);
			js_proxy_t* p = jsb_new_proxy(cobj, obj);
			JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &p->obj, "spine::SkeletonAnimation");
	} while(0);

	do {
		if (argc == 3) {
			const char* arg0;
			std::string arg0_tmp; ok &= jsval_to_std_string(cx, argv[0], &arg0_tmp); arg0 = arg0_tmp.c_str();
			if (!ok) { ok = true; break; }
			spAtlas* arg1;
			#pragma warning NO CONVERSION TO NATIVE FOR spAtlas*
			ok = false;
			if (!ok) { ok = true; break; }
			double arg2;
			ok &= JS::ToNumber( cx, JS::RootedValue(cx, argv[2]), &arg2);
			if (!ok) { ok = true; break; }
			cobj = new (std::nothrow) spine::SkeletonAnimation(arg0, arg1, arg2);
			cocos2d::Ref *_ccobj = dynamic_cast<cocos2d::Ref *>(cobj);
			if (_ccobj) {
			TypeTest<spine::SkeletonAnimation> t;
			js_type_class_t *typeClass = nullptr;
			std::string typeName = t.s_name();
			auto typeMapIter = _js_global_type_map.find(typeName);
			CCASSERT(typeMapIter != _js_global_type_map.end(), "Can't find the class type!");
			typeClass = typeMapIter->second;
			CCASSERT(typeClass, "The value is null.");
			obj = JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, typeClass->proto, typeClass->parentProto);
			js_proxy_t* p = jsb_new_proxy(cobj, obj);
			JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &p->obj, "spine::SkeletonAnimation");
	} while(0);

	do {
		if (argc == 1) {
			spSkeletonData* arg0;
			#pragma warning NO CONVERSION TO NATIVE FOR spSkeletonData*
			ok = false;
			if (!ok) { ok = true; break; }
			cobj = new (std::nothrow) spine::SkeletonAnimation(arg0);
			cocos2d::Ref *_ccobj = dynamic_cast<cocos2d::Ref *>(cobj);
			if (_ccobj) {
			TypeTest<spine::SkeletonAnimation> t;
			js_type_class_t *typeClass = nullptr;
			std::string typeName = t.s_name();
			auto typeMapIter = _js_global_type_map.find(typeName);
			CCASSERT(typeMapIter != _js_global_type_map.end(), "Can't find the class type!");
			typeClass = typeMapIter->second;
			CCASSERT(typeClass, "The value is null.");
			obj = JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, typeClass->proto, typeClass->parentProto);
			js_proxy_t* p = jsb_new_proxy(cobj, obj);
			JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &p->obj, "spine::SkeletonAnimation");
	} while(0);

	do {
		if (argc == 2) {
			const char* arg0;
			std::string arg0_tmp; ok &= jsval_to_std_string(cx, argv[0], &arg0_tmp); arg0 = arg0_tmp.c_str();
			if (!ok) { ok = true; break; }
			const char* arg1;
			std::string arg1_tmp; ok &= jsval_to_std_string(cx, argv[1], &arg1_tmp); arg1 = arg1_tmp.c_str();
			if (!ok) { ok = true; break; }
			cobj = new (std::nothrow) spine::SkeletonAnimation(arg0, arg1);
			cocos2d::Ref *_ccobj = dynamic_cast<cocos2d::Ref *>(cobj);
			if (_ccobj) {
			TypeTest<spine::SkeletonAnimation> t;
			js_type_class_t *typeClass = nullptr;
			std::string typeName = t.s_name();
			auto typeMapIter = _js_global_type_map.find(typeName);
			CCASSERT(typeMapIter != _js_global_type_map.end(), "Can't find the class type!");
			typeClass = typeMapIter->second;
			CCASSERT(typeClass, "The value is null.");
			obj = JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, typeClass->proto, typeClass->parentProto);
			js_proxy_t* p = jsb_new_proxy(cobj, obj);
			JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &p->obj, "spine::SkeletonAnimation");
	} while(0);

	do {
		if (argc == 3) {
			const char* arg0;
			std::string arg0_tmp; ok &= jsval_to_std_string(cx, argv[0], &arg0_tmp); arg0 = arg0_tmp.c_str();
			if (!ok) { ok = true; break; }
			const char* arg1;
			std::string arg1_tmp; ok &= jsval_to_std_string(cx, argv[1], &arg1_tmp); arg1 = arg1_tmp.c_str();
			if (!ok) { ok = true; break; }
			double arg2;
			ok &= JS::ToNumber( cx, JS::RootedValue(cx, argv[2]), &arg2);
			if (!ok) { ok = true; break; }
			cobj = new (std::nothrow) spine::SkeletonAnimation(arg0, arg1, arg2);
			cocos2d::Ref *_ccobj = dynamic_cast<cocos2d::Ref *>(cobj);
			if (_ccobj) {
			TypeTest<spine::SkeletonAnimation> t;
			js_type_class_t *typeClass = nullptr;
			std::string typeName = t.s_name();
			auto typeMapIter = _js_global_type_map.find(typeName);
			CCASSERT(typeMapIter != _js_global_type_map.end(), "Can't find the class type!");
			typeClass = typeMapIter->second;
			CCASSERT(typeClass, "The value is null.");
			obj = JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, typeClass->proto, typeClass->parentProto);
			js_proxy_t* p = jsb_new_proxy(cobj, obj);
			JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &p->obj, "spine::SkeletonAnimation");
	} while(0);

	if (cobj) {
		if (JS_HasProperty(cx, obj, "_ctor", &ok))
        		ScriptingCore::getInstance()->executeFunctionWithOwner(OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj), "_ctor", argc, argv);

		JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
		return true;
	JS_ReportError(cx, "js_cocos2dx_spine_SkeletonAnimation_constructor : wrong number of arguments");
	return false;